Last call train 1542 from the station childhood. Scenario of the last call "Travel by train" Childhood-Youth

The last call of 2017 “It remains before the departure of the train……”
In front of the stage there is a table with a telephone and signs “Station duty officer” and
"Reference". On the other side (where there was music) there was a table with a sign "Luggage
department" (it will contain briefcases, books, a large protractor and
compasses, models of molecules, etc.).
Sounds recording sounds of the station
Voice behind the scenes
Dear passengers! The fast train 2017 departing from Station No. 33 will be served under
landing in a few minutes on track 1. If you lost each other in the station building,
find an empty seat and sit down.
Dance of the mourners and workers of the station. "Edelweiss"
(The sound of a train. A voice behind the scenes: “Attention, attention! Dear passengers!
The boarding of the train number 2017 is announced with the message School 33 Big life.
The train is on track 1. Numbering of wagons from the head of the train.")
Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear guests, parents, students and teachers! We are glad to see you
welcome to our school station.
Presenter 2: What is 11 years old? These are the years spent in the waiting room of the school station.
Years of hopes, worries, thoughts about the future.
Presenter 1:
And now it's May!
Twenty-fifth is a glorious date
Today we say goodbye to childhood guys.
Host 2:
Today is the day of the last call
An extremely complete collection
Parents, friends, teachers...
Presenter 1:
The festive hall is already full of guests,
Greet adult children.
Host 2:
Let's throw notebooks into bedside tables,
Feed the cribs to the birds
Let's put on blouses, skirts,
Bows weave into pigtails.
Presenter 1:
To the sound of the last call
Say goodbye to last year.
Hooray guys! Let's be lazy!
Until autumn - freedom!
Presenter 1: And today there is a solemn event at our station. On the train "School -
adulthood” we are on our way graduates of 2017!
Presenter 2: We invite the heads of the train to the platform, part-time drivers
and just class teachers with their crews: Lyublinskaya Olga Grigoryevna
and grade 11, Gorkunova Svetlana Aleksandrovna and grade 9a, Kovalevskaya Natalia
Mikhailovna and 9b grade.

Graduates 11 go on stage to the music and remain on stage, in the hands of the presenters
a large suitcase appears with the words "Luggage of Knowledge" written on it. 9th graders sit on their
Presenter 2: Each passenger of this train will take with him a solid baggage of knowledge.
(shows suitcase)
Presenter 1:
How much lived, how much we have in luggage
Deeds, events, ideas, reflections and disputes.
And, perhaps, give it away already
Impossible: no time for talking.
Host 2:
How to share it all, how to tell it all,
To be accessible, easy and understandable.
You can broadcast from a high rostrum for a long time,
You can say it quietly, but with weight and clarity.
Presenter 1:
Dear friends! Allow the ceremonial farewell of the fast train 2017 with a message
Station number 33 (School) to the station Adult life to declare open.
Russian anthem. Graduates sit in the front row
Host 2:
Dear friends! Before the train "School Big Life" left quite
a little time and the head of station No. 33 is invited to the platform Honored teacher
RF Zhuravleva Dina Dmitrievna
A graduate enters the stage, with him a first-grader (Dima)
Today is amazing, it is a bit like a fairy tale.
First grader:
And what will happen now? Story?
Fairy tale
First grader:
No, sad.
First grader:
But will it have a happy ending?
Undoubtedly! All fairy tales have a happy ending. But this tale also had a very happy
Many years ago, when the trees were big, the paths in the school yard
long, and the school stairs are steep and high, moms and dads brought to school
boys and girls. By some miracle they ended up in the same class...
Thus began this bright fairy tale called "Childhood"
First grader: I know this fairy tale. I myself live in it
But for us, this fairy tale ends. And we're leaving for the big adult world

First grader:
And you won't go back to your childhood?
No we won't be back
First grader:
Never never?
Never never
First grader:
What a pity ... Then goodbye, happy journey!
Host 2:
The child was cheerful, I so wanted to go to school.
I wanted to learn a lot of new things.
But I became a first-grader and I'm a little scared
After all, school is an important step in life.
Presenter 1:
We loved you very much and we have not forgotten you.
Today, on this holiday, we remember you.
And kind smiles and mistakes in writing.
And tears because of deuces in diaries.
We played hopscotch, drew on the desks,
The multiplication table was taught as best they could.
You taught to write, you taught to read
For this we are very grateful.
Host 2:
What's on our schedule?
Presenter 1:
According to the schedule - a parting word from the first teachers. The one who is eleven and nine
met us at the threshold of this school years ago. Every passenger in life has his own
first conductor.
Host 2:
We invite our first grade 11 teachers to the platform: Nadezhda Zvereva
Alekseevna, Subbotina Valentina Mikhailovna, the first teachers of the 9th grade: Poleshchuk
Natalia Nikolaevna and Afanasenko Elena Alexandrovna.
Speech by the first teachers
Graduate: You are the first friend,
You are an invaluable friend
who blessed us
On the first of September autumn day.
Us, unintelligent first-graders,
Conquered with his smile.
You raised your bold hand
To a world full of fabulous dreams.
Thank you, our kind, faithful.
Thank you, our first guide,
For sparks of your kindness.
(Flowers are given to the first teacher).

footstep sounds
Host 1: Do you hear? These are the steps of our class teachers Olga Grigoryevna,
Svetlana Alexandrovna and Natalya Mikhailovna! They themselves are not visible, but they are invisible
always with us.
Host 2:
They have an amazing ability to see through walls, read minds from a distance, and
predict events. And whatever we do, they know for sure whether we need it or not.
need! What is good for us and what is bad!
Graduate 11th grade (Andrey D)
Our class leader
Educator and teacher
The bell will ring now
Here it is for the umpteenth time.
Graduate Grade 9
He is the last one for us
bittersweet for you.
Leaving for the big world
With a pure, fiery soul.
Graduate Grade 9
Thanks to you
We do not divide in half -
All gratitude, love
We give back to you again and again.
Graduate Grade 9
You have invested in us good,
Mind, decency, warmth.
Know: "We will not let you down
And we won't get lost anywhere!"
Presenter 2: The floor is given to class teachers ...
Speech by class teachers (Give flowers to class teachers)
Behind the scenes: Dear passengers and citizens seeing off! We are glad to inform you
that the branded train "Shutochny" will follow the second track. Be
attentive and careful!
Scene 11 class)
Behind the scenes

2017. According to the schedule, the 10th train is approaching with a farewell beep. Sounds
station. Grade 10 students leave.
Attention! Attention! Hear the solemn message
10th grader:
of paramount importance!
10th grader: On the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation on Education
the term of the first stage of training for 12 students of our school expires. In spite of
huge difficulties, all of them successfully overcame them and are ready for the final certification.
10th grader: Our special commission after a long work
produced the following statistical report.

10th grader:
For the purpose of education and upbringing our
11th graders were given 120632 lessons, for which 1272500 grades were received
different caliber.
10th grade student: 21250 “I don’t know” responses were recorded for the following
there was no schedule - 22%;
there was no light - 57%;
there was no time - 10%;
forgot - 28%;
not written down in a notebook - 22%;
I was called last time - 5%;
was absent from the last lesson - 12%.
10th grader. During these years, 325862 tips were made and listened to
158624 cheat sheets.
10th grader. Written off control - 386, of which partially 72%, completely -
10th grader. There were 324 calls of perpetrators to the director and 28
director's calls to classes; 132 parent calls to school.
10th grader. Over the course of 11 years, tears were used up - 2.35 liters,
laughter in the classroom - 3265 kilohaha.
10th grader. Eleventh graders were eaten in the school cafeteria
9111 lunches, 12178 breakfasts, 28564 pies. The number of chips, crackers and
chupachups cannot be measured.
10th grader.
have suffered. They suffered a lot.
10th grader. Dear and dear eleventh graders: today you have
solemn event,
10th grader. Therefore, we move on to the main part of the report.
10th grader. Item 1 main TIPS: (one by one)
Yes, they had a hard school life ... They are many
If bad thoughts enter your head...
then kick them in the neck!
When you go out...
please don't get lost!
Don't grab the stars from the sky!
If everyone grabs the stars from the sky,
What will we have in a year?
and there will be no starry nights!
Remember: one head is good ...
and two - does not happen!
And finally…
Don't go with the flow...
Don't swim against the current...
and swim there...
where you want!

And we will follow you
Not many years later
And just a year later
10th grader. Point 2 of the main part of the report - ODA USE, which means torment
2017 graduate:
USE! So much in this sound!
For the heart of a schoolboy merged,
How much resonated in it!
Fursenko (like an honest guy),
One day I got very sick.
And left a memory of himself.
For us, the exam was able to come up with!
His illness is torture for all of us,
And the tutor, what a bore
Sitting with you day and night
Without leaving a single step.
All of you studied in this school
Something and somehow.
But the tutor, thank God,
Helped you shine with knowledge.
None of you know yet
When and what to hand over to you all.
But everyone around knows
You will
Shine with knowledge at the exam.
Let the director sleep peacefully:
Nobody will let her down!
And the long-awaited freedom
You will be greeted with joy at the entrance!
Where should you direct your feet?
With an USE certificate?
10th grader. Point 3 of the main part of the report - FROM THE LIFE OF A graduate
2017, Wishes:
Beyond the mountains, beyond the forests
Beyond the wide seas
Against heaven on earth
There is a school in the village.
The guys studied in it
11th grade
About this friendly class
Let's tell now.
Arrow rushed from the school

Barely trudged in the morning.
But quickly flew by
Their school time.
They will try
The necessary subject to cram,
To no exception
All go to universities.
We sincerely wish
The exam is good to pass.
We invite you to visit us
Don't forget the address
If you suddenly feel sad
Come visit us.
Let the moments fly by
Or years will pass
Everyone will be happy here
Happy always, always.
10th grader. The final part of the report:
As a result of the research and sociological survey, it was established:
Distinctive features of graduates:
Viability -
all together - high
all together - independently
to study
all together: succeed
participate in public life
all together: succeed
do what you love
all together: succeed
The main conclusion: a high rank graduate of MBOU secondary school No. 33 of Tomsk graduates
All together - match!
Line by line:
May will end soon... Carrying the train into the night
Something in your life you have to fix.
It's just that childhood is blown away from you
And the bird cherry color outside the window falls.

You have become adults.
And leaving the school threshold forever,
Don't forget to leave
We have a particle of the soul,
A map of distant roads -
So that we can go
Follow you into the distance.
Behind the scenes: Citizens passengers, take your seats in the carriage. Before departure
15 minutes left. 15 sec. Oh, and what a sobbing on the next platform.
Oh yes, parents. Dear parents, they are waiting for you at the train number 2017, car number 11.
Presenter 1:
Grandmothers, grandfathers, fathers and mothers
With us taught lessons stubbornly.
In copybooks, the first letters were written,
They drew us a pistil with a stamen.
Host 2:
In agony they wrote compositions,
They explained the equations to us.
And the whole family sum up:
With us came to the last call!
Song to parents
Locomotive whistle hums
Graduates look around, look around and exclaim: What? It is time? Are we going?
We're leaving, how? So fast?
Presenter 1:
Not! It's time to say goodbye
Host 2:
Let the horn buzz
And the 11th grade says goodbye to teachers.
11th grade performance
Host 2:
As if yesterday we met at school
The first teacher and the first call.
The years flew by in a rush.
And the run was imperceptible.
Presenter 1:
Spinning, spinning, spinning couples
The graduation waltz whispers sadly:
“We no longer sit at the school desk -
We are parting ways with our native school.”
(Graduates dance the waltz, grade 11.)
: Attention, waiting! We continue the farewell ceremony for train No.
Behind the scenes

2017. According to the schedule, the 9th train is approaching with a beep.
(Come out with a response word 9th grades)

: Attention, attention, departing and seeing off! Train 2017
Behind the scenes

School Big Life message departs from the first platform in 15
seconds. Please take your seats. Wave handkerchiefs to all the mourners.
Host 2:
That's all. Departure is known.
A distant star beckons on the way ...
Remember there is a place
Where we will always be greeted with joy.
Presenter 1:
There is no escape from this.
A hand is raised to say goodbye...
Pink childhood is leaving
Under the beep of the last call.
Behind the scenes

last call for the last lesson. And your first teachers, by the hand, as if in
the first time you are taken from the hall to the class.
The bell rings. The first teachers leave the hall together with the graduates)
tenth grader
So the branded train No. 2017 set off. We will be waving our hands after us for a long time ... And
wait… Wait for the upcoming meeting.
And we say goodbye to all of you:
See you again, friends
The horn is buzzing. Sounds like school music
: Attention attention! Dear graduates! Will ring for you now

"Fast train picks up speed"

Sounds like a lyrical melody

In the rain or in the heat
But in due time
Every new spring
There is a last call.
He's beautiful, desperate
Ready to become a springboard
He signals to start
The main steps in life.

Host: Good afternoon, dear friends!
Host: We are glad to welcome you to the last call holiday!

No one can avoid separation.
Again someone's pink childhood
We came to see the whole school off.

Leading: How noisy on the platform!
Songs, laughter split the heights ...
These are our main characters.
Gathered on a long journey.

Host: How much brilliance, how much interest
In their eyes. And the voice gave out a tremble ...
Well done, beauties, princesses.
Take a look and don't take your eyes off it.

Host: Dear teachers, parents and guests, we ask you to applaud the perpetrators of the holiday.
Presenter: Grade 11a is invited to the hall - class teacher
Peganova Elena Viktorovna

Music plays while the graduates are seated

Moderator: Our dear graduates! Exactly ten years ago you came to our school, and she accepted you into her tender arms.
Host: During your studies, you became friends and became one family. Those who accompanied you on this difficult path through the Land of Knowledge will forever remain in your heart. Those who gave you their knowledge, gave you the warmth of their hands and the kindness of their hearts - these are your mentors.
Leading: How many interesting, curious, funny and serious, joyful and sad things you met during your school trip. And always there are faithful and reliable friends.
Host: And today we invite you to remember the brightest moments of your school trip. But first, let's remember our traditions.
Solemn transfer of the banner

There are many traditions in our lyceum.
We are proud of one of them.
We have not changed her for many years.
This tradition is the transfer of the banner.

Solemn music sounds, the transfer of the banner

11 cells
We're leaving today, you're getting older

You deserve to carry the traditions of the Lyceum.
Accept the banner of honor from us and remember:
All victories, good luck ahead of you.

10 cells
Taking the banner, we are like elders,
We promise to carry the honor of the Lyceum with pride.
Move forward in a clean and just way.
We still promise to bring to the final
All the best that you started.
And now you with your mind and strength
To glorify the name of the Lyceum in front of the city, Russia.

The national anthem sounds

Host: Yes, today is a wonderful day. And how many people are seeing you off at the station!?
Moderator: Among them ____________________________________________________________
A Word to Honored Guests

A wonderful way of learning and knowledge.
From a school desk to great heights,
From the primer to the mystery of the universe,
With one fiery motto: "Forward!"

Every childhood has its own address.
Having parted with him, we will become adults.
And wander our childhood will remain
Within the walls of his beloved school.
The road will take us further.
School years cannot be returned, not forgotten.
And we want a little today
To grieve with you about the past.

Host: So, eleven years ago, very young boys and girls came to the platform of the magical station "Country of Knowledge"
Presenter: Together with the teachers, we boarded an express called ... "Lyceum No. 73"!
Leading: To car number 1, so small, funny, and at the same time bright and cheerful. Look at him. He comes from childhood. It reminds us of the most beautiful time of life.
Leading: The first, most interesting and most exciting lessons at school. When there was free time there was a wagon and a small cart, and it was possible to carelessly play catch-up and ball in the yard. When fairy tales were the most favorite table book, and the best friend was a teddy bear, comfortably nestled next to the pillow.

Sounds like "Childhood"
Car #1
Several graduates rise on stage in pairs to first graders

Graduate: Now it's time to say goodbye to school, but I still remember my first steps in it.
Graduate: The first call, our first class, the first school friends and the first teacher.
Graduate: We then tried very hard: we wrote beautifully in copybooks, put numbers in notebooks in a box, expressively recited poems and sang songs loudly at music lessons.
Graduate: Then everything began to spin, flew, and now 10 years have passed faster than one lesson. We are already graduates.
Graduate: We were so eager to become adults that we didn’t even notice how we became them now
we don’t want to say goodbye to the school desk, blackboard, textbooks and our class at all.
Graduate: So I want to shout: stop a moment! But time is relentless. We rushed him
urged, rather, rather, making a huge mistake, because childhood cannot be returned.
Graduate: Until you become adults, you need to enjoy every minute that the Magic Land gives us - the country of our Childhood. On the threshold of adulthood, let's try to look back at our childhood country, while it is visible in the smallest details.

Song of first graders
City of Childhood

1. Life in the eleventh grade
We are escorting now
And we give you goodbye
Our first order.

2. We understand perfectly
Your difficulties now:
Outside the window, spring is in full swing,
But you have exams.

3. Will beckon you with coolness
The greenery of the forest, the smooth surface of the river.
Don't give in to temptations
You are now graduates.

4. In these walls you had time
A lot to know.
We would like to answer you
All exams on "five".

5. You mastered percussion
A hundred rules and sciences,
But there is still a little
In the institute - 1000 pieces.

6. We sincerely wish
You go to college
So that this last call
Became the first step in life.

7. And as if at the same time with green May
We want good words.
We wish you everything in life
And we say - have a good trip!

8. The green light is on for you -
The way is free, there are no obstacles!

And we give you a ticket to childhood!

Presentation of gifts from first-graders to graduates (Tickets to childhood)

Graduate: And you know that all this could not have happened, and only thanks to these people, we have a wonderful school life. We made the first discoveries on this path with them, with people who have the most beautiful title on earth - the first teacher. It was they who helped us learn how to overcome the difficulties of the road, it was they who opened the world to us, gave us their love, warmth.

Eleventh graders come out and each to their first teacher
says kind words (2 people)

Graduate: Dear Natalya Nikolaevna! It is very important that at the beginning of the path there is a kind, faithful and experienced mentor, one who will help, prompt and show how to do it right!!! How lucky we are! On our school express, at the very beginning of the journey, we met you, wonderful teachers. We made the first discoveries along the road of knowledge with you.
Graduate: Dear Lyudmila Ivanovna! It is impossible to forget the person who taught us to read and write, to solve the simplest problems. After all, people remember their first teacher all their lives, remember him with gratitude. Our dear first teachers, dearest ones, we really want to hear your gentle voice that opened the door to the land of knowledge for us! It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the stage!

The response of the first teachers

Graduate: As the first steps, as the first successes, let our graduation, our school waltz, remain in your memory for a long time.

School Waltz (DANCE)

Graduate: Look, what an interesting car ....
Graduate: What is there?
Graduate: Our school subjects. Look, here's my textbook and chemistry tests.
Graduate: And my diary with the first five in physics. I wonder how such a small trailer fit so much luggage?
Graduate: Yes, a truly amazing car!
Graduate: Eh, would you like to ride now?
Host: Stations flashed ...
Host: Algebra, chemistry, physics, geography…
Host: Literature, biology, history, computer science, English
Presenter: Our graduates got to all these stations thanks to carriage No. 2. In which experienced guides rode with them.
Host: It was they who helped to overcome the labyrinths of science, accurately navigate the expanses of knowledge and climb to the heights of discoveries.

Sounds music in the background "_____________________________"
Car #2
Graduates come out.

Graduate: For ten years, ten long years, our express train called "Lyceum No. 73" flew
along the well-trodden paths of the school curriculum.
Graduate: There were ups and downs, accelerations and decelerations.
Graduate: There were sharp turns and tunnels...
Graduate: And so sometimes I wanted to jump at full speed!
Graduate: But! School subjects flashed, the baggage of knowledge grew ...
Graduate: And we learned how to write essays in detail, logically, competently and conclusively! Graduate: And the science of mathematics taught us to think! The process of thinking - how much romance in it!
We discovered poetry in algebra, after which our IQ increased exponentially.
Graduate: We selflessly delved into the structure of the Universe, and we rediscovered the laws
Joule-Lenz, Coulomb, Newton.
Graduate: And chemistry gave us unforgettable moments of experimental creativity. Exciting and sometimes unexpected experiences.
Graduate: Well, we didn’t know about the biology of grief, everyone trained the ciliate shoe.
Graduate: In every history class, our school tribe took part in a journey
in a time machine into the distant past!
Graduate: And in geography, we conquered impregnable peaks, ocean depths, jungles,
tropics and seaside, mountains, rivers, plateaus - we can easily go around the whole globe,
but we won't get into trouble!
Graduate: In the computer, virtual world, we were given real knowledge. And for the most part, we are all
like fanatics, they taught computer science night and day!
Graduate: We have strengthened our muscles in our beloved physical education. And with ease
We are now setting records in study, work, discipline and sports!
Graduate: But still, let's say without concealment, all objects in the world are needed Life protection and
children's health! And everyone, without exception, will become his own rescue service!
Graduate: It is not easy to climb the heights of knowledge, you can stumble, you can break loose.
Graduate: And so every minute on this thorny path, our teachers were next to us.
Graduate: They, like navigators, showed us the route in the land of knowledge.
Graduate: And, as conductors, they woke us up so that we would not pass our stop.

Song "___________________________"

Graduate: We invite our teachers to the stage.
Feedback from teachers
Graduates give flowers to teachers, music sounds in the background.

Leading: On a long school journey in a whirlwind of work and science, it was not easy for our travelers, but an older comrade and friend was always with them.
Leading: Kind, cordial, wise, sensitive, understanding, patient and cheerful. Sometimes strict and principled.
Leading: With special pleasure, our graduates visited his small, cozy and warm trailer. A trailer where they were always welcome, where they were understood and supported. Where the bad faded into the background.
Leading: Trailer of their second mother. The trailer of their class teacher.

The song sounds in the background "_______________________________"
Car #3

Graduate: Dear Elena Viktorovna! We thank you for everything and bow low to you! Taught to be sensitive and necessary people. They put a piece of their heart into everyone, gave us human warmth, their love. We made sure that our knowledge and skills would grow from year to year, helping to find our place in life.
Graduate: What a huge heart you need to have, To day after day, year after year Generously distribute it piece by piece to us! And what a kind, patient and ageless soul should be.
Today we are on behalf of every heart,
On behalf of our happy youth,
On behalf of our sonorous childhood
We say thank you!

Composition "Heart"

Graduate: Dear Elena Viktorovna! We invite you to the stage

Graduates give flowers to class .. leader

The response of class teachers

Leading: Here it is, what is the composition of our train. You ask, where is car number 4, so homely and warm.
Host: I'm afraid we'll have to disappoint. But we sincerely believe that parental support is the foundation. Something without which our express train would not move, something without which it would not be possible to travel through the magical land of Knowledge, and even more so, it is impossible to do without it on a further journey.
Moderator: You probably already guessed it. These are rails that, when in contact with the wheels, become as hot as the hearts of parents. And parental boundless love will always help this train pass the wrong direction and siding with dead ends at the end.

The song sounds in the background "_____________________"

Graduate: My dear mother!
Parents' response

Host: It's time to hear from the head of the station. He loves his job. He likes to keep the order of platforms and paths. Likes to meet and see off trains. But most of all he loves this train.
Host: It is he who once a year sends graduates to a great life.
Moderator: Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich Kopeshkin, director of the lyceum, is addressing you.

Director's speech

Leading: A frisky bird heart started,
Hang on a little dear...
And into the speaker: the train "Childhood - Youth"
Filed on the 11th way.
Host: That's all. Departure is known.
A distant star beckons on the way ...
Remember there is a place
Where we will always be greeted with joy.
Leading: All the heights to you, all the well-being.
All possible life embellishments!
After all, for us you are the best of the best,
We love. We wait. We hope for you.
Moderator: There's no getting around this.
A hand is raised to say goodbye...
Pink childhood is leaving
Under the beep of the last call.

Building for the final

We can't get away from these minutes
And each of us is familiar with this feeling:
Like a Christmas tree holiday, childhood ends,
Like a movie tape, a dream ends.
No longer hoping for someone's clues,
We must solve all problems ourselves,
Make your fairy tales come true
And our wildest dreams!

Final Song

Ring the bell, weaving into the trills of birds
Rise up, do not be a fairy tale, but a reality.
You are the director and author of all pages,
So simply called a fun school life.
Final education. joy sadness
Mixed together, boldly and capriciously
Let the last bell ring
You are announcing the beginning of a new life!

The last bell is ringing
Care music.
"Farewell, from all train stations ..."

Publication date: 12.06.2015

Short description:: Attention! Attention! School train No. 2015, following the route "Childhood-Youth", arrives on the first track of the station "Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 3". Car numbering from the tail of the train. I repeat… School Train #2015,

material preview


solemn line dedicated to the holiday of the Last Bell - 2015

Train "School - Adulthood"

Against the background of the music "Waltz of Parting"

Leaders come out.


Like a normal May day
The sun shines sweetly.
But only the school last call
It happens once in life.

Host 2:

You will pass many roads,
You will see and learn a lot
But don't forget the call
This one is May 23rd!

(Phonogram of the approaching train whistle, the noise of the station.)

Railway station sounds + train noises

Host 1: Attention! Attention! School train No. 2015, following the route "Childhood-Youth", arrives on the first track of the station "Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 3".

Numbering of wagons from the tail of the train.

I repeat ... School train No. 2015, following the route "Childhood-Youth", arrives on the first track of the station "Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 3". Numbering of wagons from the tail of the train. The request of the meeting passengers to take their seats. Train stop 40 minutes.

Train sounds.

Presenter 2: Today, our train "School - Adult Life" sends 2015 graduates on their way, and we invite them to take a trip along the school platform with them.

Host 1: Attention! To the conductor of exit car No. 11 of school train No. 2015, prepare to disembark passengers


How noisy on the platform!
Songs, laughter split the heights ...
These are our main characters.
Gathered on a long journey.

Host 1: Attention! Solemn moment! To your endless applause, we meet the main 11th team with excellent guides and experienced teachers Pisarenko Svetlana Nikolaevna, Kolod Natalya Vladimirovna and Anokhina Irina Grigorievna

they have 24 seats. For them, today is the safest road to a brighter future.

Sounds music "The road of goodness"

graduates come out

Words about graduates _______________________________________________

Host 1: School! Attention! Stand still on the flag of the Russian Federation. The right to raise the flag is granted to the best students of the school - Grade 11 graduates Simonov Denis and Pichugina Anastasia

Alignment with the flag! Raise the flag!

Anthem of the Russian Federation (1 verse and chorus) vocal group

Presenter 2: Dear passengers, please passengers of exit car No. 11 get ready for customs control. If you have any questions, please contact the management of the station: the head of the station and his deputies.

Now the head of the school station is invited to the platform -

school director Elena Stepanovna Nurbekyan.

Speech by the principal of the school.

Presenter 1:

We continue the long-awaited holiday,
And the word we give
To all those whom we have been waiting for,
Honored guests at our station.

Presenter 2: Today, guests of honor arrived to see off our graduates on a long journey ... ..

Presenter 1: The word for congratulations is provided _________________________________________________________________

Presenter 2: The word for congratulations is provided _________________________________________________________________

Guest performance

Host 2:

Leave school every year
matured students,
To make life laws
Write not on the blackboard.

Presenter 1: The word for reading the order for admission to exams is provided by the deputy. Director for Education Kuznetsova N.V.

Presenter 2: The school is famous for its deeds

B-1: The school is famous for its graduates

B-2: The school is famous for its teachers

B-1: In sports, in studies, in work, in entertainment

We have achievements in our school

B-2: Today, on this solemn day, we want to celebrate the most talented and inquisitive, hardworking and attentive graduates


Presenter 1: Look, what a friendly car number 8 ... Throughout the journey, they surprised us with their activity, diligence and talents.

number 8 class A dance

Host 1: For 11 years you have been accumulating a store of knowledge.

Presenter 2: We learned kindness, patience, mutual understanding.

Presenter 1:

Oh, how quickly the years go by

Almost didn't have time to look back.

Don't ever forget you

These are the days when you grew up.

Host 2: Attention, attention! Recall the station "World of Wonderful Discoveries".

Presenter 1: And these discoveries were made by our graduates together with the teachers of our school.

The teacher was the first to beckon me to the window

And opening it, he said: "Look at the world"

He put a beetle on my palm

And stretched out his hand to the rays of dawn

He said "Dare", "Do not be upset"

Look at the world, but don't get lost in it.

Winters have passed with springs

And so we became adults

Let's rush who to the north, who to the south

But we do not forget and often remember

My first teacher

Presenter 2: The first teachers are invited to the platform _______________

Fanfare for Teachers' Exit

Presentation by the first teacher.

Alumni group reads:

School years, like steps

They took us up for a long time

The time has come to look back

With us now stand on the platform

Those with whom for a long 11 years

Exactly shared the burden of troubles and victories.

It is not easy to climb the heights of knowledge,

You can stumble, you can break.

Only we stubbornly went straight up,

We had a reliable cool guide!

Our class teacher

We are almost like a parent!

All these years next to us was

We thank her for everything (together)

Presenter 1: The floor is given to the conductor of car No. 11 and beloved class teacher Pisarenko Svetlana Nikolaevna.

Presentation by the class teacher.

Concert number 11 class Song "Goodbye school"

Host 1: Attention, attention!

Those who want to remember the amazing moments of childhood, go to the mother and child room, unforgettable moments await you here. Oh, and what a sobbing on the next platform. Oh yes, it's the parents!

Host 2: Attention! Dear parents, they are waiting for you at carriage No. 11 on the first platform for voicing instructive words to your children.

Presenter 1: The floor is given to a member of the parent committee


Parents' speech

Presenter 2: For the paths that have opened before you

And for not going astray

Bow down to your parents

For worry and anxiety

(Soundtrack of a locomotive whistle sounds.

The song "Engine from Romashkovo" sounds)

Host 1: Attention! A train from Romashkovo arrived at the third platform. Please prepare for the meeting.

(Includes 1st grade.)

First graders:

1. Pervochok comes to school,
Behind him is a heavy backpack.

(First grader 2 turns sideways. First grader 1 opens his backpack and pulls out books, huge house slippers in the form of dogs, a ruler, a huge painted clock, paper candy, a ball)

Books, juice, diary, ruler
And a battery operated watch.
Sandwich, gum, shift,
Ten pens in all shades.
Ball, apple, candy,
All notebooks by subject!
And in notebooks - as if by notes -
All homework!

2. Graduates have other orders:
They go to school with only one notebook!
To study for five
We must save strength!
They already have loads -
Solid overload.
Discos, workouts
And party nights!
And for homework
There is an optimal time.
It's invariable...
Together. Turn!

3. Who, tell me, in our school
The smartest and funniest?
Who is brave, dexterous, strong?
Both handsome and sporty?
Who is the leader in work?
Together. Well, of course, a graduate!

4. We will be without further ado
Take a cue from graduates!
We will fight like you for awards
Subject Olympiads!

5. Let's be honest, kind, brave,
We will carry out the school regime,
We will be exemplary in our studies,
Let's not shame our school!

6. We wish you happiness, success, good luck,
So that you never lose height!
We give you a lucky ticket in addition,
So that your bright dreams come true!

First-graders present flowers and tickets to a happy future for graduates.

Host 1: Attention! Attention! Dear passengers!

Whoever lost an excellent student, she is at the head of the station.

Song A student

"About the child ...."

Presenter 2: Our dear graduates, today you have a solemn event. It is today that the last call will announce to you that your childhood is over and will never return. Let there be a lot of time for love, smiles, happiness.

Presenter1: Future graduates are invited to the platform:

10th grade presentation:

Last call for class

Remember you forever

May you go many roads

Let time measure the years.

This last call

From childhood to youth step

It rings to you like a pledge of happiness,

About great and wonderful things.

Presenter 2: According to a good school tradition, tenth graders can give memorable souvenirs.

Background music

Farewell words of the eleventh graders.

1. We can't get away from these minutes,
And each of us is familiar with this feeling:
Like a Christmas tree holiday, childhood ends,
Like a movie tape, a dream ends.

2. No longer hoping for someone's clues,
We must solve all problems ourselves,
Make your fairy tales come true
And our wildest dreams!

3. Ring the bell, weaving into the trills of birds,
Rise up, do not be a fairy tale, but a reality.
You are the director and author of all pages,
So simply called a fun school life.

4. Final study. Joy, sadness
Mixed together, boldly and capriciously
Let the last bell ring
We are announcing the beginning of a new life!

Presenter 1:

And here you stand solemnly, timidly.
And in the distance known is calling you today
The most important, the best, the very first
Great school waltz!

Farewell waltz.

Host 2:

Dear passengers! Please follow the safety rules and stay calm. Be vigilant, do not leave things unattended, if you find a suspicious object, do not approach it, call the head of the train.

The Wind of Change train is coming

Presenter 1:

Far from the school threshold

Your road is creeping

And the route is difficult,

And swift.

You will see and know

That there are many events in the world

Simply amazing.

Host 2:

Here comes the circle of memories...

You have power over time

But for a short time.

It's time for parting

Now he will call

Your last beep!

Your last school call!

Presenter 1: The right to give the last call is granted to the 11th grade graduate Vladimir Barabanov and the 1st grade student ______

The bell rings.

Presenter 2: The right to cross the line of childhood is granted to graduates of the 11th grade.

Sounds music "Farewell ..."

11 pairs go in a circle

Losing words

Presenter 1:

School is the world, eyes, a river of stories...

Sweet childhood, don't disappear

Let me whisper to you a short (All together) "Goodbye!"

(balloon launch into the sky)

Host 2:

Let the balloons fly, let the children dream
Bright dreams, fabulous colors.
Well, today you are becoming graduates
They released fireworks into the sky.

Host 1: Attention! From the platform of the school yard, the fast train "School - Adult Life" leaves.

Train number 11 is sent first

Host2: Of course, parting is always sad. But parting means the end of one stage in life and the beginning of another.
A new life awaits you.

Unusual, complex, not understandable in everything, but it is beautiful.
We wish you success in this new, adult life.
Be ready for any life trials.

Good luck to you, friends, all the way,
Ways of searching, plans and accomplishments.
Have a good trip!

Eleventh graders say goodbye to school, leave ....

Host 1: School! Attention! Stand still on the flag of the Russian Federation. The right to lower the flag is granted to 10th grade students Valery Karnaukhov and Darya Zakovryashina

Presenter 2: Grade 10 - take the place of honor of the graduates.

DTN: Dear children, dear teachers, guests, parents! Our trip ……. . To you guys, we wish you a successful end of the school year, to you, dear teachers, strength and patience. And you, dear parents, health and success!

Presenter 1: Please consider the solemn line dedicated to the holiday of the Last Bell to be closed.

Music "Blue wagon ..."

If the material does not suit you, use the search

Holiday of the last call "Train of childhood".

class teacher 11th grade

Shevchenko Elena Nikolaevna

MBOU secondary school No. 9, Novy Urengoy.

Railway station sounds + train noises

Speaker: Attention! Attention! School train No. 2013, following the route "childhood-youth", arrives on the first track of the station "Municipal budgetary general education secondary school." Numbering of wagons from the tail of the train. I repeat ... School train No. 2013 following the route "childhood-youth" arrives on the first track of the station "Municipal budgetary comprehensive secondary school." Numbering of wagons from the tail of the train. The request of the meeting passengers to take their seats. Train stop 60 minutes.

Phonogram of a locomotive whistle and the sound of a train.

Leader exit.

Speaker: Attention! To the conductors of graduation cars No. 11 of school train No. 2013! Get ready to disembark passengers!

A song sounds, graduates come out

Presenter 1

We studied at this school

11 best years of my life

But the years have gone by quickly

And there is no return to the past.

Lead 2

Hello dear teachers, parents, students! The solemn line dedicated to a significant event in the life of our school graduates is declared open!

The anthem of Russia sounds .

Presenter 1

Today is a holiday in our school,

But this is a sad day for us.

Dear our classmates

They came to class for the last time.

Student 1: Teachers, please rest a little,

Are you tired of standing at the blackboard for so many years,

Graduates every year take away from you the road,

Isn't whiskey whitened from those separations?

Student 2: We know that it’s not just for you with us, it was sometimes

But now we are almost adults.

In this adult life we ​​will take with us

The warmth and love of your bright soul.

Student 3: You taught us life at every lesson,
We were scolded at times and praised at times ...
Oh, how stupid we were!
And how much we understand just now!

Speaker: Dear passengers of exit cars No. 11, please get ready for customs control. If you have any questions, please contact the management of the station: the head of the station and her deputies.

Lead 2

First to say a word

A great honour.

The word for reading the order on the admission of students in grades 11 to the State exams is given to the director of the school, Svetlana Nikolaevna Demidova.

The director reads the order for admission to the exams.

Pupil 4: We were scared by the director,
Often sent to you
To not be naughty at school,
And the teachers were not angry.
And when we grew up
We have already gone to you
To get help,
Or support in some way!
We wish you patience
All problems are your solutions!
In your personal life, let you, Svetlana Nikolaevna,
It will also be top notch!

Congratulations to the principal of the school, we give flowers.

Student 5: Here's a story about a difficult role

What is the head teacher at school for?

To sit over the schedule

Days and nights through

Stay in anticipation:

Who will go on sick leave?

To resolutely and cheerfully

In competitions and reviews

Everyone to take part

Definitely win

If someone smiled at you

And suddenly a radiance spread around -

Fortune suddenly returned to you,

That's what makes their charm!

We thank our head teachers Svetlana Gennadievna Pukhova and Veronika Gennadievna Zhitnikova!

Congratulations to the head teachers, we give color

train sound

Speaker: Attention! Attention! Our train arrives at the first station.

For those who want to remember the amazing years of childhood, go to the room of the child's matter, here unforgettable moments await you.

Student 6: We must say at this hour

About those who gave us life,

About the closest people in the world,

About those who helped grow

And it will help a lot.

Invisibly our parents follow us,

And in joy and at the hour when trouble came,

They seek to protect us from sorrows,

But, alas, we do not always understand them.

Forgive us, dear, dear,

After all, there are no people more valuable than you.

As they say, children are the joy in life,

And you are our support in it!

Song to parents

Only for you I sing with my soul

Without lies and selfish reasons,

I can't love without you

I don't like this world without you.

Warm thoughts are always about you

The best father, because my

We are with you forever

Let's forget all unnecessary words

Hugs tighter and love

We are with you forever

We thank you

I do not ask life for good

You raised me well

And it baked on the soul

It's like living water

This world is so cruel and vulnerable

But there is a place for rights and dreams

And we embarked on the path with him,

Grateful for everything only to you

We are with you forever

Let's forget all unnecessary words

Only heart and soul, sight and silence

Hugs tighter and love

We are with you forever

Like the sun light, air and water

Once again, for everything that we have

We thank you

Only for you I sing with my soul

Without lies and selfish reasons

I can't love without you

I don't like this world without you

Presenter 1

For the paths that opened before you

And for not going astray

Bow down to your parents

For excitement and anxiety.

Lead 2

The word is given to our wonderful, best, beloved parents.

Speaker: Attention attention!!! Our train arrives at the station "World of Wonderful Discoveries"

Presenter 1

We invite you to take a virtual journey on our symbolic train, we will remember everyone and everyone who was with us on our journey, and taught us the mind!

Lead 2

You made your first discoveries with a person who has the most beautiful title on earth - the first teacher. People remember their first teacher all their lives, they remember him with gratitude.

Student 7: Winters have passed with springs

And so we became adults

Let's rush who to the north, who to the south

But do not forget and remember more often

My first teacher

Presenter 1

This is the beginning of our school journey. Each of us will remember September 1, 2002 - so small and clumsy we crossed the threshold of the school and our first teachers led us by the hand.

Lead 2

Today our first teachers came to congratulate us. We welcome and invite:

We think they have something to say to us, let's give them the floor

Speech by the first teachers

Student 8: Thank you, earth bow

From all graduates, accept

And just as carefully loving

Teach your students.

Presenter 1

Dear our first teachers: Elena Viktorovna Ignashova, Svetlana Semyonovna Prostova, Olga Aleksandrovna Yatsishin, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts and give you this song.

Song to the first teacher (to the tune of "Tender May")

On the first day of September we went to the 1st grade

With a smile you looked at us

And, remembering those days, like time ago

Dispersed, who is to blame?

We've grown up

Learned the big world

But you remained

very dear

Chorus 2 times.

My sweet, gentle

I hold your hands

I can't find words

My dear, my love

At the most difficult hour

We won't forget you

We thought everything was forever

You forgave us everything - that was nonsense

I wanted to return to us the past days

But they went away

We've grown up

Learned the big world

But you remained very dear

Chorus 2 times.

My sweet, gentle

I hold your hands

I can't find words

My dear, my love

At the most difficult hour

We won't forget you

They give flowers.

Presenter 1

It seems to me that the next guests of our holiday, all those present in the hall, will evoke a lot of the most pleasant, most joyful memories. Our shift, future graduates of our school, came to our holiday. Meet, here they are!

Sounds background at the exit of first graders

Congratulations First Graders.

1) We came to congratulate you,

And the teacher is with us

Together we want to say

All: We are proud of you!

2) We wish you health, we wish you success,

So that tears shine only from laughter,

So that happiness and joy shine on their faces,

So that all wishes come true!

3) Everyone loves to study and listen to mom,

And they eat porridge without leaving a single gram.

And there are among them who, imagine, do not smoke,

Who cleans the class and is often on duty.

In short, they are not more expensive in the world.

What good adults!

4) Pass the exams boldly,

We guarantee success

With your knowledge guys

Outright strike everyone!

5) We know it will be difficult in the summer,

After all, the path to science is thorny.

Talisman for good luck

Let our gift become!

6) To remember you for a long time

Your school days

We give you from the bottom of our hearts

Those warm lines!

Lead 2

The word is given to graduates

Akam (go to the center, in front of the audience, grunt, like before a speech, with a serious face, announce loudly, clearly, concisely): SONG!

Song potpourri about school

We are brave guys, brave, brave,
We are not yet left in life and not right,
But we love to argue passionately
And we ask: "What is it?"
so let's spit, brothers, over the left shoulder.

At school we were our students,
The school is ours, the school is our dear home.
The first thing, the first thing is to pass the exam.
Well, what about the girls?
And then the girls.
When later?
Saturday night, evening, evening
When "excellent students" in quotation marks have nothing to do,
To the sounds of black tape recorders
We'll dance the rock and roll dance
And sing our favorite song.
Which one?
Student, student, don't fall in love
After all, the exam is ahead of you.
Student, student, don't fall in love
At school, you can do without love.
Girls. But...
Love comes unexpectedly
When you don't expect it at all
And every evening will immediately become
so amazingly good
And you eat...
What do you eat?
The heart of a beauty is prone to treason
And to change, like the wind in May.
And at school?

Migratory "deuces" are flying
Blue from the school bench
They fly into our portfolios,
And we take them home.
And at home?
Candles are burning,
Father's bass rumbles
Now you're double
It will fly as it should.
But as?
Oh, one more time
Many, many more times.
Oh, one more time
Many, many more times.
And now?
It's time for the road
We go a long way, a long way, we go a long way,
Beyond the school door
We will not let our school down!
And what is the main thing?
The main thing, guys, is not to grow old with your heart.
We can overcome any difficulties.
Yes, there are many temptations in our complex world,
The main thing is to be a decent person!
And you, leaving the school threshold,
Save it in your heart

which you will walk.
Save your school friends along the way
which you will walk.

Akam (go to the center, in front of the audience and announce with a serious face, loudly, clearly, concisely): ALL!

Speaker: Dear passengers, the next stop is the station "Heroes of Our Time"

Presenter 1 We will remember every moment

Our best friend is our mother tongue

Impossible to become cultural

Without native literature

Student 9: We have heard Russian since birth,

Put your thoughts in order.

But its beauty and strength

Teachers opened for us.
Russian literature taught
Mind and reason me.

Congratulations dear

Our relatives' teachers

Lyudmila Nikolaevna Mukhametchina,

Nina Vladimirovna Patrakov,

Galina Rashidovna Baranova!

They give flowers.

Speaker: the next stop is "square root".

Lead 2

Among the sciences - the queen,

Special honor to her

We want to bow

For those who teach it

These lines are dedicated to the teacher of mathematics

Student 10: Dear Olga Alexandrovna!

Equations, examples, tasks…

Is it behind now?

And while we don't know yet

What will be ahead of us.

We always, as one, were indignant,

What empty lessons we have

Always replaced by algebra,

And dragged like prisoners to the classroom.

We'll probably regret it

That never remained in captivity ...

Having met the formula, we do not turn pale,

We do not go, like ignoramuses, to the bottom.

So thanks for the strict clarity

Your thoughts, hairstyles and lips ...

We are not in danger forever

Forget cubed!

Speaker: Attention! Attention! our train following the route "Childhood-youth" makes an emergency stop at the station "BioGeoPhysKhim", the train stops for 10 minutes.

Presenter 1

Geography teacher, physicist, chemist and biologist

Boys and girls friends

They wish us well

Open, honest soul

Student 11: This is how you taught us: here is Australia, there is Chile,

Here, without noise and out of boredom, the natives ate Cook.

Boring world without travel, adventure, incident

Not on an all-terrain vehicle, but at a school desk

We will go around the seas and distant countries with Elena Alexandrovna!

Student 12: Ever since the very first time
You conducted chemistry with us,
We were fascinated by this subject,
The reason is many, many years.
We would like to congratulate you on your graduation.
And put all the "five" to us,
We want to see you always
The smile of your face.

Thank you, Valentina Ivanovna!

Student 13: Our physicist, congratulations to you,

We repeat the experience with you,

Learning the force of attraction

You are worthy of respect.

Thank you, Olga Alexandrovna!

We give flowers

Speaker: Our train continues its route. Those wishing to relax on the way can visit our Internet cafe.

Student 14: Spectacular life, technology collapse,

TV, video boom, mass of information,

Internet and computer, display, terminal,

And at the same time, with everything, you are in front of the class.

And nothing will work without you

And no one will tell, no one will teach,

But it is unlikely that the computer will love us ....

Irina Sergeevna and Olga Alexandrovna - you are the best for us!

Speaker: Our train is approaching the station "Old Sweet Years"

Presenter 1 We dedicate these lines to the teachers of history and social studies Elena Nikolaevna and Yulia Alexandrovna.

Student 15: There is silence in your lessons.

When you are telling a story.

What lived, lives today the whole country

Why is labor always held in high esteem everywhere...

We always think a lot at the blackboard

How we live, how we live...

True, we don’t always know how to surprise everyone with an answer.

We think what to cite as examples

To get "excellent" in the lesson.

P.S. When you conduct discussions and tests with us. Once again we understand:

Life lessons to be learned!

Speaker: Our train stopped at the border of "Foreign Languages"

Student 16: English is the future of the world

We say all "Cheeez" beautifully,

And we know without dictionaries

What does "shop" and "Milky Way" mean.

We can understand something in German

We can sing songs in English.

Life itself will offer to teach us everything,

Let me thank you for everything.

We want to say a huge thank you to Svetlana Mikhailovna, Elena Alekseevna and Zarema Yavgaitarovna!

Speaker: Dear passengers! While the train is moving, we ask you to follow the safety rules, remain calm, be vigilant, do not leave things unattended, if you find a suspicious object, do not approach it, call the head of the train. We are approaching the station "Wind of Change"

Student 17: Was there a fire, a flood?

Or heavy bleeding?

Frostbite, fracture, bruise?

And a man not to die

We will provide first aid

And thanks to Yarash Abdurakhmanovich!

For everything he taught us

The whole class thanks him!

Student 18: You of us sought to raise Olympic hopes.

Look at the boys, yes, you didn’t work in vain.

Let them still eagles, but in the long term - eagles!

It does not matter that their Olympic records are not equal.

And the girls, look how slim and graceful.

Aerobics and running are taken seriously.

Thanks for everything to Eduard Alekseevich,

Sergei Georgievich and Victoria Viktorovna!

Speaker: Dear passengers of the route "Childhood-Youth", we bring to your attention a collection of exclusive printed publications in a special car of our train. You can also visit our dining car. You can contact the service personnel for help.

Student 19: When your tummy hurts, run immediately to the doctor,

And if you burr, a speech therapist will help.

The soul hurts - to the psychologist, and the teeth - to the dentist,

The social pedagogue will give sensible advice to parents.

The caretaker repairs everything, everything functions with him,

The maintenance staff tirelessly cleans up.

And the laboratory assistants are experienced, they will prepare experiments for us,

The librarian will give the book, and I will read it.

We want to thank Svetlana Nikolaevna, Alina Lvovna, Yulia Vitalievna, Valentina Petrovna, Tatyana Fedorovna!

Speaker: And now we convey holiday greetings to the employees of the dining car, and the attendants of our train.

Student 20: Congratulations to the canteen workers

Here they will pour you tea

And they will give you buns

No wonder we are shoulder to shoulder

We grow into the ground here.

Smoke pancakes and cutlets,

The bell rings relentlessly

And we only need five minutes of lunch.

Everyone needs to eat

We will not stand up for the price!

A strict teacher is waiting for us,

And yet he is powerless.

Doubts away, otherwise we will stretch our legs

And we won't live to see the exams.

Speaker: Dear passengers! There are 5 minutes left before the Express of the Future departs. Asking the mourners to get out of the cars.

Lead 2

The years flew by like birds

School will not be repeated

Our best years will not be repeated

And more often we will dream

School friends of our faces

We will never forget our school.

Presenter 1

We dedicate these lines to our class teacher

Student 21:"You are like a true mother to us..."

You are us, like a true mother,
Ready to hug everyone
To respond to any pain,
Now we are ready to confess
Although they grew up a long time ago
Wise warmth warmed.

They were able to open their house for us,
Cover with a caring wing!

How much we have discovered with you!
Yes, it is important to meet the soul in life
Ready to understand, forgive
Notice everyone's anxiety
And to endure someone else's pain!
Farewell, our teacher and friend,
We wish you health, happiness,
Let all bad weather pass you by
And there will be only the world around!

Lead 2

Now it's time to say goodbye

The bell rings...

We will say: "School, goodbye, -

Everything has its time, everything has its time."

We're in no hurry to say goodbye

And a hundred times more miles now

We will become images and faces

Relatives of their teachers.

Presenter 1

It's time for the last call. Let the last call call today

graduates for the difficult exams that life has prepared for them. The right to give the last call is granted to a student of grade 11 _______________ and a student of grade 1 _____________

The farewell last bell rings.

Graduation Song

White knee socks and bows,
Our girls are unrecognizable,
And show off somewhere,
Those who were with them from the cradle.

Even hooligans now
Suddenly quieted down for some reason,
Here comes our class...
It seems like a minute...


We'll get there right on time.

Our teachers now
We have become even dearer,
It's a pity that we leave you
We could do so much more!

But let's not be sad today
Let's try at least.
All that was, we do not forget!
This release is the best!!!


The very, very, very our last lesson,
We'll get there right on time.
He will be the most important, of course, for us,
Our friendly class will soon fly apart.

Lead 2

Well, now it's time for the last school waltz.


Presenter 1

This concludes our holiday.
Good luck to you, friends, all the way,
Ways of searching, plans and accomplishments.
Have a good trip!

Lead 2

Allow this solemn line dedicated to the holiday of the last

Music, graduates leave

Scenario of the holiday "Last Bell" 2016 "School train - adult life"

Publication date: 2016-10-09

Short description: ...

Scenario of the holiday "Last call" 2016

"School Train - Adulthood"

Against the background of music "Waltz of Parting"


Like a normal May day
The sun shines sweetly.
But only the school last call

It happens once in life.

You will pass many roads,
You will see and learn a lot
But don't forget the call
This one is May 25th!

(Phonogram No. 1 of the beep of an approaching train, the noise of the station.)

presenter : Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! We are glad to see you at our lyceum station. Please listen to important announcements.

    Today, our train "Lyceum - Adult Life" sends graduates of 2016 on their way.

    Misters accompanying! Trains 9 with the letter A, 9 with the letter B, 9 with the letter C and 11 departing from the Chulym Lyceum station will be boarding in a few minutes. Each passenger will take with him a solid baggage of knowledge.

    The dispatcher of the station reports that the trains are already ready for dispatch. You can announce landing. Turn on the appropriate music, please.


presenter : Attention! Boarding on the fast train "Lyceum - adult life" has begun. And here are the passengers of the first 9th train with the letter A and their guide, a qualified teacher Gridneva A.V. it has 19 seats.

(go up 9a grade)

presenter : And now we welcome the passengers of the second 9 train with the letter B and their experienced teacher Erfilova G.N. it has 20 seats.

(Rises 9 B class)

presenter : We welcome the passengers of the third 9 train with the letter B and their experienced teacher Chernenko L.N. it has 18 seats.

(Rising 9th grade)

Music . Locomotive whistle Goodbye Slav.

Leading: And here is the main 11 train with a charming guide and an experienced teacher Solomonova Olga Vladimirovna, they have 19 seats. For them, today is the safest road to a brighter future.

(Exit grade 11)

Vedas. On this spring day, the traditional holiday Last Bell once again brought together graduates, parents, teachers, students: in a word

all those who have been by your side all these years.

The solemn line, dedicated to a significant event in the life of our lyceum graduates, is declared open.

The anthem of Russia sounds.

Presenter: Attention! Compositions are ready for dispatch.

Dear passengers, you are served by the insurance company Again Deuce in case of an exam failure. We remind you that exam tickets are not for sale.

Our train runs strictly on schedule, not one of the cars, and even more so the passengers, will not be left behind, because so many people took care of this: train leaders, parents seeing off, friends and employees of the lyceum station. Very soon the train will move, and to the sounds of the school waltz it will rush off, dear graduates. And we want to wish you a good and long journey.


Leading: And now the head of the Lyceum station of the Chulym Lyceum station, director Tatyana Anatolyevna Shalonko, is invited to the platform.

(director's word)

Leading : Today, guests of honor arrived to see off our graduates on a long journey ... ..

    Chairman of the Council of Deputies of the Chulymsky District Svetlana Nikolaevna Kudryavtseva.

    Deputy Head of Administration of the Chulymsky District Alexander Alexandrovich Mauter

    Head of the Education Department of the Chulymsky District Svetlana Viktorovna Evrash

(word to guests)

Leading: And let's remember what you were 11 years ago.

Attention! Dear passengers and mourners, a train from Romashkovo is arriving at the first platform. Please prepare for the meeting.


First grader 1.

The glove comes to school
Behind him is a heavy backpack.

First grader 2.

Books, juice, diary, ruler
And a battery operated watch.

First grader 3.

Sandwich, gum, shift,
Ten pens in all shades.

First grader 4.

Ball, apple, candy,
All notebooks by subject!

First grader 5

And in notebooks - as if by notes -
All homework!

First grader 6.

Graduates have different orders:
They go to the lyceum with only one notebook!

First grader 7.

To study them five,
We must save strength!

They already have loads -
Solid overload.

First grader 8.

Discos, workouts
And party nights!

First grader 9.

And for homework
There is an optimal time.

It's invariable.

Together. Turn!

First grader 1.

Who, tell me, in our school
The smartest and funniest?

First grader 2 . Who is brave, dexterous, strong?

First grader 3 . Both handsome and sporty?

First grader 4. Who is the leader in work?

Together. Well, of course, a graduate!

First grader 5.

We will be without further ado
Take a cue from graduates!

We will fight like you for awards
Subject Olympiads!

First grader 6.

Let's be honest, kind, brave,
We will carry out the school regime,

We will be exemplary in our studies,

We will not shame our lyceum!

First grader 7.

We wish you happiness, success, good luck,
So that you never lose height!

We give you our congratulations in addition,

So that your bright dreams come true!

(presentation of gifts from graduates)

The song "Engine" (first graders leave)

Leading: Attention attention! Our train at the station "World of Wonderful Discoveries". And these discoveries were made by our graduates together with the teachers of our lyceum.

The teacher was the first to beckon me to the window

And opening it, he said: "Look at the world"

He put a beetle on my palm

And stretched out his hand to the rays of dawn

He said "Dare", "Do not be upset"

Look at the world, but don't get lost in it.

The first teachers are invited to the platform:Svetlana Romanovna, Oksana Konstantinovna, Natalya Stepanovna.

Fanfare for Teachers' Exit

Leading: Attention attention! Our train is arriving at the next station. Those who want to remember the amazing years of childhood, go to the mother and child room, here unforgettable moments await you.

Oh, and what a sobbing on the next platform. Oh yes, parents.

Attention! Dear parents, they are waiting for you at carriage No. 11 on the first platform for voicing instructive words to your children.

Leading. The floor is given to parents of graduates.

Zhbanova Tatyana Vladimirovna


Leading: Dear class teacher, during the movement of the train, be extremely collected and accurate. Check your luggage.

How noisy on the platform!

Songs, laughter split the heights ...

These are our main characters.

Gathered on a long journey.

Attention! Attention! Attention! The floor is given to the class teacher Solomonova Olga Vladimirovna.

Fanfare for the Teacher's Exit

Leading: The last call is the sadness of parting,
Tear furtively, shake hands,
And the address in the album, and the whisper of recognition,
And strangely hushed graduates.

The word is given to the heroes of our holiday - graduates!

Alumni response

Young woman : Outside the windows, outside the windows on the street is spring,

But all our children are not up to sleep today.

Today, tenderness and sadness suddenly mixed up.

We have been waiting for this day!

And here it is, my friend!

Youth: In a blink of an eye, 11 years have flown by!

And here we are at the station,

We already take a train ticket at the box office,

Leaving for adulthood.

Young woman: But before going down this path,

Let's try to look into the past.

Youth: Let's try to remember our first call.

We will visit interesting worlds with you.

Young woman: Let's take a look at your favorite lesson.

This only happens once in a lifetime!

Youth: The train at the platform is waiting for you and me,

He will carry us along the rails of school life!

Young woman: Tell me, without what our composition cannot move?

Youth: Not without what, but without whom! As a ship cannot be without a captain, but an airplane. It will not be able to fly without a pilot, and our train cannot move without a good helmsman, the best helmsman in the world - director of our lyceum Tatyana Anatolyevna Shalonko!

Young woman In love you confess, ready without end,

Our souls and hearts are open for you!

( Song director on the motive Ray Charles Hit The Road Jack)

That our director,

Knows how to give love, care and warmth.

She's just class!

Everyone has known about this for a long time.

Repeat that our director

Even though it's hard for her,

But she won't leave us, because she cares about school.

Oh school, our school, the best of all

Has a big success in the city

For this I love Tatyana Anatolyevna!

(give flowers)

Youth: Wait wait! And who can we not do without on the road?

Young woman: Of course, without our dear and beloved parents. The people closest to us.

Song for parents

Youth: And so our train is on its way.

What lies ahead for us?

Young woman: In a world of rigor, but justice

The train is taking us. The unique head teacher is known and loved by all our school People!

Galina Vitalievna ....

The head teacher's job is not easy!

He is like a spider: among the trembling threads

Keeping them in order is his concern!

Don't take the comparison as an insult!

He is like a bee: from dawn to dusk

Keeps the school house in a clear rhythm!

He was once a simple teacher,

He taught the guys just day after day.

Today, ending the year with "excellent",

We wish you a great rest.

Good health and happiness in your personal life!

(And bring something from Egypt!).

(give flowers)

Irina Nikolayevna- your job is not easy.

We know and appreciate this.

Believe me, we will not forget you

Leaving school walls.

Finally, we wish

Don't lose optimism

Not another dozen

Raise musicians.

(give flowers)

Young woman: And our train is on its way again.

We have a new meeting ahead of us.

Young woman: We are grateful to the first teachers

And as in our love confession -

We give these words to you as parting!

Natalya Stepanovna, Svetlana Romanovna, Oksana Konstantinovna!

Thank fate for
That we are so lucky in life
What did you bring by the hand
To the beginning of a difficult journey!
Sowed in the hearts of good
Learned to recognize evil
And with your justice
You conquered all the children!
You were our guides
At our meeting with the primer.
You helped us open the world,
Write and be friends with the book!
Always for each of us
You found the time
And every day and every hour
You were patient!
We love you with all our heart
Both adults and kids
Our girls and boys
Both quiet and naughty!
On a festive day, we congratulate you,
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Thanks for your patience and care
We tell you - your kids.

(give flowers)

Youth: And the train goes on and on

And so we arrive in the world of beauty -

In the world of Russian language and literature.

(Song for teachers of the Russian language and literature to the motive of the song Factory "I'm Not Guilty")

So we came to the lesson, we have Russian again.
Here again the bell rings, they will ask us now.
We need to write an essay at home.
And errors 45 will be there again.
An essay for the whole class, written by one of us.


Everyone says writing is not for me.
I'm not guilty, I'm not guilty
Everyone says writing is not for me.

We learn poems for a long time, we rejoice you.
Pushkin, Tyutchev, Pasternak -
Not easy for us.
At the lesson we decide whether to be or not to be.
We need to fall in love with literature.
And poetry again for the whole class, learned one of.

Mom, well, I'm not guilty, I'm not guilty,
Everyone says literature is not for me.
I'm not guilty, I'm not guilty
Everyone says literature is not for me.

Young woman: We thank our wonderful teachers G. N. Erfilova; L.G. Krivoshapkin; G.A. Kuznetsov; G.D. Konyshev.

(give flowers)

Youth. And the train rushes forward again

We are lucky to the exact sciences!

Young woman. To the world of precision! Obvious! Incredible!

Youth. To our wonderful teachers - teachers of mathematics and physics


( Song for teachers mathematics on the motive of Queen - We well rock you)

Hey honest people look around
We draw on the board a rhombus, a square and a circle
We don't have any problems
We will tell everyone who is the master of equations and schemes here.
We extract the root
reduce fractions
Hey teachers listen here
Everyone knows what's in the world

Only one queen of sciences

Well, without hands, even a fizruk will agree with us
We extract the root
reduce fractions.
Young woman: Galina Valerievna! Olesya Viktorovna! Thanks a lot!

(give flowers)

(Song for physics teachers to the motive of the song by gr. Zhuki "Battery")

Newton looks sadly from the portrait in your class.
Everything says the same thing. We're going home.
We felt so good, in the arms of an ammeter.
We will be blown away from the school by alternating current.
Let's look again at the world through the prism of parting.
Einstein was very kind to us. The time has come for goodbye.
And the strength of the current will not be able to hold us, the villain!
But the love of physics will not run out of battery.

Oh-oh-i-i-i-i! Battery!

Young woman: Our dear Galina Petrovna! Evgenia Alexandrovna! Yulia Yurievna! Thank you!

(give flowers)

young man . We arrive at the station - Sorcery! Experiences! Geographic discoveries! And dedicated to you, our amazing sorcerers Tatiana Gennadievna and Lada Nikolaevna.

(Song for teachers geography, biology on the motive of Ivan Dorn-Don't be shy)

Lots of maps on the wall
Atlases on the table
The globe is spinning quietly
How to find Honduras?
Help me my class!
Everyone is afraid, shy...
Do not be shy!
And now the microscope
Microbe in the eyepiece
The cytoplasm shakes
The whole class writes something,
All sciences for us -
Everything works out for us.
Do not be shy!
Our most beloved geography,
We studied at school
Wasted no time.
Our favorite biology
We studied at school
And we learned a lot.

(give flowers)

Youth: And now we have arrived at the natural space station!

Elena Anatolyevna, we want to congratulate you with these words.

A poem for an ecology teacher

I want to be a poet, I know for sure
And I want to be an ecologist.
Muse Elena Anatolyevna inspires me,
I want to sail the oceans with her.
Aerobic bacteria, microbes,
Together we will catch with her net.
Let's dive into the water area with her, only to
See where the oil lies in the water.
For a long time I want to confess my love,
Can't get over the shame
But the day will come when I can say
I love you, Elena Anatolyevna!

(give flowers)

Young woman: Our train is on its way again. And ahead of us is the World of Wanderings! Events! Miracles! Maria Sergeevna, Tamara Vasilievna and Igor Igorevich!

(Song for the teacher stories based on Masha + Sasha)

The sun rises behind the mountains
We have history again.
Full of sadness and suffering
We will tell the story.
We gathered in the office
The topic is difficult for us,
And put everything in its place
Only the teacher's story
Chorus His name is Caesar, he is very great.
He loved Cleopatra and only her.
There was Aristotle, Plato, Empidocles.
Do you remember them

Here's mine.
His name is Lenin, he is very great.
He loved Nadezhda and only her.
There was also Stalin, Khrushchev and Andropov.
Do you remember them
Here's mine.
(give flowers)

young man : Without knowledge of languages ​​- today nowhere.

We get into the world of polyglots without difficulty!

(Song for English teachers to the tune of Migratory Bird)

You don't understand me - that's very nice!
I spoke English: I know the alphabet just perfectly!
Why is there no mutual understanding?
If you want to be a free bird in the world,
That foreign might come in handy!

Young woman: Svetlana Alexandrovna and Elena Nikolaevna, we are very grateful to you!

(give flowers)

young man : And the train rushes forward again. And on the horizon is the station - World of Hackers!

Computer geniuses!

Young woman: Who will meet us there?

Youth: Our coolest hacker Olesya Viktorovna Gridneva!

(Song for a computer science teacher to the motive of PSY Gangnam Style)

Informatics Informatics is a necessary subject.

There is an Internet in the classroom and a stylish teacher,

We boldly create websites, we write programs,

We build life diagrams. Can you?

Create a game, draw cartoons? Can you?

Trojan virus destroy strong? Can you?

Turn off your computer with just a glance? Canwe!

Welet's hand overUSEPower Point, Windows 8, Google ChromeAndphotoshop

Well, we really ask for five and we will pass the exam for a hundred!

We! Let's pass the exam! EGEEGEEGE Informatics

(give flowers)

Youth: To the world of health and work

Our train arrived without difficulty.

Young woman: We know for a long time - physical education, life safety and labor

They've been around since birth.

(Song for teacher Obzh to the motive "Neighbour")

How can we not have fun?
In the lessons of life safety.
Our school has a teacher
Generals protégé.
We fired from machine guns
On exercises in the fields.
They went out to the lightning,
They returned in orders.
Youth: Mikhail Mikhailovich (senior)! Elena Gennadievna! Alina Igorevna! We express our deep gratitude to you!

(give flowers)

(Song for physical education teachers to the motive "If you went on a journey with a friend")

There is a spacious office
It has no tables and chairs.
And no board either.
How empty are your words
There are two of these offices
The teachers, too.
Not afraid of snow and heat,
And torrential rain:
Sneakers in summer and winter
There will be snow, there will be hail,
We have no way back.
And our teacher will be happy!

Young woman: Vladimir Grigorievich! Mikhail Mikhailovich! We thank you for your lessons!

(give flowers)

A poem for a technology teacher

There are no formulas, the rules are strict,
But it is useful for everyone to study
An interesting subject is technology,
We want to thank you.
We received important knowledge
We want to congratulate you, wish you
So that every dream comes true
Don't be sad, don't be discouraged.

Youth: Nikolai Nikolaevich! Thank you!

(give flowers)

Young woman: And so we arrived at the station of music and art!

(Song to the teacher MHK to the motive "Kings of Verona at night" (musical Romeo and Juliet)

The architecture of the ancient world, of course, conquered us all
Temples, sculptures we all recognized - they were shown to us at the Moscow Art Theater.

Painting also attracts us - maybe someone will become an artist.
And even Van Gogh will envy that such a teacher taught us!
Youth: Elena Stepanovna thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

(give flowers)

A poem for a music teacher

Olesya Mikhailovna!

Congratulate you in a friendly chorus
The class gathered today
We wish you inspiration
And the radiance of clear eyes.
Fulfillment of dreams,
Happiness, joy, love.
What can't be said in words
We saved in sounds.

(give flowers)

Youth: We are entering the world of carrots and sticks.

What it is?

Did you guess?

Young woman. Of course, we get into the world of our cool lady,

To the world of our second mother!

Youth: We couldn't live a day without you

After all, we are your second restless family!

Your thoughts about us night and day,

We will sing this song for you.

Olga! Natalya Stepanovna! Elena Anatoevna!

Song for the class teacher.

(give flowers)

Youth: And now we arrive at Peace of Mind Station!

Young woman: We thank our social teacher O.V. Vasyaev and psychologist N.A. Safronov! For sensible advice, for professional education and for taking care of us. Please accept our best wishes.

Verse. Social teacher

Social teacher
At school, he is almost like God.
Violators know everything
How strict sometimes.
What happened, what will happen
He knows for sure.
And always strives to understand
"difficult" student.
Protects from bully
And punish the insolent.
Will not tolerate a rude
He is fair to the end.

(give flowers)

Poem for a psychologist

Studying our anxiety
Analysis of tests you conducted
And a big thank you
What helped, how could
But you all knew, understood
What is difficult, scary, hard
The exam and appearance tormented us
Things didn't go smoothly in school.
Thanks to our school psychologist
Now our flight is free

We are in the bright yellow sky of life
Another airport is waiting for us.

(give flowers)

Youth: Our train is on its way again.

And ahead of us is the Maintenance Station.


Big bow to wonderful people,
Who are always in the shade.
We will remember them for a long time.
Because they are kind.
For being politely greeted
Us in the wardrobe and in the lobby,
Washed after us, wiped off the dust,
We thank you doubly.
In school museums and in the first-aid post,
And in the secretary's room
benevolent people

They didn't work for us in vain.
For the fact that we were fed deliciously,
They gave us books to read
We are sad to part with them.
After all, you worked "for five."
Forgive us for offending
With a harsh word, we sometimes
All that you have given us in life,
It will remain in our hearts.

Young woman: We ate eleven kilometers of cutlets during these eleven school years. For this we thank our chef and her assistants.

(Song for cook based on the motive of Leningrad-On the Louboutins)

With Vitaly and Nikita we went for a mojito:
"Aunt Vika, give me a drink, a cocktail, back and forth."

She gave us the booths without a hitch,

She handed us a glass and poured water.

We are in the classroom, ah, we only dream of borscht.

At recess, nah, in the dining room at all times.

Give us pizza, sausages in dough and compote,

And now, from the deliciousness, the stomach is already bursting at the seams ... ZHIVOOOOT

(Give cakes)

Young woman: And here we are at the penultimate station of our route! Station Leisure!

Youth: At this station, we want to express our deep gratitude to our organizers! Elena Ivanovna, Oksana Vladimirovna, Natalya Vasilievna thank you!

Poems for organizers

Our first and last call
Graduation and any holidays

You, the organizer-teacher,

They loved to rehearse with us.
Everyone was worried about the equipment,

For the script, each student,

To not suddenly rise in someone's temperature.

You, like a second mother, were to us.
Jokes, jokes, songs and ditties,

Scenes, rehearsals - it was great!

May there be more celebration in your life,

So that you rest! Let everything be great!

(give flowers)

Youth: And so the station is the final "Last call"

Young woman: Goodbye, our class, goodbye

Our school life, goodbye!

Wish us any trials

Wish us happy roads.

Youth: So the school years are over

We're leaving the school gates

Goodbye dear school

All youth is calling us on the road.

Presenter: Here comes the circle of memories...

You have power over time

But for a short time.

It's time for parting

Now he will call

Your last beep!

Your last school call!

Vedas . Dear graduates! Now a special bell will ring for you, unlike any previously sounded. It is like a boundary between childhood and adulthood. This is the last school bell! And the right to give it is granted to a student of grade 11 Vladimir Polyansky and a student of grade 1b Anastasia Polyanskaya.

Music "The bell rings"


Attention! From the platform of the lyceum station, the fast train "Lyceum - adult life" departs. Composition No. 11 is sent

We wish you success in this new, adult life.
Be ready for any life trials.

Good luck to you, friends, all the way,
Ways of searching, plans and accomplishments.
Have a good trip!

Music "School waltz"

Presenter: Allow me to invite you to the site in front of the lyceum, where the graduates have prepared their farewell greetings!