Test to determine the level of sociability. Test for the identification of communicative abilities

"Communicative and organizational inclinations" V.V. Sinyavsky, V.A. Fedoroshin (KOS)

Instruction: Each question must be answered "yes" or "no". If you find it difficult to choose an answer, you still need to lean towards the appropriate alternative (+) or (-).

Questionnaire text

  1. Do you have many friends with whom you constantly communicate?
  2. How often do you manage to persuade the majority of your comrades to accept your opinion?
  3. How long have you been worried about the feeling of resentment caused to you by one of your comrades?
  4. Do you always find it difficult to navigate in a critical situation?
  5. Do you have a desire to establish new acquaintances with different people?
  6. Do you enjoy social work?
  7. Is it true that you find it more pleasant and easier to spend time with books or some other activity than with people?
  8. If there are any obstacles in the implementation of your intentions, do you easily retreat from them?
  9. Do you easily establish contacts with people who are much older than you?
  10. Do you like to invent and organize various games and entertainments with your friends?
  11. Is it difficult for you to join a new company for you?
  12. How often do you put off things that need to be done today?
  13. Do you find it easy to connect with strangers?
  14. Do you strive to get your comrades to act in accordance with your opinion?
  15. Is it difficult for you to get used to the new team?
  16. Is it true that you do not have conflicts with your comrades because of their failure to fulfill their duties and obligations?
  17. Do you seek to get to know and talk with a new person at an opportunity?
  18. Do you often take the initiative in solving important matters?
  19. Do people around you annoy you and do you want to be alone?
  20. Is it true that you are usually bad at navigating in unfamiliar surroundings?
  21. Do you enjoy being around people all the time?
  22. Do you get irritated if you can't finish what you started?
  23. Do you feel embarrassed, uncomfortable or embarrassed if you have to take the initiative to get to know a new person?
  24. Is it true that you get tired of frequent communication with friends?
  25. Do you like to participate in collective games?
  26. Do you often take the initiative in resolving issues that affect the interests of your comrades?
  27. Is it true that you feel insecure among people you don't know well?
  28. Is it true that you rarely seek to prove your case?
  29. Do you think that it is not difficult for you to bring revitalization to a company unfamiliar to you?
  30. Are you involved in social work at school?
  31. Do you strive to limit the circle of your acquaintances to a small number of people?
  32. Is it true that you do not seek to defend your opinion or decision if it was not immediately accepted by your comrades?
  33. Do you feel at ease when you are in a company you do not know?
  34. Are you willing to start organizing various events for your comrades?
  35. Is it true that you don't feel confident and calm enough when you have to say something to a large group of people?
  36. Are you often late for business meetings, dates?
  37. Is it true that you have many friends?
  38. Are you often embarrassed, feel awkward when communicating with unfamiliar people?
  39. Is it true that you are afraid of the prospect of being in a new team?
  40. Is it true that you do not feel very confident surrounded by a large group of your comrades?

Results processing and interpretation

Communication skills - answers "yes" to the following questions: 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37; and "no" to questions: 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 39.

Organizational skills - answers "yes" to the following questions: 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38; and "no" to questions: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40.

The number of answers matching the key for each section of the methodology is calculated, then the estimated coefficients are calculated separately for communicative and organizational skills according to the formula: K = 0.05. C, where K - the value of the estimated coefficient C - the number of answers that match the key.

Estimated coefficients can vary from 0 to 1. Indicators close to 1 indicate a high level of communication and organizational skills, close to 0 - a low level. Primary indicators of communicative and organizational abilities can be presented in the form of assessments indicating different levels of the studied abilities.

Analysis of the obtained results.

The test subjects who received rating 1 , are characterized by a low level of manifestation of CBS.

The test subjects who received rating 2, communicative and organizational inclinations are inherent at a level below the average. They do not strive for communication, they feel constrained in a new company, team; prefer to spend time alone with themselves, limit their acquaintances; have difficulty connecting with people and speaking in front of an audience; poorly oriented in an unfamiliar situation; do not defend their opinions, they take grievances hard; manifestations of initiative in the societies of the d-sti is extremely reduced, in many cases they prefer to avoid making independent decisions.

For test subjects who have been rated 3, characterized by an average level of manifestation of CBS. They seek contacts with people, do not limit the circle of acquaintances, defend their opinion, plan their work, but the potential of their inclinations is not very stable. CBS needs to be developed and improved.

The test subjects who received rating 4, belong to the group with a high level of manifestation of CBS. They do not get lost in a new environment, quickly find friends, constantly strive to expand their circle of acquaintances, engage in community activities, and help relatives. Friends, show initiative in communication, take part in organizing social events with pleasure, are able to make an independent decision in a difficult situation. They do all this not under compulsion, but according to their inner aspirations.

Subjects who received the highest score - 5 , have a very high level of manifestation of CBS. They feel the need for communication and organizational skills and actively strive for it, quickly navigate in difficult situations, behave at ease in a new team, are proactive, prefer to make independent decisions in an important matter or in a difficult situation that has arisen, defend their opinion and strive to make it accepted by comrades, they can bring animation to an unfamiliar company, they like to organize various games and events. Persistent in d-sti, the cat attracts them. They themselves are looking for such things that would satisfy their need for communication and organization of activities.

Michelson Communication Skills Test Author: L. Michelson.
Target : Determining the level of competence communication and the quality of the formation of the basic communication skills.
Instruction : We ask you to carefully read each of the situations described and choose one option for behavior in it. It should be the most characteristic behavior for you, what you really do in such cases, and not what you think should be done.

Test material:

1. Someone tells you: "I think you are a wonderful person." Are you usually in these situations:

A) Say: "No, what are you! I am not like that."

B) Speak with a smile: "Thank you, I'm really an outstanding person."

c) Say "thank you".

D) Do not say anything and blush at the same time.

E) Say: "Yes, I think I'm different from others and for the better."

2. Someone does an act or deed that you think is great. In such cases, you usually:

A) Act as if this action was not so noticed, and at the same time say: "It's okay!"

B) Say: "It was great, but I've seen better results."

C) Don't say anything.

D) Say: "I can do much better."

E) Say: "This is really wonderful!"

3. You are doing something you enjoy and think you are doing very well. Someone says, "I don't like it!" Usually in such cases you:

A) Say: "You are a blockhead!"

B) Say: "I still think it deserves a good mark."

C) Say "You're right" when you don't really agree with it.

D) Say: "I think this is an outstanding level. What do you understand about this."

D) Feel offended and do not say anything in response.

4. You forgot to bring an item with you, but you thought you brought it, and someone says to you: "You are such a bum! You would forget your head if it were not attached to your shoulders." Usually you will respond:

A) Say: "In any case, I'm smarter than you. Besides that you understand this!"

B) Say: "Yes, you are right. Sometimes I act like a bum."

C) Say: "If anyone is a bum, it's you."

D) Say: "All people have flaws. I don't deserve to be so judged just because I forgot something."

E) Say nothing or ignore this statement altogether.

5. Someone with whom you agreed to meet was late for 30 minutes, and this upset you, and this person does not give any explanation for his lateness. In response, you usually:

A) Say: "I'm upset that you made me wait so long."

B) Say: "I kept wondering when you will come."

C) Say: "That was the last time I forced myself to wait for you."

D) Don't say anything to this person.

E) Say: "You promised! How dare you be so late!"

6. You need someone to do one thing for you. Usually in such cases you:

a) Don't ask anyone for anything.

B) Say: "You must do this for me."

C) Say: "Could you do one thing for me?", then explain the essence of the matter.

D) Slightly hint that you need the service of this person.

E) Say: "I really want you to do this for me."

7. You know someone is feeling upset. Usually in these situations you:

A) Say, "You look upset. Can I help you?"

B) Being close to this person, do not start a conversation about his condition.

C) Say: "Are you in some kind of trouble?"

D) Say nothing and leave this person alone.

E) Laughingly say: "You're just like a big kid!"

8. You feel upset and someone says, "You look upset." Usually in these situations you:

A) Shake your head negatively or do not react at all.

B) Say: "It's none of your business!"

C) Say, "Yes, I'm a little upset. Thank you for your input."

D) Say: "Nonsense".

E) Say: "I'm upset, leave me alone."

9. Someone blames you for a mistake made by others. In such cases, you usually:

A) Say: "You're crazy!"

B) Say, "It's not my fault. Someone else made this mistake."

C) Say, "I don't think it's my fault."

D) Say: "Leave me alone, you don't know what you're talking about."

E) Accept your guilt or say nothing.

10. Someone asks you to do something but you don't know why it should be done. Usually in such cases you:

A) Say: "This doesn't make any sense, I don't want to do this."

B) Follow the request and say nothing.

C) Say: "This is stupid; I'm not going to do this."

D) Before you make a request, say: "Please explain why this should be done."

E) Say: "If you want it ...", after which you fulfill the request.

11. Someone tells you that in his opinion, what you have done is great. In such cases, you usually:

A) Say: "Yes, I usually do it better than most other people."

B) Say, "No, it wasn't that great."

C) Say: "That's right, I really do it best."

D) Say "thank you".

D) Ignore what you hear and do not answer anything.

12. Someone has been very kind to you. Usually in such cases you:

A) Say: "You really were very kind to me."

B) Act as if the person has not been so nice to you and say, "Yes, thank you."

C) Say: "You were fine with me, but I deserve better.

D) Ignore this fact and say nothing.

E) Say: "You didn't treat me well enough."

13. You are talking very loudly with a friend and someone says to you: "I'm sorry, but you're being too noisy." In such cases, you usually:

a) Stop talking immediately.

B) Say: "If you don't like it, get out of here."

C) Say: "Excuse me, I will speak more quietly", after which the conversation is conducted in a muffled voice.

D) Say "I'm sorry" and end the conversation.

E) Say "It's okay" and keep talking loudly.

14. You stand in line and someone gets ahead of you. Usually in such cases you:

A) Comment on this in a low voice, without addressing anyone, for example: "Some people are acting very nervously."

B) Say: "Stand at the back of the queue!"

C) Don't say anything to this guy.

D) Speak loudly: "Get out of line, you impudent!"

E) Say: "I got in line before you. Please stand at the end of the line."

15. Someone does something that you don't like and makes you very annoyed. Usually in such cases you:

A) Shout out: "You idiot, I hate you!"

B) Say: "I'm angry with you. I don't like what you're doing."

C) Act in a way that hurts this case, but don't say anything to this guy.

D) Say: "I'm angry. I don't like you."

E) Ignore this event and say nothing to this type.

16. Someone has something that you would like to use. Usually in such cases you:

A) Tell this person to give you this thing.

b) Refrain from any requests.

C) Take this item.

D) Tell this person that you would like to use this pr-volume, and then ask him for it.

E) Discuss this item, but do not ask for it to use.

17. Someone asks if they can borrow a certain item from you, but since it's a new item, you don't feel like borrowing it. In such cases, you usually:

A) Say: "No, I just got it and I don't want to part with it; maybe someday later."

B) Say: "Actually, I wouldn't like to give it, but you can use it."

C) Say: "No, get your own!"

D) Borrowing this item despite your reluctance.

D) Say: "You're crazy!"

18. Some people are talking about a hobby that you also like and would like to join the conversation. In such cases, you usually:

a) Don't say anything.

B) You interrupt the conversation and immediately start talking about your successes in this hobby.

C) Come closer to the group and, if possible, enter into a conversation.

D) Come closer and wait for the interlocutors to pay attention to you.

E) You interrupt the conversation and immediately start talking about how much you like this hobby.

19. You are doing your hobby, and someone asks: "What are you doing?" Usually you:

A) Say: "Oh, that's nothing." Or: "Nothing special."

B) Say: "Don't interfere, don't you see that I'm busy?"

C) Continue to work silently.

D) Say: "This does not concern you at all."

D) Stop work and explain what exactly you are doing.

20. You see a stumbled and falling man. In such cases, you:

A) Laughing, say: "Why don't you look at your feet?"

B) Say: "Are you all right? Is there anything I can do for you?"

C) Ask: "What happened?"

D) Say: "These are all potholes in the sidewalk."

D) Do not react to this event in any way.

21. You hit your head on a shelf and got a bump. Does anyone say, "Are you all right?" Usually you:

A) Say: "I feel great. Leave me alone!"

B) Do not say anything while ignoring this person.

C) Say: "Why don't you mind your own business?"

D) Say: "No, I hurt my head, thank you for your attention to me."

E) Say: "It's nothing, everything will be ok with me."

22. You made a mistake, but someone else was blamed for it. Typically, in such cases, you:

a) Don't say anything.

B) Say: "It's their fault!"

C) Say: "I made this mistake."

D) Say, "I don't think this person did it."

E) Say: "This is their bitter lot."

23. You feel insulted by the words spoken by someone to you. In such cases, you usually:

A) Walk away from this person without telling him that he has upset you.

B) Tell this person not to dare to do it again.

C) Do not say anything to this person, although you feel offended.

D) In ​​turn, insult this person by calling him by name.

E) Tell this guy that you don't like what he said and that he won't do it again.

24. Someone often interrupts when you speak. Usually in such cases you:

A) Say: "I'm sorry, but I would like to finish what I was talking about."

B) Say: "They don't do that. May I continue my story?"

C) Interrupt this person by resuming your story.

D) Do not say anything, allowing the other person to continue his speech.

E) Say: "Shut up! You interrupted me!"

25. Someone asks you to do something that would prevent you from carrying out your plans. In these conditions, you usually:

A) Say: "I really had other plans, but I will do what you want.

B) Say: "No way! Look for someone else."

C) Say: "OK, I'll do what you want."

D) Say: "Go away, leave me alone."

E) Say: "I have already begun to implement other plans. Maybe someday later."

26. You see someone you would like to meet and get to know. In this situation, you usually:

A) Joyfully call out to this person and go towards him.

B) Approach this person, introduce yourself and start a conversation with him.

C) Approach this person and wait for him to speak to you.

D) Approach this person and start talking about the big things you have done.

D) Don't say anything to this person.

27. Someone you haven't met before stops and calls you "Hello!" In such cases, you usually:

A) Say: "What do you want?"

b) don't say anything

C) Say: "Leave me alone."

D) Say “Hello!” in response, introduce yourself and ask this person to introduce themselves in turn.

D) Nod your head, say "Hi!" and pass by.

All questions are divided by the authors into 5 types of communicative situations:
- situations in which a reaction to the partner's positive statements is required (questions 1, 2, 11, 12)
- situations in which a teenager (high school student) should respond to negative statements (questions 3, 4, 5, 15, 23, 24)
- situations in which a teenager (high school student) is asked to (questions 6, 10, 14, 16, 17, 25)
- situations of conversation (13, 18, 19, 26, 27)
- situations in which the manifestation of empathy is required (understanding the feelings and states of another person (questions 7, 8, 9, 20, 21, 22).

Processing and analysis of results: Mark which mode of communication you have chosen (dependent, competent, aggressive) in each proposed situation according to the key. Analyze the results: what skills have you formed, what type of behavior prevails?

Skill Blocks:

1. The ability to provide and accept signs of attention (sets) from a peer - questions 1, 2, 11, 12.

2. Responding to fair criticism - questions 4, 13.

3. Responding to unfair criticism - questions 3, 9.

4. Responding to a touching, provoking behavior on the part of the interlocutor - points 5, 14, 15, 23, 24.

5. The ability to turn to a peer with a request - questions 6, 16.

6. The ability to refuse someone else's request, to say "no" - questions 10, 17, 25.

7. The ability to show sympathy and support yourself - questions 7, 20.

8. The ability to accept sympathy and support from peers yourself - questions 8, 21.

9. The ability to make contact with another person, contact - questions 18, 26.

10. Responding to an attempt to contact you - questions 19, 27.

Test "Communicative and organizational inclinations" (KOS)

Description of the psychodiagnostic techniqueTo conduct the test, it is necessary to prepare a CBS questionnaire and an answer sheet. The experiment can be carried out both individually and in a group. The subjects are given answer sheets and read the instructions: “You need to answer all the questions provided. Freely express your opinion on each question and answer as follows: if your answer to the question is positive (you agree), then put a plus sign in the corresponding cell of the answer sheet, if your answer is negative (you disagree), put a minus sign. Make sure that the number of the question and the number of the cell where you write down your answer match. Please note that the questions are general in nature and may not contain all the necessary details. Therefore, imagine typical situations and do not think about the details. Don't spend a lot of time thinking, answer quickly. Some questions may be difficult for you to answer. Then try to give the answer that you think is preferable. When answering any question, pay attention to his first words. Your answer must match exactly with them. When answering questions, do not try to make a deliberately pleasant impression. What matters to us is not a specific answer, but the total score for a series of questions.”

Results processingCompare the answers of the subject with the decoder and count the number of matches separately for communicative and organizational inclinations. Decoder

Communication tendencies:

Positive answers - first column questions

Negative answers - questions of the third column

Organizational tendencies:

Positive - 2nd column

Negative - 4th column

Calculate the estimated coefficients of communicative (K) and organizational (O) inclinations as the ratio of the number of matching answers for communicative inclinations (k) and organizational inclinations (o) to the maximum possible number of matches (20), according to the formulas: K = k / 20 O = o /twenty

For the quality of evaluating the results, it is necessary to compare the obtained coefficients with scale estimates:

When analyzing the results obtained, the following parameters should be taken into account:

1. Subjects who received a score of 1 are characterized by a low level of communication and org inclinations.

2. Isp-mym, having received a score of 2, CBS are inherent at a level below average. They do not strive for communication, feel constrained in a new company, quantity, prefer to spend time alone with themselves, limit their acquaintances, experience difficulties in establishing contacts with people and, speaking to an audience, are poorly oriented in an unfamiliar situation, do not defend their opinion, grievances are hard to come by, showing initiatives in society is extremely underestimated, in many cases they prefer to avoid making independent decisions.

3. For the subjects who received a score of 3, the average level of manifestation of CBS is typical. They strive for contacts with people, do not limit the circle of their acquaintances, defend their opinion, plan their work, but the potential of their inclinations is not very stable. This group of subjects needs further serious and systematic work on the formation and development of CBS.

4. Subjects who received a score of 4 belong to the group with a high level of manifestation of CBS. They do not get lost in a new environment, quickly find friends, constantly strive to expand their circle of acquaintances, engage in community activities, help relatives, friends, show initiative in communication, take part in organizing social networks with pleasure, are able to make their own decisions in difficult situation. They do all this not under compulsion, but according to their inner aspirations.

5. Subjects who received the highest score - 5, have a very high level of manifestation of CBS. They feel the need for communication and organization and actively strive for it, quickly navigate in difficult situations, behave at ease in a new team, take initiative, prefer to make their own decisions in an important matter or in a difficult situation that has arisen, defend their opinion and achieve, so that it is accepted by comrades, they can bring animation to an unfamiliar company, they like to organize all sorts of games, measures, they are persistent in d-sti, the cat attracts them. They themselves are looking for such things that would satisfy their needs for communication and organization.

Ryakhovsky test The test for assessing the level of sociability, communication contains the ability to determine the level of sociability of a person

Instruction: "Your attention is invited to a few simple questions. Answer quickly, unambiguously: "yes", "no", "sometimes."

Response score; "yes" - 2 points, "sometimes" - 1 point, "no" - 0 points. The points obtained are summed up, and the classifier determines which category the subject belongs to.

Test classifier 30-31 points. You are clearly uncommunicative, and this is your misfortune, since you yourself suffer the most from this. But it is not easy for people close to you. You are difficult to rely on in a matter that requires group effort. Try to be more sociable, control yourself.

25-29 points. You are closed, taciturn, prefer solitude, so you have few friends. A new job and the need for new contacts, if they do not plunge you into a panic, then they unbalance you for a long time. You know this feature of your character and are dissatisfied with yourself. But do not limit yourself to such discontent only - it is in your power to reverse these character traits. Doesn't it happen that with some strong enthusiasm you suddenly acquire complete sociability? It just takes a shake.

19-24 points. You are sociable to a certain extent and feel quite confident in unfamiliar surroundings. New challenges don't scare you. And yet, with new people, converge with caution; they are reluctant to participate in disputes and disputes. There is sometimes too much sarcasm in your statements, without any basis. These shortcomings are correctable.

14-18 points. You have good communication skills. You are inquisitive, willingly listen to an interesting interlocutor, patient enough in communication, defend your point of view without irascibility. Feel free to meet new people. At the same time, do not like noisy companies; extravagant antics and verbosity irritate you.

9-13 points. You are very sociable (sometimes, perhaps even beyond measure). Curious, talkative, like to speak out on various issues, which sometimes irritates others. Willingly meet new people. Love to be the center of attention, do not refuse requests to anyone, although you cannot always fulfill them. It happens, flare up, but quickly move away. What you lack is perseverance, patience and courage when faced with serious problems. If you wish, however, you can force yourself not to back down.

4-8 points. You must be the shirt guy. Sociability beats out of you. You are always aware of everything. You love to take part in all discussions, although serious topics can cause you a migraine or even a blues. Willingly take the floor on any issue, even if you have a superficial idea about it. Everywhere you feel at ease. You take on any business, although you can not always successfully bring it to the end. For this very reason, managers and colleagues treat you with some apprehension and doubts. Consider these facts. 3 points or less. Your communication skills are painful. You are talkative, verbose, interfering in matters that have nothing to do with you. Undertake to judge problems in which you are completely incompetent. Willingly or unwittingly, you are often the cause of all sorts of conflicts in your environment. Quick-tempered, touchy, often biased. Serious work is not for you. People - at work, at home, and in general everywhere - find it difficult to be with you. Yes, you need to work on yourself and your character! First of all, cultivate patience and restraint in yourself, treat people with respect, and finally, think about your health - this lifestyle does not go unnoticed.

Questionnaire text

  1. You have an ordinary or business meeting. Does her anticipation unsettle you?
  2. Do you feel embarrassed and dissatisfied with the assignment to make a report, message, information at any meeting, meeting or similar event?
  3. Do you put off a visit to the doctor until the last moment?
  4. You are offered to go on a business trip to a city where you have never been. Will you make every effort to avoid this business trip?
  5. Do you like to share your experiences with anyone?
  6. Do you get annoyed if a stranger on the street turns to you with a request (show the way, name the time, answer some question)?
  7. Do you believe that there is a problem of "fathers and sons" and that it is difficult for people of different generations to understand each other?
  8. Are you embarrassed to remind you with a sign that he forgot to return the money to you, the cat borrowed several months ago?
  9. In a restaurant or in the dining room, you were served an obviously poor-quality dish. Will you keep silent, only angrily pushing the plate away?
  10. Being one on one with a stranger. You will not enter into a conversation with him and will be burdened if he speaks first. Is it so?
  11. You are horrified by any long line, no matter where it is (in a store, library, cinema box office). Do you prefer to give up your intentions or stand behind and languish in anticipation?
  12. Are you afraid to participate in any commission to review conflict situations?
  13. You have your own purely individual criteria for evaluating works of literature, art, culture, and you do not accept any other people's opinions on this matter. This is true?
  14. When you hear somewhere on the sidelines an obviously erroneous point of view on a question well known to you, do you prefer to remain silent and not enter into a conversation?
  15. Do you get frustrated when asked to help sort out a particular service issue or topic?
  16. Are you more willing to express your point of view (opinion, assessment) in writing than orally?

Scale "Communication Technique" by Tvorogov

Target : Measurement of the level of development of operational and emotional-volitional components of communicative competence.
Instruction . Evaluate as objectively as possible the abilities and skills of each of your classmates, shown in communication. While working on the questionnaire, discussing the grades aloud is not allowed. On the answer sheet, the numbers of qualities are indicated horizontally, and the names of classmates and yours are encrypted with numbers vertically. First, rate yourself for each of the quality orders and circle your number in the table, then rate your comrades. Estimates in the corresponding columns in the 5-point system, where 0 indicates the complete absence of characteristics, and 5 - the maximum of its severity. Decimal fractional values ​​are not added. If for some reason you cannot evaluate the given skill or the given person for some reason, then put dashes in the corresponding columns. The group list is attached.

Communication skills:

1. The ability to start a conversation, find a common topic.

2. The ability to maintain a conversation for a long time.

3. Understanding the feelings and intentions of the other person.

4. The ability to refrain from categorical judgments when evaluating others.

5. Ability to listen to the interlocutor.

6. The ability to get out of communication without offending others.

7. Friendly.

8. Good manners in communication.

9. Tact.

10. The ability to accurately and clearly express their thoughts.

11. Mimic mobility of the face.

12. Correspondence of gestures to the situation.

13. Compliance of facial expressions of the situation.

14. Ability to dress appropriately for the situation.

15. Correspondence of the intonation of speech to its meaning.

16. The ability, if desired, to join in the work begun by others.

    You are a very communicative person. k, only beyond measure, because you get into conversations that do not concern you, you don’t know how to listen to the interlocutor at all, and you don’t really worry about what exactly you are saying yourself. And all because you are trying to talk about topics that are completely unfamiliar, even approximately, you give out advice when they are not asked for it, and in general, you are intrusive, which is why others avoid meeting you. Pull yourself together and learn to endure, to suspend your impulses to talk. If you can notice and respect the interlocutor at least a little, you will notice how life is gradually changing, because then you will be entrusted with more responsible work. In the meantime, you tire everyone with your presence, study the article.

    Usually you are aware of all events occurring not only in the lives of friends and acquaintances, but also in the city. You feel comfortable in any situation, even the company of strangers will cause you interest and excitement, and not anxiety and anxiety. You are loved by others, but one minus is that they are not taken very seriously. Maybe because trying to be in time everywhere, because you need to get information, you rush to all the tasks, not really getting involved in one? Or do you usually follow only your own interest, so you are engaged in a project until it gets boring? In general, it’s fun with you, but if you want to be perceived not only as a “shirt-guy” or a jester, then work on yourself a little by studying, for example, an article.

    You enjoy meeting new people, love to learn something new and prefer to have at least superficial knowledge about different areas of life. You are a very curious person, you don’t sit still, and if you don’t communicate with the required number of people during the day, then you don’t feel very good. In the event of difficulties and conflicts, you lack the courage and courage to express everything that you think, as you are afraid of losing the favor of relatives and friends, or appearing inappropriate. Be attentive to yourself, you should not endure something because of the fear of rejection. I recommend looking at the article.

    Average level of communication, it is quite possible to say that you are a harmonious person. They are able to support almost any conversation, at least it is interesting and pleasant to communicate with you. They are not intrusive, you always notice that the interlocutor does not want to continue the conversation, and also that it is time to change the subject. You can stand up for yourself, and without resorting to violence and without losing control of emotions. You are annoyed by excessive talkativeness and empty talk “about nothing”, as well as extravagant antics to attract attention. You prefer a chamber atmosphere more, fun in noisy companies tires you. To improve your communication skills, I recommend that you read the article.

    Be a bit wary of new acquaintances, preferring first to look at the person, and then to reveal some details from his life. When you don't like or annoy someone, you don't tell him about it directly, preferring to express aggression indirectly, using sarcasm. Sometimes you are excessive in your sarcastic remarks, although they show the sharpness of the mind, it still repels others a little. Although you are a fairly sociable person and are not afraid to be in an unfamiliar environment, at least you do not experience confusion and embarrassment. You can, just in case, read the article, perhaps in some situations you will then be able to do without caustic remarks, speaking directly about your feelings, but not offending the interlocutor.

    You don't have many friends, but at least they are very close and loyal, tested over the years and all sorts of difficulties that you coped with together. Acquaintance with a new person causes you anxiety and anxiety, but if the interlocutor manages to captivate you, you are transformed right before your eyes, which cannot be said that some time ago you were embarrassed and nervous, not knowing what to say. Prefer solitude, it is alone with you that you relax and rest. Do not demand changes from yourself, maybe you are just an introvert, so you are not as active and sociable as your other acquaintances and colleagues? Look at the article, suddenly you recognize yourself.

    You are having a very hard time, because every conversation with someone is given with great effort. In addition, you tend to replay in your head all the moments that, in your opinion, failed, engaging in self-flagellation, which is why the tension grows, and with it the resistance to repeat the previous experience. But not only you suffer from your lack of sociability and anxiety, but also your loved ones, whom you also try to avoid. They worry and do not understand what is going on in your soul, because you do not talk to them about your feelings, thoughts and desires. You should believe a little in yourself, that you are capable of something and have the right to live freely and happily. Take the first step, love yourself, and gradually you will be able to improve your life. And the article will help you.

You can consider yourself a cheerful and relaxed person in communication, but this may not be the case if people in your presence behave with restraint. Take the quiz to find out who you really are. So, sociability test

1. During a conversation, as a rule, you:

a) keep quiet (1 point);

b) speak more (3 points);

c) conduct a dialogue (2 points).

2. If a huge crowd gathers outside the store, will you be curious and what will you do?

a) push into the middle of the action, wanting to see what happened (3 points);

b) politely ask onlookers what happened (2 points);

3. Once in an unfamiliar company, you:

a) in 30 minutes, get to know everyone present (3 points);

b) spend the whole evening without departing from the one with whom you came to this company (1 point);

c) try to “attach” to some small company (2 points)

4. During a conversation, you often hear from acquaintances:

a) What do you think about this? (1 point);

b) “Try to listen and not interrupt me!” (2 points);

c) “Wait! Listen to the end…!” (3 points).

5. During congratulations in honor of the birthday man at the festive table, as a rule, you:

a) pronounce a prepared toast at the right time (2 points);

b) just wish every success and health to the birthday man, because toasts are not your element (1 point);

c) you will try to complete someone else's toast, because you cannot wait for your turn (3 points).

Summing up:

If you scored 11-15 points - you are a charming talker: your problem lies in your love to “talk”. But do not forget that a good interlocutor is, first of all, a person who knows how to listen, and not just speak. Without listening to the end of what the interlocutor is telling you, you often interrupt him, hastily drawing erroneous conclusions. No matter how outgoing you are, your tendency to monologue can turn people off. Therefore, you should learn to listen!

8-10 points - you are a pleasant companion: it is easy and pleasant to communicate with you, therefore you are a welcome guest in any company. Knowing how to listen, you appropriately ask clarifying questions to the interlocutor, politely and unobtrusively voice your opinion. Continuing in the same spirit, you will have more friends in life than enemies.

5-7 points - you are a sweet quiet person: you rarely express your own opinion, preferring to remain silent and passively listen to others. Perhaps you are afraid that what you said may be misinterpreted by the interlocutor and you would not like to get into an awkward position. Do not give up “without a fight”, allowing others to impose their point of view on you! You should stop being afraid and learn to enjoy communication. After all, everyone is entitled to their own opinion!


Determination of the general level of sociability of students (test by V. F. Ryakhovsky)

master p / o Frolova O. N.

With. Krasnogvardeyskoe

Sociability is one of the important communicative properties of a person, which allows you to more successfully adapt to the environment. A sociable person quickly finds friends for himself, which means that he is less likely to have personal problems, sociability acts as a tool for obtaining new significant information. Through communication, a person learns about himself and the world around him.
Sociability develops in the process of educational and professional activities of a person, on the one hand, and affects their success and quality, on the other.
We are all constantly in situations of communication - at home, at work, on the street, in transport; with loved ones and total strangers. And, of course, a huge number of contacts that a person enters into every day requires him to fulfill a number of conditions and rules that allow him to communicate while maintaining personal dignity and distance in relation to other people.
In general, interaction with society today should be based on a deep analysis and understanding of all factors that can affect people and their attitude towards the company, its product or services.
The emergence of psychological and communicative barriers to communication significantly interferes with both the communication of individuals and entire social strata. And since a person is a social being, communication is simply necessary for him. That is why this problem is relevant today.
Testing was conducted among students of the 2nd year (17-19 years old, 16 boys and 12 girls). The students were given a testAssessment of the level of sociability (V.F. Ryakhovsky).
The test makes it possible to determine the level of sociability of a person. Contains 16 questions. The points obtained are summed up, and the classifier determines which of the seven categories the subjects belong to.
The test classifies test subjects into seven categories, which include:
obvious lack of communication skills- inability to work in a team, which indicates a low level of socialization; isolation - taciturnity, preference for loneliness;to a certain extent sociability- in an unfamiliar environment feels quite comfortable, but is reluctant to participate in disputes and disputes;normal sociability- curiosity, interest in the interlocutor, patience in communicating with others, defending one's point of view without irascibility;very sociable(sometimes it can be in excess of the norm) - curiosity, talkativeness, likes to speak out on various issues, which sometimes irritates others, willingly meets new people;"shirt guy" - sociability is in full swing, always up to date on all matters, likes to take part in all discussions, more on frivolous topics;painful communication skills- talkative, verbose, interferes in matters to which he has nothing to do,is taken to judge problems in which he is completely incompetent often causes all sorts of conflicts in his environment.
During the testing, the following results were obtained:
In the Ryakhovsky test, students scored approximately the same number of points (9-18). The average value is 13.5 points. This indicates approximately the same level of sociability. If we turn to the test classifier, this number of points indicates:
The subjects are inquisitive, willingly listen to an interesting interlocutor, are quite patient in communication, defend their point of view without irascibility. Without unpleasant experiences, they go to meet new people. At the same time, they do not like noisy companies; extravagant antics and verbosity irritate them. Respondents are also very sociable (sometimes, perhaps even beyond measure). Sometimes they are even curious, talkative, like to speak out on various issues, which sometimes irritates others. Willingly meet new people. They like to be in the center of attention, they do not refuse requests to anyone, although they cannot always fulfill them. It happens that they flare up, but quickly move away. What they lack is perseverance, patience and courage when faced with serious problems. If desired, however, they can force themselves not to retreat.
When summing up the results of the test, we can say that the subjects are at the level of normal sociability, but they are also too inquisitive and quick-tempered.

Response score: "yes" - 2 points, "sometimes" - 1 point, "no" - 0 points. The points obtained are summed up, and the classifier determines which category the subject belongs to.


1. You have an ordinary or business meeting. Does her anticipation unsettle you?

2. Do you feel embarrassed and dissatisfied with the order to make a report, report, information at any meeting, meeting or similar event?

3. Do you put off your visit to the doctor until the last moment?

4. You are offered to go on a business trip to a city where you have never been. Will you make every effort to avoid this business trip?

5. Do you like to share your experiences with anyone?

6. Are you annoyed if a stranger on the street turns to you with a request (show the way, name the time, answer some question)?.

7. Do you believe that there is a problem of "fathers and sons" and that it is difficult for people of different generations to understand each other?

8. Are you embarrassed to remind a friend that he forgot to return the money that he borrowed a few months ago?

9. In a restaurant or in a dining room, you were served an obviously poor-quality dish. Will you keep silent, only angrily pushing the plate away?

10. Once you are alone with a stranger, you will not enter into a conversation with him and will be burdened if he speaks first. Is it so?

11. You are horrified by any long queue, no matter where it is (in a store, library, cinema box office). Do you prefer to abandon your intention, or will you stand behind and languish in anticipation?

12.Are you afraid to participate in any commission to review conflict situations?

13. You have your own purely individual criteria for evaluating works of literature, art, culture, and you do not accept any other people's opinions on this matter. This is true?

14. Having heard somewhere on the sidelines an obviously erroneous point of view on a question well known to you, do you prefer to remain silent and not enter into an argument?

15. Do you get annoyed by someone's request to help you sort out a particular service issue or educational topic?

16. Are you more willing to express your point of view (opinion, assessment) in writing than orally?

Results processing

"Yes" - 2 points, "sometimes" - 1 point, "no" - 0 points.

The points obtained are summed up, and the classifier determines which category of people the subject belongs to.

Classifier for the test of V.F. Ryakhovsky

30 - 32 points - You are clearly uncommunicative, and this is your misfortune, since you yourself suffer more from this. But it is not easy for people close to you. You are difficult to rely on in a matter that requires group effort. Try to be more sociable, control yourself.

25 - 29 points - You are closed, taciturn, prefer solitude, so you have few friends. A new job and the need for new contacts, if they do not plunge you into a panic, then for a long time unbalances you. You know this feature of your character and are dissatisfied with yourself. But do not limit yourself to such discontent - it is in your power to reverse these character traits. Doesn't it happen that with some strong enthusiasm you suddenly acquire complete sociability? It just takes a shake.

19 - 24 points - You are sociable to a certain extent and feel quite confident in unfamiliar surroundings. New challenges don't scare you. And yet with new people converge with caution, you are reluctant to participate in disputes and disputes. There is sometimes too much sarcasm in your statements, without any basis. These shortcomings are correctable.

14 - 18 points - You have good communication skills. You are inquisitive, willingly listen to an interesting interlocutor, patient enough in dealing with others, defend your point of view without irascibility. Feel free to meet new people. At the same time, do not like noisy companies; extravagant antics and verbosity irritate you.

9 - 13 points - You are very sociable (sometimes, perhaps even beyond measure), curious, talkative, like to speak out on various issues, which sometimes irritates others. Willingly meet new people. Love to be the center of attention, do not refuse requests to anyone, although you cannot always fulfill them. It happens, flare up, but quickly move away. What you lack is perseverance, patience and courage when faced with serious problems. If you wish, however, you can force yourself not to back down.

4 - 8 points - You must be the shirt guy. Sociability beats out of you. You are always aware of everything. You love to take part in all discussions, although serious topics can cause you migraines and even blues. Willinglytake a word on any issue, even if you have a superficial idea about it. Everywhere you feel at ease.take for any business, although you can not always successfully bring it to the end. For this very reason, managers and colleagues treat you with some apprehension and doubts. Consider these facts.

3 points or less - Your sociability is painful. You are talkative, verbose, interfering in matters that have nothing to do with you. Undertake to judge problems in which you are completely incompetent. Willingly or unwittingly, you are often the cause of all sorts of conflicts in your environment. Quick-tempered, touchy, often biased. Serious work is not for you. It is difficult for people - at work, at home, and in general everywhere - to be with you. Yes, you need to work on yourself and your character! First of all, cultivate patience and restraint in yourself, treat people with respect, and finally, think about your health - this lifestyle does not go unnoticed.

Test. Communication skills . (yes “+”, no “-”)

    Do you have many friends with whom you constantly communicate?

    How long have you been worried about the feeling of resentment caused to you by one of your comrades?

    Do you have a desire to establish new acquaintances with different people.

    Is it true that you find it more pleasant and easier to spend time with books or some other activity than with people?

    Do you easily connect with people who are much older than you?

    Is it difficult for you to join new companies for you?

    Do you find it easy to connect with people you don't know?

    Is it difficult for you to get used to the new team?

    Do you try to get to know and talk with strangers when the opportunity arises?

    Do people around you annoy you and do you want to be alone?

    Do you enjoy being around people all the time?

    Do you feel embarrassed, uncomfortable, or embarrassed if you have to take the initiative to get to know a new person?

    Do you like to participate in collective games?

    Is it true that you honor yourself insecurely among people unfamiliar to you?

    Do you think that it is not difficult for you to bring revitalization to a company unfamiliar to you?

    Do you strive to limit the circle of your acquaintances to a small number of people?

    Do you feel at ease when you are in an unfamiliar company?

    Is it true that you honor yourself with enough confidence and calmness when you have to say something to a large group of people?

    Is it true that you have many friends?

    Are you often the center of attention of your comrades?

Results processing :
Collate your results with a key (everyone is given a key to process the results) and count the number of matching answers. Calculate the Estimated Coefficient of Communication Skills
K=X / 20, (division) where K is the value of the estimated coefficient;
X is the number of matching answers with the key,
20 is the maximum possible number of matches

Key to the definition of communication skills.

Communication Skills Rating Scale .

Interpretation of results Rating "1". The subjects who received it are characterized by an extremely low level of manifestation of abilities for communicative activity.
Rating "2". For subjects who received such an assessment, a lack of desire for communication is characteristic. They feel constrained in an unfamiliar company and a new team. They prefer to spend time alone with themselves, limit their acquaintances with new people. They find it difficult to speak in front of an audience. They are not well oriented in an unfamiliar situation. They do not defend their opinion, they are hard offended.
Grade "3". The subjects who received such an assessment, having average data, strive for new contacts with people, without limiting the circle of their usual acquaintances. They willingly show leadership behavior, defend their opinion. However, the potential of their abilities is not sustainable. If they want to be successful in communicating with people, they need serious and systematic work on the formation and development of abilities.
Rating "4". The subjects of this group do not get lost in a new environment for them, quickly find friends, and constantly expand their circle of acquaintances. They willingly engage in social work, help relatives, friends, take the initiative in communication.
Rating "5". People with a high level of manifestation of communicative abilities quickly orient themselves in difficult situations, they behave at ease in a new team. The subjects of this group are proactive. They prefer independence in choosing and making decisions, defend their opinion and strive for it to be accepted. They easily merge into an unfamiliar company.