How to make a village yard project. Farm yard in the village

Subject: Paper work. Construction. Product: project "Village Yard".

Lesson objectives: to teach children to perform voluminous products based on sweeps; develop the skills of independent analysis and planning; develop a sense of mutual assistance in the process of joint labor activity.Learn to apply known knowledge and skills in a new situation. Develop spatiality, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, analyze, and perform practical work based on an instructional map. Develop design and technological abilities.

Planned results:learn how to create a collective project based on the construction of geometric shapes from sweeps; be able to present the project according to the given scheme.

UUD. To carry out with the help of a teacher and with the help of the heading "Tips of a young technologist"; distribute responsibilities; compose a story about caring for pets and their importance in human life based on illustrated material; design three-dimensional geometric figures of animals; use the techniques of working with paper and glue, the rules for working with scissors; design products; use small folklore genres and illustrations.

Basic terms and concepts:sweep, project.

Resources and equipment. At the teacher: a textbook, a workbook, samples of bulk products, images of pets, materials and tools necessary to complete the product. For students: textbook, workbook, scissors, colored paper.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, before we start our work with you, let's take each other's hands and close our eyes. Let's leave all our anxieties at the door, feel how warmly is transferred to each other, think about something good and kind. And now we will convey this feeling to all the people around us and wish them all the best in life. Let's open our eyes. We sit down at the desks.

2.Updating knowledge.

Teacher: “Today we will continue our journey through the village, which we started in the last lesson, and look at the village courtyard. Listen carefully to the poem "Village Yard" by Yuri Sahakyan and answer the question: Who can you meet in the village courtyard?

First, the teacher reads the whole poem so that the students understand its meaning. After that, the poem is read again. At the same time, students name animals, and the teacher hangs their images on the board (slides)

village yard

Looking thoughtfully dog:
“What happens, though?
Cat drinking milk from a saucer
hen the grain is pecking.
But where, where
cow our?
The herd has returned
every single one...
Has anything happened?”

Cat meditates at the well:
"The dog is barking, the chicken is rushing,
Pig grazing under a tree.
And where, where is our cow?
The herd has returned, here is the lamb,
All calves...
Has anything happened?”

The pig lies and thinks:
"Oh, I'm very worried.
The mother hen is busy
The dog grumbles at the cat.
But where, where is our cow?
The herd has returned, here is the lamb,
All calves...
Has anything happened?”

But then someone heard first
Mooing around a turn.
A contented cow wanders:
- M - mu, I came, alive and well.
Sorry dear friends
I'm late today
So much grass in the meadow...
You were right to worry!

  • Who can be met in the village yard
  • Maybe someone has already guessed what we will do in the lesson? (Probably pets.
  • There are a lot of them, will we have time to do them all in a lesson? What exit can be found? (Can work in groups
  • Read the lesson topic on the board. ( Product "Village Yard" (project).)

3. Work on the topic of the lesson

  1. Conversation
  • What do you know about the professions of those people who care for pets? (Children's answers
  • Where else can we get information?(From an encyclopedia, a reference book, the Internet, in adults, etc.)
  • I suggest you refer to the material textbook p.41
  1. Textbook work

(Students read the text on page 41.)

  • Who is in the photos? What can you tell about the professions of these people?

(A groom is a worker caring for horses, a shepherd is a worker who grazes livestock (four-legged domestic animals) and is responsible for its safety, especially during summer grazing; a milkmaid is a worker who milks cows and takes care of them; a poultry woman is a worker who takes care of poultry.)

  1. Physical education minute
  2. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson
  1. Conversation

Today we will try to create our own village yard out of paper in our class. Let's work in groups. Recall the rules of working in groups

Each group will carry out their own project according to their own plan, which must be developed independently. Everyone has to do the work of creating one animal, after which you will collect your crafts, and your group will have a real village yard.

  1. Getting to know the work plan

(students read the text in the textbook on p. 40, look at the images)

What new word did you come across? What does it mean?

(sweep - This is an expanded design of the object. If you assemble it and glue it according to the selected parts, you get a three-dimensional structure.)

The teacher demonstrates the assembly of the sweep.

Think over how the whole composition will look like, discuss the plan for the presentation of the project or any option: for example, you can come up with some kind of fairy tale with the participation of individual animal figures

3. Completing tasks in the workbook

Answer the questions on p.16

Pupils work in notebooks.

Repetition of safety rules when working with scissors and glue.

Read the rules on the slides or tell.

  1. creative work

Work based on the instruction card.

Students begin to practice. Everyone glues one figurine for the project. The teacher helps, advises, approves mutual assistance.

4. Reflection.

What task was interesting?

- What was difficult for you?

Exhibition of student work

An exhibition of finished products is organized, their quality (accuracy, accuracy) is jointly discussed.

Homework. Answer the questions on p. 41. Prepare illustrations on the topic "Pets and birds": find illustrations of one or more domestic animals and birds, as well as interesting information about this animal; prepare a message on how to care for it, what benefits it brings to the person, etc.

Workplace cleaning.

Routing to the integrated lesson of technology-fine arts on the topic: "Village Yard" Completed by: Dolgova T.N., primary school teacher, MBOU "Turma Primary School of the Kaybitsky District of the Republic of Tatarstan" "March 23" 2017. Village Yard Theme(project)

  • Integrated lesson
  • technology - fine arts in grade 2
  • UMK Promising Primary School
  • Organization of a learning project within an integrated lesson
  • in 2nd grade
Target draw up a technological map for an integrated lesson for students to complete a project of a village courtyard from paper using design in the painting technique Tasks 1. To form an idea about pets and their importance in human life. 2. Introduce an algorithm for making a product in the technique of making three-dimensional figures. 3. To teach how to use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities: - implementation of the project "Village Yard"; - presentation of completed projects. Resources 1. Work program on technology Grade 2, TMC Promising elementary school 2. Textbook Technology. Man, nature, technology. Grade 2. N. I. Rogovtseva, N. V. Bogdanova, N. V. Dobromyslova 3. Workbook. Technology. Grade 2. N. I. Rogovtseva 4. Work program in fine arts grade 2 TMC Promising elementary school 5www// TECHNOLOGY OF STUDYING THE SUBJECT I stage. Self-Determination to Activity Tasks Motivate to study the topic. Stimulate the emotional and value attitude towards pets. Stage II. Educational and cognitive activity
  • Learning tasks for "knowledge" (K), "understanding" (P), "skill" (S)
  • Block A. Pets
  • Block B. Village yard
  • Blok K. Diagnostics of the quality of mastering the topic
  • Control task
  • Complete the project "Village Yard", which includes the manufacture of paper products:
  • voluminous products based on the scan "Pets of our yard" made of paper
Block A. Pets Tasks: Introduce the concepts of “design”, “design”, “milkmaid”, “poultry house”, “shepherd”, “horse breeder”, “groom”, “riding, race horses”, “landscape”. Update knowledge: - about pets; - about the techniques of "painting", Stimulate respect for pets. To teach: - to formulate the rules of communication with pets; - to formulate speech statements within the educational dialogue; - to carry out the educational action in accordance with the plan; - draw up a report on their activities on the "Questions of the young technologist". Block B. Village yard Tasks: Stimulate interest in participating in a common project. Update knowledge about the professions "milkmaid", "groom", "shepherd", "poultry". Introduce the concepts of "sweep", "cone", "cube", "prism", "parallelepiped", "pyramid", "cylinder", "ball". To teach: - to carry out the design of volumetric products based on a sweep using carbon paper; - perform independent analysis of products; - allocate responsibilities in the process of project activities; - perform a learning action using the plan; - check and evaluate the result of the completed task; - to carry out a presentation of the project according to a given scheme; - to formulate understandable statements within the educational dialogue. Block K (control task) Tasks: Motivate for a successful outcome. Update knowledge about pets. To teach: - to plan activities and allocate responsibilities; - Collaborate within a group in the implementation of a project; - to present the result of the activity. Sample Product Village Yard Project III stage. Intellectual and transformative activity
  • Task options
  • Informative version:
  • Fill in the missing words in the text of the rules and complete the story with an illustration.
  • Rules "Our little brothers"
  • Improvisation option
  • Compose the text "Rules" using the knowledge and skills of the studied topic and the proposed questions
  • Heuristic option
  • Write the rules "Our little brothers" and decorate them with illustrations.
IV stage. Reflective activity Introspection and self-assessment of the student I. Task for introspection. Complete the sentences: 1. It is important for me to take good care of pets because... 2. To complete the group project "Village Yard", you need to.. Self-esteem II. Self assessment task. a) Self-assessment of the independence of their activities Self-analysis and self-assessment of the teacher Tasks Compare the result with the goal. Evaluate the results of your activities. To be completed by the teacher at the end of the topic. Thank you for your attention

Routing to the integrated lesson of technology-fine arts on the topic: "Village Yard" Completed by: Dolgova T.N., primary school teacher, MBOU "Turma Primary School of the Kaybitsky District of the Republic of Tatarstan" "March 23" 2017.

Subject Village yard (project)

Integrated lesson

technology - fine arts in grade 2

UMK Promising Primary School


Organization of a learning project within an integrated lesson

in 2nd grade

Target draw up a technological map for an integrated lesson for students to complete a project of a village courtyard from paper using design in the painting technique

Tasks 1. To form an idea about pets and their importance in human life. 2. Introduce an algorithm for making a product in the technique of making three-dimensional figures. 3. To teach how to use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities: - implementation of the project "Village Yard"; - presentation of completed projects.

Resources 1. Work program on technology Grade 2, TMC Promising elementary school 2. Textbook Technology. Man, nature, technology. Grade 2. N. I. Rogovtseva, N. V. Bogdanova, N. V. Dobromyslova 3. Workbook. Technology. Grade 2. N. I. Rogovtseva 4. Work program in fine arts Grade 2 TMC Promising elementary school 5 www//

TECHNOLOGY TOPIC STUDIES I stage. self-determination to activities Tasks Motivate to study the topic. Stimulate the emotional and valuable attitude towards pets

II stage. Educational and cognitive activity

Learning tasks for "knowledge" (K), "understanding" (P), "skill" (S)

Block A. Pets

Block B. Village yard

Blok K. Diagnostics of development quality themes

Control task

Complete the project "Village Yard", which includes the manufacture of paper products:

Volumetric products based on the scan "Pets of our yard" made of paper

Block A. Pets Tasks: Introduce the concepts of “design”, “design”, “milkmaid”, “poultry house”, “shepherd”, “horse breeder”, “groom”, “riding, race horses”, “landscape”. Update knowledge: - about pets; - about the techniques of "painting", Stimulate respect for pets. To teach: - to formulate the rules of communication with pets; - to formulate speech statements within the educational dialogue; - to carry out the educational action in accordance with the plan; - draw up a report on their activities on the "Questions of a young technologist".

Block B. Village yard Tasks: Stimulate interest in participating in a common project. Update knowledge about the professions "milkmaid", "groom", "shepherd", "poultry". Introduce the concepts of "sweep", "cone", "cube", "prism", "parallelepiped", "pyramid", "cylinder", "ball". To teach: - to carry out the design of volumetric products based on a sweep using carbon paper; - perform independent analysis of products; - allocate responsibilities in the process of project activities; - perform a learning action using the plan; - check and evaluate the result of the completed task; - to carry out a presentation of the project according to a given scheme; - to formulate understandable statements within the educational dialogue.

Block K ( control task) Tasks: Motivate for a successful outcome. Update knowledge about pets. To teach: - to plan activities and allocate responsibilities; - Collaborate within a group in the implementation of a project; - to present the result of the activity.

Sample Product Village Yard Project

III stage. Intellectually - transformative activity

Task options

Informative version:

Fill in the missing words in the text of the rules and complete the story with an illustration.

Rules "Our little brothers"

Improvisation option

Compose the text "Rules" using the knowledge and skills of the studied topic and the proposed questions

Heuristic option

Write the rules "Our little brothers" and decorate them with illustrations.

IV stage. Reflective activity Self-analysis and self-assessment of the student Introspection I . Introspection task. Complete the sentences: 1. It is important for me to take good care of pets because... 2. To complete the group project "Village Yard", you need to.. Self-esteem II. Self-assessment task. a) Self-assessment of the independence of their activities

I completed the task on my own.

I did a good job, but I got help...

I couldn't do the job the way I wanted to. I need to learn more...

Introspection and self-assessment of the teacher Tasks Compare the result with the goal. Evaluate the results of your activities. To be completed by the teacher at the end of the topic.

Practical work. Group work.

1. Sample analysis.

Teacher: “We found out that in the village yard you can meet a lot of domestic animals. Do you think they can survive without human help? What do people do for pets? Open your textbook to page 41 and look at the illustrations. Who is in the photos? What can you tell about the professions of these people? (A groom is a worker caring for horses, a shepherd is a worker who grazes livestock (four-legged domestic animals) and is responsible for its safety, especially during summer grazing; a milkmaid is a worker who milks cows and takes care of them; a poultry woman is a worker who takes care of poultry.) You can ask students to tell in detail about how they imagine the activities of people in these professions, or even portray them in action (physical education minute).
We do it ourselves. Teacher: "Today we will try to create our own village yard out of paper in our class." The teacher should divide the children into groups and explain that each group will carry out its own project according to its own plan, which must be developed independently in the group. Project activity is no longer new for students, but in this lesson it will be independent, which greatly complicates the task and helps to develop and consolidate the skills of such activities. Teacher: "Everyone has to do the work of creating one animal, after which you will collect your crafts, and your group will have a real village yard." When creating this project, students will get acquainted with a new type of work - with the manufacture of a product based on a sweep. Therefore, before work, it is necessary to explain to the children that a sweep is a detailed design of an object. If you assemble it and glue it according to the selected parts, you get a three-dimensional structure. The teacher demonstrates the assembly of the sweep. Reamers for the project "Village Yard" are offered on p. 24 workbooks.
After the theoretical preparation of students for work, they fill in groups in three columns of the table on p. 25 workbooks. Before that, the teacher shows them different types of geometric shapes (circle, oval, rectangle, rhombus, pentagon, etc.), naming them; explains that in the first column you need to draw a sketch of the project, i.e. make a preliminary drawing of how the whole composition of their common project will look like, and in the second column write a project presentation plan or some version of it: for example, you can come up with some then a fairy tale with the participation of individual figures of animals. It is important that the work on filling out the table is group work, which will prepare the children for group work on the project itself. The tables must be checked by the teacher.
The next step in the project is drawing up a plan. Teacher: In what order will you work on your craft?

2. Planning

Textbook, p. 40. Make a work plan by first reading the work plan in the textbook on page 40. (1. Preparation of materials and tools. 2. Cutting. 3. Assembly. 4. Finishing.)

3. Practical work.

Students begin to practice. Everyone glues one figurine for the project. The teacher helps, advises, approves mutual assistance.
Preparation of materials and tools. Prepare colored paper, tracing paper, scissors, glue, a rag for work; remember the rules for working with scissors and glue (memo No. 2, 8 from the application), marking parts using tracing paper (memo No. 7 from the application).
Open. Cut out a spreadsheet from your workbook. Transfer the template using tracing paper to colored paper and cut out the detail.
Assembly. Apply glue to the places indicated by the graphic designation (the place of gluing is shaded) and glue the part. Glue to the resulting body the remaining parts cut from the workbook.
Finishing. Decorate the figurine with colored paper and colored pencils.
The last stage of students' independent work is the compilation of a general composition from the resulting animal figures. The whole group does it.

3. Independent work.

Work based on the instruction card. Cleaning of workplaces.

Questions to the student on the self-assessment algorithm:

What did you need to do? Were you able to complete the job? Did you do everything correctly or were there any shortcomings? Did you do everything yourself or with someone else's help?

- Now we are together with ... ( student's name) learned to evaluate their work. Mark in your diary.

Evaluation of work.

An exhibition of finished products is organized, their quality (accuracy, accuracy) is jointly discussed.