Are compliments to teachers acceptable? Beautiful wishes to the primary school teacher.

№119 (3412) / 2004-09-30


Teacher's Day. This holiday has become national, because every person in our country crosses the threshold of the school. School gives a person everything without which it is impossible to live in the world. Behind the desk, the hopes, joy and anxieties of her students begin. They will carry into life everything that the school taught them and what it missed, too.

Marlin has become more mature. It makes a much more balanced impression on us. Mother Yana Good morning holiday support team, so a heartfelt "thank you" and a hat to your program and its implementation. Father Sampo Sampo had a very pleasant time at school. He learned a lot and made many friends. Mrs. Adler is an outstanding teacher, the best we have come across.

Please write phytotherapy. Someone who contributes to their own ideas is more important to civic participation than short-term success and "quick money". It is amazing to see how such a private initiative gives a new impetus to business and society.

Everyone who works at school today works for the future and is responsible for this future. And especially happy in his fate is the one who met a teacher who knows how to bring enthusiasm, love and, of course, knowledge illuminated by this love to the class. The nobility of the teacher will certainly resonate in the hearts of his students.

Excellent knowledge of the subject, methodical skill, erudition of the teacher are highly appreciated by the students. Great respect, love is shown by students very often to the masters of their craft. This obliges teachers to keep up with modern science. The path of the teacher is always forward, the one who has stopped will certainly overtake time - and youth - the most accurate chronometer of the century - will immediately detect the lag. Work on self-improvement is always hard - everyone knows that. There are services that make a person rise above his weaknesses. He who has chosen the profession of a teacher appoints himself to such a service.

A young entrepreneur must have perseverance, conviction and bite, Mrs. Wilhelm has it all. Dear Miss Nöting, you teach very well. I hope so. So, you will become the best teacher in the world. Ms Wilbrandt I have a great class at a great school with very creative and motivated students.

Mother Caregivers are a very important reason why children are so well cared for. Your task is, first of all, education with everything that belongs to it. This is also important in breaks, and teachers, in my opinion, understand better as teachers - they have other things to do. This does not apply to public schools, and for me, as a parent, this is a huge plus. Although we as parents think a lot and put a lot of time, effort and love into our child, we were able to help him in a very difficult day of kindergarten, do not help.

It is not easy to put the wisdom of science into the heads of children. It is even more difficult to teach them to learn - to absorb knowledge willingly, to extract it inquisitively from books and from life. But opening the world to the child, the teacher teaches him to live in this world.

Today, the country is changing before our eyes, the school is changing. Everything that is seething around has poured into the classrooms. The life of a modern student is no less dynamic than the life of society. The processes of computerization and technologization of the school are successfully going on, which undoubtedly help the teacher to develop the intellect of schoolchildren, but do not awaken his soul. The Ukrainian philosopher Skovoroda remarked: “The soul is what makes grass grass, trees trees, and a person a person. Without it, grass is hay, trees are just firewood, and man is a corpse.”

He had a lot of problems, even an integrative assistant right up to the very beginning. It would be better for me if nothing changed. This changed very quickly. Maxim enjoyed it to the fullest. All in all, he was tired, messy, happy and very level-headed every night.

We had a good start to a "real" holiday. Sophia's parents: Hi Mr. Boček, we would like to thank you in this way. With your wonderful gesture, the presentation of the medal from the swimming competition in the Grail Müritz, with Sofia and with us, is a great joy. Sophia couldn't talk about anything else all evening and had wet eyes when she spoke.

A person deprived of humanity is the bearer of evil. Therefore, now more than ever, teachers are concerned about the spiritual and moral world of the child. To prevent the emptiness of the soul, the wretchedness of interests, to awaken the desire to work on oneself, to cultivate the responsiveness of the heart, the subtlety and beauty of feelings, to teach how to manage one's inner world, to help successfully enter society is an equally important task of the school. The one-sided development of a person's intellect does not give grounds for hoping that his activity will be aimed at serving society. This requires an internal code of ethics. The education of a person consists of the education of his intellect and soul.

Pavel's Parents We are talking about the new school building, its architecture and construction, its openness and light. Also the transparency in the form of learning levels we find excellent. The same applies to the director. We see that Paul is taken to his needs and given the opportunity to grow at his own pace. He is clear about what is important to him and openly expresses his needs. We feel that he takes responsibility for what he does, which we consider necessary for an adult. His willingness to participate, too, is different now than it was last year.

The teacher creates the transformation of the child into a citizen. Works slowly, patiently. And how difficult it is to guide children who know neither the value of time, nor the value of their health, nor the value of the countless sacrifices made for the sake of happiness. But the teacher's heart never loses faith in the capabilities of the child and in its ability to guide him on the true path.

Nothing has improved for me. Paul, class 6 I have very good teachers. They are friendly and humorous. If there are situations requiring criticism, then this is done with an explanation. My teachers are unconventional. My friends are important to me at school and I like them. At the moment, everything, without exception, is fun. In a concrete sense, this is in the moment of piano lessons and hopefully in the future the opportunity to study drums. Jessica's Parents Now our brief reviews of the past weeks. It was a very good decision for all of us that Jessica would go to this school this school year.

The profession of a teacher is difficult. It requires from a person not only great knowledge, but also spiritual strength, endurance and even courage. That's probably why it's the most interesting.

My son, a graduate of school No. 7 of the city of Noyabrsk, was lucky to learn from such masters of pedagogical work as V.F. Buriko, T.L. Tikhomirova, O.P. Rusetskaya, T.S. Markova, M.Yu. Mikhailichenko, L.A. Podgurskaya, G.F. Romashko, A.G. Bikchurin, V.P. Itsenko, N.V. Dedkova, N.K. Radionova, A.N. Shkabara, I.A. Semyon, the Sagitovs and others.

She likes to go to school because there is just a super team of teachers. This very good relationship between teachers, students and parents has just convinced us, and we are very happy about it. The only thing Jessica doesn't like is dance lessons. It would be more appropriate to teach a "normal" subject.

Adrian was also very impressed; the fact that the new school building would even have an elevator, he found - of course, not without delay towards the future break - employment. Class "At school you have a very strong feeling because the teachers always come to us." Class Concept is just perfect for us. Also the place is great and the parents also have something to say.

And there are no people among them who are indifferent, indifferent to their work. A big thank you from our family to them.

L.N. Tolstoy once said that it is enough for a good teacher to have only two qualities - great knowledge and a big heart. And what gratitude can compare with this happiness!

Irina Zaitseva,
teacher of mathematics, MOU "Secondary School No. 7"

I think the best compliment to a teacher is our good knowledge and excellent grades. Thank you for that! Thank you for your hard work!

As parents, we have not regretted the financial burden as we also see the money pouring into the school and therefore well spent. Alexia was very well received, especially as a person who was perceived, encouraged and respected. You don't need to bring your own. And in the classroom, you had to look for solutions and not know everything that was on your mind.

The school is just amazing! Do you have suggestions or suggestions for improvement, would you like to give your opinion or give us praise? Praise and blame yoga. Iyengar yoga is more physically demanding than many other yoga verses. Some call it "difficult". Does it make sense to praise students for their exercises?

You are a teacher with a capital letter,
With a young and beautiful soul!
How many long years, how many winters
You give your soul to the young!
And so the soul for many years
Staying young is the secret
Of your life. Let her go on
Will be full of happiness and health!

Thanks to you, I began to understand the subject much better.

You are a kind and sympathetic person, a teacher with a capital letter. Thank you for our children!

Breathe in, think! It was sometimes called Trikonasana. "Please bend over!" This was followed by an invitation to go to Uttanasana. They created a pleasant atmosphere. Kofi knew the practice hadn't gotten sloppy. This describes two poles of my teaching experience. Iyengar was literally "fire and flame" in the classroom. Sometimes he even asked to understand that he could not slow down when it came to yoga.

However, there is a temptation for Yogalrer to emulate his style, believing that this is the best or even the only way to teach yoga yoga. Even today we hear of training courses where, as in Poona, they scream and curse as if the students were only being practiced with coercion and humiliation. Often this behavior is more characteristic of the teacher than a deep understanding of the psychology of the student.

Dear our teacher!
We really want you to know
How were the roads for us!
We will never forget
Your soulful conversations...
Forgive us ... After all, sometimes
We were restless!

You are very interesting in your lessons. Time just flies by unnoticed.

You are not only a wonderful teacher, but also an incredibly kind, patient and infinitely interesting person! We sincerely admire you!

Yogastunde without laughter is not the best hour. It is not necessary to try to understand the results of modern brain research to understand that restlessness or hostility in the classroom makes it difficult to learn and deeply participate in physical experiences. The smaller the energy we are dealing with, the more we feel, the greater the need for trust. It's more about yoga than proper alignment, strength, and flexibility. The particularly precise instructions of the Iyengar method allow precise and deep work in asanas, and this leads to a significant deep influence in psychology.

How much knowledge and kindness you give to our children. Thank you from us and our children!

Teacher. With us you year after year
Teach endless lessons.
Doing homework,
Solid unforgettable lines.

We are taught to divide and multiply,
Solve inequalities, examples, equations
comprehend universal laws
And make big decisions.

And it's hard for most people to engage in deep feeling in a scary, tough atmosphere. Iyengar will force out many students. It may also lead some practitioners to engage in physical exercise, making yoga difficult as a healing path to self-awareness. Someone who is as hard with himself as the tough teacher in class teaches him will probably not be happy. Iyengar once said that hardly anyone can imagine how gentle he is in his practice.

He compared it to a petal delicacy. Isn't it also the job of the teacher to work to make the student softer in their practice, not harder? And just following the instructions is no guarantee. Yoga may not be for everyone, but feel sorry for someone who is interested in the subject and then expelled due to mistreatment.

Give us your warmth and light,
Keep our secrets and secrets
Ready to give advice if needed
We thank you for this!

You teach children with love,
Find an approach to everyone.
So God bless you, good health,
Happy life without adversity.

Even the most inveterate hooligans are not late for your lessons, because the time of your classes flies almost instantly - you talk about your subject so interestingly and enthusiastically! Thank you for awakening our love for science!

And this is also true: our body is inert and lazy. He needs a firm determination to change the energy of the body. And many students are grateful to have instructors who guide them with a firm hand and help them to continue the exercise a little longer, to stretch a little more and more precisely. But the meeting between teacher and student leads deeper if he has an open heart for the student and also shows. In addition to all his knowledge, a good teacher also needs patience, understanding, calmness and humor.

Before Yogastund heard it laughing, Iyengar once said. In praise and guilt, the teacher remains high, the student is small. If too much criticism hurts, how is it with praise? Does it make sense to praise students for performing asanas? After all, our job as a teacher is to teach them more and more of what they don't know or can't yet. Once they understand the first building block, the next one will appear and the exercise will never be right. Our main goal is not to identify errors and inaccuracies that necessarily lead to continuous improvement and "criticism"?

Your lessons make me want to go to school. You are a wonderful teacher!

Teaching is a great talent
And he is excellently given to you,
Enjoy your work
Good colleagues and children.

Soul beautiful and very kind,
You are strong in talent and generous in heart.
All your ideas, dreams of beauty,
Lessons, undertakings will not be in vain!
You managed to find the way to the children,
May you have success along the way!

In my early years as a teacher, preoccupied and inexperienced with working with a larger group of people, I only had the opportunity to copy my teachers' teaching style. Iyeng's praise looked like he was walking without grumbling. I had the idea that praise would lead to praise to correct his efforts since then in the belief that he could do the exercise now. This stimulates their interest and gives them the pleasure to continue. Aren't they loved like little children? Even in praise, the teacher remains great and the student remains small.

Teacher! What a wonderful word.
It is our life and light and basis.
Shines for us as a guiding star
And leads into the world of new knowledge.

Teacher! What a lofty word!
We repeat it over and over.
Our senior comrade, our sincere friend.
He is the key that opens the fount of science!

You can learn everything in life
Implement many new ideas
But a teacher must be born,
To live on earth for children.

Vedenyapina N.

In addition, praise is largely related to the execution of the outer form. After a few months, someone finally arrives at Trikonasana with knees stretched out, opening the chest well, holding the shoulders and looking up without falling. Obviously, he learned something, maybe he trained intensively at home. But do external abilities say anything about his internal attitude? Isn't it absurd to praise someone for keeping their knees stretched?

On the other hand, however, a friendly tone tends to be conducive to learning. And what a breath it is for some people when they clearly know that they are good to handle with all the fixes and improvements. To hear from a teacher that he is making progress motivated much more than blame for something not yet achieved. Some students need to be "called out" by a somewhat stricter management, while others only allow a gentle approach.

We are incredibly lucky that such a wonderful teacher led us along the difficult path of education! Thank you for everything!

The teacher is picky and strict
And often you "gets"
But every teacher is a little bit God,
who creates you.

And our teacher is our idol,
With which we know the world.

And we will be able to convey to people

Finally done right! And what about praise and/or Iyengar once said that in the early years a teacher should really pay his students because he has learned a lot from them. From the mistakes you see, you learn a lot, even for your own practice. And first, as students can correct, you will learn what words should be used and how lessons should be structured. Therefore, the teacher-teacher is best not only a good look, but also an open ear for the feedback of the participants.

But another student may disagree at the same hour. Therefore, care must be taken when drawing conclusions. It is always and appropriate condition, personality and level of the student to take into account. But expressing gratitude is a beautiful human gesture. When the first time with an almost pure German group was intense in Pune, after a few days of training, the assistant pointed out that we were too sparse with our expressions of gratitude. Finally, the Iyengars are the best yoga teachers in the world. Even the best yoga teachers are just people.

Our teacher is a teacher from God.

Your life is lessons, children,
Your life is patient worries.
We love you like no one else in the world!
And we repeat not for beautiful words: "We love you!"

We are lucky to have such a wonderful teacher for our children! Our children love you so much.

There is no more beautiful profession in the world -
You bring the source of knowledge to children.
And our teacher is our idol,
With which we know the world.
And on this day we want to promise you
That, having risen from school desks,
And we will be able to convey to people
Your work, the warmth of hearts and the search for excitement!

Teaching is not work, but renunciation,
The ability to give everything
Leave for a long feat and torment,
And in this to see the light and grace.
Teaching - when in the eyes of the cold
The dawn of understanding will light up,
And you will understand: you tried not fruitlessly
And knowledge scattered not in vain.
Showered with colored rain of bouquets
And illuminated by the brilliance of hundreds of eyes,
Accept, teacher, not a word of hello,
And part of the soul from grateful us!

Graceful, majestic and playful! You, my teacher, no, I prefer the word "teacher" ... Because in addition to the subject that you masterfully teach us, you show how life should be perceived: with humor, always calmly and with dignity! Almost like in the tasks that you ask us...

Teacher, you are my guide
In the world of complex sciences and knowledge,
You will not know suffering
Not in the future, not in this moment.

You are our favorite class teacher!
Always smile, because your smile is charming. And if the children see you smile, their eyes will shine, and they will smile back at you. You are kind, sympathetic, understanding, beautiful and charming. Stay always like this!

Your subject is interesting for us to study,
It's a shame not to know geography in our time!

You led us on the path of knowledge.
Giving us a lot of strength and mind.
How much effort have you put in?
May we always study well!
You taught us to write beautifully,
Solve problems and behave
Always calm, sensitive, patient
And you managed to find an approach to each.

You are our teacher, but not an easy teacher. With us, you are doing excellent physical education. You are an energetic, cheerful and groovy person!

Strict and affectionate
Wise and sensitive
Those who have gray hair at the temples,
For those who have recently left the walls of the institute,
Those who are considered in the middle years.
To those who told us the secrets of discoveries,
Teaches in work to achieve victories,
To everyone whose proud name is a teacher,
Low bow and warm greetings!

Thank you for sharing wonderful things with us
Believe me, it's not at all wrong.
Teacher's work is needed by everyone and always,
May your years be wonderful!

Bright world of magical countries
You open to us.
Praise, encourage
Don't forget us.

you open for us
English speech warehouse.
And they speak it now
From the Thames to the Andes.

Half the world speaks it
And can we now
In a foreign country, do not become dumb,
Find any door.

Your patience, kindness
The reason for that
That William Shakespeare became dear
Both heart and mind.

Let drama not happen in life
Will find happiness for you!
We wish you the best
And the whole class loves you!

Teacher - three syllables.
Not so much,
And how many skills it contains!
Ability to dream!
Ability to hold on!
The ability to give yourself to work!
Ability to teach!
Ability to create!
The ability to love children selflessly!
Teacher - three syllables.
But what a lot!
And this calling is given to you by God!

Vedenyapina N.

Conversation with elements of training. Beginning classes.

Subject: "Compliments, compliments, compliments..."

Target: Development of human communication skills.

Tasks: 1. Develop the ability to ethically and psychologically competently make comp-


2. Development of the ability to use reference literature.


  1. Introduction by the teacher. Formulation of the problem.
  2. A story about the rules of a compliment.
  3. Practical work in groups.
  4. Summarizing.

Equipment: Poster with the inscription "Do to other people the way you want them to do to you", explanatory dictionaries, computer, recording of B. Okudzhava's song "Let's compliment each other".

Event progress.

Part 1.

B. Okudzhava's song "Let's compliment each other" sounds.

Pupils enter the class and sit in groups: in each group there are no more than five people, one is an Expert (teacher is a game technician). There are only two groups.

Teacher: Today we will learn how to give compliments. But before embarking on this exciting activity, let's clarify what a compliment is. (Children give independent answers, as a rule, very different.)

Teacher: Have representatives from each group go to the reference table and find out how the explanatory dictionaries define a compliment.

Compliment - positive feedback, approval.

Compliment - exaggerated praise expressed out of a desire to show courtesy, to flatter.

Flatter - hypocritically (not from a pure heart) to praise someone in selfish

(self-interested) purposes.

Teacher: So the word "compliment" has a double meaning. What is the difference between these definitions of a compliment?

(Time is given for discussion in groups, then the views of the children are heard.)

Summary of the teacher:The same words can sound both like fair approval and like ridiculous exaggeration. It all depends on

How sincerely a person pronounces them, whether he believes in them or all this was said for selfish purposes in order to achieve something from another person.

Teacher: We have figured out the meaning of the word. Now I suggest you answer the question: why do we need compliments? Is it possible to do without them?

(Time is given to discuss this issue in groups, and then the views of the children are heard.)

Generalizing word:Of course, you can do without compliments, but a correctly made compliment brings joy to both the one who expressed it and his interlocutor.

Each of us has qualities that can be sincerely admired. This is not only external beauty, but also spiritual qualities. Such, for example, as kindness, honesty, fidelity, various abilities, for example, the ability to draw well, amuse the company, read poetry, etc. Do you want your virtues to be noticed and approved by your comrades and even just strangers? We all want it. So you need to follow the golden rule, which we met when we talked about ETIQUETTE:

Do to other people the way you want them to do to you.Admire other people so they can also admire you.

And for this you need to learn how to give compliments correctly!

Part 2.

Teacher: Let's look at the rules of the compliment. (I turn on the computer).

Slide 1. "Sincerity."

What does this word mean? Let's look up its meaning in a dictionary.

Sincere - expressing real feelings and thoughts. In order not to offend your interlocutor, do not praise what you know, i.e. known to be bad. Find something to admire sincerely.

"Without criticism." (The meaning of the word is proposed to be found in the dictionary).

Criticism - analysis, discussion of something in order to make an assessment or reveal shortcomings, a negative judgment about something.

For example, “you are cute, if you could also read without mistakes, you wouldn’t have a price.” This can hardly be considered a compliment, rather an offensive remark addressed to him.

"No offensive additions"

For example, “You have such beautiful teeth, it’s a pity, a hundred false ones!”. This is not a compliment, but a mockery.

"Without irony." (The meaning of the word "irony" is also found in the dictionary).

irony - a subtle sneer.

For example, a remark about a blue blouse: "This blouse suits your complexion so well!"

Praise not the thing, but its owner.

When you see your friend's new jewelry, you should not immediately exclaim: “Wow! What a cool thing! Crazy grandmas worth it! It is better to tell her the following: “You have great taste! You know how to pick up jewelry.

Part 3

We got acquainted with the rules of a compliment, now I suggest you practice putting them into practice. It's time for group work. Your task is to compliment each of your interlocutors. To do this, one of the representatives of the group is selected and each, starting with the expert, gives him a compliment, trying to avoid repetition and following the rules of the compliment, which we have now met (the rules are listed on the computer). Compliance with the rules, as well as discipline, is monitored by Experts.

Group work begins. It is accompanied by a calm life-affirming melody.

Part 4

1. Experts evaluate the work of their group.

2. Reflection: (computer - slide 2)

What did you learn new in class today?

What are your impressions of working in groups?

What turned out to be more pleasant for you: to make a compliment yourself or to hear it from your comrades?

Teacher: One of the great people of the past said: "Every person I meet is superior to me in some way, and in this sense I can learn from him." So let's be sincerely to admire each other, thereby recognizing that each of us has an important role in this world.

(Students leave the class to the sound of B. Okudzhava's song "Let's compliment each other."


1. Carnegie Dale, How to Win Friends and Influence People. 1991.

2. Magazine "Head teacher of elementary school", No. 4, 2006, p. 77 - 81.

3. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 volumes / Ed. Prof. D. Ushakov. - M.: TERRA, 1996.

Primary school teacher at Vereshchaginskaya secondary school:

I think the best compliment to a teacher is our good knowledge and excellent grades. Thank you for that! Thank you for your hard work!

You are a teacher with a capital letter,
With a young and beautiful soul!
How many long years, how many winters
You give your soul to the young!
And so the soul for many years
Staying young is the secret
Of your life. Let her go on
Will be full of happiness and health!

Thanks to you, I began to understand the subject much better.

You are a kind and sympathetic person, a teacher with a capital letter. Thank you for our children!

Dear our teacher!
We really want you to know
How were the roads for us!
We will never forget
Your heartfelt conversations...
Forgive us ... After all, sometimes
We were restless!

You are very interesting in your lessons. Time just flies by unnoticed.

You are not only a wonderful teacher, but also an incredibly kind, patient and infinitely interesting person! We sincerely admire you!

How much knowledge and kindness you give to our children. Thank you from us and our children!

Teacher. With us you year after year
Teach endless lessons.
Doing homework,
Solid unforgettable lines.

We are taught to divide and multiply,
Solve inequalities, examples, equations
comprehend universal laws
And make big decisions.

Give us your warmth and light,
Keep our secrets and secrets
Ready to give advice if needed
We thank you for this!

You teach children with love,
Find an approach to everyone.
So God bless you, good health,
Happy life without adversity.

Even the most inveterate hooligans are not late for your lessons, because the time of your classes flies almost instantly - you talk about your subject so interestingly and enthusiastically! Thank you for awakening our love for science!

Your lessons make me want to go to school. You are a wonderful teacher!

Teaching is a great talent
And he is excellently given to you,
Enjoy your work
Good colleagues and children.

Soul beautiful and very kind,
You are strong in talent and generous in heart.
All your ideas, dreams of beauty,
Lessons, undertakings will not be in vain!
You managed to find the way to the children,
May you have success along the way!

Teacher! What a wonderful word.
It is our life and light and basis.
Shines for us as a guiding star
And leads into the world of new knowledge.

Teacher! What a lofty word!
We repeat it over and over.
Our senior comrade, our sincere friend.
He is the key that opens the fount of science!

You can learn everything in life
Implement many new ideas
But a teacher must be born,
To live on earth for children.

Vedenyapina N.

We are incredibly lucky that such a wonderful teacher led us along the difficult path of education! Thank you for everything!

The teacher is picky and strict
And often you "gets"
But every teacher is a little bit God,
who creates you.

And our teacher is our idol,
With which we know the world.

And we will be able to convey to people

Our teacher is a teacher from God.

Your life is lessons, children,
Your life is patient worries.
We love you like no one else in the world!
And we repeat not for beautiful words: “We love you!”

We are lucky to have such a wonderful teacher for our children! Our children love you so much.

There is no more beautiful profession in the world -
You bring the source of knowledge to children.
And our teacher is our idol,
With which we know the world.
And on this day we want to promise you
That, having risen from school desks,
And we will be able to convey to people
Your work, the warmth of hearts and the search for excitement!

Teaching is not work, but renunciation,
The ability to give everything
Leave for a long feat and torment,
And in this to see the light and grace.
Teaching - when in the eyes of the cold
The dawn of understanding will light up,
And you will understand: you tried not fruitlessly
And knowledge scattered not in vain.
Showered with colored rain of bouquets
And illuminated by the brilliance of hundreds of eyes,
Accept, teacher, not a word of hello,
And part of the soul from grateful us!

Graceful, majestic and playful! You, my teacher, no, I prefer the word "teacher" ... Because in addition to the subject that you masterfully teach us, you show how life should be perceived: with humor, always calmly and with dignity! Almost, as in the tasks that you ask us ...

Teacher, you are my guide
In the world of complex sciences and knowledge,
You will not know suffering
Not in the future, not in this moment.

You are our favorite class teacher!
Always smile, because your smile is charming. And if the children see you smile, their eyes will shine, and they will smile back at you. You are kind, sympathetic, understanding, beautiful and charming. Stay always like this!

Your subject is interesting for us to study,
It's a shame not to know geography in our time!

You led us on the path of knowledge.
Giving us a lot of strength and mind.
How much effort have you put in?
May we always study well!
You taught us to write beautifully,
Solve problems and behave
Always calm, sensitive, patient
And you managed to find an approach to each.

You are our teacher, but not an easy teacher. With us, you are doing excellent physical education. You are an energetic, cheerful and groovy person!

Strict and affectionate
Wise and sensitive
Those who have gray hair at the temples,
For those who have recently left the walls of the institute,
Those who are considered in the middle years.
To those who told us the secrets of discoveries,
Teaches in work to achieve victories,
To everyone whose proud name is a teacher,
Low bow and warm greetings!

Thank you for sharing wonderful things with us
Believe me, it's not at all wrong.
Teacher's work is needed by everyone and always,
May your years be wonderful!

Bright world of magical countries
You open to us.
Praise, encourage
Don't forget us.

you open for us
English speech warehouse.
And they speak it now
From the Thames to the Andes.

Half the world speaks it
And can we now
In a foreign country, do not become dumb,
Find any door.

Your patience, kindness
The reason for that
That William Shakespeare became dear
Both heart and mind.

Let drama not happen in life
Will find happiness for you!
We wish you the best
And the whole class loves you!

Teacher - three syllables.
Not so much,
And how many skills it contains!
Ability to dream!
Ability to hold on!
The ability to give yourself to work!
Ability to teach!
Ability to create!
The ability to love children selflessly!
Teacher - three syllables.
But what a lot!
And this calling is given to you by God!

Vedenyapina N.

Teaching is noble. Without knowledge, the world will freeze. Happy Teacher's Day! Be happy! Do not get sick, do not know grief and always remain the same active, cheerful and slightly dreamy person, because you have the best years and new achievements ahead of you!

Thank you teacher
Let's say now
Appreciates and loves you
Our fervent class.

Accept the lines from the heart,
Live forever in the hearts of the disciples -
Beautiful in soul, brilliant in mind -
Thank you for the school - the second home!

Dear teacher, from the bottom of my heart I want to say a big thank you for your invaluable work and faithful efforts, for your kind heart and sincerity of soul, for your stubborn struggle with the dense forest of ignorance and for your optimism. You help not only to learn something new and important, you inspire strong faith and bright hope, you can always give the right advice and support with a kind word. I wish you many years of successful activity, well-being in life and good health.

teacher first

Everyone has their own

She's good for everyone

But best of all ... Mine!

Eleven years have passed since we came to school. Many of you remember us as very small, unintelligent and so confused. But you patiently taught us, studied with us and made us graduates. And now we want to thank you. And there is no better gratitude for a teacher than the success of his students. We promise you that we will always strive forward, set goals and achieve them. We will achieve great success in life, and you can proudly say: these are my graduates! Thank you for your knowledge passed on to us and for your concern for us.

A bad teacher teaches the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it.

Dear our first teacher, you are a faithful and kind mentor to our children, you are a wonderful and wonderful person, you are an excellent specialist and a wonderful teacher. On behalf of all parents, we want to thank you very much for never leaving any of the children alone with fear and doubt, thank you for your understanding and loyalty, thank you for your hard, but very important work. We wish you not to lose your abilities and strength, we wish you always to achieve success in your work and happiness in life.

You generously gave us your heart,
Dreaming and striving for good helped,
We have become adults, years have flown by -
You are always our favorite teacher!
Thank you for your hard work and great talent!
Let the soul be as it is now, young!
We wish you good luck, kind, sincere words,
Capable and loving students!

Dear our first teacher, on behalf of all your deeply respecting parents, we ask you to accept the words of gratitude for your sensitive and kind heart, for your care and patience, for your efforts and aspirations, for your love and understanding. Thank you very much for our happy, smart and educated children!

Dear first teacher, thank you for the support and knowledge that I received as a student at the very beginning of my life. Thanks to your first lessons, I became who I am. Happy holiday!

Many years ago, you began to teach our daughters and sons to diligently draw sticks and hooks, add and subtract, and read their first books. And now we have adult boys and girls standing before us, beautiful, strong, and most importantly, smart.

Dear and dear teachers, on our graduation party, farewell party with school life, we want to thank you for your love and understanding, sensitivity and help, good advice and true knowledge. We wish you to continue to successfully teach and teach children, diluting the gray everyday life with cheerful and bright colors, interesting ideas and happy emotions.

The first teacher is the person who goes through the first four years of school life with each student. It lays the basic foundation of knowledge, teaches to read and write, introduces the world and creates a worldview in every child's mind.

Today we say goodbye to the school and want to express special gratitude to our first teacher. You taught us to write, read, make friends, respect. You have invested so much effort and labor in each of us, you have spent so much nerves that it is simply impossible to calculate. Your soul is full of kindness and love. You are a true teacher who is dedicated to his work. We want to wish only grateful and diligent students. Low bow to you. We will always be grateful for everything that we received from you!

The first teacher at the graduation ball deserves gratitude no less than the class teacher. As a rule, a lot of warm memories are always associated with the first teacher, only pleasant emotions and something that is associated with a happy childhood.

Our beloved (name of teacher)! We would like to thank you very much for the fact that you were able to spend a lot of your strength, your love and patience on our upbringing. We are grateful to you for teaching us to read, write and be good people. Without you it is difficult to imagine our path in this school. Know that you work and live not in vain. For us, you are the first school mother and a person whom we will respect for the rest of our lives!

It is important to choose only pleasant and suitable words for the first teacher in order to properly thank him for the hard work and motherly love that he invested in children at the first stage of their independent life.

"Thank you" infinite we want to say to you,
Give free rein to these quivering and colorful words.
After all, you are not just our class leader,
You are our faith, our mother, our savior.
Thank you for giving good today,
For so many years in a row, only warmth came from you.
Let nothing spoil your mood today,
We wish you only happiness and luck in the future.

Not everyone can become a teacher, because this is a profession that requires full dedication. Which makes you act not with the mind, but mainly with the heart. This is probably not even a profession, but a long life path that not everyone will be able to go through. And today, on Teacher's Day, we are especially pleased to congratulate all of you, our beloved teachers, on this holiday. I would like to wish you all the very best, good, good. Know neither grief, nor misfortune, nor bad weather! May only happiness come to visit you often. Smile and rejoice because you are so important to us! Happy holiday teachers!

Dear teacher!

We didn't know much at first.
But you could easily explain everything!
Your lessons are always interesting
And we will keep this knowledge!

We wish you good luck, health and happiness!
Let them bring you bouquets of flowers,
And at the beloved school, let them please more often
Answers from diligent students!

Children come to you from kindergarten.
You are the first teacher for us forever.
Classes, holidays, summer pass,
But your love will never be forgotten.
We congratulate you on your holiday, loving, congratulations!
We wish you health, warmth, kindness!
Your work and patience amaze us.
A teacher from God, you are like a mother to us!

For us, it's like a second mom!
The first teacher, you are the guide to life!
After all, we did not know much before school,
And every new moment is important with you!
Thank you for being you, our dear!
Accept these flowers from the heart!
We have become smarter with you and older.
Thank you! Respectfully, kids!

Recently, the first bell rang
And now teacher's day has arrived.
And every junior schoolboy, whoever he could,
Congratulations to our teacher.
For every lesson we've taught,
Which in the memory of a child fuse,
We give you "thank you flower",
May it flourish over the years!

Today is a bright and big holiday, -
It is decorated with foliage in autumn colors.
Thank you dear teacher
What became for all of us the second mother.
You taught us to read and write.
Sometimes they were even very strict.
I want to continue to conquer with us
Excellent knowledge of new roads!

Teacher, you always teach us
Do some good deeds!
On your bright holiday, we heartily,
With love, I send only warm words.
They have respect and warmth,
Recognition, purity and kindness.
Great work - many thanks!
And from children - praise for all ages!

You led us by the hand to the first class,
And we didn't know what was coming next.
Everyone looked at you in fear
But still go forward for knowledge.
Bow to the earth, teacher, to the ground,
What was turned into reality by the children of dreams,
And love us like relatives could!
Flowers from us to you on Teacher's Day!

You are just an ace in your profession!
Love everyone madly kids,
Teach them to write, read, count,
Sculpt, do crafts, draw.
Children are happy to go to school
And we are looking forward to meeting you.
We wish you to continue "Keep it up!"
It is easy to teach science to children!

You give your heart to kids
For them, you are the first guide at school.
Today I wish you good health
Every student desperately wants.
We want it to be easy
So that, like on a holiday, they went to school in the morning!
Fly high in achievements!
Teacher, we bow to you to the ground!

You are used to working in the lower grades,
You can easily find language with children.
They idolize you, well, straight,
And they always rush to the lesson like a bullet.
Thank you dear teacher
For endurance and for your character,
What do you teach the mind-mind of children!
We wish you long, bright days!

Happy Teacher's Day, mother second,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
They love you, appreciate you, respect you
Until one, all the kids.
She gradually taught us everything:
And read, and write, and count.
Opened the doors to a wonderful world for us.
We promise to study for "five"!

Autumn gives us a beautiful day.
Teacher, today is your holiday!
We bring you bouquets of flowers,
And generously pour compliments:
You are not more beautiful in the whole world,
You are in the class, like our mother,
We love you, respect you
We promise to study "super"!

Congratulations on Teacher's Day!
It's hard for you to work, we know
After all, the boys, as well as the girls
Everyone thinks about toys.
Well, they already need to work,
And write, and read, and study.
You will help them in this, we know.
We believe, love and trust you!

Congratulations on Teacher's Day: