Composition on the topic "Why it is necessary to know the Russian language and the methodology of the Russian language." Colorful and cheerful Greek

Composition on the topic "Why it is necessary to know the Russian language and the methodology of the Russian language." 5.00 /5 (100.00%) 2 votes

The Russian language is a great, powerful, rich and diverse language. It is the main language of our multinational country. It includes a huge number of words, sections and rules.
Knowing the Russian language is necessary for each of us. Firstly, because the Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​on the planet, it ranks third in the world in terms of use on the Internet.

Secondly, knowledge of the Russian language is welcomed in all countries. Thirdly, without knowledge of the Russian language, not a single person will be able to understand Russian culture, all kinds of traditions, and so on.
Once in a small Russian village, for example, an American who does not know a single word of Russian can only visually appreciate the beauty and grandeur of Russian nature. Features of pronunciation and use of words, dialectisms and obsolete words, he will not be able to understand all this.
The Russian language, in fact, is an ancient, rich and, most interestingly, developing language to this day. A huge number of reforms, rules are adopted today, for enrichment and improvement.
A huge number of people speak Russian: they are Russians, former citizens of the USSR, as well as many foreigners living far from Russia.
The Russian language, according to many foreign citizens, is one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world. But, at the same time, it is also the richest, most beautiful, expressive and melodic language of all.
In my opinion, the Russian language is not only pleasant to the ear, but it is no less pleasant to speak it. For me, learning the Russian language gives me great pleasure, because it is so interesting every day to learn new rules, new exceptions, new depths of this great language and understand that the more you learn, the closer you are to Russia, to your homeland.
Let's remember "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy. The heroes of this work live in the 19th century, at which time knowledge of several foreign languages ​​was valued. But for some reason, many of them knew Russian much worse than, for example, French.
I believe that in order to have a good command of the Russian language, you need to follow and observe several rules. First, eloquence, where without the ability to combine and correctly use words, creating beautiful and expressive designs. In addition, you need to know the vocabulary well - to have a large vocabulary. It also requires the ability to work with texts and oral information. This will help you navigate the texts well, as well as competently put your thoughts together.
So, the Russian language is a truly great, rich and powerful language. The key to prosperity and success in life. I think, after reading, few people will ask themselves the question: “Why do you need to learn Russian?” After all, the Russian language is life, wealth and strength.

The beauty of language

You can judge the beauty of a language by its rhythm, melody and euphony. However, the very concept of “beauty of language” is rather subjective. There are many different opinions about which language can be called the most beautiful. Latin is considered the most harmonious and concise language, and the language of the Bushmen is considered the most melodic. The generally recognized beauty in the world of international languages ​​is Italian - it is more melodious and euphonious, which is why Italian opera is world-famous. The melodious murmur of the French language is also pleasant to the ear. However, is it only the ease of perception and beauty of sound that determines the concept of “beauty of language”?

Great Russian language

As a rule, the most beautiful language, for each person, is his native language. The one that he had heard since childhood, in which his mother sang lullabies to him, and the language in which he first uttered this word. The native language for each person is simple and understandable, pleasant to the ear and is the most beautiful language in the world.

The main criterion for judging the beauty of a language is the presence of a vocabulary, clarity of definition and the presence of many concepts corresponding to certain objects, phenomena and emotions, which allows reflecting all their nuances in the word form. If we consider the concept of “the beauty of the language” precisely from the point of view of its richness and richness, then, undoubtedly, the first place will definitely go to the Great Russian language.

The Russian language is a call, melodic, melodious and varied. The rich Russian language has more than five million different semantic concepts, which, depending on the intonation in the voice, can convey a multi-color range of meaning-image, and the subtlest shades of the state of the human soul.

well deserved glory

The Russian language is a descendant of the ancient Slavic language of the Asuras, from which all modern Slavic languages ​​​​were formed. It is believed that a person who has discovered the secret of the Slavic language will be able to understand not only various languages ​​\u200b\u200bof the whole world, but also the language of birds and animals, plants and forces of nature, because all the sounds and images in the proto-language of the ancient asuras are collected into a single whole, so same as the worldview of our ancient ancestors.

The Russian language has retained most of the knowledge of the ancient language, which is why Russian literature enjoys well-deserved worldwide fame and it is the connoisseurs of the beauty of the language who seek to read it in the original in order to capture all the subtleties and shades expressed by the beautiful and amazing Russian language.

Why is it necessary to study Russian? This question is puzzled not only by foreigners who are starting to master the Russian language. Some Russians are also perplexed why they need to know the difficult rules of grammar, why learn to correctly place stresses, when it is quite possible to do without it.

Quite weighty arguments can be made in defense of the Russian language. For a foreigner, the fundamental reasons for studying Russian will be five main factors:

1. It is the Russian language that, in addition to French and English, is one of the three world languages ​​in which all existing international standards can be read.

2. The Russian language is one of the most melodic and beautiful-sounding languages ​​in the world.

3. Knowledge of the Russian language makes it possible to read in the original scientific treatises of great Russian scientists and works of literary classics.

4. Russian is spoken in Russia, a country larger than any other country in the world.

5. It is for foreigners that a serious argument will be that Russian, along with English, is used to communicate on the International Space Station.

A foreigner who has begun to study Russian should be warned in advance about the complexity of the language. What seems normal for any Russian-speaker who listens to this language from the cradle is a serious difficulty for foreigners. There are many more rules to learn in Russian than in English or German.

But the most surprising thing is that a person who lives in Russia and is a native speaker is sometimes more difficult than a foreigner to convince that the Russian language needs to be studied and known. Instead of beautiful Russian speech, many Russians are content with an unintelligible mixture of vulgarisms and interjections interspersed with slang words and unacceptable speech turns.

To convince such a person, you should let him hear his own speech, having recorded it before that on a voice recorder. It is necessary to give a person the opportunity not only to listen to his own awkward chatter, but also to compare it with the speech of a professional reader or actor. To do this, it is enough to play a recording of reading a classic story or poem. Perhaps, having caught a bright difference, a person will understand how much he needs a deep study of his native language.

Many attribute the uselessness of literacy to the presence of a spell checker in computer programs. Like, the computer will check everything itself. Of course, text editors and browsers do this check. But even their databases do not include all the words of the Russian language, which can often cause considerable problems.

And mobile phones usually do not have such functions at all. And today, many people go online and communicate with the help of mobile communications. So, the T9 system simply does not recognize an incorrectly entered word. Therefore, it will be very difficult for an illiterate person to write a text using this technique.

The conclusion suggests itself that in the age of computerization, being literate is as important as ever. If an illiterate person has a question of publishing his articles somewhere, he is unlikely to find a publishing house that will like to correct his countless mistakes - or you will have to pay a lot of money for such a service. It is sometimes easier for an editor to refuse such an author.

So, maybe it’s worth learning the rules of your native language so as not to complicate life for yourself or others?

The greatness and richness of the Russian language is difficult to dispute. This is a real colossus of literature, indisputable authority and a symbol of innumerable virtues. Any classical work of Russian authors is an unsurpassed mastery of the true Word, once again confirming the fact that any colors, emotions and delights are subject to the Russian language.

Alas, the present time cannot be called the heyday of the Russian language. Today, when communication is unforgivably simplified, and foreign, borrowed terms appear in speech every now and then, the Russian language is going through hard times. It is enough to leaf through any of the popular bestsellers to understand how poor and inexpressive literature is becoming.

The reasons for this phenomenon are clear. And the point is not at all that modern authors are far from true art and do not know the Russian language to the proper extent. However, due to commercial considerations, their works must be as close as possible to the current generation, capable of perceiving only the most simple and unpretentious language forms. It is quite difficult for modern youth to read Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, they are unable to perceive the lacy, fabulous poetry of Tyutchev and Blok. Alas, the world-famous great works of the classics are becoming today only a tedious school assignment, and few people see in it the pleasure of a true connoisseur.

Such observations frighten anyone who is able to analyze the situation and think about the future of the Russian language in our country. However, one should not completely exclude the presence of a truly reading public, which is quite capable of enjoying amazing turns of language and the accuracy of epithets. And it is no coincidence that there are reading clubs, various communities and circles in which people meet who cannot imagine their life without high-quality Russian literature. Thanks to this category of people striving for beauty, there remains hope for the further development and prosperity of the Russian language, as the greatest treasure of the whole people.

A person should appreciate and respect the language from the very first years of his life. And if all parents, instead of the on-duty cartoon, begin to read fairy tales and entertaining stories to their baby, then the significance of the Russian language can be revived and strengthened again. The foundations of a love of reading must be born in each individual family. After all, it is reading that is the key to the greatest knowledge, a competent assessment of the surrounding life, understanding of characters and beautiful, correct speech. Only through reading can language exert its beneficial influence not only on minds, but on souls. A country in which every citizen wants to know his native language perfectly and worship its extraordinary beauty will become beautiful.