Name the main types of possible extreme situations in nature. Basic rules of behavior in an emergency situation

Introduction to sewing. Sewing safety. PURPOSE OF THE LESSON: Acquaintance of children with tools, materials and safety precautions when sewing. Acquisition of primary skills in working with a needle and thread. Tasks: develop horizons, fine motor skills; 2) to form the ability to work with tools and materials for sewing; 3) teach safety rules when sewing; 4) teach how to thread a needle, make a knot. Author: Vasilieva E.A.

Rules of conduct in the classes of the circle "Needlework workshop". You can enter and leave the classroom only with the permission of the teacher. The student must take his seat. You can change it only with the permission of the teacher. Prepare tools and materials. Begin work with the permission of the teacher. After finishing work, put the tools in the place provided for this and clean your workplace. In case of injury, contact your teacher immediately!

Sewing is the fastening of fabric parts with a needle and thread. Without an ax - not a carpenter, without a needle - not a tailor. On the loom her weaver, She will create for us from threads, The seller will measure her, And the cutter will cut her. So we sewed a new thing, What a beauty - look! For very different clothes We need, of course, ………. Riddle: Proverb:

Show and name sewing tools and materials. needles scissors thimble pins needle threader buttons buttons thread box for needlework fabrics

What are the dangers when sewing? When working without a thimble, you can prick your fingers with needles and pins. If you handle scissors carelessly, you can cut yourself. If you take a needle in your mouth, you can swallow it. If you bite off the threads with your teeth, you can injure your mouth and damage your teeth. If you stick a needle into clothes, you can prick yourself. If you prick with a rusty needle, blood poisoning is possible. With the loss of needles and pins, the consequences are unpredictable and very dangerous!

Safety rules for working with scissors Store scissors in a certain place - in a stand or a working box. Putting scissors with closed blades from the worker. When passing scissors, hold them by closed blades. Use well-adjusted and sharpened scissors. Do not leave scissors with open blades. Monitor the movement and position of the blades during operation. Use scissors only for their intended purpose.

Store the needles in a pillow or needle case, wrapping them with a thread. Store pins in a box with a tight-fitting lid. Do not throw a broken needle, but put it in a box specially designated for this. Know the number of needles and pins taken for work. At the end of the work, check their presence. During operation, stick needles and pins into the pillow, do not take them into your mouth, do not stick them into clothes and other objects. Do not sew with a rusty needle. It does not fit well into the fabric and can break. Attach the patterns to the fabric with the sharp ends of the pins away from you so as not to prick. Sew only with a thimble. Do not leave pins and needles in the finished product. Safety rules for working with needles and pins

What safety rules did the dressmaker violate? All day today I sew, I dress the whole family. Wait a bit, cat, - There will be clothes for you too. GAME MINUTE

Prepare a needle and thread for sewing Take a spool of cotton thread. Two ways to correctly measure the length of the thread. How to thread a needle. Hold the needle between the thumb and forefinger of your non-dominant hand with the eye of the needle facing you. Insert the thread into the eye. Pull the thread through the eyelet to form a hanging tail of about 10 cm. This prevents the thread from slipping out of the needle while sewing. Take a needle whose eye is the same size as the thickness of the thread used. Measure the thread and cut it with scissors. We twist the cut end between the fingers - “roll up”.

Take the end of the thread in your right hand between your thumb and forefinger. Wrap it twice, not very tight, on the index finger of your left hand, holding it with your thumb (a). Twist the resulting turns a little between the index and thumb, gradually remove them from the finger, while pulling the thread (b). How to tie a knot at the end of a thread. Difficult? Need to practice! Hooray! HAPPENED! How to store a needle and thread? In a needle bed, wrapping a thread around a needle.

And now let's put everything in the needlework box! Lesson completed. Thank you for your work.

Literature, Internet resources: Kargina Z.A. “A practical guide for a teacher of additional education” M: School press, 2006. G. I. Pereverten “Homemade textile materials” Publishing house: “Prosveshchenie”, 1990, 160 pages http : // tkani_i_voloknistye_materialy / pravila_tehniki_ bezopasnosti / rabota_s_tkanu / podgotovka_k_rabote / tkani_i_voloknistye_materialy / instrumenty_i_ prisposobleniya / http ://

In the section on the question Give examples of extreme situations in natural conditions and name their causes? given by the author compound the best answer is Natural hazards and disasters by nature
phenomena are divided into types, which, in turn, into types.
Consider the classification of these phenomena.
Geophysical include earthquakes, seaquakes and
volcanic eruptions, etc.
Geological, which include landslides, mudflows, landslides and talus,
avalanches (both ground and snow), slope washouts, subsidence
loess rocks, karst phenomena, accompanied by a failure of the earth
surface, etc.
Meteorological: they include storms (9–11 points), hurricanes (12–
15 points), tornadoes and tornadoes, squalls, vertical whirlwinds, large hail,
showers, heavy blizzards and snowfall, severe frost and ice, frosts,
heavy fog, intense heat, dry wind, drought, etc.
Hydrological (sea and river) include typhoons
(tropical cyclones), tsunamis, seaquakes, strong level fluctuations
sea, pressure and intense drift of ice, etc. - marine; flood-
floods, rain floods, low water levels, early ice
tav and others - river.
Hydrogeological: low groundwater level; high uro-
groundwater wreath, etc.
Natural fires are divided into forest, steppe, peat
(surface) and underground fires of fossil fuels.
Infectious diseases that can be single,
epidemic and pandemic nature (for more details, see section
le "Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge").
Mass destruction of farm animals and

Answer from Instrumentation[newbie]
An extreme situation is a situation that differs from normal life and is fraught with danger to a person.

Answer from Oleg Tyush[newbie]
change in climatic and geographical conditions; a sharp change in natural conditions; diseases or damage to the human body requiring extreme medical care; forced autonomous existence.

Extreme situations in natural conditions

In an extreme situation in natural conditions, a person or a group of people are forced to lead an autonomous existence.

autonomous existence- this is the existence of one person or a group of people who, by chance, find themselves in a critical situation, one on one with nature.

It may be related to the nature of the profession, which involves working in natural conditions, such as geologists, geophysicists, prospecting drillers, oil workers, hydrologists, etc. Currently, these specialists work on a rotational basis, i.е. by shifts in 15-30 days. The shift method is used to save financial resources - while it is not necessary to build expensive settlements with all the infrastructure. The autonomous existence of people of the above professions is voluntary, and they prepare for it in advance.

It is very difficult and very difficult to have a forced autonomous existence, when one on one with nature happens by accident, usually in vehicle accidents, people who are not prepared for such moments of life.

In both types of autonomous existence, the main task is to survive, for which it is necessary to suppress fear, provide mutual assistance (self-help), save property and equipment, prepare temporary shelter, analyze the situation (establish communication, navigate, develop a survival plan), get food and water, prepare signal means.

An important condition for survival in conditions of autonomous existence is the actions of a person or a group of people to preserve life and health.

The first action is building shelters. An awning, raincoat, snow pits and caves, a hut made of branches and other auxiliary means can serve as temporary shelter. A fire is made next to the shelter for cooking, heating, drying clothes.

Bonfire types: node, star, hut, well, etc. Dry branches stacked in a heap in the form of a hut flare up best of all. Fire can be made with the help of bast, roots of dry trees and sticks or twine, but stone-to-stone blows give a spark best of all (the stone must be a fragment of granite, since the stones of the Cretaceous deposits are soft, they do not give a spark). A spark can be obtained by striking steel on steel or hard stone on steel.

When making a fire, it is necessary to take measures to prevent a fire, for this it must be planted on a prepared, cleaned area, away from trees (especially dry ones) and preferably in an elevated, open place.

Under such conditions, the fire is easier to detect from flying planes, helicopters, and even from special-purpose satellites (part of the international rescue system in case of accidents on water and land).

In order for the fire to be detected from the air, it is necessary to smoke the fire by throwing damp branches with leaves (or needles) or green grass into the blazing fire. It should also be taken into account that in good, clear and calm weather, the smoke from the fire rises in a column and in the presence of wind at a height (even weak), the smoke "falls down". If the weather is cloudy, with a slight wind, then the smoke from the fire will "lie down" immediately and spread above the ground. In the case of cloudy, calm weather, smoke will spread around the fire, creating very unpleasant moments for the person or people around the fire - it will start to "eat" the eyes, and they will water.

Under such conditions, carbon monoxide poisoning and combustion products (components) can be obtained. When birch burns, for example, black smoke comes out, especially from large, thick branches, but birch gives a lot of heat, its firebrands smolder for a long time. This also applies to other hardwoods - oak, maple, larch, etc. Linden, aspen, spruce, pine burn quickly, give less heat, and firebrands burn out quickly. From linden, it is good to use bast (bast) - the bark of the lower layer. From the linden (both dry and raw), the bark lags behind better than from other species, and it departs along the trunk, and across the birch (the so-called birch bark).

Considering all of the above, the fire must be lit on an elevated place or on a slope, then the smoke from the fire will not "circle" around it, creating inconvenience for you in cloudy calm weather, but descending down the slope.

To provide food, suppress hunger, young branches and leaves of trees (linden, hazel, etc.), shrubs, and plants (only non-poisonous) can be used as food. Poisonous plants include henbane, hemlock, wolfberry, wolf's bast, crow's eye, etc. Many berries have medicinal properties, like plants, you just need to know which ones. Poisonous berries and plants can cause severe poisoning.

To quench your thirst (drink water), you can also use non-poisonous plants with succulent leaves and berries, as well as young tree branches. This is in the absence of reserves and natural sources of water - springs, springs, rivers, lakes, ponds, as well as precipitation (rain, snow, dew, frost, ice). The search for water can be carried out with the help of a vine, a bioframe, the presence of damp soil and lush, lush vegetation. Water disinfection is carried out using filters, silver, pantocide tablets (1-2 tablets per 1 liter of water, hold for 30 minutes), iodine (8-10 drops per 1 liter), by boiling.

For food, you can use young edible mushrooms, after frying them over a fire or coals, shish kebab-type firebrands, stringing them on a raw branch. By the way, you can get hot vitamin tea from raw large branches. To do this, it is necessary to keep raw branches obliquely above the fire - the thick end of the branch is above the fire, and the thin end is over any container - a mug, cup or an ordinary plastic bag. From under the bark of a damp branch, water will stand out and flow down. For this purpose, softwood trees are better suited - linden, willow, willow and willow. Willow, willow and willow give the most water. If willow, willow and willow grow, this is the first sign of the close occurrence of groundwater.

If, when looking for mushrooms, you come across poisonous ones (fly agaric, chanterelles, honey agarics (false - both species), pale grebes), do not pluck them - they are eaten by forest animals (elk, deer eat fly agaric in small quantities (obviously, for the treatment of worms)) .

If there are water bodies at the accident site (river, lake), then you can organize fishing with the help of branches - a rod made of wood bast, and use a button, a pin, any shiny small object as a spinner.

For hunting birds, you can make a trap from branches or bast - a cage with a slamming "door".

natural dressing material(in case of injury in the event of a vehicle accident) are moss, dry grass, finely cut thin bast of linden, birch, willow, willow, willow, etc.

If the nearest settlements, roads and rivers are far away, then you need to settle down thoroughly, and immediately after making a fire or several fires, lay out tree branches SOS sign, and if there is snow, then trample the SOS sign and mark it with branches.

At night, several bonfires (smokeless and fire) are used, also arranged in the form of an SOS sign.

In the presence of PSND signal cartridges, cartridges with bright orange smoke are used during the day, and at night - with bright crimson fire.

If there is no clearing, then a bush is cut down (breaks out) in the form of an SOS sign.

The size of the signs should be of the order of 6 × 1 m - 6 × 1.5 m; in the steps of an adult, this would be approximately 7 × 2 steps or 7 × 3 steps.

The sign can be laid out from pieces of yellow or orange matter - they are clearly visible from afar.

In the case of movement in the direction of a settlement or road (highway), you must be able to navigate the terrain. In the Northern Hemisphere, the direction to the north can be determined by standing at noon with your back to the sun (at noon - the sun is at its zenith). The shadow will indicate the direction to the north, the west will be on the left, the east on the right. Local noon can be determined using a vertical pole 0.5-1 m long by the smallest length of its shadow on the surface of the earth.

It must be remembered that at 6-7 o'clock in the morning the sun is in the east, and at 7 o'clock in the evening in the west (depending on the time of year and the location of the sun will be somewhat different, for example, sunrise in summer is at 5 am, and sunset is at 8-9 pm).

The direction to the south can be determined by a large accumulation (influx) of resin on the side of the coniferous tree trunk corresponding to the south. In ravines, snow melts faster on the southern slopes. The growth rings are wider on the stumps on the south side, the moss grows more on the north side of the tree. You can also determine the south and north by anthills, the sloping side of which is facing south. Mushrooms usually grow on the north side of the tree. After orienting on the terrain and determining your location, you should choose an exit route to a settlement or a highway.

When moving and crossing frozen water bodies, you must be extremely careful, since the thickness of the ice in the lake (especially on the river) is uneven along the edges and in the middle places.

On a lake, the ice may be thinner over springs that bounce out of the ground, and on a river, the ice may be thinner over a fast current.

Passing through frozen reservoirs is allowed in winter with an ice thickness of 4-5 cm, in autumn and spring - not less than 10 cm. Transparent ice with a bluish or greenish tint is the most durable, white-matte with yellowness is less reliable, loose, porous ice is extremely dangerous.

In order not to fall through the ice when moving and crossing, you should consider and do the following:

1) if the ice under you cracked or began to break, quickly return in a sliding step or crawl to the shore;

2) always go out on the ice with a stick in your hand and a screwdriver or knife in your pocket. These items help to get out of the hole or failure;

3) if you are carrying a load, then it is better to remove the load before going on the ice and fix it on two large branches, the ends of which should be held in both hands, i.e. make a semblance of a sleigh;

4) a large group of people can walk on the ice only when the ice is 7-9 cm thick (this is the width of the palm of an adult), and each person from the group should walk at a distance of 5-6 m from each other;

5) you can not jump on the ice and stomp, checking its strength, especially in the area of ​​​​fast flow or the key coming out of the ground;

6) crossing a frozen pond on skis and with a load is very risky, it is better to fix the load on the skis, and use the sticks as a means of traction, fixing them on the skis.

If the ice breaks under your weight, you should:

1) get rid of heavy things that hinder the movement;

2) get out onto the ice in the place where the fall occurred (the ice may break when you fall when you slipped);

3) do not waste time getting rid of clothes, since in the first minutes, until completely wet, it keeps a person on the surface;

4) to crawl onto the ice using the "screw-in" method, i.e. rolling from back to stomach

5) stick sharp objects (knife) into the ice, pulling up to them;

6) move away from the broken polynya by crawling in their own footsteps.

If you have a compass (for example, on a watch), you can use it, but keep in mind that in each area there are certain corrections for magnetic declination (pilots have such data on flight maps); the same applies to the big compass. Therefore, compass readings must be clarified by the position of the sun and other landmarks. At night, you can navigate by the stars, for this you need to determine the position of large stars (Polar Star, Ursa Major, etc.). If you have to walk for several days, then at the accident site you must first orient yourself by the sun, mosses, anthills and spend the night on the spot, and start moving according to all certain signs early in the morning, at dawn.

Given the current state of vehicles of all types (airplanes, helicopters, cars, all-terrain vehicles), before using them, you should prepare everything you need in advance, and first of all, a first-aid kit in a minimum set, a knife (hunting or kitchen), etc.

The main thing is not to lose self-control, faith in your strength, your mind and your luck in any, the most difficult situation.

The main types of extreme situations in natural conditions. The concept of a dangerous and extreme situation. The main types of extreme situations in nature (changes in climatic and geographical conditions, abrupt changes in natural conditions, diseases or injuries requiring emergency medical care, forced autonomous existence) and their causes. The most common cases of forced autonomous existence: loss of orientation in the area, lagging behind the group, vehicle accident in a sparsely populated area. The concept of survival.

Factors and stressors of survival in natural conditions. The causes that influence human behavior are survival factors. Groups of survival factors: personal, natural, material, post-natural. The concept of survival stressors. Various stressors and ways to overcome them.

Psychological foundations of survival in natural conditions. Properties of the human psyche that help to survive. How to develop useful abilities and traits in yourself (attention and observation, sensation and perception, memory and thinking, survival orientation). How to use them in conditions of forced autonomous existence.

Fear is the main psychological enemy. Fear and its negative impact on a person in a dangerous situation. Panic and numbness as dangerous conditions. Ways to overcome fear. How self-improvement increases the chances of surviving in extreme situations. Systematic education of the will.

Preparation for the campaign and behavior in natural conditions. The main ways to avoid extreme situations in natural conditions. Preparing for a hike: ensuring security, distribution of duties, products and equipment, route selection. Rules for safe behavior in nature: observance of discipline, movement in a group, attentiveness, respect for nature, respect for the boundaries of the polygon, search and memorization of landmarks.

Reliable clothing and footwear is an important condition for safety. Requirements for clothing and footwear. Rules for the care of clothes and shoes (airing and drying) on ​​a hike. Features of preparation for a hike in the winter.

Behavior in an extreme situation in natural conditions. Basic rules of behavior in an emergency situation. Rules of conduct in the event of an accident of an aircraft or car, in case of a natural disaster. Making a decision to move to the settlement or stay in place. Rules for safe behavior: equipment of an emergency camp, appointment of a commander, distribution of duties, conflict prevention.

Actions in case of loss of orientation. Basic rules of conduct in the case when a person gets lost. How to remember the path traveled, estimate the distance to sound and light sources, use route markings. What not to do if you get lost. Determining the direction of the met roads and paths, streams and rivers. Access to the village in winter along the ski track. Determining the direction of exit when lagging behind the group in the campaign.

Methods of orientation and determination of the direction of movement. Orientation by compass, by its own shadow, by the stars, by the clock. Orientation based on local features: snowmelt, grass density, soil moisture, anthill structure, moss location, etc. Movement in azimuth using two landmarks,

Technique of movement in natural conditions. Rules for safe movement on the slopes of hills and mountains, along the stream. River crossing methods. Features of movement in winter: on snow, on frozen river beds, on ice. Overcoming wetlands.

The construction of a temporary dwelling, the production and use of fire. Basic requirements for the place of construction of temporary housing. Types and methods of constructing a temporary dwelling in summer and winter (hut, shed, igloo). Features of shelters in the mountains. Choosing a place and rules for making a fire (including in inclement weather and winter time). Compliance with fire safety measures. Types of fires and their purpose. Methods for kindling and maintaining fire.

Providing food and water. The feeling of hunger and the provision of food from the reserves of nature. Providing water from reservoirs, snow, ice. Ways of obtaining water, its purification and disinfection in conditions of forced autonomous existence.

Search and cooking. Boiling water and cooking plant foods in the absence of utensils. Methods of cooking roots and tubers, fish, small animals on a fire. Basic rules of fishing.

Peculiarities of skiing, water and bicycle trips. Preparation for ski trips: training, selection of clothing and footwear, group equipment. Rules for safe behavior in a water trip. Preparing for a cycling trip, basic safety rules.

Water safety. Types of water hazards. Rules for safe behavior on winter waters (when moving on ice). Rules for safe behavior on water bodies in summer (when swimming).

Distress signals. Ways to send distress signals. Special characters of the international code table of symbols. The device and production of the simplest signal means.

In the lesson, sixth graders will get acquainted with the definitions of "dangerous situation", "emergency situation" and "extreme situation". Learn the conditions and causes of dangerous situations.

For thousands of years, people have faced a variety of dangers. And now a person gets injured and dies as a result of fires and poisoning in everyday life, criminal situations, transport accidents, and when meeting one on one with nature. In the modern world, human social and technogenic activities pose the greatest danger to people.

You are well aware that most of the injuries at home and at leisure are the result of our negligence, frivolity, or ignorance (Fig. 2). The life and health of a person often depend on his competent and timely actions in dangerous situations. Awareness of this simple truth can be the first step in mastering the art of survival in nature and society.

Rice. 2. Do not take risks unnecessarily ()

Modern Mowgli

You have most likely heard Rudyard Kipling's tale of Mowgli or watched a cartoon based on this wonderful tale. The story of a boy who grew up in a pack of wolves is amazing. Did you know that in modern times there are also children raised by animals.

For example, in Cambodia in 2007, a woman was found who grew up in the jungle (Fig. 3). The woman came to the village and tried to steal food from the peasant, but got caught in the hot. The owner of the house took the strange dirty woman to the local police station. The police officer recognized the wild woman as his daughter, who was lost in the jungle in 1988 at the age of eight.

Rochom, that was the name of the forest girl, she lived with people for three years, but she could not get used to them. She continued to meow, from the Khmer language she learned only three words: “mom”, “dad” and “stomach hurts”. I liked crawling more than walking.

Rice. 3. A woman found in the jungles of Cambodia ()

In the spring of 2010, Rochom fled to the jungle, a native and understandable habitat. She was found again in June. The forest woman was washed from impurities and handed over to a team of Spanish psychologists who teach her the norms of human behavior.

An eight-year-old girl was able to survive in the natural environment, but, being deprived of human communication, she is unlikely to become a full-fledged member of society.

Earlier we mentioned dangerous and emergency situations in the natural environment. What are they? These are situations that arise when a person interacts with the environment.

Dangerous situation- this is an unfavorable environment in which there are harmful and dangerous factors that threaten human health and life.

Extreme situation- this is a direct interaction of a person with a super-complex environment.

Such situations can happen to a person or a group of people in nature: in the forest, in the steppe, in the mountains, in the desert, that is, in those places where there are many dangers and there is nowhere to wait for help.

Some of these situations may be caused by:

Illness or damage to the human body in the natural environment (colds, migraines, fractures, bruises, poisoning, animal bites, etc.);

Another condition might be:

A sharp deterioration in weather conditions (severe frost, blizzard, snowstorm, extreme heat, drought, etc.);

Forced autonomous, i.e. independent, stay in natural conditions. For example, when a person gets lost in the forest or has an accident.

For example, there are people who are fond of hunting. But there are many dangers in the forest and steppe: a hunter may be attacked by a wild beast; can fall into a trap set by other hunters (Fig. 4); bad weather can catch him; the hunter can get lost in the thicket; old trees that can fall are also a potential hazard. Any of these situations can become extreme for a person.

Rice. 4. Hunters must be careful not to fall into a trap set by other hunters ()

It can be concluded that most of the dangers are the result of our frivolity or wrong actions, lack of necessary knowledge.

For example:

Provoked the aggression of the beast;

Poisoned by berries in the forest;

Left behind a tourist group on the route

Lost orientation in the forest;

Lost in a cave.

The success of a person's autonomous survival in natural conditions depends on his knowledge of the characteristics of the climate in which he is located, the characteristics of flora and fauna. You could learn about the peculiarities of the flora and fauna of your region at the lessons of natural history. If a person knows about these features, then he can provide himself with food, get fire, water, build himself a shelter, protect himself from the main dangers at any time of the year.

In geography lessons, you will be told about climatic zones - vast territories for which a certain climate, vegetation, and wildlife are inherent.

wolf berries

It just so happened that different concepts are hidden under the term "wolf berries".

You know that wolfberries cannot be eaten, as many of them are poisonous.

Wolfberries is a collective, popular name for a number of plants, the fruits of most of which have toxic or irritating properties:

Belladonna, wolfberry, raven eye, brittle buckthorn. All these plants are found in our latitudes, so you should not eat unfamiliar berries, even if they are outwardly attractive (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Wolf bast ()

Firstly, wolf berries are one of the popular names for a shrub called wolf's bast (other names are wolfberry, wolfberry, daphne).

Bright red berries of a wolf's bast the size of a pea sit directly on branches of 2-3 pieces, like sea buckthorn.

Despite the fact that they look very appetizing, you should never eat them, as they are highly poisonous! However, in the wolfberry, all parts of the plant are poisonous. Even a small drop of plant juice, falling on the skin or mucous membrane of the lips or eyes, causes irritation. If you eat a wolf berry, burning, nausea, vomiting, weakness will begin, convulsions may begin, the temperature will rise ... Therefore, try not to approach this beautiful bush!

Just please don't treat this plant like an enemy if you happen to encounter it in the forest! It is quite rare and is listed in the Red Book.

What contributes to human survival in nature? There are several factors:

Psychological readiness. If you are mentally prepared for the fact that an extreme situation can happen, then, once in one, you will not be panicked. I think you know that panic is the worst enemy in extreme situations, because it paralyzes the will of a person, and he finally loses the ability to make the right decisions and control his actions.

Physical health (strong muscles, hardening, endurance).

Knowledge of how to behave in such a situation, how to provide food, water and shelter for the period of forced autonomous stay.

Necessary equipment: matches, knife, bandage, bactericidal plaster, special clothing, food supply.

survival training

If you are interested in survival techniques, you can ask your parents to enroll you in a survival camp during the summer holidays.

In such camps (the duration of stay in them varies from 14 days to a month), you will learn how to make a fire without matches, arrange an overnight stay. Learn how to find food and water in an emergency, how to provide first aid (Fig. 6).

This knowledge will undoubtedly be useful to you, as it was useful to Denis from Kostroma. He has been hiking since the age of 8 and has mastered basic survival skills. In one of the campaigns, it happened that he was cut off from his group. When crossing the mountain range, a rockfall began. The group had to split into two parts. Denis, along with a wounded comrade, was left alone in the mountains. The rest of the group hurried to get help. While the rescuers were trying to free the mountain path from stones, Denis provided first aid to the injured comrade and found shelter in order to protect himself from repeated rockfalls. Thus, the guy helped himself and his friend.

Rice. 6. Survival camp training ()

Knowledge of the basics of survival in the forest may also come in handy. And in the survival training camp you will get the opportunity to learn a lot about natural phenomena, useful plants, and the animal world. And, of course, these are unforgettable impressions, communication with peers, interesting events.

Experts give such advice:

Extreme situations should be avoided whenever possible;

Extreme situations must be avoided;

Do not succumb to fear and panic under any circumstances;

To prevent ES, you need to know their causes;

To get out of the ES, you need to know how to act correctly.

Knowledge is one of the most important wealth of a person. Knowing how to navigate the terrain without special equipment, how to make a fire in nature, how to get food and water for yourself, how to give first aid and how to build a shelter, you will be able to ensure not only your own survival, but also help others in extreme situations. .

For example, in the wonderful cartoon DuckTales, three brothers, getting into a difficult situation, always turned to the reference book, in which they found answers to all their questions. Your knowledge can become such a reference book if you carefully assimilate everything.


  1. Fundamentals of life safety: 6th grade: a textbook for educational institutions / M.P. Frolov [et al.], ed. Yu.L. Vorobyov. - Moscow: Astrel, 2013. - 190 p.: ill.
  2. OBZH, grade 6 Textbook for general education. E.N. Litvinov, A.T. Smirnov, M.P. Frolov, T.S. Vikhoreva - 1st ed. - M: ATS Publishing House, 1996. - 160 p.
  3. Smirnov A.T., Khrennikov B.O. Fundamentals of life safety. 6th grade. - 2012, 209 p.
  1. ().
  2. youtube().


  1. Complete task number 4 on page 13. Fundamentals of life safety: grade 6: a textbook for educational institutions / M.P. Frolov [et al.], ed. Yu.L. Vorobyov. - Moscow: Astrel, 2013. - 190 p.: ill.
  2. Imagine that you are going to go on a picnic in the woods. Write down all the dangers that may await you on your journey.
  3. * Find out which edible plants are common in your area. Picture a few of them.