High school with a historical bias. Humanitarian and economic school "Samson"

Top 5 schools in 2017.

Schools that we are proud of - the top five schools in Moscow according to the results of a study by the Moscow Department of Education in 2017. Description of schools with links.

● Top 5 best schools in Moscow in detail

The criteria by which schools were included in the list remained the same as last year: the experts took into account 8 blocks of indicators:

  • The results of the final certification,
  • Participation in rating Olympiads,
  • Working with children with disabilities
  • Use of urban socio-cultural resources

– all this data enabled schools to earn more points.

In addition, the results of the competition were taken into account:

  • JuniorSkills Russia,
  • worldskills rissia,
  • All-Russian Olympiad of Professional Excellence
  • Abilympics


– physical and mathematical class;

Natural Science:

- medical and biological (at the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov),


At the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

Third place

School No. 179 a structural subdivision of the Moscow Institute of Open Education.

School No. 179- a public school in Moscow, which is a structural subdivision of . The school is located in the very center of Moscow (it is the closest school to Red Square). Since the 1970s, School No. 179 has been known for its math classes. The school occupies a leading position among Moscow schools in terms of educational results, for example, according to the results of the 2012-2013 academic year, the school took third place in the official rating of schools in Moscow, sixth place in the Olympiad rating of Russian schools according to the Russian Union of Rectors.

There are no junior classes in it, training begins from the 6th grade, and you can enter the famous 179th school only on the basis of the results of entrance tests in specialized subjects.

They are carried out differently for each direction:

  • for engineering and technology, for example, round 1 is not a classic exam, but a cycle of complex classes that test knowledge and meta-subject skills,
  • for biology and mathematics - a written exam and oral interviews,
  • for mathematics - a written exam and oral problem solving.

The principles of building the educational process at school also differ from those familiar to most students: there is no strict control and iron discipline - the school teaches you to search for information, find answers to questions, create and experiment.

Fourth place

Gymnasium No. 1514 one of the oldest Moscow schools with a history spanning almost 8 decades.

School No. 1514(formerly gymnasium No. 1514) - Founded in 1958 as a mathematical school No. 52. In 1960 it received the status of a special mathematical school. The school organized an in-depth study of mathematics and industrial training in the profession of "Programming".

Currently, in the 8th grade, students can choose to study in mathematics (training in programs for advanced study of mathematics and programming, extended teaching of physics), humanitarian (training in programs for advanced study of literature, foreign languages ​​(2 languages), history) or cultural profile (Latin language, philosophy, MHC).

Admission to the gymnasium - on a competitive basis, based on the results of exams and interviews In Russian, mathematics and English language.

The educational process from grades 5 to 7 is based on basic programs with elements of extended study of a number of disciplines, at the end of each year there are transfer exams. In the 8th grade, specialized training in mathematics and the humanities begins, from the 9th grade, the natural science direction is added to this list.

Mathematics students have the opportunity to qualify as a programmer upon graduation. Since 1997, on the basis of the gymnasium, the Department of History and Theory of World Culture has been established together with the Russian State University for the Humanities, admission is carried out from the 9th grade, graduates have benefits when entering a number of faculties of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

Fifth place

Lyceum No. 1580 at the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman

This educational institution is for those who want to connect their lives with the study of the exact sciences: especially for future "techies", classes are conducted not only by school teachers, but also by the teachers of the Baumanka itself.

State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow Lyceum No. 1580(at MSTU named after N. E. Bauman) - Physics and Mathematics Lyceum in the Southern District of Moscow (former secondary general education Physics and Mathematics School No. 1180 at MSTU named after N. E. Bauman). The lyceum conducts in-depth training in physics, mathematics, computer science in grades 7-11 and is the basic educational institution of the Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman.

Students from grades 5 to 11 can enter the lyceum department, for this they need to successfully pass the entrance exams in specialized disciplines and the Russian language, and for each class there are their own assessment criteria, which are explained on the website of the educational institution.

The program involves an in-depth course in algebra, geometry, physics, computer science, and mathematical analysis. In addition, the lyceum has classes with in-depth study of the English language.

The learning process goes beyond the classroom:

lyceum students visit various faculties of the Moscow State Technical University, undergo introductory practice.

The Moscow Center for Continuing Mathematical Education, with the information support of the Social Navigator project, MIA Rossiya Segodnya, and Uchitelskaya Gazeta, and with the assistance of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, has prepared lists of educational institutions that provide a high level of training for graduates in specialized areas and in mathematics.

When compiling the rating, the researchers took into account the results of the final and regional stages All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in this profile area, as well as the results Mandatory state exam(OGE) in specialized subjects.

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren- a system of annual subject Olympiads for students in state, municipal and non-state educational organizations implementing general educational programs.

The purpose of the study was to identify the best areas in schools where you can get a quality education in a particular subject area.

Biological and geographical profile

GBOU Lyceum "Second School"
GBOU secondary school No. 171

GBOU "Academic Gymnasium No. 1534"
GBOU "Gymnasium No. 1514"
GBOU "Gymnasium No. 1520 named after the Kaptsovs"
GBOU "Gymnasium No. 1567"
GBOU "Gymnasium No. 1576"

GBOU "Lyceum No. 1158"
GBOU "Lyceum No. 138"
GBOU Lyceum № 1502 at MEI"
GBOU "Lyceum No. 1535"
GBOU "Lyceum No. 1547"

GBOU "Lyceum-gymnasium complex in the South-East"
GBOU "Multiprofile Lyceum No. 1501"

GBOU "School with in-depth study of individual subjects No. 1950"

GBOU "School No. 1454 "Education Center Timiryazevsky"

GBOU "School No. 192"
GBOU "School No. 2086"
GBOU "School No. 218"
GBOU "School No. 853"
GBOU "School No. 962"

GBOU Moscow Gymnasium in the South-West No. 1543

Industrial and technological profile

GBOU "Gymnasium No. 1507"
GBOU "School No. 1000"
GBOU "School No. 293 named after A.T. Tvardovsky"

Math profile

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow Institute of Open Education" (secondary school No. 179)
GBOU Lyceum "Second School"
GBOU "Gymnasium No. 1514"
GBOU "Lyceum №1568 named after Pablo Neruda"
GBOU "Fifty-seventh school"
GBOU "School with in-depth study of physics and mathematics №2007"

GBOU "School No. 1329"
GBOU "School No. 2086"
GBOU "School No. 218"
GBOU "Boarding school "Intellectual"

GBOU Moscow Gymnasium in the South-West No. 1543
Specialized educational and scientific center (faculty) - boarding school named after. A.N.
Kolmogorov Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov

Defense sports profile

GBOU secondary school No. 654 named after A.D. Friedman
GBOU "Gymnasium №1504"
GBOU Lyceum № 1502 at MEI"

GBOU "School with in-depth study of English No. 1381"

GBOU "School No. 1253 with in-depth study of a foreign language"
GBOU "School №2031"

GBOU "School №2114"
GBOU "School №2127"
GBOU "School №1947"

Social and humanitarian profile

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow Institute of Open Education" (secondary school No. 179)
State Autonomous Educational Institution "Gymnasium No. 1518"
GBOU Lyceum "Second School"
GBOU secondary school No. 654 named after A.D. Friedman
GBOU "Gymnasium No. 1290
GBOU "Gymnasium No. 1514
GBOU "Gymnasium No. 1522

GBOU "Gymnasium No. 1529 named after A.S. Griboyedov"
GBOU "Gymnasium No. 1567
GBOU "Gymnasium No. 1573
GBOU "Gymnasium. No. 45 named after L.I. Milgram"

GBOU "State Capital Gymnasium"
GBOU "Izmailovo gymnasium №1508"
GBOU Lyceum № 1502 at MEI"
GBOU "Lyceum №1535"
GBOU "Lyceum No. 1547
GBOU "Lyceum №1553 named after V.I. Vernadsky"
GBOU "Lyceum №1575
GBOU "Lyceum-gymnasium complex in the South-East"

GBOU "Multiprofile Lyceum No. 1799"
GBOU "Fifty-seventh school"
GBOU "School with in-depth study of English No. 1270"

SBEI "School with in-depth study of Spanish No. 1252 named after Cervantes"

GBOU "School with in-depth study of French No. 1251 named after General Charles de Gaulle"

GBOU "School No. 109"
GBOU "School No. 1329"
GBOU "School No. 1474"
GBOU "School No. 2089"

GBOU "School No. 218"
GBOU "School No. 962"
GBOU "Boarding school "Intellectual"
GBOU "Line No. 1574"
GBOU Moscow Gymnasium in the South-West No. 1543

Socio-economic profile

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow Institute of Open Education" (secondary school No. 179)
State Autonomous Educational Institution "Gymnasium No. 1518"
GBOU Lyceum "Second School"
GBOU "Academic Gymnasium No. 1534"
GBOU "Gymnasium No. 1290"
GBOU "Gymnasium No. 1514"
GBOU "Gymnasium No. 1529 named after A.S. Griooedov"
GBOU "Gymnasium No. 1567"

GBOU Gymnasium No. 1576"
GBOU "Gymnasium No. 45 named after L.I. Milgram"
GBOU "Izmailovo Gymnasium No. 1508"
GBOU "Lyceum №1158"
GBOU "Lyceums №138"
GBOU Lyceum № 1502 at MEI"

GBOU "Lyceum №1535"
GBOU "Lyceum №1547"
GBOU "Lyceum No. 1580 at MSTU named after N.E. Bauman"
GBOU "Multiprofile Lyceum No. 1799"
GBOU "Fifty-seventh school"
GBOU "School with in-depth study of English No. 1944"
GBOU "School with in-depth study of mathematics, computer science, physics No. 444"
GBOU "School with in-depth study of individual subjects No. 1234"
GBOU "School №1329"

GBOU "School №1474"
GBOU "School №2 006"
GBOU "School №2036"
GBOU "School №2086"
GBOU "School №218"
GBOU "School №853
GBOU "School No. 962"
GBOU "Boarding school "Intellectual"
GBOU "Lyceum №1574"

State GBOU Moscow Gymnasium in the South-West No. 1543
Lyceum NRU "Higher School of Economics"
FGBOU VO "Preuniversity" MSLU
Specialized educational and scientific center (faculty) - boarding school named after. A.N. Kolmogorov Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov
FGKOU Moscow Cadet Corps "Boarding School of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation"

Choosing a school for your child is not an easy task. There are many schools - and very different ones, and each sets its own task: gaining knowledge, entering a university, specializing in mathematics or Spanish ...

Strong schools, as a rule, have specialized classes, and in order to get into them, you need to pass interviews. They are usually held during the spring school break, which is just a short time away. "Izvestia" decided to help you in choosing and made a rating of the best schools in Moscow. There can be many criteria for compiling such a rating - the percentage of students enrolled in universities, victories in olympiads, the number of men among teachers, the equipment of classes, the opinion of the students themselves and their parents.

We decided to limit these criteria and took this as the main one: the knowledge that the school provides. To do this, we used a method specially developed by us (see details below). Only public metropolitan schools participated in the rating - private schools have their own specifics and require separate consideration.

Humanities schools

The ranking of Moscow schools in the humanities cycle was compiled on the basis of the results of Olympiads and a survey of leading teachers and specialists in the field of education in Moscow. Unlike natural science competitions, the results of humanitarian competitions are much more subjective, which is why we decided to add a survey of leading experts from the capital to them.

Lomonosov Tournament

This tournament was invented in 1978 by the legendary mathematics teacher Nikolai Konstantinov. Schools famous for their Olympiad traditions are not necessarily in the forefront of the Lomonosov Tournament ranking: the winners of city and international Olympiads usually do not participate in this competition. But the Lomonosov Tournament gives a more massive cut, because anyone can take part in it.

It can be compared to a marathon: in it, children are rewarded for success in one or several subjects at once. Based on the results, schools can be evaluated that provide good development of thinking and mastery of one or more subjects. Among the schools that gave brilliant results in the Lomonosov Tournament, one can note the new school No. 2007 in Yuzhny Butovo or the recently created Intellectual school on Kremenchugskaya Street, in which 85 out of 150 students became winners of this tournament.

P.S. We suspect that someone may not find their school in this ranking, which, in their opinion, is not inferior to the winning schools. We repeat: in some ways you are probably right, because there are a lot of criteria for selecting the best schools, but we settled on the main thing - the quality of the knowledge received. "Izvestia" plans to make the "Best Schools of Moscow" rating regular. And in the next releases, we will try to increase the number of criteria taken into account.

The best humanitarian schools in Moscow"2006