How to synthesize 3 elite desert soldiers. Warframe: New Mysteries

DESERT RUINS this is a new combat location, which was introduced by the developers in March 2018. This location has considerable utility, for any level of players, thanks to the rewards that allow you to pump the skills of the heroes faster. Of course, the rewards themselves and their size depend on the depth of the passage of the desert ruins, as well as on the strength of your account. This is exactly what we will talk about in today's article.

Desert ruins are in the Battle tab:

After clicking the icon, the Desert Ruins interface opens

Let's take a closer look at this interface:
  1. Location Help Desert Ruins
  2. Desert Ruins Rewards
  3. Passage of the Desert Ruins with the help of a team of friends or guildmates and with a random team
  4. Team creation button

1. Help on the Desert Ruins location

When you press "?" the following help will appear:

1. Choose 10 different Heroes and 1 spell. Conquer the Desert Ruins with your comrades.
2. Each round has 5 levels. Each level has a fixed number of enemies and buildings in 3 random locations. Plan an attack with your teammates to destroy enemies and buildings before time runs out.
3. Desert ruins are available all day without any limit.

1. After each round, you will receive chests: an elite chest (up to 5 times a day) or a regular chest. If the daily limit of elite chests is reached, you will only receive regular chests. Complete more levels in each round to get better rewards.
2. Elite chests contain 6 cards. Flip cards for a chance to win Hero Shards and Stones of Destiny. The limit for obtaining elite chests is reset daily at 00:00 server time.
3. Normal chests contain Tomes of different levels. There is no daily limit for regular chests. 4. Rewards in the form of items arrive in the game mailbox. Other rewards are credited immediately to the account.

2. Rewards in Desert Ruins





3. Buttons for passing the Desert Ruins with the help of a team of friends or guildmates and with a random team

If you want to go through the Desert Ruins with friends or guild members, you select the appropriate icon

and enter the next menu

Where, after creating a team, selecting a specific friend or guild member (the "Invite" button), you send an invitation, and as soon as your friend or guild member accepts it, you press the "start" button (it will become active).

If you don't have friends or a guild, or for some other reason, you can complete Desert Ruins with a random team. You just need to click the corresponding icon and the corresponding command will be automatically selected for you.

If you do not like the selected team, you can always press the back button

4. Team creation button

Before starting a battle in the Desert Ruins, you need to create a team, for this we press the "Create Team" button

Then you get to the interface for creating a team

Also, don't forget to choose a spell for the desert ruins, as the outcome of the battle depends on it (by default, you will always have the "Renew" magic)


1. Update

2. Awakening

In the previous guide, I told you about the beginning of the game. Now we will talk about one of the most important things in Warframe - the map.

On the map you have regular missions, invasions, events, sorties, syndicate missions and quests.
Today we will analyze only the planets. What resources fall on them and what bosses are on them, as well as loot from bosses.

1. Planets

Initially, you have 2 planets available - Earth and Mercury.
Let's take everything in order:

1) Earth: Levels: 1-80; Conjunctions: Venus, Mars, Lua; Node: Venus, Mars; Faction - Grineer; Boss - ; resources: Ferrite, Rubedo, Neurodes, Detonite Ampoule. There are also moon missions on Earth.

2) Mercury: Levels: 6-11; Connections: Venus; Faction - Grineer; Boss - ; Resources: Ferrite, Polymer Kit, Morphides, Detonite Ampoule.

3) Venus: Levels 3-18; Connections: Earth, Mercury; Faction - Corps; Boss - ; Resources: Alloys, Polymers, Schematics, Fieldron Sample.

4) Jupiter: Levels: 16-30; Conjunctions: Ceres, Europa, Saturn; Node: Saturn, Europe; Faction - Corps; Boss - ; Resources: Recyclables, Alloys, Neural Sensors, Fieldron Sample.

5) Mars: Levels: 8-30; Connections: Earth, Ceres, Phobos; Node: Ceres, Phobos; Faction - Grineer; Boss - ; Resources: Recyclable, Gallium, Morphids, Fieldron Sample.

6) Saturn: Levels: 21-36; Conjunctions: Jupiter, Uranus; Node: Uranus; Faction - Grineer; Boss - Resources: Nanospores, Plastids, Orokin Power Element, Detonite Ampoule.

7) Sedna: Levels: 30-85; Conjunctions: Pluto, Abyss; Faction - Grineer; Boss - ; Resources: Recyclables, Alloys, Rubedo, Detonite Ampoule.

8) Europe: Levels: 18-33; Conjunctions: Jupiter, Abyss; Faction - Corps; Boss - ; Resources: Rubedo, Control Module, Morphids, Fieldron Sample.

9) Phobos: Levels: 10-25; Connections: Mars, Abyss; Faction - Corps; Boss - ; Resources: Alloys, Plastids, Rubedo, Morphids.

10) Uranus: Levels: 24-37; Conjunctions: Saturn, Neptune; Node: Neptune; Faction - Grineer; Boss - ; Resources: Polymers, Plastids, Gallium, Detonite Ampoule.

11) Eris: Levels: 30-88; Conjunctions: Pluto; Faction - Infected; Boss - , ; Resources: Nanospores, Plastids, Neurodes, Sample mutagen.

12) Neptune: Levels: 27-40; Conjunctions: Uranus, Pluto, Abyss; Node: Pluto; Faction - Corps; Boss - ; Resources: Nanospores, Ferrite, Control Module, Fieldron Sample.

13) Ceres: Levels: 12-25; Conjunctions: Mars, Jupiter; Node: Jupiter; Faction - Grineer; Boss - and together; Resources: Alloys, Schematics, Orokin Power Cell, Detonite Ampoule.

14) Pluto: Levels: 30-45; Connections: Neptune, Eris, Sedna; Node: Eris, Sedna; Faction - Corps; Boss - ; Resources: Alloys, Plastids, Rubedos, Mofids.

15) lua: Levels: 25-30; Faction: Corps; Connections: Earth; Resources: Ferrite, Rubedo, Neurodes, Detonite Ampoule.

16) Abyss: Levels: 10-45; Faction: Orokin; Connections: Phobos, Europa, Neptune, Sedna; Conditional boss - , found only on missions 40+ lvl. Resources: Ferrite, Rubedo, Control Module, Argon Crystal.

17) Orokin Ruins: Levels: 10-45; Faction: Infected; Connections: access thanks to keys; Boss - . Resources: Nanospores, Mutagen Sample, Orokin Power Element, Neurod.

2. Mission types

There are 2 types of missions:

1) Non-endless type missions
2) Missions of the infinite type.

Non-endless type missions include:

1) Breaking into- a mission, the purpose of which is to deliver a data packet to a specific terminal, and then follow it to the evacuation point.

2) War is a mission in which you need to eliminate members of the Grineer and Corpus factions. The mission takes place on invasion maps, but without receiving rewards from either side. It is a variation of the cleanup mission.

3) Mobile Defense -
mission, the purpose of which is to deliver a data packet to the terminals and protect the terminals themselves for a certain time.
On any card there are 2-3 data terminals that need to be protected for a total of 5 minutes.

4) Murder- a mission, the purpose of which is the destruction of the Boss or a certain enhanced enemy (found on alarms). The dead often drop blueprints and rare resources.

5) Espionage is a mission where players have to extract sensitive data from enemy servers, from a total of 3 pcs.

6) The rescue is a mission whose goal is to free the hostage while avoiding detection by the Overseers. As a reward for passing the player receives one of the four drawings of the spectrum.

7) Plaque- a mission, the purpose of which is to find the object and transport it for evacuation, preventing its destruction. It moves at the expense of your shields.

8) Hive is a sabotage mission that aims to find and destroy three Infested hives and then proceed to the extraction point. Unique to the Infected faction.

9) Sabotage is a mission where players have to sabotage the enemy base or ship. There are four types of mission:

Ship reactor sabotage on maps Corpus or Grineer;
- Destruction of mining equipment on Grineer maps;
hive destruction on infected ships of the Corps;
Sabotage of underwater laboratories Tyla Regora on Uranus.

10) Cleanup - mission, the purpose of which is the destruction of a certain number of enemies. The number of remaining enemies is indicated by a counter under the mini-map. The only mission with a limited number of opponents.

11) capture- a mission, the purpose of which is to find and capture an enemy operative. To capture the target, you first need to catch up and deal some damage to knock it down.

12) Invasion - a mission in which we need to choose a side of the conflict and play 3 missions in a row on its side to receive some kind of reward. Sometimes on these missions there is a task of killing the boss.

13) Mobile Defense on Archwing- m Archwing Mobile Defense missions are similar to regular Mobile Defense missions.

14) Sabotage on Archwing- Archwing diversion missions similar in purpose to regular sabotage missions.

15) Clearing out at Archwing- m Archwing clear missions are similar in purpose to regular clear missions.

Endless missions include:

1) Survival - mission, the purpose of which is to hold out for the maximum possible time against constantly arriving enemies.
After activating the control panel, the supply of oxygen begins to decrease, which can be replenished in two ways:
Life support capsules , which periodically appear on the map, and when used, restore 30% of the oxygen supply.
Personal life support capsules that drop from enemies when they die with a probability of about 65% and restore 5% oxygen.
You can only leave the mission after 5 minutes after the start. The reward increases similarly to the rewards for endless defense, but instead of waves, the threshold here is a 5-minute interval.

2) Interception- a mission where the main goal is to hold 4 control points on the map: Alpha (A), Bravo (B), Charlie (C), Delta (D). The side that captures enemy data faster will win (progress bar up to 100%). Initially, all 4 towers belong to the enemy, scoring will begin after you capture the first tower. Capture speed depends on the number of points you have (~0.5%/sec for all terminals). The enemy can activate the point through the capture remote or by entering the tower's area of ​​effect if there is no player inside it. The player must be within range of the tower to capture. Upon completion of holding the towers and reaching 100%, it is necessary to clear the area of ​​​​the remaining enemies.

3) Defense - mission, the purpose of which is to protect a certain object from waves of enemies. The wave is considered completed if all spawned enemies are dead.
There are two mission options:
Endless - every five waves, you have the opportunity to either take a randomly generated reward (which one you can see), or continue to defend. It must be taken into account that the complexity of the waves is gradually increasing. Thus, the mission is considered valid if the group has passed 5, 10, 15, 20, etc. waves, chose a reward and left.
Limited - you need to defend 10 waves, and then get a reward. Such defenses are found in alarms, Nightmare mode, and infection outbreaks.

4) Excavations- mission, the purpose of which is to extract the cryotic resource and get additional rewards with the help of excavators.

5) Interception on Archwing- m Archwing interception missions are similar to the mission objectives of a normal interception mission. The goal of these missions is to hold all the towers .

6) Defense on Archwing- m Archwing defense missions are similar in purpose to regular defense missions. But unlike the simple game mode, in the Archwing mode there are 2 stationary defense objects that require protection, and not one.

3. Bosses

Each planet, the Orokin Ruins assassination mission, and the Orokin Tower sabotage mission have bosses. There are also 4 minibosses and 2 raid bosses.

1) Advisor Wei Hek - the boss, which is located on the location Oro (Earth), which is available only to players with rank 5 or higher. The reward for successfully destroying Advisor Vay Hek and completing the mission is one of the blueprints for the Hydroid warframe. Also, after defeating Hek, there is a chance that he will drop an Argon Crystal.
The fight with the Advisor takes place throughout the level. During the first stage, he will fly over you, appearing and disappearing again. You can only damage him at this stage when he reveals his face.

Gulchatay! Show your face

Wow, my.

Try to avoid close contact with him, as he can shock you, which will nullify your energy reserves.
During the final stage, before his life pool is significantly reduced, he will transfer to his frame - Terra. During the battle, he will make high jumps and be constantly on the move, actively using the Propaganda Drone and Orbital Guidance Drone. He has an ability similar to Rhino's Dash - at a short distance from Terra, he uses it, and if you hit your warframe, you will be knocked down. He can also use his Grineer soldiers to heal, try to kill them immediately. After destroying Heck's frame, he himself flies out of the level.
I advise you to take a fairly accurate lethal weapon, or a weapon that hits the area when in contact with the surface.

2)Captain Vor - is the boss of Mercury and the first boss that players encounter.

It can be found on the Tolstoj mission. After killing him, the player can receive a blueprint for the Kronus sword or a blueprint and parts for the rare Prophet pistol.
Also, Captain Vor, paired with Lieutenant Leh Creel, can be found in the Iliad location on the planet Phobos. Despite the fact that Captain Vor is higher level and stronger than on Mercury, his abilities and tactics have not changed. By completing this mission, the player can obtain either the Twin Gremlins blueprint or the Mitra blueprint and parts, as well as the Trinity parts blueprints in addition.
A modified and empowered Thief is also found in the Abyss.

Phase 1
At the beginning of the fight, the Thief predominantly uses his Prophet pistol, teleporting around the room. Despite the fact that the damage of this pistol is not too high, it can be dangerous for beginners.
Phase 2
At 70% health, he begins to scatter Electric Mines, which are similar to Vauban Tesla's ability and attack nearby players. Despite the fact that their damage is not too high, standing in range is highly discouraged, as this can very quickly remove the player's shields and health.
Phase 3
At 40% health, Captain Vor stops using his pistol and starts using the Orokin Laser, which does much more damage than mines.
On each phase change, Captain Vor teleports a squad of Grineer soldiers into the room to attack the player while Captain Vor encases himself in an impenetrable gold-colored Shield Sphere and regenerates his shields. While in the sphere, he completely blocks incoming damage, so it is useless to attack him at this time.
In any phase of the fight, don't get too close, as Captain Vor will start using Cronus. The weak point of the boss is the head, so it is recommended to shoot at it.

In Orokin Tower IV, Captain Vor can appear at any time during the mission, so be prepared and stay close to the team. The updated Vor does not summon allies and does not use an invincibility orb to regenerate shields, but is still able to teleport, leave mines, and use a laser. When teleporting, the Thief knocks opponents down, so it is recommended not to stand still and constantly move.
In the tower, he gains a new ability - Inferno of Light: by raising the key up, he summons pillars of light from the ground, which cause area damage. Staying inside such a pillar blinds and disorients the player.
The only vulnerable point on Vor's body is a glowing sphere in the abdomen, shots to other parts of the body will not damage him.

3) Jackal - the final boss on the planet Venus. He is on the Fossa mission. At the end of the mission, the player receives any of the three blueprints for Reno.

When attacking, apart from the heavy machine guns, the Jackal can launch a barrage of missiles that deal very heavy damage and can easily kill you in one hit.
Jackal's second ability is sticky grenades. Its main danger lies in the fact that the damage caused by grenades is very high, and the explosion itself has a large radius. When grenades are released, there is a loud bang. Grenades fan out in a certain direction and attach to any surface.
Jackal can also create large shockwaves (which are created by stomping) if the player gets too close, but they can be jumped over.
When entering the arena to the Jackal, he will be waiting for you in the center of the room. The intro cinematic starts after all players get close to it.
The Jackal's body is usually protected by a very heavy shield. The most effective way to damage his main body is to shoot his unprotected legs. Damage to either leg will cause the Jackal to fall, during which his heavy shield is disabled. At this time, it is necessary to deal as much damage as possible until his armor is restored, although after dealing a certain amount of damage to him, he will get back on his feet anyway, no matter how quickly you do it.
For a while, as long as the Jackal gets up after being knocked down, he will also be resistant to a certain amount of damage.

4)Alad V (read as Alad Vi, not Alad 5 (five)) - one of the most important characters in the game's storyline, as well as the boss of the Corpus faction, which is located on Jupiter. He is accompanied by a robotic pet/guard, Zanuka, which he built from parts of Warframes he dismantled. After killing Alad V and Zanuka, you can get one of the drawings of the Valkyrie.

Shield Phase
Zanuka has a huge amount of shields that are hard enough to destroy with just a weapon, so it makes sense to force him to drop them himself. To do this, simply dodge Zanuki's attacks and concentrate fire on Alada. Try to shoot him from a distance, as his Fire Pulse will keep him out of melee range. When you remove Alad's shield, he will summon Zanuka to restore his shields. At the same time, the shields of Zanuki himself disappear.
In this phase, Meg with the Shield Polarization ability will be very useful.

Health phase
Once Zanuka is out of shields, it's much easier to kill him. Remember that Alad cannot die until Zanuka is destroyed. In the event that the player continues to attack Alad and reduces his health to zero, Alad will fall and Zanuka will rush to his aid and revive him.
Before Zanuka restores his shields, concentrate fire on him and kill him. After Zanuka's death, killing Alad is no problem. Although Zanuka is agile, most players will still be much faster, making a speedy strategy the best. Zanuka explosions work more as support, the real threat is missiles that can take down all the shields in one salvo. Just avoid his attacks until he falls or take him out of the game with skills like Vauban's Bastille. Zanuka can also be knocked down with Loki's Disarming Radiation ability.

5) Sergeant - The final boss of Mars. It can be found on the War mission. At the end of the mission, the player receives any of the three blueprints for Mag.

The sergeant is in a large open space filled with crates. Before entering the zone, it is highly recommended to eliminate all other enemies and isolate the sergeant. Despite its high damage, it fires slowly, so it's wise to zigzag to avoid its shots. Like a regular Corps soldier, the sergeant has the same vulnerabilities, and using a weapon with a mod for magnetic or electric damage can put him in a permanent stun.

The sergeant's movements are visible when using the Enemy Detector, even if he is invisibility. Or use a guard with fire damage, because he will continue to shoot at the sergeant, even when he is in disguise and unmasks him with burning.

6) General Sargas Rook - the final boss of the planet Saturn, is on the Tethys mission. At the end of the mission, the player receives any of the three blueprints for Ember.

For most of the fight, General Sargas Rook is invulnerable, so don't waste your bullets. The fight consists of 3 phases.

First phase. Rook fires a shoulder-mounted grenade launcher at medium range, attacks with an AOE blast in the melee zone, and creates a "carpet bombardment" in almost the entire arena. From attacks, you can hide in the control booth in the middle of the arena. To enter the second phase, you need to detonate the Ruk shoulder grenade launcher. It becomes vulnerable only for 2-3 seconds, at this moment it is highlighted in blue and white, which is not always clearly visible. After the grenade launcher is detonated, the second phase of the battle begins.

Second phase. Instead of a shoulder-mounted grenade launcher, Rook starts using a flamethrower. When approached at close range, it summons a ring of fire that quickly expands in an area, knocking you down and dealing significant damage. Sargas' belly becomes a vulnerable spot. The damage mechanic is the same as with the grenade launcher. After the point on the stomach is broken, the third phase of the battle begins.

Third phase. During the third phase, Rook uses the abilities from the second phase, and also causes pillars of fire that cover a wide area and can cause significant damage. The back becomes vulnerable.

7) Kela De Thame - The final boss of Sedna. Located in the Merrow location. At the end of the mission, the player receives any of the three blueprints for Sarina.

Kela De Thaym's missiles can almost be neutralized by constant movement, but this is dangerous enough due to the Grineer Rollers she summons. Three rollers at the same time can completely block the player, so if there are fewer of them, it is better to try to kill Kela as soon as possible.

Ledge fight
A good option for the battle may be to position yourself on the high ledges at the end of the boss arena. Due to the high altitude and distance, it is easy to move away from the incoming missiles and render Kela's missiles useless. The great thing about this variant is that the drones can easily get stuck in the walls when they try to climb the stairs before you. This makes the fight against Kela fairly easy. However, you need to be careful not to fall off the ledge if some drone does get to the top.

Pipe fight.
There is another placement option, on the white pipes at the central level. They are long enough to strafe left and right to avoid missiles and are adjacent to two black boxes to give extra space. Drones cannot reach you while you are on the pipes, although they can occasionally hit you while jumping. Here you also need to be careful not to fall off.

8) raptor is a Corpus boss found in the Naamah mission on Europa. At the end of the mission, the player receives any of the three blueprints for Nova.

Before the boss fight, it is preferable to clear the arena of other enemies.
During the battle with the Raptor, you should not constantly be in open space, hide in containers or in ventilation shafts on both sides of the arena, arranging short-term sorties.
At the beginning of the fight, the Raptor attacks with laser bolts, which, due to their low speed, can be dodged or hidden. The Raptor also scatters mines around the field, which will explode when the player approaches. Be careful, because when looking for the boss in the sky, you can not notice the mine under your feet.
Although the Raptor has relatively strong shields, they do not regenerate automatically. Therefore, several times during the battle, after receiving serious damage, the Raptor will fire homing missiles and close to restore the shields. You should not try to run away from missiles in open space or hide behind an obstacle - too large an area of ​​​​damage will not allow you to do this. So, as soon as you hear the sound of missiles being fired, run to the shelter with a roof and wait out the attack.
When the Raptor closes, the vulnerable points are its head and tail.
When killed, it drops its core. It must be thrown into all 3 "chimneys".

9) Teal Regor - the boss of Uranus, located on the location of Titania. At the end of the mission, the player receives any of the eight blueprints for the Equinox.

The boss fight takes place in a unique arena, and takes place in three different phases. The arena itself is three stories high and looks like a huge round room with a statue of Regor himself in the center. Along the edges of the room are movable platforms that slide out and form a kind of balcony when the second stage of the battle comes. You start the fight on the middle level, under the feet of the statue.

The battle with Til Regor takes place in three phases:

Stage 1: Teal Regor will appear and start attacking any nearby players with his ax and shield Ak and Brant. Regor moves extremely fast despite his appearance, making him difficult to fight. He also uses the smoke screen that the Madmen use to mask their actions. For the entire first stage, Regor will teleport around the players and try to take them out of the game. Having lost a third of his health, he will "shoot" his fists at the window, flooding the lower floor of the hall, and starting the second stage.

Stage 2: Immediately after the start of the second stage, Regor teleports out of the room, leaving you to fight a group of Drekari Madmen. Once the players have eliminated all the Lunatics, Til Regor will return back to the room and continue to attack you. Having lost the second third of his health, he will move to the upper level and break the second glass, completely flooding the two lower levels and starting the third phase of the battle.

Stage 3: The entire third stage is best spent on the upper level of the location, because the bottom two will be flooded, and the water will be electrified. Being in water will deal constant high damage (around 50 damage per second), which can kill Tenno with low shields or health. Also in the third stage, Regor leaves against you not only the usual Drekari Madmen, but also the Drekari Madness Bombers. After destroying them all, you will force Regor to return to the room, where they will only have to finish off the remaining third of the enemy’s health, after which they will proceed to the evacuation.

10) Mutalist Alad V is a mutated version of Alad V, first introduced in update 15.5. He is the boss of Eris. It can only be reached by crafting the Infested Alad V - Murder key at the forge after completing the quest "Patient Zero".

The reward for destroying the Mutalist Alad V is the blueprints for Mis's warframe parts.

Mutalist Alad V is completely immune to all damage while wearing his collar. Alad becomes vulnerable only at the moment when he uses one of the abilities associated with this collar. Damage types such as toxic or slash on status procs can damage him even if he is invulnerable, however, all damage will only be dealt when he removes his collar.

During the battle, other Infected will appear in the arena. The main dangers are Tar Mutalist MOA, which tries to slow you down, and Swarm Mutalist MOA, which will release clouds of infected spores, reducing the visibility of Warframes and dealing small damage over time. It is recommended to destroy the enemies that appear as soon as possible so that they do not interfere with the battle.

11) flock of hyenas are robots created by the Corps. They can be found on the planet Neptune in the Psamathe mission. At the end of the mission, the player receives any of the three drawings of Loki.

Hyenas are vulnerable to Warframe abilities such as Rhino's Stomp or Vauban's Bastille.
​If you play in a team, try to focus on one Hyena, then finish off the rest.
Hyena Th(Thorium) uses magnetic damage, which means that when you receive damage, it can "burn" all your energy, it is recommended to kill it first.

12. Lieutenant Lech Creel the final boss on the planet Mars. Can be found on the War mission. At the end of the mission, the player receives any of the three blueprints for Excalibur.

Also, Lieutenant Lech Creel, paired with Captain Vor, can be found in the Exta location on the planet Ceres and knock out parts of Frost from them.

This boss enters the battle in two different phases, using different abilities in each of them:

Phase 1
In this phase, Creel uses only Gorgon. With its extremely high rate of fire and damage dealt (29 damage per shot), your shields and health will be gone in seconds. When trying to get too close, Creel will start using his Brokk, knocking the player to the ground.

In addition to weapons, he also has two abilities to assist himself in combat. The first of these is Freeze, the same as Frost's Freeze, which serves as a weapon projectile. On hitting a player, it deals 150 damage, and additionally adds a freeze effect on you, significantly slowing your movements for a few seconds. The second ability is Ice Wave, similar to Frost's ability. Watch out for Creel's animation: when he raises his hammer in front of him and slams it down, he will create a straight wave of icicles in front of him that deals massive damage.

When the battle begins, Creel is completely invulnerable. However, he has a red energy ball on a cooling tube on his back. This ball can be seen while watching the cutscene, it is Creel's weak point. Once the orb is destroyed, one of the four cooling tubes is destroyed, causing him to use Ice Wave, causing Creel's cryopack to malfunction and freeze himself by slamming Brokk into the ground if no one is near him, becoming temporarily vulnerable.

Continue until the four cooling tubes have collapsed.

Phase 2
Once Creel's cooling tubes are destroyed, he will go berserk, covered in flames. At this point, he will lose his invulnerability, remove the Gorgon and enter the melee using Brokk.
Despite their large size, Creel is extremely fast and can easily catch you. His hammer is very powerful in combat and has a much faster strike speed in the second phase. It also has the ability to knock the player down, though this can be avoided if you're careful enough. Of course, Creel can be smarter than just chasing the player in circles.
During Phase 2, Creel's Ice Wave will transform into a Flame Wave that Creel uses in front of him, creating a straight line that deals temporary fire damage to the player. He can also launch his hammer at the player like a boomerang, similar to throwing the Glaive, dealing approximately 300 damage per hit.

Creel's defense has a huge vulnerability - a long delay before the restoration of the shield. However, this disadvantage is compensated by incredibly strong armor, which reduces all the damage dealt to his health.

13) Ambulas - The final boss of the planet Pluto. It can be found in the Hades mission. At the end of the mission, the player receives any of the three blueprints for Trinity.

Before entering the boss, you need to collect 40 Animo navigation beacons.
The mission takes place at the Corpus Outpost. First you need to find a place where ready-made robots are loaded into Frod Bek's ship. After the entire team has been assembled, the lifts are activated on the take-off area. Each wave, two instances of Ambulas will be brought to the surface (excluding the first) and a 2-minute timer will be started. To win, you must disable them, hack 6 copies and defend them until the end of the countdown. If you miss at least 3, then Frode Beck will be satisfied and leave the planet with a deadly cargo.

14)Lefantis - Boss of the Infected, added in Update 10. Was originally supposed to replace J3-Golem (replaced by Alad V), but was moved to the Orokin Ruins. It is also the most difficult to kill, as the Lephantis Coordinates required to gain access to the boss can only be obtained in the Orokin Ruins locations, and he is killed in several stages.

The reward for destroying Lephantis is the blueprints for parts of Warframe Nekros.

Upon entering the boss room, a short video is played in which the head of the Ancient Infected bursts out from under the floor, opens its mouth and disappears back.

Lefantis will not spawn until all players are in the same room.

Phase 1

This phase of the boss fight takes place in an empty room with destructible remains of deathballs. Heads pop out of the floor randomly, knocking down nearby players. In this phase, the player is attacked by 3 heads with different abilities. You should move around the map, dodging poisonous bombs, spikes and scythe attacks, while attacking the heads that appear. Don't forget that damage is only dealt to vulnerable spots highlighted in pink, it doesn't make sense to shoot at the body. You will also have to kill the summoned Infected Runners and destroy their spawn points.

After destruction, items in the form of Mods, Energy / Health Spheres and various ammunition fall out of each head. Once all three heads are destroyed, the next cutscene of the ceiling is triggered, forcing the player to descend one level.

Phase 2

In the second phase, you meet Lephantis himself, all of whose heads are aligned. Head attacks do not change. If you get too close to Lephantis, he will drop his body to the floor and knock down nearby players. The heads are located on different sides, so you can only attack one head at a time. The only way to kill Lephantis is to destroy all the heads. The best way is to kill heads one by one, with all players focusing their attacks on one head. If you stand in front of one of the heads, then the other heads will not be able to damage you (although their attacks will not stop).

During this phase of the fight, Runners, Leapers, and Infestoids spawn from infected spawn points. Puddles of water in the second phase deal electrical damage.

15) Forid - Boss of the Infested, which appears in place of the normal bosses when an Infestation Outbreak hits the planet. In this case, the player is given the choice of which assassination mission to take: the original boss of this planet or Phorid.

Phorid's claws deal heavy damage and knockback, making it almost suicidal to melee with him alone or as a duo. However, one should not be too far from him either, since Phorid can use Psionic Charges.
Vulnerable to corrosion due to the type of its armor.

16) Sisters Sprague and Ven"Kra Tel - special Grineer minibosses. They are two of the three Void Key minibosses required to close the Portal. Both have jetpacks, which gives them fairly high mobility. Sprag uses an Ax (Scindo with the Manticore skin) and special melee abilities, while Ven'Kra Tel uses Vulkar and special ranged abilities.

The easiest and fastest way to kill the sisters before they find you is by shooting jetpacks with weapons that deal high damage per shot. This task is well suited Loki with mod installed Silent Invisibility , because otherwise the sisters can hear your shot, and this will lead to their active movement even if they did not see you, and as a result, it will be difficult for you to hit their jetpacks.

17) Lynx is a mini-boss found on some Orokin Sabotage missions. Lynx is similar to bosses such as Ven'Kra Tel and Sprague. In addition to Orokin Sabotage, Lynx is also found by players during the Archwing quest.

Also, in the espionage mission there is a Grineer vault, in which, when an alarm is activated, a Lynx appears.
First, kill the Lynx Leeches (until you do this, no damage will be dealt to the Lynx). Further, you can safely attack. The boss, unlike the Jackal, is very light, a couple of accurate shots from any weapon are enough.
It may happen that on a spy mission in the Grineer location you may come across a vault with the Lynx herself in the middle of the room. Initially, the Lynx does not show any activity, but if an alarm is raised, the Lynx will go down and start attacking. As a rule, the level of the Lynx is close to the set level of the opponents on the map, so on Mercury it will not cause any special problems. However, if you do not want to fight him, then you can either run away or set a Grineer soldier on him.

18) Juggernaut Behemoth - a monstrously strong and huge monster of the Infected faction, outwardly resembling an enlarged Phorid. Appeared as a boss on Eris during the Black Seed Punishment tactical alert. Since update 17.5, he has been present on the mission to kill the Golem Jordas as the boss of the first stage.

A very tenacious and armored boss, in addition to being vulnerable only at certain points, which are mainly located on his stomach. In a short period of time, after a shot of spikes, vulnerable points open on the back as well. The easiest tactic against him is to use Nova to slow him down.

19) Golem Jordas is the boss of the Infested on Eris. Combining the flesh of the Infested with the technology of a Corpus ship, the Golem Jordas uses powerful weapons combined with formidable armor to fight enemies in outer space. From the Golem you can get parts of the Atlas warframe.

The battle takes place in 2 stages: the first phase - on the ship of the Infected, the second - in space in the Archwing mode.

In the first stage of the battle, you need to get to the point - the objective of the mission, where players will face the Juggernaut Behemoth. After defeating the mini-boss, the fight goes into the second stage and the players are transferred to space (Archwing mode), where the battle with the Golem takes place.
The Golem's only weak point is the engines on its back. During the fight, the boss moves between several points. While stationary, Jordas fires a laser at a random player three times, creates a rapidly expanding medium-range fireball with an epicenter near him, and releases a ball of electricity that chases one player at high speed. It is recommended to dodge laser shots and avoid collisions with the sphere of electricity. When moving, the boss leaves a path where infected drones appear. When the boss's health drops below 40%, the Golem will constantly move when the player approaches at a close enough distance, while not leaving a path with drones.
When killing the boss, it is recommended to use the Corrosive Burst aura.

20) Grustrag Three are the death squad of the Grineer, hunting down those who aid the Corps.

When fighting Grastrags, keep the following things in mind:

When they appear on the location, the trio will quickly approach you, try to crush you with numbers and good weapons.
-3 Death Cubes can cause some problems, try to keep a distance between you and the Trinity.
-Use the features of the landscape, climb high and wide boxes, run up the stairs, try not to make direct contact.
-Avoid dead ends and narrow corridors, well shot places are good only until your enemies are far away from you.
-If possible, lure the Grustrag Three out into the open.

21) Stalker is a gloomy and vengeful character that appears during quests. His level is significantly higher than that of other enemies. It attacks one player and will not disappear until it kills the target or is defeated. His appearance is preceded by flashing lights and ominous threats in the form of an image of the Stalker with a message, which are displayed only to the target player. After the third message, he appears near the target, regardless of its position. After his defeat or the killing of the victim, the Stalker disappears in a cloud of smoke.

In order for the Stalker to start hunting the player, it is necessary to kill the bosses. After killing the boss by the player himself, the Stalker will send a threatening letter, which can be read in incoming messages.

Stalker has three types of weapons in his arsenal. After his appearance, he uses a primary weapon called Fear. In the midst of battle, it is possible to use the secondary weapon, Despair. If the Player gets too close, the Stalker uses a scythe with a fearsome blade called Hatred.

Shadow Stalker

After completing the Second Dream quest, the Stalker appears in shadow form. Armed with the War heavy sword and equipped with Pacal armor, the Shadow Stalker can adapt to damage just like Sentients. He does not use Fear or Despair, which puts him at a disadvantage at long range. Shadow Stalker's main attacks are inflicted by the Majestic Blade ability with the heavy sword of War.


  • Stalker comes to players whose warframe level is above rank 10.

  • The stalker can spawn in any location except boss kill missions, syndicates, sorties, and missions where enemies shouldn't spawn (Dojo and Relays).

  • To increase the number of times the Stalker spawns, it's worth killing several different bosses.

    • On the mission to kill a Pack of Hyenas, a letter can be obtained for each of the 4 Hyenas.

    • A letter for killing Captain Vor can be obtained by killing this boss on the planet Phobos.

  • On a team, only the target will be able to see the Stalker's messages, but all players will see the flashing light. Whether the Stalker wins or loses, the light will flash as he leaves.

  • The Stalker does not belong to any faction, therefore, not only Tenno, but also members of other factions can be killed.

  • The chance of a Stalker spawning is 1.5% (~ 1 time in 65 missions) + 0.5% for each player in the group, if each player has the Stalker's mark.

    • There is a delay of 30 to 280 seconds (~4 minutes) before the Stalker appears on any mission.

  • The Shadow Stalker is slightly taller than the Warframe.

22) Hunter Zanuka is a gray replica of Zanuka, controlled by Alad V. The Reaper appears like a Stalker, with a flash of light, and attacks one Tenno. Neutral to other players until they attack him.

You can provoke a Zanuki Hunter attack by maintaining the Grineer in invasion missions. After completing 5 missions, a message will come from Alad V with an attack warning, however this does not mean that the Zanuki Hunter will appear on the next mission.

The Zanuka Hunter only attacks on missions against the Corps (including invasion missions against the Corps).

If the Zanuka Hunter kills the target and successfully captures it, a secret mission will start, where you will need to collect your weapons / abilities and escape. Failing this mission causes the warframe and weapons to become transparent in inventory and unusable until the next mission is replayed.

ATTENTION!!! the quest has been changed, now parts of the chrome for the discovery of the solar monorail of the planets: Uranus (Neuro-optics), Neptune (Frame), Pluto (System)

New Riddle - a quest whose goal is to uncover a mysterious signal.
To activate the quest, you need to look into the Sanctuary of Simaris on the second floor of the Station and talk to Cephalon, and then activate it in the Quests tab in the codex and start the quest.
Find the Lost Sentinels of Cephalon Simaris: Monolith, Phobos Edit
The first mission takes place in the expanses of the prison complex on Phobos. The player's goal is to free the captive Helios-type Guardians from Grineer captivity.
The first part of the mission is the Rescue Mission - The Second Espionage 2.0 (Hack One Console)
Capture three Elite Grineer Desert Soldiers Before proceeding with this part of the quest, you need to purchase special Synthesis Scanners for 5000 CreditsLarge right in the room from Simaris (when receiving this mission, Simaris gives out 25 scanners and 10 traps to capture targets for free) With these scanners players will have to catch targets.
There are three goals in total. The quest sends you to Skyresh, but there are a few more missions on Phobos marked with a quest icon, all of them have objectives.
Creating a Chroma skeleton requires a finished Frost skeleton
Crafting Chroma Helmet Requires Ember Helmet Ready Mobile Defense Mission, 3 data pads. Europe - Sorath, enemies - Corps.
Creating a Chroma system requires a ready-made Saryn system
Skyresh - Phobos From the deserts you enter the Orokin Ruins. Upon reaching the large hall, Simaris activates the panel, provoking the appearance of the Chrome Warframe in the center. He is completely immune to damage. You only need to scan Chrome with Simaris' Synthesis Scanner, and then proceed to the extraction point.
The last step, after crafting in the forge of the Chroma system, will be the mission on Europa - Kokabiel. This is the defense against the Corps in the Orokin Ruins. It is necessary to survive 10 waves while protecting the Mystic Device. On the last wave, Chroma himself will appear, scan Chroma 5 times with the Simaris scanner, after which he will disappear, and destroy the remaining enemies of the Corps. After completing the mission, you will receive the main blueprint for the Chrome warframe.

Glad to all and everyone, subscribe to the channel.

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