Summer exam preparation. How best to prepare for the exam

Many high school students are interested in the question of how to prepare for the exam in biology from scratch on their own? He is especially concerned about those who want to connect their lives with medicine, animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, agrotechnical specialties, psychology, physical education, or seriously engage in the same science in the future. According to statistics, in recent years, about 17-18% of graduates have passed biology, and it ranks 5th among elective exams.

Is it possible to learn the entire amount of biological knowledge on your own, and even in a short time (half a year, a year, or even a couple of months)? Of course, yes, if you know what the exam is and understand how to properly prepare for it?

Before moving on to the structure of the exam itself, I would like to recall what is included in the school biology course. These are topics such as:

  1. Kingdoms of bacteria, Fungi, Lichens, Plants.
  2. Animal Kingdom.
  3. Anatomy and physiology.
  4. General biology is the largest and most complex section. Includes cytology, molecular biology, genetics, evolutionary theory and ecology, and also complements and structures the knowledge from the previous sections.

The exam itself includes 28 tasks of different difficulty levels: basic, advanced and high. The task is no longer divided into A, B, C, and the first 21 of them correspond to the former parts A and B, the answer to them will be the number of the correct (or several correct) options or a sequence of numbers, and tasks from 22 to 28 correspond to questions in part C and require a full explanation. You have 210 minutes to complete all tasks.

For each correct solution, you can get from 1 to 3 so-called primary points, which are later converted into test points, where the maximum possible number of primary points corresponds to 100 test points. However, the chance to get all 100 points, especially when preparing from scratch, is very low: in all recent years, even 1% of examinees have not gained them. But passing the exam with a high score, and even more so at the entrance, is quite realistic.

What to do?

How to start preparing for the exam? In our opinion, with self-discipline. Most importantly, starting to prepare for the exam, you should do it regularly. It is desirable that there be a constant frequency and classes are not missed. After all, doing even 15 minutes 5 days a week, you will achieve much more than if you torture yourself all day, but absolutely irregularly. It is also undesirable to be distracted, it is necessary to completely immerse yourself in the study of the subject.

Preparation should include both the solution of trial versions of the test and its individual parts, and familiarization with the theory. Teaching biology is not so difficult if you first solve a couple of tests and determine which topics you know well enough, and which ones “sag” and require additional attention. It is the latter that needs to be studied more carefully.

You can use the Internet and books for preparation, or better, both. There are many places on the Internet where you can try to solve tasks from the exam, both completely according to the structure of the exam, and in separate sections. The same can be found in the literature on the exam. Information for studying individual topics can be found in your school textbooks, and in books, and on the Internet.

It is recommended that you first pass a trial test, then work on individual sections, with a limited time, starting with the weakest ones, and then proceed to passing the tests again. It is this structure that most tutors adhere to, which means that those who prepare themselves should take it into service.

When solving tests, as well as during the exam itself, you must follow another very important rule - read the question carefully! So many examinees make stupid mistakes not from ignorance, but from inattention. The latter, in turn, may appear due to excitement, so the next important rule is to try not to worry. It can be difficult, so it's worth remembering when preparing for the exam that there is nothing to worry about, and even a failed test is not the end of life! The ability to relax and calm down can be a good helper when passing the exam.

What should not be done?

After we have considered what to do, I would like to briefly touch on the topic of what not to do. Unfortunately, there are many students who treat exams too lightly or, on the contrary, strain beyond measure.

What not to do:

  1. Hope for "maybe". The exam becomes more difficult every year so that the percentage of "guessed" is less and less. Therefore, to consider that preparation for the exam is not needed at all is at least stupid.
  2. Write "spurs". Surveillance of each participant in the exam is quite serious. You can be removed during testing, and the right to rewrite it will be only after a year. Therefore, you can, of course, write spurs. But it's not worth bringing them to the exam.
  3. Bring yourself to a nervous breakdown. Sometimes a person starting preparation for a biology exam believes that the more time will be spent studying the subject, the better. On the contrary, by ignoring the body's need for rest, you risk either bringing yourself to a nervous breakdown, or at least forgetting everything you need at the time of the exam, due to overload. Everything is good in moderation!
  4. Learn the material on the last night. Firstly, you simply won’t be able to fit the volume of all knowledge in biology into your head overnight. Secondly, if you come to the exam sleepy and tired, you will have little chance of passing the test well. Therefore, regardless of what you have time for, before the exam, you need to go to bed early and get enough sleep!

It is possible to prepare for the biology exam even from scratch if you understand what you want, know how to discipline yourself, but at the same time give yourself the opportunity to relax and are ready to study. We wish you successful passing the exam in biology!

Almost all school graduates are thinking about how to prepare for the exam on their own from scratch and is it possible. Of course yes! But only if you realize that it is not someone who needs to successfully pass the exam, but you. Your future depends on the results of the exam! Have you asked yourself the question “Who do I want to be?”. Be sure to ask it to yourself and imagine yourself in 5-6 years, what is your profession, where do you work, how much do you earn? Now think about what you need to do to achieve your goal. Get professional education! And without the highest scores of the Unified State Examination, you will not be able to enter your dream university on a budgetary basis. What can prevent you from preparing well for the exams? Lack of a systematic training plan. The reason for the lack of such a plan is ordinary human laziness. Too lazy to analyze your knowledge in order to understand which topics you know well, and which ones need special attention. Too lazy to look for the necessary information, because there is so much of it that the head is splitting. Too lazy to read, write notes, draw up diagrams, repeat what has been covered ... Guys, if you are too lazy, you will not succeed! Take your will into a fist and prove to everyone that you can pass the exam yourself.

What should be paid attention to those who prepare for the exam on their own?

First you need to get acquainted with the USE codifier. Unfortunately, many teachers neglect this document and do not tell their students about it. Why is he so important? Because it lists all the topics that make up the KIM tasks. You will understand what questions you will face when doing the exam paper. Where can I get the encoder? Download the demo for the desired subject on the FIPI website. In it you will find three documents, one of which is the USE codifier. For example, this is how the social science code looks like:

The topics in it are distributed blockwise, there are five of them: "Man and Society", "Economy", "Social Relations", "Politics" and "Law". There are 82 topics in total. Take the codifier as the foundation of your exam preparation and make it your plan.

So, you have a ready-made plan for preparing for the exam. Amazing! Now you need to go through the topics of the codifier and make marks for yourself, for example, put + opposite a topic that you know well and a sign ? next to the topic to be taught. Next, make a preparation schedule, estimate the time left until the exam and distribute the unlearned topics by day of the week. Take time to solve the training options for the exam. Now we are looking for reliable sources of knowledge. There are a lot of them, so you will not encounter the problem of a shortage of sources. Choose what you like. It can be textbooks, reference books, video tutorials. If you like the Knowledge Base site, use it, it is just compiled on the topics of codifiers and it will be convenient for you to find the topic you need. Guys, believe me, just reading is not enough, be sure to take notes! Firstly, you will remember more this way, and secondly, you will create your own reference book, which will always be at hand.

Remember, you should not be overwhelmed with study. In the daily routine and the week, there must be time for rest. Alternate mental work with walks or housework. Don't delay your preparation. The sooner you start learning, the stronger your knowledge will be and the more confident you will feel on the exam. Good luck!

A tour of the Knowledge Base site for those who prepare for the exam on their own:
Topics of the USE codifier in the Russian language 👉

Good day, dear reader! This article is about preparing for the exam in one year. From it you will learn how best to plan your preparation for the Unified State Examination, how much time per day you need to study in order to successfully prepare yourself for the Unified State Exam.

You have exactly one year left before passing the exam. Or a little more, or a little less. About a year. You are going to enter a university on a budget, so you want the exams to be passed with maximum scores. But how to achieve a positive result for yourself? How to organize your training in such a way that in a year you become a real expert in your subjects?

Do you think it's hard to be an expert even in one subject?

Wrong! Very easy! You can very well become a real guru of the subjects you have chosen for passing the exam, if you prepare for the exam correctly. Therefore, less words, more deeds, here is a time-tested and many people's instruction on how to prepare for the exam on your own in a year.

How to prepare for the exam in a year?

As you already understood above, the most important thing in preparing for the exam is to correctly plan your classes. You have already set yourself a goal - the successful passing of the exam. It remains only to lay the shortest and simplest "path" to it.

To begin with, you must, long before the actual passing of the exam, decide what subjects you will take.

This is a very important point, take the choice of your future profession very seriously. Do not go on about your friends and parents! You choose your own path, you know yourself and your abilities better than anyone else.

Therefore, for example, if you do not like working on a computer, then you should not take computer science.

Even if everyone around will say that now everything is around computers and computers, that the profession of an IT specialist is very prestigious and highly paid - do not listen to anyone! Choose only what you really like.

After all, it's up to you to learn, not your parents. Compare your abilities and desire, and make an informed choice of subjects that you will take on the exam.

Hope you figured it out, let's move on. The subjects have been chosen, now we need to somehow start preparing for them diligently. We want to immediately warn you of the following: in the list of selected items, do not make any item your “favorite” or “not favorite”.

Simply, if you do this, then naturally you will pay more attention to your favorite subjects, and spend noticeably less time preparing for the unloved ones.

In the end, this will lead to the fact that you will have a tangible “overweight” in knowledge in one subject, and a noticeable “underweight” in another.

Just don’t forget that you get into a university based on the amount of points scored, so even if you score a lot of points, say in Russian, and much less in history, then the average result will not be so hot. Not on the budget, so to speak.

When you plan to do preparation for the exam for the year, then you should start preparing from the summer holidays.

Yes, yes, it’s sunny and hot outside, and you already need to think about the upcoming exams in a year. We understand that it is very difficult to force yourself to prepare in the summer, so we suggest that you only make a preparation plan for the summer.

Do not just think that a good plan is very easy to make. Very difficult, let's say even very difficult! The plan must take into account all the nuances. For example, if you, in addition to the educational school, go to some additional sections (football, dance, etc.), then you should take this into account when you make up your plan.

However, back to the plan. How to compose it correctly? What should be written in it? How do you stick to a plan?

A properly drawn up plan is a document written or printed on a piece of paper in which you display the main points of your future preparation.

Example. So, you need a plan for the year. You have chosen to pass 4 exams (Russian language, mathematics, social studies and history) - you want to become a lawyer. You must distribute these 4 items by day of the week.

In addition to acquiring new knowledge, it will also not be superfluous to consolidate the material already covered in your memory. Therefore your plan preparation for the exam for the year will look like this.

For example, on Monday you study Russian, on Tuesday you study history, on Wednesday you repeat Russian, on Thursday you repeat history. The first four days of the week you only spend on 2 items.

Then on Friday you do math, on Saturday you do social studies. Also, do not forget about rest, because rest is very important for quality preparation for the exam! So make Sunday a day off.

Although we said that the repetition of the studied material is an important stage in your preparation, still try to memorize new information immediately.

You will have more time to replenish your mental reserve with deeper knowledge that you will really need, especially in that part of the exam where a detailed answer is required. In short, the more you read, the more examples you will have in your memory.

Therefore, try to divide your items in pairs. One pair - requires mandatory repetition of the material (in our case, Russian and history - they are worse for you), the second (mathematics, social science) - no, because. you grasp new information on these subjects, literally on the fly.

This was just an example. You must determine for yourself which items to repeat and which not. Too much repetition can also go not for good, but for harm.

In the end, this is what we got:

USE preparation plan

Week A:

If you still want to repeat the material in all subjects without exception, then you can alternate repetitions in this way:

Week A:

1. Monday - new knowledge of the Russian language.

2. Tuesday - repetition of the received information on the Russian language.

3. Wednesday - new knowledge of history.

4. Thursday - repetition of new information on history.

5. Friday - new knowledge in mathematics.

6. Saturday - new knowledge in social science.

7. Sunday - a well-deserved rest!

A weekB:

1. Monday - new knowledge of the Russian language.

2. Tuesday - new knowledge of history.

3. Wednesday - new knowledge in mathematics.

4. Thursday - repetition of new information in mathematics.

5. Friday - new knowledge in social science.

6. Saturday - repetition of new information on social studies.

7. Sunday - a well-deserved rest!

etc. in the same vein. Alternate weeks!

This gradation will allow you to gradually, gradually increase your level of knowledge in all subjects. In addition, you will constantly repeat the material covered, so the knowledge gained will remain in your head for a long time. At least right up to the time of passing the exam.

This was only a rough plan of work, we gave it as a model, according to which you can make your own.

We move on, and next in line we have a question that many schoolchildren ask: how much time per day do you need to prepare in order to be well prepared in the end? Unfortunately, we cannot give you an exact answer to this question, because. it all depends on you, on your ability to learn, to assimilate and repeat new information.

If you are a genius who grasps everything on the fly, then an hour of preparation a day is enough for you.

If you are an ordinary mortal who has an average learning ability, then you will need to practice at least 1.5 - 2 hours a day. Lot? If you want to go on a budget, then this is practically a necessary sacrifice.

[To prepare for the exam for the year you need to practice 1.5 - 2 hours daily.]

Everything is logical - those who do not want to bother with preparation, but want to get a higher education - study for a fee. His parents donate money. You, most likely, cannot pay for your studies, so you want to study on a budgetary basis. Therefore, you are also forced to give away your resource, which is called time.

The whole economy is built on this law, but what is there, the economy - the whole life. After all, a rich man would not waste his time to mow the lawn near the house? What for? He would rather pay the same schoolboy and student, while spending time for the place, his money, which he has in bulk. But time ... Almost everyone has the same time. No amount of money can buy it...

Now it remains to deal with another question: what is the best time to prepare for the exam? It is clear that during the day you are at school and there you are trained very diligently. Therefore, most likely, after studying, you come home tired and hungry. What is the exam, what is the preparation

After you eat, then go and rest. This is very important for future focus on new material. You can go for a walk with friends, unwind, breathe fresh rest. Somewhere at 6-7 o'clock sit down to do your homework (the usual d / z, which is always given to you).

After it, rest again (just don’t sit at the computer!) And then start working with CIMs (control and measuring materials).

By the way, so that your preparation for the exam was smooth and without “twitches”, buy in advance all the necessary books, manuals, tables and other training materials for which you will prepare.

Don't forget to buy some good writing pens, because the pen is your main teaching tool. If she writes poorly, then you will accordingly be distracted by this matter, and your preparation for exams will suffer from this.

We only need to talk about how to stick to the plan. You can write a bunch of plans, only success in any business depends not only on them, but on your actions. As far as you stick to your training program, this is the result you will get in the end. But how do you force yourself to prepare? After all, it's so hard to do sometimes, so lazy ...

Imagine such a picture. You did not pass the exam well and could not pass on a budgetary basis. Well, what happens. You say to yourself: nothing, I'll retake it next year. And this year I will work better, why waste a year in vain. You start working. And when you work, there is no longer any strength to study and prepare for the exam after the work shift.

Thus, you gradually abandon the idea of ​​​​retaking, everything works and works ... As a result, you will work all your life in a low-paying job!

Therefore, even if trouble happened and you could not enter a university on a budget, then go to college. You need at least some education! After graduating from college, you can again try your hand at entering a university.

Just don't go straight to work after school! This is almost a 100% guarantee that you will work as an ordinary worker in a factory all your life. Of course, not everyone desires high ranks, prestige and status.

However, if you went to school in 11th grade, then you probably wanted something more from life than a career as a hard worker. Here is the whole motivation for preparing for the exam ...

Do you want to be a factory worker? Then turn off your computer, turn off the Internet and get ready, get ready, get ready... Don't look at anyone, read, memorize, repeat. Then see who will have the last laugh

Good luck preparing for the exam!

How much time is needed for preparation? How to study to come to the exam not with an empty head? What techniques and secrets of effective training exist? If you are reading this article, you are probably looking for answers to similar questions.

We have prepared for you some working tips on how to prepare for the exam. These recommendations are the result of the experience of past graduates. Those guys who have already been able to successfully overcome the exam. If they can do it, you can too. Let's get started!

Preparing effectively: what to consider?

There are moments that are relevant for all subjects submitted for the unified state exam. We will also tell you about specific methods of preparing for mathematics or Russian, for example.

How much time is needed for preparation? Let's just say that preparing for the exam in a year is quite realistic. You can start preparing as early as 10th grade. Or on summer break before graduation. But few people have enough willpower. But at the beginning of the 11th, it's definitely time to start. Then, in the time remaining before the exams, you will just have time to repeat everything that you have learned at school all these years. But for this you must have some kind of base.

So, what can serve as a solid base for your preparation? First, school lessons. We do not discount them, because teachers at school pay a lot of attention to preparing for the exam and coaching for tests. Secondly, self-preparation. Thirdly, specialized courses. And finally, classes with a tutor. Face-to-face or, for example, with an online tutor on our website. You will definitely need the help of some teacher so that you can effectively prepare for the exam. So that there is someone to check essays or essays for part C, for example, when you solve tests during self-study. Whether it is a school teacher or a tutor, it is not so important. The main thing is to have someone to turn to for help and control.

Where to start preparing? Find out the real level of your knowledge (the grades in the journal do not always adequately reflect it). To do this, take the USE tests for 2013, note the time - everything is like in a real exam. Tasks that you failed to complete or made mistakes, and their corresponding topics, will need to be given the most attention. Mark these tasks and these topics on paper. Now you have a preliminary preparation plan in front of you.

Remember also: in order to successfully prepare for the exam, you must not only read a lot of textbooks, solve a lot of tests, but also talk a lot. For example, with your tutor. This, firstly, develops speech - during the exam it will be easier to formulate thoughts in those tasks that require a detailed answer. And secondly, it develops thinking. And a lot more to write: compositions, essays, etc. This will help hone your writing skills and improve your literacy. It will certainly come in handy - after all, no one is exempt from the Russian language exam.

Another mandatory item in preparing for the exam is trial testing. Useful for learning how you can complete missions in "combat mode". To estimate how much time you actually need to complete each part of the test. And when you come to class on the day of the real exam, the situation will not be completely new for you - it means that it can not unsettle you so much.

How to properly prepare for the exam

Here we have put together a short list of things for you to help you study productively for the exam:

  • Realize that the required subjects and the ones you choose yourself are equally important. So make sure you have enough time for everyone.
  • Organize the subjects you will be preparing for by the days of the week. You can mark your schedule right on the calendar. It is not worth repeating several items in one day - there will be a real mess in your head.
  • Alternate subjects and tasks throughout the week. For example, on Monday you can learn new material or solve unfamiliar problems. And on Tuesday, repeat. And so on throughout the week. You can also change weeks. For example, next Monday start with a repetition, and on Tuesday take on a new one.
  • Give classes 1.5-2 hours every day. And don't forget to take breaks to rest. Learned 40 or even 20 minutes (usually after 20 minutes, attention begins to dissipate) - rest for 10 minutes. Leave yourself Sunday for a legitimate rest.
  • Do not hang around your computer or TV during your break in classes. Better get up and warm up: shake the press, for example. Then by the summer you will have not only a bright head, but also a beautiful body. Or wash the dishes. Or just lie down for 10 minutes with your eyes closed in silence - let your brain relax and your eyes rest.
  • Organize yourself the right workplace. Remove distractions from the table: hide magazines with bright covers, shove your phone away, get rid of junk.
  • Make a plan for the day. List of things to do today. And cross off the completed stages - you will enjoy watching how the long list of urgent tasks is gradually reduced.
  • Repeat material for questions. For example, the plan that you outlined for yourself during the very first training test, which was mentioned above.
  • Structure your material. Take notes for yourself, write dates, formulas and terms on cards, draw flowcharts, make lists and build drawings. This will not only help you understand and remember everything better, but it will also come in handy when repeating.
  • Try to understand, not cramming. Due to stress, you can get confused and forget everything you have learned. But what you were able to understand will remain with you.
  • Take as many of the published tests as possible in each subject.
  • Manage your time - don't let it manage you.

How to better prepare for the exam with the help of time management

Time management will help you manage your time. There are several popular techniques that are useful for preparing for exams.

  1. Break a large and complex task into small ones that are easy to do in one go. For example, break a large topic in a textbook into paragraphs and subparagraphs. We worked one - rested - took up the next.
  2. Take a good look at the to-do list for the day. Surely there are some items that are more pleasant for you to perform. This is where you start. Walk the dog, water the flowers, take notes. The main thing is to start, "swing" - then it will go along the thumb.
  3. Use a stopwatch. Mark yourself 20, 30, 40 minutes - as you feel more comfortable. As time goes by, you learn. As soon as the stopwatch beeps, drop out of school at any stage. At least half a sentence. And go to rest your legitimate 10-15 minutes. When you return, you will have something to continue. It's easier than starting a new task from scratch.
  4. Get yourself in the mood for work. In principle, it is quite possible to read under light, unobtrusive music. Best without words or in a language unknown to you. Or so familiar and hackneyed that you don’t want to listen to the words. You can make yourself an inspiring playlist. If you practice under it all the time, soon you, like Pavlov's dog, will have a kind of reflex: a familiar track has played - it's time to learn.

How to prepare for the exam in mathematics and physics

Of course, each subject has its own specific recommendations. For example, when you take mathematics, understand: all tasks in the test can be divided into 4 large groups: tasks for basic knowledge, tasks for algebra, tasks for geometry and complex tasks from part C (No. 5 and No. 6 in particular). Preparation should be built in such a way as to work out each of the groups.

For example, pay enough attention to the base, without it you will not be able to cope with the rest of the groups. This includes the basic properties of geometric shapes and related formulas, basic concepts from algebra.

It makes sense to carefully repeat (or memorize) trigonometry (properties of functions, reduction formulas, methods for solving equations, etc.).

In geometric problems, half the success is a well-constructed drawing. On which it is necessary to apply everything that is given in the conditions of the problem. And everything that you know about a particular figure and its properties can also come in handy.

The main thing to remember is that the key to any complex task is to reduce it to a simple task based on basic knowledge. That is why they are so important. Even if you have a confusing equation with many unknowns or a complex inequality, they can always be simplified or transformed. And as a result, get an equation or an inequality, a drawing or a diagram from your “base”.

Yes, by the way, repeat the abbreviated multiplication formulas - they will definitely come in handy for you.

In preparation for physics it is necessary to pay much attention to theory (physics must be understood in order to solve problems well) and practice of solving problems. Do not focus only on the USE tests, be sure to use popular problem collections (Rymkevich and others).

Understand that it is impossible to pass physics well if you do not know mathematics well. And also get a good, "adult" calculator in advance - it is much more efficient than the one you have in your phone.

How to prepare for the exam in Russian and literature

Make a rule for yourself: once a week, do parts A and B of the USE tests in Russian language write an essay every 2 weeks. And if you want to get a high score, choose the most difficult options for tests and essays.

Pay special attention to the repetition of orthograms (including continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of words), punctuation marks at the junction of conjunctions, morphology - a lot of schoolchildren "fall asleep" on this.

With literature everything is very clear: read and read again. And not short retellings (they often contain errors), but primary sources. Also repeat the theory of literature, biographies of writers. It is useful to write down quotes from works that you like. You can even get yourself such a special literary diary for this. Enter the theme and idea of ​​the work, the names of the characters, the main events, quotes into it with the theses. All this will help you with repetition: you can quickly scroll through the eve of the exam and refresh the material in your memory.

How to prepare for the exam in history and social studies

When you are preparing for stories, put dates, names of historical figures, important events on cards. So it is remembered better, and it is more convenient to repeat. Try to make the lion's share of the time (up to 80%) go to reading manuals. And only the rest of it is for practice tests. By the way, if you get yourself a map or atlas, on which you can apply historical areas, battle schemes, etc., it will become easier to remember these events. And it will be easier to remember them later.

Try to retell what you read to someone else, and even to yourself, aloud. It also makes it easier to remember. The same method is also true for social science. Only here you will need not only school textbooks, but also books on economics, sociology, cultural studies, and political science. And also the text of the Constitution and dictionaries.

Collect information for each question in a separate folder, for each you can also sketch out a short answer plan.

To make it easier to remember the terms, write them down on cards. You can even hang them on stickers around the house to catch your eye more often.

And do not forget to keep your finger on the pulse of events: follow the news of public life. Indeed, in order to successfully pass the exam in social studies, you will need a broad outlook and the presence of your own opinion. Learn not only to memorize, but also to think, analyze.


If you are not too lazy to follow at least some of these recommendations, it will not occur to you to ask “How to quickly prepare for the exam?” You already know that good cannot mean fast. And do not believe someone who promises to coach you to the tests in a couple of weeks. Most likely they are just trying to scam you.

Tell us in the comments below the article what preparation secrets you have. Surely other readers will also benefit from your experience.

site, with full or partial copying of the material, a link to the source is required.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I would like to talk about how to quickly prepare for the exam. You already need to understand that they are unlikely to be effective, since it takes a lot of time to use them. But also do not be afraid, not everyone and not always needs to change the methodology for preparing for the exam.

At your school, trial exams have already been conducted and, most likely, more than once. It’s their results that you should be guided by, and not how you studied at school. If you are such a good fellow and at school you always had 4 or 5, but here you got 20 points on the trial exam (this is conditional, at least 40, it’s no better), then you don’t need to say that you were worried, but everything will be fine on the exam . This is a lie, it is impossible to get so excited that you forget everything and write a paper for 2, and not for 4, as it was usually on school tests.

If you failed the trial exams, then this article is for you, but if you got 70 points, but you want, for example, 85, then just continue to study as you did before and may you get a good grade on the exam, just pay attention to those tasks where you make mistakes or cannot solve them at all. If you fail the trial exams, then you need to do something, otherwise the real exam will be the same.

How to quickly prepare for the exam

So, we seem to have sorted out who needs to strengthen their preparation for the exam, but let's start with the fact that you need to honestly assess the level of your readiness for the exam. Well, you need to pay a lot of attention to grades in a quarter, in a year, etc. You have the results of the trial exam, and look at them.

If at school you were always an excellent student, but here you got 2, then this is not because the assignments are so bad, this is an objective assessment of your knowledge. So get together and think about what you can really qualify for in 4 months on a real exam, in the end set yourself a goal and achieve it.

First, look at which tasks you could not do, and which ones you could. If you are sure that the tasks that you were able to do are understandable to you, and you can do them on the real exam, then you can spend less time on them, but you should not leave them at all. Count how many tasks you can't do, let's say you can't do 15 math tasks. Moreover, some of these tasks have subparagraphs - a), b), c), in general, you cannot do a bunch of tasks in only one USE, but there are other exams for which you also need to prepare and it’s good if you are ready , and do not think how to quickly prepare for the exam in several subjects.

In order to assess the reality of entering a university, read the news about. Thus, if there are 4 months left to prepare, and your USE results are slightly above 0, then try to follow the following methodology:

To begin with, honestly tell yourself which of the exam tasks you can learn on your own, and for which you need an assistant. A school teacher may or may not act as an assistant, this is his business. We will return to the assistants a little later, while we continue to analyze those tasks that you, in principle, can solve.

Open the demo version of the exam or last year's exam tasks and try to complete these tasks. Learned? Okay, do 5 similar tasks from other USE options again. Did it work again? And what was on the trial exam? But it's okay, it's actually good that you can complete the tasks. Now solve all the tasks that you can definitely do. It turns out? And how many such tasks? 8 simple tasks from the exam in mathematics? Congratulations, you urgently need to study in order to reach at least 60 points.

Brief digression. Why am I not saying that you need to buy a book with the USE, but you need to use trial or last year's USE. Books may contain errors, they may be old, and so on. But this does not mean that I am saying that textbooks are useless, you only need to solve the exam, not at all, the textbook is your main assistant.

Treat these books with care.

Okay, back to the question of how to quickly prepare for the exam, and who can help with this. If the teacher refused you, there are no relatives who want to help either, then there are those who will do it on a paid basis. Of course, I'm talking about tutors. If you have already been going to a tutor for a long time, then you should think about why you paid money if you got such results? It looks like it's time to urgently look for another tutor, you can, for example, ask your classmates where or with whom they study, of course it's better to focus on those who wrote the trial exams well.

If classmates didn’t help in any way, then you can start looking for a tutor on your own, but you don’t have much time and the question is how to quickly prepare for the exam? Why not try online tutors? Look at the website at the link, the choice of tutors is quite good, there is a free test lesson, and simple classes are cheaper than a tutor in your city. You also save time, because you don’t need to go across the city to a tutor, but you can sit quietly at home and study.

Good USE results to everyone, if tenth graders read the article, then start preparing slowly so that there is no question of how to quickly prepare for the USE in a year. See you on the blog pages site

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And finally a bonus: