You can’t just get there: a dangerous place, where there are a lot of mutants and anomalies. bypass channel

Perhaps the Bermuda Triangle is the most famous anomalous zone in the world, but Russia also has something to tickle the nerves of fans of unusual adventures.

From ancient times, these places were called dead or damned among us and they preferred to bypass them so as not to invite trouble. Today, extreme tourism in such places is only gaining momentum. If you also don't mind testing yourself for strength, and maybe getting to the bottom of the truth with your own hands, here is a list of places that you simply must visit.

1. Death Valley (Yakutia).

“Elyuyu Cherkechekh”, or Death Valley - this is how the Yakuts dubbed a strange area in the area of ​​​​the Vilyui River, where, according to legend, strange metal objects are hidden in the ground, representing a danger to all living things. Locals bypass this remote area. Rare eyewitnesses say that there is a flattened arch protruding from the ground, under which there are many metal rooms, where even in the most severe frosts it is warm, like in summer. In ancient times, there were daredevils among the locals who spent the night in these rooms. But then they began to get very sick, and the one who spent the night several times even died.

In 2002, a group of students from Yakutsk made an attempt to find the boilers. On the very first day of their stay there, they felt a slight malaise - dizzy, overcome by weakness. Deciding that this was the manifestation of fatigue caused by many hours of walking, the students pitched a tent and went to the river for water, where, according to them, a mysterious structure was found sticking out of the ground, really resembling a metal cauldron. The size of the boiler was about 10 meters in diameter. They tried it for strength with a sharp screwdriver, an ax, a hammer, but on the matte surface, as if covered with small silvery crumbs, there was not a scratch or a dent left. The guys did not find the underground building with many rooms that the old Yakuts talked about. However, they noted that around the "cauldrons" grow huge burdocks, which are not typical for those regions, and strange grass, exceeding human height twice. From the "cauldron" discovered by the tourists, alluring warmth emanated, and the guys decided to spend the night, putting up a tent next to a strange structure. Throughout their stay in the anomalous zone, the guys tried to break off at least a piece from the edge of the boiler in order to find out its composition when they returned to Yakutsk. But all their attempts were unsuccessful: the material turned out to be extremely hard.

2. Lavozersky tundra (Murmansk region).

A small section of the Khibiny on the Kola Peninsula. In addition to the vegetation that is completely anomalous for the north, there is another attraction here - the Angvundaschorr rock (72 meters), on which, according to legend, the imprint of the body of the giant Kuyva remained. Many many years ago, he was very worried about the local natives, for which he was incinerated by their harsh pagan gods. But even now, the superstitious fear of local residents of the Lavozero tundra is simply amazing - even specialists in mass psychoses go there to study ...

In the late 50s, the first climbing and tourist groups appeared here, who were attracted by the Angvundaschorr peak like a magnet. No one has been able to conquer him. Moreover, in some cases, ascents ended in the death of climbers, moreover, experienced climbers. In the summer of 1965, a group of four people left for the Lavozero tundra and did not return. Only the remains of their bodies could be found. How and why they died is still a mystery. A few years later, 11 more people died in the same incomprehensible way. Just in case, all climbing and tourist routes along the Lavozero tundra were closed. Now this place is available again and attracts crazy thrill-seekers... Not all of them come back.

Silica Cave (Moscow region).

A cave in the suburbs near the Silikatnaya railway platform. According to rumors, during the Great Patriotic War, a bomb shelter was equipped in the cave. During the next bombing, a soldier from the front arrived there in search of his family. One by one, people crawled out of the dilapidated entrance, and finally the soldier’s wife appeared, but at that moment the huge stone slab began to sag ... The soldier rushed under the slab and stopped its fall, allowing the rest to leave. Before the eyes of dozens of people, a cobblestone of immeasurable size buried a brave man under it. However, when, by joint efforts, the people dug up the entrance and lifted the slab, they did not find the remains of the hero! Relatives tried for a long time to find the soldier inside the caves. During the next search somewhere underground, the heartbroken mother also disappeared. The legend says that the ghosts of the soldier (in the form of the White Spirit of the caver) and the mother (in the form of Two-faced) are still found in the far corners of the caves.

4. Mountain of the Dead (Sverdlovsk region).

Perhaps the most famous anomalous zone in Russia is the Mountain of the Dead. This is how Kholat Syahyl is translated from the Mansi language - the name of height 1079 in the Northern Urals. On its slope, under mysterious circumstances, 2 groups of tourists died in a row (including the famous Dyatlov group): obviously in a panic, the fleeing people were found dead near the camp. The dead had a strange reddish skin tone and many internal injuries and bleeding. Criminologists could not find the cause of death. In superstitious fear, the locals attribute these and other similar deaths to ancient spirits, mystical rites, UFOs that often appear here. What actually happened is a mystery.

5. Lake Pleshcheyevo (Yaroslavl region).

Lake Pleshcheyevo, on which the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky stands, among other things, is famous for its nebulae appearing from nowhere in the form of a milky-slush haze. Once in the "nebula", a person finds the only "path", along which it is as if someone is leading him. Moving forward, the traveler begins to see all sorts of fantastically positive glitches. After some time, the "lost" comes to his senses and realizes that he was 15-20 km from the beginning of his campaign. Sometimes the militia with dogs is looking for a person who has disappeared in the "milk fog" for a whole day, and he, some time later, smiling blissfully, comes out from the other side of the forest.

6. Blue stone (Yaroslavl region).

The legendary boulder, since ancient times located near the village of Gorodishche, near Pereslavl-Zalessky. According to ancient legends, a spirit lives in this stone, fulfilling dreams and desires. At the beginning of the 17th century, the church decided to destroy the pagan relic - the local deacon ordered the Blue Stone to be dumped into a deep hole and buried. But a few years later, a boulder mysteriously peeked out of the ground. After 150 years, the people decided to lay a "magic" stone in the foundation of the bell tower. The stone was loaded into a sleigh and driven across the ice of Lake Pleshcheyevo. The ice broke and the Blue Stone sank to the bottom. But soon the fishermen began to notice that the boulder was changing its location in an unknown way, slowly moving along the bottom. Half a century later, he ended up on the shore at the foot of Yarilina Mountain, where he still lies.

7. Popov bridge (Kaluga region).

Building on the Pesochnaya River in the southwest of the Kaluga region. According to the stories of local residents, motors of cars and motorcycles stall on the bridge, horses and dogs often do not want to go on it, and strange ghosts and visions occasionally appear here. Once, on a bridge, a strange old man got into a passing car, in which the driver recognized with horror a dead fellow countryman, and the translucent old man himself disappeared from the moving car before reaching the village. This message is difficult to verify, since the eyewitness himself died six months later. Local residents from the nearby villages of Uleml and Korenevo believe that what is happening is connected with a curse once imposed by a local witch, or with a nearby cemetery.

8. Nikandrovsky Monastery (Pskov region).

Once destroyed, but now restored monastery in the Porkhov district of the Pskov region. Local residents said that from time to time they saw figures of ancient ghost monks on the ruins (real monks were not there for a long time). Someone once tried to capture local exoticism on film, but instead of two monks, only two luminous spots appeared on the film. Nuns also appeared - strange aunts in black, melting in the air right before our eyes.

9. Vodyanoy from Vedlozero (Karelia).

In 1928, over the village of Shuknavolok near Vedlozero, local residents spotted the flight of a ten-meter cylindrical body. Having broken through the ice, the mysterious object went under water, after which the inhabitants began to meet a strange big-headed creature on the shore - a little over a meter tall, with thin arms and legs. At the sight of people, the creature immediately dived into the water, for which it was nicknamed the water one. Other strange phenomena were also observed in those places. So in 1932 a dense black cloud “came down” to the village. After his disappearance, a jelly-like substance was left on the earth, which the peasants collected in bottles and used as medicine.

10. Meat forest (Novgorod region).

A swampy forest in the Novgorod region, where a huge crowd of soldiers died during World War II. Until now, the remains of thousands of people lie in remote places. The very atmosphere of a dead swamp, stuffed with corpses, creates a not very pleasant environment. Many search engines have repeatedly paid attention to the fact that birds and animals do not settle and do not appear in the places of mass location of the dead. The situation improves only after the corpses are properly reburied. There is complete chaos in the forest: as soon as you are left alone, voices, steps and even cries of “hurray” begin to seem, as if the restless souls of the dead are still on the attack ...

Over the past year, experts from research centers have carefully studied all parts of Moscow, which, for one reason or another, were assigned the status of anomalous zones.

A large part of these zones turned out to be unremarkable, and all the stories associated with them were just a figment of the imagination or a newspaper "duck".

However, some nevertheless confirmed their sinister title, forcing experts to compile a list of the ten most dangerous anomalous zones in Moscow for the purpose of warning.

Polyanka metro station

(Zamoskvoretskaya line of the Moscow metro)

The station, opened in 1986, holds many secrets. The seemingly unremarkable platform affects the psychological state of a person. Passengers, without realizing it, make appointments not in the center of the hall, as is customary, but outside, because people cannot stay at this station for a long time: someone starts to feel dizzy, someone loses consciousness, someone he just feels uncomfortable. The reason for this is that Polyanka, like Pushkinskaya and Lubyanka, was built on the site of cemeteries and destroyed churches.

On the site of cemeteries, underground rooms serve as a natural concentrator of negative energy, any person at the subconscious level feels that this place has a destructive effect on him and tries to leave it.
Experts advise staying at the station as little as possible to avoid negative health effects.

Bitsevsky forest park

This infamous place in the South-West of Moscow, where the Bitsevsky maniac once operated, is literally dotted with various places of negative concentration. Experts found several ponds there, exuding a harmful effect, and a Slavic temple located at the “place of power”. Such places cause the activation of dominant character traits in people, bringing their manifestations to a maximum. A cowardly person will feel a panic fear, a creative person will experience a surge of ideas, and a violent person will have an overwhelming desire to do a bad deed.

Leningrad highway

Along the entire length of the highway, you can meet people dressed in strange clothes, as if they were beggars from another era. One of these people can approach a motorist, knock on his window, and then say: “Good man, forgive me!” - after which the stranger simply walks away. If you look away from him, for example, when you try to get out of the car in order to catch up with him and ask him, then you will not see him again. Experts are sure that these are restless souls who are looking for repose.

These are the ghosts of convicts who were driven to the construction of St. Petersburg, as well as robbers who hunted in these areas. A restless soul is a clot of energy in the biofield of the Earth, which hangs in zones of increased tension at the moment of sudden death. A large concentration of the Earth's biofield holds restless souls and allows them to exist for an infinitely long time, preserving a part of the consciousness and personality of a person.

It remains unclear why they chose Leningradka for this, but they strongly recommend not to be frightened and to grant them the desired forgiveness by any words.

Basurman crypts

st. Hospital Val, st. m. "Baumanskaya»

Back in 1771, Muscovites had to expand the churchyards, because the cemeteries were overcrowded and there was nowhere to bury. At that time, more than 6 new cemeteries were created.

One of these is located on the high bank of the Sinichka River, where the burials of Gentiles were carried out. Here, far from their native lands, lie German musketeers, French hatters, Polish bollards. In such places of burial, at the intersection of magnetic fluxes, the concentration of the Earth's biofield is maximum. In clots of the biofield of crypts, all information about a person and his life programs are kept and stored. During periods of maximum increase in the concentration of the biofield, these programs become perceptible for the subtle perception of human consciousness.

They say that on spring evenings, at dusk, from the dark cemetery park comes the inconsolable melody of a flute. In the rain, an invisible musician cries with notes until dawn to the sound of iron shackles from the grave of doctor Fyodor Gaaz.

Radio field in Khoroshevo-Mnevniki

The place itself is gloomy: an old radio tower, an abandoned bunker, and even an entire pet graveyard. On top of that, this zone cannot be found on any map. It is not surprising that this place was chosen by Satanists and other fans to tickle their nerves. Perhaps, it was the fact that the radio field began to attract the attention of such a non-standard contingent for a certain time, and endowed this place with notoriety.

After examining this territory, experts noted the destructive energy imprints - the consequences of gloomy rituals, moreover, probably inept ones. But these traces overlapped each other every year, until the entire zone became a kind of energy minefield. If you linger in this place for more than two hours, you can irreversibly spoil your entire immune system. Experts have assigned special importance to the radio field, and by the end of this year they will try to reduce or completely remove the energy "mess" that is currently happening there.

Kuntsevo settlement

The Kuntsevo settlement is located on the top of one of the coastal hills near the Krylatsky bridge. Despite the fact that the busy Rublevskoye Highway passes nearby and the urban development rests on coastal groves, an ancient settlement is hidden in the deep thickets of the Filevsko-Kuntsevsky Park. Not even every employee of the forestry can accurately indicate its location.

The information space here forms a multi-layered slice of history. The most energetically powerful picture is the original state of this place, as a place of power. Therefore, this place was chosen by the ancient Slavs for the construction of the Temple. This Slavic-pagan Temple was located next to several graveyards, the Valleys of the Ancestors. Rites and commemorations of Divine services were held here in honor of the Great Ancestors.

Later, an Orthodox church was erected here, which did not stand for a long time, and in the 20th century local residents dismantled the tombstones from the later cemetery for the construction of the foundations of their houses.

At the present time, the energy of the Kuntsevsky settlement has a heterogeneous structure, it consists of biological clots that, in the form of a web, stretch over the entire settlement and create a necrotic nebula. Therefore, a long stay in this place de-energizes the energy of a person.

Khovrinsk hospital

The construction of the Khovrinsky hospital began in 1981 on the site of the old cemetery. This is a huge multi-level 10-storey building. The basement floors are currently flooded... but the main building and the clinic are connected by an underground tunnel. Above him is a constant fog, which even a strong lantern cannot dispel. This hospital has a lot of graffiti, swastikas, satanic signs, suicide inscriptions.

The stoppage of construction was caused by project flaws - the building is slowly sinking underground.
Experts explain that in the 1990s, a ritual circle for animal and human sacrifices was opened in a deaf basement. Here, for a long time, similar masses were held with intoxicating narcotic substances. The walls of the hospital are literally saturated with these energy-informational fluids. All the curious who enter this room experience an overwhelming sense of anxiety and danger.

The Satanists' apartments were located in an underground tunnel between the main and ophthalmological buildings. There Satanists gathered and even many lived. During the storming of the tunnel, armed detachments surrounded the sectarians, the sectarians resisted and surrendered. Over time, the tunnel flooded and at the moment the entrances to it are completely underground.

Arbat, 14

The house was destroyed by a bomb during the war. Its history is interesting to this day, like the history of the Arbat old-timer-house with a six-columned portico. In the past, he was often photographed for postcards. The artist M. Germashez in 1914 painted a popular urban landscape called "Arbat", depicting this house in the center of his picture.

Since the end of the 18th century, this house was owned by the princes Shakhovsky, and from the middle of the 19th century by the Obolenskys. After the death of the prince, passers-by and cab drivers tried to stay on the opposite side of the street in the evenings, it was believed that “dashing” people appeared there secretly from the police, killed and robbed, and the souls of the restless could be seen as ghosts near the house. In those days, it was called the "haunted house", bypassing at night...

Experts say that it was a one-story empire building with a large basement and a backyard. One of the noble princes of this house, within its walls, committed suicide. After that, the house was empty for a long time and was unclaimed, after that no one could get along in it, all family dramas ended in death. And at the moment, the energy of this place retains an extremely negative charge, it attracts negative situations like a magnet.


In the former village of Dyakovo, near the Church of John the Baptist, there is a large ravine called Golosov. This ravine is considered a mystical and anomalous place. In the depths of the ravine, weighing several tons each, there are two huge stones - “Devius” and “Gus”. Moreover, the bulk of these boulders are in the ground. Small peaks come to the surface. One of the stones lies at the bottom of the ravine, the other - on its high slope. This place is included in the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve, from past times to the present day this place is considered negative and no one dares to build anything here.

Portals to another dimension were recorded in the documents of the police department of the Moscow province of the 19th century for the period 1825-1917, where cases of mysterious disappearances of people among the inhabitants of nearby villages were repeatedly noted, traces of which led to the Golosov ravine.

So, two peasants from the village of Sadovniki suddenly disappeared without a trace in 1810, and suddenly they just as suddenly appeared in 1831 ... corridor. They went along this corridor, on the way they met unusually tall people overgrown with wool, who indicated to them with signs that they should return, but the peasants decided to move only forward ... and when they arrived at their village, they were surprised why their wives and children had grown old by 20 years!

At the insistence of the investigators, an experiment was conducted in the ravine, during which one of the peasants again disappeared into the fog and never returned. Another, seeing this, became depressed and subsequently committed suicide.

The Voice Gully is primarily a place where the earth's crust is broken. Powerful electromagnetic radiations come out through this fault, many times exceeding the natural background of the Earth. Its geographical position, namely from west to east, crosses the natural course along the meridians of the Earth's magnetic field.

Two boulder stones are a kind of antennas with powerful positive energy. Electromagnetic radiation near boulders is even stronger, they carry a positive charge. It is these ancient living beings, having the frequency of the original creation, that are able to maintain the integrity of human energy. The vibrations of the stone give the right tuning to the body, activating its hidden reserves.

Despite all the stories, Muscovites are very fond of walking in the Kolomenskoye and the Voice ravine. And although fog still appears in the ravine, in recent years people here have been more focused on healing - touching the stone with their hands, they receive a kind of electromagnetic physiotherapy session, which activates the human biofield and relieves many ailments.

Moose Island

In the Losinny Ostrov National Park, a kilometer from the end of the Paper Clearing, park workers recorded a strange place. This place on the map is indicated by a triangle, it is avoided by both birds and animals.

The Losinoostrovsky Triangle is an anomalous "scorched glade" on which scorched and stunted grass grows. One side of this place around the clearing is a diagonal reflection of the other side - identical trees, shrubs, grass grow here.

According to the stories of park employees, this is a zone where people disappear and another “anomalous thing” is happening. Local police officers know this place especially well, mainly due to the number of corpses with traces of violent death.

By evening, a dense gray fog constantly descends on the clearing, covering it like a mystical cap. Once in it, you can walk in circles for hours until the fog subsides.

Experts found a break in the cortex at this place, which creates an intersection of force lines, due to which a negative background of tension is formed, which causes a depressing state in all living beings, and in people prone to aggression, dominant states intensify, bringing their state to the manifestation of an irresistible desire to do bad things. case.

In addition, well-charged mobile phones in this place quickly consume the entire charge - literally in 15 minutes, and this also indicates a powerful torsion field of a negative charge.

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station Peredelkino, Kiev direction

The resting place of the French soldiers who retreated from Moscow in 1812 and died in the battle of Maloyaroslavets is not marked on the map. Finding an experienced guide, wandering through the wilderness for an hour or two, and finally finding a clearing of dry forest with grave ramparts is not so bad. The most difficult thing is not to get scared and not to pull into the thicket, when the clock starts jumping from noon to 6 pm, the grass sags under invisible feet. Here all the devices that register magnetic and electric fields are naughty.

White Gods

White Gods, Sergiev Posad district

Guidebooks to mystical places promise Russian Stonehenge in the local forest: supposedly there is a stone block, 3 m high and 6 m long in diameter, at the foot of which they cut sacrificial lambs and girlish throats, sang the unknown gods of antiquity and asked for a good hunt. Apparently, the idol has long been covered with the sands of time: there is not a single photograph, not a single reliable description of the altar. Mystic - and more!

Basurman crypts

Moscow, st. Hospital Val, m. Baumanskaya

In the pestilence of 1771, Muscovites expanded their graveyards: there weren’t enough for their own, and then a whole German settlement supplied the dead. I had to arrange a special cemetery for the Gentiles on the high bank of the Sinichka River (now it was hidden in a pipe). Far from their native land, among gloomy Gothic tombstones and mossy porticos, German musketeers, French hatters, Polish bollards lie. On spring evenings, at dusk, the inconsolable melody of a flute rushes through the dark cemetery park. In the rain, an invisible musician cries with notes until dawn to the sound of iron shackles from the grave of doctor Fyodor Gaaz.

Beria's house

Moscow, st. Malaya Nikitskaya, 28/1, m. Arbatskaya

After midnight, if you stand at the corner of Malaya Nikitskaya and Vspolny Lane, press yourself against the wall and hold your breath, you can hear an invisible car drive up, doors slam and heavy steps are heard. And it will be happiness if the drunken laughter of the actress is heard nearby, and not the groan of the repressed. The chief security officer of the USSR, the master of torture, settled here in 1938 and lived until the death of Stalin and his disgrace in 1953.

From the local windows, Lavrenty Pavlovich looked out for pretty ladies and sent Sarkisov's gloomy assistant after them. Historians have counted more than two hundred citizens raped by the people's commissar. Rumor has it that Beria was shot in the back of the head in his house during his arrest, and employees of the Tunisian embassy, ​​who moved here in the nineties, found a torture chamber in the basement.

Lights over Sofrino

settlement Sofrino, Yaroslavl direction

They fly, and circle, and cut the sky with sharp rays - such different objects under the general name of UFO. In Sofrino, flying saucers, balloons and other forms have been observed since the 1980s. There were dozens of eyewitnesses, there were even videos that disappeared in the archives of mysterious structures guarding the peace of ordinary citizens. You can see UFOs in the evening, closer to summer, when the air in the village is especially transparent.

Sorcerer's Tower

Moscow, end of Sretenka street, metro station Sukharevskaya

Here in the 16th century there was a border of the city: the capital's huts ended, and then the Troitskaya road went. Here the watchtower was built, at first from wood, and under Peter I from stone, according to all the rules of Italian serfdom: round, with a through passage. Peter's comrade-in-arms, sorcerer Jacob Bruce settled here. From an unprecedented 60-meter height, the alchemist observed the stars through a telescope and melted lead into gold. The sorcerer headed the "Neptune Society" for the study of science and mysticism. And the Muscovites believed that Bruce owned a secret book that opens all the gates and reveals all the treasures, and before his death he walled it up in the tower wall. Later, Stalin ordered to dismantle the tower brick by brick, trying to find the treasure, but the hopes were not justified. Since then, the shadow of a dry old man in a wig has flickered in the gates of Sretenka in the hope that the tower will be rebuilt.

Smerdyache lake

Shatura, walking along the river Polya to the lake

A water mirror of an ideal round shape is nothing more than a funnel from a meteorite fall with a diameter of 15 m. There was a catastrophe many thousands of years ago, so the old-timers’ assertion that the church went under water is nothing more than fiction. But geological anomalies in these places are in abundance. Podozernye lands emit hydrogen sulfide: hence the unsightly name, and the reddish color of the water, and the lack of fish.

fashion street

Moscow, st. Kuznetsky most

About a hundred or two hundred years ago, Kuznetsky was the most fashionable street in the capital: well-dressed milliners bustled about here, carriages of the nobility rumbled, and younger sons squandered inheritances. For the losers, the street of salons, shops and casinos turned into a greedy maw, where passers-by were ruthless, the cobblestones were hard, and the bright shop windows were ominous. In the heyday of roulette and whist, there were too many thoughts of suicide here. soon a gray carriage began to drive along Kuznetsky at night, the driver of which offered penniless players a ride for free. No more passengers were seen. In the age of cars and gasoline, you will no longer see a carriage on Kuznetsk, but the Frenchwoman Zhuzhu, the mistress of the patron Savva Morozov, is playing pranks. The newspaper "duck" ruined her: the young lady was hit by a cab when she rushed across the street for a newspaper with a message about the death of her beloved. At midnight, journalists were blocked from going to Kuznetsky.

Miserly with Myasnitskaya

Moscow, st. Myasnitskaya, 17, m. Chistye Prudy

On the site of this nondescript building of pre-revolutionary construction, the house of the Kusovnikov spouses once stood. Rich old people were famous for their exorbitant greed: they lived modestly, did not go to visit, did not start servants. But at night they got into a shabby convertible, a box with banknotes on their knees - and on their way around the city. Once, going to a distant estate, the misers hid the treasure in the janitor's room, where, without their knowledge, the servant lit a fire. The money went up in flames. From the mournful news, the wife immediately died, and the old man has been wandering along Myasnitskaya since then and whispering to passers-by pitifully: "Oh, my money, money!"

death road

Pekhorka village, Lyubertsy-Lytkarino highway

Yes, the road is ridged, bumpy, narrow. But not only because of this, drivers try to drive more slowly here - they would not knock anyone down. They say that at times strange pedestrians cross the highway: either an elderly lady waves her bony hand, or a transparent shadow flickers, or the traffic police inspector glares with burning eyes. It is difficult to say which of this is true, but studies have shown that this place is unclean: there are ancient burials, cracks in the earth's crust, and the magnetic field is "twisting".

Guilty without heads

with. Vozdvizhenskoe, Staro-Yaroslavskoe highway

They say that Princess Sophia, the power-hungry sister of Peter the Great, did not share the state with Prince Khovansky. According to other testimonies - love. Whatever the reason, the result is known: in 1682, Prince Ivan Andreevich and his son were lured to the Trinity Monastery, captured and executed in a nearby village. To this day, offended by the unkind princess, the princes roam the highways and frighten late drivers. Who will be taken to the grave, who - if you're lucky - into a nearby ditch.

Plague Lane

Moscow, Prechistenka, Chertolsky lane, metro station Kropotkinskaya

Once Prechistenka was called Chertoly: this was the name of a deep ravine and a stream that flowed on the site of a habitable street. The ravine - therefore, Chertoroy, the devil dug. Here, the pagans once lived, made sacrifices to Perun. In 1656, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, who traveled along this road to worship icons at the Novodevichy Convent, ordered the bad name to be changed to a pure one. But the holy land did not become: nearby, in the alley, they set up Bozhedomka - a "wretched house", that is, a morgue, to which the deceased poor fellows without a family, without a tribe, were taken. Here, under Stalin, the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands was demolished: dug bags with bones lay around for a long time in Chertolsky Lane. Now a typical Moscow school is on the ashes. But the orphans and visitors did not want to settle down in the Chertolsky graves. Until now, black shadows whisper in the alley at night and dark old women from the local shelter for the poor appear to schoolchildren, which they broke two hundred years ago.

Actor's Ponds

Moscow, Ostankino estate, Telecentre building, m. VDNH

Television lands in the capital are considered harmful due to the electromagnetic radiation of the many antennas. But the power here lurks more ancient and less accessible to understanding. Old Ostankovo ​​was a pagan, demonic place, which is why a cemetery for suicides was built here - hence the name. Later, the Sheremetevs built a manor and a home theater here. Serf actresses lived unhappily: they suffered from consumption, they were flogged with rods, and in the end, many drowned in the local ponds, which they called "actorkins". Now on the bones of drowned women there is a residential skyscraper, and on the ancient graveyard - a small building of the Television Center. They say that an old woman with a stick appears for more than one hundred years before misfortunes and catastrophes: either the death of Countess Sheremeteva will predict, or a fire in the tower.

The world is full of mysteries and secrets. The miracles that take place in it have no boundaries, they are inaccessible to the understanding of an ordinary person and therefore are extremely attractive. Despite a significant leap in the development of modern technologies, there are still places on planet Earth that are called anomalous. In many of them, strange, mysterious and even dangerous things happen. Once in one of these places, a person runs the risk of forever saying goodbye to people, events and things familiar to him. Some travelers are thrown into the past or future, while others lose their memory and cannot tell anything about the hours, days and even years spent in the anomalous zone.

In this article

Devil's Tower in Wyoming

Devil's Tower is a natural monument located in the US state of Wyoming in the center of the Great Plains. In reality, nothing anomalous happens on a rock 386 meters high.

However, local residents claim that a fragment of ancient rock, surprisingly smooth and tapering at the top, is a platform for launching and landing alien ships.

Devil's tower by day

Unusual climatic conditions help support the legend. Being one of the tallest structures, the Devil's Tower is often affected by lightning. The fog covering it in the morning makes this place truly mysterious.

Naturally, scientists do not consider the version with aliens, which does not make the Devil's Tower less popular. It is interesting that the opinions of experts about the origin of the rock differ, nothing is known for certain about it. Every year, 400 thousand tourists visit the surrounding places.

First of all, they are attracted by the unusual appearance of the rock structure. The slopes of the tower are steep and straight, which makes it seem to everyone who was lucky enough to see it live, as if it was carved out of a huge mountain range by the hands of a person or an alien.

devil's tower- the altered name of this amazing place. The Lakota Indians called the mountain plateau Mato Tipila, which translates as the House of the Bear. The mistake in the name occurred in 1875, when the new owners of the Great Plains first became interested in what a huge flat block was, which for a long time it was not possible to climb. The new inhabitants of America liked the incorrect translation more, because it is this name that appears in all modern sources.

As mentioned above, scientists have not put forward a consensus on what served as the impetus for the formation of the rock. The following theories are considered the most plausible.

  1. Marine theory. In the past, the land where the Great Plains are now located was covered by a sea or ocean, the bottom of which was covered with sedimentary rocks. As a result of a strong earthquake, a crack formed in the earth's crust, from where volcanic magma penetrated the sedimentary rocks. Layering on shales, limestone and sandstone, magma gradually rose to the surface, solidifying in the form of a basalt column. After millions of years, the sea receded, and the bad weather began to grind the rock, which led to the formation of hexagonal pillars, as if specially carved from stone.
  2. Volcanic. Millions of years ago, there was a volcano on the site of the Devil's Tower, the eruption of which caused the formation of an unusual stone pillar.

It was not possible to fully explore the Devil's Tower for a long time. It remained impregnable until the end of the 19th century. Two local farmers were so curious that, using the stairs, they ventured this deadly step for them.

In 1906, President Roosevelt designated the Devil's Tower as a national monument.

In 1938, the famous climber Jack Durance repeated this feat, and after another 3 years, George Hopkins parachuted down to the top of the mountain. He was supposed to return to the mainland with the help of ropes, but bad weather and the inability of the daredevil to handle climbing equipment violated all his plans. Hopkins got stuck on a plateau and to save him, Durance had to be searched for, who helped the traveler down.

white gods

50 km from Moscow, not far from the village of Radonezh, there is an ancient Slavic tract. According to legend, it is a sacrificial semi-oval altar made of large stones. The exact location of the sanctuary is unknown to anyone living today. The forests surrounding the village are quite extensive, it is not easy to find a dilapidated and moss-covered stone structure in them.

Experts do not doubt its existence, linking the name of the altar with the most famous pantheon of Slavic gods, which consisted of Belobog, Chernobog and Sventovit, who ruled people, the sky and the underworld.

White Gods

Currently, the search for the remains of the sanctuary does not stop, but the likelihood of finding it is minimal. Ancient stones seem to be hidden from human eyes by the divine hand, ready to appear only to those who are really worthy of it.


The Atlantic Ocean is replete with anomalous zones. One of them is Cape Hatteras. Waves breaking on rocky ledges raise millions of grains of sand and small shells into the air. It would seem that this phenomenon is quite common, but its main secret lies in the extraordinary height to which grains of sand manage to rise. In some cases, it exceeds 25-35 meters. The sand freezes in the air for a few moments, after which it gently descends. Scientists have not been able to figure out the nature of this amazing phenomenon. The place is considered anomalous and extremely dangerous. Not everyone is able to decide to visit near Cape Hatteras.

At Cape Hatteras

Cape Hatteras is located inside the Bermuda Triangle, which makes this place even more mysterious and unique.

Bermuda Triangle Zone

Czech catacombs

In the southeast of the Czech Republic, the small town of Jihlava is located, which has gained world fame not because of delicious beer. At a depth of several tens of meters under the city, there are mysterious medieval catacombs 25 km long.

ancient tunnel

The only thing known about them is man-made nature. The construction of the catacombs dates back to the 13th-14th centuries. The exact reason that prompted people to create extremely creepy underground structures is not named. Perhaps the catacombs are the remnants of the activities of the miners, or the locals hid in them, fleeing from robberies and fires.

The Czech catacombs are a world of ghosts and spirits. Anyone who dares to spend the night here can hear the organ music resounding through the dungeons. At the same time, any psychological disorders and hallucinations are definitely excluded, as scientists and psychologists have repeatedly convinced.

According to legend, the organ in the catacombs began to sound after the burial of a talented young musician in them. His ability to handle musical instruments aroused the suspicions of the Inquisition. The young man was accused of conspiring with the devil and buried alive in one of the many halls. From now on, on the day of the death of an organist in the dungeons, one can hear an amazingly beautiful melody.

Tablets for tourists on the walls of the catacombs

And if skeptics still do not believe in the ghost of a musician, then in the catacombs there is something that will make any scientist doubt their own judgments. So, in one of the halls, a staircase glowing with red light was found. They still cannot explain where it leads and why it glows.

glowing tunnel

In addition, one of the subway tunnels passing through the catacombs emits green fluorescent light. The reason for the glow is the coating of the vault with zinc silicate. How this rather rare mineral got into the tunnel is also unknown.

Triangle of Molebs

Zone M located in the Perm region. It is a whole complex of anomalous places, in each of which their own inexplicable phenomena occur: the clock hands are lagging behind, the compass does not work, luminous balls are found.

Zones of anomalous origin within the Moleb Triangle

Known since the late 1980s of the last century as a habitat for aliens. Eyewitnesses claim that in this place they have repeatedly managed to see flying saucers and the aliens themselves. Some lucky ones even managed to establish telepathic contact with alien guests, which was written about for a long time by both local and foreign newspapers.

Pavel Globa believes that it was in the Moleb triangle that the ancient prophet Zarathustra was born, therefore, even without aliens and unusual traces, this place can be considered holy.

Scientists do not undertake to refute fictions, but they do not confirm them either. It is reliably known that a prayer stone was located in these places, and the remains of pagan idols were also preserved.


In the colorful and rich in legends of Mexican culture, there are many references to places where strange and terrible things begin to happen to a person. One of these places is called Chavinda. It is located away from big cities, but is the goal of many thrill seekers.

At Chavinda

Locals believe that on a small plateau there is an intersection of worlds. Inexplicable things really happen to visitors - cars break down, things that cannot be seen, incomprehensible sounds are heard. Naturally, no one died or disappeared here, but the place is really interesting and more than strange. Not everyone dares to spend the night in a tent on a plateau.

Ancient settlement Akyrtas

The ancient city was once located on one of the busiest trade routes in the world - the Silk Road. The first mention of it is recorded in the diary of the Chinese monk Chang Chun, who traveled through these lands at the beginning of the 13th century. According to his notes, a city of red stone with large burial grounds in the shape of the Great Bear stood in the way.

Remains of the ancient city

The first studies of the settlement were carried out in the second half of the 19th century. Unfortunately, it was not possible to find traces of unknown medieval builders. The scale and technique of execution of houses and protective structures will amaze everyone. Some of the stones used in the construction are so heavy that even modern machinery can hardly lift them.

dead lake

Near the village of Gerasimovka (Kazakhstan) there is an amazing lake, nicknamed Dead by the locals. It is 100 meters long and 60 meters wide. Located in a mountainous area, it has rightfully earned its notoriety. Not a single fish or plant can be found in this lake. The drowned bodies of people do not float to the surface, they cannot be found.

The surface of the Dead Lake

Local residents bypass the pond, believing that it is cursed. According to one of the legends, a jealous groom drowned his innocent bride in this lake, since then truly terrible things began to happen there.

You can swim in the lake, but the villagers never do it. A gaping vacationer can be dragged to the bottom by the dead. People walking along the shore of the lake often disappear, but they always find themselves, however, in places that are completely unexpected for them.

Ustyurt Plateau

A huge white stone plateau spread over the territories of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Due to low temperatures in winter and the summer heat that destroys all life, the plateau is practically uninhabited. There are also few tourists, which is associated not with the absence of something worth seeing, but with anomalous phenomena occurring here (spirits, voices and ghosts are just a few of what can be found on an absolutely lifeless white plain).

On the Ustyurt plateau

On the Ustyurt plateau there are many aboveground and underground structures, the nature of which could not be established. Not a single civilization known to scientists has left similar traces of its existence.

The remains of stone men dressed in military uniforms were also found. A real army, though made of stone, still terrifies those who decide to make a long and dangerous journey across the plateau.

Lake Kok-Kol

It is located in the mountainous area of ​​Kazakhstan, it is not easy to get to it, and it is not necessary, because it is known as one of the most mystical places in this region. The reservoir never dries up, even in the hottest weather the water in it remains cool and crystal clear.

Moreover, its level does not decrease, which contradicts all physical laws. Locals call the reservoir the Living Lake, which is associated with the sudden appearance of seething whirlpools on its smooth surface, where everything that is on the surface gets. Swimming in such a reservoir is definitely not worth it, according to legend, it is guarded by the local spirit of Aidahara, who is extremely jealous of any aliens.

Beauty and danger

Shepherds tell stories that birds and animals were swallowed up by the lake before their eyes, which suggests the existence of some prehistoric creature in the depths of the reservoir. Some ufologists claim to have seen an animal resembling an anaconda crawl out of the water.

There is no bottom at the lake, which the divers had to make sure of, one of whom almost died. Drawn into a whirlpool, he could not get to the surface and swam through a network of underground caves, got out of the water only a few kilometers from the dive site.

Devil's trap

A mysterious and dangerous place is located in the city of Tacona in Sicily. It is called the devil's trap because of a strange incident that happened to a local resident Alberto Gordoni in 1753. Having gone out into the courtyard of his house, this man vanished into thin air in front of his friends and relatives. They searched for it for more than one year, but it was not possible to find traces.

The traps of the devil - places where people disappear and appear - are many on Earth. Belief in legends and myths helped to bypass them earlier. In the age of rationalism, a person is deprived of such an opportunity, therefore cases of disappearance of people are recorded everywhere.

It is likely that the incident would have been forgotten, but 22 years later, the missing person appeared out of nowhere at the same place where he disappeared. He hadn't aged in the slightest, and he was sure he'd been gone no more than a few hours.

Medieval manor - crossroads of times

The time traveler was placed in a psychiatric hospital, where he told about incorporeal spirits, bodies without a soul, eternally living people and funnels in space and time. The only one who believed him was Dr. Mario. The doctor decided to personally visit the place of disappearance together with the missing person. What was his horror when, barely stepping into the courtyard of his former home, Albert disappeared again. This time he failed to return. The frightened doctor ordered the place to be surrounded by a high wall and ordered no one to approach him.

Yarlu Valley

An amazingly beautiful place, located among the mountain peaks of Altai. The valley is considered by many to be a place of power; those who dream of joining nature, meditating, and feeling close to the divine come here.

In the center of the valley is the Stone of Wisdom, also known as the Shaman's Stone, or the World Stone. The weather here changes every 5-10 minutes. Many believe that UFOs fly into the valley, but they are invisible to ordinary people. There are those who claim that by concentrating and standing on the Shaman's stone, one can get through the portal to other countries and even changes.

Yarlu Valley

Even if nothing unusual happens during the trip, the Yarlu Valley still deserves attention. This is a beautiful place that does not yet keep a trace of human civilization.

Anomalous zones of the Kaluga region

The Kaluga region is rich in anomalous zones. These are the Koltsovskie caves, and the Popovsky bridge, and the town of Kurgan, the Devil's settlement. Many local residents will be happy to tell the legend of the Kanishchensky Pond and inexplicable phenomena that regularly occur in the villages of Verevka, Nikitskoye, Cherny Potok, Shchigry, Ogarkovo, and Cautious.

Indicative sign of the passage to the Devil's settlement

So, residents of the village of Verevka walking in the forest found that at the height of summer the leaves on the trees turned yellow and crumbled, as if late autumn had come, the air temperature dropped sharply. Moving away from the anomalous place for several hundred meters, they were convinced that nothing had changed in the world around them, summer continued. The investigators who arrived at the scene walked at least 12 km in 40 minutes, completely unaware of how quickly they covered the path, which takes at least 2 hours.

The ad helps attract tourists

Much more mysterious things happen in the local forests - people disappear and are far from the place of disappearance, UFOs fly, how aliens walk around at home. Deaf and sometimes abandoned villages are a reliable keeper of ancient legends and prophecies.

Mystic Sochi

The Krasnodar Territory is full of secrets and mysteries. It was near Sochi that the stone houses of dwarfs were discovered, and the witches' valley in the Shapsug anomalous zone is famous for significant energy emissions that add or take away the strength of random travelers.

Sochi is interesting not only for lovers of ancient and mysterious places, but also for those who dream of meeting a real ghost. According to ufologists, the spirit of Stalin appears in the Zelenaya Grove sanatorium, and the ghost of Yuri Gagarin appears in the Rodina Hotel.

The greatest interest among tourists is caused by dolmens - stone houses of dwarfs. According to legend, dwarfs lived high in the mountains, wielded magic, were cunning, but weak.

ancient structures

One day, descending into the valley, they met stupid, but very strong giants. The dwarfs enslaved the giants and forced them to build strong stone houses where it would be convenient for them to live.

Swamp of fear and wandering stones

At the thresholds of the Manchurian-Korean mountains there is an anomalous zone known as Bylchu, or the Swamp of Fear. In the middle of the last century, over a hundred soldiers disappeared in these places, the well-preserved corpses of which are still found by local residents, and this despite the fact that the climate here is humid. All found dead lay on their backs, their hands were folded on their chests, there were no visible injuries on the body.

Terrible swamp

According to legend, a huge white worm lives in the swamp, whose breath is so poisonous that people who fall into the swamp die instantly. The worm drags the people he likes into the swamp and eats them, leaving the “tasteless” people on the surface.

Locals try not to enter the swamps, and if it is impossible, then do it as carefully as possible. Not only the poison-breathing water is a threat, but also the nearby Segan Hill. On this hill, such a rare phenomenon as wandering stones has been repeatedly observed. The wind spirit living on the top of the hill does not like people and therefore moves large boulders to intimidate the stranger and force him to leave his place.

Secrets of the Kolomna ravine

In the Kolomenskoye reserve there is a large Golosovoy ravine, at the bottom of which there are two large boulders - Devy and Gus. Each of them weighs at least 5 tons and, according to legend, the stones are the remains of a serpent destroyed by George the Victorious. Stone blocks are considered magical, the wish made from them will surely come true. Some believe that stones are able to restore male power.

Sitting by the stone

Despite the miraculous power of stones, the ravine itself is not considered a good place. The compass stops working for travelers, mobile phones are discharged, and a trace of unknown objects is seen in the sky, at night you can see the UFO itself.

People disappear in the Voice Gully and time stops. There have been repeated cases of disappearances of entire groups, which, decades later, appeared in the same place, claiming that only a few minutes had passed. Abnormal energy activity makes people stay away from this place.

Where mutant trees grow

Residents and guests of Yakutsk, who decide to wander through the forest near the third kilometer of the Magansky tract, are faced with an amazing natural phenomenon - unusually shaped pines and other trees. All of them are located near the former military unit, which was once a specially protected area. In the taiga, you can often find twisted trees, but no one has ever found them in such numbers.

twisted trees

The shape of the trees is bizarre, scientists cannot explain the reason for it. Ufologists believe in aliens, skeptics say that it's all about radiation and experiments conducted at this military base. Nothing is known for certain about the experiments, but mushrooms on the territory of the abandoned part grow in large quantities even in a lean year.

The Mystery of the Patom Crater

The Patomsky crater is located in the Irkutsk region in the deep taiga. The Yakuts call this place the Nest of the Fiery Eagle and consider it cursed. The reason for its formation, according to scientists, is a meteorite, alien guests are not considered something rare here. The last large meteorite that fell in 2003 forced hundreds of animals and birds to leave this area. Places became uninhabited for a long time. Ufologists are trying to find a connection between the Patomsky crater and the circles on Lake Baikal. According to one version, at least 300 years ago, a large alien ship crashed here, which affected all nearby territories.

Patomsky crater

In the crater itself, people have died repeatedly and under mysterious circumstances. The place is considered extremely dangerous.

The Gobi Desert and its inhabitants

It is one of the most extensive and sparsely populated deserts in the world. It is located in the southern part of Mongolia and occupies a vast territory within China. It is known thanks to ancient legends and tales, as well as modern events, suggestive of the anomalous origin of this place. So, according to one of the legends, the ancient worm Olgoi-Khorkhoy lives in the desert, capable of killing with a glance at a distance. Every year, dozens of expeditions go in search of this creature and not all of them come back.

Those who were forever taken by the desert

In 1995, scientists conducting archaeological excavations discovered the skulls of horned people. The discovery was classified, but the press got information that experts could not prove the existence of a fake. The skulls were genuine and, apparently, their presence means the existence in antiquity of a certain race, whose heads were decorated with horns. After another 4 years, archaeologists discovered in the rock the skeleton of a gigantic man, whose external data were similar to great apes.

Around 1970, unusual cases of UFO activity were recorded in the Gobi Desert. There are no eyewitnesses of those events, but they talked about some kind of war between aliens, the springboard for which the Earth became.

Medveditskaya ridge - a mysterious training ground

One of the strongest anomalous zones in Russia. There are many tunnels under the ridge, the weather above the anomaly is unstable, thunderstorms with lightning and thunder are not considered a rare occurrence. At the same time, lightning strikes into the ground never hit the places where the tunnels are located.

The builders of these tunnels are unknown, they were last used during the Civil War. During the Second World War, the passages in the tunnel were blown up, and since then no one can find them. But even without tunnels, the place is quite mysterious, here you can often find hundreds of trees burned on one side and tied into unusual knots.

Newspaper article

Scientists have not been able to find out the reason for the lightning that regularly strikes the ground and twisted tree trunks. Ufologists suggest that the Medveditskaya ridge is used as a space test site. Guesses of this kind are reinforced by the presence of altered gravity in this place. Unfortunately, to fix a real UFO is still not possible.

Holat Syakhil

The mysterious Mountain of the Dead, located in the Urals and is a place where extremely dangerous and destructive phenomena for humans occur. The local Mansi tribe claims that it is the mountain that kills all passers-by. There is a legend in the tribe that 9 of its members went through the pass and disappeared without a trace, their bodies were not found.

All that remains of the Dyatlov expedition

Kholat Syahyl is the place of death of the famous Dyatlov expedition. Nine tourists went to conquer the mountain peak, but were found far from their place of lodging for the night, half-dressed and in a terrible state. All of them were dead, and the bodies were mutilated - gouged out eyes, broken bones, torn out tongues.

Tourists were found in different places, some of them were wearing completely alien clothes that did not belong to any of the members of the expedition. The story of the death of the Dyatlov expedition is described in the mystical film of the same name "The Secret of the Dyatlov Pass".

Damn graveyard

A plot of land with a diameter of up to 300 meters, located at the foot of the Kova River. It is a place with scorched patches of land. For many decades, nothing higher than grass grows on scorched earth.

Birds flying over the Devil's Cemetery and running animals are immediately killed.

Damn graveyard

Local residents bypass it and believe that whoever steps on the black earth will face a quick and quick death. Ufologists believe that an unusual anomalous phenomenon is associated with the Tunguska meteorite.

Yakut valley of death

Mythical zone in the valley of the Vilyuy river. Everyone who dared to spend the night in this apparently quite safe place fell ill. With a second overnight stay, death awaited a person. It is a Death Valley, a kind of crater with a metal core.

death valley

There is talk of a giant iron cauldron sunk in this place, the bottom of which is the lowest point of the valley. The origin of the mysterious cauldron or several cauldrons is associated with:

  • the fall of the spacecraft;
  • the remains of an alien base;
  • the ruins of a city built by an ancient civilization;
  • geological formations of unknown nature;
  • hallucinations under the influence of methane;
  • nuclear tests.

Strange stones and objects are found at the bottom of local lakes.

Every year, the valley is visited by travelers who are interested in everything anomalous, while the local inhabitants bypass this place.

Death Valley in Sichuan

Death Valley, or Black Bamboo Hollow, is located in southwestern China and has a bad reputation. Here, not only people, but also animals disappear without a trace. The locals are afraid of this place. You can choose a conductor among them only for a lot of money. At the same time, it is not a fact that the valley will let in a stranger.

Mysterious and scary place

Ufologists believe that a strange fog, sometimes covering the valley, hides the ships of the arrived aliens, who are engaged in kidnapping people. The locals believe in spirits and a giant cannibal panda that destroys all life in the area. And since it is almost impossible to explain the inexplicable in scientific language, the valley of death deserves the attention of lovers of the mysterious. More than 100 people disappeared in its open spaces.

Everything you wanted to know about anomalies and mystical places on the planet, look here:

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But do not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

Our planet is full of secrets and mysteries. It seemed that its surface had already been fully studied by man, and any processes and phenomena occurring on Earth had long been recorded and studied. However, our world hides many more secrets. And some places called " natural anomalies”, are still mysterious not only for ordinary people, but also for scientists.


On the territory of China there is a waterfall, the state of aggregation of water of which is not subject to any laws of physics. In winter, when the air temperature drops significantly, the overflowing stream does not freeze even at -30°C. However, contrary to common sense, in the midst of summer, the waterfall freezes.


Nyos and Monoun are two lakes that, at first glance, seem like a corner of paradise. There are picturesque landscapes around, untouched fields, hills that beckon with their appearance. However, all these neighborhoods are absolutely unsuitable for life.

The reason is hidden in the depths of the reservoirs. The fact is that Nyos was formed at the bottom of the crater of the volcano, which still has not completely stopped its activity. Due to the processes taking place underground, the lake emits gas into the atmosphere in truly huge quantities. Monoun is also a "gas storage", only it gets there through groundwater.

At the end of the 20th century, cases of gas release were recorded near the lakes, which led to many deaths of local residents and all living things in the area.


There is a small reservoir in Kazakhstan, the area of ​​which does not exceed 600 m 2 . But it surprises not with its size, but with geothermal anomalies in natural layers. Regardless of the season, the water in the lake remains icy.

No life forms were found, and attempts to explore the natural miracle were unsuccessful - not a single person could hold out under water for more than three minutes, even if he had an oxygen tank with him and was dressed in a diving suit. Divers who dived into the lake began to suffocate almost immediately.


In the town of Taos, located in New Mexico, one of the states of America, a strange noise is heard. Its origin is a mystery to the entire scientific community.

Not everyone can hear the buzz. Only 2% of the indigenous population, due to some genetic characteristics, can pick up this sound. The "chosen ones" say that the buzz is most reminiscent of the sound that a car makes when it is idling.

Hearing such noise is a kind of test for people. It can cause headaches, nosebleeds and a general deterioration in well-being. Perhaps the Earth herself, through this sound, tells people about the suffering that she experiences from our activities?


In Mexico, 400 miles from El Paso, there is a so-called "zone of silence" located in the desert. The main feature of this place is that any radio signal is silenced here.

Various anomalous phenomena were observed at the site as early as the 19th century, but true interest arose in the 70s, when the influence of the zone was reflected in military and space technology. After a series of incidents, several scientific expeditions were carried out. However, studies have not yielded any results.

The absence of a radio signal in this area is associated with the presence of a strong magnetic field. Scientists initially assumed that its occurrence is associated with ore deposits located nearby. However, this fact has not been confirmed.


But interference in the signal is not the only oddity of the “zone of silence”. Locals tell stories about strange people who sometimes knock on their doors. Especially often they come to ranches that are far from other residential estates.

At first glance, there is nothing unusual about such visitors. Yes, and they look like ordinary people, however, they are tall, and their hair color is almost always white. In fact, they do nothing strange: posing as social service employees, they politely talk to the owners, learn local news. Only the eyes, empty and cold, frighten the inhabitants of this area who meet them.

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