Pstgu selection committee results. Latest reviews pstgu

Date of creation: March 12, 1992 Description:

The University was founded in 1992 as a Theological Institute. In the same year, at the request of the Academic Council, he was named after St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

The first name of the university was "Orthodox St. Tikhon's Theological Institute" (PSTBI).

In 2004, the institute received the state status of a university and the new name "St. Tikhon's Orthodox Humanitarian University" (PSTU).

The institute's act day was the day of the election of St. Tikhon to the Patriarchal Throne - November 5/18.

The Rector of the University from the moment of its foundation is elected by the Academic Council and appointed by the decree of His Holiness the Patriarch.

The university has state accreditation, all graduates receive state diplomas.

Since 1997, the Academic Council has been operating at the university for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations for the competition for academic degrees in theology and church history.

The university developed and in 2001 approved by the Ministry of Education the state educational polyconfessional standard of the second generation in the educational direction "Theology", and a year later - in the specialty "Theology". St. Tikhon's University implements the Orthodox component of the standard.

PSTGU has become the largest educational institution of the Russian Orthodox Church. It has about 3,000 students.

More than 500 teachers work at the university, including 60 priests and deacons. Among the teachers, 230 have academic degrees of doctor and candidate of sciences, 16 graduates of MDAiS, 110 graduates of Moscow State University, 160 graduates of PSTGU and PSTBI. Doctors of theology, church history - 9 people, candidates of theology - 15 people.


  • Theological
  • Missionary
  • Pedagogical
  • church arts
  • Church singing
  • Philological
  • Historical
  • Additional education
  • Social Sciences
  • Computer Science and Applied Mathematics

There are departments: full-time, part-time (evening), part-time, distance (Internet-learning), preparatory.

There is a Choir School at the university, which provides education according to the program of secondary vocational education.

At all faculties, except for the main curriculum, students take an additional course in the Fundamentals of Theology, oriented towards professional training at the faculty; in addition to the main diploma, students receive a certificate of professional retraining in the theological program.

PSTGU was created in the organizational and legal form of a private institution. In order to carry out the necessary preparation for students who wish to take the holy orders in the future, the Theological Institute has been reopened at PSTGU, which has the organizational and legal form of a religious educational institution similar to theological schools. Future proteges study here in parallel with their studies at PSTGU and receive a diploma from a theological school modeled on the Russian Orthodox Church.

Professional training of students is conducted in the following specialties and areas of higher professional education:

  • Theology, Religious Studies, History, Philology (Foreign languages: classical philology; ancient languages ​​​​of the Christian East; Romance language; English language. Domestic philology: Russian language and literature with knowledge of the modern Slavic language; applied philology; teaching philological disciplines, Russian language and literature with in-depth study of the modern European language), Cultural studies, Tourism, Social work (social work with youth; social work in the system of non-profit organizations and the development of voluntary movement; information technology in social work), Pedagogical education (primary education; preschool education; religious culture, ethics , cultural, educational and volunteer activities at school), Painting (Restoration of tempera painting. Icon painting. Monumental art), History of art, Arts and crafts and folk crafts (Church sewing), Conducting an academic choir, Art Academic Choir Leadership, Sociology, Economics, Mathematical Support and Administration of Information Systems.
  • Theology, including the use of remote technologies in full, Religious Studies, History, Philology, Pedagogical Education, Art History, Economics.

Research activities

The key vector for the development of research activities of PSTGU is the relationship between scientific and educational processes. Solving the tasks of developing and conducting fundamental and applied research, scientific developments as the basis for creating new knowledge, mastering new technologies, university scientists develop theoretical and methodological foundations for the formation and development of higher education.

The main areas of research activities of PSTGU are research in the field of: theology; philosophy; religious studies; theory, history of education and pedagogy; history and culture of the peoples of Russia; cultural studies; philology, sociology of religion in the system of university education.

Scientific work at the university is carried out not only in 40 departments, but also in 9 established scientific centers, departments and laboratories.

Research Center for the History of Theology and Theological Education is one of the scientific divisions of the Theological Faculty of PSTGU. The Center was established in 2010 on the basis of a team of scientists working at the faculty who dealt with the history of the Russian theological tradition and spiritual education.

Currently, the Scientific Center is developing two areas: the history of Russian theology in the 18th - early 20th centuries; and the history of higher spiritual education in Russia of the same period. Several projects are being implemented in each of the directions. In the first direction, the central place is occupied by projects to study the life and heritage of St. Filaret (Drozdov) and the patristic heritage of the synodal era as a whole. In the second direction, attention is mainly focused on the formation of the Russian scientific and educational theological tradition, the adaptation of European educational models in it and the features of the Russian theological school as a phenomenon.

Within the framework of the Scientific Center there is a weekly seminar, in which not only members of the center, but also invited experts participate.

The head of the center is Dr. Ts.I., Ph.D. N.Yu. Sukhov.

Research Department of the Newest History of the Russian Orthodox Church

The department was created in 1992 in accordance with the Patriarchal blessing "to concentrate at the Institute the work on the study of the history of the Russian Orthodox Church of the 20th century." The first task was to collect materials, unbiased analysis and reconstruction of a true picture of the life of the Russian Church in the twentieth century. The starting point in the work was a rich heritage - the archive of the remarkable church historian-ascetic M.E. Gubonin (+1971).

The first publication of the most important documents of the archive in the book "Acts of His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon and later documents on the succession of the highest church authority in 1917-1943" laid the foundation for the multi-volume series Materials on the Modern History of the Russian Orthodox Church. In subsequent years, the university's own archive was created, and previously closed state archives were carefully studied. Hard work has borne abundant fruit: a number of monographs, many scientific articles, reports, a lot of work on organizing large-scale research, as well as studying the investigative files of people buried at the Butovo test site, identifying many names of those who suffered for their faith, a stream of newly discovered documents. The work of the department was highly appreciated by the Hierarchy and representatives of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and did much to restore the canonical unity of the Russian Orthodox Church.

As a member of the Synodal Commission for the Canonization of Saints, the Rector of PSTGU, Archpriest Vladimir Vorobyov, who heads the Department of Recent History of the Russian Orthodox Church, took an active part in preparing the glorification of the Council of New Russian Martyrs and Confessors at the Jubilee Bishops' Council in 2000. The materials collected in the university archives were used to create the icon of the Cathedral of the New Martyrs and Confessors, painted at PSTGU for the Act of Canonization.

Research Seminar "Sociology of Religion"( is a scientific project that has been operating at the Theological Faculty of PSTGU since 2007 under the leadership of Archpriest Nikolai Yemelyanov, Vice-Rector of the Theological Institute at PSTGU.

In 2015, a research laboratory "Sociology of Religion" was created in the structure of PSTGU, whose employees form the core of the seminar team. The seminar team consists of sociologists, theologians, philosophers, religious scholars and mathematicians - graduates of the Moscow Higher School of Economics, Moscow State University, National Research University Higher School of Economics, PSTGU. The scientific supervisor of the laboratory is Ivan Zabaev, Ph.D.

The Sociology of Religion team sees its mission in promoting the growth of unbiased academic research on religion, conducting sociological research necessary for making decisions regarding important issues in the life of the Russian Orthodox Church and secular society, and contributing to the growth of self-understanding of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Within the framework of the Sociology of Religion IL, fundamental and applied sociological research on religious issues is carried out. One of the main areas of work is the study of the effects of religiosity in societies where the mechanisms of intergenerational transmission of religion have been destroyed; an attempt is made to assess the specifics and dynamics of the diffusion of religion in society, the nature of its influence on people's behavior in various spheres of life. The research results are presented in the form of publications in scientific journals, and are also presented to practitioners in the framework of round tables, workshops, and summer schools. Analytical reports are published on the project website.

Research projects are being implemented with the support of the PSTGU Development Fund, Russian and international foundations, including the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Russian Humanitarian Foundation, ISEPI, and the Swiss Science Foundation.

Currently, 10 projects are being implemented in parallel. From 2008 to 2016, about 150 scientific papers were published (including articles, reviews, monographs and chapters from collections). In 2016, the laboratory staff took part in 44 scientific and practical events, among which 14 were organized at universities abroad.

The laboratory is in constant cooperation with universities and research centers in the USA and Europe, including the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, the University of Bologna and the University of Padua (Italy), the University of Bern (Switzerland), the University of Vienna (Austria), the Abo Academy (Finland) and others. Since 2015, the laboratory has been conducting annual research together with the Synodal Department for Church Charity and Social Service.

Scientific Center for the Psychology of Religion at the Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Aspects of Culture

The Center was established in 2014 and is currently the only scientific center for the psychology of religion in Russia.

The purpose of the center is to update the psychology of religion as a religious discipline in the domestic scientific space.

The main directions of the center's work are: actualization and adaptation of the main directions of the world psychology of religion in the Russian context; the study of world and national history of the psychology of religion in their relationship; conducting empirical research in the field of psychology of religion.

In 2014-2016 Center project "Contemporary Western Psychology of Religion: Adaptation in the Russian Context" received a grant from the Russian Science Foundation No. 14-18-03771 (project completed).

In 2016-2017 project of the center "Psychology of Religion in Russia: XIX - early. XXI century”, received support from the Russian Humanitarian Foundation under the grant 16-03-00799.

During the work of the center, its employees published more than 40 scientific articles, a collection of articles and a collective monograph.

Vestnik PSTGU

"Bulletin of the Orthodox St. Tikhon University for the Humanities" ( is a scientific publication designed to publish the main results of dissertation research for the degree of doctor and candidate of science, the results of other research in scientific areas developed at PSTGU. The PSTGU Bulletin also publishes original scientific materials of interest to social and humanitarian sciences and of theoretical and practical significance.

The predecessor of the PSTGU Bulletin from 1997 to 2003 was the Theological Collection, which published materials on theology, biblical philology, religious philosophy and church history. In 2003, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy, the “PSTGU Bulletin” appeared, which included the sections “Theology”, “Philology”, “History” and “Pedagogy”. Since 2005, Vestnik began to appear in two series: Theology. Philosophy (I) (since 2016 - Bulletin of PSTGU. Series I: Theology. Philosophy. Religious Studies) and History. History of the Russian Orthodox Church” (II), and since 2006 – in four: the series “Philology” (III) and “Pedagogy. Psychology” (IV). Since 2007, the fifth series “Musical Art” (V) has been published, which in 2010 changed its name to “Issues of the History and Theory of Christian Art”.

In 2010, the PSTGU Bulletin was included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission.

Annual International Theological Conference PSTGU

The conference has been held annually (since 1992) and covers a wide range of problems related to theology, including those in related humanitarian areas: philosophy; religious studies; theory, history of education and pedagogy; history and culture of the peoples of Russia; cultural studies; philology, sociology of religion in the system of university education.

The conference consists of two sessions: autumn, which is timed to coincide with the day of remembrance of St. Tikhon on October 9, and winter, taking place in late January - early February.

Over the entire period of its existence, representatives of domestic and foreign theological schools, theological faculties of secular universities, scientists from Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Ukraine, England, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Cyprus, the Netherlands, USA, Romania, France, etc. In 2016-2017 the twenty-seventh PSTGU Theological Conference has already taken place. The circle of conference participants is constantly expanding, which contributes to the achievement of the main goal - the unity of church and secular science in the field of Christian knowledge. At each session of the conference, more than 20 sections and round tables are held, up to 250 reports are heard.

As a result of the conference, the annual collection "Materials of the Annual Theological Conference" is published.

Postgraduate studies at PSTGU have been open since 2004. There are 8 accredited main professional educational programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in scientific areas: Theology, Philosophy of religion and religious studies, Classical philology, Byzantine and modern Greek philology, Domestic history, General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education, Russian language, Russian literature, Musical art . Most of the programs are implemented both full-time and part-time. In the areas of Theology and Religious Studies, budget places are available.

Educational and educational work

The idea of ​​organizing an open theological education for the laity in the Russian Orthodox Church, which was actively discussed before the revolution (such educational structures were formed in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan on the eve of the revolution or immediately after it), was most successfully implemented by Russian emigrants in Paris (St. Institute), and then in New York (St. Vladimir Theological Academy). These educational institutions played a huge role in the development of Orthodox church life in the West. From among the graduates of the Sergius Theological Institute in Paris, more than fifty became bishops of various Orthodox Churches, many priests and laity who received theological education at the Russian Institute, worked to establish Orthodoxy throughout the world.

The task of the Orthodox St. Tikhon Theological Institute, created when the Russian Orthodox Church, after a long period of persecution, gained freedom, was to train qualified personnel necessary for church work in all areas of church and public life. In addition, the Church had to take advantage of the freedom that had come and make theological and Orthodox humanitarian education accessible to all who sought to return to Orthodox culture, to the Orthodox faith, to the spiritual roots of the Russian people.

The basis of academic work at PSTGU was the principle of basic fundamental education common to classical universities, combined with a serious study of foreign languages, philosophy and national history. As the professional level increases, the highly specialized workload increases. In senior years, students complete term papers, then choose the topic of their thesis, supervisor. The fourth year ends with the defense of the thesis. In the case of a successfully completed curriculum and defense, a bachelor's degree is issued. Those who wish to deepen their knowledge and acquire a higher professional level enter the magistracy. The magistracy also ends with the defense of the master's work. For its implementation, future masters often have to undergo an internship abroad, master a foreign language well, and actively work in foreign archives and libraries. The next level is postgraduate study and the preparation of a PhD thesis. At all levels, students listen to lectures, work in seminars, pass tests and exams, participate in any general faculty or university-wide additional workloads.

From the first year, students work in summer labor camps, missionary trips are organized in the following courses, a variety of practices (depending on the specialty). From the first year, all students participate in liturgical life, usually organized by faculties. There are student scientific circles at the faculties, festive performances, concerts, meetings with famous hierarchs, learned theologians, etc. are organized.

The University has a number of joint scientific and educational programs with domestic and foreign educational institutions, scientific organizations and foundations, international student and teacher exchange programs are being implemented, and international conferences are being held.

Constant contacts are maintained with foreign educational centers: Orthodox St. Sergius Theological Institute (Paris, France), St. Vladimir Theological Academy (USA), theological faculties of the universities of Belgrade (Serbia), Bucharest (Romania), Sofia (Bulgaria), the Institute of Orthodox Studies (Cambridge, UK), Christian Theological Academy (Warsaw, Poland), Institute for Eastern Christian Studies (Nijmegen, Holland), Faculty of Theology of the University. Humboldt (Berlin, Germany), the University of Friborg (Switzerland).

Every year, about 150 citizens from the CIS countries, near and far abroad study at PSTGU. For an internship, for a period of more than 1 semester, the university accepts an average of 11 foreign students every year. In turn, more than 10 PSTGU students annually undergo internships at foreign universities.


Open Day

From 11:30 Likhov lane, 6, building 1

Admissions Committee PSTGU

schedule Working mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 18:00

Latest reviews of PSTGU

Sofia Fedorova 13:03 12.02.2018

PSTGU is love ❤ To say that I am glad that I got here is to say nothing.

You know, when you want (stubbornly want) to go to one university, and God brings you more than by the hand to another university... You resist to the last, and then you wonder - why, why does He give you happiness against your will? PSTGU ... BF ... Likhov ... The German teacher treats with cakes and gives chocolates for the best independent. The sophomore practically orders to follow him, opens the door, puts him in, push him in ...

Elena Tataroy 16:19 05.11.2013

I studied at the University for 7 years. All life and study within the walls of the university will forever remain a diamond in my biography. I studied with teachers who devoted their whole lives to their work, their vocation. They infect with interest and love for their subject. It was easy for me to find friends, share my difficulties and successes, because the majority of young people, just like me, were looking for communication, sharing knowledge and hobbies. Besides the fact that I received a good education and the desired profession, I ...

Gallery PSTGU

general information

Educational private institution of higher education "Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University"


No. 02603 is valid Indefinitely from 06/22/2017


No. 02699 valid from 01.11.2017 to 01.11.2023

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for PSTGU

Indicator18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)4 4 5 3 4
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of education67.82 66.63 69.38 66.07 66.48
Average USE score credited to the budget72.03 70.18 71.86 69.39 71.21
Average USE score enrolled on a commercial basis65.7 65.61 66.30 63.74 62.07
The average for all specialties is the minimum USE score enrolled in the full-time department52.69 53.49 56.59 50.70 50.97
Number of students1462 1682 1703 1889 2039
full-time department1017 1135 1095 1182 1221
Part-time department118 143 150 145 156
Extramural327 404 458 562 662
All data Report Report Report Report Report

University Reviews

TOP-5 minimum and maximum passing scores of the Unified State Examination in 2013 for budget places in Moscow universities in the direction of study "Economics".


Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University was founded in 1992. It was created by His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow, who, together with the Academic Council, appointed Vladimir Vorobyov as rector of PSTGU, who has been successfully working at the university to this day.

Forms of study at PSTGU

The Orthodox University has been working in the field of higher education for 20 years, and all this time it has focused on the highest quality of education and its accessibility. Therefore, all full-time students at PSTGU study completely free of charge, but the cost of evening or correspondence education is also significantly inferior to the cost at other universities - only 18,000 rubles a year.

There are 10 faculties and 28 different areas and specialties on the territory of the university. The basis of training in each of them is a deep study of foreign languages ​​- 17 languages ​​are taught at PSTU, among which there are both modern and ancient ones. Much attention in the university is given to history and philosophy. But most importantly, this university provides an opportunity for every person, regardless of their gender, as well as material and physical status, to become useful to the Church.

At the moment, more than 2,000 people study at PSTU in full-time, evening and correspondence courses, and about 500 people undergo professional retraining in the specialty "Theology".

Applicants have the opportunity to study at the preparatory department, as well as at the Choir School, where they can receive a secondary vocational education. During the academic year, the university holds the AKSIOS Olympiad in 11 different subjects, the winners of which in the future have advantages over other applicants for admission to PSTGU.

Upon graduation from the university with a bachelor's degree, a student can continue his studies to obtain a master's degree. And for people who have already received education in ordinary secular universities, there is the possibility of obtaining a second higher education or taking a course to improve their skills.

Scientific activity of PSTGU

Senior students of PSTGU apply the knowledge gained at lectures and seminars in the scientific activities of the university. A department of the Modern History of the Russian Orthodox Church is opened for them, where they study history even more carefully, and on the basis of this they write dissertations. There is also an information analytical center for the Faculty of Social Sciences, equipped with modern computers with Internet access.

Seminars on missionary service and problems of theology are held at various faculties. On them, students can express their opinion on how to convey the word of God to the population of the country and how to help those in need. Also, PSTGU organizes meetings of the Philaret seminar together with the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, thanks to which students who were able to show themselves well there can count on further work in this church.

Students who do not want to leave the university after graduation can continue to work there as a graduate student. In 2010, the Dissertation Council was opened here, which includes the best specialists not only from PSTGU, but also from various faculties of Moscow State University and other leading universities in Russia.

Every year, the university hosts the International Theological Conference, where students, together with their teachers, discuss the problems of theology, as well as philosophy, history and pedagogy.

International relations PSTGU

The best students of the university can receive additional education, as well as undergo internships and practice at the best foreign universities, thanks to the close cooperation of PSTGU with:

  • Paris Orthodox St. Sergius Theological Institute;
  • Humboldt University of Berlin;
  • Catholic University of Paris;
  • Georgian Patriarchal University named after St. Andrew the First-Called;
  • the Swiss University of Fribourg;
  • St. Vladimir's Theological Academy in the USA;
  • Italian Catholic University of Milan.

The close relationship of the university with the universities of Australia, North America, the Middle East, Northern, Eastern and Western Europe allows PSTU together with them to conduct a number of different research and educational programs. And thanks to this, university students receive a free education at the Russian Orthodox University of the same high quality as they would receive it abroad.

Also, students and teachers of the university often travel with a missionary mission to the most remote corners of Russia in order to convey the word of God to everyone. Since the beginning of the university's work, 136 such trips have been made in Russia and 2 trips abroad - to Albania and Thailand.

Student life at PSTGU

But the life of a student does not end with lectures and seminars. In 2010, the campus was opened and consecrated, which has a hostel for out-of-town students, a canteen, a library with a huge variety of books and a chapel where you can pray.

Also, students from the first year of study at PSTGU participate in the liturgy, arrange colorful festive performances in which they can show their acting talent, hold concerts where they can show their talents, and also meet famous theologians on the territory of the university. In addition, there are sports sections on the basis of the university, and the mini-football team participates in various competitions, often winning prizes.

UNIQUENESS OF PSTGU Studying at PSTGU, students have the opportunity to simultaneously develop in different directions, taking into account individual needs. On the one hand, the University offers at 9 faculties 52 programs of study in the field of liberal education in popular specialties with the issuance of state diplomas. On the other hand, the programs offered make it possible not only to obtain an actual specialty, but also to expand the range of competencies by studying foreign languages ​​and obtaining several professions.INTERNSHIP IN THE LEADING UNIVERSITIES OF EUROPE PSTGU creates opportunities for obtaining the first professional experience in the process of internships and practices. The university has partnerships with 12 universities in Europe and the USA, where PSTGU students can study and practice on exchange programs. Thus, each student can build an individual development trajectory, which may include obtaining several specialties at once, good language and theological training. EDUCATION QUALITY CRITERIA The quality of education is an important criterion for evaluating the activities of PSTGU, which is achieved through the scientific activities of the university, its own methods, the high level of qualifications of teachers and well-known invited experts. PSTGU teachers are high-level experts in their fields, often speak at Russian and international scientific conferences, as well as give lectures at other universities. Students from Europe and the USA are also trained and trained within the walls of the university. PSTGU AND SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY For those who wish to devote themselves to scientific activities, the university provides the opportunity to continue their studies in the magistracy and postgraduate studies, publish works in the publications of PSTU, work in research centers, and participate in conferences.STUDENT LIFE The university has an active and diverse student life, it is the venue for numerous scientific and cultural events. MATERIAL AND TECHNICAL BASE OF PSTGU The good material and technical base of the university allows the use of modern technologies in the learning process. Also, students can use libraries, electronic resources, canteens, and even a co-working studio to prepare for classes and relax. A hostel is provided for non-resident students. AVAILABILITY OF BUDGET PLACES AND HOSTEL In 2018 the university offers applicants 375 "budget" places, some of which are funded from the state budget, part - from own funds, as well as 392 places on a paid basis. For the period of study at PSTGU, young men of military age are granted a deferment from the army. Studying at PSTGU requires students to be purposeful, hard-working and willing to learn. Only in this case, all the opportunities that the university provides will allow you to get a good base and the benefits necessary for further employment.PSTGU is waiting for its students!

St. Tikhon's University stands apart among higher educational institutions. First, it is a non-state university. Secondly, by and large, this is the only university where a person who does not belong to the church can receive a theological education. The university began with spiritual and educational lectures held by priests in the mid-1980s in Moscow. In 1990 the Theological Catechism Courses were opened. A few years later they were transformed into the Orthodox St. Tikhon Theological Institute, which later received the status of a university.

Benefits of St. Tikhon University

  • This year, the university has become one of the most efficient Russian universities. It received the highest marks in the following criteria: scientific research, international and educational activities, employment of graduates.
  • Thanks to the extensive international connections of the university, its students undergo internships in different countries. The doors are open for them at the University of Belgrade (Serbia), the University of Nis (Serbia), the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Italy), the Georgian University. Andrew the First-Called (Georgia), the University of Bucharest (Romania), etc. In addition, students of PSTGU can apply for Swiss federal scholarships.
  • The university has its own icon-painting workshop, where teachers, graduates, and senior students work. They not only continue the traditions of the Russian and Byzantine styles, but also develop the foundations of a new iconography.
  • The structure of the university includes a choir school and the Theological Institute, as well as 9 research centers and laboratories.
  • In the ranking of popular universities in Russia for 2016, the university takes 3rd place.

How hard is it to get into the budget?

Unfortunately, since this is a private university, there are few budget places allocated, but the passing score is quite low.

  • Theology - from 155 points, in all profiles - 20 budget places;
  • Religious studies - from 152 points, in total 15 budget places;
  • Philology - from 157 points, 12 budget places in all profiles;
  • Social work - from 149 points, 8 budget places
  • History - from 185 points;
  • Pedagogical education - from 150 points, 13 places;
  • Painting - from 166 points;
  • Sociology - from 152 points, 8 places;
  • Mathematical support and administration of information systems - from 160 points, 10 places;
  • Economics - from 166 points, etc.

There are 51 areas of training in total. Forms of education: full-time, bachelor's, specialist's, master's, postgraduate studies.

Enrollment Benefits on the budget have all categories of persons provided for by federal legislation. Without exams, winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian and International Olympiads for schoolchildren are accepted.

Individual achievements are counted as follows:

  • the status of a winner or prize-winner of international sports competitions, a silver or gold TRP badge - 2 points;
  • school certificate with honors, gold and silver medal - 5 points;
  • college diploma with honors - 5 points;
  • certificates of the winner or prize-winner of the Olympiads held by the university - 5 points;
  • volunteer activity - 3 points.

The sum of additional points cannot be more than 10.

Disadvantages of the university

According to individual students, St. Tikhon's University is... A specific educational institution. They have a negative attitude towards unchurched people, forgetting that PSTGU is still not a seminary. Another disadvantage: strict rules, it will not be possible to combine with a part-time job even in senior courses, a session can include up to 10 exams. Most students believe that education here is good, but it is “completely unclear” where one can get a job with an Orthodox diploma, except for church organizations (the main thing here is to have suitable acquaintances). Secular institutions are wary and hired, rather, as an exception, it is extremely difficult to find something worthwhile. Therefore, if you cannot call yourself a person close to the Russian Orthodox Church, it is better to choose, say, a more secular educational institution.

In contact with

Orthodox St. Tikhon University for the Humanities is a non-state educational institution of higher professional education, implementing educational programs of professional higher and postgraduate, pre-university and additional professional education, performing fundamental and applied scientific research in a wide range of sciences, educational areas and specialties.

The University was founded by the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) represented by His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia and the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1992 as the Orthodox St. Tikhon Theological Institute.

Education in full-time departments - free (upon receiving the first higher education)

The university accepts citizens for full-time education on the basis of contracts no tuition fees, on part-time and part-time forms on the basis of contracts with payment of the cost of education by legal entities and (or) individuals.

PSTGU became the first secular university in the history of Russia, where a layman can receive a complete higher theological education. According to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, "St. Tikhon's University provides an opportunity for people, regardless of their social status and gender, to receive a theological education and become useful to the Church."

The basis of education at all faculties is the principle of basic fundamental university education, based on a deep study of national history, philosophy and foreign languages. (17 modern and ancient foreign languages ​​are taught at PSTGU).

Master's degree

After completing the four-year bachelor's training, the student has the opportunity to continue his studies for a master's degree. The master's program operates in 9 areas:

  • Theology,
  • religious studies,
  • Story,
  • Philology,
  • Teacher Education,
  • Economy,
  • art history,
  • Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts,
  • Conducting.

Second degree

PSTGU provides an opportunity to get a theological education for people who already have a higher secular education. Among our graduates is the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation A.V. Konovalov; Director of the Department of Interethnic Relations of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation A.V. Zhuravsky; Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Director of the Polar Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.K. Zhirov and others.

Directions of preparation:

The University has 10 faculties:

Faculty of Theology- directions (undergraduate) "Philology", "Philosophy", directions (bachelor's and master's) "Theology" and "Religious Studies"..

Missionary faculty– directions (bachelor's degree) "Religious studies", "Culturology", "Tourism", "Social work".

Faculty of Education– direction (bachelor's and master's) "Pedagogical education (primary education)".

Faculty of Philology- direction (undergraduate and graduate) "Philology" (domestic and foreign philology).

History department- direction (undergraduate and graduate) "History".

Faculty of Church Arts- specialty "Painting" (departments of restoration, icon painting, monumental art); directions (bachelor's and master's) "History of Art", "Decorative and Applied Arts and Folk Crafts.

Faculty of church singing- specialty "Artistic direction of the opera - symphony orchestra and academic choir", direction (bachelor's degree) "Conducting";

Department of secondary vocational education- Choir School - specialty "Choral Conducting".

Social Sciences– direction (undergraduate and graduate) "Economics", "Sociology".

Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics - direction (bachelor's degree) "Mathematical support and administration of information systems".

Faculty of Additional Education- professional retraining programs, advanced training programs, short-term distance advanced training courses in theology and the basics of Orthodox theology and culture.

Department of pre-university training provides training for applicants in all areas of the University.

Students of all faculties receive a basic theological education. The list of theological disciplines and their content correspond to the programs adopted in the higher theological educational institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church.

A postgraduate course and a dissertation Academic Council for the defense of theological and church-historical dissertations for the degree of candidate, master, doctor of theology, doctor of church history has been opened.

Lectures and seminars are held in the buildings of the University at the following addresses: st. Novokuznetskaya, 23 B; st. Ilovaiskaya, 9; 1st Novokuznetsky lane, 4; st. Bakhrushina, 8, etc. The university has 6 icon-painting workshops, 2 mosaic and fresco workshops, 3 church sewing workshops, 1 icon restoration workshop.

International activity

PSTGU carries out wide international cooperation. The geography of the university's international contacts includes the countries of Eastern, Western and Northern Europe, Asia, the Middle East, North America and Australia. The university has a number of joint scientific and educational programs with such foreign universities as the Orthodox St. Sergius Theological Institute (Paris, France), St. Vladimir Theological Academy (USA), University. Humboldt University (Berlin, Germany), University of Friborg (Switzerland), Catholic University of Milan (Italy), Catholic University of Paris (France), Institute for Eastern Christian Studies (Niemengen, Holland), Patriarchal University. Andrew the First-Called (Georgia).

The most successful students of PSTGU undergo additional training, internships and practice in foreign educational centers. University teachers travel to lecture, conduct academic and scientific work in foreign educational and scientific institutions. Foreign experts speak to our students with lecture courses.

student life

In 2010, the consecration of the campus at 9 Ilovayskaya Street (Maryino, Bratislavskaya metro station) took place. It includes a hostel, an educational building, a refectory, a library and a chapel.

In their free time, our students lead an active student life. From the first year, everyone participates in the liturgical life organized by faculties. Festive performances, concerts, meetings with famous hierarchs, learned theologians, etc. are held at the faculties. The all-university futsal team successfully takes part in various competitions.

We are waiting for you at the Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University!