Definition of a national park and their types. national park

So, reserves are the basis of the system of specially protected natural areas in our country. However, the stay on their territory of citizens who are not employees of the reserves is strictly prohibited. Therefore, in addition to protected areas, state national parks were created. In addition, despite the universal recognition of the importance of specially protected natural areas, there is a need to obtain an economic effect from their operation. The creation of a state network of national parks is aimed at solving this problem.

National Natural Park(according to the Law of Ukraine "On the Natural Reserve Fund of Ukraine") - these are environmental, recreational, cultural, educational, research institutions of national importance, which are created with the aim of preserving, restoring and effectively using natural complexes and objects that have a special environmental protection, health, historical, cultural, scientific, educational and aesthetic value.

Multifunctionality is inherent in national parks to a much greater extent than other types of protected natural areas. However, the main purpose of the national park is to create conditions for recreation, which implies the presence of economic areas, the only restriction of which is the prohibition of any activity that can harm natural complexes and cultural and historical objects. Therefore, not all national parks can be called corners of untouched nature.

Functions of the national park:

Preservation of valuable natural and historical-cultural complexes and objects;

Creation of conditions for organized tourism, recreation and other types of recreational activities in natural conditions in compliance with the regime for the protection of protected natural complexes and objects;

Conducting scientific research of natural complexes and their changes in conditions of recreational use, development of scientific recommendations on environmental protection and efficient use of natural resources;

Carrying out environmental educational work.

It is no coincidence that the task of preserving nature is in the first place. This puts the national park in a number of specially protected areas of nature of the second rank after the reserve and indicates its purpose - from resource conservation (preservation and enrichment of natural and recreational resources) to reserved standard. After all, national parks are designed to preserve unique samples of nature and show people. Actually, proceeding from these considerations, the idea of ​​their creation developed. Today, among the unique creations of nature, not only geographical phenomena are distinguished - high mountains, deep lakes, glaciers, impressive waterfalls and canyons, but also representatives of the flora and fauna. In view of the active expansion of anthropogenic landscapes, the traditional ideas of perpetuating natural and historical memorials in national parks began to give up their positions to another, no less important goal - organizing the ecological education of a vacationer (stimulating interest in wildlife). Understanding of personal responsibility for its preservation and enhancement. This is the recreational value of the national park.

On the territory of national natural parks, taking into account the environmental, health, scientific, recreational, historical, cultural and other values ​​​​of natural complexes and objects, a differentiated (mixed) regime for their protection is established according to functional zoning:

protected area - designed to protect and restore the most valuable natural complexes, the regime of which is determined in accordance with the requirements established for nature reserves;

regulated recreation area- within its borders, short-term rest and recreation of the population, inspection of picturesque and memorable places is carried out; in this zone, the arrangement of tourist routes and ecological paths is allowed; felling of forests for primary use, commercial fishing, etc. are prohibited;

stationary recreation area- designed to accommodate hotels, campsites and other facilities for servicing visitors to the park;

economic zone - economic activity is carried out within its borders, there are settlements, public utility facilities of the park, etc. However, the construction of roads, power transmission and communication lines, traffic outside the established ones, etc. is prohibited.

Zoning of the territory of each national park, recreational and other activities on its territory are carried out in accordance with the "Regulations on the National Natural Park and the Project for the Organization of the National Natural Park Territory". Today in Ukraine there are 15 national natural parks:

Carpathian (Ivano-Frankivsk region, created in 1980)

Shatsky (Volynskaya, 1983)

Synevyr (Zakarpatskaya, 1989)

Azov - Sivash (Kherson, 1993)

Vizhnitsky (Chernovetskaya, 1995)

Podolskie Tovtry (Khmelnitskaya, 1996)

Holy Mountains (Donetsk, 1997)

Yavorovsky (Lvovskaya, 1998)

Desnyansko-Starogutsky (Sumskaya, 1999)

Skolovsky Beskids (Lvivskaya, 1999)

Uzhansky (Zakarpatskaya, 1999)

Hutsul region (Ivano-Frankivsk, 2002)

Ichnyansky (Chernigovskaya, 2004)

Galitsky (Ivano-Frankivsk, 2004)

Gomelshan forests (Kharkovskaya, 2004).

And in the world, Yosemite (1864) and Yellowstone (1872) national parks (USA) are considered the oldest.

Yosemite National Park located in the USA, California, in the Sierra Nevada mountains, the first protected landscape in the country since 1864, a national park since 1890. The area is 304 thousand hectares. Coniferous forests (thousand-year-old giant sequoiadendron trees) and about 80 species of mammals are subject to protection.

Yellowstone National Park is located in the USA, states of Wyoming, Montana, Idaho. Area 898.3 thousand hectares. The park is part of a zone of active volcanic activity, where rare natural phenomena are observed - geysers, of which there are about 200. The most famous of them is Old Fayiful, which operates almost every hour for 5 minutes and ejects a stream of hot water and steam into the air to a height of up to 30 - 45 m. The following are subject to protection: hot springs, petrified trees, coniferous forests, mountain meadows, as well as such species of animals as: black-tailed deer, bears (baribal, grizzly), etc.; nesting bald eagle.

Following the Yellowstone Park, national parks began to be created in Canada, Africa, and Australia. At present, national parks abroad play the main role in the conservation of nature in the broadest sense. Today there are 2300 national parks in the world.

In the former USSR, national parks have been introduced into the system of specially protected natural areas since the 70s. Now in Ukraine there are about 20 national natural parks.

The term "national park" appeared not so long ago. So today they call the territory in which the environment is protected, but at the same time human activity, although permitted, is limited.

Prerequisites for creation

In our country, the nationalization of parks is a relative innovation that was introduced quite recently. In the Soviet period, the system of nature protection and reserves was rather narrow, so there were practically no reserves in the western part of the country, and practically no one knew what a national park was. Today, natural parks are dominant, because here nature is not only protected, but also demonstrated to people around. Tourists can visit the national park and see everything clearly. This allows you to enjoy nature, communicate with wild animals, and also financially help save the environment. What is a national park and what is the history of its creation in Russia? These and other questions can be answered in this article.

One of such facilities, which was organized in the United States, became a kind of model for the nationalization of parks. Already the first visitors of this park, it became obvious that such a model is unique, and gives incredible pleasure to a person who contemplates the beauty of the surrounding nature. The idea to preserve nature in this way was made public in 1872, thus the decree on the nationalization of parks was signed.

National park and reserve. What's the Difference?

First of all, the main difference is the fact that almost the entire territory of the national park is open to the human eye. Naturally, the stay of visitors is regulated by rather strict rules. The main function of the national park is to provide all the conditions for familiarization of people and partial communication with wildlife. Here, for this purpose, special sidewalks are being built, campsites are being built, routes are being laid, and even recreation centers are being created. A good example of the creation of such areas for recreation are other national parks in the world. The strategy of their development gives a really noticeable economic effect and allows you to fully pay for the living of animals and provide them with everything they need, while preserving nature. An interesting fact is that such establishments are visited by a huge number of people, as well as tourists who specially come to see some certain types of animals.

Secret of success

What is a national park and why is it so attractive to visitors? It is quite simple to explain this, because it is here that you can observe amazing landscapes of nature. Usually national parks are built on areas with unusually beautiful nature. Such places can be majestic rocks, divinely beautiful waterfalls, picturesque lakes and forests, and thermal springs are no exception. Any tourist can come to the national park and be absolutely sure that they will see incredibly beautiful nature, get acquainted with animals and spend their time with great benefit.

Communication with animals

Another important criterion for visiting national parks is touching communication directly with wildlife, as well as with its prominent representatives. Naturally, hunting for smaller brothers is strictly prohibited in the national park, but there are also places where they allow hunting according to certain regulations (meaning photo hunting). In this case, given the fact of being on the territory of people, animals begin to get used to them and pay their attention to people. For example, a deer can calmly approach a person without being afraid of a photo shoot, and even eat something from their hands. Under these conditions, the administration necessarily warns people not to be too intrusive with animals, to be extremely careful, the animal still poses a potential danger. This rule primarily applies to large individuals (bears, wild boars), bison are no less dangerous. In every national park, you can see a huge number of animals that can amaze a person in just a few days. For this purpose, special routes have been created along which you can observe representatives of the fauna.


Despite all of the above about national parks, there are also certain types of problems that need to be addressed. One of them is poaching, which has long been a serious threat to the conservation of wildlife. To combat this phenomenon, special staffs of guards are formed who monitor the territory of the entire reserve. If the shooting of animals has occurred, then certain sanctions are applied to a person, first of all, these are fines that must be paid without fail. Staying on the territory of the park with weapons is already a violation of the rules, and only for this the administration can be held accountable.

Land use issues

Incredibly often, national parks and reserves are faced with such a problem as a certain kind of land claims, for example, in 2009, one of the coastal national parks had to lose almost half of the territory, which significantly affected its further development.

Pernicious consciousness

Such establishments also face other problems. Usually they are based on the consciousness of the people themselves, which does not always accept the very idea that nature needs to be preserved and developed by ecological tourism. Some people have the barbaric notion that forests are meant for felling and harvesting timber, and that the animals that live there are created for shooting and cooking. Such thinking hinders the creation of new parks and the conservation of animal populations. One of the American legendary national parks was no exception, which over the years began to bring huge incomes, animals were preserved and bred, the park was opened in 1870. It is surprising that for the first years and even decades, poachers ruled here, annually killing tens of thousands of defenseless bison and deer. As a result of such barbarism, the government decided to protect the territory and the adoption of certain sanctions against poachers.

The state of national parks in Russia

If we talk about Russia in this situation, then we can draw a rather sad conclusion that now such a situation is at the level, most likely, of the 19th century. A huge number of mistakes are repeated, especially if we are talking about poaching. Most local leaders cannot understand the purpose of developing such parks, as well as their economic benefits. As a result, certain rules are not observed, trees are cut down, and poachers constantly enter the territory. But initially the territory has a clear definition. A national park is a place where human activity is severely restricted. So, we can conclude that there are no fundamental differences between the national park and the reserve. What is a national park? This is the place that is available for vacationers, a person can communicate with nature, and also do something useful for her, even financially. Visiting the reserves is strictly limited to some specific excursion programs, so it is not always possible to fully enjoy the beauty.

The definition of a natural national park also carries with it the noble idea of ​​preserving the fragile surrounding nature. And it is they that enable a person to take part in this difficult process and feel important for nature, to preserve its small particle.

What is a reserve? Is it significantly different from a national park? In both cases, these are protected areas created with the aim of preserving natural sites in an unchanged form and preserving their flora, fauna, geological or other natural features, as well as the gene pool of animal and plant species. Such zones provide a unique opportunity for observation and scientific study of their natural environment and inhabitants. The main difference: in the reserves, the admission of unauthorized persons and any human activity, except for security and scientific activities, is prohibited, while tourism and limited economic activities are allowed in national parks.


Natural reserves (reserves) can be appointed and supervised by state and research institutions, charitable organizations, and in some cases by private landowners. Depending on the level of their protection, nature reserves fall into different categories of the IUCN, that is, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, represented by local legislation. In the case of a unique global significance, the object falls into the scope of UNESCO protection. AT Russian Federation 100 nature reserves and 50 national parks are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology.

History of modern reserves

The world's first modern reserve was established in 1821 by naturalist-explorer Charles Waterton around his family estate in West Yorkshire. He spent £9,000 (inconceivable money at the time) to build a 3-mile, 9-foot-tall wall to keep poachers out of his park. Then for the first time the concept was applied: what is a reserve. In this territory, Waterton created favorable conditions mainly for the life and reproduction of wild birds, for which he made scientific observations.

The first state reserve was Drachenfels, formed in Germany in 1836, when the Prussian government bought the site to protect it from mining.

Yellowstone in Wyoming, USA is the first largest national park, based on an area of ​​8991 sq. km in 1872. It was followed by: the Royal National Park near Sydney in Australia (1879) and the Barguzinsky Natural Reserve of Imperial Russia (1916), first created by the government entirely for the scientific study of nature.

biosphere reserve

A natural park or reserve can belong to one of three types: biospheric, botanical and mineralogical, or be complex.

669 biosphere reserves have been created on the planet, of which 564 reserves make up the World Network: a special international project developed and organized under the UNESCO program. Its main task is to preserve a sustainable ecosystem, plant and animal gene pool of various natural zones of the planet, as well as comprehensively study the natural environment and biological diversity of these and adjacent territories. Biosphere reserves are created on the basis of already existing natural national parks and reserves. 120 countries took part in the program. There are 37 such reserves in Russia.

What is a botanical reserve?

This is a territory where it is important to preserve the unique flora: endangered, relict and endemic species listed in the national or international Red Book. For this purpose, the natural landscape and natural conditions for the reproduction of these plants are preserved, for example, the Khomutovskaya steppe reserve, where 1028 hectares of the steppe zone are preserved in their original state.

Mineralogical reserves

These are reserves where the natural state of special natural standards is preserved: valuable from the point of view of science, geological and mineralogical formations. Such reserves are mainly created in places with karst caves, mineral springs, salt lakes, waterfalls, geyser and volcanic geolandscapes, caves, ore veins with a rich variety of minerals and other interesting geological objects and phenomena. The first specialized object of this kind in the world was Yellowstone, and in Russia - the Ilmensky Reserve (1920) in the Urals.

Complex reserves

The term "museum-reserve" appeared in Soviet Russia, since 1922 it was first applied to the "Pushkin corner". And since the 50s, the state form of appropriation of some historical and cultural complexes, with the territories adjacent to them, the status of museum-reserves was established, which determined their safety and funding.

Now in Russia there are about a hundred museum-reserves, which can be divided into several types, based on what objects are located on their sites. It can be a combination of objects and territories of historical, architectural, archaeological, artistic, military, and even scientific and technical orientation. But what are nature reserves complex? Each of these museums, in addition to the main profile, combines several purposes: art-historical, architectural-historical, historical-archaeological, military-historical and others. Therefore, all museum-reserves can be considered complex.

Natural national parks and reserves are also complex, when a landscape of interest to science with geological and mineralogical formations forms a special environment for unique flora and habitats of rare animal species. And this combination is not often found on the planet.

Many people have heard the phrase "national park", but not everyone knows what it really is. These objects are of particular interest to travelers, especially for those who prefer natural beauties to man-made ones. In this article, we will explain what is a national park how it differs from the reserve, and list the most worthy places to visit from the world natural heritage.

What is a national park

A national park is a special area with a natural landscape that is protected in order to limit human activities. By the way, under this name, not only the territory, but also the water area can act - i.e. absolutely any part of the planet where efforts are being made to preserve its natural primordiality.

The main thing that a traveler needs to know about national parks is that you can travel through them. In fact, they were created precisely for this, so that a modern person can see for himself the endless beauty of untouched nature. Also in national parks, you can conduct scientific research, conduct some types of economic activity.

Despite the fact that the concept of a national park is universal, it may have its own characteristics in each country, respectively, the rules of behavior in natural objects may be different, and the traveler should carefully study them before the trip.

They tried to give a universal definition of the term what a national park is at the tenth session of the General Assembly of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Common features for such parks were proposed to be called:

  • the primordial nature of the natural system or the insignificant influence of man on it;
  • a fairly large area;
  • interest in these places in terms of science, spirituality or tourism.

In Russia, for example, a clause on the presence of completely untouched areas of nature in a national park is mandatory. Those. if there are none, then the site cannot be considered a national park.

Among the characteristic features that unite the concepts of a national park around the world, also include:

  • Diversity of landscape, flora and fauna. There may also be rare species of plants and animals listed in the Red Book.
  • Objective beauty of landscapes;
  • The presence of significant cultural and historical events in the area;
  • Clearly perceived tourist potential of the place.

Reserve. Definition

A reserve is a section of an ecosystem untouched by humans, access to the territory of which is strictly limited in order to protect the rare species of animals and plants found in it. Thus, the main goal of the reserve is to preserve the natural course of life of all the structures that make up the ecosystem.

How is a national park different from a nature reserve?

The main thing in which the national park differs from the reserve is the degree of restriction of human activity.. In national parks, quite a lot of activities are allowed - from scientific research to the organization of hiking trips. It is impossible to enter the reserve without special permission from the environmental authorities, and almost all types of human activity are prohibited there. Movement across the territory is severely restricted, any activities that pose a danger to at least any part of the natural system are suppressed. This, by the way, is the difference between nature reserves and sanctuaries, in which only certain populations of the animal and plant world are “exposed” to protection.

What is the reason for such a strict regime of access to the territory?

In the reserves, with a few exceptions, there are rare and endangered species of plants or animals. The situation is often so serious that only a complete ban on human intervention can save the living population. Tourism in the reserves is practically excluded, but a variety of scientific activities are carried out - monitoring the state of the ecological environment, counting animals, training specialists in environmental protection, etc.

As with national parks, the concept of a nature reserve can vary from country to country. In Russia, reserves are under strict protection of federal legislation. Any Russian nature reserve, the definition of which is quite clearly spelled out in legislative acts, is a specially protected area.

The main goal of national parks is the preservation of natural complexes and objects in combination with the organization of environmental education of the population in the process of direct acquaintance with typical and unique landscapes, plants and animals. As in reserves, they protect the standards of natural complexes and the gene pool of typical and rare organisms. Like nature reserves, these parks protect the resources of the animal and plant world, valuable and unique landscapes or their individual components. But at the same time, the specific tasks of national parks, which distinguish them from other categories of protected lands, are the preservation of unique recreational resources in relatively untouched nature and the creation of conditions for educational tourism and the organization of environmental education.

The idea of ​​a national park dates back to the end of the 19th century. In 1872, the first national park in the world, Yellowstone, was organized in the United States. Since then, more than 2,000 parks have been created in different countries, and their total area is approximately 2% of the land of the entire planet. National parks at the time of their formation embodied the first ideas about nature protection, and at that time it was about preserving the rarest or unique samples of it. The first parks, first in the United States, then in European countries, were created to prevent the economic development of territories with outstanding natural values, whether it be the geysers of Yellowstone or the giant sequoia forest. Uniqueness was the most important attribute of any national park. In the second half of the XX century. the attitude towards the tasks of the national park and its maintenance has changed. This happened following a change in views on the goals of preserving nature as a living environment. On the one hand, due to the greatly increased human impact, the range of objects that began to be classified as unique has expanded. It began to include not only natural masterpieces, but also objects disappearing through the fault of man - from individual organisms to zonal landscapes that have reduced their distribution. On the other hand, the idea of ​​the significance of protected areas of nature has changed. In addition to the functions of a natural museum and a place of recreation in the natural environment, parks began to fulfill the tasks of maintaining the ecological health of the planet, preserving its gene pool and representative samples, and creating polygons for scientific research. They began to be assigned a wide range of tasks arising from new theoretical concepts in the field of nature protection, including those that are solved in our country by nature reserves. Both in terms of area and importance, national parks of foreign countries have become the basis of national systems of specially protected natural areas. Linking the conservation objectives of parks with their use for "inspiration, pleasure and education" or "for the benefit and recreation of the general public" is a mandatory requirement of any national legislation or relevant provisions of international conventions.

The question may arise why these objects were called parks, because many of the territories of the current national parks have nothing to do with the park in our usual sense. In 1960, Key Largo Bay in Florida was even given over to the national park. Now there are already more than 170 such marine parks. In the United States, a dune national park has been created in the Origon Delta, there are Arctic national parks in Alaska, which are also difficult to imagine as parks in the usual sense of the word. The fact is that the word "park" in English has several meanings, one of which is an alpine valley. Perhaps that is why the valley of the Yellowstone River, flowing from the alpine lake of the same name, was called the park. They are called national in order to emphasize their social, national, and not private affiliation.

Initially, the preservation of the nature of the national park was associated with the withdrawal of its territory from any economic use, except for recreation. Recreation was not a danger to nature in the 19th century. This cannot be said about the modern period, when recreation has become a very aggressive industry. The interest of visitors to virgin, untouched natural landscapes has increased many times over, and the national parks of all countries are experiencing the pressure of this interest. Therefore, wordings are introduced into the provisions of laws and management decisions that limit recreation in the national park to "special visiting conditions" or "specially allocated territories."

Unlike the reserve, the national park is open to the public in most of its territory. Permissible types of recreation are those that are associated with a journey in nature - hiking, water, ski tourism, short excursions. Mass spectacles, entertaining games, sports competitions are not allowed in the national park.

At the I World Conference on National Parks (Seattle, 1962), it was noted that national parks provide visitors with a wide variety of services and generate large incomes. Sometimes they exceed the income that can be obtained from the exploitation of the natural resources available in the parks. For example, in the United States, income from recreation in sequoia forests is 10 times higher than from logging in them. The profitability of funds invested in the development and operation of national parks turned out to be higher than that of mining and manufacturing enterprises. Income on invested capital, of course, to a large extent contributed to the creation and development of national parks. In some places, territories that are not sufficiently remarkable in terms of nature began to fit under their sign. As an example, 17 national parks in Japan, created in the period 1934-1950, which later did not receive international recognition, can be mentioned. The same fate befell some parks in Holland, Great Britain, Ethiopia, Italy and other countries. To prevent the possible exploitation of the popularity of existing national parks and the devaluation of the very idea of ​​their creation, representatives of the international environmental community - members of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) created in 1948 - turned to the UN with a request to resolve the situation. The IUCN drafted and the X General Assembly adopted a resolution stating: In view of the importance attached by the United Nations to the idea of ​​a national park as a wise use of natural resources, and in view of the increasing use of the term "national park" in a number of countries in recent years to refer to areas with completely different tasks and status, the X IUCN General Assembly, held in New Delhi in November 1969, recommends that all governments retain the term "national park" only for areas that meet the proposed criteria. A national park is a relatively large area in which one or more ecosystems have not undergone major changes as a result of human activity, where plant and animal species, their habitats, geomorphological sites are of scientific, educational or recreational interest, or in which there is a natural landscape of exceptional beauty.

The following administrative actions are allowed on the territory of the park by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources:
- construction of visitor service facilities, as well as a road and footpath network, however, such facilities should be concentrated in specially designated areas in limited areas;
- construction work necessary for the management of the park, including the construction of official roads, service buildings;
- biotechnical measures aimed at the conservation of desirable species of flora and fauna; such activities may include shooting or trapping animals to control their numbers, removing unwanted vegetation, and using controlled burning or grazing to maintain certain plant communities.

A national park that meets international requirements may consist of the following zones or their combinations:
- areas of untouched nature;
- areas of untouched nature in combination with a natural zone of a strict regime and (or) a managed natural zone;
- any or all of the listed zones in combination with the tourist-administrative zone;
- any or all of the above zones in combination with one or more zones classified as anthropological, archaeological or historical.

The national park is a nature protection educational institution in which the goals of preserving natural complexes and objects are combined with the interests of organizing environmental education of the population. It is designed to fulfill a range of conservation tasks common to those of other protected areas. If the reserve serves as a natural standard for obtaining scientific information, then the national park is a standard for cognitive information about nature for all citizens. When this category was introduced into the system of protected areas, experts discussed the issue of the possible advantage of any of the functions over others, and the point of view about the dominance of recreational goals and functions in their general set was very common. This understanding brought the national park closer to an ordinary recreation area or to other similar recreational areas. It would mean that the park does not have an independent environmental load and only recreational resources are protected in it. The idea of ​​the park as a recreational institution impoverishes its natural and educational content. In addition, it contradicts the global understanding of the essence of the national park, enshrined in international documents. The interests of nature protection and cognitive recreation in the park are territorially delimited by zoning its territory. The Standard Provision for Russian national parks provides for the allocation of four zones with different modes of use: protected mode, regulated recreational use, visitor service, and economic use. The main burden of educational tourism and sightseeing visits is borne by the zone of regulated recreational use. In it, vacationers move along pre-prepared trails of multi-day tourist or one-day excursion routes. For rest or lodging for the night they stop in specially designated places. The routes are laid out so that the visitor can see all the diversity of the nature of the park and get to know the remarkable places without experiencing unpleasant psychological overload from being close to other vacationers. In the park, a person gets the opportunity to communicate with nature, and a preliminary visit to the information center or a museum of nature, specially published reference books, educational and ecological trails, and sometimes the help of a guide will help him understand it better.

Lands developed for agriculture can also be included in the park, mainly in order to ensure the integrity of the territory and compliance with the necessary requirements for the exploitation of resources on lands adjacent to specially protected areas of nature. They are allocated to a special economic zone. These territories remain under the jurisdiction of the former land users, but they are managed in such a way as not to conflict with the conservation interests of the national park. At the same time, the task is to create an environmentally friendly agricultural production and a harmonious agricultural landscape worthy of being a model. One of the important problems is related to the organization of recreational services in the national park. It offers the visitor a fundamentally different type of recreation than in ordinary recreational areas. Man is admitted into nature as a guest, and his presence should not leave any traces in it. The adaptation of the recreational environment is limited to minimal intervention.

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