Rapprochement with the needs of society. Getting closer to urgent needs


1. What is science, what are its main functions?

Science is a field of human activity aimed at developing and systematizing objective knowledge about reality. The main functions of science are: cultural-ideological and social-production functions. The cultural and ideological function of science is associated with its ability to systematize knowledge and represent it in certain pictures of the world. The social production function of science has become especially significant since the second half of the 20th century. It was at this time that important technological breakthroughs were made, based on the achievements of science.

2. What are the main features of big science?

The main features of big science are:

Universality (verified, substantiated, systematized knowledge about everything that is being researched);

Infinity (science is not limited by time or space);

It is differentiated (modern science is differentiated every day, at present there are about 15 thousand scientific disciplines).

3. Why is a combination of individual creativity and the activities of large scientific teams necessary for the development of science?

Indeed, for the productive development of scientific knowledge, an optimal combination of individual search and the activities of large creative teams is necessary. New fundamental problems were often solved alone by prominent scientists (for example, A. Einstein's theory of relativity), and sometimes by a small group of researchers. The initiative of the scientist, his insight is especially important here. The search for something new, combined with talent, is an important factor in advancement in science. But the vast majority of scientific research of the modern era requires the creation of large teams and thoughtful coordination of all ongoing research, and this is also necessary for greater objectivity of scientific knowledge.

4. Give examples that characterize the modern convergence of science with the needs of society.

Modern society cannot be imagined without scientific knowledge. Almost every person today in one way or another touches science in everyday life: television, the Internet, household appliances, etc. Science adapts to the needs of modern society.

5. Why is science a "locomotive" of scientific and technological progress?

Science can be called the "locomotive" of scientific and technological progress because it is the engine of progress, because science advances all technological progress.

6. What are the main provisions of the ethics of scientists?

The ethics of scientists and science is formed on the basis of moral values, orientation towards the highest good; professional-specific scientific norms; understanding the freedom and social responsibility of scientists in the context of the growing role of science in all spheres of life, in solving global problems.

7. What is the relationship between science and education?

The relationship between science and education lies in the fact that education, like science, is a social institution and performs important social functions. Leading among them is the socialization of the individual, the transfer of accumulated knowledge, cultural values ​​and norms.

8. What is the role of education in modern society?

The role of education in modern society is very great, it lies in the fact that education is the most important channel of social mobility: good education and training help a person to achieve high social positions and, on the contrary, a lack of education can serve as a deterrent to social growth. It should also be noted that education serves as a powerful means of self-realization of the individual, helps to reveal his abilities and talents.

9. Why is self-education an indispensable condition for successful professional activity and mastery of culture?

In modern society, people who, along with basic education, are also engaged in self-education, succeed with great success. The problem of self-education of a modern person has become especially urgent in the conditions of the information society, where access to information and the ability to work with it are key. The information society is characterized as a knowledge society, where the process of information transformation into knowledge plays a special role. Therefore, modern conditions require a person to constantly improve knowledge. Knowledge can be obtained in different ways. Today, a huge range of professional development services is offered. But, it's not a secret for anyone that most of the new knowledge and technologies lose their relevance on average after five years. Therefore, the most effective way to improve skills is self-education. Constant self-education is the defining asset of the life of a modern person, which will help to keep up with the “train of modernity”. The most characteristic feature of professional activity is its mobility associated with changes in information resources and technologies, and we are clearly aware that former professional skills and abilities quickly become obsolete, other forms and methods of work, theoretical knowledge of related sciences, and much more are required. To keep up with these processes, a person needs to constantly learn.


1. The division of science into fundamental and applied is accepted. How do you see the interdependence and interconnection of these sciences? Are scientists right who believe that this division is conditional?

Fundamental science seeks answers to fundamental questions. Basically, it is engaged in deepening and expanding knowledge for the sake of knowledge itself, looking for new non-standard ways to solve problems. But the main thing here is the attitude to knowledge and information as an end in itself, that is, new knowledge for its own sake.

Applied science is looking for ways to solve very specific problems and it is not at all necessary that these methods be new. Knowledge is not the main thing here, and the main thing is to find an effective way to solve existing difficulties.

In some cases, the division is indeed conditional, since most often in the research started by scientists there are tasks aimed at expanding and deepening knowledge, and tasks aimed at solving problems.

2. The discovery of antibiotics has saved the lives of tens of millions of people. But medical practice has also revealed their negative effect: not only harmful microbes are destroyed, but also microorganisms necessary for a person; one disease is replaced by another, sometimes no less severe. Before biology, chemistry faced the task of creating new drugs. As a result, probiotics were created. They displace pathogenic microorganisms, but do not destroy the normal microflora. Analyze the given fact, show on its example the action of the functions and features of science named in the paragraph.

Progress and science do not stand still and more advanced medicines appear (the social production function of science).

3. School profiling is often understood in different ways. One of the points of view is as follows: profiling should be strict, in high school there should be a complete demarcation between humanities and natural scientists. Another point of view: profiling should be soft; the humanities should continue teaching the natural sciences in an appropriate amount, and the natural sciences - the humanities. Discuss both points of view and justify your opinion.

The modern world dictates its own rules for the development of a successful person. And first of all, you need to be a versatile person, so the 2nd point of view is more important. A modern person should understand not only the humanities, but also the natural sciences.

4. A. Peccei wrote: “Several decades ago, the human world could be represented by three interconnected elements. These elements were Nature, Man himself and Society. Now the fourth element has entered the human system - based on science ... ". Complete the student's thought. Show the relationship of this element with the three others named above.

At present, the fourth ... element has powerfully entered the human system - technology based on science. According to A. Peccei, "technology ... is based solely on science and its achievements." After all, technology and even the most elementary tools of production have never existed, the manufacture of which would not have been preceded by some knowledge, at least about the properties of the materials from which they are made.

Each specific stage in the development of technology is a reflection of the knowledge objectified in it. Technical means that historically appeared before and outside of strictly formulated scientific laws and regularities do not refute what has been said, since they also reflect the available knowledge - everyday, empirical, intuitive.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

The development of modern science also shows with increasing depth the dialectical nature of natural and social phenomena, the dialectical interconnection of contradictory concepts. Modern mathematics shows the dialectical unity of continuity and discontinuity, the theory of relativity shows a close dialectical relationship between space and time, mass and energy, quantum physics - the relationship between a wave and a particle, between matter and field, biology - the relationship between an organism and the environment, etc. And these factors indicate the process of synthesis in science, due to the material unity and the dialectical nature of the world.

It turns out that different concepts and areas are not at all isolated from each other by some kind of sharp boundary, but are intertwined with each other, permeate each other; they are in a certain functional relationship with each other, that one follows from the other as a cause and effect. The metaphysical way of thinking mistakenly assumes that, for example, necessity is radically different from chance, space from time, etc., that is, that contradictions are not a function of another contradiction, but that both of them are independent of each other. Thus the world is dissected by metaphysics into a mass of unrelated parts. In contrast to metaphysics, dialectics shows that all concepts mutually substantiate each other and are in a certain functional interdependence, which must be revealed. (...)

An important milestone in the unification of sciences is the creation of cybernetics. (...) Such concepts of cybernetics as control, communication, information, feedback and others are suitable both for the theory of mathematical machines and for biology, neurophysiology, psychology, linguistics, political economy and sociology. (...)

The enormous complexity and immensity of scientific information forced the creation of information processing machines that "lengthen" the overloaded human brain. It can be assumed that these machines will help create a unified scientific language, coordinate information from various branches of science, and help control the logical accuracy of initial theses by detecting and eliminating erroneous results. (...)

The synthesis of sciences is an unfinished, open process. Science is not a finished, closed system. New facts break the system of science every time, reveal new contradictions. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to strive for a closer unification of these systems of individual sciences. The unification process can be completed relatively as a certain stage of development, which will raise science to a new, qualitatively higher level.

(I. Zeman.)


The correct answer must contain the following elements.

An important milestone in the unification of sciences is the creation of cybernetics.

2. Two examples of convergence of sciences:

Bionics is an applied science that studies the use of structures and functions of wildlife in technology;

Mathematical linguistics. Applies mathematical models to study natural language in order to model intellectual processes;

Geophysics - a complex of sciences that study the structure of the Earth by physical methods;

Political sociology. It is located at the intersection of sociology and political science. It studies the interaction of the individual, society and the state.

Other examples of convergence of sciences can be given.

Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning.

Every day we come across a passing car, an airplane in the sky, or a bright hypermarket sign. Even 100 years ago, this was hardly possible, but technological progress is bearing fruit. The influence of modern science on the daily life of a person is quite large, although we sometimes even We don't notice big changes. brought by the next discovery. Today we will talk about the role of scientific thought in, its influence, positive and negative development factors.

In contact with

Fundamental concepts

sphere of human activity, designed to systematize, generate objective knowledge about the surrounding space. The basis of this direction is6 the collection of facts, the updating of existing ones, the verification of reliability, the observation of natural and social phenomena, and forecasting at the macro and micro levels. Ensuring the relationship between education and research institutes in modern society is a priority task for the best minds of mankind.

Community - a set of people involved in scientific research. They recognize the authoritativeness of hypotheses, not an authoritative nature.

The most important task of informal groups is the generation of new theories, checking the reliability of existing ones, supporting the education system, and studying the impact of science on society.

Scientist - a highly intelligent person who devotes himself to the formation of a scientific picture of the world.

His activities are not only useful to society, but are recognized by the entire community, creating an aura of authority. The basis for the recognition of a person as a scientist is the publication of works in well-known scientific publications, speeches at conferences, the development of ethical and moral principles.

It's important to know! The influence of science on society has changed over the centuries, but has always borne fruit in the form of the invention of new technologies.

We offer you a little information about the historical formation of scientific thought.

Through the history of past eras

With the advent of writing, there is an empirical study of the surrounding space, the improvement of education and science in the modern sense. The forerunners of the first scientists were the thinkers of Ancient Greece and Rome. They thought about the essence of certain subjects, put forward the classification of knowledge.

The Importance of Science in the 16th-17th Centuries
is undergoing changes. Historical development made it possible to move away from the development of technology and technology.

The new direction became an independent institution that influenced the social and cultural sphere of human activity.

Many theories that led to the formation of discoveries have been experimentally proven, and the number of researchers has increased.

Significant features of modern science were laid down in the 19th-20th centuries, characterized by extensive and revolutionary periods. The structure, principles and approaches to the knowledge of natural phenomena, differentiation and integration of related disciplines have changed several times.

Distinctive features and signs

Like any type of activity in modern society, scientific activity has a number of features, examples of which characterize it in the best way:

  • versatility- any scientific knowledge is tested experimentally, isolated, systematized, updated over time. There is no object in the world that would not be subject to scientific thought;
  • infinity The role of scientific research in modern society has no boundaries. It is eternal in the study of the surrounding space, immeasurably deep, the list of tasks tends to infinity. Millions of years will pass before scientists say they have studied everything;
  • differentiation- the division of the general structure into many constituent parts is a completely normal phenomenon. Today there are more than 15 thousand disciplines, each of which is focused on solving a unique problem;
  • an association- adjacent directions in the process of development can merge to be useful to a person. The process of division and fusion is endless;
  • vast amounts of knowledge today there is no scientist who possesses the fullness of knowledge. On the one hand, this is wonderful, because a person is an expert in a narrow field. The other side of the coin is that many individualists shift the vector of scientific knowledge in general;
  • rapprochement - the needs of the world community dictate the ways of development of cognitive activity. What is important is progress, which is designed to make life easier for a person, to improve the material condition of every inhabitant of the planet.

It's important to know! The benefits that knowledge gives us are nothing compared to the damage caused by the technological process. Every modern research or discovery is worth millions of dollars and leaves a polluted ecosystem around the experimental center.

Functional features

On the mental potential of scientists entrusted with a sacred mission to meet the following needs:

  • cultural and ideological, allowing to form a scientific understanding of each phenomenon. A person tries to build an integral system from disparate fragments, in all its diversity;
  • cognitive and explanatory, the so-called "steering wheel" of the productive force of world society. The importance of the development of science is explained by the need to improve the material and technical equipment of industry, the introduction of new production processes;
  • prognostic, engaged in the development of plans (“five-year plans”) for the further development of society and cultural processes. The formation of economic growth programs gives us hope for a brighter future.

Practical value

Many argue what advantages science gives to modern society, whether it is justified to use the raw material base for dubious research. Let's be honest, yes. And now you will understand why we answered so in the affirmative. So for your attention list of examples made possible thanks to the research of scientists:

  1. The invention of the telephone led to a dramatic increase in the exchange of information and increased communication of mankind.
  2. Energy, having received more technological equipment, provides electricity to the entire globe.
  3. The industry produces a wide range of parts and devices that are in demand in other areas of activity.
  4. Almost all known diseases are subject to modern medicine. Innovative technologies allow the growth of new tissues and .
  5. Features of modern science play a key role in space exploration. In the future, this will solve the demographic problem of a global scale.
  6. The World Wide Web is the center of all human knowledge. It unites the strata of the population, increases the information awareness of citizens.
  7. Society under the influence of scientific activity has become more educated. Rational thinking allows you to look at the world around you with understanding.
  8. Population growth is a clear evidence of the growth of human welfare. Improving the quality of life stimulates high birth rates, although the lack of control of this process causes concern even now.

Are all research useful to us?

The role of science in modern society
has undergone changes. The ideal of the scientists of the past was to serve all mankind, to make life easier for everyone.

The search for the "golden mean" between destructiveness and usefulness has been engaged in for more than one year. But the situation today makes us think. The age-old values ​​of society began to decay, the attitude towards human vices changed.

Adultery, selling one's body, and using drugs are considered "realities of modern life."

Getting rid of everyday mental work negatively affects the intelligence of the average person (and it’s clear why). Minimization of physical movements makes life easier, but leads to the degradation of the body and the gene pool. However, everything is not so sad, most of the inhabitants of our planet - conscious "homo sapiens" who understand the importance of personal and mental development. Everyone must decide for himself whether all the achievements of modern science are useful to him.

Impact on education

These two concepts are indestructible in their unity. How is scientific thought formed? Under the influence of knowledge gained through educational pastime.

Fundamentals of understanding the world around us are laid from school, so the relationship between education and research is obvious. Just as a simple layman cannot formulate a theory without knowledge, so mental work is impossible without the support of printed sources.

The creation of textbooks, reference books and scientific literature is the vocation of the scientific community. With the help of a set of letters, you can convey "high matters" to an ordinary inhabitant of the Earth, popularize and strengthen the role of science in modern society.

It's important to know! The problem of the relationship between the scientific community and humanity is very important. The freedom to conduct research is fraught with the emergence of new technologies that are used to the detriment of society. Involuntarily, you will think whether all the achievements have helped us so much ...

Solving environmental problems

Paradoxically, but the features of modern science, stimulating technological progress, destroy.

At the same time, work is underway to reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, "clean" programs oblige to find alternative energy sources.

Why is the development of new technologies important?

For example, processing of accumulated industrial waste- a priority direction that allows you to save the available resources of the Earth.

The importance of science in this matter can hardly be overestimated.

The role and place of science in the modern world

The Importance of Science in Modern Society


Anyway for humanity the development of science is important. Despite the cries of criticism, without innovative technologies it will not be possible to solve global problems, bring humanity to outer space.

Despite the destructive nature of the impact on nature, research will help save it from complete collapse. The scientific community should think about the mission that is entrusted to the shoulders of each researcher.

Features of modern science. Universality - science explores all aspects of human activity in all spheres of public life. Infinity - the emergence of a variety of scientific schools, a combination of individual and collective scientific research. Differentiation and integration studies. Rapprochement of science with the needs of society.

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Philosophy Grade 10

summary of other presentations

"Moral and morality" - Moral requirements and ideas. Ethics is a philosophical science, the subject of which is morality. The structure of the moral culture of the individual. The most important principles of modern moral culture of the individual. Trends in the spiritual life of modern Russia. Religion. world religions. Differences. Morality. Morality and law: common and differences. The development of moral standards. Moral culture of the individual. Questions of the origin of morality.

"Man and Society in Philosophy" - Let's thank the wise nature. Confucius. Habit is second nature. Philosophy is scientific, aesthetic, moral. Three circles of philosophy. We note four main points. Plato. Love for wisdom. Results of philosophical activity. None of us have yet been born immortal. Condescension. I know that I don't know anything. Socrates. The tree of philosophy. Rational branch of spiritual culture. Get married no matter what.

"The process of cognition" - Sensual cognition. What is knowledge. Intuition. Intelligence. Types of knowledge. scientific knowledge. Ways of knowing. Rational knowledge. Ways of acquiring knowledge. Knowledge of the world.

"Peculiarities of spiritual life" - Landmarks and goals. Spiritual orientations of the personality. Worldview and its role in human life. Assimilation of certain values. Values. Spiritual world of man. Classification of types of outlook. Conscience. Man's understanding of the world. Man as a spiritual being. Moral principles. Morality. Religious outlook. Scientific outlook. Patriotism.

"Features of social cognition" - Below are four judgments and four drawings. Social cognition. Methods of social cognition. The main stages of the lesson. When studying society, scientists observe, compare, and sometimes experiment. ? Problem. Work with the source of information. Objectives for the content of the lesson: Features of social cognition. Description of social phenomena Explanation, identification of the essence of social phenomena. Information for thought.

"The spiritual life of the individual" - Philosophers. Everything in a person should be perfect. Spiritual needs. Moral prohibitions. The idea of ​​the diversity of spiritual life. The meaning of worldview. spiritual life of man. Spiritual orientations of the personality. Spiritual world of man. Knowledge. Spiritual life. Worldview. Self-education. Classification of types of outlook. Spiritual culture.