Social project "culture of speech". Social project "cultural capital - culture of speech

Project author

Efimova Olga Vladislavovna

Project name

Vocabulary Culture of speech

Subject, class

Russian language grade 6

Brief summary of the project

The Russian language program in the 6th grade on the study of the topic "Vocabulary. Culture of Speech" takes 6 hours of study.

A successful form of work for studying this topic is an educational project that allows students to better understand the material. Vocabulary teaches us the correct construction of words in a sentence.

She talks about how important it is to correctly, and most importantly, to select expressions in meaning and understand the appropriateness of their use.

As a result of the project implementation, students will gain strong skills in using professionalisms, dialectisms, emotionally colored words in speech when writing creative works.

Project plan

Questions guiding the project

Fundamental question: Who will reveal the secret of the word?

  1. Problem question: Is it always possible to use professionalism in speech?
    1. Study question: What words are called professionalism?
    2. Study question: Have you heard any words related to professionalism?
    3. Study question: How to define professionalism in the dictionary or not?
    4. Study question: What do you need to do to make an offer with professionalism?
    5. Study question: Is it always possible to use professionalism in speech? Are there situations where you can do without them?
  2. Problem question: Is it possible to use dialectisms in speech?
    1. Study question: What words are called dialectisms?
    2. Study question: How to find a dialect word in the dictionary?
    3. Study question:
  3. Problem question: Can a cultured person use jargon in speech?
    1. Study question: What words are jargon?
    2. Study question: Agree that in the speech of a cultured person there should be no place for jargon. And what do you think?
    3. Study question: Dialect words are often used in literary works. Why do you think?
    4. Study question: Can such words replace real, accurate and full-fledged Russian words?
  4. Problem question: What words do you most often use emotionally charged or neutral words in speech?
    1. Study question: What two groups can all words in Russian be divided into? Give examples of words from each group.
    2. Study question: How do they differ from each other?
    3. Study question: What are the words that express the attitude to objects, signs, actions called?
    4. Study question: What can be emotional coloring?
    5. Study question: What marks are put in dictionaries for emotionally colored words?
    6. Study question: What role do emotionally colored words play in speech?
  5. Problem question: Why do some words go out of active everyday use, become obsolete?
    1. Study question: What words are considered obsolete?
    2. Study question: Is it possible to find an obsolete word in an explanatory dictionary?
    3. Study question: What words are called historicisms?
    4. Study question: What words are called archaisms?
    5. Study question: Obsolete words are often used in literary works. Why do you think?

Teacher Publication

Teacher presentation to identify student perceptions and interests

Example of student project activity product

Materials for formative and final assessment

Formative assessment

Scientific forum of young researchers "Step into the future"

Speech culture of modern schoolchildren

Yarkaeva Victoria Eduardovna,

MAOU Vagay secondary school

5th grade


Akbasheva Tatyana Pavlovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature,

MAOU Vagay secondary school

Russian Federation, Vagay village




    Slang and its origin

    Electronic speech





For this scientific and practical work, we chosetopic "Speech culture of modern schoolchildren".

Speech culture is a mirror reflecting the level of linguistic and general human culture. Modern schoolchildren forget about the norms of the literary language, distorting their native Russian language. That's why this topic is becomingrelevant.

Hypothesis. The use of non-literary words in speech affects:

    the general speech culture of students and, in this regard, the culture of behavior;

    speech illiteracy.

Target research - to determine the level of students' knowledge of the norms of speech culture.


    expand the understanding of speech culture;

    to monitor the speech of middle school students;

    make a list of words that clog speech;

    conduct a survey among students in grades 5-6;

    draw conclusions about the research topic.

An object research - the speech of the students of the Vagai school.

Methods research. To solve the tasks, we used the following methods:

    theoretical (study of scientific literature);

    empirical (observation of students' speech).

Practical significance. The material of this work can be used in Russian language lessons when studying the topic "Vocabulary".

1. Begins to annoy interlocutors and becomes uninteresting to others.

2. Creates an image of a person who is unsure of his own abilities. His speech is like a mindless flow of water.

3. Often confused in his own speech. If you put your speech in order, then your thoughts will also be clear, accessible to others.

life- such a fighter for the truth.

tell about his nature, the essence of thinking and vision of the world.

it should be simple, reasonable, even trite and no complications!

life- such a fighter for the truth.

“In short” - a person is not disposed to communication, he does not like conversations, therefore he wants to shorten his speech. However, because of this endless "shorter" effect, the opposite is achieved.

Young people use the word "as if". It means conditional. This is how the youth lives - how would we go, but how would we not go; how we will, and how we will not. Young people are not burdened with responsibility, this affects their speech.

The words “like”, “shorter”, “means” are used by people who are somewhat aggressive.

“By the way” just says that a person feels awkward and out of place. But with the help of this remark, he tries to attract attention to himself and give meaning to the words.

“This is the most” adorns the speech of people with poor memory or lazy people, who often do not even try to remember the right word. They shift the intellectual work of finding the right word to the interlocutor. However, they tend to shift the rest of their affairs and responsibilities to others.

“Actually” is used by people who believe that their inner world is richer, their eyes are sharper, and their thoughts and guesses are more interesting than those of everyone else. These are people who constantly open their eyes to reality. Of course, they are firmly convinced that their worldview is the only true one.

“Practically” is a managerial word. It sticks very quickly to people who live with specific goals, especially those who do not think about the philosophical meaning of life. They, sorry, are not up to such trifles. “Actually” is a word of people who are not self-confident, quickly losing self-control, always looking for a catch in everything that happens, and those who, even because of nonsense, are ready to start a verbal skirmish.

Slang and its origin.

Along with the literary language, there is a huge lexical layer called slang. Answering the question: “Slang - what is it?”, It should be noted that these are words that are not commonly used, they are usually used by a specific, certain circle of people in common speech. Although in some cases it is also found in fiction, if the author needs to convey the live speech of the character.

The term "slang" itself, translated from English, means "the speech of a socially or professionally isolated group, as opposed to the literary language."

Slang words and expressions began to appear when numerous informal youth movements spread: dudes, hippies, punks, rockers, emo, goths and others.

Consider in the table some words and expressions related to a particular youth movement:

All these words and expressions are used by these subcultures in order to stand out from the crowd, to show their exclusivity and originality (along with clothes).

Teenage or, in other words, school slang can be heard in any yard where guys of about the same age meet. Teenage slang (examples):

Young people created their own slang as a linguistic gesture of opposition to the official ideology. Thus, slang appeared in Russia.

Electronic speech

The 21st century is the computer age. Schoolchildren increasingly prefer "electronic" communication to live communication. Corresponding in social networks, they do not follow their written speech. In the messages of students, you can find the following words:

As can be seen from this table, "electronic words" are abbreviations. Such communication is a huge misfortune, since schoolchildren begin to write in the same way in the classroom (for example, in essays). And this problem must be fought.

We have compiled the following scheme with ways to get rid of the "enemy":

    It is necessary to realize that there are non-literary expressions in speech (for this you can record your speech on a voice recorder and listen to it).

    You need to expand your vocabulary. To do this, we read as much fiction as possible.

    When we talk, there is no need to rush. It is necessary to think over every word that we are going to pronounce.

    The help of the family (parents) is also important. Parents should monitor the speech of their children.

    If you write summaries and essays, it will be easier to deal with the "enemy".

    And you need to develop self-confidence. Indeed, often insecure people “cover themselves” with non-literary words.


We have come to the following conclusions:

    the speech culture of the student affects his academic performance and behavior;

    it is necessary to get rid of words and expressions that clog our speech;

    we have found the best ways to deal with unnecessary words and expressions in our speech;

This research work can be of great practical importance in organizing a school curriculum and will help to draw the attention of schoolchildren to a careful attitude to their native language.


    2. Ilyash M. I. Fundamentals of speech culture. Kyiv/M.I. Ilyash. - Odessa, 1984.-254 p.

    Ozhegov S. I. "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" / S.I. Ozhegov. - M, 2004.

    Fomenko Yu.V. Types of speech errors: Proc. allowance./Yu.V. Fomenko. - Novosibirsk, 1994. - 189 p.

    For the preparation of this work, materials from the sites were used:



a) I am at a loss for words

b) I'm very worried

c) they entered the teenage fashion

d) you need to say something important in a short time without preparation

e) I am overwhelmed with emotions.

We have displayed the results of the survey in the following diagram:


1) The use of jargon by schoolchildren is an objective reality. And although some scholars consider the craze for slang words to be a childhood disease, there is a dangerous tendency to jargonize the literary language. Indeed, there is something to worry about: words such as “hit”, “fly away”, “trash”, “super”, “cool”, “cool”, “cool” and many others are gradually replacing literary expressions.

2) Psychologists say that four rules are enough to combat the use of swear words:

Stop cursing yourself, develop disgust and disgust for foul language;

Avoid communicating with people who use obscene words;

Memorize poems, aphorisms.

Reasons for using slang words.

There are several reasons why students use a large number of slang words:

1. Social factors. Now the so-called. common jargon becomes familiar not only in everyday communication, but also sounds in the body - and radio. Scientific and technological revolutions make communication an extremely dynamic system, stimulating changes in social ties and forms of human communication.

2. The student's need for self-expression and mutual understanding. Full communication in the youth environment is impossible without knowing its language. Youth language, on the other hand, implies the use of slang words, swear words as a kind of interjections or simply ways of connecting sentences. It is important for the teacher to show the teenager what is beautiful and what is vile, what is really pleasing to the ear, and what is only disgusting.

3. Expansion of the sphere of youth communication. Modern technologies push the limits of communication. For example, the advent of the Internet allowed young people to hang out in chat rooms (from the English word chat - chatter) and thereby significantly expand their social circle. And since the bulk of those who communicate in this way are young people, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the corresponding norm of speech is being mastered.

Diagnosis of students' attitude to jargon

To explore attitudes towards jargon in the classroom, invite students to complete the following questionnaires. The results of the survey (which can be conducted anonymously) will form the basis for a class hour on the topic of student speech culture.

Questionnaire for students No. 1

1. What is your gender?



3. What about talking to adults?


 Share information.



They don't care what I say.

 My friends.

 My parents.

 My teachers.


 I don't care.

10. Do you hear bad words in your family?

Questionnaire for students No. 2

 Not always.

 Didn't think about it.

 Didn't think about it.

 Didn't think about it.

The system of work on the formation of speech culture of schoolchildren.

The system of the teacher's work on the formation of the speech culture of the student in the lesson consists of the following components:

1. Diagnosis of the degree of formation of the speech culture of schoolchildren in order to develop a correction program when planning further work based on the data obtained.

2. Development of positive learning motivation for each student.

3. Organization of active speech activity, the formation of skills:

To comprehend and well imagine the speech situation (the purpose of communication, the topic and main idea of ​​the statement, the addressee of the speech, the place of communication, the volume of the statement);

Collect material for speech utterance in accordance with the plan, using various sources of information (personal experience, messages from other people, radio and television programs, scientific and journalistic materials, works of art, including fiction), systematize it, draw up a plan future statement with a focus on intent;

In accordance with the plan to use different styles and types of speech by various language means, choose them taking into account all the components of the speech situation;

See the reaction of the listener during oral speech, correlate what is said with the intention and correct your speech, improve (edit) what is written in accordance with the intention. Work on improving speech culture will be carried out more successfully if you give schoolchildren a certain guideline, form an idea of ​​​​what cultural speech should be.

1. Enrichment of students' vocabulary. This should be understood not only as a quantitative increase in the words used, but also as qualitative changes, expressed in expanding the scope of concepts, in clarifying the meanings of words, in familiarizing with new meanings of already known words, with the stylistic possibilities of a word that allow us to correlate the relevance of a particular linguistic fact. with the intention of the speaker.

2. The activity of students in any lesson is assessed from the standpoint of speech etiquette, the culture of utterance on the subject is taken into account, the ability to practically evaluate one's own utterance and the statements of others, i.e., language reflection is carried out related to the assessment of the appropriateness and correctness of speech activity.

3. The use of test control, which intensifies the learning process.

Reminder for students

2. Logic.

3. Variety.

4. Accuracy.

5. Expressiveness.

6. Relevance.

7. Correctness. Observe orthoepic, lexical, grammatical, punctuation norms of the literary language.

Reminder for students

- “In order to take place in life, it’s better not to swear!”

- "Our condition - down with foul language!"

Mat - hell, brother, rich, girls, trembling, tub, not rich, stupid, weak, concentrate;

Cursing - achieve, get angry, hospital, be treated, etc.

Who uses the checkmate, he is undoubtedly stupid!

Mat - the road to hell!

If you want to succeed in life, read books, stop swearing!

How much you will swear, so much you will be treated!

Mat, of course, is not fun, but poison for schoolchildren!

Questionnaire for students No. 1

1. What is your gender?



2. Do you use slang words when communicating with peers?

3. What about talking to adults?

4. For what purpose do you use slang words?


 Look better in the eyes of peers.

 Share information.

 Give your speech liveliness, humor.

5. Do you use swear words in everyday speech?


6. Do teachers correct your speech?


7. How do your parents feel about your speech?

They don't care what I say.

 They constantly tell me to watch my speech.

 Sometimes parents make comments about my speech.

8. Whose speech is the standard for you?

 My friends.

 My parents.

 My teachers.

 The one I hear on TV and radio.

9. When you hear obscene words, how do you feel about it?


 I don't care.

1. Do you hear bad words in your family?

Questionnaire for students No. 1

2. What is your gender?



3. Do you use slang words when communicating with peers?

4. What about talking to adults?

5. For what purpose do you use slang words?


 Look better in the eyes of peers.

 Share information.

 Give your speech liveliness, humor.

6. Do you use swear words in everyday speech?


7. Do teachers correct your speech?


8. How do your parents feel about your speech?

They don't care what I say.

 They constantly tell me to watch my speech.

 Sometimes parents make comments about my speech.

9. Whose speech is the standard for you?

 My friends.

 My parents.

 My teachers.

 The one I hear on TV and radio.

10. When you hear obscene words, how do you feel about it?


 I don't care.

11. Do you hear bad words in your family?

Questionnaire for students No. 2

1. Do you use a lot of slang words in your speech?

2. What do you use them for?

 I think it is fashionable, modern.

 They are needed in speech to connect words.

 Help to overcome the lack of words in my speech.

 Make speech clearer to friends.


3. Do you know the meaning of the slang words you use?

 Not always.

4. Could you do without them?

 Didn't think about it.

5. Do you try to do without them?

 Didn't think about it.

6. Do you think jargon is needed in speech?

 Didn't think about it.

Questionnaire for students No. 2

1. Do you use a lot of slang words in your speech?

2. What do you use them for?

 I think it is fashionable, modern.

 They are needed in speech to connect words.

 Help to overcome the lack of words in my speech.

 Make speech clearer to friends.


3. Do you know the meaning of the slang words you use?

 Not always.

4. Could you do without them?

 Didn't think about it.

5. Do you try to do without them?

 Didn't think about it.

6. Do you think jargon is needed in speech?

 Didn't think about it.

Reminder for students

How to construct the correct statement

2. Logic. Speak consistently, do not allow jumps of thought. Make a plan for your statement, systematize the material in accordance with the plan.

3. Variety. Use a variety of linguistic means, avoid unjustified repetition of words that are identical in structure.

4. Accuracy. Choose the words and sentences that most accurately convey your thoughts.

5. Expressiveness. Choose words and sentences that most clearly convey your thoughts in order to influence the addressee of the speech.

6. Relevance. Choose the necessary style of speech, consider who your statement is addressed to, how it will be perceived, in what environment the communication takes place.

7. Correctness.

Reminder for students

How to construct the correct statement

2. Logic. Speak consistently, do not allow jumps of thought. Make a plan for your statement, systematize the material in accordance with the plan.

3. Variety. Use a variety of linguistic means, avoid unjustified repetition of words that are identical in structure.

4. Accuracy. Choose the words and sentences that most accurately convey your thoughts.

5. Expressiveness. Choose words and sentences that most clearly convey your thoughts in order to influence the addressee of the speech.

6. Relevance. Choose the necessary style of speech, consider who your statement is addressed to, how it will be perceived, in what environment the communication takes place.

7. Correctness. Observe the orthoepic, lexical, grammatical, punctuation norms of the literary language.

Reminder for students

If you want to speak correctly - remember!

When presenting the material, strive for diversity - in accordance with the rule: the viability of any system is the higher, the greater the internal diversity it has.

Take nothing for granted: subject all innovations to a sober doubt based on an analytical judgment.

Speak (write) in order to express yourself, and not in order to impress the listener (reader).

When presenting the material, adhere to the classical scheme: What? Why? (For what?) How? (In what way?).

Never exhaust the subject of your presentation to the end: make the listener (reader) think.

Be critical and with reasonable care in the choice and use of citations.

Your word must match your thought in height. When starting a speech, always remember the end of it.

May your tongue never lead your thoughts.

In speeches, adhere to the principle: everyone with whom you encounter during a dispute (polemic, debate, discussion) has something superior to you. This is what you should learn from him.

During a dispute (controversy, dispute, discussion), surrender to your opponent everything that you can sacrifice, and do not assert anything that you cannot prove.

Do not let weeds into your speech field: your speech must be orthoepic, grammatical and stylistically accurate.

Reminder for students

If you want to speak correctly - remember!

When presenting the material, strive for diversity - in accordance with the rule: the viability of any system is the higher, the greater the internal diversity it has.

Take nothing for granted: subject all innovations to a sober doubt based on an analytical judgment.

Speak (write) in order to express yourself, and not in order to impress the listener (reader).

When presenting the material, adhere to the classical scheme: What? Why? (For what?) How? (In what way?).

Never exhaust the subject of your presentation to the end: make the listener (reader) think.

Be critical and with reasonable care in the choice and use of citations.

Your word must match your thought in height. When starting a speech, always remember the end of it.

May your tongue never lead your thoughts.

In speeches, adhere to the principle: everyone with whom you encounter during a dispute (polemic, debate, discussion) has something superior to you. This is what you should learn from him.

During a dispute (controversy, dispute, discussion), surrender to your opponent everything that you can sacrifice, and do not assert anything that you cannot prove.

Do not let weeds into your speech field: your speech must be orthoepic, grammatical and stylistically accurate.

Project "Culture of speech of modern youth"


The object of study of our project is innovation in the spoken language of young people. The topic we have chosen is relevant, because it is impossible to ignore the processes taking place in the native language, and most importantly, we must remember that not only we influence our language, but it, in turn, influences us.

The purpose of this project is to study the causes of the emergence and use of slang in the language of modern youth.

To achieve this goal, the work provides for the solution of a number of tasks:

Follow the development of slang in Russia;

Reveal the need of modern youth for self-expression and mutual understanding;

To study the characteristic features of the spoken language used by young people in the village of Oktyabrskoye, Povorinsky district.

^ Main body

Reasons for the emergence and use of youth slang

At a young age, you want to be different from everyone else, to move away from the “boring” world of adults, parents, teachers. Therefore, among the young, a specific vocabulary is created - slang. In order to be included in the youth community, to become “one of them” in it, a young person needs not only to be young in age, but also to speak the language characteristic of his age group, namely, to own and use youth jargon.

Young people are attracted to what is forbidden or even dangerous, what is beyond the limits of society's ideas. So, instead of a bicycle, a bike appears, instead of jeans, jeans. There is a replacement of “foreign” standard nominations for “our own” emotional and figurative ones: to ram – “to carry something”; stare - "look", "observe".

^ Stages of development of youth slang (from the 20s of the twentieth century to the present)

Youth jargons are not a new phenomenon in the historical development of the language. In Russia, the first studies of youth jargon date back to the 1920s. A number of studies of students' speech showed that slang words penetrated the language of schoolchildren in the 1920s through communication with homeless children. Examples are slang words from L. Panteleev's story "Republic of ShKID": squeeze - steal, roll - complain.

The next stage in the development of youth jargon is the 50s of the twentieth century. This is the so-called jargon of "dudes", closed groups of youth. The members of such groups were characterized by the search for an "easy" life, a passion for fashionable things, Western jazz music. As a result, some of the most expressive words have become widespread among young people, for example, dude, dude - a guy, a girl, stylishly dressed; to walk, walk

The third stage is the beginning of the 70-80s, the period of stagnation ("Brezhnev times"). During these years, the hippie youth movement came to us. Many foreign words have penetrated into the Russian language, for example, hippie, hippovat - to behave independently, neglecting the general rules; video recorder.

The fourth stage falls on the 90s and practically continues to the present day. This wave in the modern Russian language is often called the "jargon boom" and is associated with the criminalization of Russian reality. In today's speech, both from the lips of a youngster and from the lips of a completely intelligent person, such words and phrases as "Do not load!" " Do not speed!" "Don't slow down!" It is clear to everyone, although none of the words is used in its literary meaning.

The reason for the emergence of new words is the rapid development of computer technology. For example, the advent of the Internet has allowed modern youth to “hang out” in chat rooms and expand their social circle. There is an assimilation of the corresponding norm of speech, for example, chat, glitch, "ICQ".

The problem of youth slang is dealt with by such well-known linguists as I.R. Galperin, A.N. Mazurova, E.M. Beregovskaya.

^ The results of a survey of students to identify the reasons for the use of slang words

To identify the reasons for the use of slang words by students of the Oktyabrskaya Sosh MKOU, we conducted a survey among students in grades 8-11 at the age of 14-17. The number of respondents is 30.

The dominant positions were the answers: “Because the people around me say so”, “I want to look cool”, “It's fashionable”.

Students use slang words when talking with their peers. This result allows you to once again make sure that slang is used by people of a certain age group.


The results of the study allow us to draw the following conclusions:

The use of slang words in the speech of students is due to the fact that the language of slang is spoken by the peers around them, the words are short and emotional, with the help of them it is easier to express their thoughts.

Slang words used by students are associated with society and study, that is, they constitute a common household dictionary.

Thus, all the tasks set in the study have been implemented, the goal of our study has been achieved.

We do not think that slang is something harmful. Slang was, is and will be in our vocabulary, this is evident from the text of our project. It is impossible to imagine a modern student without slang. The main advantages of slang are expressiveness and brevity.

But any cultured person can and must express any of his thoughts in a literary language. If a person constantly expresses his thoughts in the language of slang, it is very difficult for him to correctly and competently express his opinion, therefore, it is necessary to fight in every possible way with any manifestations of jargon in students' speech.


  1. Alekseev D.I. Abbreviations as a new type of words // Development of word formation in the modern Russian language. - M., 2006, pp. 13-38.

  2. Beregovskaya E.M. Youth slang: formation and functioning // Questions of linguistics. - 2006. - 3. - S.32-41.

  3. Borisova - Lukashanets E.G. Lexical borrowings and their normative assessment (based on the youth jargon of the 80-90s). - M, 2005. - 102 p.

  4. Grachev M.A., Gurov A.I. Dictionary of youth slangs. - Gorky, 2004. - 366 p.

  5. Mazurova A.I. Dictionary of slang common among informal youth associations // Psychological problems of studying informal youth associations. - M., 2004.

  6. Matyushenko, E.E. Modern youth slang as an attribute of youth subculture / E.E. Matyushenko // Vestnik SNO. 19 / comp. O.V. Ivankovskaya. - Volgograd: Change, 2003. - 19. - S. 97-102 (0.4 pp).

  7. Nikitina T.G. Explanatory dictionary of youth slang. - M.: AST, 2003. - 736 p.

  8. http// youth slang as an indicator of society

Republican specialized physical and mathematical boarding school named after O. Zhautykov for gifted children

Almaty city

Department of Russian Philology


"We are for the culture of speech"

within the framework of the "Week of Languages"

Teacher of Russian language

and literature

Esmagambetova M.A.

Almaty, 2014

Implementation of the project "We are for the culture of speech"

within the framework of the "Week of Languages"

In modern society, one of the urgent problems is the lack of a culture of speech, the neglect of the norms of the language, the widespread use of swear words in speech. Pupils of our school, and adults (teachers, attendants, parents) are no exception in this case. In this regard, the idea of ​​holding the project “We are for the culture of speech” at the school within the framework of the Week of Languages ​​appeared with the wide involvement of students and teachers in the problem.

At the end of August 2014, when planning the Week of Languages, the head of the Department of Russian Philology Utesheva B.Zh. was warned by me about the project “We are for the culture of speech”, the organizers of which were planned to be students of the 11th grade.

The purpose of the project: to involve students and teachers of the RSFMSHI in the problems of preserving the culture of speech, careful attitude to speech; to form one's position in relation to the problem by taking part in the installation "We are for the culture of speech".

In the first days of September, the preparatory stage began: a plan for the implementation of the project was drawn up, the leaders of the project were identified (11th grade students Fatima Barakbayeva and 11th grade Koshkarova Botakoz), collection of material is planned. At the second stage, 11th grade students were identified, who gave an interview about the culture of speech. Each participant attached a photo portrait to their answers (each of the four 11th grades had its own project leader). At the final stage of the preparation of the project, material was collected (statements of the greats about the language, students' answers about the relevance of the problem "Culture of speech"), stands and the basis of the installation "We are for the culture of speech" were prepared.

The project was launched on September 24, 2014 at a big break (11:30) in the school lobby. Leading the project - Barakbayeva Fatima and Koshkarova Botakoz (photojournalist of the project), students of 11 classes.

The purpose of the project and its tasks were announced to the students, the answers of the project participants were brought to the attention of the students, after which the installation was involved. The first participant in the installation was a 11th grade student Sultan Gilazhidenov, who immediately became a volunteer of the project.

The teachers also became interested in this project, joining the discussion of the problem and contributing to the work of schoolchildren.

School administration: head teachers Sayakova B.M. and Akhmetbekova A.K. – took an active part in the project, assessing the interest of schoolchildren and the benefits of the project in attracting them to the problem.

The project lasted until September 29, 2014, acquiring new volunteers.

and literature Esmagambetova M.A.

Answers to questions from 11th grade students

"We are for the culture of speech"

Do I need to develop my own speech?

Aktybek Zhanbolat, 11 D class

I think that it will not be so useful to me, but it will not be superfluous if I can express myself correctly in society. This is a big plus for me, so that people understand that you are smart and literate. If I do not develop my speech, it will be difficult for me to convey my thoughts orally or in writing, and in my future work, I think this will not be particularly useful to me. But you need to be prepared for anything, because due to speech problems and the inability to clearly express your thoughts, for example, they won’t hire me, because they won’t be able to understand me. Perhaps you still need to work on your speech.

-What, in your opinion, is the culture of speech and should it be developed?

Nysanbek Miras, 11 D class

The culture of speech is, first of all, a component of the spiritual culture of a person and the level of his general development as a person. It testifies to the value of the spiritual heritage and cultural heritage of mankind.

I believe that we should develop our culture of speech. Of course, this is the choice of each person, but everything great starts small, including speech.

Why do we use phrases and expressions so often , that clog our speech ? How can this kind of problem be solved?

Levinishnikov Daniel, 11 D class

I am sure that now there are many ways to develop your speech: these are courses on the development of speech, these are the possibilities of the Internet, but nothing compares to reading fiction, a love for which we are instilled in early childhood.

Why every year more and more people write and speak illiterately ?

Buytekov Beksultan, 11 D class

P I think the main reason is a general decline in the education of people in general, which is associated with scientific and technological progress. Today, people spend less and less time reading books, visiting theaters and developing their speech. More and more time is taken away by the Internet, TV, smartphones, etc. We cease to fully communicate, discuss problems, and, accordingly, fully use speech. This leads to her impoverishment.

Unfortunately, teenagers forget how important the culture of speech is in life, but in recent times I began to notice that more and more of my friends are beginning to pay attention to this problem.

How do you feel about the use of obscenities in speech? Why is jargon often used in speech?

Olzhabekov Zhaksylyk, 11 D class

I am extremely negative about the use of swearing and heavy profanity in speech. I think that this is an indicator of the lack of education, culture of a person and his ignorance.

Jargon is a vocabulary limited by certain conditions, emphasizing the isolation of a certain circle of people who do not want to be like others or who seek to classify speech from others. This is what caused the distortion of speech norms, the use of profanity. However, this leads to the impoverishment of speech, the absence of its culture.

Do adolescents need to develop a culture of speech? What are you doing to improve your speech?

Ahmediya Adilkhan, 11 E class

If we ignore the culture of speech today, our life will not become brighter and richer. Ugly speech is a reflection of the ugly side of our lives. Rough and mean speech leads to rudeness and disrespect in relationships. I am sure that the lack of a culture of speech can lead to the degradation of the individual.

As teenagers, we need to develop our language. It will help to accurately formulate thoughts, better understand each other, show respect for others.

What am I doing to develop my speech?

Kambar Nurila, 11 E class

I believe that the development of a culture of speech is one of the urgent problems of our society. Let's take our school. Many teenagers, studying the basics of natural and mathematical sciences, forget about the importance of speech development. Speech culture is one of the constituent aspects of the general human culture. It reflects the culture of thinking, the culture of behavior, the culture of perception of life. It is necessary to start work on the culture of speech and its improvement precisely in adolescence, in order to subsequently have an exemplary speech.

In order to develop the culture of my speech, I expand my vocabulary. The more words I know, the richer my speech, the more freely and fully I express my thoughts and feelings. Therefore, I try to read more high-quality fiction in my free time. I also believe that it is necessary to listen to the discussions of intelligent people who differ in the culture of speech. Equally important is the purification of speech from coarse profanity, from incorrect pronunciation and use of words. Following the culture of speech also affects relationships with others.

Is it so important to develop a culture of speech for us , teenagers?

Amanzholov Sanzhar, 11 E class

In the modern world, this issue is relevant, since the culture of speech is the path to success in life. Without it, it is impossible to realize oneself in a truly developed society.

As teenagers, we need to develop our language. And it's not about "penetrating into society." The main thing is that by developing the culture of speech, a person learns and improves himself, learns and improves the world.

It is necessary to begin to know ourselves and the world from adolescence, because during this period of life we ​​begin to think about the meaning of life, about choosing our future and about ourselves as a person. By developing our speech, we influence the culture of relationships with others and, most importantly, we open many doors for a successful future in a society with a high culture of life.

Nurpeis Dauren, 11 E class

Every day we are faced with the problem of violation of the culture of speech. Today, the lack of a culture of speech is demonstrated to many: both children and adults. This is the problem of society. It seems to me that the culture of speech is closely connected with the culture of relationships. The lack of a culture of speech indicates the ignorance of society. Many do not think about this problem, not seeing any problem in it. Having tongue-tied speech, people do not think that it is so scary. Some even argue that it is a virtue to say primitively and rudely, but there is no hypocrisy. But after all, by coarsening our speech, we coarsen our relationships, we coarsen life itself, lowering it to a low level. Is this a merit? Is it an achievement and courage when society destroys itself, including through ugly speech?

The lack of a culture of speech is not only the use of profanity, but also the neglect of the norms of the language, which leads to a disrespectful attitude towards the language itself, towards the native speakers themselves, which negatively affects the life of society as a whole.

What is the culture of speech? Is the problem of speech culture relevant today?

Raisov Timur, 11 E class

"The culture of speech is a concept that combines the possession of the language norm of oral and written language" (Wikipedia). I agree with this definition.
With the advent of the Internet, and with it e-mail, we began to pay less attention to the culture of speech. The pace of life has increased, competition has increased, and we no longer have time to think and discuss problems. The problem of speech culture is more relevant than ever.

When a person has poorly developed speech, it is difficult for him to express his thoughts. The conceptual apparatus, which depends very much on the speech level, is simply necessary for us at work, at school, in life. We live only as long as we can think well. And how is it possible to think with a meager vocabulary and inability to handle it? "Meet by clothes, see off by the mind." Not only in clothes, but also in speech. Agree, because you are unlikely to like a person who, at the first meeting, will show that he cannot connect two words.
The aesthetic aspect is also important in correct speech, the pleasure of speaking in a rich and correct language.

Therefore, it is necessary to develop our speech if we want to clearly and clearly express our thoughts, have contacts of trust and decency with others, enjoy communication and simply be a person in the full sense of the word.

I think in order to develop your speech, you need, first of all, to read a lot. Reading and learning new things, we share with others, and for this we have to use speech. We want to talk about something interesting as well as the author did. And we will try to speak better in order to express our thoughts more accurately. There is still more to be said. Speaking, we train our oral speech, which is also very important.
In conclusion, I would like to give a simple but convincing statistics. Shakespeare's vocabulary was 12,000 words, Dahl's dictionary has about 200,000, Mendeleev had 11,000 words, and Ellochka's cannibal dictionary (the prototype of a limited contemporary) from the novel by I. Ilf and E. Petrov "The Twelve Chairs" was just over 17 words, universal for all occasions. How many words does your dictionary contain? And to what extent do you own the culture of speech? Ask yourself these questions and answer them honestly.

Do you need to develop your speech?
Makisheva Zaida, 11 F class

Speech is a powerful tool. Through speech, they communicate, share thoughts. I believe that developed speech opens up many possibilities. Firstly, the ability to use metaphors and synonyms not only shows the richness of the speaker's vocabulary, but also the richness of the speech itself. Secondly, competent speech allows you to think deeper and more accurately. In addition, it is easier for a person who knows how to express his thoughts correctly to defend his position, which is important in a competitive environment.
Communication skills are essential both in everyday life and in school.

These are the arguments by which I explain the need to develop my speech.

Is the problem of speech culture relevant among you teenagers?

Shaimakhanov Ramazan, 11 F class
- In my opinion, the problem of speech culture is relevant for all age groups. But we, teenagers, already now need to work on the correctness and literacy of our speech. In fact, few people can have the right speech without initial preparation.

Between ourselves, we calmly speak in jargon, sometimes even obscene, not thinking that we are accustoming our ears to swear words. Subsequently, this leads to the degradation of not only speech, but also the personality itself.

If we ourselves begin to competently express our thoughts, develop a culture of speech, then, I am sure, our society will gradually become more cultured.

Do you need to develop your speech?

Zhumanov Mukhtar, 11 F class

It is necessary to develop your speech in order to be understood. By developing my speech, I will be able to develop as a person who has his own opinion and is able to defend his position. It happens that the interlocutor does not understand me because I cannot convey my idea to him, and this is a good incentive for the development of speech.

It is necessary to develop your speech with interest, understanding the need for its development. I want to communicate on equal terms with peers and elders. If I cannot express my thoughts, I become uninteresting to others. Everyone will agree that it is difficult to communicate with an illiterate person. This leads to uncertainty and closeness. I have much to learn. The main thing is to start.

What are you doing to improve your speech?

Shakenov Sanzhar, 11 F class

In most cases, the activities that help me develop my speech are verbal exercises. Being not only a natural, but also an enjoyable way to develop speech, such training, frequent and repeated, gives its result.

In everyday life, at school, in all situations, we use speech, but the question is: what kind? I prefer to use as many synonyms as possible for stereotypical expressions, for example, the answer to a banal question: “How are you?”.
So, experience appears in everyday practice, and good speech is no exception to the general rule.

Is the problem of adolescent speech culture relevant today?

Sisenberdieva Aidana, 11th grade

In my opinion, it is very important to develop a culture of speech, but this skill comes only with practice. Therefore, you need to replenish your vocabulary, read works of art and communicate with people who have literate speech.

What are you doing to develop the culture of your speech?

Ilyasov Ibragim, 11 Z

I read books because this is the most interesting and effective way to develop a culture of speech. Reading texts and delving into them, I learn new vocabulary phrases, quotations, which I later use in speech. Also visually remembering the spelling of words helps me maintain my spelling level. Reading allows a person to communicate freely with intelligent people. One of my favorite books useful for the development of speech is the novel by Leo Tolstoy "Anna Karenina". I advise everyone to read!

Do you think that the culture of speech is an actual problem in our society?

Kadyrov Daniyar, 11 Z

Undoubtedly, this is one of the urgent problems, because in everyday life we ​​very often encounter a manifestation of the lack of a culture of speech, especially among young people. We young people need to change our attitude towards speech. The culture of speech is an integral part of the life of a society characterized by a high culture of relations, a culture of life, a culture of work, a culture of creation. Disregard for the norms of speech is comparable to the disregard of society for its culture.

That is why I try to develop my speech in accordance with the norms of speech culture. And I urge the youth to follow this example!

Why do teenagers need to develop and maintain a culture of speech in everyday life?

Litvinov Alexander, 11 Z

The culture of speech must be developed by everyone, first of all for himself. How can you express your thoughts clearly without using proper speech? Communication with people at a high level of culture is another aspect of the need to preserve the culture of speech. The lack of a sense of tact and culture can lead to a loss of respect for you from the interlocutor. A person who does not think or forgets about the culture of speech is disrespectful, first of all, to himself and impoverishes his life. Possession of the norms of correct speech, following the culture of speech is the right way of self-development and success. It is impossible to learn such speech in a short time. This business takes some getting used to. Therefore, we need to start today, while we are still teenagers!

What are you doing to improve your speech?

Umarova Shahzoda, 11 "З"

I read more books as it helps me remember words and enrich my vocabulary. I look for unfamiliar words in the dictionary, memorize them and try to use them correctly in speech. Also, in order to develop my speech, I watch documentaries and feature films where you can hear an exemplary speech. Associating with people whose speech is an example of correct speech significantly improves my speech. For example, communicating with my grandparents, I freely learn to use my speech potential. In the environment of peer friends, fortunately for me, it is customary to monitor one's speech, to strive to use the correct speech. I am not offended when they correct me, because pointing out errors in speech is only for my good.

Despite the fact that while I do not have a high level of speech culture, I do a lot to improve it! And every year I feel that my speech is getting better!

Is it important to develop a culture of speech for teenagers?

Iman Zere, 11 "Z" class

The speech of teenagers is replete with slang, and even obscene words. We have minimized the use of polite words: “please”, “thank you”, “welcome”, “sorry”. But our speech is rich in aggressive "words". Rudeness has become an integral part of our lives. So do we need to change anything?

Have you ever thought that by actively using words filled with love for others, you will change your attitude towards the world, and it will change towards you. Constantly in the Vkontakte news feed, statements flash: “Do good, and it will return to you”, “If you want to change the world, start with yourself.” However, we see only the superficial meaning of sayings, we do not think that by using words devoid of aggression, we convey positive emotions, thereby charging others with our positive energy. Isn't that good? I think, starting from the smallest, let's say, saying "thank you", we will be able to accomplish something more - we will increase the good.

I think it is in our power to change ourselves for the better. So why not start with the culture of speech? After all, a kind word is half the happiness.

How do you react to the neglect of speech, the lack of its culture?

Gaukhar Munkeeva, 11 "Z" class

Every time I witness the lack of a culture of speech among peers and adults in our society, I internally cringe from such a miserable and thoughtless attitude to the language. The thought passes through my head: “What would people feel if they heard themselves from the outside?”

I do not blame anyone, understanding that you need to start with yourself. As soon as we ourselves think about this problem, listen to our speech, we may want to speak competently, correctly, beautifully. After all, then the culture of speech will also affect the culture in relationships, which will lead to real respect for yourself and others. I really hope to be heard!

Do you think that the culture of speech is an urgent problem in our society?

Ainabekova Aida, 11 "Z" class

Each of us often hears a stream of obscene expressions spouted by teenagers who believe that the use of profanity is not something out of the ordinary. However, despite this, among my peers there are those who are concerned about the lack of a culture of speech in the young environment, considering the problem to be relevant. I am from that number.

Perhaps adolescents assert themselves in this way, maintaining good relationships with peers. Television, magazines, music, and the Internet also have a negative impact: many of the modern publications, in order to increase their rating, neglect linguistic and even moral standards, adjusting to the tastes of an unpretentious crowd.

Exemplary adult speech and reading books that have a deep meaning can be a good motivation for developing a culture of speech.

I would like to believe that, thanks to the efforts of parents, teachers and, first of all, teenagers themselves, my peers will begin to take the culture of speech seriously.