What items do you need to submit to law enforcement? "Law enforcement" (specialty)

To preserve and protect the rights of citizens in any state, a law enforcement specialist is provided. It is carried out only by authorized persons guided in their work by legal measures. Law enforcement activities are carried out in accordance with the law.

In contact with


Professions in which law enforcement is carried out

  • Advocate(protects the rights and interests of citizens in administrative, criminal and property cases);
  • Interrogator(conducts a survey of persons involved in the incident before initiating a case);
  • Criminologist(engaged in the study of objects, photographs from the crime scene);
  • Notary(conducts legal advice, ensures the security of transactions, certifies documents);
  • Policeman(conducts direct work with citizens, identifying violators of the order and protecting law-abiding citizens);
  • Lawyer(teacher of law in social science and branches of law);
  • Prosecutor(a representative of the higher structure involved in the investigation, in court, acts on the side of the prosecution);
  • Investigator(studies the details of the offense in order to punish the perpetrator);
  • Court medical expert(conducts laboratory and medical research within the framework of the initiated case);
  • bailiff(ensuring the execution of the court decision);
  • Precinct(reacts to all statements of citizens in order to prevent the commission of crimes);
  • Lawyer(well versed in all areas of law, which allows him to act as a representative of the executive, judicial or investigation).

Law enforcement specialization

The specialty of law enforcement officers on the basis of the law provides for activities to protect the rights of individuals and legal entities. Criminal, administrative, political and economic cases are considered. Specialization contributes security in the penitentiary system. It is achieved by the joint work of lawyers: the prosecuting prosecutor, the defending lawyer and the unbiased judge. In such a case, all professions related to law enforcement are involved. Its representatives rely on the "letter of the law" in the investigation and sentencing in this case.

Law enforcement practice shows that appeals, complaints and proposals of citizens, as well as disciplinary offenses fall under the section of administrative cases. They are dealt with by the administrative courts. In some cases, punishment is imposed before trial. To do this, it is enough to reach an agreement between the injured and the accused parties with the direct participation of a law enforcement representative.

political court different from other forms. It uses special means, resources and performers. Citizens who have the full right to govern a state where human rights are respected and ensured can take part in a political court or political regime. In a political system, the political process provides conditions for the maximum restriction of the citizen's ability to influence the political life of society. The specialty of the political court differs from other courts in that the decision of the process is achieved and executed within the state.

Ministry of Internal Affairs of legal activity

The Ministry of the Interior acts as a federal law enforcement agency. Is an executive branch state policy in the field of internal affairs, in the field of migration and turnover of narcotic and synthetic drugs within the state.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs carries out legal activities in the following areas:

The Ministry of the Interior has own divisions based on the division of features of cases:

  • department of information technologies of communication with information protection;
  • department for financial and economic policy and provision of social guarantees;
  • legal department;
  • organizational and legal department;
  • forensic center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • control and revision department.

Legal activity of the Federal Penitentiary Service

FSIN is the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the control and supervision of the execution of criminal penalties in respect of convicts, suspects under investigation, and convicts in custody. Their competence is escorting and monitoring compliance with the conditions of parole issued by the court. The Federal Penitentiary Service provides protection for convicts in places of deprivation of liberty on the territory of Russia and convicts in colony settlements. The Federal Penitentiary Service performs the following functions in the state law enforcement activities of the state:

  • execution of a criminal sentence;
  • detention of convicted or suspected persons;
  • control of convicts who are outside isolation from law-abiding society;
  • ensuring observance of the rights of convicts and suspects;
  • protection and escort of convicts from other countries to the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • organization of assistance to citizens after serving a term of imprisonment.

There is a special unit of the Federal Penitentiary Service, they call it "Spetsnaz". Its task is to prevent crimes and offenses on the territory of the Russian Federation, capture and search for especially dangerous criminals. SWAT practice ensures the safety of citizens caught hostage, and conducts the capture of criminals with the opportunity to present them for judicial punishment. Special forces officers identify illegal activities and carry out anti-terrorist activities. In each special forces department and among the members of the group, there is a practice of choosing a name for themselves, for example, “Falcon”, “Sobr”.

Legal activity after grades 9 and 11

Studying for these professions is prestigious, interesting and in demand. You can enter some professions even after 9 classes in college, unlearn 3 years, and after 11 classes up to two years. If you enter legal college educational program, then the main academic disciplines are jurisprudence, the theory of law, the foundations of the state and the legal systems of the countries of the world.

Lawyers are required to study logic, communication ethics and computer science in depth. After graduating from college, graduates can work in the field of law:

You can work as a legal consultant. Process information on all issues related to its activities, draw up legally competent documents. In the future, it is possible to enter a specialty at a university for training in an abbreviated program.

If a 9th grade graduate wants to enter not a college, but a specialty in higher education The course duration will be 4 to 5 years. The main disciplines studied are: management, statistics, taxes, taxation, accounting, finance and computer science, criminal, civil code and technology of professional activity.

After graduating from the faculty, applicants receive a diploma and the qualification "Lawyer or lawyer with advanced training." Practical activities after graduating from the faculty can take place in the pension fund, the center of social protection, in the administration of the city district, in the guardianship and guardianship authorities, in court and in the police.

For admission to the specialty, applicants must pass exams in the following subjects:

Law enforcement is an important element of the state balance. Personnel for its provision are prepared with special care. Each applicant for a vacancy must meet not only the requirements for his basic professional knowledge, but also physical fitness, developed moral and ethical principles. An important condition for employment is a recommendation from the place where the applicant's internship took place after training.

The most common entrance exams are:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (basic level)
  • Social studies - a profile subject, at the choice of the university
  • History - at the choice of the university
  • Informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT) - at the choice of the university
  • Foreign language - at the choice of the university

An important (profile) entrance exam is social science. The applicant also takes the Russian language and the choice is either history / foreign language / computer science, it is important to pay attention to the passing score on the EGE. When entering a specialty as a second higher education, the applicant is tested.

This area of ​​study was created to prepare for the work of persons who in the future plan to be engaged in the protection of law and order, supervision over the observance of the rule of law, assistance to the population in matters of protecting rights and freedoms. Such duties are assigned to state law enforcement agencies, therefore, graduates are expected to work in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, courts, prosecutor's offices, investigative committees, the customs service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and auxiliary structures.

Brief description of the specialty

Students of this direction study different types of law, but the emphasis is on the future activities of graduates in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the police and other government organizations. Upon admission, you need to choose one of several specialty profiles:

  • educational and legal work;
  • administrative activities;
  • operational-search activity;
  • ensuring the activities of special forces;
  • security in the penitentiary system.

For students, compulsory practice is provided in the courts (federal, arbitration, constitutional), law enforcement agencies or structures that provide assistance to the activities of the courts (the prosecutor's office, bailiffs, etc., read more about). Practice in a notary's office, customs service, detective agency, forensic laboratory will be useful.

Major universities in the capital

In Moscow and abroad, there are a fairly large number of educational institutions that are ready to train students in one of the profiles of the direction. The following are in high places in the ranking of universities in the capital in the direction of "Law Enforcement":

  • Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. V.Ya. Kikotya;
  • University of the Russian Academy of Education;
  • Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation;
  • Russian Academy of Advocacy and Notaries.

Terms and forms of training

For the convenience of teaching yesterday's graduates and working applicants, there are several options for attending classes:

  • full-time (4-5 years of study after grade 11 and 3-3.5 years on the basis of the college);
  • part-time (4 and 3 years, respectively, in other universities 6 years after grade 11 or 4 years on the basis of the first higher education);
  • part-time (6 years after grade 11 and 4 years when receiving a second higher education);
  • weekend group (6 years).

Subjects studied by students

In addition to general education subjects, which are mandatory for universities of any profile, students study a complex of specialized disciplines. The core of the acquired knowledge is made up of various types of law, jurisprudence and international experience in their application in practice. Among the disciplines that students will master:

  • foundations of Russian statehood;
  • jurisprudence;
  • international, criminal, administrative, civil, constitutional law as well as its other varieties;
  • record keeping, legal proceedings, document management;
  • implementation of operational-search activities;
  • physical training, classes in possession of weapons and self-defense methods;
  • other items.

Acquired knowledge and skills

After graduation, the graduate should be able to apply the following skills:

  • develop and draw up legal documents, acts, orders, orders;
  • conduct an examination of the developed acts and legal documents, look for and eliminate opportunities for double interpretations and loopholes;
  • apply the rule of law in practice;
  • understand criminal and administrative cases, be able to draw conclusions;
  • be able to ensure the security of citizens, both legal and physical (using firearms and other methods);
  • detect and prevent crimes and violations of the rule of law;
  • participate in operational activities, effectively organize them;
  • to carry out psychological and psychiatric examination for the needs of the court;
  • be able to analyze the conclusions of other experts;
  • provide citizens with legal assistance;
  • deal with document management;
  • take part in court proceedings.

Professions: where and who can work

From graduates it is expected that their activities will be related to the provision of law and order and legality within the state. It is planned that each of the specialists will be able to work in the police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to hold the following positions:

  • investigator, investigator, criminologist;
  • precinct, head of department;
  • advocate;
  • notary;
  • medical examiner;
  • lawyer, legal adviser.

The level of salaries in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is constantly changing, but usually goes up. Yesterday's graduate in the process of serving as a district police officer with minimal work experience will be able to count on 40 thousand rubles. With the advancement of the career ladder, the level of salaries increases significantly, but the speed of advancement is sometimes unpredictable.

Continuing education in the specialty

If a graduate is aimed at career growth, it is desirable to enroll in a master's program in his specialty. The latter also grants the right to teach in legal disciplines. For a serious engagement in scientific and analytical work after a master's degree, a graduate can enter a graduate school in order to prepare a candidate's dissertation. In addition to gaining knowledge, personal and professional growth, master's and graduate studies provide another advantage for young men: they give a respite from military service.

The question tormenting many newly minted students of the Faculty of Law Enforcement, who can work later with such a diploma? However, some graduates experience difficulty, but already in terms of the direction of their future activities.

The list of professions that are available with a law degree in law is quite large. Choosing a specific direction is based on your own desires and the ability to meet the requirements of employers.

If we talk about the specialty, law enforcement is to respect and protect all the rights of every citizen and his freedoms. All state bodies are working in this direction. In a narrower sense of the word, law enforcement activities are carried out by a number of structures that directly control the observance of rights and freedoms and in case of violation of the latter.

Students studying the specialty "law enforcement" are trained in several work profiles at once. Namely:

  • educational and legal;
  • administrative;
  • operational-search;
  • to ensure the functioning of special forces;
  • on .

Upon admission, each young specialist can choose the direction in which it will be most effective. Further training will be based on the selected profile.

Who can work with a law enforcement diploma

Choosing jobs seems to be quite a complicated process. Especially when it comes to girls with a diploma in law enforcement and jurisprudence. , in which the knowledge gained in a university or law college is applicable, is impressive. The general list includes positions:

  • investigator
  • interrogator;
  • forensic expert;
  • precinct;
  • a lawyer;
  • notary;
  • forensic expert;
  • lawyer (legal adviser).

This list is equally applicable to graduates of both sexes. Although it is generally accepted that such positions as a notary, a lawyer, a lawyer are considered more suitable for women, in modern society there are no any gender restrictions in terms of positions held. And therefore, a girl who graduated from the faculty of law enforcement at a university can freely choose the occupation of interest to her within the framework of her specialty.

Ideally, each specialist should take his place in or other services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. However, the skills acquired during the training will also be useful in private practice (notary, legal adviser, investigator). In addition, given the ubiquitous demand for legal advice, in-house lawyers are necessary for every large enterprise.

Jurisprudence and law enforcement have recently become more and more popular among applicants, as evidenced by long queues at admissions offices at universities and high competition among applicants. This is explained by the privileges of the PO employees and the prestige of the work, the possibility of career growth and the inner convictions of a young citizen of the Russian Federation.

In order to pass the competition for this specialty, it is necessary to take into account some details, without which training is impossible. It is also worth deciding in advance on the future profession in order to choose the right specialization.

What is Law Enforcement

The concept of "law enforcement" is considered in a broad and narrow sense. The first is the work of all bodies of state subordination that are engaged in ensuring the observance of the rights of citizens and their freedoms.

The second involves activities whose purpose is to protect the right from violations, to ensure freedoms. Implementation is carried out in a strictly established manner and within the framework of the law.

First of all, it is necessary to understand what law enforcement activity is, its concept, essence. This is necessary to understand the principles of work, determine the specialization for which it is worth applying, as well as assess the features of the work. According to dictionaries, PD is a type of state activity, and it is carried out to protect the law. This is carried out by authorized bodies in the application of certain legal measures of influence, which are clearly consistent with the law.

The following:

  • all actions are carried out in accordance with the law;
  • strictly established procedure, which is regulated by law;
  • bodies that implement legal measures are clearly defined and have a specific list of powers regulated by law.

Tasks, functions

Traditionally, the following institutions are indicated in the documents: the court, the organs of operational-search activity, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, customs, the prosecutor's office, and so on. This includes public organizations of a certain type and type of work.

Information about the profession "Law enforcement" directly depends on the specific type. However, there are general concepts that each of them necessarily meets. These are signs to which institutions, legal frameworks and powers, direction correspond. It is also worth knowing what law enforcement is for. Its tasks and functions are also the subject of mandatory study.

Among the latter are the following:

  • Control over observance of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (relevant courts).
  • Establishment of justice.
  • Organizational support of the activities of the courts.
  • Legal assistance, protection of the law on behalf of society, protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens.
  • Notarial protection of interests of citizens.

Each of the above functions is performed by a specific body, but they are all interconnected, and the work of some affects the result of others directly or indirectly.

Types of Law Enforcement

In general, all of them can be divided into three groups, each of which is engaged in a certain type of activity:

  • Detection and investigation of crimes.
  • Ensuring security and order.
  • Legal assistance.

The first group is engaged in the pre-trial stage, that is, it solves the crime. Also in their jurisdiction is a judicial investigation, inquiry.

The police are in charge of the order. Its main function is the prevention of crimes, their detection, suppression. In addition, the tasks of the police can also be added to the protection of certain objects, administrative control in various fields of activity.

Law enforcement activities of this unit, or rather their focus, depend on the unit:

  • Municipal.
  • Road.
  • Drug control.
  • Tax.
  • Military and others.

It is also worth noting that there is an international police force - Interpol, which operates around the world and has more opportunities, and also deals with especially important cases.

The last type is legal aid bodies. They include advocacy, notaries and others. The main task is to defend human rights in court, to ensure the protection of a person.

Law enforcement universities

There are 23 universities in the Russian Federation, which are listed as subordinate to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

Four of them are located in Moscow, others are dispersed throughout the major cities of the country. Also, the vast majority has branches in other localities. This means that the specialty "Law Enforcement" is available to almost all applicants living in small towns, since you can find an educational institution nearby.

RPA has 14 branches located in St. Petersburg and Izhevsk. Petrozavodsk, Saransk, Tula and other cities.

The university accepts students in three faculties:

  • Socio-legal.
  • Advanced training.
  • Legal.

The RPA prepares bachelors, specialists, masters, and also has postgraduate, doctoral and pre-university education. There are a number of groups in which children in grades 4-5 take part.

Other, no less popular universities are the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in St. Petersburg, the Far Eastern Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

How to enter a university

Recruitment to the university (“Law Enforcement”) is made from graduates of the 11th grade of the secondary school, technical schools, colleges. The peculiarity of the submission of documents is that they are primarily sent not to the selection committee, but to the component at the place of residence. After consideration of the application on the spot, the papers are transferred to the university.

As in other higher education institutions, the main selection is based on the results of the USE. But, besides this, for the specialty "Law enforcement", it is also necessary to successfully pass professional psychological testing.

All universities require excellent physical preparation for some specialties, therefore, in many, an additional type of introductory campaign is also announced - a test for endurance, capabilities and strength. So you should prepare in advance or sign up for courses, which are often organized by the university itself.

“Law enforcement” is a specialty that entitles every cadet who graduated from an educational institution to exemption from military service.

Work searches

In addition to the opportunity to remain a teacher at the alma mater, there are hundreds of other employment options.

It is worth deciding who you can work with before applying for the specialty "Law Enforcement". Modern universities train judges, police officers, investigators, lawyers, prosecutors and other specialists. Depending on the place of work is determined. In addition, most educational institutions employ their graduates.

Upon completion of training in the specialty "Law Enforcement", who can work, experience will tell, since the student undergoes several types of practices, where he can personally see the work of a particular specialist, weigh the pros and cons.

Documents for admission

The first step is to take the application for admission to the police department at the place of residence. Employees of the authorities draw up a personal file and send it to the selected university or institute.

Then, on behalf of the applicant, an application is written to the head of the Department of Internal Affairs. After that, the compiling body must issue the following documents:

  • The results of the medical-military examination.
  • Results of professional-psychological selection.

After that, you need to go to the university and grab a passport (or other identification documents), the original diploma or certificate. It is worth clarifying in advance before writing an application for training in the specialty "Law Enforcement", who can work after graduation.

How long to study

At the end of 4 years, the student receives a bachelor's degree and can either go to work or continue his studies at this or another university.

If the documents are submitted to the branch, then you should immediately ask where you need to continue your education as a specialist or where to go to graduate school.

The specialty "Law Enforcement" involves training for at least 4 years. Correspondence and full-time forms of education have the same length, however, it should be noted right away that some specialties do not provide for "remote studies".

Benefits for PO employees

Students of universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and similar ones are exempted from military service. There is a set of benefits for rent and utilities. And also differently the size of the pension and the time of going on a well-deserved rest are calculated.

Not exactly a benefit, but also an advantage for graduates - an abundance of professions after graduating from the specialty "Law Enforcement". Who can work, is indicated directly upon admission.


For each law enforcement officer, the prospect of career growth opens up in several ways: the opportunity to get a higher rank, a better life and an increase in wages. In addition, competence in the legal field will help not only avoid trouble, but also protect others from them.

In any case, law enforcement officers are people who make their choice based primarily on moral values ​​and beliefs, and not chasing fame.

Jurisprudence and law enforcement have recently become more and more popular among applicants, as evidenced by long queues at admissions offices at universities and high competition among applicants. This is explained by the privileges of the PO employees and the prestige of the work, the possibility of career growth and the inner convictions of a young citizen of the Russian Federation.

In order to pass the competition for this specialty, it is necessary to take into account some details, without which training is impossible. It is also worth deciding in advance on the future profession in order to choose the right specialization.

What is Law Enforcement

The concept of "law enforcement" is considered in a broad and narrow sense. The first is the work of all state subordination bodies that are engaged in ensuring the observance of the rights of citizens and their freedoms.

The second involves the activities of specially authorized bodies, the purpose of which is to protect the right from violations, to ensure freedoms. Implementation is carried out in a strictly established manner and within the framework of the law.

First of all, it is necessary to understand what law enforcement activity is, its concept, essence. This is necessary to understand the principles of work, determine the specialization for which it is worth applying, as well as assess the features of the work. According to dictionaries, PD is a type of state activity, and it is carried out to protect the law. This is carried out by authorized bodies in the application of certain legal measures of influence, which are clearly consistent with the law.

  • all actions are carried out in accordance with the law;
  • strictly established procedure, which is regulated by law;
  • bodies that implement legal measures are clearly defined and have a specific list of powers regulated by law.

Traditionally, the following institutions are indicated in the documents: the court, the organs of operational-search activity, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, customs, the prosecutor's office, and so on. This includes public organizations of a certain type and type of work.

Information about the profession "Law enforcement" directly depends on the specific type. However, there are general concepts that each of them necessarily meets. These are signs to which institutions, legal frameworks and powers, direction correspond. It is also worth knowing what law enforcement is for. Its tasks and functions are also the subject of mandatory study.

Among the latter are the following:

  • Control over observance of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (relevant courts).
  • Establishment of justice.
  • Organizational support of the activities of the courts.
  • Legal assistance, protection of the law on behalf of society, protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens.
  • Notarial protection of interests of citizens.

Each of the above functions is performed by a specific body, but they are all interconnected, and the work of some affects the result of others directly or indirectly.

Types of Law Enforcement

In general, all of them can be divided into three groups, each of which is engaged in a certain type of activity:

  • Detection and investigation of crimes.
  • Ensuring security and order.
  • Legal assistance.

The first group is engaged in the pre-trial stage, that is, it solves the crime. Also in their jurisdiction is a judicial investigation, inquiry.

The police are in charge of the order. Its main function is the prevention of crimes, their detection, suppression. In addition, the tasks of the police can also be added to the protection of certain objects, administrative control in various fields of activity.

Law enforcement and law enforcement agencies of this unit, or rather their focus, depend on the unit:

  • Municipal.
  • Road.
  • Drug control.
  • Tax.
  • Military and others.

It is also worth noting that there is an international police - Interpol, which operates around the world and has more opportunities, and also deals with especially important cases.

The last type is legal aid bodies. They include advocacy, notaries and others. The main task is to defend human rights in court, to ensure the protection of a person.

Law enforcement universities

There are 23 universities in the Russian Federation, which are listed as subordinate to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

Four of them are located in Moscow, others are dispersed throughout the major cities of the country. Also, the vast majority has branches in other localities. This means that the specialty "Law Enforcement" is available to almost all applicants living in small towns, since you can find an educational institution nearby.

RPA has 14 branches located in St. Petersburg and Izhevsk. Petrozavodsk, Saransk, Tula and other cities.

The university accepts students in three faculties:

  • Socio-legal.
  • Advanced training.
  • Legal.

The RPA prepares bachelors, specialists, masters, and also has postgraduate, doctoral and pre-university education. There are a number of groups in which children in grades 4-5 take part.

Other, no less popular universities are the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in St. Petersburg, the Far Eastern Law Institute, the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Recruitment to the university (“Law Enforcement”) is made from graduates of the 11th grade of the secondary school, technical schools, colleges. The peculiarity of the submission of documents is that they are first of all sent not to the selection committee, but to the completing body of internal affairs at the place of residence. After consideration of the application on the spot, the papers are transferred to the university.

As in other higher education institutions, the main selection is based on the results of the USE. But, besides this, for the specialty "Law enforcement", it is also necessary to successfully pass professional psychological testing.

All universities require excellent physical preparation for some specialties, therefore, in many, an additional type of introductory campaign is also announced - a test for endurance, capabilities and strength. So you should prepare in advance or sign up for courses, which are often organized by the university itself.

“Law enforcement” is a specialty that entitles every cadet who graduated from an educational institution to exemption from military service.

In addition to the opportunity to remain a teacher at the alma mater, there are hundreds of other employment options.

It is worth deciding who you can work with before applying for the specialty "Law Enforcement". Modern universities train judges, police officers, investigators, lawyers, prosecutors and other specialists. Depending on the direction of study, the place of work is determined. In addition, most educational institutions employ their graduates.

Upon completion of training in the specialty "Law Enforcement", who can work, experience will tell, since the student undergoes several types of practices, where he can personally see the work of a particular specialist, weigh the pros and cons.

The first step is to take the application for admission to the police department at the place of residence. Employees of the authorities draw up a personal file and send it to the selected university or institute.

Then, on behalf of the applicant, an application is written to the head of the Department of Internal Affairs. After that, the compiling body must issue the following documents:

  • The results of the medical-military examination.
  • Results of professional-psychological selection.

After that, you need to go to the university and grab a passport (or other identification documents), the original diploma or certificate. It is worth clarifying in advance before writing an application for training in the specialty "Law Enforcement", who can work after graduation.

At the end of 4 years, the student receives a bachelor's degree and can either go to work or continue his studies at this or another university.

If the documents are submitted to the branch, then you should immediately ask where you need to continue your education as a specialist or where to go to graduate school.

The specialty "Law Enforcement" involves training for at least 4 years. Correspondence and full-time forms of education have the same length, however, it should be noted right away that some specialties do not provide for "remote studies".

Students of universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and similar ones are exempted from military service. There is a set of benefits for rent and utilities. And also differently the size of the pension and the time of going on a well-deserved rest are calculated.

Not exactly a benefit, but also an advantage for graduates - an abundance of professions after graduating from the specialty "Law Enforcement". Who can work, is indicated directly upon admission.

For each law enforcement officer, the prospect of career growth opens up in several ways: the opportunity to get a higher rank, a better life and an increase in wages. In addition, competence in the legal field will help not only avoid trouble, but also protect others from them.

In any case, law enforcement officers are people who make their choice based primarily on moral values ​​and beliefs, and not chasing fame.

Law enforcement specialty

Law enforcement (specialty 40.02.02) monitors the implementation of the rights of citizens and protects the right from violations and ensures freedoms within the framework of the law.
The essence of law enforcement training is as follows:

  • control over the implementation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation);
  • execution of justice;
  • organization of work of courts;
  • identification and investigation of violations of law;
  • legal assistance, protection of the law in the public name, protection of citizens;
  • protection of civil interests by a notary;

SPO law enforcement after grades 11 and 9

Law enforcement is a specialty that requires a conscious attitude, which cannot be entered easily or on a residual basis.

Forms of teaching the base of grade 9:

  • full-time - 3 years 6 months;
  • correspondence - up to 5 years;
  • evening - up to 5 years.

On the basis of 11 classes, it is possible to study the specialty law enforcement (specialty code 40.02 02) in the following forms:

  • full-time (training period - 5 years);
  • part-time (6 years);
  • evening (7 years);
  • mixed (7 years).

The “mixed form” of education, which has been gaining popularity in recent years, is the addition of the class-lesson system with Internet educational technologies (online testing).

Law enforcement specialty after grade 9

The passing score for admission to secondary vocational education in the Russian Federation ranges from 35 to 77 USE.

Entrance tests for the specialty law enforcement are conducted in the following disciplines:

  • Russian language;
  • Social science (profile subject);
  • Foreign language and history (optional).

Training allows you to master the following specialties in law enforcement:

  • administrative work;
  • educational work;
  • work on special units;
  • work to create security in the penitentiary system;
  • work to find offenders.

In case of successful completion of the training, the graduate is awarded the qualification "Specialist in the field of training" Law Enforcement Activities ".
After the ninth grade, you can enter a secondary specialized law enforcement institution.

Who and where to work in the specialty of law enforcement

The law enforcement activity of a lawyer is to protect the interests and rights of citizens and organizations. Provides legal services in various areas of law: acts as a defender in court, helps to draw up documents correctly, considers cases of road accidents, etc. The specialty is in demand in the labor market.

Controls the observance of public order, protects the property and health of law-abiding citizens by patrolling the streets, detaining suspicious persons.

Bailiffs work in two areas:
1. Ensure the order of the courts.
2. Collect debts and visit debtors' homes.
The working day of the bailiff-executor is usually irregular (night hours, weekends may be included in the work schedule).

District Police Commissioner
An official who controls the activities of suspicious elements, protecting citizens in a certain section of a residential area of ​​the city. District commissioners represent the middle and senior commanding staff of the police.

Specializes in the application and interpretation of laws, their observance in state bodies, enterprises and institutions. Like a lawyer, he assists in the competent preparation of documents, contracts, and represents the interests of the plaintiff in court. The lawyer analyzes and reviews the current legislation.

The qualification "lawyer" specializing in law enforcement is also in demand in commercial structures. A lawyer has the right to conduct teaching, political work, act in financial organizations.

Each of these professions is necessary in the modern labor market. First of all, this is due to the development of state structures and the emergence of new jobs.

Public service is a reliable future, because the state will not close and will not lose its license to operate. To work in the state law enforcement structure means to guarantee yourself opportunities for career growth. It is possible and necessary to get an education in this area - its specialties are necessary and in demand by the direct customer - the state itself.

Specialty 40.02.02 Law enforcement

Description of the educational program

  • legally qualify facts, events and circumstances;
  • ensure compliance with the law by subjects of law;
  • implement the norms of substantive and procedural law;
  • to ensure law and order, the security of the individual, society and the state, to protect public order;
  • to carry out operational and service activities in accordance with the training profile;
  • to suppress illegal actions, including to carry out actions for the forceful suppression of offenses, the detention and escort of offenders;
  • ensure the detection, disclosure and investigation of crimes and other offenses in accordance with the training profile;
  • to carry out technical and forensic and special technical support for operational activities;
  • provide first aid and self-help;
  • use in professional activities regulatory legal acts and documents to ensure the regime of secrecy in the Russian Federation;
  • ensure the protection of information constituting a state secret, information of a confidential nature and other secrets protected by law;
  • to carry out the prevention of crimes and other offenses based on the use of patterns of crime, criminal behavior and methods of their prevention, to identify and eliminate the causes and conditions that contribute to the commission of offenses;
  • carry out their professional activities in cooperation with employees of other law enforcement agencies.
  • informatics and information technologies in professional activity,
  • Theory of Government and Rights,
  • constitutional law of Russia,