Exam test scores. Translation of exam scores in Russian

Do graduates of grade 11 who have not scored the minimum scores on the USE in mathematics at the profile level have the right to choose the basic level when retaking the exam?
Yes, there is such a right. Participants who receive an unsatisfactory result on the Unified State Examination in mathematics have the right to change the level they have previously chosen in order to retake mathematics in the Unified State Examination in reserve terms. If a child does not enter a university this year, does he need to take the exam again next year?
This is not necessary if the points obtained suit him, and he does not plan to change the specialty for which he initially chose the subjects, since the results of the USE are valid for four years following the year of obtaining such results. But if there are concerns that the points received will not be enough for admission, it is better to retake the necessary subjects in order to try to improve the result. What compulsory subjects and in what year will be additionally included for passing the exam?
Now 11th grade graduates take two compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics. From 2022, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, it is planned to introduce a third compulsory subject - a foreign language. Are the results of the exam of previous years canceled during the retake?
No, the results of the exam will not be canceled during the retake. When entering a university, you can choose the best result from the existing ones. What to do if parents are collecting money for paper and cartridges for printing exam materials? It is legal?
Charging fees from students for passing the state final certification is not allowed (Article 8 of the Law on Education). Accordingly, this is illegal. If such facts take place, it is necessary to contact the regional body exercising control and supervision in the field of education. How many USE points do graduates of the 11th grade need to score to receive a certificate with honors in 2019?
According to the new procedure, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education in December 2018, you need to score at least 70 points in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language and in mathematics at the profile level. If the graduate chose the Unified State Examination in mathematics at the basic level, then it is necessary to pass the exam with an “excellent” mark. Is it true that those who will be removed from the exam this year for cheat sheets and other violations will now be able to retake the exams only after two years, and not after a year?
No, if an exam participant violated the Procedure, for example, used a mobile phone when passing physics, and his result in physics was canceled, then he will be able to re-participate in the exam in this subject in 2020. That is, in a year. If a child falls ill during the exam, what steps should be taken so that he can pass the exam?
It is necessary to submit to the State Examination Commission (SEC) an application for re-admission to the exam along with a document confirming the validity of the reason for not attending the exam, the SEC will consider the application and the submitted document, and then set a day for re-participation in the exam in the current year in reserve terms. If the participant is being treated in a hospital, but is able to take the exam, the examination point can be organized in a medical institution. What happens if the USE participant forgot his passport? Will he be allowed to take the exam?
Admission of examination participants to the examination point (EPS) is carried out if they have identification documents, and if they are on the distribution lists in this PES. Graduates of the current year, if they do not have identification documents, are admitted to the PES after confirmation of their identity by the accompanying school. To do this, the accompanying person fills out a certain form, which will be issued at the PES. After that, the graduate will be admitted to the examination point. As for graduates of previous years, if they do not have identity documents, they are not allowed in the PES. Does the school have the right to insist that a graduate of the 9th grade take exams in specific subjects (from among elective subjects)?
No, it doesn't. A ninth-grader takes 4 compulsory subjects for obtaining a certificate: Russian language and mathematics, as well as two elective subjects that he chooses himself. Will a foreign language be included in the number of compulsory subjects for 9th grade graduates to take?
No. GIA-9 participants take exams in 4 academic subjects, one of which can be a foreign language as an exam of choice. Who and how checks the answers to the USE assignments?
Checking the answers to tasks with a short answer is carried out automatically, but then the experts must review all the uncredited answers and decide which of them can be evaluated positively. The performance of tasks with a detailed answer is checked by experts who are part of the subject commission of the region for the corresponding academic subject. Experts undergo special training and only after passing this training are allowed to check examination papers. Each work is checked by two experts independently of each other. After that, each expert puts his points for each task checked by him. If there is a significant discrepancy between the scores of two experts, then a third expert is invited, his scores will be considered final. Does the complexity of the examination materials of the early and main stages of the exam differ?
KIM options for all periods of the USE are collected on the basis of one model: they are identical in the number of tasks, their form and level of complexity. The distribution of KIM options for use in a given period of the exam is carried out automatically, so there are no “special” options for a certain period of the USE or a specific region. Starting this year, graduates of grade 11 can choose to take only basic or specialized mathematics for delivery. Can a 10th grade student take the USE in basic mathematics, and in the 11th grade - specialized mathematics?
No. The graduate chooses one level of mathematics, which he plans to take as part of the state final certification. Thus, if a student receives a satisfactory USE result in mathematics (basic or profile level) in the 10th grade, he will be deprived of the right to re-participate in the USE in this subject in the 11th grade in order to increase the points received, because. already has a result in the subject "mathematics". Will the list of allowed and prohibited subjects in the exam change in 2019?
This list has not changed in 2019. Additional equipment that is allowed to be used at the exam: - in mathematics - a ruler; - in physics - a ruler and a non-programmable calculator; - in chemistry - a non-programmable calculator; - in geography - a ruler, a protractor, a non-programmable calculator. How to cancel a previously announced exam and when should it be done?
Submission of an application for refusal to participate in the Unified State Examination in certain academic subjects is not provided for by the procedure for conducting the state final certification. You can simply not show up for the exam. Can participants with disabilities choose 3 exams for GIA-9 (Russian, mathematics and one of their choice)?
No. The procedure provides that such participants in the exams pass the GIA-9 either in 4 academic subjects, or in 2 compulsory academic subjects. If in our school, instead of chemistry, physics and biology, the subject is natural science (there are no chemistry, physics and biology as separate subjects), can my child take the exam in chemistry and biology?
Maybe. The procedure defines a list of subjects that can be taken by choice, regardless of whether they studied or not. Elective subjects are taken to provide their results when entering universities. If I took the same subject two years in a row, with a lower score this year, can I use the result from last year?
Yes. When applying to a university, you indicate the result you want. Do the terms for issuing USE results depend on the region in which the exam was taken?
The terms of the centralized inspection at the federal level are the same. After centralized verification and processing at the federal level, the results of the USE are transferred to the SEC of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The SEC approves the results within one working day following the day they are received and transfers them within one working day to educational organizations, which, in turn, familiarize participants in the exam within one working day. Thus, the difference in the date of issuance of the results may be, but not more than one day, based on the efficiency of the region's work on the approval of the results and their transfer to schools. Is it possible to use a copy of the education document instead of the original when registering for the USE?
Graduates of previous years, when submitting an application, can present the original documents on education or their certified copies. What to do if passing the exam coincides with passing exams in another country?
In this case, the USE schedule provides for reserve days. It is necessary to provide information to the state examination commission so that it can assign the graduate another day for passing the exam, provided for by the unified schedule. What calculator can be used on the exam?
The use of a non-programmable calculator is allowed, which must provide arithmetic calculations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, root extraction) and the calculation of trigonometric functions (sin, cos, tg, ctg, arcsin, arcсos, arctg). The calculator should not provide the ability to save in its memory databases of examination tasks and their solutions, as well as any other information, the knowledge of which is directly or indirectly tested during the exam. The calculator should not provide the possibility of obtaining information from outside during the exam. The communication capabilities of the calculator must not allow wireless exchange of information with any external sources. The use of a calculator on the math exam is not allowed. Do I have the right to take the exam in Spanish if only English was studied at school?
You have the right to take the exam in a subject that you did not study at school. Who has the right to apply for participation in the Unified State Examination if the participant himself, for some reason, does not have such an opportunity?
There are several ways to apply for participation in the exam: in person; parents (legal representatives); by other persons on the basis of a power of attorney (relevant for foreign citizens, military personnel). Where do I need to go to get a notification for the exam?
You must contact the place of registration for passing the exam, as a rule, notifications are issued directly at the school or at the regional information processing center. What documents do I need to submit to register for the USE for college students who want to take the USE but have not yet received a diploma?
When submitting an application, it is necessary to present a passport and a certificate from the educational organization in which they are studying, confirming the development of educational programs of secondary general education or the completion of the development of educational programs of secondary general education in the current academic year. Where can I find the results of the exam in previous years?
It is necessary to apply to the RTSOI at the place of registration of the USE with an application for the provision of information on the results of the USE passed in previous years.

Sergey Kravtsov: Hackers attacked the "See Unified State Examination" portal, the attacks were repulsed and did not affect the course of the exam. Photo: Olesya Kurpyaeva / RG

This year, almost 700 thousands of people. The most popular elective subjects are social studies, physics, history and biology. Who will be allowed to retake the exam this year? What has changed in the rules for filling out forms? Why are students less likely to file appeals? These and other questions were answered by the head of Rosobrnadzor Sergey Kravtsov.

Sergey Kravtsov: All universities were required to place on their websites the subjects that are needed for admission to a particular specialty. If it turns out now that the university has changed the exams, this is a violation. You need to write an application to the State Examination Commission of your region (SEC) about including the physics exam in the list of subjects for passing, which will decide whether or not to allow you to take this exam. But in any case, this must be done no later than two weeks before the exam. The exam in physics will be held, so you are unlikely to have time to pass the exam that day. But on reserve days (or) - perhaps.

Sergey Kravtsov: The exam can be retaken only for the next year. But the compulsory subjects, Russian language or mathematics, are allowed to retake this year, but only if the participant has not overcome the minimum threshold for one of these subjects. For example, if one of the exams is passed successfully, and the required minimum is not scored in the second. If the graduate has not passed both mandatory exams, he will be able to retake them in September. It happens that a student came to the exam, started writing a paper, but for some good reason could not complete it. In this case, the result is considered canceled, and you can retake the exam on the reserve day.

Sergey Kravtsov: It's better not to bring this up. If they were removed for a cheat sheet or a mobile phone, then the graduate will no longer be allowed to retake this year.

Sergey Kravtsov: You need to go to the place where the person wrote the application for the exam. Usually it's a school. She, together with the state examination committee of your region, makes a decision and provides an opportunity to take the exam on a reserve day. There are also force majeure circumstances. Last year, during the Unified State Examination, there were blackouts and floods in some regions. I want to reassure all exam participants and their parents in advance so that they do not worry. If there were any technical failures or failures related to natural disasters, then each participant who could not pass the exam for these reasons will pass the exam on reserve days. By the way, there are countries where no force majeure circumstances are considered. Couldn't come to the exam? Come back in a year.

Sergey Kravtsov: Of course, the organizer must give clarifications on the rules for filling out the forms. And even during the exam. But he has no right to suggest. Otherwise, the work will be canceled, and the organizer will be punished - up to and including dismissal. There have been such cases. As for filling out the forms, this year the "gender" column has disappeared, the number of fields for replacing erroneous answers has been reduced, and a field has appeared where the organizer must indicate how many replacements of erroneous answers were made by the exam participant.

Disagree with the USE score? An appeal can be filed within two working days after the official announcement of the results.

Sergey Kravtsov: If one of these two exams is passed, then the other will not be allowed to retake.

Infographics "RG": Leonid Kuleshov / Irina Ivoilova

Sergey Kravtsov: Within two working days after the official day of the announcement of the results, it is necessary to file an appeal to the place where the application for the exam was written. Usually it's a school. She will immediately forward the appeal to the conflict commission. Each region has such commissions, and everyone has the right to prove their case. We recently held an action in Nalchik "100 points for victory" when last year's hundred-pointers tell current graduates how to successfully pass the exam. There was one girl who was given an exam 97 points, but she was sure that she deserved even higher marks. The work was reviewed, and she was given 100 points.

Recently, the number of applications to conflict commissions has decreased. Those guys who filed an appeal just like that, at random, stopped applying: what if the examiners add points? Now all statements - in essence, as a rule, from those who are very confident in their abilities and knowledge.

Sergey Kravtsov: The USE participants are not issued a pass, but a notification that says where and when to come to the USE. This paper does not need to be handed over anywhere, it is generally not necessary to bring it to the exam. And the participants are allowed to take the exam according to their passports and distribution lists at the examination point.

Sergey Kravtsov: The first part is checked by the computer. Tasks with a detailed answer are checked by regional subject commissions. Moreover, each work is checked by two experts. If they do not agree on the assessment, then a third expert is involved.

Reading time: 7 minutes

Are you a graduate of previous years and want to pass the exam? Especially for you, we have compiled step-by-step instructions. Read and memorize.

Submit an application to the registration office of the exam

This must be done by February 1st. Later, you will be able to apply only if you have a valid reason, which will be documented, but no later than two weeks before the start of the exams. The decision in this case is made by the State Examination Commission (SEC).

Be careful with the list of items to indicate in the application. You can change your choice after February 1, but only if there are good reasons, documented. If in doubt, it is better to indicate several items.

Where to find USE registration points

Addresses of registration points and application forms with samples can be found on the website of the local department of education. You have the right to choose any region for passing the exam, regardless of your place of residence. A complete list of registration points can be found here: "Registration addresses for the USE 2018". Also, any information on the exam can be clarified by calling the hotline: list of hotline numbers.

What documents are needed to register for the exam

You need to provide:

  • passport;
  • SNILS certificate (if available);
  • consent to the processing of personal data;
  • school certificate or diploma of graduation from a technical school or college;
  • a certificate from a secondary professional institution, if you are still continuing your studies;
  • a document from a medical institution if you have health restrictions (a certificate or a certified copy of disability, a copy of the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission).

At some locations, you may be asked for additional copies of these documents, so it's best to make them in advance.

Get notified

To do this, you need to arrive at the time specified by the registration point. Usually no later than two weeks before the start of the exam. The notice will include the dates and addresses of Exam Sites (ETs) and your unique registration number. Notification is issued only after the presentation of the passport.

Registration for the exam begins in November, so you need to prepare for it in advance

Come to the exam

Admission to the PES is carried out strictly according to the passport. For graduates of previous years, there are no other options. If you have forgotten your identity document, you will not be allowed to enter.

Exams in all subjects begin at 10:00 local time. We recommend arriving 45 minutes before the start. Calculate the time in advance. If you are late, you will miss the briefing. You will have less time to complete tasks.

Listen carefully to all the introductory information from the organizers of the exam, ask questions if something is not clear.

If you missed the exam for a good reason, submit a supporting document to the SEC. After consideration, you may be given a reserve day for delivery.

What to bring to the exam

According to the rules for conducting the exam in PES, you must take:

  • passport;
  • black gel pen
  • permitted aids depending on the subject: physics - a ruler and a non-programmable calculator; mathematics - ruler; geography - protractor, non-programmable calculator and ruler; chemistry - non-programmable calculator;
  • medicines and nutrition (if necessary);
  • special technical means if you have a disability or limited physical abilities.
  • certificate confirming the diagnosis or disability.

All other personal items are not allowed to be taken with you. They can be left in specially designated places.

For extra items on the table can be kicked out of the PES

Find out your results

Each region independently establishes the timing and methods of notification of the results of the exam. However, the timing of verification and processing of the results should not be longer than the schedule approved by Rosobrnadzor. For example: checking and processing the results of the USE in mathematics and the Russian language must be completed no later than six days after passing. For other subjects - in four days.

You can find out your results at the local educational authorities (on the website or a special stand) or at the points where you registered. You can also use a special service where you need to enter your registration number (indicated on the coupon that you need to keep) or your passport number.

Certificate is not issued. All results are entered into an electronic database. Their validity period is 4 years (the year of delivery is not considered). If you do not agree with the scores, then within two working days from the date of the official publication of the results, you have the right to file a written appeal at the place of registration of the exam. You can retake the exams only next year.

What to do if I passed the exam worse than last time

If there are several USE results that have not expired, it is indicated which USE results and in which general education subjects should be used. So take a deep breath and calm down.

Thus, we have described the main algorithm of actions when passing the exam. Prepare for exams, take tests and enter the best universities in the country.


Hello, tell me, do I need to take the exam in 2020 for admission to the university, if I passed it in 2019? I need the same subjects for admission that I took in 2019

Maria Kalganova, no, you don't) The results are valid for four years.

Hello. Passed the exam in 2019. Russian, basic mathematics, biology. I can pass already prof. math and retake biology?

Victoria Mustafina, good afternoon! Yes, you can retake or retake any exams.

That is, if in the 11th grade I take the exam only in Russian and mathematics, then next year I can just take the exam again, but in the subjects that I will already need for admission?

Hello! A graduate took the exam in 2018, but did not pass the threshold in two selective subjects? Can he retake exams in 2020?

Leila Maloroeva, good afternoon! Oh sure. You can retake exams every year

Hello! Please tell us what to do if a child entered college after the 9th year, studied until the 3rd year, then the army, and did not graduate from college. He wants to pass ege and go to another place. He is not yet a citizen of the Russian Federation.
How to solve our issue? After passing the ege, will he receive an 11th grade certificate?

Karina Sargsyan, good afternoon! You can pass the exam with a certificate from the college stating that you have completed the program in grades 10-11. But to enter a university, you need either a certificate for grade 11 or a college diploma. Even if you pass the exam, it will not give you a high school diploma. Therefore, it is easier for you to recover in college and graduate from it. Moreover, there is not much left to learn. And then go to university

Hello, please tell me, now I am in my second year of college after grade 9, can I pass the exam in 2020 if I drop out now or do I need to finish college or be a student of this college? The program for grades 10-11 was in the first year

Alisa Kozlyuk, good afternoon! You will be able to pass the exam with a certificate from the college stating that you have completed the program in grades 10-11. But at the same time, for admission, you need either a certificate for grade 11, or a college diploma as a document of education.

Portal expert Anna Gagarina, how can I pass the exam if I graduate this year because I don’t want to study in this specialty, but the college said that they would give the certificate for 11 after the 4th year? Is there any other way to get this certificate?

Hello! Tell me, please, where can I leave an application if I retake the exam due to an unsatisfactory result?

Dasha Slivnitsina, good afternoon! You need to go to the department of education of the district in which you live.

Hello. I am expelled from a military university and plan to reapply next year. After being expelled, they are immediately taken to the army, from which I will return only by March. Until February 1, I will not have time to submit the documents. Is military service a good reason to apply after the deadline, and if so, what documents do I need to attach for confirmation?

the dateUSE
early period
March 20 (Wed)geography, literature
March 22 (Fri)Russian language
March 25 (Mon)history, chemistry
March 27 (Wed)foreign languages ​​(oral)
March 29 (Fri)math B, P
April 1 (Mon)foreign languages, biology, physics
April 3 (Wed)social science, informatics and ICT
April 5 (Fri)reserve: geography, chemistry, informatics and ICT, foreign languages ​​(oral), history
April 8 (Mon)reserve: foreign languages, literature, physics, social studies, biology
April 10 (Wed)reserve: Russian language, mathematics B, P
main stage
May 27 (Mon)geography, literature
May 29 (Wed)math B, P
May 31 (Fri)history, chemistry
June 3 (Mon)Russian language
June 5 (Wed)foreign languages ​​(in writing), physics
June 7 (Fri)foreign languages ​​(oral)
June 8 (Sat)foreign languages ​​(oral)
June 10 (Mon)social science
June 13 (Thu)biology, informatics and ICT
June 17 (Mon)Reserve: geography, literature
June 18 (Tue)Reserve: history, physics
June 20 (Thu)Reserve: biology, informatics and ICT, chemistry
June 24 (Mon)Reserve: mathematics B, P
June 26 (Wed)Reserve: Russian
June 27 (Thu)Reserve: foreign languages ​​(oral)
June 28 (Fri)Reserve: social studies, foreign languages ​​(in writing)
July 1 (Mon)Reserve: for all academic subjects

The number of participants in the USE in physics in 2018 (main day) was 150,650 people, including 99.1% of graduates of the current year. The number of participants in the exam is comparable to the previous year (155,281 people), but lower than the number in 2016 (167,472 people). In percentage terms, the number of participants in the USE in physics amounted to 23% of the total number of graduates, which is slightly lower than last year. A slight decrease in the number of students taking the USE in physics may be due to an increase in universities that accept computer science as an entrance test.

The largest number of USE participants in physics is noted in Moscow (10,668), the Moscow Region (6,546), St. Petersburg (5,652), the Republic of Bashkortostan (5,271) and the Krasnodar Territory (5,060).

The average USE score in physics in 2018 was 53.22, which is comparable to last year's score (53.16 test scores). The maximum test score was scored by 269 exam participants from 44 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in the previous year there were 278 people with 100 points. The minimum USE score in physics in 2018, as in 2017, was 36 tb, but in primary scores it was 11 points, compared to 9 primary points in the previous year. The proportion of exam participants who did not pass the minimum score in 2018 was 5.9%, which is slightly higher than those who did not reach the minimum score in 2017 (3.79%).

Compared to the previous two years, the proportion of poorly trained participants slightly increased (21-40 tb). The share of high scorers (61-100 TB) increased, reaching the maximum values ​​for three years. This allows us to speak about the strengthening of differentiation in the training of graduates and the growth in the quality of training of students studying the profile course of physics.

In 2018, the proportion of exam participants who scored 81-100 points was 5.61%, which is higher than in 2017 (4.94%). For the USE in physics, the range from 61 to 100 test scores is significant, which demonstrates the readiness of graduates to successfully continue their education in universities. This year, this group of graduates increased compared to the previous year and amounted to 24.22%.

More detailed analytical and methodological materials of the USE 2018 are available at the link.

Our website contains about 3000 tasks for preparing for the exam in physics in 2019. The general plan of the examination paper is presented below.


Designation of the level of complexity of the task: B - basic, P - advanced, C - high.

Content elements and activities to be checked

Task difficulty level

The maximum score for completing the task

Exercise 1. Uniform rectilinear motion, uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion, circular motion
Task 2. Newton's laws, law of universal gravitation, Hooke's law, friction force
Task 3. Law of conservation of momentum, kinetic and potential energies, work and power of force, law of conservation of mechanical energy
Task 4. Rigid body equilibrium condition, Pascal's law, Archimedes force, mathematical and spring pendulums, mechanical waves, sound
Task 5. Mechanics (explanation of phenomena; interpretation of the results of experiments presented in the form of tables or graphs)
Task 6. Mechanics (change of physical quantities in processes)
Task 7. Mechanics (establishing a correspondence between graphs and physical quantities; between physical quantities and formulas)
Task 8. Relationship between pressure and average kinetic energy, absolute temperature, relationship between temperature and average kinetic energy, Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation, isoprocesses
Task 9. Work in thermodynamics, first law of thermodynamics, heat engine efficiency
Task 10. Relative air humidity, amount of heat
Task 11. MKT, thermodynamics (explanation of phenomena; interpretation of the results of experiments presented in the form of tables or graphs)
Task 12. MKT, thermodynamics (change of physical quantities in processes; establishment of correspondence between graphs and physical quantities, between physical quantities and formulas)
Task 13. The principle of superposition of electric fields, the magnetic field of a conductor with current, the Ampère force, the Lorentz force, the Lenz rule (determining the direction)
Task 14. Law of conservation of electric charge, Coulomb's law, capacitor, current strength, Ohm's law for a circuit section, series and parallel connection of conductors, work and current power, Joule-Lenz law
Task 15. Flux of the magnetic induction vector, Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, inductance, energy of the magnetic field of a coil with current, oscillatory circuit, laws of reflection and refraction of light, ray path in a lens
Task 16. Electrodynamics (explanation of phenomena; interpretation of the results of experiments presented in the form of tables or graphs)
Task 17. Electrodynamics (change of physical quantities in processes)
Task 18. Electrodynamics and the basics of SRT (establishing a correspondence between graphs and physical quantities, between physical quantities and formulas)
Task 19. Planetary model of the atom. Nucleon model of the nucleus. Nuclear reactions.
Task 20. Photons, line spectra, radioactive decay law
Task 21. Quantum physics (change of physical quantities in processes; establishment of correspondence between graphs and physical quantities, between physical quantities and formulas)
Task 22.
Task 23. Mechanics - quantum physics (methods of scientific knowledge)
Task 24. Astrophysics elements: solar system, stars, galaxies
Task 25. Mechanics, molecular physics (calculation problem)
Task 26. Molecular physics, electrodynamics (calculation problem)
Task 27.
Task 28 (C1). Mechanics - quantum physics (qualitative task)
Task 29 (C2). Mechanics (calculation problem)
Task 30 (С3). Molecular physics (calculation problem)
Task 31 (С4). Electrodynamics (calculation problem)
Task 32 (C5). Electrodynamics, quantum physics (calculation problem)

Correspondence between the minimum primary scores and the minimum test scores of 2019. Order on amendments to Appendix No. 1 to the order of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science. .


The order of Rosobrnadzor established the minimum number of points, confirming the mastery of the participants in the exams of the main general educational programs of secondary (complete) general education in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education. THRESHOLD FOR PHYSICS: 11 primary points (36 test points).

You can download the forms in high quality from the link.


At the physics exam, it is allowed to use a non-programmable calculator (for any student) with the ability to calculate trigonometric functions (cos, sin, tg) and rulers, reference materials that can be used during the exam are given to each USE participant along with the text of his examination paper.