How to organize your day the right way. "Rubber day", or How to learn to plan your day

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When we meet successful multifaceted individuals, we sigh and shrug our shoulders: and how do these people manage to do everything? Are they awake? Does their magic clock have twice as many divisions? Maybe they are just special...

Yes and no. Of course, the assumption of a magical clock is from the category of fiction, that's for sure. But, as a rule, people who organize their day effectively do not really lie in bed for half a day - getting enough sleep for them is a matter of technology, a secret in the regime. And he, this regime hated since school years, more precisely, its more flexible and interesting variety - time management - makes them special. With the help of time management tricks and self-control and discipline, each of us can make our lives better.

You cannot stretch time. So change yourself

We are used to counting time trouble ( from German Zeitnot, "trouble with time"), a constant lack of minutes, hours and days, a synonym for demand, need, employment. I work day and night, I sew up, I have absolutely no time, I don’t have time for anything! Admit it, often these words become a kind of screen, a shield, a means of protection from the discomfort of real life. And “time-hungers” do not expect anything good from her, although they understand perfectly well that it is impossible to endure for a long time in a constant workload mode, behavior, character, and psyche change irreversibly. And, frankly, the career does not go to the benefit of “things above the roof”. In order to do something thoughtfully and with soul, you need to stop from time to time, look around. In the daily endless gallop time pressure You can't spare a minute for this procedure.

Sad but true: today, many large companies use the barbaric policy of "burnout" of the staff for their corporate purposes. A fresh worker is loaded at the most reluctant; in place, he remains exactly until his labor enthusiasm dries up and continuous time pressure does not dry out his brains. How to recognize such employers and what to do with them is a topic for a separate discussion, and today we are sharing day planning secrets. These tricks will allow you to take a different look at the organization of your workflow and change it for the better.

Start now. And don't stop!

Planning your time to get more done is really easy. There is two fundamental postulates, surprisingly commonplace. First, if you want to optimize your day, just start doing it. Try different strategies according to your character, field of activity, circumstances. Some of us need a "hedgehog" schedule (at least at first), someone needs only a slight adjustment in the regime of the day and habits. The second "open secret" is that time management this is not a pill that is enough to swallow once and forever be cured of carelessness and lack of punctuality. This is a daily painstaking work, the efforts to complete which are directly related to the success of the result. And do not forget that the most interested judge and spectator is judging you - you yourself. Therefore, "sacking" will not work.

Time management is a whole philosophy of developing skills and using devices and techniques that allow you to plan your time and use it rationally to achieve goals. Initially, time management was developed by American researchers to improve labor productivity, but practice has shown that putting things in order on the dial is also beneficial for personal life.

Today, hundreds of time management techniques are known and actively used, and this list is constantly expanding. Modern time planning strategies are based on the use of clocks and alarm clocks, all kinds of diaries, "task sheets" and organizers, computer programs for daily planners, the distribution of priorities and motivations, the use of the natural rhythms of human life, overcoming psychological problems that prevent effective use of time (the most common of them - withdrawal syndrome, "putting it aside").

Of course, time management is a whole science, which is not surprising - correcting flaws always takes much more time than acquiring them. If you are interested in these techniques, you can study and test them yourself - especially since it is impossible and pointless to tell in one topic about how to learn how to plan your day in terms of time management. But there are some tricks you can start using right now to make your work day more efficient.

Want to learn to plan your day and stop wasting precious time? Try to get started:

Make room for what matters

Any day consists of many things - small and large, important and not very important, urgent and enduring. In order to learn how to plan your time, you need to sharpen an imaginary scalpel to a brilliance, which allows you to separate priority tasks from non-priority ones. Of course, this does not mean that you can forget about small and less important things - no, they also need to be done, but they deserve attention in proportion to their size. A common mistake is to “for ease” do first what is easier and ... unnecessary. What do we get as a result? Imitation of activity and irrational spending of temporary reserves necessary for the implementation of significant tasks. Be aware of what is happening - prioritize the important and difficult.

Occam's Razor in reverse

But in order for big and serious things not to scare away, there is the following trick: in order to properly plan your time, they must be divided into several smaller ones. Then the “stages of the long journey” can be alternated with less important tasks, while doing a lot and resting from difficult work.

"Reduce" what you live by

In any list of ordinary tasks performed on the machine, insidious time wasters are hiding. They disguise themselves as innocent and even at first glance important things. Revision required! Think about what your minutes and hours are spent on, remember everything and realize - do you really need this type of employment or leisure? Do you really need to go to Odnoklassniki every hour, does this really give you the necessary rest from work? Do you really need and are interested in classes in an embroidery circle? Is it really worth talking fifty minutes in a row every day with some boring colleague, afraid to offend him with a quickly curtailed conversation? This is your day and it only has 24 hours!

Don't lose and don't get lost

According to modern research, a working person spends an average of 150 hours a year looking for lost things. That is, these things did not just mysteriously disappear at the behest of evil forces - they were not in their place, and therefore they could not be found. An impressive figure, isn't it? Stop being part of this stupid statistic. Do not throw things, documents, files anywhere. Organize everything once, sign, remember, and keep organized. This will help you better plan your day - because you will not waste your precious time on the annoying search for “lost things”.

Consider your personality

When learning to plan your day, do not focus on the "average temperature in the hospital." Be aware that each person has individual periods of efficiency and "uselessness". Do not put off work until late in the evening, knowing that after eight in the evening you do not understand anything. Don't make early morning appointments, knowing that you'll have to get up two hours earlier than usual to do so, and you'll be overwhelmed. Stick to these rules steadfastly, the only way they will make sense - it is impossible to plan your day if you have an irregular daily routine and you can suddenly go to bed five hours later than usual.

Get rid of perfectionism

And delegate authority more boldly. If you have someone to delegate part of the work - do it. Attention, we are not talking about shifting your work to innocent people, but if you have helpers, you need to use their help. The fact that they do something not in your style is not a reason to take everything upon yourself. When planning things, distribute tasks immediately, and not under the pressure of circumstances - this will save time and allow you to effectively plan your day.

Business has its time, fun has its time

When compiling a “task list” and a schedule for the day (week, month), plan not only work affairs, but also rest. It may seem unnatural at first glance, but in fact, this approach is not only convenient in order to learn how to plan time, but also allows you to diversify your leisure time and see in the future what entertainment you lack.

Buy a calendar or diary (task planner). Make sure your calendar has space to write down to-dos and tasks. Some calendars come with daily or monthly planners. In addition, you can just use a laptop. Choose the option that suits you best. Whatever you choose, this option should be first of all convenient for you. But you should not start a diary for study, for work, for leisure, and so on - everything should be in one place.

Sort your cases. In electronic schedulers there is a function of sorting different tasks. For example, work-related tasks can be marked in red, study-related in blue, household chores in green, and pink for rest and exercise.

  • Organizing cases in this way, as well as color sorting, will help you visualize tasks and understand how much time is spent on each category of cases. For example, you may notice that the schedule has a whole bunch of “red” tasks (that is, work) and “green” tasks (that is, housework), but very few “pink” ones (rest and exercise). If you notice that you have little time left for exercise, you may be motivated to try to set aside more time for it in the following days.
  • Prioritize tasks by importance. First you need to understand which tasks are the most important, which ones need to be completed first, and which ones can wait. To understand this kind of sorting, let's look at an example: let's say you have two tests to do this week, a lab report, an essay, and a presentation. Clap!

    Highlight the highest priority tasks. Once you've figured out how to prioritize your to-dos, mark them off on your schedule. You can scroll through the schedule and write the letter “A” next to the most important things that should be done first. The letter "B" can be put next to those tasks that can be done, for example, tomorrow. The letter "B" is opposite the tasks that should be completed by Friday.

  • Set aside time for each task. Write down how much time you are going to spend on each task. For example, you may spend 2 hours per day studying, 1 hour exercising, 30 minutes writing letters and messages, 30 minutes walking the dog. This key aspect will help you figure out how long it will take you to complete each task. But if you plan too much and are not objective in determining the time needed for a particular task, you will put yourself in a stressful situation.

    • Don't forget to include travel time in your schedule. For example, you will need to get from school / institute / library to the gym, right?
  • Add some spare time to your schedule. Most people underestimate the time it takes to get things done. If you organize everything in your schedule with allowance for spare time, you will be able to plan your day more accurately.

    • When calculating the amount of time you should spend on a task, overestimate it a bit. Add another 25% to the calculated time. For example, set aside 5 minutes for a task that would normally take 4 minutes. For tasks that take 8 minutes, allocate 10 minutes. These extra minutes will be your reserve, which will help you avoid being late and other unpleasant situations.
    • Ask yourself if you need additional small tasks that will be sub-items of larger tasks that need to be included in your schedule? For example, do you usually need to shower after a workout? Do you like to chat with a friend for an extra 15 minutes while you change clothes? For most people, it turns out that a scheduled one-hour workout takes about two hours.
  • Good afternoon, dear blog visitor. Surely you are already a little tired of all sorts of seo terms, copywriting, ways to make money ... The question arises: how to keep up with all this, where to get the time? Today I propose to talk about this: how to plan your day and manage to do a lot of work.

    Why is planning necessary?

    Initially, I will express my opinion about planning in general. I firmly believe that it is necessary. I was convinced of this when I started a diary. By the way, I've been running it for the second year. Well, more precisely, when the first one ended, I bought the second one.

    Before, when there was not so much to do, I did not need planning, as I thought. However, unfulfilled orders, violations, constant blockage and lack of sleep began to appear. This had to be dealt with somehow. I began to read literature on time management (it was the well-known Gleb Arkhangelsky), to learn from the experience of other people.

    And everything ingenious is simple!

    Actually, in order to keep up with business, to work effectively, you need to know how to plan your working day. I will not go into theory, I will share practice.

    Now, in order to properly plan my working day, I use: a paper diary, a small notebook and electronic means. And now about everything in more detail.

    How to plan your day the right way

    It should be understood that your global goals (such as buying a car, real estate, household appliances, recreation) should be broken into small targets. Consider, for example, how much money you have to save to buy a car without using a loan in 5 years.

    Based on these goals, I set annual goals, of which - monthly. And monthly goals, in turn, are divided into weekly and daily. That is, the achievement of a large, large-scale goal depends on your actions every day. Did not discover America, but nevertheless.

    A moment of attention :)

    Surely, you are interested in additional earnings on the Internet.
    I offer tools that I have been using myself for several years:

    Goals for several years, various ideas, thoughts on projects, I write down in a special notebook. I don't keep them in my head. I wrote down a thought, an idea - then you will return to it, you will realize it. If you don’t write it down, it’s very likely that you won’t remember about it anymore.

    For a more complete analysis of a certain idea, I always . Again, having done the analysis once, you will not lose this thought, it will remain in electronic form, there is no need to load the brain with unnecessary information.

    By the way, I am now putting one of these ideas into practice, subscribe to blog updates. In the next post (or in one or two) I will definitely tell about it. Let me tell you a little secret: this is the search for effective advertising, the promotion of information products on the market.

    In addition to mind maps, I sometimes use the Evernote service. It is very convenient to write something there from the phone. By the way, about the phone: I write down in it what needs to be done in a few weeks, months (various trips, business meetings, events, “global” affairs, vacation plans). Phone reminders about these events are very helpful.

    Daily planning

    A few paragraphs above, I'm trying to convince you of the need for planning, the importance of breaking big goals into smaller ones. Now let's talk about daily planning.

    I want to note right away that the unequivocal answer to the question how to plan your day hard to give. This method will suit someone, someone will criticize it mercilessly. The point is to try different variants and choose the best one for you.

    The first step is a to-do list.

    I do not allocate a specific time for planning: most often the plan for the day is drawn up either late in the evening or in the morning of the next day. From experience - in the morning it turns out to be more productive.

    I write down a to-do list for the day. No ranking, just all you have to do is:

    The second step is ranking the list

    In doing so, I ask myself these questions:

    Will this business bring me money?

    What will I get from doing it?

    Does it stick to deadlines?

    By answering these questions, you will get a ranked to-do list.

    Important note! Break big things into small ones. This makes them much easier to take on. For example, there is a task to create a website.

    Break it down into the following components:

    • Choose a domain name;
    • Register hosting;
    • Set up a website for hosting;
    • Register it in the PS;
    • Make template optimization;
    • Write two articles

    This makes it much easier to take on a task and implement it. I have tested it many times in my own experience.

    Always use when ranking cases, this will significantly increase the efficiency, and, as a result, the amount of money earned.

    In the evening, you will always notice that the most important, most important, income-generating things you have done. And not urgent, "enduring" things, those things that do not make you richer and happier can wait. And not a single day ... And not even two.

    In order to structure a little what was said in this post and start putting planning into practice, I recommend that you ( free materials).

    We discussed the following questions:

    • How to increase personal efficiency;
    • How to plan your working day (detailed instructions);
    • What matters are important;
    • Several chips + bonuses

    And how do you plan your affairs, what do you use for this? Share your experience in the comments.

    Time management is an important part of your success. How many times have you been in a situation where you have been doing things all day and there is no result? I will tell you how to change this situation and constantly replenish your electronic account through the correct planning of the working day.

    What will planning the day give you:

    • You will get rid of the chaos around you and in your head;
    • Less worries and stress, as you will know when and by what time you need to achieve your task;
    • You will be able to easily evaluate the effectiveness of the day spent;
    • Unload your head by writing out all the tasks in the planner;
    • You will have more time, as a planned day is always more efficient than an unplanned one.

    How to plan a day or basic planning rules

    The first rule is to make a plan for the next day every night.

    How to properly plan your day? Plan the day in blocks, without describing them in detail. But at the same time, leave notes on what needs to be done and when. To make it clear to you, I painted tomorrow for myself:

    • 1 hour - morning block (hygiene, breakfast, exercise)
    • 3 hours - work
    • 1 hour - lunch
    • 3 hours - work
    • 2 hours - offline business, sports, walk + second lunch
    • 2 hours - work
    • 1 hour - dinner
    • 2-3 hours - rest (hobby, walks)
    • 6-8 hours sleep

    Every day I know how many hours I have for work and other things. So I say to myself: “Thank you for these 8 hours that will help me get closer to my goal. I will do my best to conduct them as productively and efficiently as possible.” After that, I get down to business.

    When I wrote this message, I thought about the following. Surely someone thinks that it is pointless to bother so much, you can just do your job. Yes, I do not argue. But for you it will be troubles only at first, then it will be a convenient mechanical action. You will fulfill them without hesitation, without racking your brains “how to plan a working day, because I have a big project!”. Most importantly, with the help of plans, you will achieve your goals much faster than before.

    If you think that everything is fine with you and that everything suits you, then this is fine. Have you thought about how to become even more successful and richer? If you think about it now, some good ideas will come to mind. But you do not implement them, since they are only in plans, in your head. And in my 8 working hours I will implement my ideas and bring them to life. It is due to this that I have achieved financial solvency, and also give advice on how to plan things correctly.

    The second rule is to do only what makes you happy.

    If you do something that does not bring you pleasure, then you are likely to abandon your business. I'll give you an example. I can not engage in writing texts not on my topic. Since I spend a lot of time on articles for my blog, and the remaining time is very expensive for me.

    I like to create and promote Internet projects, as well as teaching this business. Therefore, I found several people who write a significant number of articles to me. For this, I pay them the amount that I can earn during this time on my favorite business. This is a useful exchange for both parties, such transactions are called “win-win”. Both sides are winners.

    The third rule - prioritize tasks

    How to properly plan your day? Sort things by importance. When I make a business plan, I distribute all the work into 4 groups:

    1. Important and urgent matters
    2. Urgent but not important matters
    3. Things to do
    4. Not important and not urgent matters

    Fourth rule - plan your vacation

    How to properly plan your work day? Be rested and prepared for him. Once a week I plan a rest day. I do on this day what I would like to do on working days, but could not. Since it would not affect the approach of my goal in any way.

    On this day, you should rest for a week in advance, but do not overdo it, because the next day you have to work.

    Fifth rule - catch your ideas

    I also recommend that you keep a notebook of ideas, which should always be at hand. Interesting ideas overtake us sometimes very unexpectedly. As soon as some interesting thought slips through your head, try to write it down, otherwise you can forget about it later. And no matter where you are - a notebook should be at your fingertips!

    The next day, when you write your plan of action, look in the idea notebook and take an idea from there to implement.

    Who among us has not wondered what is the greatest value? Quite often opinions differ on this issue. Some believe that information, others - time. Despite the fact that modern society has enough opportunities to save time, for some reason there is just not enough time. And immediately thoughts come to mind: “Why is technological progress playing a cruel joke?”, “How to have time to do everything and even well?”, “How to distribute and plan your day in order to at least partially unload yourself?”. Everything is very simple. You just need to learn how to plan the time correctly.

    Rules to follow if you want to be successful

    In order to do everything and have time to rest, you should:

    • develop a specific plan;
    • prioritize dealing with small matters of importance, without leaving them for later;
    • do not waste working time on unnecessary things;
    • analyze completed tasks on a daily basis;
    • properly prioritize according to importance;
    • to keep order;
    • develop the willpower to follow new habits.

    How to learn to plan your day: the stages of planning the time of the head

    It seems to be correct to allocate working time, to determine the sequence of daily work is not difficult, however, not everyone can do it. If thoughts come to mind about how to do important things in a timely manner and not get tired, it is important to learn how to properly plan and allocate time. An important role here is played by a properly drawn up plan of the daily routine.

    Do not forget about such an important factor as limited time. Time cannot be stopped, changed, returned, which means that the same applies to work, affairs, and our life in general.

    There are the following stages of working time planning:

    • developing discipline (learning to control your day is an important task for a successful leader);
    • determining the degree of importance of cases (it is allowed to plan no more than 3 urgent cases per day);
    • rational distribution of cases into important, urgent, light, simple, insignificant;
    • drawing up a phased plan for the implementation of work;
    • getting rid of simple, small, easy things that take less than 10 minutes to complete (unloading the next days);
    • refusal of the manager from activities that “steal” time (watching TV shows, many hours of communication on social networks, gatherings with friends);
    • definition of each thing in the house and at work of its place;
    • getting rid of work junk (10 minutes a day is enough to sort through documents and throw away unnecessary);
    • choice of hobbies for leisure.

    In order not to lose friends and save time correctly, you need to follow the rule: visit pages on social networks 2 times a week, set aside weekends for meeting friends, plan personal meetings in advance, reduce the time of “empty” telephone conversations to 15 minutes a day.

    How to make a work plan

    Fruitful planning is possible if you adhere to the following sequence in your work:

    1. Determine the goals and objectives on the basis of which to develop a work plan. It can be short-term (for a week) or long-term (for a month, quarter, year).

    Attention: A successful leader should not deviate a single step from the plan. You can make adjustments to it, for example, swap things around, the days of important meetings, plan events for another time, but you can’t change it radically in any case.

    1. Assign tasks and set deadlines for their completion. It is important to learn first of all to do things that have a limited time frame and those that require a lot of effort. Then you can plan medium-term tasks and work that requires the implementation of standard functions. The last thing to do is the less important work.
    1. Mandatory marking of urgent matters that arose on the eve of execution in your diary or calendar (allows the manager to have time to do everything on time, without missing important points).
    1. Analysis of all cases, reduction of the list of tasks (as far as possible).

    To unload your day, it is important:

    1. Follow the restriction of the execution of cases: no more than 3 urgent, no more than 10 in total per day.
    2. In planning, adhere to the completion of complex tasks at a more favorable time, preferably in the morning, light ones - at the end of the work shift.
    3. Do not perform the next work without completing the previous one (it is important to plan the tasks in stages, having completed the previously agreed ones).
    4. Do not leave unfinished business, do not transfer them to the next business day.
    5. If there are still outstanding tasks, it is recommended to make a note about them in the calendar of important cases, where they should be specially noted. In the event that the same task stably "lives" in the diary for several days in a row, it is worth considering how to refuse it or simply transfer it to another person performing it.

    Secrets of rational planning

    Proper planning of the day will allow:

    • assessment of the work plan, adjustment of tasks, drawing up a daily routine;
    • control over the execution of cases, elimination of the simultaneous execution of several tasks (otherwise there is a risk of low performance in work);
    • completion of the started cases;
    • elimination of obstacles that prevent the manager from fulfilling the assigned tasks, distract attention, affect plans;
    • alternation of work with rest;
    • time planning analysis;
    • continuous improvement of their performance.

    Secrets of saving the manager's time

    1. It is important to combine similar tasks, for example, combine negotiations, parse correspondence, respond to emails.
    2. Equally important is the creation of a calm environment. This is necessary so that nothing distracts from work.
    3. Limiting your working time will avoid unproductive results from business meetings.
    4. The ability to prioritize is an important indicator of rationality and consistency of affairs, which affects the achievement of goals.
    5. Performing exceptionally important tasks allows the leader to achieve high performance in his work.
    6. A significant part of the time will help to save the distribution of tasks between employees.
    7. Equally important is the phasing in the work. Moving towards the goal is much easier if you climb the stairs, starting with small things and reaching heights.
    8. Keeping a diary of important things will help eliminate the overlap of one task on another, the accumulation of cases at the end of the month.
    9. Important decisions are best made in the morning. In this way, you can create a feeling of success for the whole working day.
    10. When making plans, schedules, it is important to take into account the true level of ability to work, since it is he who affects the final result of the work.