Mind-blowing facts proving the existence of aliens. What will the truth about aliens bring to mankind? Space Alien Revelations Fact or Fiction

It is quite clear why our global elite does not want to disclose the existence of life in the universe, which is why our so-called leaders do not tell us the truth - they do NOT want to lose control over us!

If only friendly aliens want to invite us into their game, revealing their existence will give us tremendous opportunities to explore the vast expanses of the universe. Then there will be no need for borders between countries on our planet, and world leaders and religious figures will no longer play an important role in our lives, and in many aspects they may even turn out to be “fraudsters” and “nobodies”. This is what the elite that governs our planet fears.

The number of UFO sightings has increased significantly in recent years. Aliens want to be seen, and many people believe they are trying to get us to acknowledge their presence. Simultaneously with the increasing "obvious" appearances of UFOs, there is an awakening of all mankind and the understanding comes that we are really "not alone in the Universe", however, along with this, the question arises: "Who are aliens and what do they want?".

The elite understands the consequences of such a global awakening very well, therefore, together with many agencies and corporations, they block the disclosure of such information, and in some cases give it out "in a teaspoon an hour." Perhaps this is done so that if the aliens force us to acknowledge their presence, our world leaders and others, looking back, will tell us: “We tried to tell you!”.

NASA quite often teases us with news about the existence of life in the Universe with headlines like "Life on Mars", and in some cases even claims the possibility of the existence of highly developed civilizations in the Universe. NASA recently announced that they will detect alien life forms in the next ten years. Isn't this a fantastic tactic for withholding information? "We are on the cusp of discovering alien civilizations," NASA's top scientists said. And most recently, they predicted that in just one generation, we will find something in our sector of the Milky Way with conditions favorable for life. Feeding "one teaspoon per hour" continues!

This also extends to the ways in which the elite feed us little by little information, from advertising to astronauts, and even the American president is actively involved in this incredibly important topic. But all this is completely irrelevant on a global scale - the aliens are already HERE and they have been here for a long time. And in the near future, those who control us will no longer be able to control us. Huge exciting prospects await us!

Regardless of what awaits us, our planet is engulfed in massive unrest, conflicts and tensions between countries, which are facilitated in every possible way by militant leaders obsessed with power! The planet's dwindling natural resources are sold daily for money and power. Encouragement by the elite of confrontation between different religions and races is brought to the point of absurdity (again, to control us). And the apogee of all this is the imposition on people around the world of the idea that money, television and the best gadgets are what is important in life.

BUT, there are big changes ahead of us, many of us are interested in this, and these changes will definitely occur on our planet when the aliens officially notify us of their presence.

First, the population of the Earth will be divided into two camps - those who will be happy to greet our alien friends, and those who will be afraid of them. Of course, the world powers will make people fearful by telling them that these unknown heavenly "demons" want to take over humanity by force. Some religious groups will oppose the aliens and try to prevent peaceful association with them. Those who will be gripped by fear, and succumb to the suggestions of the elite, distrustful of aliens, can take up arms.

The aliens will most likely announce to everyone who they are and where they come from, as well as their reasons for official contact with planet Earth. As soon as the vast majority of the human race understands who the aliens are and why they are here, a “full” worldwide awakening will begin all over the world, and suddenly a new launch pad into the Universe will open before the people of our world.

Our technology will become obsolete compared to the knowledge that aliens can give us. This is discussed by many leading researchers who believe that humanity in the universe is a simple civilization of type zero, which is why we are still very dependent on fossil fuels and still do not understand the benefits of using the energy potential of our home star. Compared to other aliens that can move around the universe, we are in a primeval state.

Many leading researchers around the world believe that we are a mere type zero civilization compared to type I, II, III, IV and V alien civilizations. If there are planets in the Universe on which life has evolved over millions of years, then their technology and science is far superior to our own. The Kardashev scale, designed to measure the technological development of a civilization, is based on determining the amount of energy used by a civilization - therefore, our Earth is classified as a zero-type civilization. Scientists believe that with the growth of civilization, the demand for energy and various technological machines increases sharply.

As a result, our alien guests can not only bring us a lot of knowledge, technologies and methods of curing diseases, they can also give us the opportunity to explore new amazing worlds in an unknown infinite universe. This is what the elite are so afraid of, because, compared to these exciting changes in our lives, money and the borders that limit us will turn out to be completely useless for us!

If we give our alien guests the opportunity to unite with us, we can learn a lot from them and free ourselves from those invisible chains that limit our development on a daily basis. Our corrupt leaders and 1% of the elite on this planet are afraid of losing their control over us, but this will inevitably happen, and it is very important for us to unite with those aliens who want to introduce us to their galactic brothers!

There is even a television show called "Ancient Space Aliens" that has extensive debate and discussion about the veracity of this phenomenon. In this cycle of television programs, invited "experts" are trying in every possible way to find evidence of the existence of alien aliens as highly developed intelligent beings with flying technology, with the help of which, even in ancient times, they could travel in space and visit our planet. During these visits, they passed on their knowledge to the ancient inhabitants of the Earth and helped them in the construction of amazing gizmos, such as the Egyptian pyramids. , Nazca geoglyphs and many others. Also, do not forget about the sensational case in the vicinity of Roswell.

Do aliens exist?

Before discussing aliens, ancient, modern or otherwise, it is necessary to find out and verify the reality of several facts. The first is their existence, the second is their mind and intelligence, and the third is whether they have the ability to travel through outer space. The fourth is whether there are inhabited planets, the fifth is communication with local life forms, the sixth is why the less developed and backward races were not destroyed or enslaved. And the seventh - technologies that could be used by alien guests.

The likelihood that there is life elsewhere in space besides our planet is negligible. Even if we assume that life can exist on each star 100,000 light years away, then the nearest inhabited planet may be 600-1200 light years from our planet. And this can only mean one thing: if an intelligent life form can move in space even at the speed of electromagnetic radiation, then to reach the place of their first contact with our planet, it would take hundreds of years. Now imagine for a moment that you are one of the members of such an expedition. It would take at least a millennium to fly to the nearest inhabited planet if you have a clear idea of ​​which direction you are moving, but in the end it turns out that the slightest deviations from the course will amount to trillions of kilometers. So it's a millennium ago, forty human generations. What would your trip look like? How to build the life of the crew of the spacecraft for two thousand years in conditions with reduced gravity? How will you reach the destination of your journey? And, the most mysterious thing: why would the team leave the planet inhabited by creatures of lower development and intelligence, instead of ruling there undividedly and having ritual sex with the local population.

It turns out that the existing Drake formula confirms the numbers above. Even without applying this formula, you can reach a similar result, and this is simply amazing. So, now it is quite clear that aliens do not exist, therefore, there are no intelligent aliens either, and, based on this, we can safely say that there were no visits from space to our planet.

Even if we assume that they existed and could visit us in antiquity, the ideas of Stephen Hawking, a man far from stupid, seem more reasonable and consistent than the arguments of illiterate charlatans from a television show filmed for people with an extra chromosome. Stephen believes that any contact with intelligent aliens would be detrimental to our planet, and we should by all means avoid them. It's hard to disagree with this. What do you think would happen if aliens discovered our planet?

They would turn it into a huge database of biological material, dissect us like cockroaches and conduct bold experiments. They would devastate the bowels of our planet, exhaust its resources, and turn the inhabitants into slaves and guinea pigs. The ancient aliens did not help us build the pyramids. They would rather build pyramids out of human bones. Isn't it clear that this theory about ancient good aliens doesn't stand up to scrutiny?

Why are all alien visits attributed to the past? Why isn't something similar happening now?

For example, aliens really visited the Earth more than once, why did their visits suddenly stop? Why don't they fly to us now, when we have radio, television and smartphones. If they visited us so often five thousand years ago, today they could look at us at least occasionally. Moreover, how many different

The stories of people allegedly abducted by aliens can be treated differently. Someone is very skeptical, and someone unconditionally believes every word of the abducted.

These phenomena are of interest to many people, but most of them are in no hurry to draw any definite conclusions. Many say that how can a person speak with confidence about the kidnapping, if all this is mysterious enough, and most victims are subjected to memory erasure. After all, stories about abductions can really carry a grain of truth, but it can also be a desire to become famous, to become a member of the next "horror movie".

According to nibiruplanetx.ru, there is little in common in the stories of the victims of the abduction. Some claim that they were immobilized and could hardly breathe, others that they retained the ability to speak and move, but this did not lead to any effect. Comparing stories of abductions in the past with those of today, the latter contain accurate descriptions of the details, which immediately elicits a favorable reception from the public. Naturally, this may be a coincidence, but certain doubts still arise.

The skepticism about an alien invasion lies in the unconditional denial of the very possibility that this is possible. It is these views that are classified as scientific, and all other explanations are classified as pseudoscientific.

Skeptics have put forward many different hypotheses to explain the abduction stories, but none of them has even hinted at a possible alien origin of the abductors or that they have high intelligence. Many argue that the government is involved, but not aliens, who are considered only heroes of science fiction. But most of the stories about kidnappings are explained by psychological motives.

There is also an alternative to psychological motives - temporary schizophrenia, hallucinations, epilepsy or other mental conditions, such as sleep paralysis. It is worth noting that sleep paralysis often accompanies the impression of some kind of presence, but people rarely attribute it to an alien. It happens that human memory transforms into an abduction a completely different event, for example, sexual abuse.

It is likely that many of the alleged abductees were mentally unbalanced or drugged. Although the experts who examined them, argued the opposite.

According to astronomer K. Sagan, alien abductions are very similar to ancient tales of being abducted by the devil or demons. Yes, and they describe aliens almost as demons - beings without sexual characteristics that live in the sky, can pass through walls and have the ability to telepathy. This can also prove that aliens studied people in ancient times, and that humanity loves hoaxes.

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Disputes about whether aliens really exist, or are they fictions and delusions, people have been leading for more than a decade. But at the same time, the search for extraterrestrial life does not stop.

I have collected 20 unusual facts that could be a confirmation of the existence of aliens, of course, for those who take such facts seriously enough.

1 Alien Abduction Insurance

More than 20,000 people have purchased alien abduction insurance. There are insurance companies that are willing to pay $1 a year for the next million years to someone who gets abducted by aliens. If you wish, you can insure yourself against alien abduction, extraterrestrial pregnancy, alien rapists and death caused by aliens.

2. Firefighters against UFOs

Some firefighters in the United States are trained in first aid in the event of a UFO crash or intrusion. More interestingly, they are also trained in how to help injured aliens.

3. Look at the Earth and see dinosaurs

If aliens at a distance of 65 million light years from Earth look at Earth through a telescope, they see dinosaurs. True, this will require a giant super-powerful telescope.

4 Aliens Have Already Made Contact With Humans

Edgar Mitchell, the sixth person to walk on the Moon, claimed that "aliens have made contact with humans on several occasions." The lunar module astronaut also claimed that the government is still hiding the truth from the people.

5. Mathematical probability of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligent life

There is a 2% chance that alien life will be discovered within the next 10 years. The mathematical probability of the intelligent existence of life on other planets was calculated by scientists from the University of East Anglia.

6. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov abducted by aliens

The chairman of the International Chess Federation believes that chess was invented by aliens. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov from Kalmykia claims he was abducted by aliens wearing yellow space suits on the night of September 17, 1997.

7UFO Landing Pad

In order to attract tourists (and possibly aliens) in the city of St. Paul, Alberta, the world's first UFO landing site was built. It is a platform with a map of Canada painted on the wall. Beneath the platform are rocks, with each rock coming from a specific Canadian province.

8. Apollo 11

On the third day of the launch of the Apollo 11 mission, its crew reported a strange flying object near the ship. Initially, the astronauts assumed that it was the stage of the SIV-B rocket. But later they received word that this stage was 10,000 km away from them. NASA still cannot explain what the object was.

9. 17,129 nearby stars

Astronomers Margaret Turnbull and Jill Tarter of the Carnegie Institution in Washington have compiled a list of 17,129 nearby stars that should have planets around them that are suitable for highly organized life. Margaret argues that the planet must be at least three billion years old for intelligent life to evolve on it.

10 First Scientific Attempt To Contact Aliens

Astronomer Frank Drake made the first scientific attempt to contact aliens in 1960. In his experiment, he used a 25-meter dish antenna to pick up signals from two nearby sun-like stars.

11. Egyptian frescoes

Some researchers claim that aliens visited the ancient Egyptians, telling them about future descendants. On a number of Egyptian frescoes you can find images of helicopters, submarines and jet aircraft.

12. Alien radio interception

Since 1995, the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California has been working on a project to scan over 1,000 stars for alien radio communications. The cost of the project is $5 million per year, and it is financed from private sources. They hope that the giant Allen Telescope Array antenna will help catch the signal by 2025.

13. Underground shelters on Mars

The most likely locations for alien life in the solar system are underground shelters on Mars, hot spots on Saturn's moon Enceladus (whose south pole is littered with geysers), and Jupiter's moons Europa and Callisto (whose icy crust may hide oceans of water). And scientist David Grinspoon from the Denver Museum of Nature and Science believes that aliens could theoretically inhabit Venus at its average temperature of 454 degrees Celsius.

14. Light circles in the sky

The earliest sighting of a UFO dates back to 1450 BC. The Egyptians noticed strange light circles in the sky.

15. Napoleon Bonaparte claimed to have been abducted by aliens.

Napoleon Bonaparte claimed to have been abducted by aliens. He really disappeared for several days in July 1794, and later said that he was kidnapped by strange people. It's hard to believe, but scientists have found tiny foreign objects in Napoleon's bones and said they could be microchips.

16. Barking Aliens

In 1957, Brazilian farmer Antonio Villas-Boas claimed that he was abducted by barking aliens who covered his body in gel and then copulated with him. It was one of the first kidnapping stories to be made public. At the time of the abduction, Antonio was 23 years old.

17 Alien Sex Experiments

In a 2003 Harvard study, 7 out of 10 people who claimed to have been abducted said after being put into a hypnotic trance state that they were being used for sex experiments by alien abductors. Susan A. Clancy published a book in 2005 in which she tries to explain scientifically what makes people sincerely believe in abductions.

18. People could scare aliens

Scientists tried to describe humans to aliens in 1972: Carl Sagan and Frank Drake made a drawing depicting a naked man and woman. The drawing was placed aboard the Pioneer 10 spacecraft.

19. Airbase, anti-aircraft guns, UFO

On February 24, 1942, Los Angeles Air Force Base received hundreds of reports of UFO sightings in the air. The UFO was repeatedly fired from anti-aircraft guns, but it remained undamaged.

20. Martian rock in Antarctica

Researchers recently discovered a Martian rock in Antarctica that contained fossilized traces of nanobacteria. There really could be life on Mars. A huge amount of methane has been discovered on the planet. At the same time, almost all methane on Earth is produced by living organisms.

The mysteries of history excite the minds of a huge number of people for more than one generation. The topic related to the origin of life on Earth, it would seem, has long been closed, and all the evidence has already been recognized by leading experts. However, from time to time there are still questions related to this stage of the development of the planet. Ancient space aliens are the main actors in this matter.

Did aliens really exist?

So, this issue has been raised and raised very often. It has already become so familiar that no one has any suspicions or bewilderment when news about the appearance of unidentified objects or unexplained phenomena appears in a particular magazine, television show or some other source of information. For example, the documentary "Ancient Aliens" has led to a fairly wide and sharp debate regarding the determination of the fact whether the information provided is reliable.

For reference. In this series of projects and TV shows, invited experts and experts try to do more than just find evidence that extraterrestrial aliens really existed. They also cite facts showing the aliens as highly intelligent beings capable of creating and controlling flying equipment.

Thanks to their “ships”, the aliens are able to surf the expanses of the Universe, including visiting certain corners of the planet Earth. During these visits, according to scientists, the aliens visited various settlements of the ancient inhabitants of the Earth and shared their knowledge with them.

Thanks to their help, the inhabitants of the Earth managed to create many amazing gizmos and structures, such as: Egyptian pyramids, pyramids at the bottom of the ocean, and many others.

The possibilities of ancient aliens

Before discussing alien guests, regardless of whether they are ancient or modern (or any others), it is necessary to clarify and verify a few facts related to them.

  • The possibility of habitable planets,
  • The possibility of the existence of aliens and their travel in space.
  • Their mind and intellect,
  • Organization of their interaction with other (local) life forms,
  • Why have they reached such a high level in their development and are there less developed forms in outer space? What technologies do aliens use?

So, as you know, humanity expanded the boundaries of its control back in the 20th century, breaking into space through several layers of the atmosphere and overcoming the force of gravity. Since then, space exploration has been carried out much more intensively and more seriously, but there are no results that can influence the positive solution of the issue concerning life somewhere else in space. Thanks to the materials obtained from the planet Mars closest to Earth, this theory is refuted.

Forreferences. Even if we assume that there is life on every star or planet in another galaxy, then the distance to the closest one will be at least 600 - 700 light years. Accordingly, if intelligent life forms wished to find our planet, then even at the speed of electromagnetic radiation they could reach the Earth in several hundred years.

Of course, it can be assumed that space aliens are the owners of the elixir of immortality, or they do not know the concept of time at all, and they know the art of teleportation, but all this is more like fairy tales and science fiction novels popular in the late 19th - early 20th century.

And even this was not (and still is not) an obstacle for some scientists. After all, what is 2,000 years for them? This is only 40 generations of human life. Accordingly, it is necessary to provide conditions on the spacecraft that allow the human race to be maintained even under these conditions.

And if a person copes with this, then nevertheless some illegible and difficult moments do not allow to fully realize all this. The fact is that during the trip, not only people, but also the vehicle itself will need to eat something. Accordingly, it is impossible to reach the final goal.

For reference. As for the view of this situation from the standpoint of aliens, scientists are still wondering why such advanced creatures just watch this world, and do not enslave it and stand at the head of the entire planet? All these considerations lead to the following conclusion. Aliens do not exist, therefore, we can safely say that there were no visits from outer space to our planet.

Even assuming that they existed and were able to visit us in ancient times, any reasonable contact with aliens (according to Stephen Hawking) would be harmful to the planet. As a result of such an intervention, the researcher cites the possible destruction of life on Earth, which is considered in the light of the theory of a nuclear explosion. That is why the authors of the film consider and transmit all kinds of ways in which such contacts and their consequences can be avoided.

Paleocontacts, the history of ancient aliens

The theory of paleocontacts indicates that the Earth in the distant past was the travel destination of many representatives of other planets. This is due to the fact that when they met, they could pass on their knowledge and experience to the ancient earthlings, as a result of which the civilization of the planet progressed and developed.

Moreover, it is possible that extraterrestrial beings were the creators of the Earth, since some evidence of this can be found in a veiled form in the main sacred texts. The ancestor of this theory in its modern form is the Soviet space explorer V. Tsiolkovsky.

It was he who first came up with the hypothesis of possible extraterrestrial beings visiting our planet. The theory was further developed by the Swiss amateur archaeologist E. Deniken. Not a very successful entrepreneur, he moved into archeology, as a result of which his first book caused a great public outcry.

For reference. The book "Memories of the Future", which was later made into a feature video film of the same name, included data that the inhabitants of ancient Babylon and Assyria closely interacted with the inhabitants of the so-called twelfth Planet, which was called Nibiru.

Similar ideas and hypotheses have arisen before.

  • For example, the priests of Ancient Egypt were completely sure that there are peoples in space who constantly interact with the Earthlings.
  • The same thoughts migrated to Greece. So, one of the philosophers, Anaximander, was the author of the doctrine, which was based on the idea that special worlds arise in the surrounding space in which the dead live.
  • Even Isaac Newton once wrote that he does not exclude the possibility of the existence of any creatures in outer space.

Thus, it seems impossible to judge whether aliens exist or not, because genuine evidence that can confirm or refute this or that theory has not yet been found. Watch an interesting video about the evidence of ancient aliens.