Speech at a meeting of the district ptg "reasons for the difficulties of teaching schoolchildren in elementary school." What to do if your child is bullied by classmates

School time is the hardest time for children. There are a lot of problems and worries, ranging from academic performance to inappropriate company for your child. During this period, special attention should be paid to adolescents of transitional age and directed in the right direction, showing the future and helping to decide on a profession. You need to start studying from elementary school, so that later the child would not be surprised why suddenly his parents became very interested in him. Do you want your son or daughter to get good grades? Show attention and participation!

Be there


Even if your child does not succeed, do not let him feel bad about himself. Explain to your child that self-confidence and the pursuit of knowledge are more important than their grades. Encourage even small victories, for example, that you came out to answer at the blackboard or made 2 mistakes in the dictation. All successes start small, the main thing is to direct the child to make these victories and the achievements themselves will begin to grow.

The Right Motivation

The child must know and realize what he is striving for and why he is studying everything. Set small goals for your child to start with and motivate him to achieve them. For example, you need to correct "3" in physics in order to finish the year without a "3". During school time, the goals will increase until entering the university. The child will know why he needs to get good grades, and he will motivate himself with this goal.

Favorite sciences

It must be understood that not every child is given to study in all subjects at "5". Determine which subjects your student has a penchant for. It is not necessary to demand "5" from him in chemistry if the child loves English or literature. Pay close attention to these items. Perhaps it is these disciplines that will form a strong and self-confident personality in your child, help you decide on your future profession. As for the rest of the items, just make sure that the child does not run them.

Make a daily schedule and clearly write down in it the time for doing homework:

1-3 class - 1.5 hours;

4-8 grade - 2-2.5 hours;

9th-11th grade - approximately 3.5 hours.

The time limit will force the child to concentrate and not delay the lessons until late in the evening.

If, nevertheless, there were problems at school, and you were called to the class teacher or even to the director, then first of all talk to the child! Try to figure out what happened (fight, academic failure, etc.), talk about the reasons for this behavior. Listen first to the point of view of the "culprit" about what happened. Poor performance? Find out the reason for its decline (difficult topic, heavy workload, or personal drama). If you know what the conversation is about, the conversation will be much smarter and more useful. Your child is silent, and you have no idea what will be discussed? In this case, consider questions to the teacher that concern you.

When meeting with a teacher, set the conversation to a friendly start. Thank the teacher for being willing to meet and discuss the problem. Express regret about the incident. If there are problems in the family, do not hide them, in this case it will be easier for the teacher to correct the conversation with the student, taking into account possible problems.

Have you heard unpleasant things about your son or daughter? Don't be rude! Wait until the stream of accusations ends, and then return to your original position and your point of view.

During the conversation, make sure that the child really behaved inappropriately. Reassure the teacher that this will not happen again. If your child is having academic problems, ask the teacher to help or recommend a good tutor.

If you are unable to find a common language with the teacher and you do not agree with his point of view, you can talk to the head teacher or director. No one will protect your child except you!

Problems with the child's company

In childhood, inappropriate friends appear in timid children. Hooligans attract attention with confidence and assertiveness. To increase your child's self-esteem and make him more confident, choose the right activity. Sign up your son for hockey, and your daughter for dancing. Being engaged in these sections, the child will be able to find new friends with common interests. And communication with difficult children will come to naught by itself.

With teenagers, things are more complicated. At this age, the feeling of protest is very strongly developed. When you forbid something to a child, he will strive even more for this. First, determine what specifically you don't like about your child's friend.

If a friend of your child is poorly brought up, swears, tries to outwit or lure something from your child in a dishonest way, then the first feeling that arises is “immediately stop such friendship.” BUT don't be in a hurry. In a favorable environment, start a conversation with the child about his new friend, understand what attracts him in this child, how they spend time. If you noticed in a bad deed, provide evidence. You can describe an example from your childhood and explain the negative consequences. Perhaps the child will draw the right conclusions.

From a dysfunctional family? Understand first yourself what it means? Do you want your child to communicate only with children from wealthy families? Do not rush to conclusions. Take a look at your child's friend. If, in terms of moral qualities, he deserves attention and a good attitude, then children's friendship should not be interfered with, because a boor and a scoundrel can grow up in an ideal family, and a decent and intelligent person in a dysfunctional one.

Spend as much time as you can with your children - you won't get that opportunity again. If in childhood you are attentive to the child, then he will reciprocate and will never forget to visit you when he grows up. It is very scary to miss the educational moments in school years and not help the child in choosing the right path.

Causes of learning difficulties in elementary school.
In recent years, we have noted a significant increase in the number of children with various learning difficulties in primary school.

The opinion of parents often boils down to the following: the features of education in a modern school are associated with an ever-increasing amount of information, a significant intensification of the passage of material, with constant modernization and complication of curricula. Such learning conditions place the highest demands on the body of a younger student.

Teachers should know thatPThe reasons why children do not succeed in elementary school are extremely diverse, flow smoothly from one to another, and, as a rule, occur not in isolation, but in combination.First of all, teachers are concerned about the question of how to create prerequisites for the optimal development of each child in the conditions of a general education school, in particular for those who experience certain difficulties in learning? This is all the more important because gaps in knowledge formed in the initial period of learning to read, write, and mathematics, as a rule, lead to serious problems at subsequent stages of learning. It is very important that children go through this difficult path without harming their health, without losing interest in learning, without losing faith in themselves, in their strength.

Causes of school difficultiesvery conditionally can be divided intobiological , social andemotional .

Some children enter the first grade without reaching the level of school maturity. .

If, contrary to the recommendations of experts, such children still get into the first grade before they reach the level of school maturity, they are simply doomed to fall behind. As a rule, keeping such children at home for another year, carefully studying with them, it is possible to significantly reduce the risk, if not completely prevent them from failing in elementary school.

2. Somatically weakened children.

Their school maturity is undoubted, the level of intelligence is quite high, the calendar age corresponds to learning in the first grade, but they often get sick and miss classes, get tired quickly and by the third or fourth lesson are no longer able to concentrate on anything, and therefore, the second half of the school day passes wasted for them. Such children, of course, must attend school, but they need a special regime and a system of rehabilitation and hardening measures.

3. Left-handed child .

Today, in almost every class there are children working with their left hand. Left-handedness is not a disease. Not because of left-handedness as such, but because these children have unfavorable developmental factors that can determine increased excitability, difficulty concentrating, and later maturation of cognitive functions (speech, motor skills, perception, thinking, memory). All these features are also manifested in right-handed children with developmental risk factors.

What is the cause of the problems of left-handed children and how important is left-handedness in the occurrence of these bleating?

The first thing to look out for is the wrong (very stressful and inefficient) way of holding the pen. The result is a very stressful and very slow way of writing with jagged, irregular letters that look more like scribbles. Due to the constant tension and the inability to keep up with the pace of work in the classroom, other problems accumulate. Omissions, substitutions, underwriting quickly add to the difficulties of a purely technical skill of writing, and the situation is complicated by excitement, anxiety, fear of failure, the negative attitude of surrounding adults towards left-handedness - all that the child is unable to change himself. Naturally, this leads to a deterioration in mental health, which, in turn, causes a sharp decrease in working capacity, increased fatigue, and impaired concentration. And the result is a deterioration in handwriting, errors, omissions, underwriting, problems on the control (does not have time, plus worries, plus gets tired quickly).

So, left-handedness has nothing to do with it, exactly the same problems could arise under the same conditions in a right-handed child.

4. H eurological diagnosis .

Mental retardation, mild mental retardation, hyper- or hypodynamic syndrome, consequences of MMD. Here, all corrective and therapeutic measures are carried out in close contact with the treating specialist, and the child, as far as possible, is inspired with confidence that his problems can be solved, and the backlog can be overcome. As a rule, the way it is.

Social and emotional:
Pedagogical neglect of the child .

Moreover, it should be noted that we are not necessarily talking about degraded alcoholic parents or children who grew up in drug dens (it happens, unfortunately, this happens, but these children, as a rule, do not attend school at all. Their fate is our common pain and anxiety, but now we are not talking about them.). Pedagogically neglected children are found in completely normal, very decent and even very wealthy families.
Conflict between teacher and parents.

3. Conflicts of the child with classmates.

4. Personal conflict or just misunderstanding between teacher and student .

We will not consider the violations of academic performance caused by the listed reasons today. They can look like anything from (supposedly) reducing a child's memory to categorically refusing to go to school. Each such case should be considered individually with the participation of parents, a school psychologist and a teacher who directly teaches the child.

Considerspecific developmental disorders of school skills (SRRShN), which we most often meet, because this group of disorders manifests itself as a specific and significant deficiency in teaching school skills. Although they are often seen in association with other clinical syndromes such as attention or conduct disorder or other developmental disorders such as motor developmental disorder or specific developmental speech disorders.

Among the disorders of the SRRShN group, there are:1. Dyslexia - specific impairment of reading skills.The main feature of this disorder is a specific and significant impairment in the development of reading skills that cannot be explained solely by mental age, visual acuity problems, or inadequate schooling. Text comprehension, reading technique, or tasks that require reading may be impaired. Difficulties in reading often go hand in hand with difficulties in acquiring proper writing skills.When reading, there are:- slow pace of reading;- omissions, substitutions, distortions or additions of words or parts of a word;- attempts to start reading again, prolonged hesitation or "loss of space" in the text and inaccuracies in expressions;- permutation of words in a sentence or letters in words.There may also be a lack of reading comprehension, expressed as:- inability to remember the facts from the read;- in the inability to draw a conclusion or conclusions from the essence of what is read;- in that general knowledge is used to answer questions about the story read rather than information from a specific story.2. Dysgraphia - a specific violation of writing skills.This disorder impairs both the ability to spell words orally and to spell words correctly. There is a substitution of letters, omission of letters and syllables.Very often combined with or following reading impairments, that is, reading skills gradually become satisfactory or even good, and notebooks are still a "total mess".3. Acalculia - specific violation of arithmetic skills.Here the defect concerns the basic computational skills of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division or problem solving. Difficulties that are noted in this case may include a lack of understanding of the concepts underlying arithmetic operations, a lack of understanding of mathematical terms or signs, not recognizing numerical signs, difficulty in learning ordinal alignment of numbers or in learning decimal fractions or signs during calculations, poor spatial organization of arithmetic calculations.4. Mixed disorder of school skills. There is a combination of the action of two or three of the above disorders, often combined with impaired attention, memory and low mental performance.

Especially often, specific disorders of school skills are observed in children with varying degrees of severity.hyperdynamic syndrome.

Excessively excitable, sometimes aggressive, irritable, they can hardly endure stress, their efficiency quickly decreases. They are unable to organize their activities, unable to fix their attention on work, unable to establish normal relationships with peers. Such children react sharply to the refusal of something, do not control themselves, immediately forget good intentions and prefer to do only what they like, what gives them pleasure.

Behavioral disturbance, as a rule, is combined in these children with a whole range of difficulties in writing, reading and mathematics.

Another category of children who also often have learning difficulties isslow children. Slow children are a particular risk group, since their school problems can only be associated with a slow pace of activity. Slowness is not a disease, not a developmental disorder, it is simply an individual feature of a person, a feature of nervous activity.

It has been proven that even a slight degree of procrastination greatly reduces a child's chances of school success. And therefore, such children need help not when there is already poor progress and deviations in health, but from the first days at school. Slow children are approximately 10-20%. These are children who have a 1.5-2 times slower rate of speech, walking, all movements, a low speed of performing all complex actions, and especially writing and reading. However, the quality of performing all actions at your own pace can be very high.

Is it possible to make a child work faster?

A slow child cannot be forced to write and read faster. With age (if the child is not brought to a neurosis), the speed of writing and reading will increase (as the activity itself improves). However, in children with low mobility of nervous processes, the speed of writing and reading will always be lower than in ordinary children. At the initial stage of training, you can not force the speed of work. Hurrying, urging such a child is not only useless (he will not work faster, the effect will be the opposite), but also harmful. The restriction of time for rest negatively affects the state of a slow child. This, in turn, reduces efficiency, increases fatigue, which immediately affects writing (handwriting worsens, errors appear - omissions, substitutions, underwriting, corrections), and reading - “a line is lost”, reading errors appear, an effect is possible "guessing" reading, there are problems of understanding the text, difficulties of retelling. A slow child has difficulty absorbing information at a very fast pace. You should pay attention to the condition of the child, his complaints. For a slow child, all school loads are tiring. Therefore, after school, it is better for him to be at home, in a relaxed atmosphere. The extension is not for slow children.

When working with such children, the main key to success is to create an environment at school and at home that would allow the child to work at an accessible pace for him, not to rush, calm, support and do not forget to praise him, create all conditions for calm work and classes, pay attention to each successfully completed task.

Basic principles of helping children with learning difficulties:

1) any child with school problems is able to receive a full-fledged primary education with an appropriate and timely organized system of correctional assistance.

2) to correct complex difficulties, it is necessary to take into account both external and internal factors.

3) assistance to children with school problems is assistance in which not the difficulties in learning to write and read are corrected, but the causes that cause them.

4) systematic assistance to children with learning difficulties, including measures of non-specific (optimization of the educational process, normalization of the regime, elimination of conflict situations in the family and school, etc.) and specific immaturity or impairments in the development of cognitive functions.

5) organization of comprehensive assistance to children with learning difficulties. This is a systematic work and systematic interaction of a teacher, psychologist, speech therapist and parents.

Conditions for effective correction of school difficulties

    THE FIRST CONDITION is the availability of modern methods of psychophysiological and psychological diagnostics of difficulties, their causes, and the identification of their features.

    THE SECOND CONDITION is the knowledge by teachers of the causes and mechanisms of school difficulties, the ability to identify these causes, the possession of methods and technologies for organizing assistance.

    THIRD CONDITION - the possibility of obtaining the necessary advice from specialists - a psychologist, a speech therapist, a doctor - and developing a comprehensive assistance program.

    FOURTH CONDITION - joint work and common tactics of work and family in organizing assistance to a child with school problems.

    FIFTH CONDITION - availability of specialists, premises, material resources, etc. to organize comprehensive systemic assistance to students.

Individual educational route - this is a structured program of actions of the student at some fixed stage of his learning.

Two aspects of the value of the technology of an individual educational route:

1) taking into account the individual characteristics of children with the subsequent adaptation of the educational process to the individual characteristics of each child;

2) providing each child with individualized pedagogical assistance in order to develop his individual psychological resources.

Construction steps
individual educational routes

1. Observation stage

The purpose of the stage: to identify a group of younger students experiencing learning difficulties.

At this stage, the teacher monitors the learning activities of students who fall into the group of unprepared or conditionally ready for school (diagnostics according to the level of readiness of students for learning) or these are younger students who experience learning difficulties based on the results of pedagogical diagnostics.

2. Diagnostic stage

At this stage, a number of diagnostics are carried out.

The purpose of this stage is to identify the causes of difficulties in teaching the child.

It is necessary to do this in order to know the true cause of the difficulties in teaching a younger student.

Questionnaires, tests

Criteria for identifying a hyperactive child







Restless in movements (drumming with fingers, climbing somewhere)

Squirms in place.

Is in constant motion.

Very talkative.

Sleep much less.

Deficiency of active


Inconsistent in behavior.

Has difficulty organizing.

Has many unfinished projects.

Doesn't hear when spoken to.

With great enthusiasm, he takes on the task, but does not finish it.

Loses things.

Avoids tasks that require mental effort and boring tasks.

Often forgetful.


Cannot control their actions.

Doesn't know how to obey the rules.

Answers before being asked.

Can't wait for his turn in the game, in the classroom.

Often intervenes in the conversation, interrupting the speaker.

Poor focus.

Cannot delay reward.

Behavior variability (calm in some classes, not in others).

If at least 6 of the listed signs appear before the age of 7, it can be assumed that the child is hyperactive.

The speed of action in slow children is 1.5-2 times lower than usual.

This is easy enough to check. Put a sheet of paper in a cage in front of the child and ask each cell (on any line) to put a dot and count loudly to ten. On average, ordinary six-year-olds complete this task in 10-12 seconds, seven-year-olds in 6-8 seconds; and for slow ones this time is 1.5-2 times longer.

Definition of the leading hand, eyes - Napoleon's pose, crossed fingers, etc.

3. Construction phase

The purpose of the stage: building individual educational routes for younger students experiencing learning difficulties based on the identified causes.

Table compiled according to informationfrom the book by A.F. Anufrieva, S.N. Kostromina "How to overcome difficulties in teaching children".

Typical difficulties in teaching a younger student: types, causes, recommendations

Types of difficulties

Possible reasons

Omits letters in writing

1. Low level of phonemic hearing

Exercises for the development of sound-letter analysis

3. Unformed self-control techniques

Exercises for the development of self-control

Underdevelopment of spelling vigilance

2. Unformed methods of educational activity (self-control, the ability to act according to the rule)

3.Low volume and distribution of attention

Exercises to develop the volume and distribution of attention

4. Low level of development of short-term memory

5. Weak development of phonemic hearing

Exercises for the development of sound-letter analysis

Inattentive and distracted

1. Low level of development of arbitrariness

Exercises for the development of arbitrariness

2. Low attention span

4. The predominant motivation for learning is gaming

Has difficulty solving math problems

1. Low level of development of general intelligence

An additional examination by a neuropsychiatrist is necessary

2. Poor understanding of grammatical structures

Auditory Comprehension Exercises

3. Unformed ability to focus on a system of signs

Exercises to develop the ability to navigate the system of signs

4. Low level of imaginative thinking

Exercises for the development of figurative attention

Has difficulty retelling text

1. Unformed ability to plan your actions

Exercises to develop the ability to plan your actions

2. Weak development of logical memorization

Exercises for the development of logical memorization

3. Low level of speech development

Exercises for the development of speech

4. Low level of development of figurative thinking

Exercises for the development of imaginative thinking

5. Low level of development of logical operations (analysis, generalization, systematization)

Exercises for the development of thinking operations

6. Low self-esteem


1. Low level of development of arbitrariness

Exercises for the development of arbitrariness

2. Individual typological personality traits

Gentle mode, taking into account individual characteristics when teaching

3. Low level of development of the volitional sphere

Exercises for the development of the volitional sphere

Difficulty understanding explanations the first time (12.7%)

Exercises for the development of learning activities

2. Poor concentration

Exercises for the development of concentration

3. Low level of development of perception

Perception exercises

Exercises for the development of arbitrariness

5. Low level of development of general intelligence

Constant sloppiness in notebooks (11.5%)

1. Weak development of fine motor skills of the fingers

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hand

Exercises for the development of learning activities

3. Insufficient attention span

Attention span exercises

4. Low level of development of short-term memory

Exercises for the development of short-term memory

Poor knowledge of the addition (multiplication) table (10.2)

1. Low level of development of mechanical memory

Exercises for the development of mechanical memory

2.Low level of development of long-term memory

Exercises for the development of long-term memory

3. The development of general intelligence below the age norm

Psychoneurologist examination

4. Low level of development of arbitrariness

Exercises for the development of arbitrariness

5. Weak concentration

Exercises for the development of concentration

Exercises for the development of learning activities

Fails to complete tasks for independent work (9.6%)

1. Lack of formation of methods of educational activity

Exercises for the development of learning activities

Exercises for the development of arbitrariness

Always forgets school supplies at home (9.5%)

1. High emotional instability, increased impulsivity

2. Low level of development of arbitrariness

Exercises for the development of arbitrariness

3. Low concentration and attention span

Exercises for the development of concentration and stability of attention

Poor copying off the board (8.7%)

1. Unformed preconditions for learning activities

Exercises for the development of learning activities

2. Low level of development of arbitrariness

Exercises for the development of arbitrariness

4. Insufficient attention span

Attention span exercises

5. Low level of development of short-term memory

Exercises for the development of short-term memory

He does his homework well, but he does it poorly in class (8.5%)

1. Low rate of mental processes

Accounting for individual typological features in teaching

2. Unformed methods of educational activity

Exercises for the development of learning activities

Exercises for the development of arbitrariness

Any task must be repeated several times before the student begins to complete it (6.9%)

1. Low level of concentration and attention span

Exercises for the development of concentration and stability of attention

2. Low level of development of arbitrariness

Exercises for the development of arbitrariness

3. Unformed ability to perform the task according to the oral instructions of an adult

Exercises to develop the ability to act according to instructions

4. Unformed preconditions for learning activities

Exercises for the development of learning activities

Constantly asks the teacher again (6.4%)

1. Low attention span

Attention span exercises

2. Weak concentration and attention span

Exercises for the development of concentration and stability of attention

3. Low attention switching

Exercises to Develop Attention Switching

4. Low short-term memory

Exercises for the development of short-term memory

Exercises for the development of arbitrariness

6. Unformed ability to accept a learning task

Exercises for the formation of the ability to accept a learning task

Poorly oriented in notebooks (5.5%)

1. Low level of development of perception and orientation in space

Exercises for the development of attention and orientation in space

2. Low level of development of arbitrariness

Exercises for the development of arbitrariness

3. Weak development of small muscles of the hands

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills

Raises hand but remains silent when answering (4.9%)

Stimulation of cognitive activity

2. Low self-esteem

Correction of the personal-motivational sphere

Exercises for the development of arbitrariness

Late for class (4.8%)

1. Unformed self-control techniques

Exercises for the formation of self-control techniques

2. Low level of development of concentration and stability of attention

Exercises for the development of concentration and stability of attention

3. Low level of development of arbitrariness

Exercises for the development of arbitrariness

4. Possible difficulties in the family

Studying interpersonal relationships in the family, working with parents

5. Reasons for secondary gain

Correction of interpersonal relationships

Constantly distracted in class, crawls under the desk, plays, eats (4.7%)

1. Unformed attitude towards oneself as a schoolchild

Stimulation of cognitive activity

2. The predominance of learning motivation - game

Correction of the personal-motivational sphere

3. Individual-typological personality traits

Accounting for individual characteristics

4. Low concentration and attention span

Exercises for the development of stability and concentration

5. Low level of development of arbitrariness

Exercises for the development of arbitrariness

6. Unformed methods of educational activity

Feels fear of the teacher's survey (4.7%)

1. Low self-esteem

Correction of the personal-motivational sphere

2. Possible difficulties in the family

Working with parents

3. Internally stressful state

4. Individual typological personality traits

Accounting for individual characteristics in educational work

When checking the notebook after the lesson, it turns out that the written work is completely absent (2.6%)

1. Unformed attitude towards oneself as a schoolchild

2. The predominant motivation for learning is gaming

Stimulation of cognitive activity

3. Low randomness

Exercises for the development of arbitrariness

4. Unformed methods of educational activity

Exercises for the formation of methods of educational activity

During the lesson, he goes out and is absent for a long time (1.0%)

1. There is no educational motivation

Stimulation of cognitive activity

2. Unformed attitude towards oneself as a schoolchild

Correction of personal orientation

3. Low self-esteem

Removing anxiety through therapeutic intervention

4. Internal stress state

An additional examination by a neuropsychiatrist is necessary

5. Difficulties in mastering the material associated with ZPR

An additional examination by a neuropsychiatrist is necessary

1. Introduction

2. The concept of "School difficulties"

3. Causes of school difficulties

4. Conclusion

5. Bibliography


Significant intensification of the educational process, the use of new forms and technologies of education, the earlier start of systematic education has led to an increase in the number of children who are not able to adapt to learning loads without much effort. According to the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, learning difficulties are observed in 15-40% of schoolchildren.

Two groups of factors are distinguished as the reasons for the violation of the adaptation process and the emergence of school problems: exogenous (external) and endogenous (internal).

It is customary to refer to exogenous factors the socio-cultural conditions in which the child grows and develops, environmental, environmental and pedagogical factors. Unfavorable social and economic conditions are also factors that adversely affect the growth, development and health of the child.

The complex of school risk factors (pedagogical factors) has a significant impact not only on the success and effectiveness of the learning process, but also on growth, development and health. School risk factors (SFRs) include:

Stress tactics of pedagogical influences;

Excessive intensification of the educational process;

Inconsistency of methods and technologies with the age and functional capabilities of children;

Irrational organization of the educational process.

The strength of the negative impact on the child's body of school risk factors is determined by the fact that they act comprehensively, systematically and for a long time (for 10-11 years) during the period of intensive growth and development of the child, when the body is most sensitive to any influences.

As a rule, endogenous factors include: genetic influences, disorders in the early period of development, health status, level of functional development, brain dysfunctions, the degree of maturity of the structural and functional systems of the brain and the formation of higher mental functions. In some cases, the so-called "mixed" factors are distinguished, combining the influence of both external and internal factors.

Of particular importance in the development of school difficulties are the level and characteristics of the child's mental development, psychological readiness for school, etc. However, we will consider these questions only in cases where this is required by the presentation of the material.

The concept of "school difficulties"

School difficulties are understood as the whole complex of school problems that arise in a child in connection with the beginning of systematic education and lead to pronounced functional stress, deviations in health status, impaired social and psychological adaptation and a decrease in learning success.

It is necessary to separate the concepts of "school difficulties" and "failure". Difficulties in teaching many children do not lead to academic failure, on the contrary, high academic achievement, especially in the first year of study, is achieved by enormous stress and an extremely high functional cost, and often at the cost of health. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is these children that do not attract much attention from teachers and parents, and the “functional price” of school success is not immediately apparent. Parents, on the other hand, believe that the reason for the deterioration of health can be a variety of reasons, but not school workloads, not overstrain, not daily microstresses from failures and discontent of adults. Poor progress is, as a rule, already the result of an actual decrease in the effectiveness of training and those difficulties that were not identified in time, compensated for, which were not corrected at all, or the correction work was carried out incorrectly. The result of inattention to school difficulties is, as a rule, a violation of the state of health and especially the neuropsychic sphere.

In school practice, causal relationships are often simply reversed: it is not the cause of the difficulties that is corrected (it most often remains unidentified), but unsuccessful attempts are made to eliminate the unsatisfactory result of learning.

Here is a simple but quite revealing example. A first-grader has a pronounced violation of writing (the letters are uneven, differently inclined, the configuration is broken, the ratio of elements, some letters are mirrored, and homework, as a rule, is done better than classwork, he practically does not write dictations, there are mistakes). This example was offered to a separate group of primary school teachers and school psychologists as a task for choosing corrective measures. The vast majority of educators suggested intensive training, exercises, “maybe when he wants” (homework is done better) as the main measure to eliminate difficulties. Psychologists were in solidarity - to increase motivation, "to try." No one paid attention to the nature of the violations, indicating a clear violation of visual-spatial perception, requiring special correction. No one took an interest in the individual pace of the child's activity and the general pace of activity in the lesson. The analysis showed that this was the main reason why the quality of class work worsened, and any dictation was practically beyond our strength: a slow pace, multiplied by anxiety from an expected failure, always gave an unsatisfactory result. The situation was complicated by such a seemingly insignificant reason - the child did not hold the pen correctly. This hampered movement and, combined with the difficulties of visual-spatial perception, led to rapid fatigue and a sharp deterioration in the quality of writing.

So, the violation of writing is a consequence of a complex of reasons underlying the difficulties. At the initial stage of training, these difficulties are not yet “underachievement”, but in the absence of adequate assistance, they really develop into underachievement.

In scientific research, there is no single concept of the emergence and development of school difficulties, and there are no common terminological designations for learning difficulties and violations of the processes of writing, reading, counting and other types of educational activities. This is probably due to the fact that the origin, causes, mechanisms and manifestations of learning difficulties in primary school are so diverse and complex that sometimes it is not possible to separate them, identify the leading ones, determine the main ones, clearly separate and differentiate the difficulties of writing, reading, and mathematics.

Causes of school difficulties

In domestic and foreign literature, a wide range of causes of school difficulties is considered and analyzed: from genetic predisposition to social deprivation. They cannot be considered either fully understood or fully studied, but they must be known, it is impossible not to take into account when a teacher works with a child.

At different stages of ontogenesis and different stages of education, the factors that occupy a leading place in the structure of the causes that cause school problems change. So, in critical periods (beginning of training, puberty), the most significant are physiological, psychophysiological, health status. In the rest, psychological, social reasons, etc. are more significant.

Features of education in a modern school are associated with an ever-increasing amount of information, a significant intensification of the passage of material, with constant modernization and complication of curricula. Such learning conditions make the highest demands on the body of a younger student, and it is very important that children go through this difficult path without harming their health, without losing interest in learning, without losing faith in themselves, in their strength.



school difficulties

As you know, written speech is a secondary, later form of language existence, which is formed only in conditions of purposeful literacy training and then improved. Writing and reading are basic school skills, without which learning is difficult or simply impossible. These are the most complex skills that combine all the higher mental functions - attention, perception, memory, thinking - into a single structure of activity. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of children with various learning difficulties in primary school. The reasons that cause this are many. Adults more often attribute writing and reading difficulties to “inability”, “poor preparedness” or unwillingness of a child to learn to read and write well. The success of any assistance depends on how adults (both the teacher and parents) relate to the difficulties that arise in the child, whether they understand their cause, whether they know how to help the child. Such children need a special approach, increased attention, the help of teachers and parents, and the help is timely, qualified, systematic. This is help in which not the difficulties in learning to write and read are corrected, but the causes that cause them.

Features of education in a modern school are associated with an ever-increasing amount of information, a significant intensification of the passage of material, with constant modernization and complication of curricula. Such learning conditions make the highest demands on the body of a younger student, and it is very important that children go through this difficult path without harming their health, without losing interest in learning, without losing faith in themselves, in their strength. The success of each student's education depends on his level of development, and the shortcomings and virtues can cause temporary difficulties and at the same time determine ways to overcome them.

As a rule, in the first months of training, the behavior and well-being of children change. Some become restless or, on the contrary, lethargic, irritable, eat poorly, fall asleep with difficulty. But one or two months pass and most children feel better. The guys become calm and disciplined. Most of them successfully master the program. But it doesn't always work out so well. Some people get tired very quickly and it becomes clear that not all children are able to study. Weak students appear. Many often get sick, miss classes and fall behind as a result.

School difficulties of left-handed children

Today, in almost every class there are children who work with their left hand - left-handed children. Left-handed children (as well as right-handed ones) are different in their psychological and physiological characteristics, in their abilities, interests and problems.

The reasons for the origin of left-handedness can be different, and therefore it is impossible to talk about some common features that are characteristic of all such children. One thing is certain: left-handedness cannot be considered the cause of developmental disorders or deviations, the culprit of reduced intellectual and physical capabilities, as previously thought. Preferential control of the hand does not depend on the desire or unwillingness of the child and not on his stubbornness, but develops in connection with a special organization of brain activity.

Of course, you can make a lot of effort and make a left-handed baby work with his right hand. But it is impossible to change its biological essence. Arbitrary change of the leading hand leads to gross interference in the subtlest mechanisms of brain activity. This is

What is the cause of the problems of left-handed children and how important is left-handedness in the occurrence of these problems? The first thing to look out for is the wrong (very stressful and inefficient) way of holding the pen. The result is a very stressful and very slow way of writing with jagged, irregular letters that look more like scribbles. Due to the constant tension and the inability to keep up with the pace of work in the classroom, other problems accumulate. To the difficulties of a purely technical skill of writing, omissions, substitutions, and incomplete writing are quickly added, and this complicates the situation: excitement, anxiety, fear of failure, the negative attitude of surrounding adults towards left-handedness - all that the child is not able to change himself. Naturally, this leads to a deterioration in mental health, which, in turn, causes a sharp decrease in working capacity, increased fatigue, and impaired concentration. And the result is a deterioration in handwriting, errors, omissions, underwriting, problems on the control (does not have time, plus worries)

School difficulties of slow children

School difficulties of sluggish children for a long time remain without much attention of teachers and parents. Meanwhile, in the overwhelming majority of cases, it is these children who, by the end of the first grade, have a sharp deterioration in mental health, and there are pronounced difficulties in writing and reading. Slow children are a particular risk group, since their school problems can only be associated with a slow pace of activity. Slowness is not a disease, not a developmental disorder, it is simply an individual feature of a person, a feature of nervous activity.

It has been proven that even a slight degree of procrastination greatly reduces a child's chances of school success. And therefore, such children need help not when there is already poor progress and deviations in health, but from the first days at school. Slow children are approximately 10-20%. These are children who have a 1.5-2 times slower rate of speech, walking, all movements, a low speed of performing all complex actions, and especially writing and reading. However, the quality of performing all actions at your own pace can be very high. If we imagine that each individual action is performed almost 2 times slower, then it becomes clear why a slow child writes many times slower than others and why he reads so slowly. A slow pace cannot be judged in terms of good or bad. This is a feature of the child, and it must be reckoned with, taken into account in the learning process. A slow child cannot be forced to write and read faster. With age (if the child is not brought to a neurosis), the speed of writing and reading will increase (as the activity itself improves). However, in children with low mobility of nervous processes, the speed of writing and reading will always be lower than in ordinary children. At the initial stage of training, you can not force the speed of work. Hurrying, urging such a child is not only useless (he will not work faster, the effect will be the opposite), but also harmful. The restriction of time for rest negatively affects the state of a slow child. This, in turn, reduces efficiency, increases fatigue, which immediately affects writing (handwriting deteriorates, errors appear - omissions, substitutions, omissions, corrections), and reading - “a line is lost”, reading errors appear, it is possible the effect of "guessing" reading, there are problems in understanding the text, difficulties in retelling. A slow child has difficulty absorbing information at a very fast pace. For a slow child, all school loads are tiring. Therefore, after school, it is better for him to be at home, in a relaxed atmosphere. The extension is not for slow children.

When working with such children, the main key to success is to create an environment at school and at home that would allow the child to work at an accessible pace for him, not to rush, calm, support and do not forget to praise him, create all conditions for calm work and classes, pay attention to each successfully completed task.

School difficulties in teaching writing and reading to hyperactive students

Learning difficulties are most often observed in children who have certain types of impaired behavior. Among them, a significant group is represented by the so-called disinhibited, motor-restless, hyperactive children. Hyperactivity (increased, excessive activity) of children and behavioral disorders associated with it is not at all a rare cause of not only dissatisfaction with teachers and parents, but also serious school problems that these children have from the first days of schooling. Excessively excitable, sometimes aggressive, irritable, they can hardly endure stress, their efficiency quickly decreases. They are unable to organize their activities, unable to fix their attention on work, unable to establish normal relationships with peers. Such children react sharply to the refusal of something, do not control themselves, immediately forget good intentions and prefer to do only what they like, what gives them pleasure. Behavioral disturbance, as a rule, is combined in these children with a whole range of difficulties in writing and reading. To help such a child is possible only with the joint work of the teacher and parents.

  1. Do not allow (never, even in critical situations) rudeness, humiliation, anger. Expressions such as “I hate it”, “You exhausted me”, “I have no strength”, “I'm tired of you”, repeated several times a day (not to mention the more rude ones), are meaningless. The child simply ceases to hear them.
  2. Do not talk to the child between times, irritably, showing with all your appearance that the child is distracting you from more important matters than communicating with him. Apologize if you can't distract yourself ("I'm sorry, baby, I'll finish now, and you and I will talk about everything").
  3. Try to take into account the high distractibility and unstable performance of these children in the process of learning at school and at home.
  1. You can’t reproach for failures and make you “train” for hours;
  2. Do not use words like “dirty again”, “what clumsy letters”, etc. in your speech.
  3. Require the child not to rush when doing written tasks or reading;
  4. Before doing homework, play a finger game;
  5. Homework can be done to a quiet classical melody, which will help the child relieve stress;
  6. Make sure you hold the pen correctly while writing;
  7. Do your homework at a certain time, observing the daily routine;
  8. Be gentle with handwriting.
  1. Create a situation of comfort and success;
  2. Don't create emotional problems;
  3. Be discreet with your child;
  4. Do not demand from the child a fast pace of the task, both when writing and when reading;
  5. Present information to the child at the pace that is inherent in him;
  6. Do not use words like "Faster", "Do not hurt me", etc. in your speech.
  7. Use words like “Don’t rush, work calmly” more often in your speech;
  8. Do not show your child your irritation for his slow pace of work, show tact and patience;
  9. Encourage any success of the child, even the smallest;
  10. Don't punish a slow pace of work;
  11. Spend dynamic pauses more often, during which you can play an outdoor game or a game for the development of general motor skills;
  1. Tips for parents to help hyperactive children with homework:
  1. Create a situation of comfort and success;
  2. Don't create emotional problems;
  3. The workplace of the child should be quiet and calm, where the child could study without interference;
  4. Carefully plan your homework: "First do this, then ...";
  5. When a child performs graphic tasks (copying, writing off letters, numbers), follow the correct fit, the position of the pen and notebook;
  6. Talk to your child calmly, without irritation. Speech should be clear, unhurried, instruction (task) clear and unambiguous;
  7. Do not focus the child's attention on failure - he must be sure that all difficulties and problems are surmountable, and success is possible;
  8. Do homework at a certain time, observing the daily routine, effectively organizing activities;
  9. Encourage any success of the child, even the smallest;
  10. Plan in detail with your child the implementation of any task.

The success of a child directly depends on understanding, love, patience and the ability to help in time on the part of loved ones.

Rules for parents on the organization of assistance to children with "school difficulties"

The results of the work of parents with children with learning difficulties, with systematic and targeted correction, can be very effective. The main conditions are the availability of time, patience and faith in success. Parental help should not be limited to monitoring homework (which is most often the case). Parents should know how to organize classes, how to interact with the child. They must follow the basic rules:

  1. it is necessary to work regularly and daily, and not on Sundays and during holidays;
  2. it is necessary to make exceptions, not to engage if the child is very tired and tired, or some special events have occurred;
  3. during classes, after 15-20 minutes, there must be pauses, physical exercises, relaxation exercises;
  4. classes should begin with game exercises;
  5. the lessons should include tasks that the child can definitely complete, or easy enough that do not cause serious stress. This will allow him to tune in to success, and parents to use the principle of positive reinforcement: “You see how well everything turned out!”, “You are doing well today,” etc.

Approximately once a week (in 10 days), parents should meet with the teacher and discuss the tactics of work for the next period.

The work of parents with a child with school problems is especially effective in cases where he is forced to be away from school for some time (for example, due to illness or after it). The absence of psychological difficulties of the influence of a large team, a regulated regime, significant static loads, that is, the entire complex of school loads, makes it possible with great benefit to use a fairly short time only for training sessions, and individual work makes it possible to take into account all the characteristics of the child. The most effective way to help children with learning difficulties in primary school is attention, kindness and patience, a desire to understand the causes and the ability to find a special approach to such children.

The success of this work largely depends on whether the child can believe in his success, but adults must first believe in it.

  • . Municipal State Educational Institution Secondary Educational School No. 2
  • Purpose: to form parents' ideas about the causes of school learning difficulties in elementary school
  • Tasks:
  • 1. Introduce parents to the causes of difficulties in teaching children to write and read in elementary school.
  • 2. Analyze school difficulties in left-handed, slow and hyperactive students.
  • 3. Give recommendations to parents on helping children with school difficulties.
  • The concept of "School difficulties"
  • Conditions for the effective formation of writing and reading skills in students of grade 1
  • Writing and reading are basic school skills, without which learning is difficult or simply impossible. These are the most complex integrative skills that combine all the higher mental functions - attention, perception, memory, thinking - into a single structure of activity. Teaching writing tactics and reading techniques do not have independent value if they do not lead to written speech, do not create a need for it, do not give the skills of written speech.
  • The success of any assistance depends on how adults (both the teacher and parents) relate to the difficulties that arise in the child, whether they understand their cause, whether they know how to help the child. Such children need a special approach, increased attention, the help of teachers and parents, and the help is timely, qualified, systematic.
  • Assistance types:
  • assistance in which not the difficulties in learning to write and read are corrected, but the causes that cause them;
  • systemic assistance to children with learning difficulties, including measures of non-specific (optimization of the educational process, normalization of the regime, elimination of conflict situations in the family and school, etc.) and specific immaturity or impairments in the development of cognitive functions;
  • And, most importantly, the organization of comprehensive assistance to children with learning difficulties.
  • This is systemic work and systemic interaction between the teacher and parents.
  • The success of each student's education depends on his level of development, and the shortcomings and virtues can cause temporary difficulties and at the same time determine ways to overcome them.
  • Analysis of school difficulties in left-handed children
  • Modern knowledge allows us to distinguish two main types of left-handedness - genetic and compensatory (or pathological) left-handedness.
  • Children with genetically fixed left-handedness may not differ in any way from their peers. But children with a “compensatory” variant most often require increased attention from their parents.
  • Of course, you can make a lot of effort and make a left-handed baby work with his right hand. But it is impossible to change its biological essence. Arbitrary change of the leading hand leads to gross interference in the subtlest mechanisms of brain activity. This is a powerful stress, fraught with the emergence of neuroses.
  • What is the cause of the problems of left-handed children and how important is left-handedness in the occurrence of these problems?
  • The first thing to look out for is the wrong (very stressful and inefficient) way of holding the pen.
  • To the difficulties of a purely technical skill of writing, omissions, substitutions, and incomplete writing are quickly added, and this complicates the situation: excitement, anxiety, fear of failure, the negative attitude of surrounding adults towards left-handedness - all that the child is not able to change himself.
  • This leads to a deterioration in mental health, which, in turn, causes a sharp decrease in working capacity, increased fatigue, and impaired concentration.
  • And the result is a deterioration in handwriting, errors, omissions, underwriting, problems on the control (does not have time, plus worries, plus gets tired quickly).
  • Features of the educational activity of slow children
  • School difficulties of sluggish children for a long time remain without much attention of teachers and parents. Meanwhile, in the overwhelming majority of cases, it is these children who, by the end of the first grade, have a sharp deterioration in mental health, and there are pronounced difficulties in writing and reading. Slow children are a particular risk group, since their school problems can only be associated with a slow pace of activity. Slowness is not a disease, not a developmental disorder, it is simply an individual feature of a person, a feature of nervous activity.
  • A slow child cannot be forced to write and read faster. With age (if the child is not brought to a neurosis), the speed of writing and reading will increase (as the activity itself improves). However, in children with low mobility of nervous processes, the speed of writing and reading will always be lower than in ordinary children. At the initial stage of training, you can not force the speed of work. Hurrying, urging such a child is not only useless (he will not work faster, the effect will be the opposite), but also harmful.
  • A slow child has difficulty absorbing information at a very fast pace. You should pay attention to the condition of the child, his complaints. For a slow child, all school loads are tiring. Therefore, after school, it is better for him to be at home, in a relaxed atmosphere.
  • The extension is not for slow children.
  • Typical school difficulties in teaching writing and reading to hyperactive students
  • Learning difficulties are most often observed in children who have certain types of impaired behavior. Among them, a significant group is represented by the so-called disinhibited, motor-restless, hyperactive children.
  • Hyperactivity (increased, excessive activity) of children and behavioral disorders associated with it is not at all a rare cause of not only dissatisfaction with teachers and parents, but also serious school problems that these children have from the first days of schooling. Excessively excitable, sometimes aggressive, irritable, they can hardly endure stress, their efficiency quickly decreases. They are unable to organize their activities, unable to fix their attention on work, unable to establish normal relationships with peers.
  • Behavioral disturbance, as a rule, is combined in these children with a whole range of difficulties in writing and reading. To help such a child is possible only with the joint work of the teacher and parents.
  • Firstly, it is worthwhile to figure out whether the child is really hyperactive, if possible, contact a specialist - a pediatrician, a neurologist, a psychologist.
  • Secondly, you need to learn how to communicate with your fidget: this will help both the teacher during lessons and parents when doing homework.
  • Thirdly, try to take into account the high distractibility and unstable performance of these children in the process of learning at school and at home.
  • Tips for parents to help left-handed children with homework
  • 3. You can’t reproach for failures and make you “train” for hours;
  • 4. Do not use words like “dirty again”, “what clumsy letters”, etc. in your speech.
  • 5. Encourage any success of the child, even the smallest;
  • 6. Require the child not to rush when doing written assignments or reading;
  • 7. Be discreet with your child;
  • 8. Before doing homework, play a finger game;
  • 9. Homework can be done to a quiet classical melody, which will help the child relieve stress;
  • 10. Watch for the correct holding of the pen while writing;
  • 11. Do your homework at a certain time, observing the daily routine;
  • 12. Be lenient with handwriting.
  • Tips for Parents on Helping Slow Kids with Homework
  • 1. Create a situation of comfort and success;
  • 2. Don't create emotional problems;
  • 3. Be discreet with your child;
  • 4. Do not demand from the child a fast pace of the task, both when writing and when reading;
  • 5. Present information to the child at the pace that is inherent in him;
  • 6. Do not use words like "Faster", "Do not hurt me", etc. in your speech.
  • 7. Use words like "Don't rush, work calmly" in your speech more often;
  • 8. Do not show your child your irritation for his slow pace of work, show tact and patience;
  • 9. Encourage any success of the child, even the smallest;
  • 10. Don't punish slow work;
  • 11. Spend dynamic pauses more often, during which you can play an outdoor game or a game for the development of general motor skills;
  • 12. Do your homework at a certain time, observing the daily routine, effectively organizing activities;
  • 13. Plan in detail with your child the implementation of any task.
  • Tips for parents to help hyperactive children with homework:
  • 1.Create a situation of comfort and success;
  • 2. Don't create emotional problems;
  • 3. The child's workplace should be quiet and calm, where the child could study without interference;
  • 4. Carefully plan your homework: "First do this, then ...";
  • 5. When a child performs graphic tasks (copying, writing off letters, numbers), follow the correct fit, position of the pen and notebook;
  • 6. Talk to your child calmly, without irritation. Speech should be clear, unhurried, instruction (task) clear and unambiguous;
  • 7. Do not focus the child's attention on failure - he must be sure that all difficulties and problems can be overcome, and success is possible;
  • 8. Do homework at a certain time, observing the daily routine, effectively organizing activities;
  • 9. Encourage any success of the child, even the smallest;
  • 10. Plan in detail with your child the implementation of any task.
  • The results of the work of parents with children with learning difficulties, with systematic and targeted correction, can be very effective. The main conditions are the availability of time, patience and faith in success. Parental help should not be limited to monitoring homework (which is most often the case). Parents should know how to organize classes, how to interact with the child.
  • The success of a child directly depends on understanding, love, patience and the ability to help in time on the part of loved ones.
  • Rules for parents on the organization of assistance to children,
  • having "school difficulties"
  • successful advancement is possible only if the difficulty and complexity of tasks do not increase, but decrease;
    • it is necessary to work regularly and daily, but never on Sundays and during holidays;
  • classes should start from 20 minutes (in elementary school - from 10-15 minutes);
  • it is necessary to make exceptions, not to engage if the child is very tired and tired, or some special events have occurred;
  • during classes, after 15-20 minutes, there must be pauses, physical exercises, relaxation exercises;
  • classes should begin with game exercises;
  • classes should include tasks that the child can definitely complete, or easy enough that do not cause serious stress. This will allow him to tune in to success, and parents to use the principle of positive reinforcement: “You see how well everything turned out!”, “You are doing well today,” etc.
  • About once a week
  • (in 10 days) parents should meet with the teacher and discuss the tactics of work for the next period.
  • The work of parents with a child with school problems is especially effective in cases where he is forced to be away from school for some time (for example, due to illness or after it).
  • Help with school difficulties is effective only if school success is not achieved at the cost of excessive stress and deterioration in health, therefore it is recommended to conduct a consultative examination of the child with a pediatrician or psychoneurologist at least twice a year (especially in cases where neurosis-like symptoms are noted). or neurotic disorders).
  • The most effective way to help children with learning difficulties in primary school is attention, kindness and patience, a desire to understand the causes and the ability to find a special approach to such children.
  • The success of this work largely depends on whether the child can believe in his success, but adults, teachers and parents must first believe in this.
  • Wish you luck!