What if I'm a useless animal. If I am completely useless to society or all of humanity, is it better to commit suicide or do something about it? You are a willing ignoramus

Hello. I feel absolutely useless and unnecessary person in this life.

Now I am 22 years old, but I have not done anything worthwhile in my life.

First, a little history: I was born in a small town, finished school mediocrely, never had any special talents, was just a gray and inconspicuous boy. Moved to another city, entered the university. From the age of 15 to 18, he somehow developed morally, and then life simply stopped. But this is not what I want to talk about. What I have now: I entered an unloved university in a specialty that I could not master. Now I am in my fifth year, but in a couple of days I will be expelled, because I absolutely do not understand what I have learned in these five years. And I understand that five years have been wasted. Five long years that I can't get back. It so happened that I play in the theater (this activity has nothing to do with the university). I'm not talented, I just liked this thing and I did it the best I could. And you had to look for a normal job and try to build your life. The theater does not bring in a lot of money, so I am half dependent on my parents. Yes, why play around, stupidly sitting on their necks. And if there are moments when the income from performances is decent enough, then I stupidly drain all the money on equipment I don’t need, expensive alcohol and other crap. And I disappointed my parents, did not live up to expectations. They no longer see my future. And yes, I have a hard time seeing it. I don't know anything sensible and I don't know how to learn it. I tried to sit behind tons of textbooks in order to somehow draw out the specialty in which I study, but all this is Chinese for me - I look and see hieroglyphs, I don’t understand how people generally master this. I have almost no friends, and the rest do not want to cry for their lives. There is no girl. And I don’t understand the one that was once, I don’t understand at all - I don’t understand what she found in such a loser and why she met with me, but I am grateful to her for this bright time. So it turns out that a useless piece of meat that by the age of 22 has not been able to build its future in any way, to do something worthwhile, to lay a foundation, to be useful. I don't know why I live. Because of the crazy schedules with performances, I completely ruined my health. I have nothing left to offer in gratitude to those people who have pulled me all this time. All that I have earned during this time is words. But no one needs my theatre, no one needs my performances, no one is interested in my songs and stories. Because these are just words, not something sensible. And recently I have also become addicted to computer games, which is why I hardly sleep. And now for the rest I try to seem like a completely happy person, I pretend that everything is fine with me and I don’t hang my nose. Strange, but some of this also cease to lose heart.

And now I have found a man from whom you can buy a gun. And there is money, and there is a person. It remains to acquire and do the right thing - to clear the gene pool of mankind from another useless piece of meat. I really don't know what I'm doing here and, in general, "why me"?

Recently, due to several coincident circumstances, I asked myself the question: Why, even when I want to do something really selfless, useful and kind, I am faced with the fact that this is running in place, that this is not able to help anyone and does not save anyone ? Why are all good impulses absolutely useless - they do not decrease from them, but they do not increase either? (this was the case with volunteering, this is how I often felt at work)

I don’t have my own family, I don’t have children either, I don’t have a partner either, so understanding my own uselessness in this position borders on deaf depression.

And now a banal thought dawns on me! As is usually the case with banal common truths, they reach us when they become felt and realized. So.
"You can't save everyone, but one is quite real!"
It's hard to consider yourself completely useless if you have at least a couple of acquaintances - not necessarily very close people - for whom you can do something. It seems to me that the trick to this sense of uselessness is that we set ourselves unattainable global goals, do not break them down into smaller tasks that add up to a major achievement.

Suppose I want to eradicate all wars on earth, but I lament that when I preach on the streets, no one listens to me, no one has that very seed of doubt in his soul.
But what if you consistently present your steps towards this goal?
In order to eradicate wars, I need to 1. follow the principles that I proclaim, 2. choose a profession related to peacekeeping, 3. educate my children in this vein, etc.

I can turn any idea that interests me into a program of action, and the beginning will always lie in the area closest to me - professional or personal.
Take small steps - be polite to your loved ones, creating comfort, treat nature with care in order to contribute to its conservation, transfer symbolic amounts to charity, take up tutoring with a child who cannot be provided with a paid tutor - just choose your area within which able to offer something.
Life is probably too short to turn the world upside down (unless you are one of those great ones who happen once in a century))), but very small and very private benefits can always be done. Yes, just make one person next to you happy - this is a lot for one human life!)

I, probably, will never be able to find an excuse for suicides on the basis of "somehow I don't like it", so I answered only the second part of the question =)

This is the strangest question I've ever been here.

Well, imagine, for example, the question: "My iPhone is dead, should I charge it or throw it in the trash?". My answer is that it depends solely on your desire. The iPhone is yours and your life.

If the problem of "uselessness" is as acute as possible, and you do not know "where to live" - ​​go as a loader to "Auchan". Your benefit to society will be that you will help products reach the consumer. Important, meaningful work. You may break your back, but it's better than suicide anyway.

And as soon as you want something even more meaningful, and ideas appear, you can move on.

There are no completely useless people in society. This is first. And secondly: is "usefulness to society" in principle the main goal of human life?
You go somewhere, meet someone, communicate with someone, be friends with someone, love someone, hate someone, sit in some social networks and in general your life is endless actions, which they wouldn't be. If we exaggerate at all, then even if you just lie on the couch for days, you fill the life and activities of those people who produce furniture with meaning, and if you drink deeply, then you give the distillery industry and doctors a job.
If your life seems meaningless to you, then also think about the fact that it is such only at this particular moment and no one, not even you, knows how everything will be in the future. Perhaps tomorrow, when crossing the road, you will pull the sleeve of a passer-by, thereby saving him from death under the wheels of a car. Will there be any sense or benefit to society in this?
Even if you have already clearly and unequivocally decided that you are unable to do anything good and are firmly convinced that the best solution is to die, then go to a hot spot. You don't care how you die, right?

I have no idea what is going on in your life, in your head, but I know for sure - life is worth living! You can find a bunch of quotes, songs, books yourself in netik, so I will say one thing - everyone deserves life; happy life, please do not think that thoughts of "uselessness to society" are the cause of suicide, no.

If you think that your destiny is to leave a trace in history, the time will come, and what should happen will happen (I'm not a fatalist, just a proven formula). If you do not think so and feel some kind of incompleteness, meaninglessness, it can always be found in something. In small things, in actions, in people, and even if not, believe me, everything in the post below is worth feeling. Be happy.

As I understand you ... It's a pity .. that three years have passed .. I never regretted .. Time .. But in vain ... Every minute is important ... Today I dreamed something strange. I don't understand.. maybe there is a reason for this..

Suicide harms society. Firstly, people who encounter it, even quite random ones, are often traumatized, therefore, it spoils the emotional situation in society, spoils the health of these people (emotional trauma often leads to physical injury or illness in one way or another), which is also harmful. for society, no matter how you look at it, all this together spoils the economic situation. Secondly, any person involved in the economy (i.e., working somewhere and buying something) is always technically useful, the economy is the movement of funds. There are, of course, especially terrible professions, which from some points of view are rather harmful to society, but they are few and there are different points of view on most of them. Thirdly, suicide, especially unsuccessful one, requires work on the part of social services, which are already overloaded. Lucky also does not please anyone - someone will have to find the body, again, trauma.

Which you should cut out of your life. True, some guys didn’t like it, but the taste and color of the plasticine is completely different. What to do if you identify yourself in one of these unnecessary people? Brodude will once again help you understand the intricacies of the human soul!

Once again, it is worth digressing from the topic to make sure that no one reads it. An “unnecessary person” is one that you need to get rid of, because he does not have any positive effect on your life and even harms you. It is also worth noting that the "unnecessary person" is not unnecessary for everyone. For some people, it may be the most wonderful, for others - unnecessary, and the third will not care.

1. You are showing off

You try to turn your life into a theater, you work for the public and you are superficial, but at the same time you have an amazing ability to convince people that you are the very cool person, of which there are only a few in the world. You quote Hegel, Nietzsche, you talk about the unconscious, but at the same time you don’t fully know what it is, using information from dubious sources. What to do, how to stop being such a person?

I'll tell you right away, man, I don't believe a show-off can change. Show-off is a way of thinking, it is much stronger than you. I don’t know what makes people ostentatious, a lot of attention in childhood or its complete absence, did this tendency appear from an early age or did it become part of the character during life? There are a lot of answers to this question, the only problem is that I personally do not see a solution. The ostentatious person may realize that he is superficial, that people are looking at him carefully, realizing that all his words and deeds are a sham, and turn away, but what will he do about it? Remembering Pelevin, with whose work I have a peculiar relationship, I would like to quote the following: “Do you know what the unconscious is? But what if you definitely meet someone who knows this? A meeting with a person who really knows and can do something will destroy the ostentatious. Keep that in mind, man, but I don't know exactly how to help you. Maybe you should go deeper into some branch of the national economy, read more different books and try to be assiduous?

2. You are a voluntary ignoramus

Do you seriously think that a simple person is one who runs from any foreign literature and Impressionist paintings like from fire? After all, a look at the work of non-Shishkin can turn him into stone? “Being simpler” for you is not reading something more complicated than books from the Stalker series (does it still exist, I wonder?).

A simple dude is one with whom it is easy to communicate. This is not the kind of guy who constantly sees a threat in someone's words and who can flare up for any reason. This is the dude who knows how to forgive, the one who is on the board, does not make quarrels and with whom anyone can talk, because he is friendly enough and does not judge others by first impressions. A simple dude was, for example, my university philosopher, whom the language does not dare to call ignorant, while a girl named Lyuba, who drank a lot of blood to me a few years ago, was a typical voluntary ignoramus and had the disgusting character of a “complex person”.

3. You are a leech

First, realize that not everyone needs your help. Even if a person feels bad, perhaps he will get out of this situation. Secondly, it is not worth demanding the return of a moral debt. Good deeds are good things that are done just like that. So, if it seems to you that everyone around you is a bastard, because they do not want to repay your debts, pay for beer and do other nice things in exchange for your past services, try to get used to this thought and stop being angry. No one owes nothing to nobody!

4. You are the one who “only lives once”

Recognize that you are not an enlightened fatalist, but someone who wants to beautifully name his desire to enjoy quickly and without much difficulty. It is much easier to get drunk than to go to the mountains or start playing sports. You are just a lazy hedonist, does your banal philosophy really prevent you from living an interesting life?

5. You are a talker

Talkers, like all the dudes on this list, don't realize they talk too much. Most often, they learn about their annoying trait from other people. If you are ever told that you are talking too much and not on business, you are likely to get angry or offended, instead of realizing that it is time for you to improve. The best way for a talker is to start thinking. Do you want to say something? Stop and ask yourself a logical question: “Why the hell do I need to say this? Why do I need to tell this story from life? If the answers are in the spirit: “To say”, “Hear your voice!”, “People should know what I ate last night!” - Do not say anything. Bite your tongue, sit and be silent. Another thing is when the talker talks off topic. If you have this sin, and the topics of your dialogues do not agree well with each other, whenever you want to give an example from life, think about how it fits into the topic of conversation. If you want to tell a story from your life, think about the audience. If you still want to, try to shorten the conversation by two and a half times. Do you think this is too much? Think about the people around you!

6. You are permanently depressed.

If you want to complain about life, Nobody likes complaints, complaints are tolerated, but only from people who are pretty. Nobody wants to see your boring sour face coming around the corner. Be sure they sincerely want you dead.

7. You are down to earth

Well, what to do with someone like you? Grounded skeptic! The flight of your soul is more like the “flight” of a flying squirrel or, in the worst cases, a fall from a great height with its muzzle onto the asphalt. Perhaps you are dissatisfied with your life and do not understand that unsatisfied ambitions, desires and work in the wrong place can lead you to neurosis, depression and questions to the editors of our magazine.

Understand that there are a lot of people in the world who are happy with what they do, achieve success and become very famous. , for example. The problem of a mundane person is that for some reason he could not find himself and now he is sure that all this is a lie.