Mtsko independent diagnostics. National Educational Quality Surveys

MCKO (Moscow Center for the Quality of Education) is an autonomous state institution of additional professional education in Moscow. Created on October 20, 2004 by order of the Government No. 2090.

The purpose of this organization is monitoring, diagnostics of educational institutions; expansion of practical and theoretical tasks related to improving the efficiency of assessing the quality level of students' knowledge, as well as revealing their abilities; identification and training of the most capable representatives of youth; improvement of methods of certification of various educational institutions; preparation and implementation of monitoring studies.

ICCA regularly conducts a number of activities aimed at diagnosing the work of educational institutions. This contributes to the development of secondary schools, technical schools, universities and other similar institutions located in the capital. Thanks to such a system, the government can make more informed decisions on the implementation of reforms in the educational processes, and students receive relevant knowledge and skills necessary for the further development of professionalism.

Types of diagnostics

In the period from 2017 to 2018, the MCCS plans to conduct a number of mandatory diagnostics of the following types:

  • compulsory diagnostics (grades 4-8, 10);
  • corrective (9, 10, 11 classes);
  • in general education subjects studied at a deep level for educational institutions participating in certain projects (medicine, engineering, cadet class);
  • in vocational educational institutions that participate in the project for the organization of profile and pre-profile training in accordance with the main general education programs.


The schedule of mandatory diagnostics for the 2017-2018 academic year is presented in the table:

the date Class Subject Conduct form
October 129 Mathsblank
the 25th of October9 Russian languageblank
November 1610 Russian languageblank
November 235-8, 10 by drawRussian language, Mathematics, Foreign language, Literature (6-8, grade 10) or history, Geography (grade 6-8), Physics (grade 8.10), Biology (grade 7-8, grade 10), Social science 10 cells. By lottery 3 days before diagnosiscomputer
November 30th11 Mathsblank
5th of December10 Mathsblank
December 13th11 Elective subject: social studies, history, physics, biology, chemistry, informaticsBlank
January 1811 Russian languageBlank
February 279 and 10Diagnostics of reading literacyBlank
March 19 Foreign languageIn the OGE format
March 15th4-8, 10 by drawRussian language, Mathematics (4-8,10), The world around us, Biology (5-8, 10), Geography (5-7, grade 10), Social studies (6-8, 10), Music (6), Physics ( 7-8, 10), Literature (6-8, 10), Chemistry (8.10), Physical education (7), Information technology, Life safety (8), Computer science (10) The subject and class are determined 3 days before the diagnosisComputer
April 2410 engineeringMaths
25th of April10 and 11AstronomyComputer
May 1510 EngineeringPhysicsComputer form with execution on task forms with a detailed answer


There are types of optional diagnostics. These include:

  • in educational organizations that participate in the Effective Primary School project;
  • thematic;
  • metasubject;
  • subject.

A detailed schedule of diagnostic activities conducted by the Moscow Center for the Quality of Education can be.

For extrabudgetary educational institutions

For these institutions, the ICCS offers 2 types of diagnostics: independent and within the framework of the ICMS. A detailed schedule of independents is presented in the following table:

the date Subject Class
November 29, 2017English language5
English language8
Meta Item Skills10
December 5, 2017Meta Item Skills4
December 13, 2017Russian language4
January 23, 2018Informatics9
Social science9
January 31, 2018Biology9
February 1, 2018Russian language7
Russian language8
February 13, 2018Maths7
Russian language6
March 22, 2018Information Technology6
March 28, 2018Geography7
March 29, 2018Geography6
April 25, 2018Social science8
Social science10

The schedule of diagnostics within the framework of the IMCO is presented in the table below.


There are 2 stages of application. The first stage (from September to November 2017) has already passed, but the second stage (from December to February 2017-2018) is still relevant. The application can be submitted on the official website of the MCKO and in the personal account of the school.

Presentation video clip about MCCS:

Certification of the Moscow Center for Educational Quality (MCQE) is carried out to establish the level of qualification of a teacher, in accordance with the requirements of the qualification category - the first or highest.

Main objectives of the assessment

The noted method of assessing the knowledge and skills of teachers has a number of main tasks.

1. Improving the quality of pedagogical work and its effectiveness.

2. Determining the need for further certification in order to improve the skills of teaching staff.

3. Stimulating the continuous improvement of the level of knowledge of teachers, their professional growth and methodological culture, with the help of modern technologies.

4. Taking into account the requirements of the CSF standards for the conditions for the implementation of educational programs, during the preparation of the personnel list of any educational institution.

5. Finding the prospect of using the main opportunities among workers in the educational sector.

6. Ensuring the proper level of payment for all participants in the certification.

MCEC certification 2017–2018, monitoring and diagnostics of which provides an opportunity for employees of educational institutions to improve the quality of education, will 100% contribute to their successful development.

Webinars and courses

At the moment, we can already say that in the near future, a webinar will be held on the basis of the ICAC especially for teachers, the main task of which is to study and further use independent diagnostics to identify students' knowledge. The marked event will run from January to May 2018. To learn more about the announced opportunity, you should use the online webinar service, which will help you learn useful and important information without leaving your home.

1. Detailed consideration, as well as the study of all the actions necessary for registration on the diagnostics of the 3rd stage.

2. For students in grades 4-7, such a diagnosis is considered mandatory.

3. The senior link, or rather, the 10th grade, will take part in the survey only in accordance with a strictly marked direction. We are talking about specialized training in professional educational organizations, engineering and medical classes.

4. Studying the features of conducting such thematic work, such as, for example, a healthy lifestyle. It is worth noting that the announced topic is mandatory for any Russian school.

A participant in such a meeting or webinar can be a deputy director, or a primary or secondary teacher of a general education institution.

Diagnostics and monitoring

Now the MCCS carries out a variety of diagnostics of an independent type, to assess the knowledge of teachers and their pupils. Such an order came from the Department of Education of the Russian Federation.

The described work is carried out through three stages, each of which is characterized by a number of personal characteristics. True, before proceeding with diagnostic and control work in different cities, local acts will have to be prepared in advance. In the light of such information, it becomes clear that the primary task of the administration of all schools is the planning of diagnostic measures, with the choice of their optimal number.

Stage number 1. Apply to participate in events. Registration of participants continues throughout the autumn. For a more efficient process, it is better to familiarize applicants with the information necessary for the webinar in advance, as well as adjust the mandatory diagnostics for students in grades 9 and 10 in Russian language and mathematics. To date, a webinar with the history of Russia in grade 10 is available.

Stage number 2. Submission of an application in the second level of diagnostics, taking place from December to the end of February.

Stage number 3. Apply for the opportunity to participate in the final stage of the event, which takes place from March to April.

Primary school diagnostics

If we take into account the initial link of training, a number of diagnostics and monitoring are provided for it. All of them will be held at a certain time, indicated on the ICCS website. For example, in mathematics for grade 4, the planned diagnostics of teachers will take place on April 13, 2018. But why was this discipline chosen for evaluation? What criteria were used for the final selection? Everything is very simple! The choice of the subject is carried out through a draw, which for the next year will take place in March at a conference call of the Department of Education of the Russian Federation.

The MCKO certification of 2017-2018, or rather, an autonomous state institution that conducts such diagnostics, plans to create all conditions for the further organization of various monitorings, according to the current applications of educational organizations, in the announced time period. We are talking about the education of children on an extrabudgetary basis.

Work related to the creation of diagnostic data, verification or processing of the result, as well as the preparation of special kits and payment for the work of independent observers, is carried out at the expense of the educational organization that submits the application. It is necessary to remember about the marked feature.

ICCA certification in 2017-2018 is a process designed for absolutely all educational workers, including various webinars and methods with which you can easily and simply improve the quality of your self-development. What else does it give? First of all, this means a transition to a completely new level and a stage of education in the state, which will become better and more efficient.

Webinars and courses.

At present, it is already officially known that various webinars will be held on the basis of the Moscow Center for the Quality of Education. What is the main goal of these webinars? Of course, this is acquaintance, study, application of diagnostics of students' achievements.

In the event that this information is of interest to you, now you can use the services of webinars in real time via the Internet.

What does it give? First of all, anyone can get useful and necessary information through the network, sitting at home at the computer.

With regard to these courses and webinars, the following most significant and important points can be noted and listed.

  • First, these courses will cover all of the steps required to register for Level 3 diagnostics.
  • Secondly, for students in grades 4 and 7, this type of monitoring will become mandatory.
  • Thirdly, for senior students, that is, grade 10, diagnostics will be carried out in a strictly indicated direction. What are these directions? Training in professional organizations, engineering class, medical class.
  • Fourthly, a detailed and detailed study of all the nuances and aspects associated with the implementation of the "Healthy Lifestyle" screening work. Why this topic? It's simple, since it is this topic that is considered one of the list of mandatory for each educational institution.

It is also worth noting that teachers of secondary and primary levels of a comprehensive school and even deputy directors can also become participants in these webinars and courses.

Monitoring and diagnostics.

The Moscow Center for the Quality of Education also carries out a variety of diagnostics and monitoring of the educational achievements of students. Just such an order was received relatively recently from the Department of Education of the Russian Federation.

What is the essence of this work? According to the new established rules, all activities and work should be carried out directly in 3 main stages, each of which has its own characteristics and rules of conduct. Remember that before starting various diagnostics and monitoring, you should prepare the necessary local acts. What activities are carried out at each stage.

  • Stage 1. Submit an application about the desire to take part in the event, which in turn is directly part of the first stage. All events are scheduled for the beginning of the year and will continue until the end. To obtain better results, it is necessary to carefully and thoroughly familiarize students in grades 9 and 11 with all the necessary webinar materials before starting. The list of subjects for which all webinars will be held includes Russian language, mathematics, history of Russia for grade 10.
  • Stage 2. Apply for participation in the next stage of diagnostics, which is scheduled until the end of February.
  • Stage 3. Submission of an application for participation in all activities of the final stage of diagnostics, which is scheduled for the period from March to April.

Also, the diagnostics will also affect the initial link, but at this stage, each form will be held strictly and specifically. designated place for this. For example, a diagnosis in a subject such as mathematics for students in grade 4 is scheduled for April 14th. The question arises - why such a time, and by what parameter were the dates assigned? The answer is simple, the choice of dates was carried out in the process of a draw specially conducted by the Department of Education of the Russian Federation.

From everything, we can conclude that the MCCS of the Russian Federation for 2017-2018 has planned a large list of a wide variety of activities aimed at improving and testing the quality of knowledge of students at absolutely every link and stage of the educational process, in which anyone can take part. All this work is fully paid for by the educational organization that applies for participation. First of all, this concerns the preparation of specially compiled sets, the creation of the necessary diagnostic information, the processing and verification of the results of the test, as well as the implementation of the work of independent observers. All detailed information can be obtained on the official website of the MCCS.

The Moscow Center for the Quality of Education conducts a large number of inspections of educational institutions every year in order to control the effectiveness of education and identify gaps in the educational process.

The most qualitative are independent diagnostics of educational institutions. They are also the most popular.

Each school has its own internal monitoring of the quality of the educational process. All tasks (dictations, tests) are prepared by the teachers of this school, they also check.

As a result, a subjective assessment is created, which can sometimes differ from the actual picture.

Independent assessments make it possible to create an objective situation at the current moment, and also allow you to compare the successes of students from one educational institution in comparison with another.

Analysis of the identified errors allows you to quickly, timely adjust the educational process, eliminating all shortcomings.

Schools decide on their own which diagnostics to sign up for and how many classes will take part.

The administration has the opportunity to pre-select the time, since all diagnostics are carried out according to the annual plan.

Unfortunately, very often there are such situations that schools expose only one, the best class for diagnostics.

In this way, they try to put their school with the best result.

But here you need to understand that diagnostics is not a competition, but a tool to help the quality of the educational process.

First of all, such checks are needed by the schools themselves, and not by the center for the quality of education.

In addition, it is possible not to save data in the school portfolio. Within two weeks, the school can analyze the results and make a request to the MCCS for non-saving them.

This opportunity is especially important for teachers who will soon be undergoing certification for a category upgrade, which necessarily takes into account the assessment of the performance of the class in which they teach.

Parents can see in their personal accounts information about which subject the diagnostics are scheduled for and when. This way they can help their child get ready.

Running Diagnostic Tests

Diagnostics is a paid service. Therefore, if there are problems at the school on the day of the appointment of the test, and they ask to cancel it, then the re-diagnosis will have to be paid again.

First of all, you need to understand that information on the assigned diagnostics appears on the official website of the MCCS a month before its appointment. There is also a demo.

The teacher must be familiar with all materials. The next step is to prepare the students. One of the points of preparation is filling out the answer forms.

Absolutely all students, before the test, must clearly understand how to fill out the form correctly.

This is very important so that there are no stupid mistakes. Instructional and methodological materials appear on the site, available to teachers and schoolchildren, as well as webinars, the schedule of which is in the “monitoring and diagnostics” section (this section will be discussed below).

Webinars are good because in addition to receiving information, there is an opportunity to ask all your questions online and get full answers to them.

After the verification, the results will be uploaded to the school's personal accounts. They can be analyzed and corrected by the teacher.

The results of the check can be recognized as unreliable if violations were found during the conduct (according to independent experts) or a large number of corrections were made in the student response forms.

Official website of the ICCS

All information about monitoring and diagnostics is available on the official website of the Moscow Center for Educational Quality.

It can be found in three sections:

  • "Leaders".
  • "Educators".
  • "To the parents."

But in all cases, there will be a transfer to the page - "For managers" - "Monitoring and diagnostics".

This section contains basic information and links to specific types of checks.

The main information contains data on contacts, stages of diagnostics, links to instructive and methodological materials, information about each subject diagnostics.

Types of checks:

  1. National Educational Quality Surveys
  2. International comparative studies of the quality of education
  3. Computer diagnostics
  4. Fundamentals of economic knowledge

National Educational Quality Surveys

When you open this section, information about three types of assessment appears:

  • All-Russian verification work;
  • National Studies on the Quality of Education;
  • Study of teachers' competencies.

All-Russian verification work has been carried out since 2015 in order to ensure the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation and support the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

In fact, these are tests for individual assessment of students. In general, there is an objective analysis of the quality of education at the intermediate stages of education, and not at the end of the year.

When carrying out such work, uniform standards for conducting, checking and evaluating in all regions of the Russian Federation are used, they are set out in the procedure for conducting the VRP.

External participants, most often from among parents, are invited during the conduction as independent observers.

National studies of the quality of education - conducted since 2014. The NIKO program is individual research projects on specific subjects at a specific time.

Projects - work on academic subjects, questioning students and collecting information about the learning process.

The purpose of NIKO is to identify students' subject and interdisciplinary skills and the formation of learning activities.

NIKOs are held strictly according to the schedule, anonymously, there is no link to the data of the students. The sampling of educational institutions takes place at the federal level by the program.

The results are used to assess the quality of the education system as a whole, not the performance of a particular school or its teachers. These checks are carried out annually, and the results are discussed at conferences to assess the quality of education.

The study of teachers' competencies has been conducted since 2015. The initiators of such inspections are the Federal Service for Supervision and Control in Education (Rosobrnadzor).

The goal is to evaluate and match teachers with the position and category.

Only professionals who every day strive for self-improvement and improvement of their competencies should be engaged in the education of schoolchildren.

At the moment, there are no uniform mechanisms for the Russian Federation to ensure the quality of teachers' work. This type of assessment is aimed precisely at achieving unity in this problem.

The essence of the ICU is the anonymous filling of questionnaires with professional and sociological questions. The results are used to polish the education system, not to evaluate a particular school and its staff.

International comparative studies of the quality of education

It provides information on research at the international level, a comparison of education systems from different countries in order to identify gaps in the Russian system, taking innovations from other countries.

This section includes several programs:

  • International comparative study "Studying the quality of reading and understanding of the text" PIRLS - a comparison of the level of reading and understanding of the text by primary school students in different countries of the world. Research is needed to understand the differences and effectiveness of different education systems. They have been held every 5 years since 2001.
  • The international program for assessing the educational achievements of students PISA is an assessment of the educational achievements of students who have reached the age of fifteen. Within the framework of this study, the knowledge and skills acquired in life are assessed in three areas - "reading literacy", "mathematical literacy", "science literacy". They are held every 3 years, starting from the year 200.
  • The international program for assessing the educational achievements of students PISA based Test for Schools is an addition to the previous program. Answers to the same questions but in order to identify the readiness of students to fully function in society.
  • The TIMSS Benchmarking Study on the Quality of General Education is a comparative assessment of fourth and eighth grade students' preparation in mathematics and science. It has been held every 4 years since 1995.
  • Comparative study of the quality of general education TIMSS - Ad Advanced - a study of the preparation of high school graduates who study in depth mathematics and physics. These two subjects are priority in terms of intellectual preparation of students. Such studies were carried out in 1995, 2008 and 2015.
  • International Study of Computer and Information Literacy ICILS is a study of students' knowledge, skills and abilities in computer and information literacy. Eighth grade students are assessed. The study was conducted in 2013, the next one is planned for 2018.
  • International study on civic education in the 8th grade of general educational institutions ICCS - assesses the readiness of schoolchildren to become citizens of their country, their attitude to their civic duty. Research has been carried out since 1999.
  • TEDS-M is an international study on the study of teacher education systems and the assessment of the quality of teacher training in primary and secondary schools in mathematics - was conducted in 2008. In addition to current teachers, students of higher educational institutions - future teachers - took part in the study.
  • An international study of teaching and learning systems was conducted with the aim of tracing the school environment, the conditions in which teachers work. Research has been carried out since 2008.

In this section, a small material is given about each program, which describes the process of implementation and the results obtained. A link to the source is also given, which the user can consult if necessary.

Computer diagnostics

When opening this section, it is proposed to pass training tests in subjects. Anyone can take advantage of this opportunity. It is very important to test your knowledge before independent diagnostics. Each user has his own password and login, which indicates the confidentiality of information.

Fundamentals of economic knowledge

If you select this section, the system offers to solve a demonstration test on financial literacy. In today's world it is very important to be financially literate.

The banking sector, as well as economic life in general, is developing.

Now financial services are available, including to schoolchildren from 14 years old. At this age, they can already open accounts (naturally, with the consent of their parents or their representatives), use bank cards, and open deposits.

Therefore, everyone should have the basics of knowledge in order to properly manage funds and prevent financial fraud.

Monitoring and diagnostics is a very important activity of the Moscow Center for Educational Quality.

Thanks to him, the teaching staff of schools can timely monitor the gaps in their educational process and effectively eliminate them.

Despite the fact that the service is paid, its significance is great and undeniable. That is why all schools, without exception, use independent diagnostics.

Pedagogical assessment or ICAC certification 2017-2018 webinars and courses, monitoring and diagnostics will be carried out in several stages on the same basis. Any interested teacher will be able not only to improve their own level of qualification, but to test their experience.

There are two types of assessment: voluntary and mandatory. The first type provides for the certification of any willing teachers who have just started work or are on maternity leave. In the second case, absolutely all teachers of the country, including those from higher educational institutions, are called for testing.

Assessment Highlights

Last year, a decision was made to conduct intermediate examinations of teachers' knowledge once every five years. In other words, next year specialists who were certified in 2013 and turned out to be professionally suitable for conducting classes in schools and other educational institutions will be involved in the mandatory assessment.

Note! Those teachers who, for some unknown reason, have not been at the workplace for the past four months, as well as those who have started the profession within one year, will not pass the mandatory certification.

The principle of assessment

The certification in the coming year will be carried out similarly to the previous ones on the appointed day. In order to pass the test, a willing teacher must submit an appropriate application to the educational authority indicating his category of professionalism and the discipline in which he specializes.

Participants will be accepted for voluntary certification if two years have passed since the last one, for mandatory certification if the teacher was evaluated five years ago.

The knowledge test will be carried out on a day to be determined by the commission. It will include authorized persons: the chairman, his deputy and the secretary. The document for participation must be submitted in advance so that confirmation can come that the teacher has been accepted for the qualification test. Time for the duration of certification of a teacher is allotted individually, in any case, it does not exceed two months.

A special commission can also be created to re-evaluate the teacher, and if the results are satisfactory for the teacher, he has every right to apply to his management with a supporting document with a demand to increase wages.

It is worth noting some nuances. A lot of teachers of educational institutions want to test their own level of knowledge in order to move up the career ladder. It should be explained that this type of self-assertion occurs on a voluntary basis. All data and parameters of the upcoming certification in 2018 are similar to those that took place earlier. Perhaps by the end of 2017 some adjustments will be made to the project.