Portrait of Adolf Hitler in high resolution. Adolf Hitler and his paintings

Walter Frentz is a German photographer, cameraman and director. Adolf Hitler's personal photographer. One of the key figures in the system of visual propaganda of the Third Reich.

Received a degree in electrical engineering. During his studies, he met Albert Speer, who later introduced and recommended him to Leni Riefenstahl. Before the outbreak of World War II, he worked as a cameraman at the Universum Film AG studio, in particular, he was a cameraman for Leni Riefenstahl on the set of documentaries Triumph of the Will (1935) and Olympia (about the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin). In 1939, Franz took color photographs of Moscow. In 1938 he joined the Luftwaffe and, accompanying Hitler, filmed the Anschluss of Austria. V. Frentz was not a member of the NSDAP, but in 1941 he was admitted to the ranks of the SS. It happened during the visit of W. Frentz to Minsk together with the Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler in the summer of 1941. On August 15, 1941, Walter Frentz wrote in his diary:

"Breakfast with the Reichsfuehrer SS in Minsk, a prison camp, execution, lunch at the Government House, a mental hospital, a collective farm. The Reichsfuehrer SS took two Belarusian boys with him (to be sent to Berlin). He was accepted into the ranks of the SS by Lieutenant General Wolf."

He witnessed mass executions in Minsk.

As a newsreel operator (UFA-Wochenschau) he was sent by the Fuhrer's Headquarters (Führerhauptquartier) to film the invaders' invasion of Warsaw and Paris. In addition to his official duties, Franz played the role of a private photographer for Hitler and his inner circle. Along with Heinrich Hoffmann, he was the only photographer who had access to Adolf Hitler, who specialized in color photography. From 1939 to 1945 he was a regular correspondent for the propaganda film magazine "German Weekly Review".

Among his color photography:

Numerous portraits of dignitaries of the Third Reich;
. occupied Minsk (1941) and Sevastopol (1942);
. special objects: the Atlantic Wall (1943), a factory for the production of V-2 and V-4 retaliatory weapons, Dora guns;
. the destruction of the cities of Dresden, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, Munich and others (1945).

He was interned by the Americans and spent several months in a camp in Hammelburg.

Walter Frentz (Walter Frentz, 1907-2004), a former cameraman and photographer at Hitler's Headquarters, in a prison cell in Frankfurt am Main. 1945 - 1946 After his arrest (05/22/1945), Franz was sent to an American camp for German internment in Hammelburg (Lower Franconia) and stayed there until 1946.

Martin Bormann (right) - "Hitler's shadow". Hitler's personal secretary, head of the Fuhrer's office. By the end of World War II, he had gained considerable influence as a personal secretary, controlling the flow of information and access to Hitler.

Adolf Hitler and representatives of the High Command of the Wehrmacht at the military training ground in Rügenwalde (Rügenwalde) in Pomerania.

A. Hitler and SS Reichsfuehrer G. Himmler, accompanied by SS generals and officers, for a walk near the Berghof residence.

Preparations for the launch of the German ballistic missile "V-2" (V 2) at the military training ground "Heidelager" (Heidelager) near Blizny (Blizna) in Poland.

The building of the Ministry of Education and Propaganda on Wilhelmplatz Square in Berlin, destroyed by British air bombs. In the background is a surviving building built for the Ministry in 1938. The picture was taken presumably from the window of the old "Imperial Chancellery".

Destroyed as a result of an Allied raid, the building of the old Imperial Chancellery "on Wilhelmstrasse 77 in Berlin. Presumably March 14, 1945

Adolf Hitler in the basement of the "Imperial Chancellery" in front of the layout of the restructuring of the city of Linz. The model was delivered from the workshop of the architect Hermann Giesler (1898-1987) in Munich to Berlin in February 1945 and placed in the basement of the "Imperial Chancellery", where lighting fixtures were installed to simulate different times of the day. At this time, Hitler often went down to the layout to distract himself from the stalemate on the fronts.

On March 19, 1943, Adolf Hitler (center), Albert Speer (right) and other dignitaries arrived at the training ground in Rügenwald (now Darlowo, Poland), where they were presented with the super-heavy 800-mm Dora railway gun (80-cm- Kanone (E) and prototype self-propelled guns Sd.Kfz.184 "Ferdinand".

Such toys were played by the chief of the Luftwaffe Goering

A Wehrmacht lieutenant and a German draftsman work on a photocopy table at Hitler's Wolfsschanze Headquarters.

Adolf Hitler and German officers walking their dogs at Rastenburg headquarters. Winter 1942-1943.

Blondie portrait

A. Hitler's personal secretary Gertraud (Traudl) Humps (Gertraud "Traudl" Humps, 1920-2002) on the terrace of the Berghof residence in Obersalzberg. In June 1943, G. Humps married Hitler's valet Hans Hermann Junge.

Adolf Hitler and General Jodl (Alfred Jodl) at the map of military operations at the Wolfschanze headquarters.

Adolf Hitler and Aviation Minister Hermann Goering surrounded by officers. The picture was taken during the demonstration of the self-propelled guns "Hetzer" on the birthday of Hitler.

SS Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler, SS Brigadeführer and Hitler's personal dentist Hugo Blaschke, SS Brigadeführer and representative of the German Foreign Ministry at Hitler's main headquarters Walter Hevel and head of the NSDAP Party Chancellery Reichsleiter Martin Bormann on the terrace of Hitler's Berghof residence. Spring 1943

Adolf Hitler at the Berghof residence in early April 1944

Italian dictator Benito Mussolini (Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini, 1883-1945) and Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel (Wilhelm Bodewin Johann Gustav Keitel, 1882-1946) at the Feltre airfield.

German aircraft designers Ernst Heinkel (1888 - 1958) and Claude Dornier (Claude Honoré Desiré Dornier, 1884 - 1969) at Hitler's Berghof residence.

Portrait of Adolf Hitler in the cabin during the flight. 1942 - 1943

Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler talks to a local boy during an inspection tour of Belarus. This and another boy were sent to an orphanage in Germany. Next to Himmler is the head of the personal staff of the Reichsfuehrer SS Karl Wolf and the head of the "escort of the Reichsfuehrer SS" and bodyguard Josef Kirmeier, on the right is most likely a translator from the "order police".

Soviet children from the Novinki village near Minsk. The picture was taken during the inspection of the Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler of Minsk and its environs.

German gunners at the gunners' sights in the coastal turret of the 105-mm cannon (10.5 cm S.K.C/32) of the Atlantic Wall.

The basement of the demolished monument to Lenin in front of the Government House in occupied Minsk.

Destroyed by the explosion that occurred on 11/03/1941, the Assumption Cathedral of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

The barrack (Lagebaracke), in which meetings were held on the situation on the fronts at Hitler's headquarters "Wolfschanze". On July 20, 1944, an attempt on Hitler's life took place there.

German gunners at the 75-mm field gun model 1897 (Canon de 75 mle 1897 Schneider) on the battery of the Atlantic Wall. The German designation for the gun is 75 mm FK 231(f).

Fuel tanks of V-2 (V-2) rockets on the assembly line in tunnel "B" of the Dora-Mittelbau underground plant.

The wreckage of a German V-2 (V 2) rocket in the Blizna area after an unsuccessful launch from the Heidelager test site in Poland.

Portrait of an artillery commander of the Red Army in German captivity.

Portrait of a Red Army soldier in a POW camp in Belarus.

SS Obersturmbannführer, authorized to carry out the euthanasia program and personal physician of A. Hitler Karl Brandt (Karl Brandt, 1904-1948) examines the jaw of a captured Red Army soldier in a prisoner of war camp in Belarus.

Portrait of a cook at Hitler's Headquarters, Otto Günther, who received the nickname Krümel ("Baby") at headquarters.

A. Hitler in front of the layout of the restructuring of the city of Linz in the workshop of the architect G. Giesler (Hermann Giesler, 1898-1987) in Munich.

Chief of Staff of the Operational Command of the Wehrmacht High Command, Major General Alfred Jodl (Alfred Jodl, in the foreground), Adolf Hitler and Chief of Staff of the Wehrmacht High Command, Colonel General W. Keitel (Wilhelm Bodewin Johann Gustav Keitel) discuss the course of the war with France at the map in the main Felsennest headquarters near Bad Münstereifel. Behind them is A. Jodl's adjutant, Major Willy Deyhle.

Reichsfuehrer SS Heinrich Himmler inspects a psychiatric hospital in the village of Novinki near Minsk.

Gauleiter of Danzig-West Prussia Albert Forster (Albert Forster, 1902-1952) plays the guitar at the wedding of Hitler's personal secretary Gerda Daranovski (1913-1997) and Luftwaffe lieutenant colonel at the main rate Eckhard Christian (Eckhard Christian, 1907-1985).

Adolf Hitler and Berlin Inspector General for Construction Albert Speer select stone samples for the construction of a new building in Berlin. The photo was taken in the courtyard of the new Imperial Chancellery.

Inspector General of Berlin for Construction Albert Speer (Albert Speer, 1905-1981) in the cap of the SS troops during a car trip in Belgium. Speer was not a member of the SS, and the cap was not part of his everyday clothes and uniform.

Top secret: Psychological portrait of Adolf Hitler ("Bild", Germany)

Who was Adolf Hitler? Who was the Nazi beast who claimed the lives of 50 million people during the Second World War? Before leaving the White House, US President Bill Clinton revealed secret documents that give a psychological portrait of the war criminal Adolf Hitler. They are registered under number 0695930/18.05.2000. These top secret CIA documents are 68 pages long. They are a document of world history. The date is marked on them: December 3, 1942. "Documents about Hitler" may not be a sensation for historians, but they contain a psychogram of the dictator, which is of great interest. Professor Guido Knopp comments, supplements and, if necessary, makes amendments to the text of the documents.

Hitler's "good physical stamina" is out of the question from 1945 at the latest. Hitler's physical condition until 1939-1940 was relatively stable, so it is not surprising that this time coincided with a period of his success.

However, purely subjectively, the hypochondriac was firmly convinced that he would die early. He was afraid that his time was running out.

In 1939, on the occasion of his 50th birthday, he said: "I'd rather start a war at fifty than when I'm fifty-five or sixty." On another occasion, he made the argument that future generations would not be able to do this. Only he can start a war.

Thus, he connected the fate of entire nations with his ideas about his own life. In the summer of 1939, his main concern was that "at the last moment, some pig will make him an offer to mediate." One of these "pigs" was his own colleague Goering (Goering), who timidly warned: "We're not going to go all-in." To this, Hitler replied: "In my life I have always gone for broke."

A couple of years of luck. However, after the defeat near Moscow in December 1941, Hitler had a premonition that his concept of a gambler had failed.

It is significant that, starting in 1942, his health deteriorated greatly. Already in the summer of 1941, he was diagnosed with progressive sclerosis of the coronary vessels of the heart. During the war, his personal physician, Dr. Morell, prescribed him a total of 90 different medications, ranging from strong sleeping pills to stimulants, to relieve chronic fatigue. The 28 different pills he took daily could not contain the physical destruction. Moreover, he took "Dr. Koesters' anti-bloat pills" for gastrointestinal complaints, as well as other medicines that contained strychnine and various opiates.

Dreams of living space and the extermination of the Jews did not depend on this - they were from the very beginning the result of an obsessive idea of ​​a psychopath, which too many, for too long and too obediently followed.

Conclusion: in the end, we see the ruins of the bunker in Berlin, defeated by Parkinson (Parkinson), destroyed by reality, we see Hitler, who would have gladly seen the end of his own people. At least he didn't succeed.

CIA documents on Hitler's family

Just one look at Hitler's genealogy gives an idea of ​​a certain exposure of his family to incest. According to Brigid Hitler, the mother of Patrick Hitler, Hitler's mother Klara Poetz also had Czech blood in her veins, apart from the fact that she was related by blood to her husband Alois Schicklgruber (Alois Schickelgruber), who recognized Hitler as his son retroactively.

Hitler's father was 23 years older than his wife, and when Adolf Hitler was born in 1889, he was 52 years old. All available evidence suggests that this marriage was unhappy.

The only fact that, apparently, only sheds light on this marriage, indicates that Hitler's father was a sadist ...

He was a violent man who used to beat his dog until he urinated on the carpet.

Hitler's father also beat his children, and on occasion, when he was in a bad mood, even his wife Klara.

By this time the young Adolf had reached puberty, which by nature placed him in a position of opposition to his father ("Mein Kampf"). Domestic troubles caused Hitler to develop traits of narcissism, combined with an Oedipus complex.

During the period when Hitler was fifteen years old, and his father Alois died, and until almost 20 years of age, his mother exerted a tremendous influence on him. Hitler wrote of his mother's death as "the greatest loss he had ever experienced."

Hitler's education

Hitler neglected education, from which he saw little benefit to himself personally. He had so little value for the "professional type of man" that in 1932 he renounced the academic title of the Braunschweig government, which made him eligible for German citizenship.

Hitler receives German citizenship after being appointed to the position of a senior official.

Apart from German, he does not speak any other language and does not listen to any shortwave radio stations from other countries, with the exception of German broadcasts from Paris and Moscow.

On Hitler's writing style

Hitler writes very few letters himself. He dislikes short letters and never uses typewriters. However, he writes short messages in connection with the transfer of gifts in the form of bouquets of flowers on the occasion of anniversaries.

He never has a pencil or paper with him, he never makes any notes himself, he only makes sketches and scribbles. These sketches or sketches are usually flags, party symbols, stage sets, portraits, and houses. Hitler's scribbles usually begin with a square and are actively collected by the official photographer Heinrich Hofmann, who may be going to publish them later, after Hitler's death.

Hitler never looks at the calendar or the appointment book kept by von Schaub and Brueckner. Hitler often said: "I have no private life, no private correspondence. Everything is read before I receive it. This is the price I have to pay."

What and how Hitler read

It is clear from Mein Kampf that Hitler reads only those books in which he can find confirmation of his own ideas. He only reads what he considers "valuable" to himself.

Gifted from childhood with unusual abilities for Hitler's languages, only outstanding examples of rhetorical and historical epigrams are attracted when reading.

He read about Solon (Solon), Alexander the Great (Alexander der Grosse), Mary (Marius), Sulla (Sulla), Brutus (Brutus), Catilina (Catilina), Caesar (Caesar), Henry VIII (Heinrich VIII), Gustavus Adolf (Gustav Adolf), Frederick the Great (Friedrich der Grosse), Jesus Christ (Jesus Christus), Mohammed (Mohammed), Moses (Moses), Luther (Luther), Cromwell (Cromwell), Napoleon (Napoleon), Kutuzov (Kutusov), Blucher, Richard Wagner and Bismarck.

However, Hitler read all these biographies from the point of view of his interest in using what he read in his demagoguery, propaganda and militaristic activities.

Biographies, in which one feels a touch of rebellious feelings and a titanic protest against the existing world, make Hitler bored. He sees them as material for the well-fed bourgeois. So, the biography of Napoleon interested Hitler only as a kind of film script based on the life of Napoleon, where actions prevail; the thought-provoking side of life had never interested Hitler.

A good phrase or a good political slogan meant more to Hitler than the whole set of dry conclusions and theories. A single slogan can give the brainless mob not only material for an idea, but also create for them the flattering appearance that they are thinking for themselves.

On Hitler's Concentration

Hitler listens to the interlocutor very attentively if what he says pleases him.

However, if the topic is not to his liking, he begins to leaf through the magazine and pays as little attention to the conversation as possible. He often reads party reports and concentrates on them as long as he sees something interesting in them.

However, he avoids as far as possible, up to negligence in his duties, reading reports and other documents.

His employees are constantly worried, seeing his unwillingness to deal with documents. However, Hitler does not take the protest of his employees seriously.

How Hitler reacted to the noise

Hitler has an exceptional ability to ignore noises. When he reads documents, cheerful chatter does not interfere with him, since he likes to be able to let what is said go past his ears.

How did Hitler perceive silence?

Hitler tolerates silence very well. When traveling by train or car from Berlin to Munich, he sometimes says only a few words at all times. And so, he thinks and makes plans.

Hitler in conversation

During meals, Hitler allows everyone to talk. However, after an hour or two, his monologue begins. Such monologues are part of his once and for all defined repertoire. They start like a played record, always in the same manner. Most often you can hear: "When I was in Vienna" or "When I was a soldier", "When I was a prisoner", "When I became its leader immediately after the formation of the party", etc.

Hitler constantly returns to the theme of Richard Wagner and his operas. No one dares to interrupt his repetitive stories. Hitler indulges in details for so long that his guests are on the verge of mental exhaustion and are forced to leave, as they are no longer able to fight sleep.

The guests, represented mostly by females, listen spellbound. In the end, there is no one left who does not have tears in their eyes.

Hitler only occasionally mentions the names of his employees if they are not present at the moment. He does not tolerate gossip according to other sources, during table talk, Hitler himself liked to joke on those who were absent - alexeirus).

Monster or Mystery Man? Psychopath or killer of millions of people? Why did Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler drag the world into a war that cost the lives of 50 million people?

In secret documents that were prepared in 1942, an attempt is made to find at least some human traits behind the mask of a monster.

Hitler's appearance

Hitler takes great care of his appearance. In public, he never takes off his coat, no matter how hot he is or not.

Hitler does not allow anyone to be in the bathroom with him or see him naked.

In clothes, he is unpretentious and follows the advice of his tailor. Hitler puts on the clothes prepared for him without any conversation.

Hitler does not use any perfume

In 1923, Hanfstaengl (the chief US CIA informant), who did not like Hitler's mustache, tried to convince him that they disfigured him and force them to grow along the length of his upper lip: "Look at the portraits of Holbein (Holbein) and Van Dyck (van Dyck) The old masters never thought there would ever be such an ugly fashion." Hitler replied: "Don't worry about my mustache. If it's not in fashion today, it will be fashionable later, because I wear it."


Hitler is very concerned about the cleanliness of his body and loves to take a bath. He shaves every day. He trims his mustache once a week and cuts his hair regularly. For this, a local hairdresser is involved - an old member of the party.


Hitler is very strong and has good physical endurance. After a long, stressful day, skipping one or two meals, he always insisted that the food before he ate himself should be given to his drivers and employees first. If some admiring waitress served him first, he took a plate and carried it himself to his drivers.

Physical exercise

He was not interested in sports at all, he did not do it either on the street or indoors. He does not engage in any physical exercise other than walking, which he does regularly. He constantly walks around the room and whistles some tune. At the same time, he walks diagonally, from corner to corner. Perhaps this is a habit left over from being in the prison in Landsberg.

After being arrested, Hitler refused to participate in sporting events, arguing that it was unworthy of him and "bad for general discipline." "A leader cannot stoop to such an informal relationship. I must keep a certain distance from my associates."

Although Hitler knew a little about cars and airplanes, he himself did not drive a car or pilot an airplane. However, he loves car trips because of the private atmosphere associated with them, as well as the opportunity to get some fresh air and sleep.

In bad weather, Hitler does not leave the house. But if he has an appointment, he does not pay attention to the weather. During parades, Hitler, regardless of the weather, always uses an open-top car, which he also requires from all his subordinates.

Hitler says: "We are not part of the bourgeoisie (citizens), we are soldiers."

Hitler's vision

Being close to Hitler, especially at night, is a real torture for people with sharp eyesight. Hitler has impaired eyesight, which may be due to gassing in the autumn of 1918, which nearly left him blind. Therefore, Hitler only likes very bright colors. Until 1937, he did not wear any prescription glasses or sunglasses, even when it was snowing.

From reading glasses, Hitler, apparently, refused as long as it was possible. Partly because of his vanity, partly because of his prejudiced attitude towards people of the "professor type". For him, wearing glasses has always been a nightmare.

There is a typical Austrian metallic sound in his voice. In general, his voice can be considered soft. The prevailing stereotype that Hitler screams loudly is not true. However, during his "professional activities" any occasion can lead to a "big stage" and loss of control.

Before and after the performance, Hitler forces him to make special cocktails for him to make his voice softer. He probably gets injections regularly.

During his speech, Hitler really goes into a rage, and at the end of it bathes in sweat. Hitler, obviously, is only happy and satisfied when he brings himself to a state of impotence, close to exhaustion.

How Hitler sleeps

Since his imprisonment at Landsberg, Hitler has been sleeping badly. He takes sleeping pills every night. He goes to bed as late as possible. And when his last tired friends leave at 2 or 3 in the morning, or even later, it seems that he is afraid to be alone.

Sometimes Hitler does not manage to fall asleep until the morning. However, he usually manages to get up to 10 hours of sleep before he receives his two secretaries, Lammers and Funk. Hitler does not like central heating in the bedroom and forces him to heat the room in winter with a tiled stove.

Hitler's reaction

Hitler's behavior combines the features of a fox and a wolf.

He plays as long as possible the role of a fox, and sometimes even a lamb, but in the end he always takes the form of a wolf. During the period 1920-1933, his secret alias for telephone messages and conversations was "Wolf". Mrs. Winnfried Wagner - the daughter-in-law of the musical genius - always calls him that.

Hitler is amazingly brave

In 1923, certain problems of the party were solved in the course of street fighting, during which he showed himself to be a very brave person. However, after his arrest and imprisonment in Landsbergis, he constantly feared an attempt on his life.

This is absolutely conscious courage. Hitler remains calm and reasonable even in emergency situations. With special courage, he also endures mental suffering. However, he is very afraid of water and cannot swim.

Hitler's food

Hitler hardly eats meat. Sometimes he allows himself a little chicken with rice and smoked salmon as a snack.

Hitler got up around 9.30 and ate an apple, hot milk and very strong black coffee for breakfast, as well as rolls, butter and marmalade.

After breakfast, he took medicine (90 different medicines) brought to him by his valet Julius Schaub, an apothecary's apprentice. Hitler's first-aid kit cabinet consists of two compartments: for drugs for insomnia and indigestion, which he takes in the morning and after every meal.

Dinner is ordered for 1300, but Hitler is almost always late by one and a half or two hours.

For lunch, he usually eats soup, usually pea or tomato soup with Parmesan cheese. The first course is followed by a specially prepared omelet with asparagus, spinach or cauliflower and green salad.

In Berchtesgaden (the Fuhrer's residence, Obersalzberg), Hitler enjoys eating Bavarian dishes, such as, for example, porcini mushrooms with dumplings.

For dessert, Hitler prefers Austrian flour products, donuts and sweet dishes.

At 5 p.m., Hitler drinks coffee or tea with medium-strength rum and eats fruit cakes, Linz-style cakes, walnut or chocolate cakes, or toast.

Hitler does not mind if good chocolate is added to coffee.

Dinner is planned at 8 pm, but he rarely manages to have dinner before 9 pm. He usually insists on a vegetable menu.

Hitler and music

Bach (Bach), Handel (Haendel), Haydn (Haydn), Mozart (Mozart), Beethoven (Beethoven) and Brahms (Brahms) Hitler listens without much attention.

He loves gypsy music, rhapsodies and chardash, as well as the music of List (List) and the dreamy music of Grieg (Grieg).

He is fascinated by Wagner, Verdi and certain works by Chopin and Richard Strauss.

85 percent of the music that Hitler prefers is from the repertoire of Viennese cafes. Undoubtedly, the vagabond speaks in Hitler, who thus makes the composer Liszt enjoy the music.

In Hungarian music, he especially likes the change between the motifs of depression and triumph, for example, as in Rakocszy.

Viennese music Lehar (Lehar) and Johann Strauss (Johann Strauss) began to please him only after he came to power.

Tristan is like a drug to him. If Hitler senses that an unpleasant situation is approaching, he listens to the Meistersingers with pleasure. Sometimes he recites entire passages from Lohengrin. He knew it completely by heart. Probably, this has remained in the memory from the days when he lived in Vienna.

He enjoys listening to his favorite operas recorded on records. Some of them are Verdi's operas, which he really knows very well.

In 1923, Hitler admired American football marches and university music. The exclamation "Sieg Heil", which can be heard at all political demonstrations, is a direct copy of the cries of football captains (cheerleaders-dancers) designed to ignite the cries of fans in football.

Hitler's habit of being late for almost all demonstrations was to give time for the crowd to warm up with music, to allow the audience to get used to each other.

Hitler rarely went to concerts, but often went to the opera. He does not like to sit down in a row of other spectators, he needs his own box.

Music for him is rather an opportunity to relax and think than pleasure. Music for him performs three functions:

1. She isolates him from the outside world.

2. She lets him relax.

3. She inspires him, in other words, makes him act.

Hitler and dancing

Hitler himself never dances. He considers this unworthy of a statesman. But sometimes he willingly watches the dancers. This, apparently, replaces his inner desire for some kind of adventure of an erotic nature. The semi-social nature of women of dubious behavior does not prevent him from admiring them.

Hitler and theater

Hitler was in the theater very rarely.

Hitler and Variety

He loved variety shows.

Hitler and the circus

He loves the circus. The fact that poorly paid artists are risking their lives gives Hitler a real shock.

Hitler especially likes the numbers of tightrope walkers and trapeze acrobats. After his arrest at Landsberg, Hitler said: "Now we must start all over again, but this time you can be sure that I will not fall off the rope!"

After one day he read in the newspaper about an accident with an acrobat that resulted in her death, he sent a few words of his personal condolences to her family.

Hitler is not very interested in numbers with wild animals, if they do not pose a danger to women.

The Fuhrer was in spirit a bisexual being

Did the Nazi dictator have sexual potency? Did he pretend to be a homosexual? Did a Jewish prostitute infect him? In 1942, the CIA tried to find answers to these questions.

Hitler's sex life

Time spent in Vienna (beginning in 1909) Hitler (he was then 20 years old) first became acquainted with prostitution in a big city. Supposedly, a Jewish prostitute infected him with some kind of venereal disease.

It is possible that during this period of time the young Adolf Hitler was familiar with various types of old bon vivants and hired dance partners, which could explain his lack of real distaste for them.

It cannot be assumed that Hitler indulged in any relationship of a homosexual nature. He was, rather, the type of egocentric and masturbating Nazi, longing for a stranger, with periodic outbursts of his sadomasochistic being.


His sex life has two sides, as does his political outlook.

He is a homosexual as well as a heterosexual, he is a socialist as well as a passionate nationalist, he is both a woman and a man.

Apparently, there were mental, if not physical, obstacles that made it impossible for him to have real and complete sexual satisfaction.

What Hitler is looking for, generally speaking, is the opportunity to be half mother and half lover.

Since coming to power in 1933, Hitler (he is now 44 years old) has received aesthetic satisfaction from the sight of young men and young girls.

Since he does not find the woman he needs in everyday life, he seeks refuge in painful isolation: in an artificially dramatized, social life. "Marriage is not for me and the question of her will never arise. My only bride is the Fatherland. There are two ways to determine the character of a man: by the woman he marries and by the way he dies ... A politician is a woman! Who unhappy love is with her, she deprives her of her head.

Sometimes he quoted a Russian proverb: "If you go to a woman, do not forget about the whip."

By this he meant that a man should have the upper hand over a woman in an erotic relationship.

It seems that the whip plays a mystical role in his relationship with women. The whip, of which Hitler willingly speaks, represents a kind of symbol of a substitute or auxiliary for the sexual potency which he lacked. Whipping appears to be related to Hitler's hidden desire for some sort of erection to help overcome his deep-seated sexual inferiority complex.

The truth is that Hitler is in all likelihood still in a state of puberty. He is, in the full sense of the word, a young woman.

The key to understanding all this scene: 1923, Bertesgaden. Hitler was in the boarding house Moritz, the manager of which was a pilot during the First World War. He had a wife, remarkable for her physical health, about 183 centimeters tall, which made her taller than Hitler. This rather vulgar, sensual, blue-eyed woman apparently succeeded in so kindling Hitler's heart that he completely lost his mind.

He began to breathe rapidly, his cheeks reddened, his eyes filled with enthusiasm. Hitler strode proudly menacingly across the large veranda and garden, his whip set in motion.

From time to time he tried to talk to the woman, putting special emphasis on the words about the whip and reminding him of a schoolboy with his behavior. The whole idea seemed hopeless, immature and empty.

What did Hitler drink?

After his arrest at Landsberg, Hitler gave up the habit of drinking beer and wine. To treat a cold, he sometimes allows himself hot tea with rum. His attending physician is a regular guest at the table. "Having a good doctor is just as important as having a good bodyguard."


Hitler, when he was a soldier, smoked and drank beer.

He gave up these habits in order to "improve his oratory skills and all-round efficiency."

Hitler tolerates smoking in his presence and keeps some stocks of tobacco products for his friends himself. Smoking is also allowed during his performances. Internally, Hitler sympathizes with purists and people who know how to abstain. Thus, Hitler inwardly renounced addictive habits and sumptuous Havana cigars.

Hitler, when they started talking about his ascetic lifestyle, replied: "As soon as I find that something is harmful to me, I stop it. Since I know that meat, beer and nicotine are detrimental to my constitution, I no longer I admit... I make such a decision once and for all. What is surprising in this?

Hitler guard

Hitler and Himmler decided that the policemen would alternately keep a line of cars and a crowd of people in their field of view. The security system includes motorcyclists who follow to the right and left of the center line, and two police cars following at the tail of the column.

The drivers of the SS vehicles were given strict instructions to pick up speed if necessary and go around anyone who breaks out of the crowd.

Hitler is always located in front, to the right of the driver. Thus, he is protected from the front by a bulletproof windshield, on the one hand by the driver, as well as by an employee of his armed guard, located in the back seat of the car.

Hitler does not much welcome armed people on the running board of a car, because he is of the opinion that for the crowd it looks like an unnecessary precaution and at the same time lubricates the triumphant, joyful mood in people that is associated with his - Hitler - appearance.

Hitler once said that serious precautions are evidence of a lack of security, and the crowd perceives this as a kind of weakness that makes a repulsive impression.

Excessive measures to ensure his personal safety, according to Hitler, are perceived as a picture that looks like a "departure of a tyrant."

While in his mountain retreat Berchtesgaden, Hitler takes walks in the surroundings with the guards. They walk in single file, with five or six armed bodyguards following in front of and behind him.

On both sides, the flanks of this cavalcade are covered by armed patrols, following at a distance of about 100 paces. Walks are always made in the afternoon.

Indeed, since 1933, the protection of Hitler's identity has become a real problem. He has practically become a prisoner and he knows it.

This leads to the fact that he tries to escape from this captivity. Hitler either visits friends, goes to the movies, or takes car rides. “If you look at it, my situation is very similar to the situation with the Pope, who, for similar or other reasons, is also locked up in the Vatican ... For walking in bad weather, the Reich Chancellery needs a colonnade. It could benefit my successor and the successor of my successor ... ".

The Fuhrer lived like a wolf in a lair

The Nazi dictator lived like a lone wolf in a lair. How did this monster perceive the world around him in reality? Secret CIA documents prepared in 1942 reveal the mystery of this man.

How did Hitler take the news?

Acquaintance with the latest news for Hitler is tantamount to debilitating passion.

When someone enters the room with a stack of newspapers, he immediately abruptly interrupts the most important conversation. He looks through the newspapers for the latest news. Over the years, it has become clear to him that almost all information, whether it is diverse or apparently of no interest, can serve his own interests at certain points in time.

When Hitler goes to bed, he always takes several magazines with him, including American magazines, as well as several magazines on military and navy topics.

Hitler and radio

In all the most visited rooms, on each floor there is a radio. Hitler takes great pleasure in listening to the Italian accent and the dramatic manner of the Duce (Fascist dictator of Italy Mussolini - Mussolini) to speak.

Hitler is attracted to everything that is full of fire, life and drama. Everything that does not have a dramatic beginning does not interest him.

Almost every night, at least every other night, Hitler watches films in his cinema in the Reich Chancellery. Propaganda Minister Goebbels provides him with films that are banned in Germany.

Hitler enjoys watching weekly reviews, especially those in which there are frames about him.

He loves comedies and can laugh from the bottom of his heart watching a Jewish comedian play. Hitler himself loved Jewish singers and said that it was a pity that they were not Aryans.

Films about political opponents and executions satisfy Hitler's sadistic instincts.

There is reason to believe that his personal photographer, Hoffman, showed him pornographic photographs and films.

Hitler is especially interested in films about the assassination of Tsar Alexander and French Prime Minister Barthou.

Together with SS chief Himmler (Himmler), Hitler watches such films most often in order to analyze the mistakes of the special services.

Hitler and religion

Hitler believes in the methods of the Catholic Church, which knows how to build the spiritual world through constant and regular repetition. This leads to the fact that certain passages, like concentrated propaganda slogans, settle in the brain of the flock.

The brain of a good Catholic is so filled with propaganda slogans that it reacts almost automatically to the phenomena it encounters.

Hitler tried on the Scriptures

Did the Nazi dictator believe in God? In predestination? Or just to yourself? What forces formed in the inconspicuous corporal of the main executioner of the Second World War? The solution to the mystery of this man is provided by secret CIA documents prepared in 1942.

Hitler's messianic complex

Once Hitler said: "When I arrived in Berlin and saw the Kurfürstendamm, luxury, perversion, injustice and Jewish materialism caused me such disgust that I was almost beside myself! I imagined myself standing almost next to Jesus Christ ..."

Model of self-knowledge

As an unknown soldier, Hitler admitted that at the moment when he was in the infirmary in Pasewalk (autumn 1918), he received a predestination "from above" to save his unhappy life!

This predestination came to Hitler in the form of an unnatural vision.

He decided to become a politician right there. He believed that his mission was to liberate Germany.

Hitler, speaking of himself as a voice crying in the wilderness, was practically quoting Holy Scripture. He saw his task in embarking on the path that should lead the country to power and glory.

In the heat of his speeches, it seemed to Hitler that he heard the young maiden of Orleans, the voices of Valhalla, from some sacred country about him, ordering to save Germany.

Hitler and Frederick the Great

As for the life of "Old Fritz" (1712-86), Hitler is most attracted to the early years, when the young prince actively resists his elderly and unbending warrior father. In Friedrich's resentment of his father, Friedrich Wilhelm I. von Preussen, Hitler apparently sees a clear parallel with his own struggle against his abusive father, Alois Schickelgruber.

Hitler and Blucher

The hero of Waterloo Blucher - Bluecher (1742-1819) was always a source of inspiration for Hitler. Blucher is and will be a symbol of the German faith and courage. "Marshal" Forward ", as Blucher was called by the people, should be considered as a driving force in the struggle against Napoleon (Napoleon).

Hitler and Napoleon

Hitler is more interested in Napoleon (1769-1821) than in any other figure in European history. But he is not ready to admit it openly, since this would not entirely benefit the interests of propaganda. The fact remains that he tore out more pages from books about Napoleon than from any other.

Hitler is interested in Napoleon as a revolutionary and friend of the young Robespierre (Robespierre), Napoleon as a conspirator, Napoleon as a soldier, propagandist, orator, tyrant or emperor.

Like Napoleon, Hitler stands for youth, for a force that, in search of profit, becomes aggressive, unceremonious and self-sufficient. "If something is for the benefit of the Party, a crime is not a crime! If something is for the benefit of Germany, a crime is not a crime!"

The common man hears this and thinks: "Is it not surprising that our Fuhrer, be he Napoleon, Mussolini (Mussolini) or Hitler, can break the law, and we poor beggars must live by the laws..."

Original articles:

InoSMI.Ru: Top secret: Psychological portrait of Adolf Hitler - 1 ("Bild", Germany) http://www.inosmi.ru/2002/01/23/1011792322.html InoSMI.Ru: Top secret: Psychological portrait of Adolf Hitler - 2 ("Bild", Germany) http://www.inosmi.ru/2002/01/24/1011897209.html InoSMI.Ru: Top secret: Psychological portrait of Adolf Hitler - 3 ("Bild", Germany) http: //www.inosmi.ru/2002/01/25/1011973965.html InoSMI.Ru: Top secret: Psychological portrait of Adolf Hitler - 4 ("Bild", Germany) http://www.inosmi.ru/2002/01 /29/1012301729.html InoSMI.Ru: Top secret: Psychological portrait of Adolf Hitler - 5 ("Bild", Germany)

School photo 1901

"Children's Friend"




Hitler with Emmy and Edda Goering. 1940 Emmy Goering - German actress, second wife of Hermann Goering. Since the then Reich Chancellor and Reich President of Germany, Adolf Hitler, did not have a wife, Emmy Goering was tacitly considered the “first lady” of Germany and, in this capacity, along with Magda Goebbels, who tried to play the same role, led various charity events.

Hitler visits one of the officers, just like him, who suffered from an unsuccessful assassination attempt on him on July 20, 1944. After the assassination attempt, Hitler was unable to stay on his feet all day, as more than 100 fragments were removed from his legs. In addition, he had a dislocation of his right arm, the hair on the back of his head was scorched, and his eardrums were damaged. I was temporarily deaf in my right ear. He ordered that the execution of the conspirators be turned into humiliating torment, filmed and photographed. Subsequently, he personally watched this film.

Hitler presents Reichsmarschall Göring with Hans Makart's Lady with a Falcon (1880). Both Hitler and Goering were passionate art collectors: by 1945, Hitler's collection consisted of 6,755 paintings, Goering's collection 1,375. , were confiscated from the museums of the countries occupied by Germany. Disputes over the legal status of some paintings from the former collections of the leaders of Nazi Germany are still going on.

According to the official version, Hitler, along with his wife Eva Braun, committed suicide on April 30, after killing his beloved dog Blondie. In Russian historiography, the point of view was established that Hitler took poison (potassium cyanide, like most Nazis who committed suicide), however, according to eyewitnesses, he shot himself. There is also a version according to which Hitler, having taken an ampoule of poison into his mouth and bit through it, simultaneously shot himself with a pistol (thus using both instruments of death).

According to witnesses from among the attendants, even the day before, Hitler gave the order to deliver canisters of gasoline from the garage (to destroy the bodies). On April 30, after dinner, Hitler said goodbye to people from his inner circle and, shaking hands with them, retired to his apartment with Eva Braun, from where the sound of a shot was soon heard. Shortly after 3:15 pm, Hitler's servant Heinz Linge, accompanied by his adjutant Otto Günsche, Goebbels, Bormann and Axmann, entered the Fuhrer's quarters. Dead Hitler sat on the couch; there was a blood stain on his temple.

Eva Braun lay next to her, with no visible external injuries. Günsche and Linge wrapped Hitler's body in a soldier's blanket and carried it into the garden of the Reich Chancellery; Eve's body was carried out after him. The corpses were placed near the entrance to the bunker, doused with gasoline and burned. In the photo: the charred corpse of Hitler at the examination carried out by Soviet specialists.

There are a number of conspiracy theories claiming that Hitler did not commit suicide, but escaped. According to the most popular version, the Fuhrer and Eva Braun, leaving doubles in their place, hid in South America, where they lived safely under false names until old age. The photo allegedly depicts 75-year-old Hitler on his deathbed.

A 1945 FBI montage in case Hitler tried to hide by disguising himself.

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It is common knowledge that in his youth, Adolf Hitler painted and wanted to become an artist. He himself wrote about this in Mein Kampf. Biographers and numerous researchers of the life of the murderer vividly described this. However, until recently, his works were unknown to the general public, and the "narrow" one did not advertise their presence. The situation seems to be self-evident: denazification, Nazi symbols, organizations and propaganda outside the law took place in Germany, there is no need to poison the soul of the Germans once again, and even more so to rub salt in the wounds of the Jews. So they did not show the painting of the dictator.

But in the 2000s, the theme of Hitler's paintings appears from scratch with a proper banal legend - they were accidentally found. First, in 2001, the German trading house Freiburg put up for sale an image of a flower signed by Hitler. After violent protests, the lot was withdrawn from the auction and returned to the owner. Two years later, several drawings are up for auction at a private gallery in the US with a starting price of $7,500. In 2004, in Japan, in one of the Tokyo theaters, a public demonstration of Hitler's watercolor of the Viennese church of St. Charles took place. And in the next year, 2005, sales began. Drawings of Adolf Hitler and greeting cards with his signature, sent to the chief architect of the Reich, Albert Speer, were sold for 26.5 thousand dollars at an auction held in Montreal. Through the Austrian branch of the electronic auction eBay, the painting "Munich" was sold for 2100 euros, and the painting "Bad Gastein" for 4500 euros. In England, a portrait of a postman was sold at Jefferys for £5,200. And even in Israel, in the Pyramid Gallery in Haifa, reproductions of 6 paintings by Adolf Hitler were shown. The exhibition, however, was soon closed by the Haifa City Hall, but the precedent had already been set. In 2006, Jefferys, a small auction house in the town of Lostvitel, in Cornwall, UK, put up for sale 21 Hitler paintings with a "traditional" history of their origin for such cases. Allegedly in the 1980s (according to international rules, the copyright expired), a Belgian from the city of Huy discovered (in the attic, of course) a box of paintings, which, according to family tradition, was left in the house by two French refugees returning home in 1919, after end of the war. A Belgian pensioner contacted the Jefferys auction (there were obviously no closer or more famous houses) and put up for sale paintings (rather part of the discovered ones), signed “AH” or “A. Hitler". The authorship of Hitler, by the way, has not yet been established with complete certainty, because, as the Belgian experts who confirmed their authenticity in the 1980s, are now already dead (the perspicacious old woman foresaw this too). It is only clear for certain that the age of the paper corresponds to the hypothesis of Hitler's authorship, and historians confirm that the future Fuhrer in those years really visited many of the landscapes depicted in the paintings. Such enterprisingly educated old women live in the outback of Belgium. The full house was guaranteed by an independent and incorruptible press. The auction was attended by an audience from all over the world: Estonians, Russians, Americans, British, Japanese, New Zealanders and South Africans. The paintings went for 176 thousand pounds. The most expensive watercolor was sold for 10,500 pounds, the cheapest cost the buyer 3,000. The main buyer was an anonymous businessman from Russia. It was he who bought for 10.5 thousand pounds the "Church of Prez-aux-Bois", signed "A. Hitler”, and 4 more landscapes from the same series.

In 2009, the Malloch auction house in Shropshire (England) sold fifteen paintings of Hitler for a total of $120,000. And at the Ludlow auction in Shropshire, thirteen paintings were sold for a total of more than 100 thousand euros. In the same 2009, Hitler's watercolor "White Church in Warsaw" was sold for 24,000 euros, "Destroyed Mill" was bought for 11,000 euros, and "House by the Bridge over the River" cost the buyer 7,000 euros. In 2012, one Hitler painting was sold at an auction in Slovakia for $42,300. In 2015, at an auction in Nuremberg (Germany), 14 paintings by Adolf Hitler were sold for 400,000 euros.

Official Germany does not see propaganda in Hitler's paintings, which means that the law has not been violated. Auction houses, which are mostly owned by Jews, have completely forgotten about the Holocaust and the “cannibal” no longer causes any emotions in them. Silent and anti-Nazi organizations. In the minds of society, Hitler the artist is increasingly distancing himself from Hitler the politician. Such is the multi-standard policy, business is above all. At the same time, the sudden and incredible popularity of Hitler's works raises a logical question - has civilization overlooked a brilliant artist or has it "stuck" in another scam?

To answer this question, it is necessary, at least briefly, to “survey” the life of Adolf Hitler during his active creative research.

After graduating from the folk village school in 1900, at the age of 11, Adolf was sent to a real school in Linz. Adolf did not like the change of school to a large and alien one in the city. From that time on, he began to learn only what he liked - history, geography, and especially drawing; didn't notice everything else. As a result, I stayed for the second year in the first grade. At the age of 13, after the death of his father, and hence the loss of control over himself, he moved to a school dormitory. During this period, he skipped classes, played tricks. In 1904, he passed the exams for the third grade the second time under the promise that he would go to another school in the fourth grade. Already at this age, school teachers notice pronounced psychopathic traits, unbalanced character. Under pressure from his mother, he hardly completed his fourth grade in Steyr. Until the beginning of 1907, due to a lung disease, he lived in the country doing nothing. In the same year, 18-year-old Hitler went to Vienna to take the entrance exam to the general art school, but did not pass the second round of exams. After the exams, Hitler managed to get a meeting with the rector, from whom he received advice to take up architecture: Hitler's drawings testified to his abilities in this art. In 1908, after the death of his mother, Hitler made another attempt to enter the Vienna Art Academy, but failed in the first round. Appealing for help to the Jewish relatives of the late father was unsuccessful. He got a job as an "academic artist", and from 1909 as a writer. It should be noted that in his book Hitler describes this period as a time of special poverty, which was not true, since he received a good inheritance from his mother and, in addition, had regular help from her sister. At the same time, until the middle of 1910, he painted small-format paintings (copies from postcards and old engravings depicting all kinds of historical buildings in Vienna), which at first were successfully sold by Reinhold Ganish, a neighbor in a rented apartment, and later by himself. In addition, he drew all kinds of advertisements. The inheritance received in 1911 from an aunt and income from work allowed Hitler to educate himself. Subsequently, he was able to communicate freely and read literature and newspapers in the original French and English. He was well versed in arming the armies of the world, history, etc. At the same time, he showed an interest in politics. In 1913, evading service in the Austrian army, Hitler at the age of 24 moved from Vienna to Munich, where he worked as an artist. With the outbreak of the First World War, he obtained permission to serve in the Bavarian army and fought until it ended.

Of all this narrative, only two facts are important to us. First. Hitler, being confident in his genius as an artist, never learned to draw anywhere, although throughout his life he convinced everyone of the desire to become an artist. Second. The basis of his creative heritage was made up of copies of paintings. Knowing these facts, we can now proceed to the analysis of his work.

It should be noted in advance that Hitler's paintings are clearly divided into two parts. The first is copies made by him at a fairly tolerable level. The second is my own creativity. Below, as an example, we give two such paintings with architectural images. First copy. The second is its own story.

Both paintings were made by the same hand and at approximately the same time. However, the composition of the first one very successfully reflects the architectural structure, and the second one hardly manages to see the depicted object. If the first picture has a complete plot, then the second one, with a distorted perspective, incomplete lines and fragmentary plot, is close to a child's drawing. Independence in creating a picture of the monastery is also confirmed by the surviving several pencil sketches. Consider also the artist's landscapes in the paintings below.

The first picture is copied. The second is Hitler's own creativity. Can you say that this is the view and hand of one artist? Doesn't the second surprise with the banality of the plot? His performance?

Another characteristic feature of Hitler's work is the diversity of genres and subjects. Architecture, rural landscape, landscape, sea, flowers... Diverse terrain, different landscape, forests, lakes, and this despite the fact that neither Hitler himself nor his entourage left any evidence of plein air trips. And this is the most memorable part in the work of any artist. How could an artist recreate a landscape without going out into nature, without making sketches, sketches and sketches? Yes, even such a variety, but with such detailing of the plot? Only in one case - he copied the finished one.

The military theme in Hitler's work, in fact, crosses out his abilities as an artist. The paintings below are more reminiscent of children's "cartoons" than meaningful works of a 25-year-old artist with a claim to genius.

And one more, probably weak argument, but clearly striking - the absence of at least one photograph that captured Hitler at the easel. Since the 30s, having a personal photographer who always and everywhere accompanied the Fuhrer, who took thousands of photographs, fixing every step of the leader in the war, at home, on vacation, one cannot take a single photograph of a "genius" in the creative process. Probably, the process of copying paintings was not suitable for perpetuating, was not a source of pride for the artist.

It is well known that Hitler had visible psychological deviations, had a bunch of complexes, which to this day has not been defined by an exhaustive diagnosis. Psychologists, psychoanalysts and other "brain scientists" authoritatively state that the roots of these problems come from childhood, from a young age. However, they did not find any psychological deviations and problems in Hitler's paintings. This is not even theoretically explicable, because for the "brain scientist" the figure is that the map for the military is a storehouse of information. And there is only one explanation, and not that before the First World War Hitler was a good boy, and then he “got pissed”, but that the paintings and drawings under study were not the fruit of Adolf himself. They were only copies, that is, a cast, an expression of someone else's consciousness, and not of Hitler. Naturally, neither the plots, nor the colors, nor the lines that the "brain scientists" like to analyze so much did not belong to the psychotype under study.

A few words about the artistic value of the paintings. Of course, Adolf Hitler had artistic abilities, but did not have the skills of an artist, did not have the necessary level of skill. His natural talent made it possible to copy other people's works well, but his own imagination was not enough to create more than a simple, primitively childish drawing. According to the organizers of the auctions, the paintings are mediocre and do not represent any artistic value. Professional critics also did not express admiration for Hitler's creative legacy. The success at auctions is explained by only one thing - the name, which, both in this case and in the field of art in general, was the main thing for buyers.

In many media covering and promoting this topic, incl. and Wikipedia, data are given on the total number of Hitler's works in 3400 pieces. This figure is questionable and far from unfounded.

The most prolific artists of recent centuries: Aivazovsky, Picasso, Roerich, Rubens, Rembrandt created works (including drawings, sketches and everything that the artist's hand touched) a little more than is attributed to Hitler. But after all, they worked professionally for 50-60 years, and Hitler only 10-12 years, of which a couple of years (the Vienna period) was professionally engaged in painting. According to Hitler himself in Mein Kampf, while living in Vienna, he painted 2-3 paintings a day. Perhaps such fertility manifested itself on individual days of a creative upsurge or an acute need for money, but by no means every day. On this basis, some experts have calculated that during this time about a thousand works were created, which, to put it mildly, cannot be true, because, again, according to Hitler himself, at that time he was actively engaged in self-education, learning languages, and, actually worked as an artist. According to Reinhold Ganisch, who was in charge of selling the works, the demand for paintings exceeded supply, but this was of little interest to Hitler. He wrote exactly as much as provided him with the minimum necessary income for life. In addition, it is known for certain that after the First World War, Hitler practically did not engage in painting, he became interested in politics. Other experts call a more realistic figure for this period of 300 works.

The number of works and the fact that during the period of mass Nazi "psychosis" there are no mentions of Hitler's paintings either among his associates or opponents raises doubts about the number of works. Would Goebbels have ignored such a wonderful occasion to once again confirm the genius of the Fuhrer? But there are no materials on this topic in the press. The general admiration for the "genius" of Hitler could not pass by his "brilliant" creativity. This means that the paintings, if they were in such a significant amount, would scatter among admirers like “hot pies” in a student shop. Probably every member of the SS would consider it an honor to have a tome of their adored idol. So it was thousands of years ago, so it is today. Was the period of the Third Reich an exception? But, alas, history is silent about this.

Since Hitler's most prolific period falls on Vienna, it is likely that the buyers of his work were residents of the city, and not from the wealthy classes. Considering that the works were small in size, and many of them were painted in watercolor, their long-term preservation was problematic. In addition, the assault on Vienna by the Red Army in 1945 within a week turned the city into complete ruins and conflagrations.

Today, 130-150 works by Hitler (or attributed to him) are known, but every year the number of “accidentally” discovered works increases, as does the auction price for them. It is obvious that the number of works exaggerated in the media from 720 known to 3400 completed are the limit that their sellers are counting on. It is possible that this number of works sold will not be realized, but today the peak of sales has not yet been reached.

Conclusion: it is obvious that the theme of “Hitler’s painting” is another scam on the art market, talentedly promoted, most likely, by Russian scammers who decided on a historical topic to shake the moneybags well, who do not particularly bother with the authenticity of “rarities” and their real cost. The scam has already been picked up by the Dutch, who have used no less creative methods of “raising” money on a hot topic. It is likely that in a few years we will be exposed. But it is unlikely that it will be loud, the rich do not like to look like fools.

In conclusion. The appearance of this article is not caused by concern about the "suckers" who threw out and are going to throw out in the future a lot of money for mediocrity or fakes. God bless them and their money. The question is in morality, in attempts to search for the light in the monster, in whitening the black pages of history. In oblivion of the memory of 70 million dead with the direct participation of the beast in the human form. The question is in human stupidity, in the thirst for profit, in a short historical memory. In the absence of safeguards against a repetition of the tragedy in the future. The theme of Hitler's paintings in neo-Nazism, which is gaining popularity in many countries, is a very nutritious ground for this.

Secondary school No. 50

Abstract on the topic

"Psychological portrait of Adolf Hitler"

Completed by: Onegina Daria Viktorovna

Checked by: Batalov Dmitry Vladimirovich



Features of the biography, the formation of personality and the life path of Adolf Hitler

1 The story of the birth of A. Hitler

2 Childhood

3 Youth and maturity

Clinical and psychological features of the personality of A. Hitler

3 Narcissism

4 Special habits



History is closely related to psychology. As a rule, the cause of this or that event is precisely the personal factor. The history of the reign of Adolf Hitler was no exception.

There are three main points of view regarding the life and work of Hitler. For German nationalists, he was a hero who managed to raise Germany back to the pinnacle of world domination. For a small group of historians, Hitler was a unique political genius and the subtlest psychologist who effectively used other people's mistakes and diplomatic blunders, as well as his skills in the field of psychology. For most people, however, Hitler appears to be a morally devoid fiend who made millions of innocent people around the world suffer. Only on him, the majority claims, lies the entire responsibility for the horrors of the Third Reich.

The purpose of my work is to destroy this stereotype.

I believe that there is no event in the world that would happen without a good reason. It never happens that someone is to blame for what happened. I think that Hitler's unbalanced character can be blamed on a series of random events rather than on himself.

Research objectives:

· The study and analysis of the psychological characteristics of Hitler.

· The study of the causes of his character and behavior.

Subject of study:

· Emotional and personal characteristics of Adolf Hitler.

· Features of education, personality development, psychopathological deviations in behavior.

Many factors play a role in the formation and development of personality. Analyzing the life of Hitler, taking into account the influence of these factors, many of his actions become clear. His intolerance towards Jews and communists has its roots, which can be found with a careful analysis of the personality. In order to come to a deep understanding of the Hitler phenomenon, it is not enough to study the numerous published, more or less objective biographies. Therefore, it is worth carefully studying Hitler's personality from a medical point of view, his special mental signs and actions that do not fit into the boundaries of human norms. Many psychologists and historians have studied the influence of factors such as family and school, which are the most significant in shaping the personality of any person. In the end, the decisive question was posed: who, in fact, was Hitler - "human, superhuman or subhuman"?

1. Features of the biography of Adolf Hitler

1 Birth story

A. Hitler was born on April 20, 1889. Father - Alois Hitler, was married a third time to Clara Hitler, the mother of the future leader. According to the records in the medical book, a weak, dark-haired boy with blue eyes was born.

Johann Nepomuk Hüttler - the grandfather of Adolf Hitler, the father of Alois, had a granddaughter named Clara Pölzl. Later Alois took her as his wife. The fruit of this marriage, Adolf Hitler, is thus the product of consanguineous incest, since Johann Nepomuk Hüttler is not only his paternal grandfather, but also the grandfather of his mother Clara. Adolf Hitler must have been aware of the incest in the family, and, apparently, this is precisely what explains the repeated statements that he does not want to become a father: he had sufficient reason to fear for the usefulness of his offspring.

As we can see, the consanguineous marriage we are looking at has produced a combination of fantastic cruelty, immorality, and idiosyncratic intelligence.

2 Childhood

In 1895, at the age of 6, Adolf entered the public school in the town of Fischlham, near Linz. Two years later, his religious mother sent her son to Lambach, to the parochial school of a Benedictine monastery, after which, she hoped, her son would become a priest. But he was expelled from school, caught smoking in the monastery garden. The family then moved to Leonding, a suburb of Linz, where the young Adolf immediately excelled in his studies. He stood out among his comrades for his perseverance, turning out to be a leader in all children's games. At 16, Adolf dropped out of school. For two years he did nothing, wandering the streets or spending time in the library reading books on Germanic history and mythology. At the age of 18 he went to Vienna to enter the Academy of Fine Arts there. He entered twice - once he did not pass the exam, the second time he was not even allowed to take it. He was advised to enter the architectural institute, but for this it was necessary to have a matriculation certificate. In December 1908, his mother died, which was a huge shock in Adolf's life. For the next five years, he worked odd jobs, alms, or sold his sketches.

The characters of the parents are among the most important factors that leave an imprint on the entire subsequent life of the child. Therefore, it is legitimate to ask to what extent Hitler's parents contributed to his "subsequent transformation into a monster," as Erich Fromm put it. We will begin this analytical study with the role of the mother, which is decisive in the sensitive phase of early childhood.

Most scholars believe that Hitler's mother played a positive role in shaping Hitler's personality. According to Bradley Smith, who is considered the greatest expert on Hitler's youth: "Everyone who knew Clara believed that the meaning of her life was a selfless love for children ... She inspired her son with the feeling that he was something special." Three of her other children died in the same year. It is not surprising that she gave all her love, care, awe and affection to her last son, Adolf. She lived in constant fear of losing him too.

According to the servants, the boy grew up "healthy and vigorous", but he seemed extremely sick to his mother. So she breastfed him for over three years.

Typically, this amount of attention creates a strong bond between mother and child. However, the results of Alice Miller's psychoanalytic study of Hitler's youth cast doubt on this conclusion. Given Hitler's cold and aloof attitude towards people in general and his unusual attitude towards women, it can be assumed that in his early youth he was not given enough sincerity and true love.

It is necessary to mention one more point that contradicts the opinion that in childhood he bathed in motherly love. From the available documents it follows that Hitler really loved his mother and did not part with her photograph until the end of his life. However, one should not lose sight of the fact that in childhood in relation to her he experienced a feeling of disappointment, and sometimes anger. He could not help but experience a feeling of bitter disappointment when his mother acted as a fearful, silent and indifferent witness, being present at the harsh reprisals often perpetrated by his father. At the same time, in his eyes, the mother had to be in solidarity with the actions of her father and bear her share of responsibility for them.

The connection with his mother, which was based on unlimited permissiveness, contributed a lot to the development of Hitler's extreme narcissism and passivity characteristic of him. His mother never punished him and only admired him immensely. Very early on, he came to the conclusion that he himself was "remarkable and does not require him to expend any effort." If he had desires, then his mother fulfilled them, and if she tried to object, then with a skillfully staged fit of anger, he could easily bring her to reason. Such lack of character can cause the child to feel surrounded and lose independence. The answer to this situation was withdrawal and encapsulation.

Thus, for him, the mother was not a person, but an impersonal symbol of the power of the earth, fate and death.

The "deification" phase ended in 1894 with the birth of Edmund's brother, who displaced Adolf from the pedestal of the only favorite. Contrary to popular belief, this event was not perceived by the five-year-old Hitler as the appearance of a competing element.

Psychologist Erich Fromm considers Alois Hitler, Adolf's father, a man who loved life, possessed a sense of duty and responsibility, and believes that in the role of an educator this man was not a "monster" at all. According to Fromm, he was not a tyrant, but just an authoritarian person. However, this opinion is in many respects contradicted by some facts. It seems that the image of the father was for the boy, anything but an example to follow.

Alois Hitler was grumpy, quick-tempered and rude, sometimes used physical assault even in relation to his own wife and an innocent dog. He considered cruel "physical methods of education" quite compatible with the mental development of the child. John Toland writes that Adolf's half-brother Alois Jr. suffered the most from such executions, whom his father once beat with a whip until he lost consciousness. Hitler once confessed that the humiliations he experienced caused him more suffering than the beatings themselves.

The terrible consequences that this "black pedagogy" had for the personality of Adolf Hitler are illustrated by psychoanalyst Alice Miller with examples of his subsequent criminal actions. The tyrannical methods of his father's upbringing forced Adolf to live in constant fear. The father did not recognize apologies for committed or only alleged misconduct, and the only hope to save himself from another beating and preserve the remnants of his own dignity was to lie.

The subsequent behavior of Adolf Hitler was influenced by another circumstance of his childhood. As a child, he was forced to carefully hide his fear of his father's daily abuse, not only out of fear of the possible consequences, but, above all, because no one would simply believe him. Who would imagine the revered and respected head of customs as a rude family tyrant? Many later biographers of Hitler, in particular Joachim Fest, saw in Hitler's stories about his father a childish exaggeration. There is reason to believe that, having become Chancellor, Hitler unconsciously adopted his father's demeanor: before foreign guests, he appeared as a mature statesman, whose views looked quite peaceful and dignified. At the same time, within the state, he acted with firmness and incredible cruelty. Most likely, the father served as a prototype of a new kind of enemy. The figures of this image were first the enemy soldiers in the First World War, then the "November criminals" and, finally, the Jews, on whom he consistently transferred all his repressed hatred.

Hitler himself was of the opinion that the character of the father is a factor that leaves an imprint on the formation of the structure of the personality of the son. Later, he stated that the most important phase of character formation is the age “at which the first impressions penetrate the child's mind. Gifted people and in old age retain traces of memories of this time. From this point of view, the development of many of the basic properties of Hitler's personality seems quite understandable, although for Joachim Fest it remains unclear how "Hitler's original weakness turned into his strength, and how romantic flight from the world was transformed into a thirst for power and a desire for extreme solutions" .

According to the historian Stirlin, despite the obvious dominance of the father, Adolf's weak, frightened mother was a more vivid image of the parent.

3 Youth and maturity

hitler personality psychological

In February 1914, Adolf Hitler was called to Austria to undergo a medical examination for fitness for military service. But, as "too weak and unfit for military service," he was released. When the war broke out in August 1914, he turned to the King of Bavaria with a request to enlist in his army. He was assigned to the 16th Bavarian Infantry Regiment, recruited mainly from student volunteers.

Was wounded twice. On October 7, 1916, after being wounded in the leg, he was admitted to the Germis hospital near Berlin. Two years later, 4 weeks before the end of the war, he was struck by gases and spent three difficult months in the infirmary. He received his first award - the Iron Cross of the II degree - in December 1914, and on August 4, 1918 he was awarded the Iron Cross of the I degree, which was a rare award for a simple soldier in the imperial German army. Hitler received this last award by capturing an enemy officer and 10 soldiers.

The war saved him from the pressing need to make a decision about the future direction of life. Of course, it was worth thanking the sky for the fact that with a wave of a magic wand it delivered him from this concern and allowed him to change the sad existence of a miserable and humiliated by fate loser to the proud life of a brave soldier of the German Empire, filled with consciousness of the importance of the task entrusted to him. If until now he felt isolated from society, now he has become a valuable member of a certain community of people, a person who can contribute to the strengthening of Germany and the values ​​​​of German nationalism, who for the first time can feel like a courageous hero.

Many times he miraculously escaped death, and this further strengthened his conviction that he had been chosen by "Providence" to be the savior of the German people. Possessed by this feeling, he once turned to his comrades with a prophecy, the meaning of which, for the most part, they hardly understood then: “You will hear about me again! Wait, let my time come!

Later, he quite seriously claimed that the years spent in the war were the happiest time in his life.

June 1919, he was seconded to short-term courses of "political education", which functioned in Munich. After completing the courses, he became an agent in the service of a certain group of reactionary officers who fought against leftist elements among the soldiers and non-commissioned officers. He compiled lists of soldiers and officers involved in the April uprising of workers and soldiers in Munich.

January 1933 he was appointed Chancellor of the Reich. The formation of this cabinet did not in itself become the so-called "coming to power" of Hitler. This became a reality only in the following months and was the result of the unerring activity and energetic, consistent policy of a man possessed by a lust for power.

Since 1943, all of Hitler's activities were in fact limited to current military problems. He no longer made far-reaching political decisions. Almost all the time he was at his headquarters, surrounded only by the closest military advisers.

April 1945, he decided not to leave the capital, stay in his bunker and commit suicide. The fate of the German people no longer interested him. The Germans, Hitler believed, turned out to be unworthy of such a "brilliant leader" as he, therefore they had to die and give way to stronger and more viable peoples. In the last days of April, Hitler was concerned only with the question of his own fate. He feared the judgment of the peoples for the crimes committed. Before his death, on the night of April 29, he arranged a marriage with his long-term mistress Eva Braun. On April 30, both of them committed suicide, and their corpses, on the orders of Hitler, were burned in the garden of the Reich Chancellery, next to the bunker, where the Fuhrer spent the last months of his life.

2. Psychological characteristics of the personality of A. Hitler

In the psyche of the fascist "leader", the central, dominant position is occupied by an irresistible, all-consuming sensual impulse - the desire for the greatest amount of power over people, the desire to seize everything at all costs, under any pretext and at any cost. This disorder is connected, first of all, with bloat, indefatigability of the desire for power. The thirst for absolute power, which cannot be quenched immediately and, apparently, can never be fully quenched, shakes the psyche of the fascist "leader" and leads not only to emotional, but also to other disorders.

In this regard, it is necessary to single out those symptoms of various forms of psychopathy that are most clearly seen in the psyche of the fascist "leaders":

· great mental excitability

· suspiciousness and suspicion


· propensity to act aggressively

· obsession with the so-called "overvalued idea"

· theatricality of behavior

It is easy to see that this gradation of the forms of mental deviations, adopted in modern psychiatry, reflects an increase in the strength of the disorder in the emotional sphere. That is, psychopathy is, first of all, shifts in the emotional sphere of the psyche, inevitably leading to more or less pronounced disorders in the exchange of emotions between the psychopath and the people around him: the psychopath is tuned mainly to the "consumption" of other people's positive emotions in exchange for their own negative ones.

Psychiatric patients also have the following characteristics:

· intolerance for other people's opinions

· feeling of irresistible irritation against dissenters

· subconscious desire for conflict

A healthy person behaves this way only when he is sick or in trouble and therefore needs more than usual attention and participation. On the whole, this influence is expressed in the subordination of consciousness to the dominant emotion in the psyche, in fitting, stringing thoughts on an irresistible sensual attraction. The theory of V. Pareto, according to which human behavior is determined by instincts, feelings, and concepts, ideas perform the function of explanation, justification or disguise, is absolutely correct for these cases.

1 Craving for destruction

The most important property of Hitler's character was the craving for destruction, which Erich Fromm defined as “passionate craving for everything that is dead, rotten, decayed and sick; the passion to turn everything living into inanimate; passion for destruction for the sake of destruction. The objects of this passion were people and cities.

The first people to fall prey to his passion for destruction were the terminally ill. In Germany, permission for autonasia was introduced.

Deceit and treachery, both in personal and political terms, belong to the most disgusting traits of Hitler's character. When it came to personal gain, he did not spare even his closest friends and most devoted associates. And in relations with the Catholic Church, Hitler's actions were deceitful and hypocritical. Having concluded a concordat with Rome in 1933, he already at that time began to plan the “final solution of the issue” in the future: “The time will come, and I will settle with them without any red tape... not understood by future generations. Just as we got rid of the witch-hunt in our time, so we should get rid of this remnant of it.”

The most important feature of Hitler's personality is his sadistic authoritarian nature, very accurately described by Erich Fromm back in 1941. This feature turned out to be decisive not only for Hitler's relations with women, but manifested itself in a number of other examples. Helmut Krausnik spoke about Hitler's statement, made by him after one of the party meetings, which fully characterizes his sadistic hatred of Jews: “They should be expelled from all professions and driven into the ghetto - let them die there, as they deserve, and the German people will look at them like wild animals. And here is a stunning example of sadistic vindictiveness. Hitler, who generally could not stand the sight of corpses, ordered the scenes of torture and execution of the generals who participated in the conspiracy to be filmed, and ordered this film to be played over and over again, enjoying the sight of corpses hanging on meat hooks. He even kept a photograph of the scene on his desk.

The sadistic essence of this man cannot be softened or embellished in the least by hypocritical displays of feelings, for example, statements that he is not able to bear the sight of wounded and killed German soldiers. The reason for such reactions, in my opinion, is not a manifestation of a sense of true participation, but only the activation of a phobic defense mechanism with which Hitler tried to displace the awareness of his own unprecedented destructiveness and his own sadism.

2.3 Narcissism

Another characteristic feature of Hitler's personality was pronounced narcissism with all its typical features. Fromm described it this way: “He is only interested in himself, his own desires, thoughts and desires. He talks endlessly about his ideas, his past, his plans. The world interests him only as an object of his own desires and plans. He is interested in people only insofar as they can serve his purposes or be used for these purposes. He knows everything and always better than others. Confidence in the correctness of one's own ideas and plans is a typical sign of intense narcissism."

Hitler's pathological narcissism manifested itself already during his military service. This was especially evident towards the end of the war, when his reasoning was completely transferred to the "unreal world".

A fundamental feature of Hitler's character was also clearly expressed distrust, about which already in the early thirties the High Commissioner of the city of Danzig from the League of Nations, Swiss Karl Burghardt, wrote: “He does not trust anyone and nothing, he suspects everyone of contact with the enemy or even of being ready to defect side of the enemy." Such extreme distrust strengthened Hitler's lack of contact, which manifested itself already in his youth and was inherent to the end of his life.

4 Special habits

This man had an infinite number of oddities, habits, idiosyncrasies, peculiar character traits, tricks that made him not only an original, but also an extremely eccentric personality. In an excited state, he had the peculiarity of sucking his little finger. During official acts, he often lowered his hands below the waist and had a habit that admired the ladies to cover a certain place with crossed palms. It is widely believed that Hitler had no sense of humor: indeed, he rarely joked himself, preferring to listen to others, but if he joked, it was always about Jews and foreigners; say, not always successful. Those who met him were surprised by another striking personal feature of this man - his infantilism: Hitler had tastes, lifestyle, opinions of a teenager or even a child. To some extent, he has already "become like children" (or remained, "like children"). He, for example, admired the circus and always, with bated breath, followed the numbers in which women and wild animals performed; with childlike joy he loved picnics and expeditions. It is also known that of all the arts, cinema was the most important for him. Hitler was extremely occupied with the emotional side of human life, both in the norm and in pathology. The Fuhrer was afraid of breeding bulls or stallions, but he really liked to look at their images and statues, admiring the pronounced signs of masculinity, which he himself probably lacked so much. Another great oddity of Adolf Hitler was his attitude to time: "Time always works against us!" he said and tried not to put off until today what could have been done yesterday. In his house, they say, there were only antique clocks, which were always standing because he did not allow them to be wound. It seemed to the Führer all the time that he would not have time to fulfill his mission, that time was irrevocably taking away with it Germany's chances of hegemony in the world.

Being a man with a disturbed psyche, he found in the exhausted state of mind of the German people, who survived the shock of defeat in the 1st World War, a reflection of his own unhealthy psyche, extreme frustration and hostility. All his life, being an Austrian, he stubbornly personified himself with the German people and, exciting them with his hypnotic oratorical abilities and vicious propaganda, found in this an outlet for his own hatred and ambition. His intuitive understanding of the German spirit was extraordinary.


In this work, the psychological aspects of the development and formation of the personality of Adolf Hitler, the influence on them of various factors that form pathologies and deviations in his psyche were studied. As we can see, consanguineous marriage has produced a unique combination of fantastic cruelty, immorality and idiosyncratic intelligence. The characters of the parents are also among the most important factors that leave an imprint on the entire subsequent life of the child. The connection with his mother, which was based on unlimited permissiveness, contributed a lot to the development of Hitler's extreme narcissism and passivity characteristic of him. It is known that this kind of connection with the mother makes it difficult to further differentiation and integration of the personality. All this subsequently found its manifestation in some of the basic traits of Hitler's character. The specific upbringing of his father and constant beatings led to the development of such character traits as cruelty, aggressiveness and ruthlessness. The psychoanalytic study draws a parallel between the persecution of the Jews in the Third Reich and the situation that accompanied the childhood of Adolf Hitler. The decisive thing here is that continuous beatings were guaranteed to him. Whatever he did, it could not affect the daily beatings. All that was left to him was self-denial and identification with the aggressor. The unconscious act of repeating the impressions of childhood, by which he transposed his youthful trauma to the entire German people. The example of Adolf Hitler is a clear demonstration of how terrible the impact on the development of a gifted child can be from such an environment in the family, which is an exhibition image of a totalitarian regime headed by the sole cruel dictator in the person of the father.

His character in his early years was formed under the influence of disappointments, hostility and hatred, the source of which was the obscurity and failure that haunted him in his youth.

E. Fromm described the personality of A. Hitler as follows: “... A practical, arrogant self-taught person is a typical German, looking down on any subject under the sun - from food to politics, from music to the purity of the race. Pompous, omniscient, he refuses to perceive thoughts, instead pouring sayings and orders. Presumptuously trusting his own intuition, he rejects scientific facts. He knows all the answers to the purpose of history. Living in a strange world invented by himself, he rejects as nonsense any idea that does not correspond to his ideas and his own slurred monologues. About the race: "Our duty is to constantly awaken the forces dormant in the blood of our people." Self-praise: "Once upon a time there was only one Prussian in Europe, he lived in Rome. Then a second appeared, in Munich. It was me." Megalomania: "Everyone entering the Reich Chancellery must feel that he has visited the ruler of the world." Suspicion: "I have yet to meet an Englishman who has not declared that Churchill is out of his mind." "There is no doubt that Roosevelt is an imbecile." Hostility: "There are no dumber people than the Americans. They will never be able to fight like heroes." Thus, we were able to trace the features of the formation of A. Hitler's personality and the influence of his childhood and youth on the specifics of his views and worldview. Accordingly, with the advent to power, this worldview was implemented in the policy pursued by him.

Hitler was remarkably successful—something no one before or since—injecting a monstrous tyranny into a people who in the past had made such a huge contribution to European culture. A combination of circumstances elevated him from a street speaker to the pinnacle of power in Germany. To overthrow him - it took the unification of all the forces of the world.


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