Ufo the most interesting. Ufo, aliens, latest news, photos, videos

In February last year, a group of specialists NASA (USA) at a press conference, she said that a telescope launched into space had found seven stars revolving around the same planet in the constellation Aquarius (Aquarius). And on three, life similar to the earth is possible. There is water and atmosphere, and the temperature is akin to ours. The US kept the information secret.

On the eve around the Sun, astronomers of the world saw something similar to artificially created. It doesn't look like compressed plasma, which is full of it. They were alien ships. Ufologists believe that the civilization that gave birth to life on Earth controls it and is always ready to contact us.

space facts. 5 Secret Facts About UFOs (US Pentagon)

Object No. 1: "UFO diversion".
On September 1, 2016, the Falcon booster rocket of billionaire Musk (USA) exploded at launch, dreaming of making Space almost a highway for the rich. Specialists on the records saw flights over the UFO rocket. They provoked an explosion in the oxygen section of the station. Also, UFOs first conducted reconnaissance, flew around the spaceport and after the explosion, provoking it again. And defiantly left.

No, extraterrestrial intelligence is not against space flights. But even Trump's plane is constantly escorted by UFOs, warning that if things continue to go wrong in the United States, they will intervene.

Object number 2. Chile. THE USSR.
Last summer, Chilean pilots saw a UFO without wings and a tail, or propeller, like a helicopter. Its form was not shapeless and vague, like some air formations, but solid. Earth radars did not respond to it, and the plane itself disappeared from the screens for a while.

A similar thing was observed by the former Deputy Minister of the USSR Civil Aviation Oleg Smirnov, who was flying on the IL-18. The radio with the plane disappeared, communication was later restored. He spoke to the ground, and the controllers replied, as in the Chilean case: "You are not visible." The crew steered the plane along the course, and the UFO accompanied it. The object then abruptly accelerated and disappeared from view.

Object number 3. England.
Helicopter patrol flies the control area in Wales. To see better, we switched to an infrared screen. And they gasped in surprise: several UFOs were flying in front of them. We returned to the normal screen, and the aliens disappeared. They repeated it again, and again the “plates” were in front of them. Even Aristotle called them "flying discs".

Object No. 4. "Silver Diamond".
Summer 1989 South African fighters attacked a UFO. The media wrote about it. The authors were laughed at, and the fact was classified for 30 years. In Operation Silver Diamond, the pilots shot down a "saucer" with laser shots, and it fell in the Kalahari Desert.

The declassified CIA photos show how the body of an unearthly creature from a downed UFO is cut.

Inside the body there was nothing like an earthly organism. Because... Because it's a forgery of some scammer from South Africa who wrote a book about it. Falsehood has already been recognized by experts. Then why did the CIA keep the fake secret knowing about it? There is no answer yet.

Object number 5. UFO for the Vatican.
The Bible does not mention the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence and civilizations. But Catholics insist on… the baptism of aliens from outer space. The papacy indicates that the church should not deny the presence of UFOs. The Vatican has its own research institute with an observatory, astronomers and ufologists. And its space program for information and equipment surpasses US NASA.

Own telescopes in the Apennines and in the USA are combing the Cosmos around the clock. The papal throne securely guards the received data on the Cosmos. Perhaps he shares it with the Americans. But everyone who tries to find out the secret disappears forever.

5 secret facts about UFOs in one video:

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Unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are unexplained anomalies that happen in the sky above our heads. They can also be observed on the ground as they land or take off.

  • The term "UFO" was first used in 1953 in the book "Flying Saucers from Space" by Donald E. Keyhoe.
  • The modern era of UFOs began in 1947, when aviator Kenneth Arnold reported seeing nine disk-shaped objects over Mount Rainer in Washington. Arnold called them "flying saucers" and the term has become ingrained in the popular mind.
  • First there were "flying saucers", and the neutral abbreviation UFO was introduced later by the US Air Force. This happened in 1953, and the term combined flying objects that were not only in the shape of a disk.
  • Most scientists, representatives of fundamental science, consider it unlikely (although not entirely impossible) such frequent visits of aliens to our planet and say that UFOs do not deserve detailed research.
  • About half of the UFO reports that flew over the US in the late 1950s and 1960s were later revealed to be reports of U-2s, the world famous reconnaissance aircraft.
  • Most films about aliens can be divided into two subgroups: 1) films about the invasion of aliens, during which humanity has to fight off the attacks of aggressive aliens (for example, the film "Alien" shot in 1979 or 2) films in which friendly aliens try to help earthlings in every possible way (for example, "Abyss"). The third type of film is quite rare, and it describes events in which earthlings help aliens.
  • One of the important components of ufology has become a well-known trend of science that studies ancient astronauts. The fundamental principle of this science was that "ufonauts" repeatedly visited our planet in the distant past.
  • In 1967, the British authorities "gave the green light" to the study of six "flying saucers" that formed a perfectly even line over southern England. Later it turned out that it was a hoax played out by engineering students.
  • There is a place in the Atlantic Ocean in which and over which unusual phenomena usually occur, and it is called the Bermuda Triangle. One of the popular explanations for this phenomenon was the rumor that there is a secret underwater base for UFOs arriving on Earth. The existence of this base is explained by the facts of the mysterious disappearances of aircraft and ships in the Bermuda Triangle.
  • Carl Jung interpreted the phenomenon of "flying saucers", which most often appear in the form of rounded disks, as mandala symbols, reflecting the desire of the human mind for stability in this imperfect world.
  • Although astronomer Carl Sagan was an ardent debunker of UFOs and other paranormal claims, he enthusiastically participated in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) project, which was based on studies of radio signals from outer space.
  • In the late 1930s, an Orson Welles radio broadcast interpreted The War of the Worlds so well that hundreds of Americans believed that their country had indeed been invaded by aliens.
  • On July 8, 1947, a news agency in Roswell, New Mexico, announced the discovery of the wreckage of a "flying disk" near a ranch near the city. The government then hastily announced that it was an experimental balloon that was part of the flight program. However, critics have long accused the government of hiding the truth about the alien ship and its dead inhabitants.
  • In the Soviet Union, eyewitness accounts of UFOs most often coincided with the testing of new types of military missiles.
  • In 1996, a Gallup opinion poll showed that 71% of Americans believe that they are hiding the whole truth about unknown flying objects.
  • The first photographs of UFOs were taken in 1883 in Zacatecas by a Mexican astronomer named José Bonilla.
  • The first report of an alien abduction dates back to 1961, when Betty and Barney Hill claimed they were abducted by aliens on a highway in New Hampshire.
  • UFOs have given rise to many clubs and organizations such as the MUFON UFO Collaborative Network, the UFO Research Center (CUFOS) and the UFO Research Foundation.
  • On November 23, 1953, Lieutenant Felix Eugene Moncla (Jr.) was sent to intercept an unidentified flying object over Sault Ste. Marie in Michigan. After approaching the UFO, Monkla's plane disappeared from the radar screens and was never heard from again.

UFO - an unidentified flying object whose identity has not been established by observers. There is an opinion that UFOs certainly have an alien nature. It is these eyewitness statements about UFOs that cause the greatest skepticism. Many of these unidentified objects, when seriously studied, turn out to be rationally explicable phenomena. However, there are those about which even military pilots and experts prefer to remain silent ...
Thus, during the Cold War, the US government took pleasure in inflating the UFO story by allowing casual bystanders to believe that what they saw in the sky was an alien craft. In reality, these objects were secret aircraft being tested.
But not all UFOs can be attributed to stealth flights? What happens when an experienced pilot, a military pilot with years of flying training, claims to have seen something in the sky that he cannot identify? Is he really not able to determine the experimental new model of the next ultra-high-speed ship from the unknown? And what to do with the incredible anxiety that seizes even the most prepared eyewitnesses? Or messages transmitted to military controllers, which contain information that they are being pursued by these objects ...

Case in Dulce in 1979

Dulce, New Mexico, located on the Colorado border, is a small town and home to the Jicarilla Indians. It is also known as the location of the US military base where the alleged collision between aliens and the US military took place.
In 1979, rumors began to circulate about some kind of underground military base. Strange e-mails were intercepted by the military, who were stationed nearby. However, there was no evidence of the existence of another civilization until a man named Philip Schneider made a statement.
Philip Schneider was an engineer on a contract with the US State Department. He claimed that in 1979 he worked on the construction of a secret military base in Dulce. His story sounded plausible, but shocked many.
When he was working on the project, he noted the presence of a huge number of military, special forces and guys in civilian clothes, who looked strange on an ordinary construction site. Then one day while working underground, Schneider encountered someone or something tall, gray in color and completely alien in appearance. This "someone" was not alone.
The military convoy opened fire and killed two of the aliens before the creatures fired their plasma beams directly at the Americans. Schneider lost several fingers, but claims to have been rescued by a "Green Beret" who himself was killed.
Schneider was forced to leave, as the situation began to develop as a military operation. A total of sixty people, soldiers and engineers, were killed, only a small handful survived.
The unidentified creatures climbed back into the cave, where they very likely may remain to this day.
Schneider believed that the US government was aware of the alien presence. In 1997, he was found dead in his apartment, which was interpreted as a suicide.

Operation HIghJump

Operation Highjump was an American Antarctic expedition organized by the US Navy in 1946. Retired Rear Admiral Richard Byrd was the leader of the expedition, and Rear Admiral Richard Kruzen commanded the Task Force. A total of 4,000 military personnel were involved, representing Britain, the United States and Canada.
According to an official report from the US Navy, the purpose of the expedition was to train personnel and test equipment in the Antarctic cold. Although the main records from this "training" are still classified.
World War II had just ended, and German naval units met in the South Atlantic until the end of 1947. There were also traces of a secret British mission in Antarctica, both during and after the war. Moreover, in 1958, the Americans blew up a nuclear missile there as part of Operation Argus. But why such attention to this place?
Conspiracy theorists believe that there was some kind of secret Antarctic base where the military met with aliens. And even some experiments were carried out.
It is said that when a German expedition reached Antarctica in 1938, the participants discovered an arcade of underground caves heated by underground rivers. By the end of the war, Antarctica was seen as a "new home" for the Nazi regime. Led by Thule occultists, the Nazis made contact with the ancient aliens and began to learn the secrets of their technology. So, thanks to them, flying machines and other ships were built.
When Allied forces invaded Antarctica in 1947, Admiral Byrd made the only public statement that no one expected from him: he asked the Americans to be vigilant against air attack from the South Pole, urging the government to take serious defensive measures.
Conspiracy theorists point to these claims as the reason why the US continued to "herd" the waters of Antarctica and ended it all with the operation in 1958.

Time travel in Chile, 1977

On Sunday, April 25, 1977, young Corporal Armando Valdez Garrido led a detachment of the Chilean army during a routine patrol of the site. The air temperature dropped sharply, and the patrol set up camp near the city of Putre in northern Chile. They lit a fire and left two soldiers on guard. Around 4:00 am, one of the guards reported a strange light that was descending from the sky. The soldiers watched as the light approached. When the military began to panic, the light source "came down" to a nearby hill. The corporal and several soldiers went to investigate. She saw a huge purple oval-shaped luminous object about 25 m in diameter, with two luminous points of dark red lights that flashed and went out.
The glowing object began to approach them. Some soldiers began to cry, others prayed. The corporal approached the subject and called out to him to "identify himself". As they moved forward, the corporal disappeared into the fog, and the soldiers lost sight of him. The object soon left the site. Fifteen minutes later, the corporal also appeared, walked a few steps and collapsed to the ground.
All the soldiers were clean-shaven, and the corporal suddenly had a beard, and the date on his watch was April 30, 1977. It seemed that Valdez traveled through time: he stayed five days in the future, and then returned to the starting point fifteen minutes after the disappearance. Valdes himself could not explain anything.

Chinese military clash, 1988

On Monday, October 19, 1998, four Chinese military radar stations in Hebei Province reported that they had detected an unidentified object near a military flight training school in Changzhou.
Since the object did not identify itself, Colonel Li, the base commander, ordered that it be intercepted. The Jianjiao 6 fighter was launched to intercept. Numerous witnesses on the ground observed the object over the military base. It was described as a "little star" that kept getting bigger. The object had a mushroom-shaped dome at the top, a flat bottom on which glittering, spinning lights were placed.
The Jianjiao 6 flew 4,000 meters above the object before it fired sharply upwards, easily bypassing the jet fighter. As the fighter attempted to close the distance, the object quickly accelerated out of range. The pilot and his controller were amazed.
The pilot asked permission to open fire, but was refused. On the contrary, the command ordered to continue the pursuit and observe. When the object gained a height of 12,000 meters, the fighter was forced to return to base - the fuel ran out. Two additional fighters were sent to continue the pursuit, but the object disappeared from radar before it was spotted.

Tehran diamond, 1976

One of the most famous military UFO encounters is also one of the best documented.
The incident took place after midnight on September 19, 1976, when an unidentified object entered the airspace over Tehran, Iran. The Iranian Air Force ordered the Shahrokhi military base to take off a Phantom II fighter jet to see what was going on. Flying 282 km west of Tehran, Captain Mohammad Reza Azizhani noted that at a distance of 40 nautical miles he could easily see a bright light. Within a radius of 25 nautical miles from the object, the instruments and electronics on board ceased to function. Azizhani interrupted the interception operation and was forced to return to base, restoring all the capabilities of the aircraft.
At that moment, a second fighter was launched, piloted by Lieutenant Parvis Jafari. The mysterious ship maintained its speed, but Jafari saw a second smaller object separate from the first and obstruct it, continuing to move at high speed. Believing that he might be the target of an attack, Jafari tried to launch an AIM-9 missile into an unknown side, but suddenly lost control of the weapons.
He made a diversion with the smaller object before it slowed down and returned to the larger object.
Jafari's equipment came to life, and at the same time, the UFOs rushed away. What Jafari described was a flying object that alternated blue, green, red, and orange light, with the lights flashing so fast that all were visible at once.
Jafari later retired, rising to the rank of Air Force General, and confirmed at a 2007 American conference that he believed the vehicle was not from Earth.

Case in Malmstrom

The military base in Malmstrom, Montana, during the Cold War was the test site for Minutemen ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles), part of America's strategic nuclear arsenal.
On March 16, 1967, Captain Robert Salas was on duty supervising missile readiness when, suddenly, one missile after another was disabled. At the same time, a message came from the base about mysterious red objects hovering in the sky above some of the bunkers. The staff and crew experienced fear when they saw the mysterious lights. As long as the objects remained in the sky, the repair crews were unable to return the missiles back to normal. Eventually the objects disappeared into the sky.
Even a serious study of this incident could not find a logical explanation for what happened. For some unknown reason, each missile had a failed guidance and control system (G&C). Boeing engineers studied the missiles and systems and could not find any technical explanation.
They were only able to reproduce a similar effect by exposing the missiles to a 10 volt pulse. It is virtually impossible for such an impulse to occur on its own in a protected safe area, unless it was caused by an electromagnetic impulse of a large magnitude. So big that at the time of technological progress in 1967, there was simply nowhere to come from such equipment. The actual source of the pulse, as well as the nature of the light in the sky, still remains undiscovered.

Collision at sea

On October 24, 1989, the sailors of the U.S. Navy submarine Memphis experienced something that none of them will ever forget. Their mission was to patrol the perimeter at Cape Canaveral whenever the US Space Shuttle was on the launch pad.
That night they were heading south of Florida, 241 kilometers from the coast, 500 feet deep. Suddenly, the ship's crew began to notice electrical anomalies, control failures, and loss of navigational control. The command gave the order to completely stop, turn off the nuclear reactor and switch to diesel engines, as well as raise the submarine to the surface. When the boat rose, the sailors saw that the surface of the sea in the rain was bright red. And above the ocean hovered an inverted V-shaped object.
By order of the captain of the Memphis, it was determined that the object was more than half a mile in cross section. Incredible size. After the UFO moved over the boat, the electronic systems failed. And the sailors saw that under the red light from the object it was not even raining. When the object completed the "observation", it became brighter and moved forward at an incredible speed. The crew lost sight of it within seconds, and the submarine's systems returned to normal.
After a quick check of the system, the reactor was turned on at full power, and the Memphis moved further south. The next day, the US authorities and the Air Force tried to explain the anomaly by the explosion of a meteorological satellite. The entire crew of the ship was changed. No official explanation has ever been received.

Chase in Brazil

Up to twenty UFOs were recorded on the night of May 19, 1986 over several states in southern Brazil. Control and dispatch personnel at the San Jose airport noticed eight unidentified objects on the radar. Their information was confirmed in Sao Paulo and Brasilia. Objects flew at speeds up to 1500 km/h. From the observation tower in San Jose one could see that one of the objects was red-orange in color. Shortly thereafter, the captain of one of the aircraft in the air reported that UFOs were also visible at an altitude of 3000 m above the ground. This plane belonged to retired Air Force Colonel Osires Silva, president of the Petrobras oil company. Silva ordered his plane to track the objects.
The air defense command took to the skies two F-5E jet fighters that took off from the air base in Santa Cruz to intercept objects.
In addition, three Mirage F-103s with missiles were fired from the Anapolis airbase. The fighters had radar contact with the targets, but were unable to visually confirm their target.
When the planes tried to close the distance between them and the target at speed, the radar showed that the objects were moving in a zigzag pattern. At 2315 hours, the first F-5E finally made visual contact with one of the brightly lit objects and began to overtake it at a speed of 1320 km/h.
The rest of the planes were maneuvering nearby, continuing to spy, when the controller notified them of the approach of 10 more objects at a distance of 32 km. The fighters were never able to fix the objects and get to them. And they were forced to return to base.

Bomber and UFO

In the wee hours of July 17, 1957, an RB-47 jet bomber equipped with electronic countermeasures (ECM) was on a training mission in Mississippi. He was sent from Forbes Air Force Base (Kansas) for exercises on the Gulf Coast. The bomber crew consisted of 6 highly qualified officers. As they prepared to fly home, around 4:00 AM, the radar picked up an object 700 miles away from them.
Although the plane was flying at 500 miles per hour, the radar showed that an unidentified object was advancing directly on them. RB-47 traveled from Mississippi through Louisiana and Texas to Oklahoma within 1.5 hours. All this time the object was moving behind the bomber.
From time to time the crew was able to visually identify an object that appeared as a bright light and showed up as a solid object on ground radars. The bomber's ECM monitoring systems also recorded this object. The ECM equipment does not work like a radar - the monitoring system has detected the electromagnetic signals that the target emits.
Over Louisiana, the captain saw a rapidly approaching light to his left. He ordered the crew to be on alert, but the object flew past the cockpit at incredible speed and disappeared.
Light, and shadowing for an hour was observed from the ground. However, when the captain requested permission to intercept, the object instantly fell to a distance of 15,000 feet above sea level. RB-47 had to return to base due to lack of fuel, and the object flew towards Oklahoma.

Light in Stephenville

One of the well-known UFO reports in the last decade is the "light in Stephenville" story.
On January 8, 2008, forty people in the small Texas town of Stephenville, southwest of Dallas, witnessed a very bright flash in the sky. It all started around 6:15 pm - bright lights slowly moved across the sky, then made quick maneuvers, and then slowed down again. A group of F-16 fighters was released to follow the objects.
However, two days later, the military issued a statement that their aircraft were not operating in that airspace that evening. Civilian investigators contacted the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to verify the military's claim. The FAA said a group of eight F-16s from the 457th Fighter Squadron entered the area at approximately 18:17 and remained there for 30 minutes.
Since this information was publicized in the media, the military was forced to issue a press release confirming the presence of military pilots that night at the scene. However, Air Force officials claim they were just conducting training maneuvers and that the bright lights are flares.
However, the radar showed not the most ordinary missiles: one object was moving at a speed of 2100 miles per hour, the other faster than the supersonic aircraft that pursued it. Finally, another was tracked for an hour until it entered the restricted airspace over former US President George W. Bush's ranch in Crawford.
Numerous police officers observed strange lights and planes flying across the sky. One officer took amateur footage on his phone and was later detained by the military. The US Air Force has not given a normal explanation for what happened there.

Case in Usovo

On October 4, 1982, an unauthorized launch of a strategic missile nearly occurred in the 50th missile division of the Strategic Missile Forces of the Carpathian Military District. It all started with the fact that at 18:30 Moscow time, several obscure aircraft appeared in the sky above the positions of the division, moving along trajectories inaccessible to earth technology.
Actually, it was at this moment that the third world war almost began - and the incident in Usovo went down in history as the famous "Usovo incident".
The UFO was first seen about a mile from Usovo. Army officers outside the base also reported seeing lights and strange lights over the forest. Moreover, one of the officers reported that when he was driving nearby, his military transmitter was not working.
But the worst thing happened at that time inside the bunker. In the middle phase of the observation of the phenomenon - it was at 21:30 Moscow time - at the command post of the missile forces unit, the automatic control system of the combat complex suddenly worked. For a moment, all indicators of the calling board lit up, as when checking, for example, an emergency situation. And most importantly, the "Start" sign lit up.
Major Kataman, in charge of launchpad security, has never seen the light of day - but he reported that several nuclear missiles are activated on their own, without any signal received from Moscow!
None of the employees could stop the launch process. All they could do was watch helplessly as the missiles prepared for launch. All of a sudden it was over and the panels were off.
As it was discovered later, this happened when the strange lights began to move on.
Subsequent tests of the system showed no defects in the rocket launch programs.
All precautions worked. But there was no explanation for what happened.

Hand to hand combat with a UFO

In the 1950s, US Air Force Captain Edward J. Ruppelt was the first head of Project Blue Book, a unit tasked with studying and analyzing reports of unidentified flying objects.
In fact, he is known to the world as the one who coined the term "unidentified flying object" because he believed that "flying saucer" was misleading.
In a report he gave many years later, he said that he was involved in an incident that occurred in the summer of 1952 and which his superiors asked not to be mentioned in official reports on the project. Rappelt received a message from an intelligence officer about an incident over the air base. It was early morning when the radar picked up an unknown object that was moving very fast to the northeast of the airfield, but its height was unknown.
Two F-86 aircraft were raised to intercept - they were looking for an object at different heights. As one of them descended to a height of 5,000 feet, he noticed a flash just below him. The plane descended and headed towards the light.
When he finally approached the object, it was identified as a flat "donut without a hole." At a distance of 500 yards, the object suddenly accelerated and began to move off course. The pilot opened fire on the object, but it quickly disappeared within a few seconds.
The pilot returned to base. The fact that he had fired at the object could not be ignored. But that's exactly what the captain did: Rappelt read the report and then ordered it to be burned.

Incident at Kinross

It was a quiet evening on November 23, 1953, when US Air Force radar controllers detected movement over US airspace at Lake Superior, on the Canadian border near Michigan. The F-89C Scorpion interceptor, piloted by Lieutenant Felix Monkla and navigator Lieutenant Robert Wilson, took off from Kinross Air Force Base in Michigan. Ground radar operators reported that Monkla was flying high above the target at about 500 miles per hour. It then descended and hovered over the object while flying over the lake at 7,000 feet.
The controllers were amazed by what they saw on the radar: first, the interceptor connected with its target on the screen, the two "spots" became one. And then the pursued UFO quickly left the field of view of the radar, but the interceptor also disappeared with it. No trace of the F-89C or its crew has been found; no debris, no debris.
Canadian aviation authorities claim they had no aircraft in the area at the time. Monkle and Wilson were never seen again...

Incident in the English forest

Rendlesham Forest is located in Suffolk, England, next to NATO Air Bases Bentwaters and Woodbridge, then leased by the US Air Force.
On December 26, 1980, at about 3:00 am, two Air Force personnel witnessed a bright light that descended into the forest a mile from the Woodbridge gate.
Believing that it was a downed plane, they went to investigate. They reported the discovery of a strange triangular metal object with strange markings, about three meters wide and two high. From above it burned reddish lights, from below - blue. They also saw that the UFO was hovering or standing on an invisible chassis. As they approached, the object moved away, keeping its distance.
They immediately reported the discovery to their superiors. The next day, the patrol investigated the site and found depressions in the ground where the object was, as well as burn marks on broken trees nearby.
Plaster casts of the footprints were made and the report handed over to the authorities.
The next night, another luminous object was seen in the forest: a UFO flying over the trees with a pulsating red light. The base's second-in-command, Colonel Charles Holt, decided to organize an expedition and investigate the incident.
Everything was recorded on tape: the movement of the object, the pulsing light, the alternation of lights. The Colonel filed an official report, but was unable to explain the nature of the mysterious lights.

Roswell Incident

The alleged crash of an unidentified flying object occurred near the city of Roswell in New Mexico, USA in July 1947. This is the only instance of a flying saucer appearing in front of ordinary people...
The owner of the Foster Place Ranch, farmer Mac Brazel, said that during the night during a thunderstorm he heard a strong rumble and saw a flash of light, the house trembled. On the morning of July 3, he rode out to the paddock and found the sheep missing. While searching for sheep, he allegedly stumbled upon a wasteland covered with something shiny. Having returned the cattle, he returned and saw: it was full of pieces of an incomprehensible substance similar to foil (crumpled and bent, it took its previous shape), bars of very light material (which did not burn and was not damaged by a knife), something similar to a cord, similar things with reddish and red patterns.
Breizel reported the find to a nearby military base. Base Lieutenant Jesse Marcel visited the crash site, and then the command ordered a complete cleanup of the area. On July 8, after examining the debris, the base commander, Colonel William Blanchard, ordered Lieutenant Walter Hoth to issue a press release stating that the Army had identified the debris as a crashed aircraft.
On the same day, General Roger Ramey alerted the press that the press release was a mistake and that the military had mistaken the downed weather balloon for a flying saucer. The incident was regarded as an insignificant event, and the facts have sunk into oblivion.
However, in the late 1970s, Jesse Marcel went public with all the facts, claiming that he "garbage" was definitely not from Earth. From that moment began the biggest conspiracy theory.
In 1995, the US Air Force attempted to close the case by admitting that the debris found was actually the remains of balloons developed by the secret Mogul project, designed to detect the Soviet atomic bomb.
However, neither Marcel nor even Hoth recognized this as "balloons". Since then, other military personnel also began to come forward with stories about the found foreign bodies and ships ... Unfortunately, we will never hear the truth about Roswell.

Unidentified flying objects are seen by many, although among the seven billion inhabitants of our planet, this is still a few. But those who were allegedly abducted by aliens (say, from those who returned back), and some crumbs at all.

New about UFOs and aliens

The latest UFO news is published on our portal. The section includes unique photos, videos and eyewitness accounts.

UFO(unidentified flying object, UFO) is an object at any distance from the earth's surface, the nature of which cannot be explained in terms of common sense. Usually, a UFO is a phenomenon associated with a compact moving or stationary object that can be luminous or dark, make sounds or remain silent.

The name UFO appeared as a result of a direct translation from English into Russian of the term UFO(unidentified flying object), which came into use in the early fifties of the 20th century. The activity related to the study of UFOs is called "ufology", and people who collect and verify information about UFOs are called ufologists.

Versions of the origin of UFOs

At the moment, there are several hypotheses for the origin of UFOs, including hypotheses about the extraterrestrial, natural, psychosocial and supernatural nature of phenomena. Most ufologists adhere exclusively to the version that aliens from near and far worlds are visiting us. Some ufologists believe that UFOs are ball lightning, meteorites, birds, swamp gases and other phenomena that are quite explainable by modern science. Some experts are of the opinion that "flying saucers" are visits to us by earthlings from another time or the result of the activities of quite earthly, but parallel civilizations. There is an opinion that UFOs are living objects.

Places of the most frequent encounters with UFOs

UFOs are found in different places on the Earth, but there are several areas - "windows" where their appearances are recorded most often. Usually "windows" are found in sparsely populated areas of the Earth, for example, in the desert regions of the USA and Australia, in the mountainous regions of France and Great Britain, in Brazil and Argentina.

Ufology news includes numerous evidence of the appearance of UFOs. Their existence is not denied, and most of the controversy around UFOs is about their alien origin.

Note: Statistics are kept in Beta testing mode. UFO sighting activity data is updated every hour. If there is no data on the chart, then this is due to the beginning of a new month, however, data is displayed on the chart for the current day. The X-axis shows the date of the current (green) and last (blue) month, the Y-axis shows the activity indicator of UFO sightings (not the number of sightings).

Pulsating object in the night sky over the Black Sea

The Black Sea and especially the Crimea, according to ufologists, is under the "cap" of aliens. There are supposedly a lot of underground and even underwater bases by aliens, for example, UFOs flying out from under the Bear Mountain of Big Yalta, Crimea, is a fairly common occurrence.

Several huge objects spotted near the Sun

To approach the Sun almost closely, or even to fly in (fly out) into this boundlessly red-hot mass, is beyond our understanding. How is this possible? However, UFOs near our Luminary, and of enormous size, appear periodically.

The British filmed a cylindrical UFO

Cigar-shaped or cylindrical UFOs, along with "flying saucers," are the most common vehicles attributed to aliens. Although there is such an opinion: these are secret aircraft of the world government, created on US military bases.

Incredible object seen in the sky over the Canadian city of Kelowna

On December 16, Teresa R., a resident of the Canadian province, captured on her smartphone a strange UFO in the sky over the city of Kelowna. Having provided this material to the ufological community, the woman wrote that she was completely at a loss - what is it?

The study of UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) is a research discipline called ufology. It is not recognized as a science, on the contrary, most scientists consider Ufology to be pseudoscience. In the middle of the twentieth century, some researchers in the USSR were occupied with the possibility of the existence of UFOs. But, on January 8, 1961, the article “The Myth of “Flying Saucers”” was published in the Pravda newspaper, after which all work in this area was stopped for several years.

  • Reports of UFOs appear in the press and on television with enviable regularity. Man does not want to come to terms with the idea that we are alone in the universe, does not want to believe in Darwin's theory, according to which Homo sapiens originated from monkeys.
  • There is evidence that in 1663 an unknown flying object was seen over Robozero near Vologda. Witnesses said that he flew low over the lake, making a loud noise. The device disappeared, and after a while appeared again. Local peasants watched him for an hour and a half. There were even daredevils who tried to approach him by boat, but the risky venture was unsuccessful: people felt a strong heat and hurried to retire to a safe distance.
  • For the first time the term "flying saucers" appeared in 1947, after an American businessman and experienced mountain pilot Kenneth Arnold said that he had seen several strange flying objects resembling saucers over the Cascade Mountains (Washington State).
  • Soviet science fiction writer A.P. Kazantsev was interested in visiting our planet by aliens from outer space. He published a number of works devoted to the mystery of the Tunguska meteorite. The writer suggested that it was not a meteorite, but an interplanetary aircraft that crashed while trying to land on Earth.
  • An American married couple, Betty and Barney Hill, who lived in the city of Portsmouth, became the first inhabitants of our planet who were abducted by aliens. At least they claimed so. According to Betty and Barney, on September 19, 1961, they were returning from a vacation that they had spent in a neighboring country - Canada. Suddenly, a strange flying object appeared above their car. Later, they could not remember what happened to them for two hours.
  • In 1967, six "flying saucers" were discovered at once in the south of England. But, experts have established that they are clearly not of cosmic origin. Inside the apparatuses were filled with a liquid consisting of water and flour. As it turned out later, it was just a joke - the “plates” were made by cadets of the Royal Aviation School.
  • Most scientists believe that all the rumors and evidence of visiting our planet by representatives of other civilizations are so contradictory and unproven that they are not worth taking seriously. At the same time, according to polls, more than 70 percent of US residents believe that reliable information on this topic is simply hidden from them.
  • In 1984, a special commission for the study of anomalous atmospheric phenomena was created even under the USSR Academy of Sciences. About 3,000 reports of unidentified flying objects were collected and studied, as a result of which scientists concluded that no evidence of aliens visiting the Earth was found.

Unknown flying object

Unidentified flying objects quite often appear in various parts of our planet. Extraterrestrial spacecraft have always interested not only scientists, but also ordinary people. Fans of the idea of ​​contact with alien intelligence are sure that it is about to happen. Astronomers are skeptical and continue to claim that UFOs do not exist. The only thing that can be said for sure is that humanity can neither confirm the hypothesis of aliens nor completely deny their existence.

Numerous evidence of alien life speaks for itself. From all over the world comes information about the appearance of mysterious lights, luminous balls, flying saucers, rays emanating from them. There are even eyewitnesses who claim to have seen unusual creatures emerging from aircraft in the form of a disk.

The first evidence of the existence of aliens

Judging by the rock paintings, which depict strange people with transparent balls on their heads, aliens have visited our planet since prehistoric times. Drawings with images very similar to aircraft have been preserved on the rocks.

Aliens in rock art

In the Chin San Imperial Tomb, dating back to the 2nd century BC, the walls are painted in the form of a picture in which the emperor raises his hands to the sky, and a flying saucer descending from the sky hangs in the sky. The very first written mention was made in Egypt during the time of Pharaoh Ramses II. The chronicle describes the fireballs that the ruler saw in the sky.

Paintings in the Chin San Imperial Tomb

Very interesting evidence of aliens helping people. So, during the battle under the walls of Tyre, the troops of Alexander the Great received assistance. Flying objects resembling shields appeared along the fortress of the besieged city. They punched a hole in the wall and then flew away. And Alexander's army captured the city. Then it was regarded as the help of higher powers.

Documentary facts about UFOs

Many such facts testify that humanity has long coexisted with an amazing phenomenon, the explanation of which has not yet been found. Here are a few unexplained cases that have been documented:

Disaster in Roswell

This is not the only fact of the crash of a UFO with aliens, but it was he who made the greatest resonance in the world. The military tried to completely classify this fact, but the information was leaked. The event remains important evidence of alien life and that this life is so advanced that it visits other planets. Farmers near Roswell found a scorched spot and debris from an extraterrestrial spacecraft in a field. People under pain of death were forbidden to talk about the find. However, the adult children of the farmers later said that their parents saw a plate almost intact and four aliens, one of which was still alive.

Disaster in Roswell

Scientists attribute anomalies in the Bermuda Triangle to the existence of an alien ship base at the bottom of the ocean. It is this fact that supposedly owes the disappearance of ships and aircraft, starting from the time of sailing galleons.

In Roswell in 1947, the wreckage of a ship of extraterrestrial origin was discovered. However, the government hastened to announce it as a new terrestrial flying machine. People still accuse the authorities of hiding from them the facts of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. The first unidentified flying object was photographed in 1883 in Mexico.

The first photo of a UFO. Mexico, 1883

There are many reports of alien abductions. This was first reported by the Hills of New Hampshire in 1961. When checking them, they were subjected to hypnosis each separately. Husband and wife absolutely equally conveyed the picture of the abduction.

Once in England in 1967, six unidentified objects lined up in the sky in a perfectly even row. The government was quick to announce that this was a hoax.

The facts show that aliens abducted not only ordinary citizens, but also the military. Moreover, they did this in front of the military authorities. So, in 1953, a serviceman F. Yu. Monkla, sent to intercept a UFO hovering over Michigan, disappeared completely without a trace. Eyewitnesses claim that when approaching the saucer, the earth plane was enveloped in a fireball and immediately disappeared from radar. No one else saw either the plane or the soldier.

Pilot Kenneth Arnold with a UFO photograph

Pilot K. Arnold in 1947 saw a chain of unidentified flying objects in the sky. They seemed to be floating in the air, without wings and propellers. He was the first to call them "flying saucers". The term "UFO" was coined by the US military. So they began to call aircraft of any form, the origin of which cannot be established.

Over the territory of Russia, UFOs were also often observed. For example, in 1980, several strange flying objects were seen hovering over stinking ponds over the areas of the huge treatment facilities of a chemical plant in the Rostov region. After several hours of such "observation" by the UFO, the level of toxic liquid in the tanks was reduced by half. There are many living witnesses to this fact. It turns out that this time the aliens helped to get rid of the already apparently critical mass of chemical waste.

Are aliens abducting people?

Surprising facts make us think that aliens have been among us for a long time and even somehow influence the development of countries and the policies of certain leaders of states.

People who have been abducted by aliens talk about different facts. Some claim that experiments were carried out on them, blood was taken for analysis. Others talk about humanoid rape.

aliens abduct human

For some, mental stereotypes of personality change, degradation begins. Others, on the contrary, discover talents that have not been inherent in them until now - telepathy, knowledge of languages, good health.

Under hypnosis, people describe the environment of the laboratory, the appearance of aliens, or the environment of their own home, where aliens have raided. There is no reason to deny all these facts.

The Strange Kennedy Assassination

The strangeness of the tragic event is that the murder took place shortly before the president's speech to the people, where he was going to reveal some secrets related to aliens. Ufologist M.U. Cooper, a former US Navy intelligence officer, claims that John F. Kennedy was aware of alien contacts and learned about illegal funding for research and development of science and technology of extraterrestrial origin.

It is reported that more than 50 officials were involved in this program. Scientists from around the world took part in the work. It is not known who those interested persons who organized the murder were. But this was done with the aim of not disclosing secret information.

Gauge in Bonaparte's skull

Contemporaries of Bonaparte claim that at the beginning of 1780 he disappeared somewhere. He hasn't been anywhere for a while. After his return, his associates and friends were very surprised at the changes that arose in the behavior of the man. Napoleon himself did not tell anyone anything about what happened to him.

By the way, the talent of the commander came to him precisely after this disappearance. After the death of Bonaparte, a metal object was found in his skull, which suggests the presence of a chip. No matter how fantastic the hypothesis about the presence of aliens among people and even about their influence on the course of history and the development of mankind, there are undoubtedly facts for such a conclusion.

Alien intervention in military conflicts

The facts of UFO interference during military conflicts are recognized by all. So, for example, during the Vietnam War, UFOs hung over a military base from which a missile launch with nuclear warheads was planned. No one could understand why the launch failed. But there were cases when aliens even provoked the launch of ballistic missiles and affected electronics.

Many eminent scientists argue that the alien hypothesis is given too much time. The Internet is replete with references to the appearance here and there of flying saucers and even the humanoids themselves. But more often than not, the facts are made up.

Alien films

There have been many films about aliens. Some of them are based on the idea of ​​alien hostility towards humanity. Another part extols the bright idea of ​​the friendliness of humanoids from distant galaxies. In these stories they teach us their science, pass on the secrets of technology. In some pictures, humanity is saved by an alien mind.

The science of ufology studies facts about UFOs and aliens

Ufologists are looking for traces of alien intelligence on Earth. The term "ufonaut" appeared, denoting the ancient astronauts. Scientists are firmly convinced that in ancient times ufonauts visited our planet. However, this cannot be considered a mere hypothesis. Visits by aliens are confirmed by the architecture of ancient cities and numerous finds by archaeologists.

Be that as it may, all evidence and facts indicate that the UFO hypothesis has a right to exist, and humanity should soon expect contact with alien intelligence in one form or another.