Options for the meaning of the triangle on the line of the heart. The main shapes of the palm: large triangle, small triangle, quadrilateral

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Falling branch from the line of the Heart under the Mount of Saturn(figure 1.106) indicates a fatal disappointment in the relationship. Such a person is unlucky in love, because of which he is constantly forced to analyze his love problems and experiences, tends to dwell on all disappointments, becomes dependent on old grievances, which makes him more and more stuck in a relationship with a partner. The difference between the two considered cases from each other lies in the fact that in the first case, the person himself, with his wrong attitudes and criteria, when choosing a partner for a relationship, puts himself on the path of disappointment. In the second case, fatality, predestination and karma intervene, called for to be worked out in the present incarnation because of the disappointments he brought to other people in past lives. In simple terms, such a person receives exactly the same suffering that he himself has caused to others over the course of numerous past lives.

In any case, regardless of whether it is predestination or the result of one's own wrong actions, when this sign is found on the palms, it is necessary to advise a person not to withdraw into himself and not to let events from the past influence the present. It is also necessary to change the criteria when choosing partners, to be more insightful and soberly assess your chances in love, thereby not falling under the influence of one of the 6 enemies of man - illusion.

Double line of the Heart. The double line of the Heart is a very rare sign on the hand. Two lines of the Heart, present on one palm, indicate a strong influence of feelings and emotions on a person. From the point of view of physiology, a person with such lines has a healthy heart and a good cardiovascular system, he is able to cope with any emotional and psychological stress, and also, while the main line of the Heart is accompanied by her line-sister, he is not afraid of any severe stress, no heart attacks, no heart disease. From a psychological point of view, the double line of the Heart speaks of the ability to love passionately and sincerely, and also indicates devotion in love. On the spiritual side, a person is able to radically change himself for the better and achieve a lot in the spiritual field, especially when sacrificing himself and his interests for the benefit of other people.

The double line of the Heart on the hands of a person is of two types: with a small distance between the lines, as shown in Figure 1.107, and with a large distance - Figure 1.108.

Double line of Heart with a small distance between the lines is a sign of deep devotion, humanity and high spirituality. Such people combine seemingly incongruous qualities of character, on the one hand, strong amorousness, and on the other, amazing devotion and fidelity in love. They love sincerely, from the bottom of their hearts, without requiring reciprocity from a partner, and their love in the heart can survive many decades and is distinguished by constancy. An additional line below the main line supports the line of the Heart as well as the line of Mars, the line of Life, protecting it from all sensual disappointments and experiences.

Double line of the Heart with a large distance between the lines indicates an increased need for feelings and emotions. The constantly present intensity of feelings deprives such a person of harmony in relationships, as a result of which his mind hardly manages to maintain the necessary vital balance. Spiritual and emotional energy, flowing simultaneously along two lines of the Heart, surpasses mental energy in its strength, therefore such a person will very often succumb to the influence of many times intensified feelings and emotions, while very rarely exposing himself to control by the mind in love relationships. Having fallen under the influence of feelings, a person can simultaneously passionately and passionately love several people at once for a long time, unable to make a choice between them and stop in order to develop a harmonious relationship with one of the partners. A large distance between the lines of the Heart in this case will no longer be a symbol of devotion and fidelity, but will change its characteristics to the opposite.

Signs on the line of the Heart. Signs on the line of the Heart or near it require very careful study and careful analysis. The lines of Fate, Apollo and Mercury pass through the line of the Heart, the lines of the Samaritans begin from it, various branches up and down, the rings of Jupiter, etc. , for example, one of the sides of the triangle can be formed by the line of the Heart, or one of the rays of the star can be a branch from the main line, and be in close proximity to the line of the Heart, without contacting it. In this regard, very often there are problems with the classification of a sign or its zone of action, therefore, if difficulties arise, it is necessary to analyze each line that makes up one or another sign separately. When reading a sign, in order to understand which line or area of ​​responsibility it belongs to, or is located separately, sometimes it is necessary to stretch the skin on the palm of your hand in the area of ​​its action until the sign is fully manifested, which will improve its visual perception and allow you to correctly determine the area of ​​​​its impact. .

Rice. 1.109-1

Line of the Heart, crossed by small lines (comets), as shown in figures 1.109 and 1.109-1, indicates a conflict that can interfere with the smooth flow of life in the field of feelings or suggests tests that must be overcome in a relationship with a partner. The crossing of the line of the Heart by a single, deep and strong comet (Figure 1.109) in terms of its effect on a person is much safer than a break in the line, and is most likely a warning signal that in the near future, if you do not change your attitude towards your partner, there will come hard times in a relationship. Also, when analyzing comets, it is necessary to pay special attention to how the line of the Heart behaves after the impact of a comet on it. If it becomes stronger after meeting with a comet, then this is a sign that the negative event that has occurred has tempered the character and strengthened the relationship of partners in love. A break or thinning of the line of the Heart after the point of intersection indicates an inability or unwillingness to cope with emerging difficulties in relationships. Also applicable to comets is the rule that was discussed in the topic of Heart line breaks, indicating which of the partners will be to blame for a problematic relationship. Thus, a comet crossing the Heart line on the active hand indicates that emotional instability in a relationship will come from a partner, and the same sign on a passive hand indicates that the owner of the hand is the culprit of future problems.

By applying dating to the Heart line, it is possible to date each comet crossing of the line to within a year and determine the exact period of time when problems will begin to arise in the relationship. If there are many comets and they go one to one at a small distance from each other, then it makes no sense to date each comet separately, therefore, in this case, only the time period of unfavorable relations is determined, and the client is advised to reconsider the relationship in terms of his partner, and also accept all possible measures to change your character for the better.

Dots on the line of the heart indicate difficult periods in a person's life associated with sensory experiences and severe emotional stress. Each point on the line is usually interpreted depending on its color. When analyzing the points, it is also necessary to remember that black and brown spots, as well as moles located on the line of the Heart, have the most severe consequences for a person, which indicates a heavy and, as a rule, physical impact of Rahu on a person. The impact of Ketu will be evidenced by pits, grooves, as well as dark brown and red dots, which also threaten to adversely affect a person, but to a lesser extent than Rahu, keeping a person healthy, but in return subjecting them to sensory deprivation and emotional experiences. Therefore, if there are one or more red dots on the line of the Heart, then this indicates the number of physical and moral upheavals, as well as hardships associated with a marriage partner. A black dot in the middle of the Heart line may indicate diseases of the cardiovascular system or indicate severe heartfelt grief that will be caused by someone from relatives or close people. A deep black dot on the line of the Heart under the little finger portends severe misfortune from children, or failure that will be associated with them.

Islands on the line of the Heart, shown in figures 1.110 and 1.110-1 are signs of experienced emotional trauma, prolonged conflicts, troubles and stresses. They can also indicate organic changes in the work of the heart or indicate diseases of the cardiovascular system, which will adversely affect the emotional state and vitality of a person. Each island on the line of the Heart is interpreted depending on its location, size and number of islands in certain areas in the subdigital zones.

Rice. 1.110-1

A single island on the line of the Heart under the little finger speaks of complexes and tightness in relationships that are associated with a lack of parental love in childhood. The chain of islets under the little finger, shown in Figure 1.110, reinforces these unfavorable characteristics and also points to congenital heart diseases. An island under the ring finger indicates a psychological blockage of emotions associated with disappointment in a partner, and an island under the middle finger (Figure 1.110, an island in a white circle) indicates sadness, a craving for seclusion and a desire to emotionally withdraw from new feelings and new relationships. A single island under the index finger is a sign of emotional blockage, due to the inability to communicate and establish stable and harmonious love relationships. The influence of the islands on the instability of relations in marriage, as well as their dating, will be considered in more detail in the section on love and marriage.

Cross on the line of the Heart, shown in figure 1.110 indicates a deep emotional shock or great heartfelt grief. The Cross is dated at the point of mutually intersecting lines when dating is applied to the line of the Heart. The presented figure shows a fragment of the Heart line of a young girl who, at the age of 22, had an emotionally difficult event associated with the death of her husband.

Star on the line of the Heart is the most unfavorable and rarely seen sign on the palms of a person. The star on the line of the Heart mainly acts on the physical level and indicates a heart injury or is an indicator of an approaching pre-infarction state of a person.

Triangles on the line of the Heart, shown in figures 1.110-1 and 1.111, are signs of wisdom in love and make improvements in sensual relationships between people, creating harmony between the feelings and the mind of a person. Triangles can be either independent signs and be on the line, crossing it with their faces, or the line of the Heart can be one of the faces of the triangle. In any case, the interpretation of the triangle with its various variations in composition does not change, but matters and only its direction is taken into account. If the triangle is directed with its apex upwards, towards the fingers (Figure 1.110-1), then it portends that a person with such a sign will build his own house or acquire real estate. The triangle directed downwards to the line of the Head (Figure 1.111) is an indicator of a strong emotional attachment to one's parents and close people, and also indicates the influence of relatives on a person's fate.

Square on the line of the Heart, shown in Figure 1.112 in a white oval, is a protective and limiting sign that protects against the effects of such negative signs as the cross, star, dot or lines of Rahu and Ketu. In the presented figure, a cross is enclosed in a square, which indicates an event related to a love relationship that will not cause great emotional trauma and deprivation to a person, and will allow you to get out of trouble with the least loss. The square, as in the previous previously described cases, protects against dangers, but does not cancel their onset.

Trident at the end of the line of the Heart, shown in Figure 1.113, is a sign of the minion of fate, and in the presence of strong lines of Fate and Apollo portends fame and recognition by occupation. The trident on the line of the Heart is one of the strongest signs distinguished from the whole variety of tridents, due to its location on the main line. Since this sign ends one of the most spiritual lines in the palm of your hand, it marks extremely gifted and sensitive natures, who, thanks to their spiritual warmth, are able to attract people around them. The Vedas say that the line of the Heart with such an ending is in the hands of holy people and yogis who have reached the highest spiritual enlightenment and passed into the mode of goodness. If the lines of Fate and Apollo are not expressed on the hands, then such a combination of lines indicates achievements in the field of art, science, in the field of medicine, philosophy or religion, but without worldwide recognition and great fame.

Quadrilateral in the palm of your hand

In order to correctly read the line of the Heart on the palms of a person, it is always necessary to consider it in conjunction with the line of the Head. Together, these lines form an area known in palmistry as a quadrangle, which gives the key to understanding the interaction between both lines - the Heart and the Head. The quadrilateral belongs to the large geometric shapes in the palm of your hand, which are found on almost every human hand and complement the psychological characteristics of the individual with their presence. These lines are inextricably linked, therefore, in the analysis of personality, they are given the main attention due to the fact that they represent two aspects of human nature: the heart moves the feelings of a person, and has a positive pole (+), and the head represents the mind, which has the opposite, negative pole (-). Therefore, when analyzing the lines that make up the quadrangle, the characteristics of both lines are taken into account, such as the length, the distance between them, the location and the very appearance of the formed figure, which will show us the smallest shades of personality character necessary to search for a problematic area in a person’s life.

The lines of the Heart and Head in the quadrangle must balance each other, i.e., be equal in length and thickness, and should not touch each other due to the fact that any contact or intersection of the lines will give a short circuit between opposite polarity poles. In order to balance these two energies, the quadrilateral must be proportionate and be a figure somewhat reminiscent of an hourglass, in which both lines must have the same length and width throughout their entire length, and the lines must not exceed one another in strength. expression in the palm of your hand. Otherwise, the quadrangle will be unbalanced, which will indicate a shift in the mind in favor of the senses or vice versa. For example, if the line of the Head exceeds the line of the Heart in strength or length, then this sign will indicate excessive prudence in the sphere of feelings, and vice versa, if the line of the Heart exceeds the line of the Head, then this means that at the moments of decision-making a person will be guided by feelings and emotions , which will undoubtedly affect the correctness of the decision. Therefore, when analyzing the interaction of the lines of the Heart and Head, special attention is paid to the proportionality of the quadrilateral, and any deviation that brings it out of balance is considered especially carefully. In this regard, the quadrilateral will be considered from the standpoint of the value of the three most important components: the distance between the lines of the Heart and Head, the length of the line of the Heart and Head, and the shape of the lines that form the quadrilateral.

The value of the distance between the line of the Heart and Head. In order to understand how the quadrilateral “works” correctly in the palm of a person, it is necessary to represent it as a difference in poles, as shown in diagram 1.114. In this regard, in any formed quadrilateral there will be two poles, a positive (+) pole, symbolized by the line of the Heart, and a negative (-) pole, indicated by the line of the Head. From the school course of physics, we know that when two magnets approach each other, the magnetic field becomes more noticeable, which can be strengthened or weakened by narrowing or expanding the distance separating these magnets. So is the interaction of lines in a quadrilateral with different poles: at a narrow distance, tension will arise between the two opposite polarity lines of the Heart and Head; with a wide distance between them, the tension will be very small; with a commensurate distance, a normal flow of energy will arise, which, due to its balance, will contribute to the harmonious flow of energy in the quadrilateral. Based on this, a narrowed quadrangle is distinguished, in which the distance between the lines of the Heart and Head is small, expanded, in which the distance between these two lines is large, and commensurate, in which the distance is averaged and balanced.

proportional quadrilateral, presented in figures 1.114 and 1.115, indicates a free energy exchange between the opposite poles of the Heart and Head, and speaks of the emotional and mental stability of the individual. As a result, a person with a proportional quadrilateral does not feel dependent on any circumstances, and the concept of thinking and feeling will balance each other. Such people are prudent and will never do anything that is fundamentally contrary to their principles. Since the mind and feelings of such people are balanced, they will not commit reckless acts, relying on feelings and emotions alone. The proportionality of the quadrangle also symbolizes reliability and maturity, and the person who possesses it is aware of his karmic goals and tasks that he seeks to realize in life.

Constricted quadrilateral, shown in figure 1.116, indicates the tension that constantly arises between the opposite poles of the lines of the Heart and Head. A narrowed quadrilateral is usually formed either by a raised line of the Head to the Line of the Heart, or vice versa, the line of the Heart descends to the line of the Head. People with this type of quadrilateral, due to the constantly arising tension, have a very narrow outlook on life, are restrained and constrained in communicating with others, and very often get nervous for various, even trifling reasons. The contradictions that arise between the feelings and thoughts of such a person can give rise to pettiness, pedantry, stinginess, and also indicate a tendency to depression. Such people do not accept criticism in their address, and in disputes they can react violently to what is happening. In order to cope with internal stress, they expend a lot of energy, which is no longer left to focus on something more that goes beyond the narrow circle of constantly arising problems. They make all their decisions simultaneously with their head and heart, which significantly affects the correctness of their adoption, subsequently giving constant doubts about this matter. Such a quadrangle has one indisputable advantage over other types of quadrangles, which is expressed in the ability to keep one's own secrets and other people's secrets.

Expanded quadrilateral, shown in Figure 1.117, indicates a certain disunity of the feelings and mind of a person. Since the two poles expressed by the lines of the Heart and the Head are far apart, the attraction between them will be weakly expressed, and the connection between them will be practically lost, and at the same time, the internal tension that should push a person to various impulses and actions will also very little. Such a feature of building a quadrangle will be a sign of inconsistency in character, and a person will be a little detached from reality and not feel the “golden mean” in all his actions, which can be expressed in ignorance of the measure in the manifestation of feelings or in unawareness of the boundaries in his material requests. The heart and mind of such a person cannot find balance with each other, therefore, in such people, either the mind or the emotions prevail. A wide quadrangle may indicate broad and grandiose plans for life, which will be difficult to implement in practice due to lack of responsibility, due to inconsistency, inattention and negligence. Also, such people tend to withdraw into themselves, they are too superficial about everything that happens around them, they are also not interested in comprehending the essence of the issue and looking for the truth in it, therefore, sometimes others tend to consider them indifferent and indifferent people. In part, such behavior may not correspond to reality, since in their souls they may turn out to be quite deep people who simply do not understand that people expect other outward behavior from them. In addition, they are subject to other people's influence and perception of other people's views, and their natural generosity can turn against themselves.

Rice. 1.118-1

A disproportionate quadrilateral, which in certain places narrows, then expands, as shown in figures 1.56, 1.118 and 1.118-1, indicates an uneven distribution of energy in the quadrilateral. Since such a quadrangle is often formed by a wavy line of the Head or Heart, so the mind or feelings throughout life will be in constant struggle with each other, giving rise to a person’s uncertainty, especially during the periods indicated by the narrowest segment of the quadrangle. In such unstable periods, the person will be faced with a choice, while feeling inner discomfort until the situation is resolved. This situation requires careful analysis and is dated, as a rule, along both lines, applying dating immediately to both the Head line and the Heart line.

When analyzing distances in a disproportionate quadrangle, it is necessary to pay attention to under what hills the quadrangle expands or narrows. These signs will indicate the qualities of a person that she will show throughout her life. Thus, if the distance between the lines is greater under the hill of Apollo than under the hill of Saturn (Figure 1.118-1), then such a person listens to public opinion and is very dependent on it. And vice versa, if the space is larger under the hill of Saturn, then such a person is careless and indifferent to what people around him say about him. If the space of the quadrangle is wide under the hills of Jupiter and Saturn, then the person is preoccupied with money and overly thrifty. With the expansion of the quadrangle under the hill of Mercury, such a person holds a broad outlook on life and quite often suffers from his generosity due to his natural kindness. In the case when the quadrangle expands in the direction from the hill of Jupiter to the hill of Mercury, then the money that a person borrows to others does not return to him due to the fact that the necessary tension is broken under the most money hill in the palm of your hand - the hill of Mercury. If the quadrilateral expands in the direction of the hill of Jupiter, then the internal tension created under the hill of Mercury does not give a quiet life to a person until all the money lent to him for a while is returned to him. With the missing quadrilateral, a monkey fold is formed in the palm of the hand, which we examined in the third section of the book, while mixing the mind and feelings, giving such a person mental imbalance and emotional instability.

The value of the length of the line of the Heart and Head. While the distance between the lines in the quadrilateral indicates the desire and ability to establish relationships with new people, the length of these lines determines the degree of endurance in maintaining these relationships. Therefore, the magnetic field is preserved under the condition of opposing poles - this is why the lines of the Heart and Head must oppose each other throughout the quadrangle. Two lines of equal length are the key to the necessary tension between them, so that the mind and emotions will be in perfect balance. Lines of unequal length mean that either the heart or the head - emotions or mind - will overwhelm each other.

Rice. 1.119-1

When analyzing a quadrangle on this basis, a commensurate quadrangle (Figures 1.119) and two varieties of incomplete quadrangles (Figures 1.120 and 1.121) will be considered.

A proportional quadrilateral in which the line of the Heart is equal in length to the line of the Head, as shown in figures 1.119, is a sign of a perfect balance between reason and feelings. In this case, neither emotions nor calculation in the relationship will be able to prevail over each other and will harmoniously complement each other. Equal in length, the lines of the Heart and Head show a reliable, sensitive and constant person who treats everything in life with great responsibility, including relationships.

Rice. 1.120-1

An incomplete quadrilateral in which the line of the Heart is shorter than the line of the Head, as shown in figures 1.120, shows a person with a very receptive mind who is open to new ideas and plans. This is a person with an innovative mindset, for whom all life situations will pass through the prism of logic. Such a person will look for meaning everywhere, including in relationships, and will always do only what he considers necessary for himself, regardless of others and without taking into account the opinion of a partner. A person with such a combination of lines is not capable of reckless acts for the sake of love, which are committed under the influence of emotions and feelings due to the fact that he simply does not understand why and why he needs all this. In this type of incomplete quadrangle, rich intellectual abilities will remain unbalanced with heart and sensual desires, as a result of which selfishness in relation to one's person and a complete disregard for the opinion of a marriage partner may appear.

Rice. 1.121-1

An incomplete quadrilateral in which the line of the Heart is longer than the line of the Head, as shown in figures 1.121, testifies to the ability to sincerely and wholeheartedly love. For such a person, feelings and emotions play a major role in life, and in love he is able to give more than he receives in return. He also has a need for love and heartfelt experiences that can overshadow most of life's interests. However, the short line of the Head gives a person pragmatism and at times “grounds” high aspirations in love, which can be broken into everyday life and constant everyday worries. Such people, as a rule, live one day, as they are not able to make plans for the distant future with their partner and prefer to hold a titmouse in their hands than a pie in the sky.

A similar type of incomplete quadrangle indicates the inconsistency of a person's character. At times, such people are very open, sensitive, vulnerable and sentimental, i.e., the properties inherent in the length of the Heart line are manifested. However, at other times they can close, showing coldness and indifference, due to the effect on the hot heart of the short line of the Head. Such a person constantly feels the need to show more and more love for people, up to self-denial, but such a noble urge of the soul will not be supported by the pragmatic line of the Head. An incomplete quadrangle of this type is a sign of an incorrect interaction of the main lines, when all impulses in love will be restrained and severely limited by a practical mindset.

Branches connecting the lines of the Heart and Head. In part, when describing the line of the Heart, we have already considered branches from the line down to the line of the Head. The difference between these branches and the previously considered thin and short “flirting lines” is that these lines are much stronger and deeper on the palms and, as a rule, they either cross the Head line or merge into it. Accordingly, the psychological meaning and scope of their action will be different, from a simple desire to please and the ability to have easy, non-binding relationships, expressed by “flirting lines”, to fateful events in a person’s life associated with the strongest periods of disappointment in love and marriage and stresses and depressions caused by these events, expressed by deep branches and connections of branches from the line of the Heart with the line of the Head.

Branches from the line of the Heart can be either single (figure 1.122), or have multiple branches to the line of the Head (figure 1.123).

Single branch from the line of the Heart to the line of the Head indicates a short circuit of sensual energy at the age indicated by the starting point of the branch, and indicates a fateful act committed under the influence of feelings and emotions. As a rule, such a branch indicates a rather decisive act related to personal life and relationships, but committed under the influence of strong impulsiveness, the consequences of which will have to be regretted for a long time. In practice, such branches very often indicate divorces committed under the influence of feelings, or the beginning of a stormy romance, which will result in a break in previously established relationships with a spouse. The meaning of a single branch is one and, as a rule, it is always negative: a single act that spoils a person’s life, committed under the influence of feelings and emotions, which, by its action, jeopardizes previously established stable relationships.

According to Eastern palmists, a branch from the line of the Heart, which, in the course of its movement, cuts the line of Fate, breaking it, and joins the line of the Head, is a sign of the death of a marriage partner or a serious illness bordering on death, which the owner of such a sign knows about. A simple branch that does not make any contact with the line of Fate is a sign of divorce or a break in relations with a partner. When this combination is found on the hands of a person, it must be remembered that the sign does not “work” alone and must be confirmed by other lines of the hand, which will be discussed later in the relevant sections.

big triangle

A large triangle is formed by the line of life, head and fate, in some cases the third side is the line of health. A large triangle is on the palms of most people.

Ideally, it should be clear and even, which indicates the integrity of nature, broad views and self-confidence. The larger the size of the triangle, the stronger the listed qualities are manifested.

A small triangle indicates selfishness and too high ambitions. These people usually don't have friends. They are so absorbed in their own self that they are simply unable to see the desires and needs of others.

The clearly defined top corner is a sign of good taste and sophistication. The large triangle should be immediately noticeable, because otherwise the questioner is a weak person.

According to Indian palmists, the clearly marked angles of the triangle indicate thrift. A thin upper corner indicates incredulity and secrecy. Most likely, such a person has repeatedly faced betrayal. The lines of life and fate can merge at the base of a large triangle, which indicates independence and generosity.

It should be borne in mind that a large triangle shows whether a person will succeed. If, as a result of hard work, a person gets what he wants, this will certainly be reflected in a large triangle shortly before the event. The big triangle shows the potential of a person. A sharp high angle speaks of an inquisitive mind and high intelligence. Such people never rest on their laurels and strive to gain new knowledge and skills, being sure that they will be needed sooner or later.

In some cases, the triangle is so clear and deep that the rest of the lines become invisible. If you meet a person with such a triangle on his hand, it is safe to say that he will achieve tremendous success. A high clear and sharp triangle indicates a high position in society and material well-being.

Almost all fine lines on the hand appear as a result of stress and anxiety. If you look at the hand of a nervous person, there will be many small subtle lines. On the hand of a calm, balanced person there will be only a few of them.

It should be borne in mind that all signs formed by small lines can be explained from the point of view of palmistry. For example, during periods of depression and nervousness, there may be a large number of stars on the arm. As soon as things go smoothly, the stars will begin to fade and gradually disappear. The most common small signs are squares. They are of two types: protective and restrictive. Both protecting and limiting squares can be on the same hand.

Protective squares protect a person and appear at the moment when he needs protection. In most cases, they surround breaks in the life line. This is a good sign, indicating that a person will cope with a dangerous situation. In the absence of a square, the threat to life and health would be stronger. Squares on other lines indicate that the person has overcome difficulties in the area for which the line is responsible.

A square on the life line that does not surround the gap is limiting. This sign of temporary restriction of freedom and in most cases symbolizes imprisonment. However, in practice, there are cases when people with bounding squares were trapped by circumstances and did not know how to live on. In this case, it is worth considering the accompanying signs that will help determine the causes of the difficult situation.

Bounding boxes may disappear. This usually happens when a person changes his lifestyle and system of life values. Squares on the Mount of Venus that do not cross the line of life indicate emotional limitations and distrust. This phenomenon occurs in people who have experienced a painful break in relations with a loved one. If there are several such squares and they form a chain, this indicates self-doubt and the need to hide your true feelings.

teacher's square

The teacher's square consists of four minor lines on the hill of Jupiter or just below. This sign indicates pedagogical abilities and the ability to explain. Such a person can become a good teacher and speaker.

If you remember your school years, you will surely find at least one teacher who you remember as the best. Most likely, he has a teacher's square in his palm. Most teachers do not have this square, since many of them became teachers not by vocation, but by coincidence.

Often, the teacher's square can be seen in the hands of those who have never worked in the field of education. However, the ability to explain and convince will definitely play a role at some point. Such people begin to engage in teaching activities at the level of passion, explaining to others what is interesting to them. There are many spiritual teachers and mentors among such people.

Lattices are formed as a result of the intersection of secondary lines and are usually most visible on hills. Regardless of the location, the grill is a bad sign. The lattice indicates reckless actions, unwillingness to consider the consequences.

Such people often ask for advice, but do the opposite. A lattice on a normal-sized hill suppresses the positive and enhances the negative qualities that this hill is responsible for. The lattice on the hill of Venus indicates a strong passion and a person's inability to restrain his desires. People with bars on the hill of the moon make too high demands on others, so it is almost impossible to please them. The lattice on the hill of Jupiter enhances selfishness and self-confidence. Such people often consider themselves better than others and are always dissatisfied with the attitude of others.

The lattice on the hill of Saturn is a sign of pessimists. It enhances the negative mood and gloom of a person. Such people see everything in black and are not able to truly enjoy life.

The lattice on the hill of Apollo encourages its owner to strive for recognition and glory. Such a person should always be in the center of attention, everyone should love and admire him. The lattice on the hill of Mercury is a sign of deceit and secrecy. Such people are rarely frank, do not complain about life. Their motto is "I'm fine." To appear more successful and prosperous, they often come up with interesting stories about their own lives.

When reading the hand, you will often see when the main line crosses the secondary and forms a small cross. The cross is a sign of change, the nature of which can be judged by analyzing the outlines on the main line.

It should be borne in mind that only clear and noticeable crosses carry essential information. A cross next to a break in the main line indicates trouble and disappointment.

The cross can be formed by two secondary lines. Pay attention only to bright and deep signs, since emotional people can have many different lines on their hands that are not of fundamental importance in divination.

Crosses, consisting of secondary lines, carry negative information, they can be considered a warning of danger. a cross located near the line of fate, or touching it, speaks of the danger of an accident. The location of the cross next to the line of life warns of imminent personal troubles. Crosses on the health line indicate an imminent illness.

Of course, you should pay attention to the accompanying signs. Often, crosses warn against a rash step or mistake. Thus, crosses warn situations that a person can prevent by making the right decision in time. For example, if the cross is located on the health line, you need to undergo an examination and pay more attention to your physical condition. If you take the necessary measures, you will soon notice that the cross has disappeared.

However, there are exceptions to every rule, and there are two options in which crosses are considered a good sign. The cross, enclosed in a quadrangle and touching the line of fate, portends a major success achieved by hard work. Such a cross, as a rule, means career growth and improved well-being. Despite its positive meaning, the cross indicates that a person will have to make a lot of effort to get what he wants.

The cross, located on the hill of Jupiter and formed by two minor lines, symbolizes major changes for the better. As a rule, this is a change of professional activity or a new romantic relationship. In addition, such a cross can mean a change in the value system and outlook on life. A large cross on the hill of Jupiter portends spiritual growth and self-realization.


Crosses on other hills speak of small obstacles that a person has to overcome. In this case, you need to consider the cross in accordance with the characteristics of the hill on which it is inscribed.

The island is a small hollow oval formed on the main line. As a rule, there are several islands in one line. In appearance, they resemble a chain.

A chain of islands on the line of life indicate ups and downs. Such people, as a rule, try to work in many areas and then choose the one they like the most. Islands on the line of the heart speak of emotional experiences. On the other lines, they mean experiences and excitement. Sometimes the islands symbolize a short illness and depression.

A line forming an island and passing through the entire palm from the hill of Venus predicts failure in personal life. Such people often change partners and are quickly disappointed. If at the same time there are several lines of affection in the palm of your hand, this means several marriages.

An island on any hill has a negative impact on a person. An island on the hill of Jupiter weakens pride and ambition, on the hill of Saturn - portends difficulties in communicating with people. An island on the hill of the Sun weakens creativity and impedes spiritual growth. An island on the hill of Mercury indicates that it will be difficult for a person to succeed, on the hill of Mars it speaks of excessive gullibility. An island on the hill of the moon means weakness and lack of willpower. An island on the hill of Venus indicates that a person does not know how to fight for what he wants and gives up halfway.

Several secondary lines may intersect and form a pattern resembling a star. If the star is located on a hill, this is a good sign. This arrangement of the star indicates that a person has every opportunity to succeed in the area for which the hill is responsible. The ideal option is a star on the hill of Jupiter. In this case, the work of a person will be paid, and achievements will be recognized and appreciated.

Stars in other areas of the palm predict troubles and situations that will be difficult for a person to cope with. Stars on the heart line indicate a divorce or a painful separation from a loved one. A star on the line of life speaks of danger. A star on the line of the mind indicates that for some time a person will not develop spiritually.

Like other signs, the star should be considered not only by its location, but also by the accompanying symbols.

In general, the circle is considered an unfavorable sign, but this applies only to the part of the hand on which it is located. If this sign is located on the hill of the Sun, this means that a person will occupy a high position in society. Besides, he will be lucky.

A circle on the hill of the moon indicates the danger associated with an accident. The circle symbolizes infinity and indicates a return to the past. For example, if the circle is located on the line of life, the person is likely to return to the old relationship.

Dot. Spot

Dots and spots tend to appear on the main lines and are a sign of blocked energy. It should be borne in mind that these signs carry information only if they are clearly visible in the palm of your hand.

A dot or spot on the line of life portends an imminent illness. On the line of the heart - a deep emotional experience. Please note that if the dot on this line is white, this indicates a strong and strong love, which was preceded by difficulties in personal life.

A dot or spot on the head line indicates a negative period, apathy and fatigue, which can lead to a nervous breakdown. Dots and spots on the line of fate speak of difficult periods and a reassessment of values. This is a good sign, since introspection and self-improvement contribute to spiritual growth. In some cases, points on the life line mean a change in professional activity and an improvement in well-being.

When reading by hand, keep in mind that all the signs described should be analyzed only in conjunction with others. In this case, both main and secondary lines should be taken into account. In addition, be sure to consider the clarity of the signs. As we have already said, almost imperceptible lines and signs do not carry significant information, while bright and pronounced ones are essential.

Money triangle on the hand photo

money triangle on the hand in palmistry, it is considered certainly a good sign Wealth sign and prosperity in life, which is located in the center of the palm of the hand. Two characters of ancient Roman mythology are associated with money - these are Saturn and Mercury. In the temple of Saturn, the ancient Romans kept their treasury, and Mercury is the patron of trade. It's no secret that in the modern world, money decides almost everything, and most likely any person is interested to know what fate awaits him, with or without money. Sometimes curiosity is so tormenting that people resort to divination by the lines on the hand and the signs on money or wealth, and want to know whether there will be rich or poor life. The extent to which a person needs and feels material and monetary dependence in life - and whether it is easy, or with great difficulty, a person will earn money, can be determined in chirology by the triangle of money on the hand and other signs of the palm.

So that there are no unnecessary questions, did you know which hand to look at the money triangle, on the right hand or on the left hand? - we will finally answer; a sign that is considered a sign of wealth, and possible celebrity and fame, which is never accompanied without money, is triangle on right hand. When there are signs of wealth on both hands, this is a destiny, or, let's say, a poor life, which means a triangle in the palm of your hand, you already know about it, but the money triangle is located inside a large triangle on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hand, which should not be confused with other similar signs.

As shown in the example photo of the picture, money triangle, is formed on the hand from the main lines of the hand - the lines of the Head and the lines of Fate. If a person is destined by Fate to earn relatively large money, the reflection will certainly occur on two hands. It is clear that it is impossible to acquire prosperity in life or great wealth, without mental effort and sometimes even simple luck and good luck in fate, therefore the main sides of the triangle are the main lines of the hand. A completely different meaning and opposite or sign of ruin on the hand is an island on the line of Fate - this is a sign of financial difficulties in a person's life. A much-promising sign will be that triangle of the palm, which is securely closed, and of a rather large size. In the photo you see a large money triangle on the right hand, and it is closed, this is a good sign.

A closed triangle predicts to the owner of the hand that money and acquired wealth will not only be saved, but will also constantly multiply and increase, and the size will indicate the size of the state. But it should be clarified that a large triangle does not always mean millions of money and a huge fortune. The fact is that we are talking about the inherent proportionality of money - that is, this may mean that for a given individual in fate - this money is considered large and he is satisfied with the state. For some people, even a million is not money, but for other people, a relatively small amount of money earned can be considered a great achievement and wealth at this stage of development, which fully allows you to satisfy the needs of the individual.

If on hand money sign is not closed, or there is an open side of the triangle or a gap on the line, then it is into this "hole" that money will run away, this is a sign indicating a gradual squandering of capital or money, money is not saved, perhaps they are earned enough, but at the same time quite heavily spent. In addition to everything, the arrival of money or the sphere in which a person has found himself and from which income comes, well-being, that is, money, can be traced along additional secondary lines. These are branches extending to the sides from the line of life or the line of Fate to the tubercles.

If such a line or a small branch goes to the index finger, or ends on the hill of Jupiter, this means that a person over time will achieve his success, make a career and earn money thanks to his own ambitions and the ability to attract the attention of others. And here the meaning is not only about fame and universal recognition, but also, as a rule, about not small money. If such a line ends on the hillock of Saturn, money will come to a person through hard monotonous work. If the line of material rise ends on the hill of Apollo (Sun), this indicates that a person is helped to acquire money and wealth his developed abilities and good talent. If such a line ends under the little finger, on the tubercle of Mercury, this means that a person will earn money in commerce or scientific activities.

Easy money in hand

Wealth and wealth although not often, it can still be inherited or in some other advantageous way, which should not be written off, which is also considered easy money, and signs of material well-being, wealth, for which one does not have to work hard. They are represented on the hand by small squares that are on the inside of the Life line. Thus, the line of Life forms one of the sides of this square, and usually such a sign of easy money is called a triangle, but in fact it is just an adjoining "gon", and the missing part of the diagonal of which is the line of Life.

The location of the square on the line allows you to determine the time or date of winning. Triangles of money winnings are quite rare, and most of the signs can mean the inheritance of some kind of real estate or a significant, expensive "gift" of fate. A gift of Fate, and as a sign of material take-off, can be a successful marriage or marriage, which can be predicted by analyzing the marriage lines on the hand, these are signs that reflect the number of marriages in a person's life, and the duration of the relationship.

Money signs on hand

Even if you look at the hands of rich people, then not always in their palm, you can find a money triangle or another sign of easy money - although at the same time they may have a dough immeasurably. The fact is that there are many other signs indicating that a person will have money, and he is still able to earn a living without a poor life. When determining the money on the hand, first of all, you should pay attention to the size of the little finger. When the little finger is short and the top of the finger ends below the beginning of the nail phalanx of Apollo's finger, this is the main sign that such a person does not see the difference in profit, and is inclined to work at a loss, commerce is not his calling, so he should not engage in trade , he will not earn money in this area.

If the little finger (Mercury's finger) in height reaches the jumper of the joint of the beginning of the nail phalanx of the ring finger, this is considered the average optimal option, it indicates average commercial inclinations, and at least a person will not work at a loss, and will always earn "bread". When the little finger reaches the middle of the nail joint of Apollo's ring finger, or even higher, this is the most favorable finger length - this is the size of the smallest finger on the hand - it gives a person the ability and the ability to make money and profit from almost anything.

Let's look at the picture example, - the next marker of well-being and a sign of money is the line of fate (Saturn) - this is a clear indicator of the presence of a life goal and the ability to achieve the set results, and this is usually money.

The line of fate indicates not only the course of a person's life, but also the very quality of being - which is impossible to achieve in our time, without enough money. Therefore, the presence in the palm of a clear, straight and deep line, as shown in the figure of the picture, directed to the base of the middle finger of Saturn (No. -1) - indicates the ability to concentrate internal and external resources to achieve the goal, and actually earning money.

It makes a person a professional in his destiny, and indicates a gradual increase in his social status, which cannot be accompanied without money and prosperity. Insufficient length of the line of fate - the most common, widespread option, or when the line of fate disappears for a while - this means that a person has lost his goal, this is also a period of lack of money and loss of work, look at your line - if it is unharmed, then money will not be wasted.

A good sign of the arrival of money and wealth on hand, there is a branch from the line of Fate towards the finger of Mercury (No. -2) - the little finger, this is a clearly visible line that departs from the line of Saturn, and tends to the mound of Mercury, that is, this line of money should begin exclusively from the line of fate, - and do not cross it. The presented combination of lines indicates a sharp, instant rise in material well-being and its subsequent growth. The time at which the money will fall is calculated along the line of fate, at the place where the money line begins to rise (No. -3). Another sign of income and profit in the palm of your hand can be traced by examining the Mount of Mercury. Short small vertical lines under the little finger (No. -4) will indicate the arrival of money, this sign reflects constant, but small money earnings, but it all depends on the strength of these lines.

With the help of Palmistry, we traced the signs and money signs on hand, but you still need to properly manage the money - and how money goes through your fingers - this expression is familiar to many - chirology can also give an answer to a similar question. In order to determine how money is spent, you need to close your fingers together and see if there is a gap or gap between the bases of the fingers. Are there gaps between the fingers? - the most disappointing sign that a person spends money easily and quickly, they literally slip between his fingers, this is especially pronounced when a large gap is visible between Mercury and Apollo. If the gaps between the fingers are not visible, this is a sign that you not only know how to make money, but also know how to save and spend wisely.

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Today I will continue talking about palmistry, and we will turn to wealth lines and money signs on the hand. In our life, faced with financial difficulties, we often say: "We did not live richly, there is nothing to start." Once again, having heard this famous saying, I thought about the question: “Why is there nothing?”. Isn't the saying a kind of spell, saying which we condemn ourselves in advance to a poor, penniless life? After all, to be rich, first of all, to feel like one, with any amount of money.

Let's imagine the following situation: fate has laid in you a potential, by realizing which you can gain wealth, and you constantly tell yourself: “You didn’t live richly, there’s nothing to start.” Thus blocking the opportunity to open to receive cash flow. Often people themselves do not want to do something to change their lives for the better, and sometimes they are simply afraid of failure. And again the question arises: “But how to determine whether my destiny is destined to become rich, maybe it’s really worth starting and not worth it?” The answer, as you already guess, we will again look for on our palms, with the help of divination by the hand, in which the ancient science of palmistry will help us.

To know oneself, to know the future and the past by the hand, one can learn to read lines, signs on the palms - this is palmistry. The line of wealth, the money triangle, other signs of well-being on the hand, this entire set of markers in the palm of your hand, together or separately, predict wealth, money.

wealth line

wealth line is an abstract concept. I would like to immediately note that, as such, it does not exist, but there are several certain features in the palm of your hand, indicating possible circumstances that will lead to wealth, the flow of money into your life. As a rule, this is the direction of the main lines (head, heart, life, fate) and branches from them, as well as various signs on these lines.

I talked about the main lines on the palms in the article "". After reading it, it will be easier for you to navigate the lines, to find signs of wealth on your hands. Let's turn to one of the main lines in palmistry - life lines. If it is deep, this indicates that its owner has already achieved some success, he definitely has the potential to get rich.

Also, branches from it directed clearly upwards, towards the fingers, speak of numerous successes in life. A branch pointing upward at the very beginning of this line means extraordinary self-confidence. The ability of a person to make informed decisions will tell us such an arrangement of lines in which the line of life does not merge with the line of the head, but passes at a distance of several millimeters. All these qualities are inherent in successful people, and they always know how to make big money.

Of great importance for determining the potential to get rich is fate line. I have already said that this line is very insidious, it can appear and disappear throughout life, and for many it does not exist at all. But if you find this line on your hand, it could mean the following:

  • right now, fateful events are taking place in your life that determine your future destiny;
  • if the line of fate is deep and straight, you are the person who knows how to set goals and is steadily moving towards their achievement, it is this quality that determines wealthy people who have managed to achieve financial independence on their own.

Therefore, the presence of this line on the hand in itself indicates a great potential to get rich. A person who is doomed to success fate line must necessarily be located at a distance from the line of life, start from the lunar hillock, be clear, intersect with the heart line, and rest against the end hill of jupiter or Saturn(bump under the index or middle finger, respectively).

All these features speak of the inner strength of a person, which he knows how to accumulate in order to achieve maximum financial results. He is a professional in his field, has a high social status and wealth, at least he has everything to obtain the above achievements.

Versatile abilities, talents of a person often help him achieve success and material well-being - this will be indicated by a double or even triple line of fate. When it starts at the same point with the life line, success will come due to exclusively personal achievements, the merits of a person. A fork at its end means a prosperous, rich old age.

If one day you find yourself disappearing lines of fate, be prepared for the fact that you will lose your goal, and with it the money. It can also mean the loss of money work.

Thin branches from the line of fate or life aimed at Mount of Mercury(under the little finger) or on hillock of Jupiter(under the index finger), often called scoops of wealth. Moreover, the clearer and deeper these lines, the more wealth and money will come into your life.

When the twig comes to hillock of Saturn(under the middle finger), you can get the desired money only with the help of hard, hard, monotonous work. When the twig comes to Apollo(hill under the ring finger), money will flow like a river due to the disclosure of a person’s abilities and talent. The branch rests on Mercury(hill under the little finger) get super profits in commerce or with the help of science.

There are signs of wealth mind lines(heads). The line extending from it to the index finger (Jupiter) speaks of self-confidence, which leads to the achievement of the goal, including the achievement of material well-being and stability.

If the branch is directed to the little finger (Mercury), the person succeeds in risky financial transactions, when it is clear, one can judge the pronounced entrepreneurial, commercial vein of its owner.

There are signs for heart lines. A sign similar to a fork, directed with its ends to the index finger, determines the high social status of a person. People of this position cannot be poor in and of themselves. Branches up are also a positive factor affecting wealth.

The human brain acts as an artist writing lines on the palms. As a rule, he does not have to correct the main lines during his life, which cannot be said about thinner secondary lines, various branches, signs. He regularly corrects them depending on the upcoming and past events in a person’s life.

Triangle of wealth and money

So-called money triangle, palmistry describes as one of the powerful signs for determining wealth. We will look for it in the very center of the palm. A figure in the form of a triangle, form the main lines of head and destiny, intersecting with each other and an additional line that closes the triangle.

It should be explicit, not blurry, closed. By its size, one can judge the amount of money, of course, the larger the size, the greater the fortune. When such a sign appears on both hands at once, then wealth in your life is simply inevitable. A triangle within a triangle is a great sign of a successful investor.

Let's consider a situation where the triangle is formed only from the lines of the head and fate, it is not closed by an additional line. Such a ratio of lines can only mean one thing, your money is gradually slipping away from you, it does not multiply, and, in the end, it can be completely lost.

Other signs of wealth and money on the hand

If suddenly looking at the hand of a rich person, you do not find the above markers of wealth, then do not be alarmed, as there are several more signs of wealth and money on the hand, indicating the potential to live a comfortable life. Be sure to look at your fingers. These are the most mobile parts of the hands, which primarily respond to signals from our brain. That is why they carry a lot of information about the character, thoughts, emotions of a person.

Take a look at little finger. This is where size comes into play. The owner of a long little finger (aka finger of Mercury), the length of which reaches the first joint b ring finger (Apollo's finger), that is, almost to his nail plate, knows how to make money, from almost everything he touches. This is a very auspicious sign.

The less finger of Mercury, the chances of a big income decrease along with its size. If the little finger is unusually small and does not even reach the first joint of the Apollo finger, this is even worse. This man has no innate commercial acumen. He does not know how to discern the benefits, does not see opportunities, often runs a business at a loss, or spends much more than he earns.

If you take a closer look at the mound of Mercury, then you can also find some banknotes there. Short vertical lines below it indicate constant cash receipts, and the clearer the lines, the greater the income.

Another technique that allows you to understand how a person knows how to manage and multiply his money is closed fingers. If there are gaps between the fingers, gaps - money flows through your fingers, you do not know how to properly manage money, so they do not stay with you. And vice versa, if the fingers are tightly closed, without forming gaps, you are an excellent financier who, even without proper education, competently manages funds, knows how to not only save them, but also increase them.

Star- these are several crossed lines, in itself a very good sign indicating a rich person, wherever she is. If you found it on the hill of Jupiter (under the index finger) - this is a good warning of satisfied ambition, a sign of honor, happy love, a destiny for great deeds, unexpected prosperity, wealth.

Inheritance or unexpected hand winnings

Getting an inheritance or winning the lottery is easy money that everyone dreams of. Suddenly getting rich without making any effort is not so common, but still there is a chance. And it can also be found on the palm of your hand. To do this, pay attention to the line of life.

Easy money is one or more triangles that point towards the thumb, and the basis for them is the life line itself. If this line is broken down by date, then you can determine at what age unexpected wealth will fall on you. Such signs can also indicate a profitable marriage, marriage.

A small but clear line between the ring finger and the little finger indicates inheritance. These marks are extremely rare. If you are the owner of such a sign, then you are incredibly lucky. You are a darling of fate, there is easy money in your life. Try to use the gift of fate wisely.

Which hand to look for wealth and money?

If you look at the palms of the right and left hands separately, you can see a big difference. Drawings of skin patterns on the hands, as a rule, differ, to a greater or lesser extent. That is why you can not take into account only the drawings of one palm. In order to make accurate predictions, palmists always examine both hands, first of all the left, after the right. And here's why: the drawing of the left palm appears at the stage of the embryo in the womb and practically does not change throughout life.

This is due to the fact that the left palm is the carrier of the program embedded in us, which must be implemented while living this earthly life. The right palm, on the contrary, constantly undergoes changes throughout life under the influence of our real actions, emotions, experiences, reflects our inner world at a given moment in time, showing the future in accordance with the choice we have made. That is why the pattern on the right palm changes over the years. For lefties, the rule is reversed.

If, after examining the palms, you find that the lines as a whole do not differ, this indicates that your life corresponds to the program that is laid in you, most likely, you have excellent intuition, an unknown voice from above always shows you the right path. In order to avoid mistakes, palmists carefully study the inconsistencies on both hands, since this is what helps to give a correct prediction about fate, to suggest how to proceed.

In conclusion, I would like to say that wealth, before manifesting itself in real life, is born on the subtle planes of our consciousness. A strong thread connects the manifestation of spiritual wealth with the wealth of the material world.

Form images and thoughts in the right direction, feel rich, act even if you have not found signs indicating wealth. By following these rules, you will soon see the treasured signs in your palm. And remember, living richly is worth starting at any time, because the possibilities of a person are endless!

“Gild the pen, I’ll look at the palm,” each of us could hear such words from a gypsy passing by. By the hand, she really could see your future and past.

Many people are surprised at the accuracy of palmists' forecasts, because sometimes they manage to predict events several years in advance with high accuracy.

Everyone can learn palmistry, it takes a lot of time and an experienced mentor.

You see your hands every day, articles and books on palmistry will help you interpret the lines on them.

The main and interesting line of all - the line of Life is able to show what path is "laid" for you.

But remember that the lines can change, and if you see a bad sign in the palm of your hand, this is not the final verdict of Fate.

life line

The main line on your palm "circles" the hill of Venus, which is located under the thumb.

Before you begin to interpret your life line, you need to figure out which hand to watch.

If you are right-handed - read the lines on your right hand and vice versa - left-handers should look at their leading hand.

There is no such thing as an "ideal" line of life, each person has its own characteristics.

An experienced palmist pays attention to every dash and dot on the line of life, all this affects the accuracy of the prediction.

Remember that the lines in the palm of your hand are not a verdict in your regard.

Today, many palmists say that the lines in the palm of your hand are just a likely path for your life.

It is believed that a person who "goes with the flow" will follow it according to the lines on the palm. He will not have the strength and desire to live another life.

If a person does not accept the fate destined for him, then anyone can change it.

Any palmist will tell you a thousand cases from practice when the lines on the palms changed: signs and marks appeared, lines lengthened or shortened.

Therefore, guess carefully and try not to take the result for granted. The life line is able to tell you about the duration of your earthly existence, the quality of life, diseases, dangers, etc.

Triangle on the line of life - interpretation

Looking closely at your palm, you will notice a lot of dashes, small lines and dots.

Each mark carries a hidden meaning, it is very difficult to interpret it.

Palmists take into account everything: the thickness of the line and the figure that it can resemble, the direction of the dash, the location on the palm relative to other lines, and much more.

For example, the same mark, located in different parts of the palm, can carry a completely different meaning.

Of particular interest in reading the palm of palmists are triangles.

It usually forms between the Life line and the Fate line.

In order to correctly interpret the triangle, you need to pay attention to important aspects of its location and appearance:

Features of the money triangle

If you are the lucky owner of a triangle in the palm of your hand - you are wondering when the promised wealth will come - be patient and wait, while not stopping your work. If the treasured triangle is not in your palm, do not be upset, remember that this is just one of the many variations of your life, because everything is in your hands.

Do not forget that if you are not yet a rich person, but a large money triangle flaunts on your hand, you cannot relax.

The presence of such a mark, of course, indicates a good opportunity to seize large finances, but does not guarantee this.

You can’t sit quietly and wait for money to fall on you from heaven, because this will not happen, because the lines are a kind of “assets” that can be used or not.

For example, if a right-handed person has such a mark on his left hand, but not on his right hand, this means that the person has not been able to fully realize his strength. If there is a money triangle on the right hand, and there is no triangle on the left, this means that the person himself was able to change his fate.

Important for the interpretation of the money triangle is the depth and clarity of the lines of which it consists.

For example, if the lines are clear, deep and there are no breaks on them, this means that the finances in this person’s life will not “sing romances”.

If the triangle is not striking and it took time to find it, and the lines have breaks, this may mean that money appears in a person’s life easily and disappears just as easily. They don't stay in your pocket.

The location of the triangle on the right hand

The correct interpretation of the triangle on the right hand depends to a large extent on its location among the lines on the palm.

A large money triangle is usually located in the very center:

  • If the triangle connects on the line of Mind and the line of Fate, this predicts great financial success for its owner. But it also means that wealth does not come easily, you have to work hard. Mental abilities will help to achieve financial success;
  • The level of financial security predicted by the triangle can be judged by the clarity of its constituent lines. If the sign is clearly visible, the lines are deep, the triangle itself is large - this is very good and portends big money. If the triangle is not very large and clear, money will come, but will not amount to huge amounts;
  • If the lines that make up the triangle are fuzzy and broken, this means that the money does not linger in the hands of the owner of the sign. All his life money can come and go, a person will not be able to save up for something.

Triangle on left hand

The lines on the left hand speak of the potential with which a person came into this world. Predictions on the left hand are not accurate, as they easily change in the course of life. But still, the lines on the left palm can tell a lot of interesting things.

So, if you see a large money triangle with clear sides from deep lines on your left hand, this is a great sign. It portends a huge financial success. A person is given strong energy and a large supply of vitality to achieve financial well-being.

However, it is always worth comparing the left and right palms. If you see a clear large money triangle on your left palm, but it is absent on your right hand, you should be wary.

This may mean that you have chosen the wrong path in life and it is not capable of leading you to wealth.

In such a situation, you need to look back and think about where you could take a wrong turn and lose your bearings.

If you manage to find your way, it is quite possible that the triangle will appear on the right palm.

Other triangles on the line of life

Palmistry defines a triangle as a lucky mark for its owner. However, the location of the triangle plays a huge role in the interpretation of fate.

There are several fateful triangles that can be seen in the palm of your hand:

Whatever interpretations of the plexus of lines on the palms you get, do not forget that this is just a superficial look. Without a deep study of palmistry, it is impossible to correctly "read" the palm. Experienced palmists look at the hand as a whole and devote a long time to reading one palm, this is the only way to get a more accurate forecast.

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How the clairvoyant woman Nina helps to change the line of life

The legendary clairvoyant and prophetess, known throughout the world, launched an accurate horoscope on her website. She knows how to start living in abundance and forget about money problems tomorrow.

Not all zodiac signs will be lucky. Only those born under 3 of them will get a chance to get rich unexpectedly in July, and 2 signs will have a very hard time. You can go through the horoscope on the official website