Russian language as a means of international communication essay. Russian language as a means of interethnic communication in the modern cultural and speech situation

The national language is the language that is the means of written and oral communication of the national community. The national language creates the basis of intra-national unity, serves the communication of the nation as a whole, provides social interaction and socio-cultural relations in the process of communication between all members of the nation belonging to different socio-cultural strata.

The national language develops during the development of the nationality into a nation, it inherits the structure of the language of the nationality. Like the latter, it is a national language, that is, it is formed by all varieties of speech means of communication between people - local dialects, vernacular, literary language. National language - a set of varieties of a given language, united by the commonality of the main vocabulary, as well as grammatical and, to a certain extent, phonetic systems. In the course of the formation of a nation, the processes of strengthening linguistic unity are developing, leveling local dialect features, and common norms are being established for all native speakers. The development of a new literary language is accompanied by the strengthening of the functions of the written language, the development of various forms of oral speech.

The national language is formed in various ways, but it remains indispensable that it is the language of an ethnos that precedes the nation. In some cases, a common national language is formed on the basis of consolidated or assimilated ethnic groups. Another way for the emergence of a national language is ethnic separation, i.e., the division of one ethnic group into several related ones. Thus, the division of the Eastern Slavs meant the formation of three independent ethnic groups (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians). Accordingly, independent languages ​​began to form, first of nationalities, and then the national language of Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians.

The national language tends to self-develop, but its vocabulary can expand due to foreign words and terms. Linguists have established that the only criterion that determines the perfection of a particular national language is the ability to express in it the entire amount of knowledge accumulated by mankind. The real social functions of the national language are also connected with such a phenomenon as the degree of its prevalence not only within, but also outside of a given national community.

The overwhelming majority of each nation has its own language. As a rule, each nation speaks the same language. However, there are cases when dialect differences within a language are so great that communication between individual territorial groups of the population without knowledge of the generally accepted literary language is impossible. Thus, the Germans of Northern Germany do not understand well the Germans from the south of Germany. There are also great differences between dialects of the Chinese language.

The state language is a language that has an appropriate legal status, which is used in a given country in the activities (including official office work) of public authorities and local governments, government agencies, enterprises and organizations, as well as in the publication of laws and other regulatory legal acts. .

As a rule, the state language enjoys special support and care from the state in order to spread and develop it. Often, the issues of studying, developing and using the state language are regulated by special legal acts. Sometimes languages ​​with a similar status and social functions are called official languages, but they do not have strict obligatory and universality.

In some countries, two or more languages ​​have been declared official languages. This is mainly due to the multinational multi-ethnic composition of the population of this state. So, in Finland there are two official languages ​​- Finnish and Swedish, in Malta there are also two official languages ​​- Maltese and English, in India - Hindi and English, and in Switzerland there are four official languages ​​- German, French, Italian and Romansh. In Canada, in order not to aggravate relations between English-speaking and French-speaking Canadians, instead of the status of the state language, two official languages ​​have been established - English and French.

Russia is a multinational, multiethnic state. According to the 1989 census, people of 128 nationalities live on its territory, while Russians make up about 82% of the total population. Therefore, the regulation of the use of languages ​​in Russia is a problem of constitutional significance. In Art. 68 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states that the state language of the Russian Federation throughout its territory is Russian. The republics within the Russian Federation have the right to establish their own state languages. The Russian Federation guarantees to all its peoples the right to preserve their native language, create conditions for its study and development.

Thus, on the scale of the entire Russian Federation, there is only one state language - Russian, that is, the language of the state-forming and most numerous nation of Russia. The Federation creates conditions for the study by all citizens of Russia of its state language. In all educational institutions, except for preschool ones, the study of the Russian language is regulated by uniform state educational standards. At the same time, in the interests of citizens who do not speak this language, it is provided that they can use the language they know in state bodies, organizations, enterprises and institutions of Russia, and in cases provided for by law, they are provided with an appropriate translation.

At the same time, in Russia everyone has the right to use their native language, to freely choose the language of communication, education, training and creativity (Article 26 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). The law “On the languages ​​of the peoples of the RSFSR” dated October 25, 1991 states that propaganda of hostility and disdain for any language, the creation of obstacles, restrictions and privileges in the use of languages ​​that contradict the Constitution, and other violations of the legislation on the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia and the republics in its composition are unacceptable .

In the political and legal sense, the status of the official language is close to the state language, which differs from it only in a less strict status and regulation. Therefore, often these two names - state and official - are used as equivalent. The language of the state, international organization, congresses, conferences is proclaimed as the official one, in which office work, correspondence and public speeches are made in government bodies, at meetings, radio, television, etc.

The languages ​​of interethnic communication include languages ​​that perform broader functions than national ones and are used in a multinational multi-ethnic state as an intermediary language. This role can be played by the language of the most numerous nation in a given state or the language of the metropolis in former colonial countries. So, in tsarist Russia and in the USSR, the language of interethnic communication was Russian (it largely retains this function to this day throughout the CIS). In some cases, the language of interethnic communication coincides with the official language. So, in India, the official English language simultaneously performs the role of the language of interethnic communication. The Portuguese language in Angola has the status of an official language and is also the language of interethnic communication.

Usually, the functions of the language of interethnic communication are performed by one of the national languages, and this role is formed historically, due to the objective properties of this language. In some countries, the actual role of the language of international communication is legally fixed. So, in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, the Russian language is legally recognized as the language of interethnic communication.

State budgetary institution of vocational education of the Republic of Mordovia "Ruzaevsky Railway Industrial College named after A.P. Baikuzov"


at the All-Russian practical conference

"Russian language in the dialogue of cultures"

on the topic: "Russian language in interethnic communication"

teacher of Russian language and literature

Bikbayeva Linara Kasimovna

All people on our planet can speak. They speak different languages, but in any language, the main task is to help in understanding each other when communicating. Without language, the development of society, science, technology, and art is impossible. Language is the main means of communication. It serves to express thoughts. You must always express your thought clearly, accurately and figuratively, what you need to learn. L.N. Tolstoy said: “To handle language somehow means to think somehow: inaccurately, approximately, incorrectly.”

The Russian language is the language of the Russian nation. By studying the language, we study the culture and history of the country. For the first time in its modern form, the Russian language appeared in the 19th century, in the era of A.S.Pushkin , since he is the founder of the modern Russian language, which we speak and which is understandable to everyone.

Russian is the official language of the Russian Federation. It serves all spheres of human activity on the territory of Russia: all documentation is processed on it, teaching is conducted in all educational institutions.

Russian language is the language of interethnic communication of the peoples of the USSR

The Soviet Union was a multinational state. More than 130 languages ​​were spoken in our country. All national languages ​​were equal.
“Among the equal national languages, the Russian language acted as the language of interethnic communication between the peoples of the USSR.

All nations and nationalities of the USSR voluntarily adopted the Russian language as a means of interethnic communication. Knowledge of the Russian language, along with the native language, served to bring all nations and nationalities closer together into a single Soviet family - the Soviet people.

As a means of interethnic communication, the Russian language helped to solve the problems of the political, economic and cultural development of our multinational country.

The Russian language helped the peoples of the USSR to join the advanced social ideas, to the riches of Russian and world scientific thought and culture.
The Russian language played the role of an intermediary between all the languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR, served the mutual enrichment of national cultures, since works of fiction of all nationalities were translated into Russian.
Many national writers and poets of our country: Kyrgyz Chingiz Aitmatov, Abkhazian Georgy Gulia, Azerbaijani Chingiz Huseynov, Uzbek Raim Farhadi, Kazakh Olzhas Suleimenov, Chukchi Yuri Rytkheu and others wrote their works in Russian.

Interacting with the languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR, the Russian language itself was enriched, improved, and developed at the same time. Vocabulary was especially enriched, which reflected the changes taking place in political life, in science and culture.

The Russian language was the most widespread among other languages ​​in our country.

The little Chukchi was going to Artek. He asked his father: “How can I talk to a Georgian there? After all, I don’t know a word of Georgian.” "Don't worry," answered the father, you know the language, which is understandable to the Georgians.

The little Georgian was also going to Artek. He also asked his father:

“How can I speak with a Latvian there? After all, I don’t know a word of Latvian.” And his father answered him: "Don't worry, you know the language that the Bashkirs understand."

Russian language as a means of international communication

peoples of the CIS

Our Motherland is still a multinational state. The Russian language, which was the main language of interethnic communication in the USSR, unfortunately, was not able to preserve its dialects in far from all the republics that gained independence. And in the 1990s of the victorious procession of the “university parade”, Russian began to be actively replaced in some republics. As a symbol of Soviet totalitarianism, although in the 90s there were still a lot of Russian-speaking people there.

How does the Russian language feel today in the post-Soviet space?

I was born in the city of Baku. In Azerbaijan, in Soviet times, not knowing the Russian language was considered bad form. Bakuvians even had a special reprimand: the obligatory “Yes!” at the end of any sentence.

Today there are about 150 thousand Russians in Azerbaijan, 378 Russian schools. All Russian TV channels are broadcast, local TV and radio programs are broadcast in Russian. And yet, the Russian language is slowly being pushed out of everyday life. In 2003, the translation from Cyrillic to "Azerbaijani Latin" began. Today, priority is given to English.

In Kazakhstan, the Russian language, according to the Constitution of the Republic, is the language of interethnic communication. It is spoken by more than 10% of the population, and there are four million Russians in Kazakhstan. The President of Kazakhstan addresses his people in two languages ​​- first in Kazakh, and then in Russian. Half of the schools teach in a mixed language; in Russian.

The Russian language was given to the newly independent states not as Russian, but as Soviet; the language of the USSR and the language of the Soviet people. In this function, the Russian language manifests itself in two main qualities.

Firstly, the "Soviet language" took on the role of the language of interethnic communication within the new independent states. Secondly, it acts as an age (generational) means of communication. Thus, the need for the Russian language will naturally decrease as the “Soviet” generations decrease.

Today, the Russian language still plays the role of the language of interethnic communication. The Russian language in a number of CIS countries continues to be used in business circles, financial and banking systems, and in some government agencies. The majority of the population of these countries (about 70%) is still quite fluent in it.

However, the situation may change dramatically in a generation, as there is a process (recently it has somewhat slowed down, but not stopped) of the destruction of the Russian-speaking space, the consequences of which are beginning to be felt today.

The place of the Russian language among the languages ​​of the world

“And we will save you, Russian speech, the great Russian word…” - these are the words of the poetess Anna Akhmatova, which have not lost their relevance for several decades. The prosperity of the national culture directly depends on the attitude of the people to their history. The Russian language has come a long way of development. Today, when thinking about the international significance of the Russian language, it is enough to look at the statistics. More than 250 million speakers of it from all over the world - the figure is more than impressive.

At present, it becomes problematic to find a single means of communication for 250 countries. Every citizen respects the cultural heritage of his state and prefers to speak exclusively in his own language. For the world community, this difficulty was eradicated with the approval of the so-called world languages, which include Russian. Today it is a means of communication on television, airlines, in trade. Of course, the great importance of the Russian language is due to the fact that it is spoken by millions of people from different points around the world. Every intelligent person will consider it an honor to quote the great thoughts of Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov, Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy and other leading writers of Russia.

The study of the Russian language contributes to the mutual exchange of experience between peoples, to familiarize them with the cultural achievements in our country and with world culture.

In different countries, they study Russian, which has become a language of international importance, along with English, Spanish, and Chinese.

Documents of the United Nations are published in Russian, international agreements and treaties on important vital issues of cooperation between the peoples of the globe are written in it. Interest in the Russian language is connected with the desire of people from different countries to get to know the culture of Russia, its science and technology, the way of life of a Russian person. Thus, the Russian language is of world importance.

The world significance of the Russian language is manifested not only in the wide spread of its study in the modern world, but also in the influence, primarily of its lexical composition, on other languages. Everyone knows and understands the Russian word satellite, which is already included in the dictionaries of many languages. Following the word satellite, other words and expressions related to space exploration began to be used in the languages ​​of other countries: lunar, soft landing, lunar rover, astronaut, spaceport. The Russian language introduced into international wide use the word orbit (from Latin orbis - circle, wheel, wheel track) in expressions to go into orbit, put into orbit. New words associated with the space age have become so firmly established in the speech of a number of countries that they began to be used both as proper names and as common nouns. Along with "cosmic" words, Russian words also entered other languages, reflecting various aspects of the life of the new, socialist state. Even a new term has entered linguistic science - sovietisms, that is, words borrowed from the Russian language in the Soviet era. And how many new words entered other languages ​​during the years of perestroika!

Every language is a whole world. Language is not only a subject for study, but the living soul of the people, their joy, pain, memory, treasure. It should evoke in each of us ardent love, gratitude, and a reverent attitude. The language of each, even the smallest people, is a whole world full of charm and magic...

There is no language that does not deserve respect. Not only large, but also small peoples live on earth. Each of them has its own language, which is dear to children, like the voice of a mother, like the bread of their native land.

I love the Russian language, but I also love my native Tatar. I want my language to live and develop. Once the writer K. Kuliyev said very precise words:

“Respect and love for the Russian language, which I have been speaking for many years and which I admire, continuing to study it, does not at all prevent me from loving speech - the language of my mother.”

And how actual the words of the Uzbek poet Sabir Abdulla sound:

If you want to fight fate

If you are looking for the joy of a flower garden,

If you need a solid support -

Learn Russian language!

He is your mentor, great, mighty,

He is a translator, he is a conductor.

If you storm the keys of knowledge -

Learn Russian language…

Gorky's vigilance,

Endless Tolstoy,

Pushkin's lyrics pure spring

They shine with the mirror image of the Russian word.

Learn Russian language!

Today there are more than 10 thousand languages ​​and dialects on the planet. This was reported not so long ago by David Dalby, head of the international organization Linguistic Observatory, headquartered in Carmarthen.

The Russian language is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world: according to some estimates, up to 300 million people on the planet consider it their native language. An even greater number of people use it in international and professional communication.

Texts in Russian are the history of civilization. It is they who record its achievements for many centuries. And the heart of this great civilization of world significance is literature - sacred Russian literature, as Thomas Mann spoke of it. Its spiritual heights, embodied in a unique, richest language, are both an object of study for us, philologists, and a source of pride for Russian specialists all over the world.

And what is the language of interethnic communication?

The language of interethnic communication is the language that is used by the peoples of a multinational state for mutual communication.

The Russian language is the language of interethnic communication, since Russia is multinational. And it serves all areas of activity of people living on Russian territory. And also in Russian they write the most important documents of the country and hold a meeting, etc.

In the middle of the twentieth century, the Russian language became the world language. Russian is one of the Indo-European languages, and related to many Slavic languages.

It is one of the most developed world languages. Its rich vocabulary and terms in all branches of science and technology, brevity, expressiveness and clarity of lexical and grammatical means, the development of a system of functional styles provide an opportunity to reflect the diversity of the surrounding world. The Russian language can be used in all spheres of public life, through it the most diverse information is transmitted, the subtlest shades of thought are expressed.

The second reason why the Russian language is widespread is that many emigrants from Russia live in Europe, in the USA, in Canada. Russians also love to travel the world and read books and communicate with people. I heard that in some American or Israeli cities all sellers know Russian: they have Russian-speaking buyers. Arabs and Turks learn Russian: Russians come to them to rest. And I also heard that in Beijing there is even a Russian shopping center, where all the sellers know Russian very well.

The third reason for the significance of the Russian language in the world is literature. Russian literature is one of the greatest in world culture. The names of Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov and other great writers are known in far corners of the planet. Germans, French, Spaniards study Russian at universities in order to read the works of these authors in the original.

Now in the world among the languages ​​of interethnic communication, English is the leader. English words penetrate even into the Russian language, often littering it. But I think it's all relative.

Firstly, now a whole army of translators is working, translating from Russian into English: Russian culture influences the English language too. Secondly, once upon a time there was already a fashion: everyone spoke French. Then the fashion changed, and people rushed to something new. And the great and rich Russian language, Russian culture live for centuries and will continue to live.

M.V. Lomonosov wrote: “Charles 5, the Roman emperor, said that it was decent to speak Spanish with God, French with friends, German with the enemy, Italian with the female sex. But if he had been taught the Russian language, then of course he would have added that it was proper for them to speak with all of them, for he would find in him the splendor of Spanish, the liveliness of French, the strength of German, the tenderness of Italian, and, moreover, the richness of the brevity of Greek and Latin, which is strong in images. language."

The first All-Russian census for 1897 out of 128 million inhabitants of the Russian Empire, 86 million people spoke Russian. According to the All-Union Census of 1989 in the USSR, out of 285.7 million people, 145.4 were Russians, and 232.4 million people spoke Russian. According to the 1989 census, out of 146.5 million are Russians, almost 50% of the non-Russian country is fluent in Russian. 1989 show that 63.8 million people of the non-Russian population of the former Soviet republics of the USSR speak Russian as their native language or as a second language.

At present, when Mongolia is entering into new socio-economic relations, when our society is becoming more and more open, the demand for other foreign languages ​​is sharply increasing, that is, it becomes necessary to know 2-3 foreign languages.

Russians have a great political and economic influence in many countries, especially in Mongolia. Now the spread of the Russian language in the countries of the former USSR is not to everyone's liking. Some politicians seek to oust it and claim that it oppresses national languages. But people still communicate with each other in Russian, read Russian newspapers and books. The significance of the Russian language cannot be eliminated by artificial means.

One of these languages ​​is Russian. In the new socio-economic conditions, interest in the Russian language and its importance in Mongolia remain. And why? There are several reasons for this:

  • Interest in Russia, in its language among the Mongols has historical traditions.
  • Geographically, Russia and Mongolia are the closest neighbors.
  • Development of versatile contacts between Russia and Mongolia in the new economic conditions. Russia is one of the most real economic partners of Mongolia.
  • The Russian language still remains the main source of information, which is due to the following reasons: the intelligentsia, including the average Mongol, have a fairly good knowledge of the Russian language, the predominance of serious scientific literature, newspapers and magazines in Russian, interest in Russian television programs.
  • Sufficiently high professional training of Mongolian Russianists, both in theoretical and practical terms. Scientific research has always been at the center of attention of Russianists.
  • Creation of private schools with instruction in Russian according to Russian programs, the founders of which are business people who are sensitive to demand, that is, to the desire of parents to ensure that their children receive, first of all, good language training, as well as a better education.

In Mongolia, until 1990, the study of the Russian language in secondary schools was compulsory. In addition, taking into account the stay at that time of a larger number of Soviet specialists, there were many schools operating on the territory of the country that worked according to the program of Russian educational institutions. And not only in educational institutions, it was also included in the curriculum of the evening school for adults. Starting from the 5th grade, it was studied for 6 years.

The absence of textbooks and teaching aids in the Mongolian language and the resulting lectures in Russian served as one of the objective reasons for increasing attention to teaching the Russian language.

For example, in the curriculum of the Teachers' Institute at the beginning of the 50s, the study of the Russian language was given 2-3 times more hours than other, moreover, major subjects.

We have a rather wise saying in Mongolia, which, translated into Russian, sounds something like this: "If you open your mouth, open your soul inside out."

The last decade of the twentieth century, probably, can be called not a period of stagnation, but a period of choice, when everyone had the opportunity to determine for themselves the motive for learning a foreign language, as well as choose any foreign language for their education.

Thus, the Russian language has taken a natural place in the educational space of Mongolia, as determined by V.G. Kostomarov, "a worthy place among other foreign languages".


In my opinion, today the Russian language, despite everything, has not lost its relevance and relevance, its nature, rooted in the depths of centuries and the secret knowledge of ancient peoples, will allow its sincere admirers to discover new and new heights of knowledge, unexplored areas of science, a promising future for younger generations. And throughout the world, the Russian language has become directly and firmly linked with general cultural and utilitarian needs.

Interest in learning the Russian language has steadily grown from year to year, in connection with which the number of study hours allocated to it has increased more and more. And Russia has been and remains the closest partner in cooperation in the field of science and technology.

Russian language is the language of interethnic communication

The importance of the Russian language is great. This is explained by the fact that it acts in different conditions both as the native language of the Russian people, and as the state language of the Russian Federation, and as one of the world's languages ​​of communication in the near and far abroad.

"World languages ​​are some of the most common languages ​​used among themselves by representatives of different peoples outside the territories inhabited by people for whom they were originally native." (“Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Philologist.”) In determining the composition of world languages, the number of speakers in it is taken into account both in the country where native speakers live and beyond its borders, authority, the role of the country of this language in history and modernity; the formation of the national language, which has a long written tradition; established norms, well researched and described in grammars, dictionaries, textbooks.

World languages ​​cover international spheres - diplomacy, world trade, tourism. Scientists from different countries communicate on them, they are studied as "foreign languages" (that is, as a compulsory subject in universities and schools in most countries of the world). These languages ​​are the "working languages" of the United Nations (UN).

The United Nations recognizes English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Chinese and Hindi as official world languages. Any document in the UN is distributed in these languages.

The Russian language has become a universally recognized world language since the middle of the 20th century. Its global significance is due to the fact that it is one of the richest languages ​​in the world, in which the greatest fiction was created. Russian is one of the Indo-European languages, related to many Slavic languages. Many words of the Russian language entered the languages ​​of the peoples of the world without translation. These borrowings from the Russian language or through it have been observed for a long time. Back in the 16th-17th centuries, Europeans learned such words as the Kremlin, tsar, boyar, Cossack, caftan, hut, verst, balalaika, penny, pancake, kvass, etc. through the Russian language. Later, the words Decembrist, samovar, sundress, Chastushka, etc. As evidence of attention to changes in the socio-political life of Russia, such words as perestroika, glasnost, etc. have entered the languages ​​of the peoples of the world.

The richness of the Russian language and the literature created on it arouses interest in this language all over the world. It is studied not only by students, schoolchildren, but also by adults. In order to assist in teaching the Russian language outside our country, back in 1967, the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (MAPR5IL) was established in Paris. MAPRYAL publishes in our country for foreign teachers of the Russian language and literature magazines, methodological literature, holds international Olympiads in the Russian language among schoolchildren from different countries.

Language is the most important means of human communication, knowledge and creative development of the surrounding reality.

Russian is the national language of the Russian people. The Russian national language developed in the 16th-17th centuries. in connection with the formation of the Moscow state. It was based on Moscow and adjacent local dialects. The further development of the Russian national language is associated with its normalization and formation in the 18th-19th centuries. literary language. The literary language combined the features of the northern and southern dialects: in the phonetic system, the consonants corresponded to the consonants of the northern dialects, and the vowels were closer to the pronunciation in the southern dialects; vocabulary has more overlap with northern dialects (for example, rooster, but not kochet, wolf, but not biryuk).

Old Slavonic had a significant influence on the formation of the Russian national language. Its influence on the Russian language was undoubtedly beneficial: this is how borrowings entered the Russian literary language. disposition, drag, ignoramus, head, etc., Russian participles with suffixes -ah (-ch) were supplanted by Old Church Slavonic participles with suffixes -ashch (-box) (burning instead of hot).

In the course of its formation and development, the Russian national language borrowed and continues to borrow elements from other, unrelated languages, such as French, German, English, etc.

The national Russian language is a complex phenomenon, heterogeneous in its composition. And this is understandable: after all, it is used by people who differ in their social status, occupation, place of birth and residence, age, gender, level of culture, etc. All these differences of people are reflected in the language. Therefore, the language exists in several varieties:

· territorial dialects, as a local variety of language, exist in oral form and serve mainly for everyday communication (for example, busit, instead of drizzle, rudder, instead of towel and etc.).

· vernacular- a type of language used in the speech of poorly educated native speakers (for example, TV set, instead of TV, play up instead of play, bake, instead of you bake and etc.).

· Professional jargons- this is a type of language that is used in the speech of people of one profession (for example, spark, instead of spark at the drivers batten down the hatches instead of close the sailors say training aircraft called ladybug pilots, etc.).

· Social jargon use socially isolated groups of people in their speech (for example, spur, steppe- from student jargon, ancestors, horse racing- from youth jargon, etc.).

Territorial dialects, professional and social jargons, vernacular are included as an integral part of the national Russian language, but the basis, the highest form of existence of the national language is literary language. It serves various spheres of human activity: politics, legislation, culture, art, office work, everyday communication.

One of the main signs of a literary language - normalization. The standardization of the literary language lies in the fact that the meaning and use of words, pronunciation, spelling and the formation of grammatical forms are subject to a generally accepted pattern - the norm. Along with normalization, the literary language has the following features:

Sustainability (stability);

Mandatory for all native speakers;


Availability of functional styles;

The presence of oral and written forms.

In accordance with the "Law on the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia", the Russian language, which is the main means of interethnic communication between the peoples of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the established historical and cultural traditions, has the status state language throughout Russia.

Functions of the Russian language as a state language:

1. The Russian language is the language in which the highest legislative bodies of the Russian Federation work.

2. Texts of laws and other legal acts are published in Russian.

3. The Russian language as the state language is studied in secondary, secondary vocational and higher educational institutions.

4. Russian is the language of the mass media.

5. Russian is the language of communication in the areas of industry, transport, communications, services and commercial activities.

On the territory of Russia with its multinational population, the “Law on the Languages ​​of the Peoples of Russia” guarantees and ensures, along with the functioning of the Russian language as the state language, the creation of conditions for the development of the state languages ​​of the republics of the Russian Federation, for the preservation and development of the languages ​​of small peoples and ethnic groups.

The Russian language is not only the language of interethnic communication between the peoples of Russia, but also the peoples of the former CIS.

The functions of the Russian language are not limited to life within the nation and the Russian state, but also cover international spheres of communication, since the Russian language is one of the world languages. World languages ​​are called languages ​​that are means of interstate, international communication.

The Russian language has become one of the world languages ​​since the middle of the 20th century. The number of those who speak Russian to one degree or another now exceeds half a billion people. The Russian language meets all the requirements for world languages:

  • The Russian language is a means of communication for scientists, one of the languages ​​of science.
  • Russian is studied as a foreign language in many countries of the world.
  • Russian is the working language of such international organizations as: the UN, UNESCO, etc.

The Russian language is the language of the richest fiction, the world significance of which is exceptionally great.