Handbook of Spelling and Literary Editing. Rosenthal D.E

Russian language. Spelling and punctuation. Rosenthal D.E.

M.: 2011. - 288 p.

The purpose of this manual is to help students consolidate their writing skills, prepare for the exam and pass it with the highest score. The book contains the basic rules of Russian spelling and punctuation in accordance with the requirements of the program for studying the Russian language at school. Particular attention in the book is given to difficult cases of spelling. The list of words that are difficult to write, given in the book, will help you cope with writing the most difficult texts, and exercises and dictations will test and consolidate your knowledge of the language. The manual will be an indispensable assistant to students, teachers, tutors, as well as to all those who want to improve their knowledge of the Russian language.

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Spelling of vowels in root 4
§ 1. Checked unstressed vowels 4
§ 2. Unverifiable unstressed vowels 5
§ 3. Alternating vowels 6
§ 4. Vowels after hissing 8
§ 5. Vowels after C 9
Spelling of consonants in root 11
§ 8. Voiced and deaf consonants 11
§ 9. Double consonants 12
§ 10. Silent consonants 14
Capitalization 15
§ 11. Capital letters at the beginning of the text 15
§ 12. Capital letters after punctuation marks 15
§ 13. Proper names of persons 16
§ 14. Names of animals 20
§ 15. Names of characters in fables, fairy tales, plays 20
§ 16. Adjectives and adverbs formed from individual names 21
§ 17. Place names 22
§ 18. Astronomical names 25
§ 19. Names of historical eras and events 25
§ 20. Names of state and professional holidays, significant dates 26
§ 21. Names of institutions, organizations and enterprises 27
§ 22. Names of documents, ancient monuments, objects of art 30
§ 23. Names of positions and titles 31
§ 24. Names of orders, medals, insignia 32
§ 25. Names in quotation marks 32
§ 26. Compound words and abbreviations 33
§ 27. Conditional proper names 35
Spelling of foreign words 35
§ 28. Questions of transcription and transliteration 35
Separating b and b 39
§ 29. Use of b 39
§ 30. Use of b 40
Spelling prefixes 40
§ 31. Vowels Y and I after prefixes 40
§ 32. Prefixes on -З 41
§ 33. Prefix C-42
§ 34. Prefixes PRE- and PRI-42
Vowels after hissing and D in suffixes and endings 43
§ 35. Vowels O and E after hissing 43
§ 36. Vowels after C 44
Spelling of nouns 45
§ 37. Endings of nouns 45
§ 38. Suffixes of nouns 47
Spelling of adjectives 49
§ 39. Endings of adjectives 49
§ 40. Suffixes of adjectives 50
Spelling compound words 54
§ 41. Connecting vowels O and E 54
§ 42. Compound words without connecting vowels 55
§ 43. Spelling of compound nouns 56
§ 44. Spelling of compound adjectives 59
Spelling of numerals 72
§ 45. Numbers quantitative, ordinal, fractional. . . 72
§ 46. Numeral POL-73
Pronoun spelling 74
§ 47. Negative pronouns 74
Spelling verbs 75
§ 48. Personal endings of verbs 75
§ 49. The use of the letter b in verb forms 77
§ 50. Suffixes of verbs 77
Spelling participles 78
§ 51. Vowels in participle suffixes 78
§ 52. Spelling HH and H in participles and verbal adjectives 79
Spelling of adverbs 83
§ 53. Vowels at the end of adverbs 83
§ 54. Adverbs for hissing 83
§ 55. Negative adverbs 84
§ 56. Continuous spelling of adverbs 84
§ 57. Hyphenization of adverbs 91
§ 58. Separate spelling of adverbial combinations 92
Spelling of prepositions 95
§ 59. Compound prepositions 95
§ 60. Continuous and separate spelling of prepositions and prepositional combinations 95
Spelling unions 96
§ 61. Continuous spelling of unions 96
§ 62. Separate spelling of unions 100
Particle Spelling 100
§ 63. Separate spelling of particles 100
§ 64. Hyphenization of particles 100
Spelling NOT and NOR 102
§ 65. Spelling NOT with nouns 102
§ 66. Spelling NOT with adjectives 104
§ 67. Spelling NOT with numerals 110
§ 68. Spelling NOT with pronouns 110
§ 69. Spelling NOT with verbs 110
§ 70. Spelling NOT with participles 111
§ 71. Spelling NOT with adverbs 113
§ 72. Spelling NOT with function words 117
§ 73. Spelling NI 117
Spelling of interjections and onomatopoeic words 120
§ 74. Hyphen spelling of interjections and onomatopoeia. . . 120
Punctuation marks at the end of a sentence and at a break in speech 121
§ 76. Question mark 123
§ 77. Exclamation point 124
§ 78. Ellipsis 124
Dash between sentence members 125
§ 79. Dash between subject and predicate 125
§ 80. Dash in an incomplete sentence 130
§ 81. Intonation dash 131
§ 82. Connecting dash 131
Punctuation marks in sentences with homogeneous members. . 132
§ 83. Homogeneous members not connected by unions 132
§ 84. Homogeneous and non-homogeneous definitions 134
§ 85. Homogeneous members connected by non-repeating unions 136
§ 86. Homogeneous members connected by repeated unions 138
§ 87. Homogeneous members connected by pair unions 141
§ 88. Generalizing words with homogeneous terms 142
§ 89. Homogeneous and non-homogeneous applications 143
Punctuation marks for repeated words 144
§ 90. Comma with repeated words 144
§ 91. Hyphen spelling of repeated words 145
Punctuation marks in sentences with separate members 146
§ 92. Separate definitions 146
§ 93. Separate applications 150
§ 94. Separate circumstances 156
§ 95. Separate additions 162
Punctuation marks in sentences with clarifying, explanatory and connecting members of the sentence 163
§ 96. Specifying members of the sentence 163
§ 97. Explanatory members of sentence 164
§ 98. Attaching members of the sentence 165
Punctuation marks for words not grammatically related to sentence members 166
§ 99. Introductory words and phrases 166
§ 100. Introductory and inserted sentences 171
§ 101. Appeal 173
§ 102. Interjection 174
§ 103. Affirmative, negative and interrogative-exclamatory words 176
§ 104. Punctuation marks in a compound sentence. . . 176
§ 105. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence. . 179
§ 106. Comparative turnover 186
§ 107. Expressions integral in meaning 193
§ 108. Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence 195
§ 109. Punctuation marks in direct speech 200
§ 110. Punctuation marks in dialogue 203
§ 111. Punctuation in quotations 203
§ 112 Use of quotation marks 205
§ 113. Combinations of punctuation marks 208
APPS 214
Exercises 214
Dictations 251
Short list of difficult words to write 259
Conditional abbreviations 281

Ditmar Elyashevich Rosenthal (December 19, 1900, Lodz, Kingdom of Poland, Russian Empire - July 29, 1994, Moscow, Russian Federation) - Soviet and Russian linguist, author of numerous works on the Russian language.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (1952), professor (1962).

Dietmar Rosenthal was born in Lodz (Poland) to a Jewish family. In his early youth he lived in Berlin, where his father worked. In Moscow since 1914. Until 1918 he studied at the 15th Moscow (Warsaw) gymnasium. Since 1918 - at Moscow University (graduated in 1923 with a degree in Italian), the Institute of National Economy named after K. Marx (graduated in 1924); then - in RANION (1924-1926; graduate student, researcher).

From 1922 to 1923 he taught at a secondary school, from 1923 - at a higher school (Workers' Faculty named after Artyom, 1923-1936). Further places of work - the philological faculty of the 1st Moscow State University, since 1927; Moscow Polygraphic Institute, 1940-1962; Faculty of Journalism. Professor, Head of the Department of Stylistics of the Russian Language, Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University in 1962-1986. For a long time he headed the faculty group of television and radio announcers of the USSR.

Rosenthal created an Italian language textbook for universities, Russian-Italian and Italian-Russian dictionaries; translated into Russian the works of Italian writers.

Rosenthal was not an academic specialist in the linguistics of the Russian language, the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences was awarded to him honoris causa for the textbook of the Italian language. Nevertheless, he is considered the founder (together with Professor K.I. Bylinsky) of practical stylistics, one of the main developers and interpreters of the rules of modern Russian spelling.

Author of more than 150 textbooks (published since 1925), manuals, reference books, dictionaries, popular books, as well as research papers on the Russian language, speech culture, stylistics, spelling, linguodidactics.

Books signed with the name of D.E. Rosenthal, continue to be published in revised editions.

The Russian language was not for D.E. Rosenthal to his relatives: he spoke German with his father, and Polish with his mother and brother. In total, he knew about twelve languages, including Italian, Latin, Greek, English, French, Swedish.

Books (12)

The book in an accessible and entertaining way tells schoolchildren about the expressive means of the Russian language, revealing the secrets of using words, their compatibility, the rules and subtleties of using grammatical forms. For high school students.

When social structures, legal consciousness, culture, intellectual and spiritual life of society break down, the language is at the epicenter of all these upheavals. And therefore, reviving the spirituality of our society, it is necessary to think about good speech, preserve the richness of the Russian language and learn how to use it.

The book tells about the features of correct Russian speech, helps to avoid common speech errors. On interesting examples of high artistic skill of Russian writers, poets, publicists, various stylistic devices are shown to enhance the expressiveness and emotionality of speech.

The book is addressed to everyone who seeks to improve the culture of speech, master the art of public speaking, develop a sense of style.

Dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language

The "Dictionary ..." contains about 20,000 words representing difficulties of a different nature.

The reader will receive information about the spelling, pronunciation, word formation, learn the grammatical and stylistic characteristics of the word, possible compatibility, word management.

Modern Russian

The manual contains all sections of the modern Russian language course: vocabulary and phraseology, phonetics and graphics, spelling and orthoepy, word formation, morphology and syntax. All theoretical information is illustrated by examples from works of fiction, journalistic, popular science literature.

Various exercises of a training and creative nature are given to consolidate the material.

The manual contains theoretical information on all the main sections of the Russian language course and a variety of exercises in the Russian language course and a variety of exercises in spelling, punctuation, vocabulary and style, and grammatical analysis.
The book will help students to systematize and deepen the knowledge of the school curriculum in preparation for the written and oral exams in the Russian language.
The manual is intended for high school students and applicants, teachers of the Russian language and teachers of preparatory courses at universities.

Unchecked unstressed vowels in the root.
There are many words whose vowels in the roots cannot be checked by stress. These are the so-called unchecked spellings. Among them there are words originally Russian, but for the most part similar words came from other languages. Their spelling is determined by the dictionary.

The spelling of the most common words should be remembered: vinaigrette, object, dilemma, conductor, dependent, quotation marks, obsession, charm, smell, panorama, periphery, minnow, confusion, tunnel, tunnel, tunneler (currently such spelling is more common than writing tunnel, tunnel, tunneller), utilitarian, etc.

Preface 3
Introduction 4
§one. Sounds and Letters 6
§2. Phonetic parsing and phonetic transcription 11
§3. Syllable 12
§4. stress 13
§5. Pronunciation of individual sounds, sound combinations, some grammatical forms 16
Principles of Russian spelling 19
Spelling of vowels in root 20
§6. Checked unstressed vowels in root 20
§7. Unchecked unstressed vowels in root 21
§eight. Alternating vowels in root 22
Root gar-/gor- 22
Root zar-/zor- 23
Root cas - / braid (n) - 23
Root clan-/clone- 24
Root lag-/false-24
Roots poppy-, mok- 25
Roots equal-, roen- 25
Roots of plov-, plov-, plov-26
Root rast-/ros- 26
Root skak-/skoch- 27.
Root cre- / cre- 27
Roots ber-/bir-, der-/dir-, mer-/mir-, per-/pir-, ter-/tir- 28
Roots bleat-/blist-, burn-/burn-, even-/chit-, stele-/steel- 29
Roots with alternation a (i) / im, a (i) / in 29
§nine. Vowels after hissing ir root 30
§ten. Letter e 32
Spelling of consonants in root 33
§eleven. Voiced and voiceless consonants in the root 33
§12. Double consonants in root 34
§thirteen. Silent consonants 36
The use of capital letters in proper names 37
Word composition. Word formation. Shaping 42
§fourteen. Word composition 42
§fifteen. Morphological way of word formation 45
§sixteen. Non-morphological ways of word formation 48
§17. Ways of forming word forms 49
Separating b and b 50
Spelling prefixes 51
§eighteen. Prefixes on -z and prefix s-51
§nineteen. Prefixes pre- and pre-54
§20. Vowels ы и и after prefixes 56
Vowels after sibilants and c in suffixes and endings 57
§21. Vowels o and v after hissing 57
§22. Vowels after c 60
Word wrap 61
§23. Polysemy of the word 63
§24. Homonyms 66
§25. Synonyms 67
§26. Antonyms 71
§27. The use of foreign words 73
§28. Phraseologisms 74
§29. Parts of speech 78
noun 80
§thirty. Meaning, ranks and categories of nouns 80
§31. Spelling of noun endings 86
§32. Spelling of noun suffixes 88
adjective 92
§33. Meaning, categories and categories of adjectives 92
§34. Spelling of adjective endings 94
§35. Spelling of adjective suffixes 95
§36. Letters k and nn in adjective suffixes 99
Spelling compound words 104
§37. Compound words with a connecting vowel 104
§38. Compound words without a connecting vowel 105
§39. Spelling of compound nouns 106
§40. Spelling compound adjectives 108
Name numeral 114
§41. Meaning and digits of numbers 114
§42. Spelling of numerals 116
Pronoun 120
§43. Meaning and ranks of pronouns 120
§44. Spelling of pronouns 121
Verb 124
§45. Meaning, categories and forms of verbs 124
§46. Spelling of personal endings of verbs 129
§47. The use of the letter ь in verb forms 131
§48. Spelling of verb suffixes 134
§49. Stress in verb forms 139
Communion 141
§fifty. Meaning and forms of participles 141
§51. Spelling of endings and suffixes of participles 142
§52. Spelling k and nn in participles and verbal adjectives 145
General participle 151
Adverb 153
§53. Meaning and ranks of adverbs 153
§54. Spelling of adverbs 156
§55. Continuous spelling of adverbs 158
§56. Hyphenated adverbs 163
§57. Separate writing of adverbial expressions 165
Suggestion 171
§58. Meaning of prepositions 171
§59. Spelling of prepositions 172
Union 174
§60. Meaning and types of unions 174
§61. Spelling unions 176
Particles 179
§62. Significance and discharges of particles 179
§63. Particle Spelling 180
§64. The use of particles not and neither 182
Interjection 197
Repetitive Spelling Exercises 199
Phrase 203
Proposal 207
§65. Offer types 207
§66. Punctuation at the end of a sentence and at a break in speech 210
Simple sentence 211
§67. The main members of the proposal 211
Subject 211
Predicate 215
§68. Dash between the main members of the sentence 223
§69. Secondary members of sentence 227
Addition 228
Definition 229
Application 233
Circumstances 235
§70. Syntactic and stylistic meaning of word order 239
§71. One-part sentences 241
§72. Offers with homogeneous members 245
§73. Punctuation marks in sentences with homogeneous members 248
Homogeneous members of the proposal, not connected by unions 248
Homogeneous members of the proposal, connected by unions 249
Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions 253
Generalizing words with homogeneous members of a sentence 255
§74. Proposals with separate members. 260
§75. Punctuation marks in sentences with separate members 261
Separation of definitions 261
Application isolation 271
Separation of circumstances 277
Separation of additions 287
Separation of clarifying, explanatory and connecting members of the proposal 288
Words not grammatically related to sentence members 293
§76. Introductory words and sentences 293
§77. Appeal 306
§78. Punctuation marks for particles, interjections, affirmative, negative and interrogative-exclamatory words 309
Complex sentence 313
§79. Compound sentence 314
§80. Complex sentence 319
§81. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence 321
§82. Complex sentence with several subordinate clauses 325
§83. Punctuation marks in comparative phrases with conjunctions like, what, than, etc. 333
§84. Associative Compound Sentence 338
§85. Complex syntactic constructions 348
Direct and indirect speech 351
§86. The concept of direct and indirect speech 351
§87. Punctuation marks in direct speech and dialogue 353
§88. Punctuation marks in quotations, in expressions taken from a dictionary alien to the author or used in an ironic sense 363
Repetitive spelling and punctuation exercises 365
§89. Language styles 375
§90. The use of noun forms 378
§91. Use of forms of adjectives 384
§92. The use of forms of numerals 386
§93. Use of pronouns 388
§94. The use of verb forms 390
§95. Simple sentence structure 392
§96. Agreement of the predicate with the subject 395
§97. Harmonization of definitions and applications 401
§98. Some management cases 405
§99. Proposals with homogeneous members 413
§100. The use of participial phrases 415
§101. The use of adverbial phrases 418
§102. Complex sentence 420
Appendix. Don't miss the accent! 422
Conditional abbreviations 434.

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Ditmar Elyashevich Rosenthal (December 19 (31), 1900, Lodz, Kingdom of Poland, Russian Empire - July 29, 1994, Moscow, Russian Federation) - Soviet and Russian linguist, author of numerous works on the Russian language.
Dietmar Rosenthal was born on December 19 (31), 1900 in Lodz (Poland). In Moscow - since 1914. Until 1918 he studied at the 15th Moscow (Warsaw) gymnasium. Since 1918 - at Moscow University (graduated in 1923 with a degree in Italian), the Institute of National Economy named after K. Marx (former Moscow Commercial Institute; graduated in 1924); then - in RANION (1924-26; graduate student, researcher).
Dietmar Rosenthal at work
From 1922 to 1923 he taught at a secondary school, from 1923 at a higher school (Workers' Faculty named after Artyom, 1923-1936). Further places of work - the philological faculty of the 1st Moscow State University, since 1927; Moscow Polygraphic Institute, 1940-1962; Faculty of Journalism. Professor, Head of the Department of Stylistics of the Russian Language, Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University in 1962-1986. For a long time he led a group of television and radio announcers of the USSR.
Rosenthal created an Italian language textbook for universities, Russian-Italian and Italian-Russian dictionaries; translated into Russian the works of Italian writers.
The founder (together with Professor K. I. Bylinsky) of practical stylistics, one of the main developers and interpreters of the rules of modern Russian spelling. Author of more than 150 textbooks (published since 1925), manuals, reference books, dictionaries, popular books, as well as research papers on the Russian language, speech culture, stylistics, spelling, linguodidactics.
The scientist died in July 1994 in Moscow. He was buried at the Vostryakovsky cemetery.
Main works:

Difficult questions of grammar and spelling
Practical style of the Russian language
A guide to the Russian language for applicants to universities
Literary editing // co-author - K.I. Bylinskiy
Difficult cases of punctuation
Issues of Russian spelling. Practical guide
A Guide to Spelling and Literary Editing
Spelling and punctuation. Rules and exercises. Tutorial
Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms // co-author M. A. Telenkova
Management in Russian. Dictionary-reference
Modern Russian language // co-authors M.A. Telenkova, I.B. Golub
Modern Russian language // co-authors N. S. Valgina, M. I. Fomina
Speak and write Russian correctly
Entertaining about the Russian language // co-authors V. A. Ivanova, Z. A. Potikha
Dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language // co-author M. A. Telenkova
Secrets of good speech // co-author I. B. Golub
Russian language. Spelling. Punctuation // co-author I. B. Golub
Uppercase or lowercase?
Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language
Reference book on the Russian language. Spelling. Pronunciation. Literary editing // co-authors E. V. Dzhandzhakova, N. P. Kabanova

This guide, intended for publishing professionals, primarily editors, but also authors, contains basic information on standard spelling and literary editing.

The guide has the following three sections:

1. Spelling. 2. Punctuation. 3. Literary editing.

The first two sections are built on the basis of the “Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation” published in 1956 and currently in force, which played a big role in streamlining our spelling system and eliminating numerous cases of inconsistency that existed before the publication of the set of rules and created significant difficulties in the work of publishing houses. . However, the general code did not aim to cover all the variety of private, sometimes isolated cases of controversial or dual spelling, which can only be regulated by special dictionaries and reference books that specify the rules of the code.

Publishers and writers face particular challenges in the field of punctuation, where the writer is given a wide choice of punctuation marks. The Russian punctuation system is highly flexible: along with mandatory rules, it contains instructions that are not strictly normative in nature and allow punctuation options necessary to express the semantic shades and stylistic features of written speech. Freedom of choice is expanded due to the "polysemy" of most punctuation marks, that is, the ability to use individual characters in various conditions of semantic and syntactic division of the text and its intonational design. The general rules contained in the code are therefore not enough, and reference books ^ .include a variety of material illustrating the stylistic functions of punctuation should come to the rescue.

The material of the first two sections of the handbook covers the entire system of spelling and punctuation, but focuses on the so-called difficult cases. In the field of spelling, this is the spelling of compound words, adverbs, particles not, one or two n in the suffixes of adjectives and participles, the use of capital letters. In the field of punctuation, the rules for punctuation marks are set out in more detail with homogeneous and isolated members of a sentence, with introductory words and phrases, in constructions with the conjunction as, in non-union complex sentences, in direct speech.

The requirement for accuracy and clarity of presentation, imposed on the text of any style of speech, can only be met if certain norms of word usage and grammar rules are observed. Relevant regulatory guidance is contained in the third section of this handbook.

At the same time, it is impossible not to take into account that it is precisely in the choice of a word or grammatical form that the writer is given great freedom. The huge wealth of Russian vocabulary, the variety of structures of the grammatical structure of the Russian language create the most favorable conditions for the variant choice of language means, depending on the content of the text, its general stylistic orientation, genre and form of expression. Under these conditions, there is no need to talk about firm "rules" that fetter the author and the editor. They are helped by a linguistic flair, understanding of the subtle semantic and stylistic nuances contained in a particular text, taking into account some general trends in the development of the Russian literary language in the Soviet era. The best criterion of the norm is the literary practice of exemplary writers, publicists, scientists and cultural figures. The examples given in the reference book from works of various language styles can serve as the basis for an objective choice that minimizes the "taste approach" to the facts of literary speech.


Spelling of vowels in the root § 1 Checked unstressed vowels Unstressed vowels of the root are checked by stress, that is, the same vowel is written in the unstressed syllable as in the corresponding stressed syllable of the same-root word, for example: try on (measure) a suit, - reconcile (peace) neighbors ; the flag flutters (waving) - the industry develops (development).

Wed different spellings of unstressed root vowels in similar-sounding words: climb (into a pocket) - lick (wounds), boil (potatoes) - open (door), caress (cat) - rinse (mouth), fastened (collar) - fastened (root) ), thin out (shoots) - defuse (gun), belittle (value) - beg (for mercy), etc. .

Note 1.

Vowels o - and in unstressed roots of perfective verbs cannot be checked with imperfective forms for -yvat (-yvat), for example: be late (late, although late), cut (cut, although cut).

Note 2.

In some words of foreign origin with a suffix distinguished only etymologically, the spelling of an unstressed vowel cannot be checked with a single-root word if the checked and test vowels are part of suffixes of different origin, for example: subscription (-ment goes back to the French suffix), although subscribe (-irovate goes back to German suffix) accompaniment though to accompany; engagement, although engagement.

Wed also a similar phenomenon in the composition of a foreign root: to apperceive, although apperception; disinfect though disinfection. The root vowel is preserved in the words injection - to inject, projection - to project and some. others

Unchecked unstressed vowels The spelling of unstressed vowels that cannot be checked by stress is determined by the spelling dictionary, for example: badminton, concrete, twine, can, bodyaga, grease, validol, cheesecake, ventilation, vestibule, ham, vinaigrette, dysentery, drochena, intelligentsia , kalamyanka, kalach, closet, loaf, cuttlefish, holster, layout, burner, head of cabbage, koschey, amulet, magarych, madapolam, obsession, front garden, pantopon, ferry, periphery, minnow, pigalitsa, plasticine, privilege, rump steak, rotaprint , bullfinch, smelt, scholarship, brake, thorny, elixir, overpass and many more. etc. (as the examples show, this includes words regardless of their origin). §3 Alternating vowels 1. At the root gar- -hor- under stress is written a, without stress - O: tan, fumes - tanned, burn.

Exceptions: burnouts, burnt out, burnt (special and dialect words).

2. At the root of zar- - zor-, a vowel is written under stress in accordance with pronunciation, without stress - a: glow, zdrka - lightning, illuminate.

Exceptions: dawn, dawn. - 3. At the root of the braid - - braid (n) - it is written about, if the consonant I follows, in other cases - a: touch, tangent - touch, touch.

4. At the root clan- - clone - a vowel is written under stress in accordance with pronunciation, without stress - o: bow, bow - bow, worship.

5. In the unstressed root lag- - lies - before g is written a, before jar - o: to offer, adjective - to offer, taxation.

Exception: canopy (semantically it is no longer associated with the root lag- - false-).

6. The root poppy is found in verbs that mean “immerse in liquid”: dip crackers in tea, dip a pen in ink.

The rule applies to derivative words: dipping, blotting paper, waterproof raincoat.

7. At the root, a floating vowel sound can be stressed and unstressed: swim, buoyancy, float. The root of plov is contained in the words swimmer and swimmer; the root is swimming - in the word quicksand.

8. The root is equal - there is in words with the meaning "equal, identical, on a par": equation, compare, equalize (be on a par). The root roen- - in words with the meaning "smooth, straight, smooth": level, coeval, level, level. Wed: trim (make equal) - trim (make even); aligned (made equal) - aligned (made even).