Pass the exam for 100 points. What is the most important thing when preparing for the exam? For Special Achievements

The USE is a centralized exam conducted in Russian educational institutions. Thanks to the control measuring materials, it helps to assess the quality of student preparation. In the article we will learn how to pass the exam, which exams to take and how to get 100 points.

Since 2009, the USE has been a form of final exams at a lyceum or school, as well as a form of entrance exams to universities. The list of compulsory disciplines is presented in mathematics and Russian. The rest of the items are optional. It can be a foreign language, literature, computer science, physics, geography and others.

The number of optional items selected for delivery is not limited. When compiling a list of disciplines, students are guided by the requirements of the higher educational institution chosen for admission.

They take the exam from May to June. The legislation provides for early and additional delivery periods. The first is in April and the second is in July. The graduates of the current year who:

  • Are called to the army;
  • Go to the Russian or international Olympiad;
  • Are sent for treatment abroad;
  • They are graduating from a Russian-language school in a country with a difficult climate.

The additional period provides for the delivery of the Unified State Examination by foreign citizens, graduates of previous years, graduates of primary vocational education.

On the Russian territory, the conduct of the state exam is controlled by the Federal Service for Supervision of Science and Education with the support of the executive authorities of the Russian subjects. If testing is carried out abroad, in addition to Rosobrnadzor, the founders of an educational institution that has passed state accreditation are involved in the procedure.

Evaluation of the results of the final certification is based on a hundred-point system. For each discipline, a minimum bar is set in points, overcoming which confirms that the student has mastered the school educational program. The USE results are considered valid for 4 years following the year in which the student received them.

If the result of a participant in the final attestation in a compulsory academic discipline does not reach the established minimum level, a retake in an additional period is provided. If the second surrender was unsatisfactory, it is allowed to try your luck again, but in the fall. In the case of the subject of choice, everything is more complicated. An attestation participant who has not scored the minimum number of points is forced to wait for a retake for a year.

Important! Government testing participants who are removed from the classroom for misconduct, cheating, or using a mobile phone are severely punished. Their results are canceled, as well as the right to retake in an additional period. Re-surrender is allowed after one year. So don't cheat on the exam.

How to pass the exam if you don't know anything

Pedagogical practice shows that schoolchildren, instead of preparing for exams, relax and communicate with friends. In the old days, in the absence of knowledge, hastily made cheat sheets came to the rescue of lazy schoolchildren.

The introduction of the Unified State Examination has significantly complicated the procedure for passing state testing. Members of the commission closely monitor each student, and the use of cheat sheets and electronics is severely punished. How to successfully pass the certification, if during the preparatory period the matter did not come to study? I have a few tips for this.

  • If there are still a few weeks until the day of judgment, start preparing. Use the services of a tutor and pay special attention to solving trial tasks. Learning the basic level is the key to success if you don't know anything.
  • If testing is in a few days and there is no time to study the material, take a look at the pages of the textbook. It is possible that at an important moment visual memory will come to the rescue. How to improve memory, I told in one of the articles.
  • When test day arrives, stay confident, grab your ID card, passport, some pens and pencils, a ruler and eraser, and go. Also make sure that you have a bottle of mineral water and a chocolate bar in your backpack.
  • Once in the audience, choose a seat you like, sit comfortably at the table, and take a few deep breaths. Don't worry. During the year you attended classes and for sure something remained in your memory.
  • After receiving the package with forms and tasks, slowly fill in the registration data. When teachers give the go-ahead, get down to business. You have 4 hours at your disposal.
  • Start with what you know. Once you've completed easy tasks, move on to more difficult tasks. Even if there are difficulties with the decision, do not rush to leave the audience. Stay until the very end. It is not uncommon for the correct answer to come at the last moment.

People who are well acquainted with the procedure for passing the final certification, argue that many students greatly exaggerate the complexity of the situation and lower the level of knowledge in their thoughts. It's all due to stress. If you are striving to achieve a goal, curb your panic, calm down and tune in to work. This is the secret of success.

What exams are taken in the 11th grade in 2019

According to available information, passing a test in grade 11 in mathematics and Russian is not enough to obtain a certificate in 2019. Now you need to pass an optional exam.
If you do not plan to study at the university, opt for a simple school discipline.

The full list of subjects available for selection is represented by literature, chemistry, physics, history, geography, social studies, computer science and foreign languages.

Among the innovations in 2019 is the absence of a test part, with the exception of foreign languages. Therefore, prepare responsibly, as the written exam is more difficult than the multiple-choice test.

There were rumors that in 2019, the grades for the exam will affect the grades in the certificate in the direction of decreasing or increasing. It is also planned to make the Russian language exam more difficult. This year, graduates will face more difficult tasks. As for the essay and the criteria for its evaluation, no changes are provided here.

The list of the most popular exams in universities is represented by the exact sciences, including computer science, chemistry and physics. This is due to the shortage of qualified engineers in the country and the surplus of economists and financiers.

Periodically visit the portal of the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements. Documents related to passing the exam are regularly published here. There is also a table of changes that will help in compiling a complete impression of the innovations.

What exams do you need to pass for admission to universities

It is impossible to enter an institute or university without a certificate of passing the exam. It is important that a graduate who plans to become a student of one of the universities must pass exams for admission. In this part of the material, I will consider several popular areas and help in choosing school disciplines for delivery. And remember that mathematics and Russian are mandatory.

  1. If you plan to enter a medical school, prepare for the exam in chemistry and biology. Dentists need to pass the physics exam. Some universities require a foreign language test.
  2. Those who want to study psychology need to pass an exam in biology, which is considered a major. Depending on the chosen direction, the results of the Unified State Examination in a foreign language are sometimes needed. It all depends on the university.
  3. If you see yourself as a teacher, get ready to pass the corresponding subject. In particular, for admission to the Physics and Mathematics, in addition to the main exams, physics is needed. For a chemist-biologist, delivery in chemistry and biology is provided, and so on.
  4. There are many faculties available to graduates who want to study at MSU. For example, if you choose the department of "Recreational Geography and Tourism", take the exam in geography, and the department of "Philosophy" will require natural science.
  5. There are also requirements in MIPT. To enter this university, you need computer science or physics. It all depends on the direction chosen by the graduate.
  6. Educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have special requirements for applicants. They give preference to graduates who have passed the Unified State Examination in social studies, history, physics or biology, depending on the direction. Each graduate will also have to pass sports standards.
  7. For those who want to become a student of the military space academy, I recommend focusing on preparing for the exam in physics. Without this major subject, as well as without sports standards, the university will not accept.

In conclusion, I will add that each educational institution makes its own requirements for the results of the exam. If you have already decided on the university and faculty, contact the admissions office for detailed information. This will protect against a fatal mistake.

What you need to know to pass the exam for 100 points

Graduates who aspire to enter the university are preparing to pass the exam with all responsibility. Many aim to get 100 points in all subjects. It is not surprising, because the maximum score indicates that the graduate has knowledge from the school curriculum at the highest level. Such results open the way to any of the universities.

Many people think that it is impossible to pass the exam with 100 points. In reality, this is not so. With timely and proper preparation, any student has the opportunity to pass tests and get the highest score.

We will analyze the nuances of pre-exam preparation. This set of simple recommendations will help you pass the exam with 100 points in the following subjects: social science, biology, history, Russian and foreign languages, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Let's get started.

  • Stock up on textbooks for the subjects chosen for delivery from the sixth to the eleventh grade. During preparation, pay special attention to the topics that cause the most difficulty.
  • Study the exam questions to understand what questions you will face on the exam. Keep a diary, make a preparation schedule. For each item of the drawn up plan, allocate time sufficient for in-depth study of the material.
  • Keep an outline. Reading textbooks, write out the main concepts and terms. Drawings and diagrams will increase the efficiency of memorization. Between outlined topics, leave free space for fixing new or additional information on important issues.
  • Teachers like it when the student speaks. Learn to give detailed answers, argue arguments, give explanations, use terms. Meaningful answers will increase the chances of getting the highest score.
  • Visualize new information. As practice shows, cramming is a waste of time. Delve into the topic being studied, use the advantages of associative memory, imagine images.
  • Get a manual with tests in your chosen subjects and spend a lot of time working through them. Self-preparation will help to learn the material and hone the skills of solving standard problems.
  • Start preparing early. Regardless of the chosen subject, you will have to study a huge amount of information. It takes time to master this volume. Start preparing at least a year in advance. To improve the quality of knowledge, I advise you to use the services of a tutor or sign up for thematic courses.
  • Harness the time. A certain amount of time is allotted for testing in school subjects. Complete all tasks within the time frame. At the same time, in pursuit of 100 points, you have to solve problems quickly and correctly. To improve the skill, I recommend using the demo version of the exam on the website of the department.

If you set yourself a goal of 100 points in all subjects, be prepared for laborious and lengthy preparation. The above recommendations will make things easier and will be a good help.

Answers on questions

Do I need to take the exam after college and technical school?

At the initial stage of its introduction, the Unified State Examination caused a lot of different emotions among graduates of colleges and technical schools. This is justified by the status of entrance examinations to Russian higher educational institutions obtained by state testing. What does it mean?

The presence of a certificate of passing the final attestation opens the way to any university if the test results meet the requirements established by the university. People who graduated from school before 2009 do not have such a document. And if they continued their studies at a college or technical school, after graduation they are interested in whether they need to pass the exam to enter a university? Further development of the situation has two scenarios.

  • A graduate of a college or technical school who wants to continue his studies at the university in accordance with the specialty he has received is not threatened with passing the state exam. To enroll in a university, it is enough to pass a profile exam.
  • If a student received one specialty at a college or technical school, and wants to learn another profession at the university, there are two ways to solve the problem. The first provides for passing the exam, and the second - passing the entrance exams, as it was before.

The introduction of new rules has deprived graduates of technical schools and colleges of some of the benefits that help to guarantee admission to the university. But the presence of a diploma of a secondary educational institution, nevertheless, gives the student more confidence.

How to pass the exam to a graduate of previous years

It is not uncommon for a graduate who graduated from school in previous years to want to pass the state certification. This is good, because it is never too late to get a diploma of higher education. In this part of the material, we will talk about the intricacies of passing the exam by a graduate of past years.

Passing the Unified State Examination for a former graduate has a peculiarity - you do not have to take compulsory subjects, except in cases where mathematics and Russian are needed for enrollment in the chosen specialty.

Graduates of previous years pass the exam ahead of schedule or along with the main wave. To do this, an application is submitted in advance to the municipal education authority for passing an exam indicating the main and additional disciplines, a passport and a certificate.

In addition to personal information, if you studied for a long time, the application indicates the name of the completed educational institution, details, form of study and the date of receipt of the diploma. Graduates from other countries who wish to continue their studies at a Russian university present a foreign passport, the original document of education with a certified translation from a foreign language.

To obtain admission to the final certification, write an essay. This innovation does not apply to graduates of previous years. The work is written exclusively at will. However, some universities, upon admission, give several points for an essay.

Graduates of previous years take the exam at the place of application. If you live in another city, you do not need to return to your hometown in order to obtain a certificate.

In the article, we looked at how to pass the exam if you don’t know anything, gave tips for getting 100 points and answered popular questions. Rational preparation, combined with a positive mental attitude, strong motivation and absolute calmness, will help to get the highest result.

Do not panic, and in the morning before certification, concentrate on moral preparation, and not on skimming through textbooks. Such actions only aggravate the situation.

Preparing for an exam is like preparing a dish for a chef: to get an impressive result, you need to take care of the necessary ingredients, write a detailed recipe, trust your intuition in time, and be able to rely on assistants. The current first-year student, and most recently a graduate of grade 11, shares her recipe for preparing for the exam for 100 points.

Diana Chochieva

100 points in history and English; 93 points in Russian. Currently studying at St. Petersburg State University.

Step 1.

I decided to focus on preparing for the exam in history and English, since at school they were going to prepare us for the exam in Russian.

I started preparing for history on my own at the end of the ninth grade. I purchased various manuals for preparing for the exam and in the summer I just tried to outline paragraphs and learn dates.

It turned out to be quite difficult - I had many questions and incomprehensible topics. I tried to learn absolutely everything, even though it was unrealistic, simply because, due to ignorance of the requirements of the exam, I was afraid to miss something important. Therefore, in the 10th grade, after discussing everything with my parents, I decided to enroll in the USE courses, which were held once a week. After that, my preparation became more effective, as there was already an awareness of what exactly I need to learn, which dates I definitely need to remember.

Due to the heavy workload at school at the end of the 10th grade, I decided to suspend my preparation and focus on school final work. In the summer before 11th grade, I did a review of dates that I had studied before. In the 11th grade, I decided to go to the same center to prepare for the Unified State Examination in English, and study history with a tutor, since I already had some knowledge, and some topics had not yet been completed.

Step 2

There are a lot of pitfalls at the exam that you need to know about in advance in order to successfully pass it. You have to be prepared for certain types of tasks and certain standards of response, ignorance of which will result in the loss of a fairly large number of points. At the USE courses, they explained to me very clearly what I need to be ready for in the exam, and what I can not be afraid of. The teachers with whom I studied are included in the verification commission, so every year they pass certification at the FIPI.

From many acquaintances, I constantly heard that teachers fill them up with "a bunch of unnecessary information." I don’t know how true this is, but in the courses I was told only the most necessary things. Yes, there was a lot of material, I had to study a lot, but no one said that it would be easy, but at the exam I was completely confident in my knowledge.

Step 3

I studied English and history once a week. The rest of the days I did homework in these subjects and completed standard exam tasks. I decided to go to prepare for the exam in English in the 11th grade because I studied at a school with in-depth study of English, and my language level was already high enough to pass the exam well. But teachers at school do not know the intricacies of design, the main catches and features of the assignments of the current year. I decided to go to the center in order to prepare on all fronts and feel complete confidence, since admission to a university is at stake and I don’t want to lose a year because of stupid mistakes.

On the days when I did not have classes at the courses, I did my school homework to the maximum in order to free up my evening after the courses for rest or preparation for the exam. Once or twice a month, I set aside a day completely free from study and just rested to give my body a break.

Step 4

If I say that I did not experience any anxiety before the exam, it would not be true. But I tried to relax as much as possible under those conditions and just write what I know.

At the exam, we were led through metal detectors. I didn't feel any discomfort from it. And I took the cameras quite calmly during the exam. I managed to abstract from this, because in the center we passed a complete analogue of the real Unified State Examination twice a year, where they took away our phone and made sure that we did not write off. This is a great workout, so during the exam itself I was in a familiar atmosphere and the stress did not knock me down.

Step 5

It seems to me that every parent hopes for the high results of their child. I am very grateful to my parents for their support, for the fact that they did not put pressure on me, but were confident in my abilities. Even when it was hard for me to continue, when I thought that all this preparation would not bring me the desired results, they always found the right words to cheer me up and not let me stop halfway, which I would later regret very much.

Step 6

Less thinking and more action! This can help both in preparing for the exam, and in general in studies. If something doesn’t work out for us, we often begin to delve into ourselves, look for flaws, delve more and more into thoughts about our shortcomings and imperfections, and then simply plunge into a state where we no longer want to continue, because, according to our opinion, and so nothing comes out. We must overcome ourselves and go to our goal, no matter how difficult it may be.

Sometimes I even tried to load myself more so as not to think about what would happen if I didn’t enter, if I failed the exam at all. It seems to me that everyone who has been preparing for exams has come across these thoughts. We must try to get them out of our heads, and if it doesn’t work out, and you start thinking only about an unsuccessful result, then look for support from your parents and friends, and you will definitely feel better.

Photos from open sources

Perhaps it can be said without exaggeration that 99.9% of modern schoolchildren strive to successfully pass the Unified State Exam. At the same time, they want not just to pass it, but to score more than 80 points out of 100 possible. This will help you to enter the institute or university of your dreams for the best specialty.

In fact, all universities are guided by the points scored by the applicant, choosing students for themselves. It is especially important to successfully pass the exams for those who plan to study on a budget basis. These factors of modern education once again emphasize the need for quality preparation in the USE.

The Unified State Examination or USE is a form (tests) of state certification that shows the knowledge of high school students in the field of secondary general education. In total, this exam is organized in 14 subjects, two of them are compulsory - Russian language and mathematics. The rest the student chooses himself, based on what a particular department and specialty requires. It can be:

Social science;


English language;






As statistics show, every year the level of the unified exam becomes more and more difficult. And this dynamic is observed in absolutely all subjects. Preparing for one level of difficulty, the student sees a completely different thing on the exam itself. In order to score 80-100 points, a modern applicant needs to know much more than the school curriculum gives. Here you can not do without zeal, work, perseverance and a professional assistant.

Official representatives of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science reported that in 2017 the number of students who did not pass the USE significantly decreased, but still a fairly large percentage of schoolchildren do not cope with the USE. One of the most difficult subjects is mathematics, we recall that this subject is mandatory for delivery. In total, 3.4 percent of teenagers failed this exam last year.

If a student does not pass exams in compulsory subjects (mathematics and Russian), he can do it again within the stipulated time, but rarely the result becomes good, and universities will still know about it. BUT! If a student does not pass an exam in an elective subject, then he will be able to retake it only the next year. Because of such a failure, the dream of entering the chosen university is postponed until at least next year. That is why the exam must be taken seriously and pass the exam well or excellently the first time.

Most experts and even teachers in schools will say that in order to successfully pass the tests, you need to turn to professional tutors. However, it should be understood that many teachers have settled on “that” preparation for exams, which has long been outdated. Therefore, the choice of a tutor must be approached with all responsibility. In search of such a modern center that will help to pass the exam with excellent marks, schoolchildren often pay attention to Lancman School.

Lancman School( has become one of the most successful educational centers helping to prepare for state exams. In addition, Lancman School has a network of its own private schools and kindergartens, which study English in depth.

The main advantages of the Lancman School Education Center:

1. The experience of the center in the field of education is 14 years, during this time the organization managed to learn all the details of passing state exams, select and form experienced and competent staff, successfully graduate many high school students and acquire other important qualities and invaluable experience.

2. More than five thousand high school students of the center achieved their goal and entered the university they dreamed of, becoming qualified specialists in their field.

3. Only a professional can help a teenager pass the exam for the maximum result. Only seven percent of applicants for the position of an employee of the Lancman School fall into the educational center, where they practice a rigorous selection of candidates. Thanks to this, any student here is sure that his teacher is a professional in his field.

4. A whole network of branches of Lancman School educational centers was built in Moscow, everyone can choose a center that is as close as possible to their home.

5. Classes are held in a group of 2 to 8 people - these are small groups in which the teacher will be able to pay attention to each of the students. This format is considered one of the most effective and comparable to individual tutoring. But, at the same time, participants can feel the competitive spirit, they will communicate with each other and help, and this is also important when preparing for the exam.

The head of the Lancman School USE course network is Mikhail Lanzman, who has been a mathematics tutor for over 10 years. He knows firsthand how to prepare for this exam. And all the tutors who work in its center master their subjects at the same high level.

A clear indicator of the success of Mikhail and his center are his students, who every year gain maximum scores not only in mathematics, but also in other subjects, taking courses at the Lancman School. Mikhail takes his job very seriously and only accepts people who are professionals in their field for tutoring.

As statistics show, the average score that schoolchildren gain in mathematics is 47. This is critically low in order to enter a university and receive a quality education. Many of these schoolchildren prepared for the USE with the help of teachers, some went to special courses to prepare for the USE, but for a number of reasons this is not enough. When choosing courses, you should be very careful and remember that your destiny is at stake. Your education. Your job. your successful life.

Courses should be held for small groups. The tutor must give each student the right amount of attention and control his learning process and the quality of his knowledge. In large groups, this is simply not possible.

Pay attention to the qualifications of the tutor. How many years has he been in this business? What is the success rate of his students in exams? If you've chosen a training center to help prepare, find out how the teachers are screened.

In order to get the maximum result in the exams, you need to make the right choice of a tutor. You cannot sign up for preparatory courses for the first teacher you come across and believe that this is already enough to successfully pass the exams. To pass the exam, you need to make a lot of work and diligence, you have to make many decisions to achieve this goal. And one of the most important, perhaps, is the right choice of a tutor.

According to the statistics of past years of passing the Unified State Examination, schoolchildren received the highest average score in exams in the subjects "International Relations", "Linguistics", "Oriental Studies" and "Jurisprudence". The average score of those who planned to connect their lives with nuclear physics, sociology, information technology or the oil industry was about 70.

However, the number of hundred points is increasing year by year. So, in 2015, the number of those who pass the exam by 100 points in the country increased by almost 1000 and amounted to 4600. Most of them - 3046 people - earned the highest score in the Russian language, which is a compulsory subject. This is followed by chemistry (about 500 people), physics and literature (230 hundred points each). English turned out to be the most difficult - the number of those who passed the elective exam barely reaches a few dozen.

Just as they try to modernize the USE system from year to year, so schoolchildren find the best ways to prepare. As the 2016 honors students told RT, they didn’t need any special tricks to pass the exam with 100 points. At the same time, for none of them, such a result was not an accident.

Psychological support

According to Daria Lovtsova, who passed the USE with 100 points in chemistry, the key to her success was intensive studies for six months. She mastered the theory in the lessons and consultations in chemistry at school, and honed her practice with a tutor. The tutor helped Lovtsova in many ways morally. According to the hundred-score student, before the exam, she was intimidated from all sides with the difficulties of the exam. But the tutor not only taught Daria to cope with tasks of any complexity over the previous years, but also convinced her that she was quite ready to take chemistry.

“I turned to a tutor only because everyone around was studying with tutors, and it seemed to me that I was preparing poorly, not enough, wrong. It's more of a psychological aspect. I don’t know if I could have achieved the same result without the help of a tutor. When you have a tutor, it increases motivation and makes you pore over assignments. It’s all about finances, and responsibility to the teacher, to myself and parents, and to the school teacher in chemistry - amazing, by the way - I didn’t want to lose face. In general, you can master everything without a tutor, because there are tons of preparation materials around, and in the public domain. But without it, it’s much harder to force yourself to use all this.”

When there are only a few days left before the exam, Daria advises to try to cope with the excitement that prevents you from adequately assessing your abilities and concentrate.

“Undoubtedly, the exam is an important stage, but it is not as scary as it is painted. Exams have already begun, there is very little time left for preparation, but enough to overcome my excitement. You need to eat well, get enough sleep and not sit until the morning before the exam.

Detailed approach

The psychological aspect of the exam was also noted by Elizaveta Shabanova, who in 2016 passed the Russian language, literature and social studies with 100 points. According to her, long before the exams, schoolchildren are being pressured with stories about the Unified State Examination, not forgetting to remind them of metal detectors and evil observers. Elizabeth advises to calmly and measuredly prepare, and then, without unnecessary nerves, enthusiastically go to exams. She herself came to the exams ready for any difficulties thanks to her active participation in the Olympiads in the Russian language, history and social science.

“At first, I participated out of a desire to become a leader, to enter a good university, taking advantage of the benefits for Olympiads,” Shabanova shared. - But in the process of preparation, a strong interest in learning new things appeared, a thirst to get acquainted with unusual, really smart guys at these intellectual competitions. The Olympics have ceased to be a means of entering a university - the very participation in them has become a goal for me.

Not just for the exam

Elizaveta Shabanova studied the subjects that interested her much more deeply than the school curriculum required. While preparing for the exam in Russian, she read etymological dictionaries, which, according to her, helps to better feel the current state of the language, studied manuals on linguistics, and solved tasks from past years.

“History has certainly become more time and effort consuming, because the scope of this subject is simply limitless! I read textbooks by both modern authors and classics of historical science - Klyuchevsky, Solovyov, Kostomarov. I watched various programs and courses of lectures, again I read archaic texts, without which it is impossible to understand the era, its unique culture, - Elizabeth believes. — My knowledge of Russian studies and history helped me a lot in studying social studies. I can also recommend the textbooks of Melville, Heywood, Sorvin, Smelzer ... And it is very important to be interested in what is happening around, watch the news, read articles, because purely theoretical knowledge will never be enough.

Another 100-point student, Lilia Dalshevskaya, was helped by her love for the Russian language to pass the exam. The second reason for her success was systematic preparation. Lilia did not start the subject throughout the entire educational process and often wrote essays - this task initially caused her the most difficulties.

“You should always hope for the best. Reviewers are people too, and I think they enjoy reading essays. It is unlikely that they will give a low score if it is written really well, Lilia believes. “I didn’t worry about the composition, I just tried to put my whole soul into it. If I already got the highest score, then I gave it my all.”

This week, schoolchildren will write their first exams - in literature and geography. Gazeta.Ru decided to help 11th graders and conducted a survey among students who passed the USE with 100 points and entered the leading Russian universities on a budget. Survey participants shared their recipe for success and whether it is possible to cheat on an exam.

Dmitry Kiselev (100 points for the Unified State Examination in mathematics and physics)

I passed the exam myself, without tutors and any kind of cheating. The exam in physics and mathematics cannot be difficult, there are all tasks in the style of “read the condition and do not make a mistake in one formula”, but in the Russian language it was not possible to pass 100 points. I lost a couple of primary points somewhere in the area of ​​\u200b\u200b"the logic and coherence of the text" in part C. Here it already depends on the inspector, that is, if in physics or mathematics you can get 100 points, guided by one formula (again, read the condition and not be mistaken, and, of course, to arrange carefully), then in Russian half of the success of part C depends on the inspector.

Write off for the exam? I don't know, haven't tried it. They say it's pretty easy. I don't know if this is true, but it's probably possible. One of my students (I tutor here a little) stopped preparing altogether, she says she doesn’t need more than 60 points, and for 60 she will write off something. Yes, there are so many ways to deceive a theoretically honest system.

I heard from friends that their friend’s dad, a stern businessman, a thunderstorm of the district, came to the director of the school where his daughter was supposed to take an exam, put a large sum on the table and said: “She will write what she knows, and let yours add the correct answers there ".

Thank God, everything ended relatively well: she wrote what she knew, but they could not finish it. The money was returned to my father, he did not inflict any consequences on anyone, but the fact is obvious: whoever wants to write it off.

English is still more fun. Familiar teachers, appointed by the guards, say that the quality of the microphones on which the text must be dictated, frankly, is not very good. That is, the record may turn out to be so clumsy that it will be impossible to make out half of the words. I don’t know if it’s an accident or not, but I didn’t want to take it myself, since I didn’t need it for admission. I'm not talking about the situation of past years, when everyone was cut off on one task in order to reduce the number of 100 points in the country. No one was able to prove anything later, although people swore that they had written the problem perfectly.

Daria Titova (100 points for the exam in literature)

“Six months before the exams, I suddenly decided that I definitely need to take the literature. Partly because, to be honest, no one else rented it, and I wanted to stand out.

And also because I firmly decided to enter the faculty of journalism, which surprised my family of doctors very much.

On this crazy desire, at first I myself crammed primary sources and read criticism.

But my real preparation began at the moment when I found a tutor - a university teacher who was once directly involved in the development of tests in literature. She knew the kitchen itself: how what is assessed, what is and is not worth writing in essays. With her, my absolutely unsystematized knowledge of the subject was completely washed away from unnecessary tinsel and feelings - there were clear plans for analyzing the works and the final answer. Nothing extra.

It was not without luck: in my ticket I knew all the works well.

I didn’t even try to write off: there wasn’t enough time to think about it, plus it was the first exam, and I was frightened by the strict environment.

Remembering this whole process now, I think that it is impossible to pass all the subjects for 100 points. This exam does not test knowledge, well, or not only knowledge. Such a system requires a mechanical approach. It is worth at least a little to decide on further studies, choose the exams that you will take, and focus on them. Five or six 100-point exams do not give any guarantees for a further happy life.

Alexey Kubarev (100 points for the USE in mathematics)

“I passed the exam with 100 points simply because of my abilities (both parents graduated from the Moscow State University, there were no problems with mathematics even in one of the best physics and mathematics schools in Moscow). I prepared for the Unified State Exam only at school at the test exams, and I was also helped by a teacher who sometimes gave home tasks from the former part of C. I didn’t have any tutors - I just came and wrote. I didn’t worry about complexity, I only worried about a small amount of time (besides, I write slowly), so during the exam I tried to quickly evaluate how the problems were solved, and write the solutions right away in a clean copy.

I wrote practically nothing on the draft, except for some calculations.

Naturally, no matter how capable you are, you cannot guarantee writing the exam for 100 points, but you can guarantee 90+. Personally, when I went to the exam, I hoped that I would be lucky with two tasks from part C, I was sure about the rest.

I can advise today's 11th graders to worry less at the exam itself and before it. Personally, I performed a lot on stage, so I lost the habit of excitement. Also, in no case should you study all night long, especially before the exam. At least a couple of days before it, you need to start going to bed on time: it is absolutely necessary to have enough sleep during the exam.

Regarding cheating: I have not encountered this, but I heard from friends from other schools that, in principle, cheating is real.

For example, they say that people carried cheat sheets, pinning them to their clothes with pins: the pins are too small to be felt by a metal detector.

But this, of course, is not at all for those who aim for 100 points: they simply have no time to write off from somewhere, just have time to solve problems.

It is quite possible to write all the exams for 100 points, although it is difficult. First, of course, nothing will come of it without luck, and luck in three exams is not the same as in one. Secondly, we must not forget about the human factor. Here is the inspector sitting, he has your hundredth work, he is already tired, and you have, say, bad handwriting. Naturally, he has a negative impression, and the probability of getting a hundred drops greatly. In mathematics, this is not so scary, but, say, in Russian, you can easily get a decrease in a score in an essay on some item like “expressiveness of speech”. And then go and prove that you should have the maximum score for this item!

In general, I advise you to worry less, get enough sleep before the exam, and also not to tear your hair out after writing for errors or unfinished assignments.

Spoil your nerves (and your hair), but don’t raise the score. ”

Ekaterina Kartseva (100 points for the exam in history)

“I prepared for the Unified State Examination in a year, before that I didn’t study history at all, I only knew the date of the Battle of Kulikovo. But it helped that I was treated well at school, and in the 11th grade I, one might say, did not attend school. Instead, from eleven to eight in the evening, I hung out several days a week with a tutor who, seeing my zeal, took surprisingly little money from me. Social contacts, of course, suffered during the year, because I did not leave the house.

It’s realistic to prepare well for the exam in a short time, you just need to sacrifice something (time, parties, other items). Well, the system is important.

I prepared like this: every day I started by taking notes from a gigantic textbook, then I studied the notes. Then I solved +10 tests, scrolled through public pages in VK, sorted out all the mistakes and wrote them out in separate notebooks, which I reread before going to bed. In the evening, she asked her mother to check the dates (in both directions), somewhere around 25 each. Closer to the exam, she already refused textbooks, and rewrote and reread the collection of tasks of Part C more (for a year she collected a large Word file). In general, the whole thing usually took almost the whole day.

In my opinion, you can get 100 points in several subjects if you completed the educational standard at school, and in the 11th grade you pulled yourself into tests, plus you were lucky in the exam. But for this, all teachers must be strong subject teachers, and the student must have stable motivation throughout the entire high school. In general, in practice it is almost unrealizable, I think. She herself sacrificed mathematics for the sake of subjects that were needed for admission (49 points, it seemed). But in Russian you can always get 100 points, the subject is easy.

It was possible to cheat on exams, people got their phones, I had cheat sheets with me.

Anna Landau (100 points for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language)

I studied for two years with a tutor, but I was pretty lucky at the Unified State Examination. I got a good text with a clear problem, and it was easy enough to pick up the arguments. I believe that it is quite realistic to pass the exam in Russian with 100 points, you just need to memorize a certain set of rules, solve tasks, select a sufficient number of arguments for different topics and write several dozen essays - so to speak, fill your hand.

It was impossible to write off, as for me, because there was strict supervision and control at the entrance.

From my point of view, in order to pass the exam with 100 points, you need luck rather than knowledge. When I was there, there were also cases when a person who wrote samplers for 60 points scored 90+ on the exam itself and vice versa. So the result, rather, depends on luck and on which option comes across.

Natalya Kirasheva (100 points for the Unified State Examination in Geography and Russian)

“It so happened that I passed two exams - in Russian language and geography - with 100 points. To be honest, I didn't expect it. Like everyone else, she strived for high results, but the number 100 was never cherished. I did not study with tutors: schoolwork and self-preparation were quite enough. There was still time left for dancing, friends and hiking. I believe that high results are the merit of teachers. They were wonderful for me: they didn’t scare me with “this exam, on which all life depends,” but calmly, lesson after lesson, they put knowledge into our heads.

Was it difficult? To be honest, I don't remember much excitement. Regarding the opportunity to cheat: the most cunning, perhaps, will always find one, but for me it’s easier to prepare and be confident in your knowledge than to worry and be afraid that you will be “spotted”.

Although I had cheat sheets in almost all exams - not for cheating, but solely for confidence.

I think that it is possible to pass the Unified State Examination both in Russian and in mathematics with 100 points, for sure there are such guys. Although I don't think I've seen them."

Olga Zinchenko (100 points for the Unified State Examination in social studies and in the Russian language)

“I got 100 points for social studies and Russian. I studied with tutors (I don’t remember exactly, but, in my opinion, every once a week), in social science and history I also went to additional group courses (at the Siberian Federal University and HSE preparatory courses). At the gymnasium, we had very strong teachers, so, in fact, the preparation was multifaceted, so to speak. In addition, I studied history, but at the last moment I did not take it (because I became the All-Russian winner in English, which was enough for the universities where I wanted to), although, according to the teacher, I could pass 100 points (this, of course, already from the category of the subjunctive mood, but still).

As for the recipe for success, I can say that I reached this milestone only through hard work. I completed three or four tests a week (for each subject, including part C), I also listened to audio books on history (on the way to courses / to tutors). Without tutors, it would be difficult, since the exam is still a certain format, you can be amazingly literate, but if you didn’t write an essay according to a certain template, then the points will be reduced.

I basically didn’t cheat on the exam, but I know that many were sitting with their phones.

Some took pictures of assignments and sent them, and then tutors / older friends or someone else sent answers to them. Now, probably, such a system will not work, I heard that jammers are being installed, although they also scared us with them.