Crossword closest to the sun point of the orbit. Aphelion - the closest point to the sun in the orbit of a celestial body moving around the sun most

Perihelion - the point in the orbit of a celestial body revolving around it, distant from the Sun

The main reason for the change of seasons is the tilt of the earth's axis with respect to the plane of the ecliptic. Without axial tilt, the duration of day and night in any place on the Earth would be the same, and during the day the sun would rise above the horizon at the same height throughout the year 66. the fall of the sun's rays and, accordingly, the difference in the flow of heat to the earth's surface, and also affects the unequal length of day and night during the year at all latitudes, except for the equator. On June 22, the earth's axis is facing the northern end of the Sun, and this day is called the summer solstice. The sun's rays fall vertically on the parallel of 23 degrees and 5 minutes north latitude. All parallels north of the equator up to 66 degrees 5 minutes north latitude are consecrated for most of the day, at these latitudes the day is longer than the night. To the north of 66 degrees, the territory is completely sanctified by the Sun and a polar day is observed here. At the same time, polar night dominates at the South Pole. On December 22, the earth's axis is already facing the Sun with its southern end. This day is called the winter solstice, when the sun's rays fall almost vertically on the parallel of 23 degrees 5 minutes south latitude. South of 66 degrees 5 minutes south latitude, a polar day is observed, therefore, in the region of the North Pole - a polar night. March 21 and September 23 are the spring and autumn equinoxes. At this time, both hemispheres are sanctified evenly, the day is equal to the night. The sun's rays fall vertically on the equator.

Seasonal rhythm in nature is associated with the change of seasons. It manifests itself in changes in temperature, air humidity and many other meteorological indicators in the regime of water bodies, in the life of plants and animals. As a result of the annual movement of the Earth and the inclination of its axis of rotation to the plane of the orbit, 5 main zones of illumination appeared on our planet: hot, two moderate and two cold. The sun and moon cause not only tides in the water shell of the Earth, but also on land. Under their influence, even the solid Earth is somewhat lengthened - up to 30 cm. The earth, in turn, stretches the Moon by 40 cm. The mutual position of the Sun and the Moon changes the magnitude of the tides. If the tidal actions of the Sun and the Moon add up (during the full moon and the new moon), then the tides on Earth are large, if they act at right angles when the Moon is in the first or third quarter, but the tides are much smaller. Due to tidal forces, a friction force arises, which slows down the rotation of the Earth around its axis, i.e. lengthening our days.

8) Geographic poles and geographic grid.

geographic pole- the point at which the Earth's axis of rotation intersects the Earth's surface. There are two geographic poles: the North Pole - located in the Arctic (the central part of the Arctic Ocean) and the South Pole - located in Antarctica.

All meridians converge at the geographic pole, so the geographic pole has no longitude. The north pole has a latitude of +90 degrees and the south pole has a latitude of −90 degrees.

There are no cardinal points at the geographic poles. There is no change of day and night at the poles, since the poles do not participate in the daily rotation of the Earth.

GEOGRAPHICAL GRID- a set of meridians and parallels on the theoretically calculated surface of the earth's ellipsoid, ball or globe.

On a globe, a parallel is drawn as a circle, all points of which are equidistant from the equator. The lengths of the parallels are different - they increase when approaching the equator and decrease towards the poles. All points of the same parallel have the same latitude but different longitude. Equator 40075 is the longest parallel. To calculate the length of one degree of the arc of an arbitrary parallel, you can multiply 111.3 km (the length of the arc of the equatorial parallel of 1 degree) by the cosine of the angle corresponding to the desired between the pararels of 111 km

Meridian in geography - half of the line section of the surface of the globe by a plane,

Perihelion (from Peri... and Greek hélios - Sun)

the closest point to the Sun in the orbit of a celestial body moving around the Sun along one of the conic sections - an ellipse, parabola or hyperbola. Due to the action of the perturbing forces of the planets, a change in the position of P. in space occurs. Mercury, the planet closest to the Sun, has been found to move in accordance with the refined law of gravitation, which follows from the general theory of relativity. P.'s distance from the center of the Sun is called the perihelion distance.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


See what "Perihelion" is in other dictionaries:

    Perihelion ... Spelling Dictionary

    The closest point to the sun in the orbit described by any planet or comet. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Pavlenkov F., 1907 a planet or comet is moving; ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - (Perihelium, perihelion) see Apses. Samoilov K.I. Marine Dictionary. M. L .: State Naval Publishing House of the NKVMF of the USSR, 1941 Perihelion is the point in the orbit of a planet, comet or some other ... Marine Dictionary

    - (from peri ... and Greek helios Sun) the closest point to the Sun in the orbit of a celestial body revolving around it. The distance at perihelion between the centers of the Earth and the Sun is 147 million km ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    PERIHELIUM, the closest point to the Sun in the orbit of a celestial body revolving around it, such as a planet, asteroid, comet, or spacecraft. see also APHELIUS; APSE … Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    PERIHELIUM, perihelion, male. (from Greek peri near and helios the sun) (aster). The closest point in the orbit of a planet or comet to the sun; ant. aphelion. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Exist., Number of synonyms: 1 dot (100) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    perihelion- The closest point to the Sun in the orbit of a planet, comet or other celestial body revolving around the Sun ... Geography Dictionary

    I; m. [from Greek. peri around, around and hēlios Sun] Astron. The closest point to the Sun in the orbit of a celestial body revolving around it. * * * perihelion (from peri... and Greek hēlios Sun), the point of the orbit of a celestial body closest to the Sun,… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    Perihelion- (from the Greek peri around, about, near + helios sun) (in astronomy) the closest point to the Sun in the orbit of a celestial body of a planetary system revolving around it. So, for example, the perihelion of the Earth is 147 million km ... Beginnings of modern natural science

    perihelion- perihelis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. perihelion vok. Perihel, n; Perihelium, n; Sonnennähe, f rus. perihelion, m pranc. perihélie, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas

The average time it takes a sunbeam to reach the earth is 498.66 seconds. When the Earth is at the farthest point of its orbit (aphelion) from the Sun, this time increases to 506.94 seconds. At the point of the Earth's orbit closest to the Sun (perihelion), this time is reduced to 490.39 seconds.

How fast is the earth moving in its orbit around the sun?

The Earth moves in a circumsolar orbit at an average speed of 29.79 kilometers per second (107,244 kilometers per hour). At perihelion, its speed increases to 30.29 kilometers per second (109,044 kilometers per hour), at perihelion it decreases to 29.29 kilometers per second (105,444 kilometers per hour). The length of its diameter the Earth flies in 7 minutes.

In which month is the Earth closest to the Sun and in which month is it farthest from it?

The point in the orbit of any planet closest to the Sun is called perihelion, and the farthest point is called aphelion. For the Earth, the distance at perihelion is 147,117,000 kilometers, at aphelion - 152,083,000 kilometers. In the present epoch, our planet passes through perihelion on January 2–5, and through aphelion on July 1–5. By the way, many are surprised to learn that the Earth is closest to the luminary in January, and farthest from it - in July.

Why do the seasons change (winter, spring, summer, autumn)?

Oddly enough, even people with higher education often answer this question incorrectly - most often they refer to a change in the distance from the Earth to the Sun. However, the difference between the distances of our planet to the luminary at aphelion and perihelion is only about 3 percent and does not have any noticeable effect on the change of seasons. The true reason for the change of seasons on Earth is the inclination of the earth's axis to the plane of the earth's orbit (the ecliptic), which is 23 degrees 27 minutes. The sun warms more where the direction of its rays is closer to the vertical. The maximum density of energy (heat) received from the Sun falls on the vicinity of the "subsolar" point of the earth's surface. And this point, due to the above inclination of the earth's axis to the ecliptic, from March to September is located in the Northern Hemisphere, and from September to March - in the Southern.

What are the astronomical seasons and how long are they?

The beginning of the astronomical seasons is taken as the moment of passage of the center of the Sun through the points of equinoxes and solstices. For modern astronomers, spring does not begin on March 1 at all. Astronomical spring is the period from the spring equinox (March 21) to the summer solstice (June 21). Its duration is approximately 92 days 20 hours and 12 minutes. Astronomical summer is the period from the summer solstice (June 21) to the autumnal equinox (September 23). Its duration is approximately 93 days 14 hours and 24 minutes. Astronomical autumn lasts from the autumn equinox (September 23) to the winter solstice (December 22) for 89 days 18 hours and 42 minutes. Astronomical winter lasts for approximately 89 days and 30 minutes - from the winter solstice (December 22) to the spring equinox (March 21).

What are the poles of the world and where are they located?

Even the ancient Egyptians knew that the starry firmament, having done a circular path in 24 hours, returns to its previous position. And that there is one point in the sky, which at the same time remains motionless. Through it passes the axis of rotation of the firmament, or rather, the globe. Today we call this point the North Pole of the World. It almost coincides with the bright star Alpha Ursa Minor, which is why it is called the North Star. The second (opposite to the North Pole of the World) point at which the axis of rotation of the Earth intersects with the celestial sphere is called the South Pole of the World. There are no bright stars in the immediate vicinity of the South Pole of the World. It is located in the constellation Octant. Not participating in the daily rotation of the celestial sphere, the poles of the world, due to precession, slowly move relative to the stars. Their path lies in circles with a radius of about 23.5 angular degrees centered on the pole of the ecliptic. They make a full revolution in 25,770 years. At present, the North Pole of the world is approaching the North Star. In 2102, the distance between them will be only 27.5 arc minutes, and then the celestial pole will begin to move away from the North Star. In 7500 years, this name will rightly be borne by another star - Alderamin (alpha Cephei), and after 13,500 years - Vega (alpha Lyrae). Accordingly, the South Pole of the world also moves.

What shape is our planet?

The earth is not perfectly spherical, but somewhat flattened at the poles. In the first approximation, it is generally accepted that the true shape of our planet is close to a spheroid - a spatial figure obtained by rotating an ellipse around its minor axis. The equatorial radius of this spheroid is 6378.160 kilometers, and the polar one is 6356.774 kilometers; their difference is 21.383 kilometers. If we build a model of the Earth with an equatorial diameter of 1 meter, then the polar diameter will be 997 millimeters. More accurate studies have shown that the earth's equator is also not a circle, but an ellipse. Its major axis is 213 meters longer than its minor axis and is directed to longitude 7 degrees west of Greenwich.

The most accurate geodetic measurements, observations using artificial Earth satellites and gravimetric data have led to a more accurate idea of ​​the shape of the Earth - the geoid (in Greek - earth-like). The geoid is not a regular geometric figure - it is a certain surface, at each point perpendicular to the plumb line (the so-called level surface). It approximately coincides with the surface of the oceans, undisturbed by the tides, mentally extended to the parts of the Earth's surface occupied by the continents (for example, along imaginary channels dug through all the continents from one ocean to another). From the surface of the geoid, the heights of various points on the Earth are measured when indicating the height above sea level and the depth of the sea. The study of the movement of artificial satellites of the Earth made it possible to determine that the south pole of the geoid is 30 meters closer to the center than the north.

από "apo" - from, from (part of a compound word meaning the denial and absence of something), lat. centrum- center) - the points of the orbit of a celestial body - the closest to the central body and the most distant from the central body around which the movement is made.

Sometimes, instead of the word "center", the combination "peri-" ("apo-") + the name of the body around which the rotation occurs (helios - the sun, geo - earth, aster - star, etc.) is used. In these cases, the names are sometimes used:

In the orbits of bodies moving around the Sun (such as planets, asteroids, and comets), the periapsis and apoapsis are called, respectively, perihelion and aphelion.

Perigee and apogee

Disturbing forces cause a change in the position of the perigee in space. So, due to the action of the perturbing force of the Sun, the perigee of the Moon moves in orbit in the same direction as the Moon, making a complete revolution in 8.85 years. The movement of the perigee of artificial satellites of the Earth is mainly due to the difference in the shape of the Earth from the ball, and the magnitude and direction of this movement depend on the inclination of the plane of the satellite's orbit to the plane of the earth's equator.

The distance from perigee to the center of the earth is called perigee distance.

The apogee point is directly opposite to the perigee point, because both of these points are the ends of the line of apsides, and change their position with the change in the position of the line of apsides. Thus, a change in the direction of the line of apogee, for example, of the Moon is directly obtained from a change in the position of the perigee of its orbit. As for the distance of the apogee point, the change in this distance depends on changes in the eccentricity of the lunar orbit and its major axis.

In a figurative sense

Apogee - the highest point, the flowering of something, for example, "the apogee of glory."

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See what "Perihelion" is in other dictionaries:

    Perihelion ... Spelling Dictionary

    The closest point to the sun in the orbit described by any planet or comet. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Pavlenkov F., 1907 a planet or comet is moving; ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - (Perihelium, perihelion) see Apses. Samoilov K.I. Marine Dictionary. M. L .: State Naval Publishing House of the NKVMF of the USSR, 1941 Perihelion is the point in the orbit of a planet, comet or some other ... Marine Dictionary

    - (from peri ... and Greek helios Sun) the closest point to the Sun in the orbit of a celestial body revolving around it. The distance at perihelion between the centers of the Earth and the Sun is 147 million km ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

The Earth in its annual journey around the Sun in the period from January 2-5 passes perihelion - the point of the Earth's orbit closest to the Sun. For a terrestrial observer, these days the Sun will have the largest apparent diameter in the sky (32’32”), although the difference is almost imperceptible and is approximately 3% between the linear dimensions of the Sun at aphelion and perihelion. Earth at perihelion is at a distance of 0.983 AU. from the sun.

The Earth makes a complete revolution around the central luminary in 365 days 6 hours 9 minutes. 10 sec. The Earth moves around the Sun in an elliptical orbit at an average speed of 29.765 km/sec. The point of the Earth's orbit closest to the Sun is called perihelion and is 147117000 km, the farthest - aphelion - 152083000 km (1.0167 AU). Because the Earth is 5 million kilometers closer to the Sun at perihelion than at aphelion, the apparent size of the solar disk at perihelion is larger than at aphelion. This difference is imperceptible to the eye, because disk size change occurs smoothly within six months. Below are for comparison two images of the Sun taken with a telescope and a digital camera during the days of perihelion and aphelion in 2008:

This event does not affect the change of seasons on our home planet. The regular change of seasons is a consequence of the movement of the Earth around the Sun and the tilt of the Earth's axis of rotation to the plane of the orbit, and not at all because of the variable distance between the Earth and the Sun. This event affects the temperature difference in winter and summer in the northern and southern hemispheres of our planet.

As you know, the energy flux from the Sun falling on the Earth varies inversely with the square of the distance. The amount of solar energy reaching the Earth is approximately 6.9% greater at perihelion than at aphelion. At perihelion (early January), the southern hemisphere receives slightly more solar energy than the northern. But the vast area of ​​the water surface in the southern hemisphere absorbs most of the incoming energy, so seasonal temperature fluctuations are smoother than in the northern hemisphere. At the same time, winters in the northern hemisphere are less severe than in the southern, and summers in the northern hemisphere are cooler.

Movement of the Earth around the Sun

With modern parameters of the Earth's orbit, the effect on climate from the inclination of the planet's axis of rotation is more significant than the variable distance of the Earth from the Sun. In the northern hemisphere of the Earth, summer comes, when the north pole of the Earth is illuminated by the Sun, and the south pole of the planet is located in its shadow. At the same time, winter is coming in the southern hemisphere. When it's spring in the northern hemisphere, it's autumn in the southern hemisphere. When it is autumn in the northern hemisphere, it is spring in the southern hemisphere. The seasons in the southern and northern hemispheres are always opposite. Although the months are named the same, that is, for example, February in the northern hemisphere is the last month of winter and the coldest month; in the south - the last month of summer, it is also the warmest.

Seasons (for the northern hemisphere)

The exact date of the passage of the perihelion (it can be found from the Astronomical calendar) varies from year to year, due to the fact that the line of apsides, which coincides with the major axis of the ellipse of the planetary orbit, slowly rotates in the same direction as the Earth itself moves, and the longitude of the perihelion increases at 61.9 "per year. The line of apsides makes a complete revolution in 20934.

Table of nearest dates of perihelion and aphelion of the Earth (UT+0h)
USNO data

Perihelion Aphelios

Currently, Earth's perihelion is around January 2-5, and aphelion is around July 2-5. The speed of the Earth's orbit is not constant: in July it begins to accelerate (after passing aphelion), and in January it starts to slow down again (after passing perihelion).