Great Russian word. The Secret of the Russian Language: ABC Truths and Sensational Discoveries The Secrets of Our Language Troitskaya

It differs from other alphabets not only by the embodiment of the principle of uniqueness of graphic display: one sound - one letter. This alphabet contains...

Let's start with the phrase: "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits". It is known to everyone since childhood and makes it easy to remember the sequence of colors of the rainbow. This is the so-called acrophonic method of memorization. Each word of the phrase begins with the same letter as the name of the color: each is red, the hunter is orange ...

Before the language reform of 1918, each letter of the alphabet also had its own name. Each letter was in its place. The Russian alphabet is not only a set of letters corresponding to sounds, it is also a whole message to the Slavs.

Let's read the message of our ancestors to us, now living. Consider the first three letters of the alphabet - Az, Buki, Vedi:

Az- I.

Beeches- Letters, letters.

Lead- learned, perfect past tense from "lead" - to know, to know.

Combining the acrophonic names of the first three letters of the alphabet, we get the following phrase:

Az buki vede - I know the letters.

Note: Az - I - the first letter in the alphabet (and not the last, as in the modern alphabet). Because it is with me that my World, my Universe begins.

Az is the foundation, the beginning. The basis of everything is the knowledge of God and one's ancestors. That is, their parents, their roots.

Verb welcome- Speak, do good. Remember, as in Pushkin: "Burn people's hearts with the verb". A verb is both a word and a deed at the same time. Verb - speak. I speak - I speak. I speak and I do. What should be done? Good.

Good Eat Live- to do good means to live in labor, and not to vegetate.

Zelo- diligently, with zeal.

Earth - planet Earth, its inhabitants, earthlings. Live Zelo Earth. Live green on the earth and on the earth. For she is our mother-nurse. The earth gives life.

And How People Think– He is our peace. That is, as you people think - this is your world. Here is the law of reflection. What goes around comes around.

Rtsy Word Firmly. Speak the word firmly. Your word must be firm. Said - done.

Oak Firth Her. UK is the basis of knowledge. Compare: science, teach, skill, custom.

Fert- fertilizes.

dick- divine, given from above. Compare: German Herr - lord, God, Greek - hiero - divine. English - hero - a hero, as well as the Russian name of God - Khors. Knowledge is the fruit of God, the gift of God.

Tsy- sharpen, penetrate, delve into, dare. Tsy is a vital energy, a higher structure. Hence the meaning of the word "fathers" - coming from "Tsy" - coming from God.

Worm- he who sharpens, penetrates.

State- which means "to".

b, b (er, er)- variants of one letter, it meant an indefinite short vowel, close to "e". The word "ur" meant the existent, eternal, hidden.

Space-time, inaccessible to the human mind, a light, the Sun. "Ъръ", in all likelihood, is one of the most ancient words of modern civilization. Compare the Egyptian Ra - the Sun, God. The word time itself contains the same root, since the initial “v” developed precisely from aspiration, with which it is necessary to pronounce “b” at the beginning of a word. Many primordially Russian words contain the same root, for example: morning - from the Sun (the root "ut" - from there, there), evening - century Rb - age of Ra, the expiring time of the Sun. In the sense of “space, the Universe”, the Russian “frame” comes from the same root.

The word "paradise" means: many Suns, i.e. home of the god Ra. The self-name of the gypsies is “Roma, Roma” - free, free, God is in me, I am the Universe. Hence the Indian Rama. In the sense of "light, luminary, source of light": the cry "Hurrah!" means "Toward the Sun!". Bright means similar to sunlight, rainbow, etc.

Yus small- light, old Russian jar. In modern Russian, the root "yas" is preserved, for example, in the word "clear".

Yat (yati)- to comprehend, to have. Compare: withdraw, take, etc.

Tsy, worm, shta bra yus yati! What does it mean: dare, sharpen, worm, in order to comprehend the light of Jehovah!

The combination of the above phrases makes up the alphabetical message:

Az beeches vede.
The verb is good.
Live green, earth,
And, like what people.
Think of our peace.
Rtsy word firmly.
Uk fert dick.
Tsy, worm, shta ra yus yati!

In modern translation it sounds like this:

I know letters.
The letter is a treasure.
Work hard, earthlings!
As befits reasonable people.
Comprehend the universe.
Carry the word with confidence!
Knowledge is a gift from God.
Hold on, get in...
To comprehend the Light of Being!

Until recently, it was believed that the ABC is just the letters of the language, arranged in a certain order. That is just icons. And that's it! Maybe that's why it was so easy and simple to remove letters from the Russian ABC. Why do we need so many. Look, the English get by with 26 letters, and they have enough. Why are we 33? And even more so 49, as it was originally.

Scientists who seek to cut the ABC do not understand much (or understand, but deliberately do evil).

Even in ancient times, our ancestors considered the ABC as a cipher of creation. Among many peoples, the ABCs were deified. The word has always been perceived as the beginning of creation, and the letter was the unit, the atom of creation. Each letter had its own meaning, its own image, its own meaning.

Recently, a group of Russian scientists ( G.S. Grinevich, L.I. Sotnikova, A.D. Pleshanov and others) proved that our ABC contains knowledge about the laws of the universe in encrypted form.

What is a letter? A letter is a unit, it is an atom of meaning. Letters have a certain shape, graphics. Each letter has its own number, its own number. Even Pythagoras claimed that the letter and the number have the same vibrations.

With the discovery of torsion fields, another component of the letter became known. Since each letter has its own form, and the form creates a torsion field, the letter contains certain information of the field of Consciousness.

That is, cutting down the ABC, we disconnect from one or another area of ​​the general information field of the Universe, from the general field of Consciousness. And this leads to the degradation of man.

Each letter of the Russian alphabet is a symbol of something.

For example, the letter "Zh" is a symbol of life. It means the union of male and female principles. And the name she had the appropriate - "Live."

That is, behind each letter, our ancestors had certain images. And through the images they created. After all, we already know that in order to create something, it is necessary to form an image.

What is the current ABC? What are the images behind the letters now? A is a watermelon. B - drum. B is a crow. Etc. The alphabet ceased to be alive, and the language became without images, that is, ugly.

Why did Turgenev write about the great and mighty Russian Language? Yes, because even at that time he was like that, until December 23, 1917, they made another “circumcision” to the Russian ABC. And there were several such "reforms". The first reform of the Russian alphabet was made by Cyril and Methodius in the 10th-11th centuries. Then in 1709 during the time of Peter the Great, then in 1735.

There is another interesting point. Until 1700, each letter in the ABC had its own numerical value. For example: A - 1, D - 4, C - 200, etc. Arabic numerals were introduced by Peter the Great. Prior to this, all numbers were denoted by letters with a special icon on top - “titlo”.

The connection between letters and numbers is not accidental. Scientists are trying to figure it out. This is another facet of the ABC, which our ancestors knew. It turns out that the ABC is a system of numerical codes. And, pronouncing the words, we communicate with the Cosmos, with the Universe. And the Universe responds to our vibrations. Language is given to man not only for communication among themselves, but also for communication with the Cosmos.

It has long been proven that everything living and even non-living in this world reacts to sounds. Sounds can improve or inhibit the growth of plants, influence the growth of microorganisms. Sound can change the mind of a person.

Our ancestors used the ABC given by God, and therefore they could create objects with the help of a word, a sound. They accurately conveyed the vibrations of this object with their voice. The Indian Vedas say that in ancient times there was a special Devagari language— Language of the Gods. Remember the famous oriental tale about Ali Baba and the 40 thieves. In it, a magical cave was opened with a special spell. With the reforms of the language, we have lost great power, the ability to directly influence Nature.

There is also a physical explanation of the influence of sounds on a person and the surrounding space. Sound is high frequency vibrations. In the brain, these vibrations are converted into electromagnetic vibrations. In addition, the sound wave causes a curvature of space, thereby generating torsion fields.

All sounds are divided into noises and tones. Sounds with periodic vibrations are tones, with non-periodic vibrations - noises. In speech, only vowel sounds are tones, all consonants are mixed with noise.

If you look at the spectrogram, you can see that vowel sounds have a greater amplitude and energy. It turns out that the more vowels in the ABC, the greater the energy of the language, and hence the energy of the people.

For comparison: in the Old Russian language there were 19 vowels. And now - 10. The energy of the language, the people has almost halved. Who needed it? And they are trying to remove one more vowel from the ABC - the letter Y. It is simply omitted when writing. Like it should be.

And further. Each vowel has its own color. Because color is also vibrations, waves. For example,

"A" is red

"E" - light green,

"I" - blue,

"O" is yellow.

"U" is green

"Y" - brown,

"E" - orange,

"U" - turquoise,

"I" is pink-red.

Together with color, vowel sounds affect our internal organs, since each organ operates at a certain frequency. No wonder Indian mantras contain almost all vowel sounds. And their chanting is beneficial for the body.

It is important to know your language, your history, the images behind the letters. And how important it is not just to pronounce the words. And invest in them bright positive images. It will make your life immeasurably richer.

People use the word very casually, they let it fly, break it and remake it without thinking. Some Words are lost and simply forgotten. Many Words direct to the destruction of a person, his soul.

Only Man is given the right to choose whether to create or destroy. From birth we have been given the most precious gift - the gift of the Word. This gift must be used to the fullest.

The Russian language is one of the most difficult. And this is connected not only with vocabulary and syntax, but also with its history. Even for us, native speakers, many things in our native language are still unclear and mysterious.


Linguists have repeatedly noted the acrophonic principle of constructing the Old Russian alphabet and even saw in it a hidden “message to the Slavs”. Each of the Cyrillic letters has its own name, and if you read these names in alphabetical order, you get: “Az buki vede. The verb is good. Live green, earth, and, like some people, think of our peace. Rtsy word firmly - uk furt her. Tsy, worm, shta ra yus yati. One of the options for translating this text is as follows: “I know the letters: a letter is a property. Work hard, earthlings, as befits reasonable people - comprehend the universe! Carry the word with conviction: knowledge is a gift from God! Dare, delve into, in order to comprehend the light of existence!

Which language is closer to the Slavic "ancestor"?

Disputes have long been going on between the patriotic inhabitants of the Slavic countries: what language is closer to the original Slavic? Where did the differences between the dialects on the territory of Eastern Russia (i.e., present-day central Russia), Southern (modern Ukraine) and Western (now Belarus) come from?

The fact is that different elements participated in the genesis of the national languages ​​of these countries. In Russia, in addition to the Slavs, lived the Finno-Ugric tribes, the Balts. Nomads from the southern steppes often visited here. The Tatar-Mongol conquerors not only robbed and ruined Russia, but also left behind a lot of linguistic borrowings.

Swedes, Germans, Poles - European neighbors, also enriched the Russian language with new words. The fact that a significant part of present-day Belarus was historically under the rule of Poland, and that Southern Russia was constantly subjected to raids by nomads, could not but be reflected in the local languages. As they say, who do you hang out with?

But don't get too upset. The fact that our language today is so far from its progenitor is not an accident and not the result of a Masonic conspiracy, but the result of the painstaking work of many talented people who created the Russian literary language in the form in which it exists now. If it were not for the reforms inspired by them, we would not have Pushkin's poetry, Tolstoy's prose, Chekhov's dramaturgy. Who created the language we speak today?

First "dismissal of letters"

In the 18th century, Peter I came to power. He began transformations in all spheres of life, and did not ignore the Russian language. But his reforms concern only the external side, they do not penetrate into the very essence of the language: its syntax, vocabulary, grammar.

Peter I simplifies spelling by getting rid of the Greek letters psi, xi and omega. These letters did not designate any sounds in Russian, and their loss did not impoverish the language at all. Peter tried to get rid of a number of letters of the Russian alphabet: "Earth", "Izhitsa", "Firth", and also removed superscripts, but under pressure from the clergy, these letters had to be returned.

The alphabet reform made life easier not only for schoolchildren of the time of Peter the Great (they had to learn fewer letters), but also for printing houses, which no longer had to print extra characters that were not pronounced when reading.
Lomonosov commented on this as follows: “Under Peter the Great, not only boyars and boyars, but also letters, threw off their wide fur coats and dressed up in summer clothes.”

Why was reform needed?

The real reform is being carried out by the writers and poets of the 18th century: Trediakovsky, Lomonosov, Karamzin. They create the Russian literary language and "consolidate success" with their works. Prior to that, the Russian language, due to constant contacts with Western Europe, was in a chaotic state.

Colloquial forms coexisted in it with bookish ones, borrowings from German, French, Latin were used along with Russian counterparts.
Trediakovsky changes the very principle of Russian versification, adopting and adapting the European syllabo-tonic system - based on a regular alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables.

Lomonosov divides all the words of the Russian language into three groups: the first included those rarely used, especially in colloquial speech, but understandable to literate people: “I open”, “I call”. To the second - words common to the Russian and Church Slavonic languages: “hand”, “now”, “I read”. And to the third group, he included words that have no analogues in church books, that is, Russian words, not originally Slavic: “I say”, “stream”, “only”.

Thus, Lomonosov distinguishes three “calms”, each of which was used in certain literary genres: a high calm was suitable for odes and heroic poems, dramatic works were written with a middle calm, prose - in general, all works where you need to depict living speech. Low calm was used in comedies, satire, epigrams.

Finally, Karamzin enriches the Russian language with neologisms, he refuses the Church Slavonic vocabulary, the syntax of the language in his works approaches the “lighter” French. It is to Karamzin that we owe, for example, the appearance of the words "love" or "sidewalk".

Difficult letter "Yo"

Karamzin was one of the ardent "admirers" of the letter "ё", but he was not at all its inventor. In 1783, one of the first meetings of the Academy of Russian Literature took place. Its founder was Ekaterina Dashkova. Together with the most famous writers of her time: Derzhavin and Fonvizin, the princess discussed the project of the Slavic-Russian Dictionary.

For convenience, Ekaterina Romanovna suggested replacing the designation of the sound "io" with one letter "ё". The innovation was approved by the general meeting of the academy, Dashkova's innovative idea was supported by Derzhavin, who began to use "e" in his works. It was he who was the first to use a new letter in correspondence, and also the first to print a surname with an “e”: Potemkin. At the same time, Ivan Dmitriev published the book “And my knick-knacks”, imprinting all the necessary points in it. And, finally, it received wide use after it appeared in Karamzin's poetry collection.

The new letter also had opponents. Minister of Education Alexander Shishkov is said to have furiously flipped through the numerous volumes of his library and with his own hand marked out two dots above the letter. Among the writers, too, there were many conservatives. Marina Tsvetaeva, for example, fundamentally wrote the word “devil” through “o”, and Andrei Bely, for the same reasons, “yellow”.

In printing houses, the letter is also disliked, because because of it you have to spend extra paint. In pre-revolutionary primers, she was exiled to the very end of the alphabet, in the same company as the dying Izhitsa and Fita. And today its place is in the very corner of the keyboard. But not everywhere the letter "ё" is treated with such disdain - in Ulyanovsk, she even erected a monument.

The secret of "Izhitsa"

In the famous decree of Lunacharsky of 1918 on changes in the Russian language, there is no mention of the letter V (“Izhitsa”), which was the last letter in the pre-revolutionary alphabet. By the time of the reform, it was extremely rare, and it could be found mainly only in church texts.

The Tale of Bygone Years is the oldest of the officially recognized chronicles.
Disputes over the chronicle and its author are still going on.

Reading Nestor

So, we will talk about the year 6406th.

When the Slavs were already baptized, their princes Rostislav, Svyatopolk and Kotsel were sent to Tsar Michael, saying: "Our land is baptized, but we do not have a teacher who would instruct us and instruct us and explain the holy books. After all, we do not know either Greek or Latin; some teach us this way, while others teach us differently, because of this we do not know we are neither the shapes of the letters nor their meanings, and send us teachers who could interpret the words of the book and their meaning for us. .

Hearing this, Tsar Michael called all the philosophers and conveyed to them everything that had been said. Slavic princes. And the philosophers said: There is a husband in Seluni named Leo.He has sons who know the Slavic language; his two sons are skilled philosophers". Hearing about this, the king sent for them to Leo in Selun, with the words: "Send your sons to us without delay Methodius and Constantine".

Hearing about this, Leo soon sent them, and they came to the king, and he said to them: "Here, the Slavic land sent messengers to me, asking for a teacher who could interpret the sacred books for them, because this is what they want." And the king persuaded them, and sent them to the Slavic land to Rostislav, Svyatopolk and Kotsel. When (these brothers) came, - they began to compose the Slavic alphabet and translated the Apostle and the Gospel. And the Slavs were glad that they heard about the greatness of God in your own language. Then they translated the Psalter and the Octoechos and other books. Some began to blaspheme Slavic books, saying that "no nation should have its own alphabet, except for the Jews, Greeks and Latins, according to the inscription of Pilate, who wrote on the cross of the Lord only in these languages."

Nestor writes that there were two people from Selun who knew the Slavic language and were sent to compose the Slavic alphabet in order to translate the Apostle and the Gospel to the locals, since no one knows Greek and Latin and " from this we do not know either the shape of the letters or their meaning".


"The first translations of the Bible into Russian published at the beginning of the 19th century. Prior to this, in church and household use only Church Slavonic translations Bibles dating back to the translation works of Cyril and Methodius. By decree of Empress Elizabeth in 1751 was published carefully corrected Church Slavonic Bible, the so-called "Elizabethskaya" (work on this edition was started back in 1712 by decree of Peter I) ... In 1815, after returning from abroad, Emperor Alexander I ordered "to deliver to the Russians a way to read the Word of God in natural in your Russian language..."

Only in 1876, already under Alexander II, did the complete Russian Bible come out of print for the first time.

The clergy themselves did not allow the sacred texts to be released to the people. It was believed that the Bible should be in the hands of the clergy and that people should not be allowed to read and study it on their own.

It is understandable for those who read the bible.

At least from 1712 to 1876, sabotage work was carried out so that there would be no transfer. 164 years from the decree of Peter, allegedly fearing another church schism, or, if anyone likes it, then 61 years from the decree of Alexander the First to translate everything into Russian, allegedly wanting to observe everything thoroughly and as accurately as possible in translation.

But, from the beginning, Methodius and Constantine were sent to the Slavs to translate texts. Moreover, the Slavs are already baptized, that is, they believed in Christ and perform church rites, but, due to ignorance of other languages, they did not read the Bible, and not just did not read it, but it turns out nonsense - they did not really know anything about Christ, since they ask Tsar Michael send somebody interpret the words of the book and their meaning".

One could assume that someone who knew the Bible could preach it to the Slavs, but then what does it mean " ... Our land is baptized, but we have no teacher..." ?
If no one had preached the Word before, then how could Russia be baptized? And who are these... some teach us one way, others another way..."

Official version

It is interesting to note that " .. even before baptism (988), churches existed in Russia and the Bible was read in the translation of the apostle brothers ..."what language was it translated into and read from what alphabet" even before baptism" ?

The full chronology is as follows:

1. Bible of Cyril and Methodius- Translations of Cyril and Methodius became widespread among the Slavic tribes , in including in Russia.

2. Gennadiev Bible- Some books of the Gennadiev Bible were borrowed from the Bible translated by Cyril and Methodius, and from translations into Russian made in the 15th century , others from a Bulgarian translation, and several books were translated from Latin for the first time. The Gennadiev Bible is considered the first complete Slavic Bible.

3. Maxim the Greek (Explanatory Psalter)- A large number of errors have accumulated in the handwritten books of the Bible. Therefore, in the first half of the 16th century, an attempt was made in Moscow to correct church books.

4. The first printed "Apostle" and the Ostrog Bible of Ivan Fedorov.- Ivan Fedorov, together with Peter Mstislavets, began to create the first printed book "Apostle" (Acts of the Apostles and Epistles)

5. Moscow early printed Bible- Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich ordered to send several educated monks to correct the Russian Bible according to the Greek lists, which, together with Nikon's innovations, leads to a church schism, by the way.

6. Petrine-Elizabeth Bible

7. New Testament of the Russian Bible Society- It was decided to start translating the Bible into modern Russian, but in 1825 Alexander I died, and work on the translation was suspended until 1856.

8. And finally, the synodal translation of the Bible- The Holy Synod adopted a resolution on the beginning of the translation of the Bible into Russian.

Learn more about the history of Bible translation.

Inconsistencies in the official version

Cyril/Konstantin and Methodius "began to compose the Slavic alphabet and translated the Apostle and the Gospel"but, they translated and compiled them in such a way that the Slavs still could not read this, this is understandable. And it is ridiculous to talk about widespread among the tribes, because it is precisely in the idea that only the elect, in this case, the clergy, can carry the Word of the Lord and this was diligently observed all the time until 1876. Yes, even after that, and in our days, since the church stubbornly mumbles services in the old church language of supposedly Cyril and Methodius, but in fact it turns out in a language educated, as it were, from Greek.

By the way, churchmen believe that the Russian language was formed by the Church Slavonic language!

So, if Cyril and Methodius created a truly understandable alphabet, then there would simply be no need to translate into Russian, as well as diligently postpone the translation of the Bible into a normal language.

And here is a clear change. Not Russian from Old Slavonic, but the alphabet of Constantine and Methodius from Russian. Moreover, the task, if these guys really existed once in history, could not be in the invention of the alphabet for stupid Russ, but the introduction of a language understandable only to a minority, which makes it difficult for the majority to get acquainted with the Bible.
And according to Nestor, even this caused a lot of discontent, because " no people should have their own alphabet, except for Jews, Greeks and Latins".

Life of Constantine Cyril

"... For Rostislav, the Moravian prince, instructed by God, after consulting with the princes and Moravans, sent to Caesar Michael to say: "Our people rejected paganism and followed Christian teaching, but we do not have such a teacher who would explain to us in our language the Christian faith, so that other countries, seeing this, become like us. Send us, Vladyka, such a bishop and teacher. After all, good law always comes from you in all countries "..."

"... The Caesar gathered advice, called Constantine the Philosopher and let him listen to these words. And he said:" Philosopher, I know that you are tired, but it is fitting for you to go there. After all, no one else can do this work like you do. The Philosopher answered: “And tired in body and sick, I will gladly go there, if they have letters for their language". The emperor said to him: So how can I find it?" And the Philosopher said: “Who can write down a conversation on the water or want to acquire the nickname of a heretic?” The emperor answered him again, and with Varda, his uncle: “If you want, then God can give you what he gives to everyone who asks. no doubt, and opens to all who knock.” The Philosopher went and, according to his former custom, turned to prayer together with other helpers. And soon God appeared to him, listening to the prayers of his servants. And then he composed letters and began to write gospel words: "In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and God was the word" and so on ... "

Delving deeper into the topic, it turns out that there is not even a firm opinion about who these guys Cyril and Methodius were. Either Slavs, or Greeks, or Bulgarians. Yes, and Cyril is not Cyril, but Constantine, but Methodius (Methodius - in Greek "following the trail", "search") - Michael.

Here's what's important: " My grandfather and my father and many others tried to find them, but did not find them.." says Tsar Michael about the Slavic alphabet. Is this true? We climb again in the encyclopedia and look for the "Glagolitic".


"The Glagolitic alphabet is one of the first Slavic alphabets. It is assumed that it was the Glagolitic alphabet that was created by the Slavic educator St. Constantine (Cyril) the Philosopher to record church texts in the Old Slavonic language."

This means that the Glagolitic alphabet was created to record church texts. Here's what it looked like:

Correct me if the Glagolitic is somehow similar to Greek or at least some well-known language. Unless the letters "Yat" and "Shta" are the same as in the Slavic alphabet. And if Cyril and Methodius created the Glagolitic alphabet, then why doesn't our church adhere to the Glagolitic alphabet? And how, tell me, did the Glagolitic alphabet pass into the letters known to us, for example, the way Nestor wrote?

This whole version, appropriation of someone else's to oneself, which is found everywhere by these comrades, lovers of deriving everything from Adam, is bursting at the seams.

Even Wikipedia is unable to support this version and continues to write

"A number of facts indicate that the Glagolitic alphabet was created before the Cyrillic alphabet, and that in turn was created on the basis of the Glagolitic alphabet and the Greek alphabet."

It's like this" My grandfather and my father and many others tried to find them, but did not find them."says Tsar Michael, but at the same time, Cyril and Methodius make up the Slavic alphabet based on the Glagolitic alphabet? Suddenly found it?

It could be assumed that the Glagolitic alphabet has nothing to do with the Slavs, and just like the Greek alphabet for some reason was taken as the basis for writing the Slavic alphabet. But this version does not roll, since the Glagolitic is actually the modern Russian language! Having learned the symbols, one can read these texts quite tolerably, since the words there are Russian / Slavic. Any person who understands and writes in Russian, having tried to translate the Zograf Gospel, which is higher, with the help of this table, will see that no translation is needed. This is Russian text simply written in other characters. And that's it!

I really have one more assumption that the Glagolitic alphabet is based on the Slavic language as, for example, a church crypto-language and was common among a certain group of Slavs, for example, Bulgarians, but was never widely used.

Features and cuts

In the museum of Ryazan, I saw with my own eyes a sinker from a spindle on which it was written with these features that the sinker belongs to such and such.

That is, a spinner, in ancient times in old Ryazan, signed her things, which means that other spinners should also be able to read! Spinners sat down to spin yarn in one hut, worked, sang songs, and so that the next day someone didn’t steal their goods, or just not to look, they signed where whose. If the spinning wheels themselves have a different pattern, and are noticeable to the eye, then it was not stupid to sign the little things.

If Cyril and Methodius did not invent the Slavic language, then Nestor either blew it a little or concocted in advance not a chronicle but a dummy, or maybe not even him.

Why such a stubborn rejection of even the acceptance of the possibility of the existence of writing in Russia and a passionate desire to derive the Russian alphabet from the Greek? Did Nestor casually let it slip here, pointing out that " No people should have their own alphabet, except for Jews, Greeks and Latins."?

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The Russian language is one of the most difficult. And this is connected not only with vocabulary and syntax, but also with its history. Even for us, native speakers, many things in our native language are still unclear and mysterious.


Linguists have repeatedly noted the acrophonic principle of constructing the Old Russian alphabet and even saw in it a hidden “message to the Slavs”. Each of the Cyrillic letters has its own name, and if you read these names in alphabetical order, you get: “Az buki vede. The verb is good. Live green, earth, and, like some people, think of our peace. Rtsy word firmly - uk furt her. Tsy, worm, shta ra yus yati. One of the options for translating this text is as follows: “I know the letters: a letter is a property. Work hard, earthlings, as befits reasonable people - comprehend the universe! Carry the word with conviction: knowledge is a gift from God! Dare, delve into, in order to comprehend the light of existence!

Which language is closer to the Slavic "ancestor"?

Disputes have long been going on between the patriotic inhabitants of the Slavic countries: what language is closer to the original Slavic? Where did the differences between the dialects on the territory of Eastern Russia (i.e., present-day central Russia), Southern (modern Ukraine) and Western (now Belarus) come from?

The fact is that different elements participated in the genesis of the national languages ​​of these countries. In Russia, in addition to the Slavs, lived the Finno-Ugric tribes, the Balts. Nomads from the southern steppes often visited here. The Tatar-Mongol conquerors not only robbed and ruined Russia, but also left behind a lot of linguistic borrowings.

Swedes, Germans, Poles - European neighbors, also enriched the Russian language with new words. The fact that a significant part of present-day Belarus was historically under the rule of Poland, and that Southern Russia was constantly subjected to raids by nomads, could not but be reflected in the local languages. As they say, who do you hang out with?

But don't get too upset. The fact that our language today is so far from its progenitor is not an accident and not the result of a Masonic conspiracy, but the result of the painstaking work of many talented people who created the Russian literary language in the form in which it exists now. If it were not for the reforms inspired by them, we would not have Pushkin's poetry, Tolstoy's prose, Chekhov's dramaturgy. Who created the language we speak today?

First "dismissal of letters"

In the 18th century, Peter I came to power. He began transformations in all spheres of life, and did not ignore the Russian language. But his reforms concern only the external side, they do not penetrate into the very essence of the language: its syntax, vocabulary, grammar.

Peter I simplifies spelling by getting rid of the Greek letters psi, xi and omega. These letters did not designate any sounds in Russian, and their loss did not impoverish the language at all. Peter tried to get rid of a number of letters of the Russian alphabet: "Earth", "Izhitsa", "Firth", and also removed superscripts, but under pressure from the clergy, these letters had to be returned.

The alphabet reform made life easier not only for schoolchildren of the time of Peter the Great (they had to learn fewer letters), but also for printing houses, which no longer had to print extra characters that were not pronounced when reading.
Lomonosov commented on this as follows: “Under Peter the Great, not only boyars and boyars, but also letters, threw off their wide fur coats and dressed up in summer clothes.”

Why was reform needed?

The real reform is being carried out by the writers and poets of the 18th century: Trediakovsky, Lomonosov, Karamzin. They create the Russian literary language and "consolidate success" with their works. Prior to that, the Russian language, due to constant contacts with Western Europe, was in a chaotic state.

Colloquial forms coexisted in it with bookish ones, borrowings from German, French, Latin were used along with Russian counterparts.
Trediakovsky changes the very principle of Russian versification, adopting and adapting the European syllabo-tonic system - based on a regular alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables.

Lomonosov divides all the words of the Russian language into three groups: the first included those rarely used, especially in colloquial speech, but understandable to literate people: “I open”, “I call”. To the second - words common to the Russian and Church Slavonic languages: “hand”, “now”, “I read”. And to the third group, he included words that have no analogues in church books, that is, Russian words, not originally Slavic: “I say”, “stream”, “only”.

Thus, Lomonosov distinguishes three “calms”, each of which was used in certain literary genres: a high calm was suitable for odes and heroic poems, dramatic works were written with a middle calm, prose - in general, all works where you need to depict living speech. Low calm was used in comedies, satire, epigrams.

Finally, Karamzin enriches the Russian language with neologisms, he refuses the Church Slavonic vocabulary, the syntax of the language in his works approaches the “lighter” French. It is to Karamzin that we owe, for example, the appearance of the words "love" or "sidewalk".

Difficult letter "Yo"

Karamzin was one of the ardent "admirers" of the letter "ё", but he was not at all its inventor. In 1783, one of the first meetings of the Academy of Russian Literature took place. Its founder was Ekaterina Dashkova. Together with the most famous writers of her time: Derzhavin and Fonvizin, the princess discussed the project of the Slavic-Russian Dictionary.

For convenience, Ekaterina Romanovna suggested replacing the designation of the sound "io" with one letter "ё". The innovation was approved by the general meeting of the academy, Dashkova's innovative idea was supported by Derzhavin, who began to use "e" in his works. It was he who was the first to use a new letter in correspondence, and also the first to print a surname with an “e”: Potemkin. At the same time, Ivan Dmitriev published the book “And my knick-knacks”, imprinting all the necessary points in it. And, finally, it received wide use after it appeared in Karamzin's poetry collection.

The new letter also had opponents. Minister of Education Alexander Shishkov is said to have furiously flipped through the numerous volumes of his library and with his own hand marked out two dots above the letter. Among the writers, too, there were many conservatives. Marina Tsvetaeva, for example, fundamentally wrote the word “devil” through “o”, and Andrei Bely, for the same reasons, “yellow”.

In printing houses, the letter is also disliked, because because of it you have to spend extra paint. In pre-revolutionary primers, she was exiled to the very end of the alphabet, in the same company as the dying Izhitsa and Fita. And today its place is in the very corner of the keyboard. But not everywhere the letter "ё" is treated with such disdain - in Ulyanovsk, she even erected a monument.

The secret of "Izhitsa"

In the famous decree of Lunacharsky of 1918 on changes in the Russian language, there is no mention of the letter V (“Izhitsa”), which was the last letter in the pre-revolutionary alphabet. By the time of the reform, it was extremely rare, and it could be found mainly only in church texts.

In the civil language, "Izhitsa" was actually used only in the word "miro". In the tacit refusal of the Bolsheviks from the "Izhitsa", many saw a sign: the Soviet government, as it were, refused one of the seven sacraments - chrismation, through which the Orthodox are given the gifts of the Holy Spirit, designed to strengthen him in spiritual life.

It is curious that the undocumented deletion of "izhitsa", the last letter in the alphabet, and the official liquidation of the penultimate - "feet" made the final alphabetic letter - "ya". The intelligentsia saw in this another malicious intent of the new authorities, who deliberately sacrificed two letters in order to end the letter expressing the human personality, individuality.