Requirements for an Associate Professor Professor and Associate Professor: these are academic titles or positions at a university

Question: I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Quantum Mechanics at St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Physics. I need to submit documents to the Academic Council to obtain the academic title of associate professor. For the title of assistant professor there is a requirement:

3) at least two scientific and two educational and methodical works published in the last three years.
I have prepared two teaching aids, which are approved and recommended by the Academic Council for publication and use.
Question: where should the educational and methodical works be published?
I was told that in order to submit documents to the Academic Council, it is necessary to publish educational and methodological manuals in the publishing house of St. Petersburg State University and each of them must receive an ISBN. This requirement is currently impossible to meet. Printing houses in the physics and chemistry faculties can no longer be used. The St. Petersburg State University Publishing House informs that the publication of v. manuals is possible only after they have been edited, and this may take more than a year. He also reports that if the y-m allowance is not large enough, then the ISBN will not be assigned at all. In the corresponding decree of the Government of the Russian Federation there are no requirements for the publishing house of teaching aids. Apparently, the requirements for the printing of manuals are an internal requirement of St. Petersburg State University.
Where can I print teaching aids?

Answer of the head of the Main Department for the organization of work with personnel Vladimir Valeryevich Eremeev:

In accordance with the Regulations on the award of academic titles, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 10, 2013 No. No. 1139, the applicant for the academic title of associate professor for the last 3 years must have at least 2 non-educational and methodical works, as indicated in the question, but educational publications and 3 scientific papers published in the scientific specialty specified in the attestation file. In accordance with clause 3.1.1 of GOST 7.60-2003 “Editions. Main types. Terms and definitions”, “publication: a document intended for the dissemination of the information contained in it, edited, self-designed, having imprint». Imprint book edition, in accordance with paragraph 4.1 of GOST R 7.0.4 - 2006 “Editions. output information. General requirements and formatting rules” includes, among other things, the International Standard Book Number (ISBN), which is an identifier for each book, a mandatory element of the output information of the book. The international standard numbering of books applies (clause 3.3 of GOST 7.53 - 2001) not only to books, but also to brochures (brochure - a book edition of more than 4, but not more than 48 pages - clause of GOST 7.60 - 2003) .

The Department for Certification of Scientific and Scientific and Pedagogical Workers of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia in a letter dated November 7, 2014 No. 13-4262 “On Violations in the Preparation of Certification Cases”, posted on the website of the Higher Attestation Commission, pointed out the inadmissibility of being included in the list of published educational publications and scientific works of works that do not comply with paragraph "Educational publications" GOST 7.60 - 2003. Types educational publications and scientific papers that can be included in the mentioned list are also listed in section II "Notes" to Appendix No. 2 of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 04.02.2014. No. 81.

Dear scientific and pedagogical workers of KFU!

The VAK website contains answers to the most frequently asked questions, you can familiarize yourself with them

In order to avoid misunderstandings, it is recommended to come to the secretariat of the Academic Council of KFU with a work book (you can have a copy of it), a list of publications for the entire period of scientific activity and individual plans for accounting for the academic work of a teacher for the past 3 academic years (for applicants for the academic title of associate professor) before the formation of a complete set of documents ) and for 5 years (for applicants for the academic title of professor) + for the current academic year to receive a consultation!!!

The specialties for which you can apply for the award of academic titles are listed in (specialties were added on 14.01.31, 26.00.01, the main list of specialties is unchanged). By clicking on the link, you can get acquainted with the passports of the nomenclature of specialties of scientists

Publications in Scopus and Web of Science editions can be equated to "wack" if they are indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases after January 1, 2016.

ATTENTION! Articles of the Higher Attestation Commission "in the specialty" published since 2016 include works published in journals recommended in the relevant specialty of the scientific direction. In the list of peer-reviewed publications for publications since 2019, specific specialties are indicated - make sure that the journal in which the article will be published is recommended for the specialty in which it is planned to submit for the award of an academic title!!!

- (only those courses are indicated, the NAMES of which correspond to the chosen specialty !!! the areas of training must be accredited !!!) - 2 copies. ( Attention! In addition to 3 academic years for associate professors and 5 for professors (academic years may not be given in a row), courses in the specialty read in the current academic year are necessarily given. Codes and names of training areas (column 3) are indicated according to the current accreditation - see database Rosobrandzor. FROM employees of branches additionally attach good quality copies (scans) of individual plans for recording the teacher's educational work for the period specified in the certificate - 1 copy. and send them to the e-mail address of the Secretary of the Academic Council of KFU)

- (if necessary) - 2 copies. (Attention! Work on an hourly wage is equivalent to teaching experience only if more than 225 hours of classes were held during one academic year.)

- - compiled for the entire time of scientific and pedagogical activity - 2 copies.(only for specialists in the field of art) - 2 copies.

- (only for specialists in the field of art) - 2 copies.

- (only for specialists in the field of physical culture and sports) - 2 copies.

Forms of attestation documents may change, follow the information on the page!

This is fixed in the new regulation on the procedure for conferring academic titles, which is planned to be introduced from 01/01/2014. (The project is posted on the website The head of the VAK comments on it:

As for the titles of associate professors and professors in the departments, they, according to the draft Regulations on the procedure for awarding academic degrees, will become a thing of the past. Academic titles will be awarded only in the scientific specialty:
- The issue of "leaving" the titles of associate professor and professor in the department was repeatedly raised by employees of universities and the Academy of Sciences, - the head of the Higher Attestation Commission explained. - The former system led to the fact that, since the names of departments are established by universities independently, and quite often they cease to exist, an associate professor or professor has to be a scientist in this department that no longer exists in the country. Since the nomenclature of scientific specialties is regulated by a government decree, the introduced system of academic titles in a scientific specialty becomes more understandable.

Here certain explanations are required for those who are far from university life. The fact is that the system of academic degrees (candidate-doctor) and the system of academic titles (associate professor-professor) have so far been parallel trajectories of movement. Promotion within the first of them was associated with scientific achievements, and involved the defense of the relevant work (candidate or doctoral dissertation). Progress along the second trajectory was associated not so much with scientific as with educational and methodological achievements (that is, success in teaching). These titles were called associate professor and professor "in the department" and represent the majority of the titles awarded (the titles "in the specialty" were assigned much less frequently, mainly to scientific workers). These two different trajectories, although correlated, were theoretically independent of each other. So, the title of associate professor could be awarded not to a candidate, and the title of professor - not to a doctor (such cases were relatively rare, but not exceptional). In addition, when awarding titles, they looked primarily at the presence of educational and methodological works, and the requirements for proper scientific ones were not so significant. The new provision essentially eliminates the described parallel system, and liquidates it by a kind of merger and strengthening of requirements. On the one hand, obtaining titles now requires a lot of scientific activity (the requirements for scientific publications are being tightened, three defended candidates for a professor are required, etc.), and on the other hand, the requirements for methodological activity are being strengthened. For example, an associate professor now requires authorship or co-authorship in textbooks published under the “mark”, and not any, as it was before (this condition, however, can be replaced by co-authorship in a collective monograph). In fact, this provision consolidates the linear sequence "candidate-associate professor-doctor-professor" and makes the system of the Russian "table of scientific ranks" four-level, rigidly and unambiguously linking the movement through levels to scientific achievements.

This has both pluses and minuses. The upside is that it is easier to get a title for those people who are more or less active in a field that does not quite match the profile of the department in which they teach. Moreover, our departments are often named quite arbitrarily and, in the limit, the name may not correspond to any of the scientific specialties at all (for example, there may well be a department of valeology). The situation is not so rare: only from my acquaintances three people have faced such difficulties in the last year and a half. The disadvantages are that the adoption of such a position finally closes the possibility of at least some “rank” growth for pedagogical workers - people who do little scientific work, but succeed in teaching. There are a lot of such people and they are by no means always bad teachers. (Let's be realistic: how many of those who work, say, in the departments of higher mathematics in regional universities, do any significant scientific work in this area?) Previously, such people, who for some reason did not defend their dissertation or defended it quite a long time ago, could expect to receive the title of associate professor on the basis of their teaching and methodological work. Now this opportunity seems to be closed completely.

UPD. As for the previously awarded titles, they, as follows from

The word "docent" is translated from Latin as "teach" or "teach". Considering all kinds of titles that are assigned to scientists, one often has to face a number of questions. Is an assistant professor a position or an academic degree? We will take a closer look at this issue in the article.

What is an Associate Professor

The word "associate professor" hides such concepts as "position in universities" and "academic title". Any variant of interpretation assumes that the associate professor is engaged in pedagogical work and has achievements in a certain field of knowledge, being a research assistant. It should be noted that in foreign universities there is practically no such thing as an "associate professor". In the Russian Federation, it appeared in 1863, then this title fell out of scientific terminology for some time.

How to get a position as assistant professor

The employee must be involved in the pedagogical and research areas of work. Often he has a PhD degree, which is not a prerequisite for obtaining a position, which, in fact, is confirmed only by an entry in the work book. The teacher becomes an assistant professor after a positive decision is made at the academic council.

To become an assistant professor, you must meet only two conditions:

  • Have a university degree
  • Work as a teacher at the university - at least 3 years

Among the duties of an associate professor, one can single out the organization of administrative and research work. He participates in the development of textbooks and manuals, as well as in scientific research, lectures and trains postgraduate students. The employee reports directly to the head of the department. An associate professor is a scientific specialty, an intermediate link between a teacher and a professor.

Many assistants strive to become associate professors not only by position, but also by title, because it is very prestigious to receive it. But how to become one and what is required for this?

How to get the academic title of Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission

To do this, it will be necessary to go through several important stages, have research abilities and invest a lot of work. Requirements for the applicant: conducting pedagogical or scientific activities, good knowledge, possessing an academic degree, achievements in science.

Based on the verdict of the Higher Attestation Commission (Higher Attestation Commission), the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation issues an order to award the applicant a title. The attestation case is considered within six months (sometimes up to 9 months). Thus, only VAK has the right to assign a title to an applicant.

Requirements for a candidate for the title

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1139 establishes the conditions under which an applicant can become the owner of an academic title. The requirements for the candidate for the academic title of associate professor are:

  • The presence of a PhD degree (Doctor of Science) and a diploma of graduation from the university
  • Work as a teacher in a Russian university - at least 5 years, at least 10 years - to obtain the title of professor
  • At least 3 years of experience as a teacher in a scientific specialty
  • 2 years of continuous experience as an associate professor, professor, head of department, director, deputy director and other senior positions (Resolution, paragraph 10, "c")
  • Work as a teacher (from 0.25 rate), including additional professional education
  • Printing of 3 scientific papers and 2 textbooks in peer-reviewed publications over a 3-year period (20 in total for the entire period). Exceptions are scientific works that have classified information
  • Availability of an employment contract with the nominating organization, as well as filling a position
  • Performing the duties of a lecturer

Assigning a title in the field of art without a degree

  • The presence of a document on graduation from the university
  • It is necessary to publish scientific papers and manuals
  • Reading a course of lectures
  • Possession of the honorary title of the Russian Federation (USSR) in the field of art or the title of a diploma student (laureate) of 2 all-Russian events in a certain art form
  • Conclusion of an employment contract and filling a position in the nominating organization (list in the Resolution, clause 14)

If you have a degree, the following requirements:

  • Work as a teacher - 5 years, in the declared direction - at least 3 years
  • Continuous experience for 2 years in certain positions (Resolution, paragraph 14, "e")
  • Work as a teacher (0.25 rate)
  • Training of two persons with the title of diplomat (laureate) in the declared direction was carried out
  • At least 2 scientific papers and educational publications and at least 7 works on the type of art indicated in the attestation file must be published

For example, in the field of art and sports, it is also required to have an honorary title, the title of laureate (champion) of the competition. At the same time, the applicant must prepare at least two students who will also receive honorary places.

List of documents for VAK

The applicant must submit a package of documents to the Secretary of the Academic Council of the nominating organization. Then she sends the attestation case to the Higher Attestation Commission within 14 days.

  • official letter
  • Document with information about the employee of the legal entity
  • A copy of the minutes of the meeting of the department and the Faculty Council
  • List of educational publications and scientific papers in form 16
  • Confirmation of work experience - a copy of the pages from the work book
  • Extract from the order (competition)
  • inventory
  • Registration card
  • Reference
  • Information about the preparation of students as a supervisor (consultant). List of persons and information about the work carried out
  • Copies of diplomas

Important: in 2014, the order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 81 was issued on the approval of the forms of documents provided by the candidate for the title.

Using their example, you will be able to prepare, in compliance with all the rules and regulations, those documents that the VAK should receive from the applicant. He approves a new form of information and a list of published educational publications.

The list of documents is sent to the VAK in a binder. Registration cards and 4 postcards with stamps are placed in a paper pocket.

Good to know: the list of publications in form 16 is compiled on the basis of Order No. 1756 (Regulation No. 3). It is necessary to add to the list only those works that have undergone editorial and publishing processing and replication, and also have output information. This list cannot, for example, include newspaper articles.

Orders of the Higher Attestation Commission on conferring an academic title

On the VAK resource, you can find all orders at the link In the column "Diplomas, certificates and certificates" the relevant orders are indicated. For example, you can find information about issuing certificates here. Based on the results of the audit, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation issues a verdict on awarding an academic title or refusing it, information about this will be available on the website within 10 days.

Modern science is multifaceted, and the scientists involved in it have a variety of titles. They depend both on research merits and on the country of residence. In Russia and many countries of the post-Soviet space, the scientific title "docent" has been preserved. This is an analogue of the American assistant professor or lecturer.

History and modernity in the naming of scientists

The term "docent" is a form of the Latin word, in translation it means "teach" or "teach", which, of course, applies to modern higher education workers. In Russian universities, this position appeared in the middle of the 19th century as a step between a master and a professor.

Until the 30s of the last century, this position and title remained unchanged. After the education reforms, this name was abolished, and researchers appeared. However, over time, it became necessary to functionally distinguish between employees of institutes engaged exclusively in science and those who combined research activities with teaching students.

In a modern Russian university, an associate professor is an employee engaged in scientific and pedagogical activities, who necessarily has certain achievements in his field of knowledge. Most often, a candidate or even a doctor of science. In addition, there are certain requirements for teaching work and social duties.

Professor and Associate Professor: Similarities and Differences

Both the professor and the associate professor are employees of universities and other universities engaged in research, scientific, teaching and administrative activities. However, there are significant differences among the employees holding these positions.

Professors are scientists who are mainly engaged in research activities, having considerable practical experience and a huge store of knowledge. Most often they are doctors of some sciences, or candidates, but with published monographs. These are figures recognized in their field of research, who have earned a certain trust in the scientific community.

Professors carry out very little teaching activity, usually only in the area of ​​their scientific interests. Their main work is aimed at training graduate students and research on their topic. Professors usually occupy leading administrative positions in universities.

Regardless of whether an associate professor is a position or an academic degree, his position in the conditional hierarchy of the university is somewhat lower. Most often, this is a candidate of certain sciences, who has practical experience and teaches the disciplines of his specialty.

Postgraduate graduates who successfully defended their thesis are awarded the title of Candidate of Sciences. If they have at least three years of teaching experience and a solid baggage of scientific publications, they can immediately apply for the position of associate professor.

How to become an assistant professor after changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation in 2013

Modern Russian science is moving further and further away from Soviet roots. The nomenclatures of scientific specialties are changing. The procedure for conferring the title of "Associate Professor" has also changed. It used to be enough to work out a certain period in the department. Now we need to put in a little more effort.

In 2013, new rules for awarding academic titles and degrees were adopted. From now on, the post of "Associate Professor in the Department" is abolished. Only the scientific specialty remains, and the candidate is considered directly by the Ministry of Education and Science, with the involvement of experts from various fields.

Now, in order to get the scientific title of associate professor, you must:

  • be a candidate of science;
  • have at least three years of teaching experience in a scientific specialty;
  • have scientific publications in refereed journals, monographs, textbooks and teaching aids, published lecture courses;
  • engage not only in pedagogical, but also in scientific activities, supervise final qualifying works, work on a dissertation;
  • give lectures and conduct practical classes at a high professional level.

Nevertheless, the question of whether an associate professor is a position or an academic degree remains open. Universities retained the nomenclature of employees with the corresponding record. Now this position is assigned not by the department, but by the educational institution as a whole. Most often, employees who already have an associate professor's degree and a defended candidate's thesis are elected to this position.

Qualification requirements for the post of assistant professor

Most graduate students want to defend their Ph.D. thesis and subsequently receive the title and position of associate professor. A scientific achievement is considered inalienable, and even if a candidate of sciences ceases to be engaged in science, the awarded title remains forever.

Another thing is the position of "Associate Professor". This is the work associated most often with the teaching of certain disciplines, conducting seminars and practical classes, supervising term papers and theses. The employment contract must clearly spell out the duties and rights of the assistant professor.

Qualification requirements:

  • defended Ph.D. thesis;
  • active participation in the scientific life of the university;
  • lectures and seminars at a high level.

Associate Professor Career

Most modern scientists are clearly focused on career growth. This is facilitated by the grant system of remuneration and great opportunities for especially talented representatives of science.

There are three career paths for a young scientist:

  1. Grow in your scientific field, write and defend a doctoral dissertation, become a professor. Subsequently, to open a personal scientific school.
  2. Develop professionally as a teacher.
  3. Engage in administrative activities, with the prospect of managing a department, faculty, university.

Any option has its advantages and disadvantages. Choosing the prospect of further movement, one should focus only on the characteristics of the individual.

Foreign analogues of the title of associate professor

Such a division into candidates and doctors of sciences, as well as associate professors and professors, is practiced only in Russia and the countries of the former socialist camp.

Most European countries and the USA do not have such an intermediate step. Young scientists defend scientific work and immediately receive the title of Doctor of Science. After that, they can apply for the position of professor. An analogue of an associate professor is an American "assistant professor" or a European "lecturer".