Statements of scientists about physics. Brilliant quotes from physicists

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Of course, writers, philosophers and other humanitarians of various stripes can speak beautifully about everything in the world, but only physicists truly understand the world and the nature of things. In addition, these are real dreamers, romantics and people with the most developed imagination.

website shares quotes from great scientists that can inspire anyone to creative exploits.

Nikola Tesla

Inventor in the field of electrical and radio engineering, engineer, physicist.

  • Do you know the expression "You can't jump above your head"? It's a delusion. Man can do everything.
  • The action of even the smallest creature leads to changes in the entire universe.
  • Modern scientists think deeply instead of thinking clearly. To think clearly, you need to have common sense, but you can think deeply even when you are completely crazy.
  • If there is no way to successfully attack any state, the wars will stop.

Lev Landau

Soviet theoretical physicist, founder of a scientific school, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Nobel Prize winner in physics (1962).

  • The greatest achievement of human genius is that man can understand things he can no longer imagine.
  • Everyone has enough strength to live life with dignity. And all this talk about what a difficult time it is now is a clever way to justify your inaction, laziness and various dullness. It is necessary to work, and there, you see, times will change.
  • The worst sin is being bored! ... The Last Judgment will come, the Lord God will call and ask: “Why didn’t you enjoy all the blessings of life? Why did you miss it?
  • Women are worthy of admiration. For many things, but especially for their patience. I am convinced that if men had to give birth, humanity would quickly die out.

Niels Bohr

Danish physicist and philosopher, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics (1922).

  • An expert is a person who has made every possible mistake in a very narrow specialty.
  • Your idea is, of course, insane. It's all about whether she's crazy enough to be true.
  • If quantum physics didn't scare you, then you didn't understand anything about it.

Petr Kapitsa

Soviet engineer, physicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Nobel Prize in Physics (1978).

  • Nothing prevents a person tomorrow from becoming smarter than he was yesterday.
  • A person is young when he is not afraid to do stupid things.
  • The main sign of talent is when a person knows what he wants.
  • Freedom of creativity - freedom to make mistakes.
  • I think I can safely say that no one understands quantum mechanics.
  • Physics is like sex: it may not give practical results, but this is not a reason not to do it.
  • Of course, writers, philosophers and other humanitarians of various stripes can speak beautifully about everything in the world, but only physicists truly understand the world and the nature of things. In addition, these are real dreamers, romantics and people with the most developed imagination.

    I share quotes from great scientists that can inspire anyone to creative exploits.
    Nikola Tesla
    Inventor in the field of electrical and radio engineering, engineer, physicist.
    Do you know the expression "You can't jump above your head"? It's a delusion. Man can do everything.
    The action of even the smallest creature leads to changes in the entire universe.
    Modern scientists think deeply instead of thinking clearly. To think clearly, you need to have common sense, but you can think deeply even when you are completely crazy.
    If there is no way to successfully attack any state, the wars will stop.

    Lev Landau
    Soviet theoretical physicist, founder of a scientific school, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Nobel Prize winner in physics (1962).
    The greatest achievement of human genius is that man can understand things he can no longer imagine.
    Everyone has enough strength to live life with dignity. And all this talk about what a difficult time it is now is a clever way to justify your inaction, laziness and various dullness. It is necessary to work, and there, you see, times will change.
    The worst sin is being bored! … The Last Judgment will come, the Lord God will call and ask: “Why didn’t you enjoy all the blessings of life? Why did you miss it?
    Women are worthy of admiration. For many things, but especially for their patience. I am convinced that if men had to give birth, humanity would quickly die out.

    Niels Bohr
    Danish physicist and philosopher, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics (1922).
    An expert is a person who has made every possible mistake in a very narrow specialty.
    Your idea is, of course, insane. It's all about whether she's crazy enough to be true.
    If quantum physics didn't scare you, then you didn't understand anything about it.

    Petr Kapitsa
    Soviet engineer, physicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Nobel Prize in Physics (1978).
    Nothing prevents a person tomorrow from becoming smarter than he was yesterday.
    A person is young when he is not afraid to do stupid things.
    The main sign of talent is when a person knows what he wants.
    Freedom of creativity - freedom to make mistakes.
    Ernest Rutherford
    British physicist of New Zealand origin, one of the founders of nuclear physics, winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1908).
    If a scientist cannot explain the meaning of his work to the cleaner who cleans his laboratory, then he himself does not understand what he is doing.
    All sciences are divided into physics and stamp collecting.
    Three stages of recognition of scientific truth: the first - "this is absurd", the second - "there is something in this", the third - "it is well known".

    Richard Feynman
    Outstanding American physicist, one of the creators of quantum electrodynamics and the atomic bomb, Nobel Prize in Physics (1965).
    You keep telling yourself, "I can do it, but I won't," but that's just another way of saying you can't.
    I think I can safely say that no one understands quantum mechanics.
    Physics is like sex: it may not give practical results, but this is not a reason not to do it.

    Physics is our life. Everything that happens around: how the planet moves, why certain phenomena appear - this is the queen of physics. A physicist can explain almost everything, and what she still cannot, she will soon explain.

    Many great minds have been in love with physics, devoted to it, some even too fanatical. Their love resulted in imprinted statements about physics, which convey the full extent of its necessity.

    The famous physicist Nikola Tesla once said: “You can’t jump above your head? Nonsense! Man can do anything." There are still many legends and rumors around the personality, disappearance and experiments of NikoloTesla, but can one deny his knowledge of physics? To his other well-known statements belongs: “Even the smallest action of a small creature can lead to significant changes in the universe” - the prankster Tesla knew something, he knew.

    Niels Bohr, Nobel laureate in 1922, remarked: “If quantum physics didn’t scare you, then you didn’t understand anything about it.” Yes, science is not an easy task, but how necessary, how useful and wonderful! How much she gives, how she explains the world and enchants no worse than Shakespeare's poems.

    Ernest Rutherford, Nobel Prize winner, representative of Foggy Albion, offered perhaps the most interesting remarks about physics: "All sciences are divided into physics and stamp collecting." Of course, a person who has given his heart to languages ​​cannot understand such fanatical and xenophobic views of physicists, but these minds, who can work out formulas in a matter of minutes, calculate the future, see salvation in physics. “There are three stages in the recognition of scientific truth - this is absurd, there is something in it, it is already well known” - the saying also belongs to Rutherford.

    A funny saying about the physics of such a great mind as Richard Feynman, one of the founders of quantum electrodynamics: "Physics is like sex: it may not give practical results, but this is no reason not to do it." It turns out that physics for a physicist is not just a kind of activity or science, it is the meaning of life, practically, the air that he breathes.

    Max Planck was very simple and clear about everything: "There is only that which can be measured." Landau: "A theoretical physicist would be a talker if he didn't put a lot of icons on paper." Moreover, for an unenlightened mind, everything looks like this from the outside, if he cannot delve into those secrets of the laws of the universe, in which, like in the ocean, the mind of a physicist bathes. But this is not the end of the self-centered sayings of the physicist Landau: “We are theoretical physicists,” the scientist says, “the only trustees of the Lord God, and only he entrusts his secrets to us.” And really, it's a bad word.

    J. Renard once noted such a thing that most clearly characterizes anyone who belongs to the field of physical knowledge: “A scientist is a person who is almost sure of something,” and Newton’s funny saying that can win the heart of any scientist in the field of natural sciences: "Oh, physics, save me from metaphysics!".

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    We bring to the attention of readers a selection of quotes from great physicists about faith and God

    There are only two ways to live your life: the first - as if there are no miracles, the second - as if everything in the world is a miracle.

    Galileo Galilei(1564-1642) - Italian philosopher, mathematician, physicist, mechanic and astronomer, who had an exceptional influence on the science of his time. He was the first to use a telescope for scientific discoveries, which were the moons of Jupiter, spots on the Sun, mountains on the Moon, and the phases of Venus. Defender of the Copernican heliocentric system and founder of experimental science.

    "Nature is, no doubt, the Second Book of God, which we must not refuse, but which we must read."

    "The intention of Scripture is to teach us how to go to heaven, not how heaven goes."

    "In the workings of nature, the Lord God appears to us no less admirable image than in the divine verses of Scripture."

    Isaac Newton (1643-1727) - English physicist, mathematician, astronomer. Founder of the classical theory of physics.

    “The miraculous structure of the cosmos and the harmony in it can only be explained by the fact that the cosmos was created according to the plan of the Omniscient and Omnipotent Being. This is my first and last word."

    Mikhail Lomonosov(1711-1765) - Russian naturalist, chemist, physicist, astronomer, encyclopedist. He laid the foundations of physical chemistry and the molecular-kinetic theory of heat. Approved the foundations of the modern Russian literary language, champion of the development of domestic education, science and economics. Developed a project for Moscow University. He predicted the existence of an atmosphere around the planet Venus.

    “The Creator gave the human race two books. In one he showed his majesty; in the other, His will. The first is this visible world, created by Him, so that a person, looking at the vastness, beauty and harmony of his buildings, recognizes the Divine omnipotence, by faith, a concept bestowed upon himself. The second book is Holy Scripture. It shows the Creator's blessing to our salvation. In these prophetic and apostolic inspired books, the interpreters and elucidators are the great church teachers. And in this book of the addition of the visible world of this physicist, mathematician, astronomer and other explainers of Divine actions in nature, they are the same as the prophets, apostles and church teachers in this book.

    “Truth and faith are two sisters, daughters of one supreme parent, they can never come into strife among themselves, unless out of some vanity and testimony of their own sophistication, enmity is exclaimed against them.”

    André Marie Ampère (1775-1836) - French physicist and mathematician, discovered the basic law of electrodynamics.

    “The most convincing proof of the existence of God is the harmony of means by which order is maintained in the universe, thanks to this order, living beings find in their bodies everything necessary for the development and reproduction of their physical and spiritual abilities.”

    Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) - German mathematician, astronomer, physicist.

    “When our last hour comes, with what inexplicable joy we will fix our eyes on the One whose presence we could only guess in this world.”

    Hans Christian Oersted (1777-1851) - Danish physicist.

    "Every thorough study of nature ends with the recognition of the existence of God."

    William Thomson, Lord Kelvin(1824-1907) - one of the greatest physicists. He worked in the field of electrostatics, heat and power transmission, thermodynamics, theory of elasticity, geology, practical physics and technology. He was the first to formulate the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

    “Don't be afraid to be free-thinking people. If you think deeply, through science you will gain faith in God.”

    Thomas Edison(1847-1931) - American inventor.

    “My greatest respect and admiration is for all engineers, especially for the greatest of them, God!”

    Gustav Mi(1868-1957) - German physicist.

    “It must be said that a thinking natural scientist must necessarily be a pious person. He must reverently kneel before the Divine Spirit, Who so clearly manifests Himself in nature.

    James Prescott Joule(1818-1889) - great English physicist. He worked on understanding the nature of heat, its relationship with mechanical work, which led to the discovery of the First Law of Thermodynamics. Together with Lord Kelvin, he developed an absolute temperature scale.

    “After we know the Will of God and obey it, we have one more important thing to do: to comprehend His Wisdom, Power and Mercy from the evidence that is revealed in His deeds. The knowledge of the laws of nature is the knowledge of God.

    John Ambrose Fleming(1849-1945) - British physicist and radio engineer.

    “A great number of modern discoveries have completely destroyed the old materialistic ideas. The universe appears before us today as a thought. But thought presupposes the presence of a Thinker.

    Joseph John Thomson(1856-1940) - English physicist, studied x-rays, discovered the electron. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1906.

    “Don't be afraid to be independent thinkers! If you think strong enough, you will inevitably be led by science to faith in God, which is the foundation of religion. You will see that science is not the enemy, but the helper of religion.”

    "From the tops of the towers of the fortress of science, the greatest deeds of God are visible."

    Max Planck(1858-1947) - outstanding German physicist, founder of quantum theory.

    “Wherever and how far we look, we do not find contradictions between religion and natural science, on the contrary, it is in the fundamental points that the best combination is found. Religion and natural science are not mutually exclusive, as some believe or fear these days, the two are complementary and dependent on each other.”

    “Religion and natural science need faith in God. At the same time, for religion, God stands at the beginning of any reflection, and for natural science - at the end. For some, it means the foundation, and for others, it means the pinnacle of building any worldview principles.

    “Nowhere do we find a contradiction between science and religion. Both religion and science, in the end, seek the truth and come to the confession of God ... "

    Albert Einstein(1879-1955) - author of special and general relativity, introduced the concept of a photon, discovered the laws of the photoelectric effect, worked on problems of cosmology and unified field theory. According to many prominent physicists (for example, Lev Landau), Einstein is the most significant figure in the history of physics. Nobel Prize in Physics 1921

    "The harmony of natural law reveals a Mind so superior to us that in comparison with it, any systematic thinking and action of human beings turns out to be a most insignificant imitation."

    “My religion consists in a feeling of modest admiration for the boundless rationality, manifesting itself in the smallest details of that picture of the world, which we are only able to partially grasp and cognize with our mind. This deep emotional confidence in the highest logical harmony of the structure of the universe is my idea of ​​God.

    “The real problem is the inner state of the soul and thinking of mankind. This is not a physical problem, but an ethical problem. What frightens us is not the explosive power of the atomic bomb, but the power of the wickedness of the human heart, the explosive power for wickedness.

    “In vain, in the face of the catastrophes of the 20th century, many complain: “How did God allow it?” ... Yes. He allowed: He allowed our freedom, but did not leave us in the darkness of ignorance. Let the knowledge of good and evil be indicated. And man himself had to pay for the choice of false paths.

    “Every serious natural scientist must be in some way a religious person. Otherwise, he is unable to imagine that the incredibly subtle interdependencies that he observes are not invented by him. In the infinite universe, the activity of the infinitely perfect Mind is revealed. The usual idea of ​​me as an atheist is a big misconception. If this idea is drawn from my scientific works, I can say that my scientific works are not understood.

    Max Born(1882-1970) - German physicist, one of the founders of quantum mechanics.

    Nobel Prize in Physics 1954

    “Science has left the question of God completely open. Science has no right to judge this."

    “Many scientists believe in God. Those who say that the study of science makes a person an atheist are probably some kind of ridiculous people.

    Niels Bohr(1885-1962) - great Danish physicist, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics. Created the first quantum theory of the atom, participated in the development of the foundations of quantum mechanics. He made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of the atomic nucleus and nuclear reactions, the processes of interaction of elementary particles with the environment.

    "It is not our business to prescribe to God how he should govern this world."

    Arthur Compton(1892-1962) - American physicist, winner of the 1927 Nobel Prize in Physics

    “For me, Faith begins with the knowledge that the Supreme Mind created the Universe and man. It is not difficult for me to believe this, because the fact that there is a plan, and therefore Reason, is irrefutable. The order in the universe, which unfolds before our eyes, itself testifies to the truth of the greatest and sublime statement: “In the beginning is God.”

    Wolfgang Pauli(1900-1958) - Swiss physicist, one of the founders of quantum mechanics and relativistic quantum field theory, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1945

    “We must also recognize that in all ways of knowledge and deliverance we are dependent on factors beyond our control and bearing the name of grace in religious language.”

    Karl Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976) - German physicist, one of the founders of the foundations of quantum physics, Nobel Prize winner in 1932

    "The first sip from the vessel of the natural sciences makes us atheists, but at the bottom of the vessel God awaits us."

    Paul Dirac(1902-1984) - English physicist, one of the founders of quantum mechanics, quantum electrodynamics, quantum statistics. Nobel Prize in Physics 1933 "for the development of new, promising forms of atomic theory"

    “Nature has that fundamental feature that the most basic physical laws are described by mathematical theory, the apparatus of which has extraordinary strength and beauty. We should just take it for granted. The situation could probably be described by saying that God is a mathematician of a very high rank, and that he used top-level mathematics in constructing the universe.

    “It turns out that one of the main features of nature is that the laws of fundamental physics are described by very elegant and powerful mathematical theories. To understand these theories, you need to be a high-level mathematician. You may wonder: why is Nature arranged in this way? The only thing that can be answered at the current level of knowledge is that Nature is designed in this way. It remains only to accept it. In other words, God is a very high level mathematician and He used the most perfect mathematics in creating the universe. Our feeble mathematical efforts allow us to understand the structure of only a small piece of the universe, and as mathematics continues to develop, we hope to understand the structure of the universe better.

    A mathematician can say whatever comes into his head, but a physicist must retain at least a grain of common sense.
    Willard Gibbs

    Anyone who says that he can think about quantum mechanics without dizziness, thereby only proves that he did not understand anything about it.
    Attributed to Niels Bohr

    If you see a quarter-page formula in a physics magazine, forget about it. She is unfaithful. Nature is not that complicated. Bernd Mattias

    The ultimate goal of physics is to describe the universe with a single equation that could fit on a T-shirt.
    Leon Lederman

    The best material model of a cat is another (or even better, the same) cat.
    Arturo Rosenbluth and Norbert Wiener

    I tried to find the easiest way the Lord could do all this.
    Albert Einstein

    Ever since mathematicians took up the theory of relativity, I have ceased to understand it myself.
    Albert Einstein

    Science is physics; everything else is stamp collecting.
    Lord Kelvin

    Physics. A subject that causes fear and disgust among students and most teachers. Synonyms: incomprehensible, waste of money, stupidity.
    Leon Lederman
    In 1988, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for the study of neutrinos - particles that do not have an electric charge and, if they have a mass, then the most insignificant. Did you know that over 50 trillion of these particles fly through your body every second?

    Nothing new can be discovered in physics anymore. Further, the measurement accuracy will simply increase.
    Lord Kelvin

    Those who are not shocked by quantum theory simply do not understand it.
    Niels Bohr

    In physics, the truth is rarely crystal clear, and the same is always true of human affairs. In a word, everything that is not shrouded in doubt cannot be true.
    Richard Feynman

    Most of the articles submitted to the Physical Review are rejected, not because they cannot be understood, but precisely because they can. What cannot be understood is usually printed. Freeman Dyson
    Dyson managed to be both a Christian and a scientist and possessed the gift of foresight. One of his mottos was: "It is better to speak erroneously than vaguely." He published many articles in the Physical Review.

    The physical scientist is the atom's way of looking at itself.
    Niels Bohr

    For example, quantum theory, nuclear physics. Over the past century, this theory has brilliantly passed all conceivable tests, some of its predictions came true to within ten decimal places. Not surprisingly, physicists consider quantum theory to be one of their major victories. But behind their boasting lies the shameful truth: they have no idea why these laws work or where they come from.
    Robert Matthews

    There can be no democracy in physics. We cannot say that some second-rate scientist has the same right to his opinion as Fermi.
    Louis Walter Alvarez

    I hope someone will explain quantum physics to me while I'm alive. And after death, I hope God will explain to me what turbulence is.
    Werner Heisenberg

    It is often said that of all the physical theories proposed in this century, the quantum theory is the dumbest. Some even claim that the only merit of the quantum theory is that it is unconditionally correct.
    Michio Kaku

    I like relativity, quantum mechanics, because I cannot understand them, and they inspire me with the feeling that the cosmos is rushing about like a swan, restless, everything will not sit down, will not let itself be measured; as if the atom - impetuous anemone rethinks everything a hundred times.
    D. H. Lawrence ("Relativity")

    Referring to the rules of composition to take a picture is like consulting the laws of gravity when going for a walk.
    Edward Weston

    The best magnifying lens is legs.
    Ernst Haas