Russian language test tasks for grade 5 This sentence must contain a dash.

Testing in Russian for grade 5

1. How many forms of speech are there in Russian? Choose the correct answer:

A) verbal only

B) oral and written form

B) in writing only

D) there are no forms of speech at all

2. When one person says this:

A) monologue

B) dialogical speech

C) monologue and dialogic speech

D) there is no correct answer

3. What is text:

4. What is the main idea of ​​the text:

A) what is said or who is said in the text

B) what the text teaches, what it calls for, for what it was written

C) a combination of sentences that are related in meaning and grammatically

D) a combination of two or more words that are related in meaning and grammatically

5. Define conversational style:

6. Define artistic style:

A) we use when transmitting scientific information, explanations, facts

C) we use it when you need to draw specific pictures and images with words

D) inherent in the materials of newspapers, magazines, radio and television programs

7. Define scientific style:

A) we use when transmitting scientific information, explanations, facts

C) we use it when you need to draw specific pictures and images with words

D) inherent in the materials of newspapers, magazines, radio and television programs

8. Define the journalistic style:

A) we use when transmitting scientific information, explanations, facts

C) we use it when you need to draw specific pictures and images with words

D) inherent in the materials of newspapers, magazines, radio and television programs

9. Define the official business style:

A) we use when transmitting scientific information, explanations, facts

C) we use in business correspondence of citizens with the state. institutions, and with each other +

D) inherent in the materials of newspapers, magazines, radio and television programs

10. with the help of what parts of the word new words are formed:

A) suffix and root

B) basis and ending

B) suffix and prefix

D) ending and prefix

11. Choose a word for the scheme ¬ ∩۸۸ :

A) boletus B) lambs C) coastal D) mushroom

12. Indicate the word in which b is written:

A) nightingales ..and B) run ..go C) run D) bez ..yana

13. Indicate the word in which Yu is written

A) sh..ka B) brosch..ra C) D)

14. Specify only independent parts of speech:

A) numeral, conjunction, adverb

B) noun, particle, adjective

C) adjective, preposition, pronoun

D) verb, adverb, pronoun

15. Imperfective verbs answer the questions:

A) what to do, what I did, what I do, what I will do

b) what to do, what to do, what to do

C) what to do, what to do, what to do

D) what I did, what I did, what I will do

16. Which pair of words is a phrase?

A) the forest is cool

b) around the table

B) black stripe

D) does not burn, does not burn

17. Find the correct one among these statements.

The grammar is...

A) phrase

b) any words that convey the main idea of ​​the sentence

C) a word or words that stand out with intonation

D) the main members of the proposal

18Indicate the grammatical basis in the sentence.

The one-legged pirate was looking for a treasure with gold, but found only an empty chest.

A) the pirate was looking for

B) was looking for a treasure

B) found a chest

D) the pirate searched, found

19. Enter an incentive offer.

A) Damp fog hung over the river.

b) Who is knocking at the gate?

C) Golden foliage spun.

D) Tell me about this writer.

20. Choose the correct definition of the concept

The predicate is…

A) the main member of the sentence, which names the action

B) a minor member of the proposal

C) the main member of the sentence, which names the one who acts, experiences a state or has a sign

D) any member of the sentence expressed by the verb

21. The highlighted word in this sentence is the subject.

A) wonderful present my brother sent me an email.

B) the wind blows leaves.

C) In the morning the wind dispersed fogs.

D) The mirror of the bay illuminates Ray.

22. In this sentence, you need to put a dash.

a) The sun is warm and high.

B) Willow is fluffy and beautiful.

C) Lily of the valley is a wonderful spring flower

D) Clover blooms merrily.

23. Indicate the answer option where the highlighted word is an addition.

A) One day two postcards from our school came in the mail.
B) I DO NOT like it when my parents get postcards from school.
C) And somehow I UNINTENDEDLY read ... This time it was not about me.
D) Mom and dad were invited to the traditional "united" evening of graduates of two SCHOOLS at once: ours and the music one.

    In which sentence is the circumstance expressed by the adverb?

A) We took a trolley bus from the station.

B) At night, all cats are gray.

C) A woodcutter's ax was heard in the forest.

D) We were at the theater yesterday.

25. Specify a simple uncommon sentence.

A) Flowers bloomed and filled the garden with a unique aroma.

b) The flowers have blossomed and are fragrant.

c) The flowers in the garden have blossomed.

D) Favorite flowers bloomed in the garden.

26. Write down the numbers of sentences in which there are definitions.

A) The leaves trembled, broke off and flew.

b) Golden rain rustled in the forest.

c) It's a good summer morning.

D) The air is clean and transparent.

27. Choose the correct definition of the concept

Homogeneous members are...

A) members of a sentence that refer to the same word

B) sentence members that answer the same question

C) minor members of the sentence, which are pronounced with the intonation of enumeration

D) members of a sentence that answer the same question and refer to the same word

28. Find a sentence in which punctuation marks are incorrectly placed when addressing.

A) Do not crack, frosts, in the reserved forest!

B) Rain, stop pouring for you!

C) Guys, isn't Moscow behind us?

D) Let me go, Ivanushka, I will do you a great service.

29. Indicate the sentence in which there is a generalizing word.

A) Spring was felt everywhere: in the transparent ringing air, in the sonorous morning songs of titmouse, in a cheerful drop.

B) On the shelves of the store there were dolls with big blue eyes, toy cars with shiny bodies, cheerful bright orange tumblers.

C) The forest was full of berries, mushrooms, nuts.

D) Everyone came to the holiday and was very happy about it.

30. Indicate a sentence in which there are homogeneous members(no punctuation marks).

A) The first flowers appeared in the spring forest.

B). Winter is still busy and grumbling for spring.

C) Spring is in a hurry and winter does not recede.

D) I remember songs by the fire.

2. Remember, repeat, study

3. Syntax. Punctuation. A culture of speech

4. Phonetics. Orthoepy. Graphic arts. Spelling. A culture of speech

5. Vocabulary. A culture of speech

6. Morphemics. Spelling. A culture of speech

7. Noun

8. Adjective

9. Verb

10. Others

On our site you can solve online tests in the Russian language (grade 5) with answers. This will help to quickly determine the level of knowledge of the material covered. The answers that are at the end of each test will reveal gaps in knowledge and provide an opportunity to specifically deal with each task.

Test exercises according to their purpose are divided into the following groups:

- entrance tests;

- thematic;

- summary.

The entrance test will check the knowledge base on the material covered in elementary school. It is held at the beginning of the academic year. Such a test can be taken independently during the summer holidays to repeat the previously studied.

Thematic tests in Russian for grade 5 will help you learn new topics and sections. According to them, it is good to prepare for any test work on the subject. Free tests can be downloaded and used by the teacher in the classroom to prepare for the intermediate test. With self-preparation with the help of tests, you can study complex topics in detail. Each test is made up of two versions. If you made a mistake the first time or had to use the answers, then this rule needs to be studied again. In the second option, you should try to complete this task without a hint.

The final tests will be prepared for the control check for the year or quarter. Check out our website for 2017. With their help, you can easily restore in memory all the material studied for the 5th grade course.

All test tasks are made in the format of the final work on the exam. The first part contains multiple choice questions, one of which is correct. The second part is aimed at the practical application of knowledge. They offer:

- write out words regarding a certain rule;

- compose a short text;

- write down the words, opening the brackets.

The final test in the Russian language (grade 5) will help you prepare well for the upcoming annual test. By the end of the school year, a fifth grader should be able to:

- use case endings of nouns correctly in writing;

- accurately determine the declension of nouns;

- it is correct to use e (e) after hissing;

- correctly write words in -tsya; - be;

- correctly parse words by composition;

- select a synonym for the word;

- write down verbs with the particle not;

- it is correct to use a soft sign at the end of a word after hissing;

- perform phonemic analysis of the word;

- check the unstressed vowel in the root;

- find punctuation errors in a sentence;

- parse the proposal into main and secondary members.

Preparation with the help of test tasks will help to consolidate theoretical knowledge in the subject in practice. The answers will help you understand each rule in detail and identify which topic should be repeated again. Online tests are:

- a convenient way to test yourself and your knowledge;

- the ability to qualitatively repeat the topic covered;

- an additional way to prepare for verification work;

- a great chance to cope with any control.

Test tasks, compiled on the basis of a stable textbook of the Russian language for the 5th grade (authors T.A. Ladyzhenskaya and others), are intended for the final control of students' knowledge on all topics of the program. The manual takes into account the different levels of knowledge, skills and abilities of students: I and II versions of test tasks correspond to the basic level, III option - increased difficulty. Test tasks are checked in practice of training.

Which sentence uses the verb in the present tense?
A. The first butterfly flew out into the sun.
B. In the evenings, songs are played around the fires.
B. We will build a new house.

Find a sentence with similar subjects.
A. The green crown of trees shelters birds, beetles, butterflies.
B. The old oak was visited by tits, nuthatches and pikas.
B. Herons live in swamps and lakes.

Point out the sentences in which there are errors in punctuation marks.
A. Swallows and blackbirds fly to warmer climes in flocks. B. The swallow flies with its beak open and catches its prey in flight.
B. In winter, the sun shines brightly, but gives little warmth.
D. Nightingales build their nests on the ground and hawks on the tops.

Methodical recommendations for the teacher 3
Option III 12
Option II 20
Option III 24
Option II 30
Option III 32
VOICE Option I 34
Option II 36
Option III 38
Option III 48
NOUN Option I 52
Option II 54
Option III 56
Option II 60
Option III 62
VERB Option I 64
Option II 68
Option III 72
Option II 82
Option III 88

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Test tasks in the Russian language, grade 5, Malyushkin A.B., 2014 -, fast and free download.

  • Russian language, grades 4-5, Monitoring the quality of knowledge, 30 options for typical test tasks, Malyushkin A.B., Rogacheva E.Yu., Tarasova N.A., 2014
  • Russian language, grades 4-5, Monitoring the quality of knowledge, 30 options for typical test tasks with answers, Malyushkin A.B., Rogacheva E.Yu., 2014

Test tasks in Russian language Grade 5

1.Text is

A) several phrases

B) common sentences

C) several unrelated sentences

D) a combination of sentences related in meaning and grammatically

2. Root words are ...

A) words with the same root

b) words that sound the same but are spelled differently

C) words with the same lexical meaning

D) words that consist of one root

3. Indicate the words corresponding to the scheme: prefix, root, suffix, suffix

A) gray

B) wild rose

B) rainy

D) boletus

4. Correct variant of missing letters in words

P ... lyanka, to ... mouse, to ... howl, to ... slave, f ... nar

A) oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-

B). a-o-o-a-a-

B). o-o-a-a-o-

D). a-a-a-a-o

5. The common part of all related words, in which the main lexical meaning is expressed is called ... ..

BUT). suffix

B). prefix


G). the ending

6. Significant part of the word, which stands before the root and serves to form new words

BUT). suffix

B). the ending

AT). root

G). prefix

7. The significant part of the word, which stands behind the root and serves to form new words, is called ...

A) suffix



G). prefix

8. The changeable part of the word, which serves to link words in a sentence, is called ....

BUT). prefix

AT). suffix

AT). root

G). ending

9. Part of the word without ending is called ...


B). suffix

AT). basis

G). prefix

10. Indicate the word in which ъ is written.

A). time ... driving

B), on .. went

AT). seed

G). wings..i

11. After hissing w, w, h, u, they are written

12. Indicate the correct version of the missing letters in words

In..jection, sparrow…and, sem..I, in…south, announcement…appearance

BUT). b-b-b-b-b


AT). b-b-b-b-b


13. Correct variant of missing letters

Ch..lok, f..zn, h...shcha, peep..t, ovch...rka, broch..ra, f...ri

BUT). u-u-u-u-u-u-u

B). u-s-o-i-i-u-u

AT). i-s-a-a-a-yu-y

G). u-s-a-a-i-u-u

14. Feminine nouns have 3 declensions at the end of a word

15. Indicate what part of speech the highlighted word is: K him several people came up.

A) noun

B). verb

AT). adjective

D), pronoun

sixteen). b sign is written at the end of nouns

A). m-r, 2 cl.

B). zh-r 3 cl.

AT). f-r, 1 cl., in the plural. including

G). f-r, 1 cl. in unity. including

17. Syntax is a branch of the science of language that studies ...

B). speech sounds

AT). parts of speech

G). phrase and sentence

18. Section of the science of language, studying the rules of punctuation ..

BUT). syntax

B). morphology

B) phonetics


19. The phrase is ...

BUT). combination of two words

B). combination of a noun with a preposition

C) subject and predicate

D). a combination of two or more words related in meaning

20. Find the phrase "adjective + noun"

BUT). write a letter

B). send a message

AT). drink some milk

G). starry sky

21. Find the phrase "verb + noun"

A). solve the problem

B). ringing song

AT). Summer morning

G). wildflowers

22. Find the phrase "adverb + verb"

A). summer rain

b). move slowly

c).ancient painting

G). path in the forest

23. The grammatical basis of the sentence is ....


B). predicate

In addition

D) subject and predicate

24. A two-part sentence consists ...

A). from the subject and the predicate

B). from the subject

AT). from the predicate

D). from a combination of a noun and an adjective

25 . Specify a sentence that ends with an exclamation point.

A). Spring was early

B) Snow and blizzards have come.

AT). Dove, how good..

G). The birds have flown to warmer climes.

26. According to the purpose of the statement, sentences are ....

A). narrative

B). exclamatory

C). incentive

D). narrative, interrogative, exclamatory.

27. The main members of the proposal are ...

A). subject, definition

B). predicate, addition

AT). definition, addition

D) subject and predicate

28. Member of the sentence, which answers the questions of indirect cases.

BUT). definition

B). addition

AT). circumstance

G). subject

29. A sentence member that answers the questions WHERE? WHEN? WHERE? WHERE? AS?

BUT). subject

B). circumstance

In addition

G). definition

30. Member of the proposal, which answers the questions what? whose?

A) definition

B). addition

AT). circumstance

G). subject

31. Uncommon offer

BUT). Dancing drops in a puddle.

B). The green pond was in the farthest corner.

AT). The downpour is pouring!

G). Near the river.

33. A common offer.

BUT). Under the sun.

B). Spring.

AT). At night the wind gets angry and knocks on the window.

G). Winter came.

32. Conversion is...

BUT). combination of words

B). minor member of a sentence

B) the main member of the sentence

G). a combination of two or more words that names the person to whom the speech is addressed.

33. Indicate an offer with an appeal.

BUT). Noise, noise, obedient sail.

B). A dim lightning flashed over the lake.

AT). It's getting light.

G). When hiking, take a wool sweater.

34. The appeal on the letter stands out ....

BUT). comma

B). exclamation mark

AT). colon

G). depends on intonation

35. Branch of the science of language that studies the sentence

BUT). syntax

B). morphology

AT). vocabulary