Applicants to the lyceum 2 school. Real reviews of parents and students about this educational institution

If you don't know, the Lyceum "Second School" is one of the oldest and strongest educational centers in Moscow today in terms of the level of mathematics education. The school has great traditions and a rich history, high ratings and unquestioned authority among tutors with an Olympiad specialization. It employs strong teachers, including those who graduated from my university. I was preparing for the Second Lyceum more than once, and always the level of the Olympiad requirements seemed to me to be quite high. With my very first student Rada Rudyak, who recently graduated from a very prestigious university in the USA, we entered the 6th grade of the Second School quite easily, but she did not want to study there because of too much emphasis, as her parents thought, on mathematics. And the choice fell on 57 schools. After the significant conquest of the peaks of the Second Lyceum with the Rada, students from there periodically came to me. Either they already studied, or they needed a tutor in mathematics for specialized preparation for the Olympiads. Therefore, I know firsthand all the subtleties of entering there.

Recruitment to grade 7, for example, occurs in two stages:
The first is a written test of basic knowledge for the course of grades 5-6
The second is an oral exam on non-standard olympiad problems for grades 4-7

The second exam can be taken in two attempts. At least that was the case in 2016.

With a successful set of a passing score, you will only fall into the group of candidates (this happened last year) and I still can’t take you for some reason known only to the school itself (of the most likely - restrictions on the number of free places). In addition, there is a priority for the first attempt in the exam for Olympiad problems. Therefore, for a competitive advantage, you need to know mathematics with a fairly decent backlog. A good tutor will squeeze out the maximum of his abilities from the child, and if his abilities do not allow him to reach the level of the Second School Lyceum, he will tell you about this no later than 3-4 lessons.

A little about the history of the Second School Lyceum

The school was built back in 1956 and opened the same year by its founder and director V.F. Ovchinnikov. At the beginning of its existence, it was the most ordinary school with number 2 and several very strong teachers. At a certain point, it was decided to create something fundamentally new on the basis of the school, keeping up with the times. Specialized classes with a radio engineering bias were opened and a stream of talented children poured into the school. Some of the teachers could not work with them at a high level and left, and a stronger teaching staff took their place. From that moment on, the school became truly mathematical and moved into the category of prestigious ones.

Official data about the Second School

Its full name is the State Budgetary Educational Institution "Second School".
Secretary's office phone numbers
Phones of the deputy educational director:
Phones of VMSh (evening interdisciplinary school)

Address and how to get to the Lyceum

Moscow, st. Fotieva, house 18.

Directions from the metro station "Oktyabrskaya" or "Leninsky Prospekt": trolleybus numbers from the metro station to the stop "Moscow Department Store".

You can get from the Universitet metro station by trolleybus No. 4 or bus No. 119 to the Universitetsky Prospekt stop

From Akademicheskaya metro station: bus number 119 to the same stop "University Avenue".

An option similar to the real version of the written BASIC work for admission to the 7th grade of the Second School: (compiled by me according to the model and likeness of real tasks)

1) Calculate

2) Divide by

3) Find the difference

5) How much more than

6) How many times more than

7) Indicate at least one number greater than and less than

8) Factorize the number 2 million into prime factors

Solve the equations:

11) The ant decided to crawl along the coordinate line from A (10) to B (70). At what point will he be on the third of the way?

12) There were 17 sausages in two pans. They put as much in each as there was in the other. How many sausages did you get?

13) 6 cans are placed on the cart, but 43 cans need to be transported. How many trips can these be done?

14) Divide the segment 32 cm in a ratio of 3: 5 and write down the smallest of the resulting lengths in response.

15) One side of the rectangle is 28 cm, and its area is 21 m. Indicate the second side.

16) The house has 180 apartments, 9 floors and each has 4 apartments. How many entrances does it have?

17) In the rectangle ABCD, point K is the midpoint of BC, and point N is the midpoint of AD. The perimeter of ABKN is 30 cm and the perimeter of ABCD is 50 cm. Find KN.

18) Set the speed to 108 km/h. How many meters per second is this?

19) For the pie, we took 6 parts of flour, 3 parts of raisins and 2 parts of water by weight. We received a dough weighing 1320 grams. How many grams of raisins did you take?

20) Find 22.5% of 400

21) Find the degree measure of the angle between the hands of the clock at 16:30

22) 5 dump trucks transport cargo in 6 trips. How many trips will 6 dump trucks take?

I deliberately included in my version more numbers than is usually the case in the examination at the "Second Lyceum", in order to cover all the main types of problems proposed in past years.

In general, the tasks are quite within the power of the average student, if he does not fall into some of their traps. It is unlikely that a math tutor should dwell on basic tasks for a long time. If the situation still requires polishing school skills, then it is hardly worth spending money on a tutor and generally betting on mathematics in combination with the Second School Lyceum.

You can find examples of Olympiad tasks in mathematics for the Second Lyceum on the official website of the school.
In 2019, 10 beautiful problems traditionally came across on the oral round. Their examples with solutions can be viewed

Best regards and best wishes for successful studies,
Kolpakov Alexander Nikolaevich Analysis of Olympiad problems in mathematics with a tutor in Strogino. Moscow. Come practice, you won't regret it!

Lyceum "Second School"


The address
Fotieva, 18, metro station "Sparrow Hills".

People's Teacher of Russia Vladimir Ovchinnikov; founded the school in 1956, but after 15 years he was forced to leave it along with all the deputies - because of the brightness and free-thinking of teachers and students, who began to cause concern among the party leadership. Then, after the leadership, many teachers left, but Ovchinnikov again returned to the Second School in 2000 and is still director.

School Profile
The specialization of the school is physical and mathematical. It uses elements of the university education system: lectures, seminars, practical work, tests, exams, reading special courses. For example, a curriculum in mathematics consists of the subjects "algebra and the beginning of analysis", "geometry", "mathematical technology" and "special mathematics". In profile lessons, in addition to the main teacher, assistants work, so that none of the students is left without attention.

Entrance tests
This is a lyceum, and there are no junior classes in it. They come here from the seventh grade. Each year, three seventh and one eighth grades are accepted into the school. To enter, you need to pass three tests. Two in mathematics: written, according to the regular school curriculum, and oral - no special knowledge is required here, the child must solve a logical problem, draw or build something. The third test in the Russian language. Everyone can make three attempts. Selections are held from March 22 to May 31. For those entering the seventh or eighth grade, the competition is approximately four people per place. But there is also an additional enrollment in the already working ninth and tenth grades (physics is added to the three tests), in these classes the competition is already 20 people per place.

There have always been very strong teachers here - candidates and doctors of sciences from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow State University, and the Landau Institute. Now 13 candidates of sciences and 2 doctors of sciences work in the lyceum. 12 teachers are holders of grants from the Dynasty Foundation, which supports talented teachers of physics, mathematics, chemistry and biology.

The quality of education - the opinions of parents
“If you missed something or didn’t understand, you approach the teacher after the lessons, and everything is explained individually. But these are really “your problems” - no one will run after the child and forcefully explain something to him.”

“I don’t notice any “imprisonment for the stars”. In the class where my son studies, there are no such stars. The class is quite even and strong.”

Foreign languages
From foreign languages ​​in the "Second School" they study only English - but even here there is a specificity. When the school hosts conferences on different subjects, teachers collect all the best reports and then hold a general conference in English. Even representatives of the American and other embassies are invited. The topic of such a conference can be different - mathematics, physics, computer science, medicine ... If a child is interested in something, they are allowed to choose any topic. One of the English teachers (also a lyceum graduate) is a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences. This is very important for the preparation of future reports at international conferences in physics and mathematics.

USE statistics
The school gives out 100 points in the Unified State Examination every year in mathematics, physics, Russian language and computer science. And the average score in these subjects is from 84 to 85.5.

University admission statistics
100%; 70% goes to Moscow State University (Mekhmat, Faculty of Physics and Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics). The remaining 30% - in the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, the Faculty of Mathematics of the Higher School of Economics, the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. There are enrolled in the geographical, geological faculties.

Lyceum students consistently become winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in mathematics, physics, astronomy, informatics and geography. 27 times the students of the school successfully performed at international olympiads in mathematics, physics, astronomy and geography. Lyceum students Evgenia Alekseeva and Danila Baigushev became winners of the Intel ISEF International Scientific and Technical Review (USA) - the most prestigious scientific competition for schoolchildren in the world.

The principle of the Lyceum is not to prepare for the Olympiads on purpose. “We don't consider it the most important,” says Deputy Director Alexander Kovaldzhi. - And vice versa, we put more emphasis on educational and research work. Children take some kind of independent task and can work on it for a year or two. The results are brilliant: last year 8 reports were published in the collections of reports of scientific conferences of professional mathematicians. This year, 10 reports have already been published.

Number of students in graduating classes
There are 93 students in four eleventh grades now.

Sections, circles, additional classes
In addition to the main classes, there are many additional sections and circles - in physics and mathematics, journalism, biology, various sports (basketball, volleyball, tennis, badminton). And in the summer, a Summer Mathematical School is held near Odessa.

The lyceum includes two structural divisions: an evening multi-subject school, where once a week children from all districts of Moscow and the Moscow region come from the second to the seventh grade, and the All-Russian Correspondence Multi-subject School (VZMSh). More than 10,000 children from remote regions of Russia and neighboring countries study there.

How much money do parents give each year
In the "Second School" parental extortions are not accepted. The principle of the church box works (as many as possible). There are parents who have not given a penny for all the years of their children's education.

How much does graduation cost
Graduation parties in the last two years were held at the school itself. Parents handed over about 8,000 rubles.

Most classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards. For students who missed classes, the teacher sends lesson materials by e-mail.

Sports are also of great importance here. Near the school - a stadium, a swimming pool. They are free, for four schools. And from next year, an extension will be erected to the school, where there will be another large sports hall, new physical laboratories.