To avoid conflict situations. Examples of conflict situations and ways to successfully resolve them

What is fanaticism - devotion or madness? This phenomenon is as old as the world. It flourished in ancient times, when there were no mega-popular artists, football teams and kamikaze schools. The very word "fan" comes from the Latin "altar", and the word "fan" - its most frequent synonym, speaks for itself. Worship always has a religious basis and it does not matter to whom it is performed - to God, an idea or another person.

There is something sweet and intoxicating about servile adoration. It blinds the mind and pushes to actions that are not inherent in an adequate person. The essence of fanaticism is identical with the nature of falling in love - people experience a feeling of euphoria, delight and endless devotion. That's just love passion lives no longer than three years, and the state of fanaticism can last until death, then subside, then flare up again.

It is known that there is religious, sports, national and cultural fanaticism. Fanaticism is more prone to people with a phlegmatic or melancholy type of character. The reason for this phenomenon is the feeling of insignificance and uselessness. A person does not realize himself as a full-fledged personality, loses his individuality and therefore is forced to seek solace in false values. Usually real fans do not have a clear life goal, they are weak and weak-willed, although they are capable of feats in a fit of feelings.

We have all heard the biblical commandment - "Do not make yourself an idol." However, sculpting idols is a natural subconscious human need. Everyone needs authorities, models, teachers... On the one hand, this is good, because admiring the best, people improve themselves. But on the other hand, the line between reasonable reverence and blind worship is very thin. A person who creates an idol ceases to be the master of his life, he runs away from responsibility for his fate and hides in the temple of primitive instincts.

Of course, "pure" fans are much rarer than people with a penchant for fanaticism. In all others, he simply slumbers. There is nothing wrong with the fact that we experience happiness when our favorite team wins a football match or defend the identity of our native people in politics, culture or just in everyday life. But you should control your inner priest so that the belief in the superiority of our gods does not turn into a harmful addiction.

It is likely that in childhood, fanatics did not receive the love and care of their parents, so they grew up notorious and unhappy. Such teenagers easily succumb to other people's influence, by no means always good. Young fans will not be difficult to gather into an obedient herd that will blindly follow dubious ideas and sacrifice themselves without hesitation.

If a child is brought up too strictly and divides the world into white and black, he will also grow up to be a fanatic of what his parents believe in. For example, if the family has puritanical orders, then the children will also despise earthly joys and may even go to a monastery. In this case, they will grow up as religious fanatics. But the opposite can happen - having broken free, they will reject God and replace him with other, but already worldly deities.

For a person obsessed with fanaticism, there are no alternative opinions and positions. He lost the ability to analyze and develop comprehensively. For him, there is only an object or an idea that has taken possession of his soul. Despite the psychological constraint, the fans are very prone to aggression. Defending their point of view, they do not accept compromises. Arguing with such people is not only pointless, but also dangerous.

Fanaticism is one of the most powerful forces that drive humanity. Often inspired masses or even individual fanatics changed the course of history. The crimes of world dictators, bloody wars and terrible social tragedies - all this happens because people allow themselves to be deceived, charmed by the charisma of great villains and drugged with ideas that bring only destruction and grief.

So, blind faith in the superiority of an idol is just as destructive as a complete lack of faith in life. Fanaticism is not love or devotion, it is a stupid service to one's inveterate complexes and phobias. A fan is none other than a madman who is willingly used for their own purposes by more reasonable individuals. True love for someone or something is freedom, not slavery.

“Let's just not fanaticism,” says the wife to her husband, who decided to work late at the computer. By this, she means taking care of his health and expresses hope for the prudence of her husband. Or the leader says the same thing to a subordinate when he is worried that the latter will overdo it out of good intentions, and the result of the case will be deplorable. What is fanaticism and why is it dangerous? Let's figure it out.

Fanaticism is a blind and ardent adherence to religion, an idea, a person, a cause, etc. This is an inadequate, uncritical faith in something or someone, in something or in someone.

Fanaticism is a variant of inadequate self-realization and withdrawal from oneself, the world. The whole life of a fanatic revolves around one object. Examples of fanaticism:

  • A scientist may be fanatical about science and his latest research.
  • A football fanatic is ready to get seriously injured in fights again and again.
  • Fanatical fans are ready to kill for a photo with an idol (including killing him).

There are fans - people who support the performer, faith or idea. They criticize, blame and praise, respect the opinions of other people. And there are fanatics - people who blindly cultivate something or someone, they do not accept the opinions of other people, they are capable of wars and murders, including the destruction of their own ideals.

In ancient times, fanatics were called adherents of the cult, arranging rituals and outrages. Just imagine: dancing in a trance state, sacrifices, howling chants and the like. Frightening, but what is even more terrible: this is happening in our 21st century.

Forms of bigotry

Ideas or political parties can turn into fanaticism. In general, fanaticism can arise in any area where there is a right of personal choice and belief: tastes, belonging to a group, theoretical concepts, music, and more. But freedom in conditions of fanaticism looks conditional. The fanatic is not free, he is dependent and sick.

More often the phenomenon of fanaticism is discussed within the framework of religion. Believers do not go into sects, do not kill themselves for the sake of enlightenment, do not give all their earnings (not only their own) to the religious treasury. This is what fanatics do. Terrorism is also a variant of a fanatical attitude towards faith.

According to the degree of danger, we distinguish two forms of fanaticism:

  • Average. Adherents of the idea deny alternatives, defend their point of view. Fanatics of the middle type mostly communicate with their own kind, if necessary, defend their faith.
  • Severe form. Fanatics try to convince adherents of other opinions or win over neutral people to their side. To convince them, they use harsh methods: torture, beatings, threats, punishments.

In addition to these forms, we note:

  • Socially acceptable fanaticism, for example, football (it is treated with caution, but more or less loyally), (teenage thematic associations according to interests: music or philosophy, clothing style).
  • Socially condemned fanaticism (sects, terrorism).

It is worth noting that any form of fanaticism is potentially dangerous. Football fanatics often continue their path in a criminal direction. Teenagers are capable of killing for the “wrong” clothes (reports about this are not so rare, for example, the sensational “explain for the gear”).

Reasons for fanaticism

Fanaticism arises where there is a place for dictatorship, authoritarianism and total control. It doesn't have to be about the organization of society. These may be internal traces. In addition, people are subject to fanaticism:

  • not self-confident;
  • in need of a manager, experiencing in submission;
  • experiencing difficulties in self-identification and self-realization;
  • not trusting the world and themselves;
  • uneducated, believers in the prejudices that are in (especially true for religious fanaticism);
  • suggestible, "empty" (there is no worldview, ideals,);
  • suffering from schizophrenia and;
  • schizoid, hysterical or stuck.

The predisposition to fanaticism is formed in childhood under the influence of a destructive family upbringing style. Such an effect is exerted by authoritarianism, exactingness, child manipulation, isolation, deprivation, violence, lack of love and care. The feeling of uselessness, failure and helplessness is a direct path to fanaticism.

The fanaticism of the individual is the result of someone else's. The victims of manipulators are uncertain in life, uneducated, gullible people. Fanatics get out of control. Mass fanaticism is many times more destructive and dangerous than individual fanaticism. Crowds of people smash clubs, churches, houses, shops, burn cities.

Signs of bigotry

A characteristic feature of fanaticism is that a person does not divide the content of his faith into good and bad elements, acceptable and unacceptable. He considers everything that relates to his idea to be right, and all third-party opinions are wrong.

Other signs of fanaticism include:

  • close and painful experience, violent reactions to everything related to faith;
  • the presence of paraphernalia of faith, the persecution of an idol;
  • defending one's rightness, not the truth;
  • in relation to the people around;
  • a decline in interest in former hobbies;
  • slang, rituals inherent in the subject of fanaticism;
  • conviction in one's own rightness and a sense of one's own superiority;
  • isolation or communication with "comrades-in-arms".

Fanatics are not stable psychologically, antisocial and aggressive. They are dangerous to themselves and others, as they do not lend themselves to any. A fanatic causes fear in those around him by his appearance and behavior alone. They are often described with the phrase "he seems to be out of his mind, crazy." The appearance is usually appropriate: loud speech, harsh and expressive expressions, screams and threats, abnormal gleam in the eyes, active gesticulation. The fanatic does not see or hear the real world, he lives in his own reality.

What is the danger of fanaticism

Fanaticism is a destructive commitment to something. It deprives personal freedom, development and self-realization. But that's half the problem. The second part of the danger lies in the inability of the fanatic to accept a different point of view, to acknowledge the very fact of the coexistence of alternative ideas. The result of not accepting other ideas is enmity, wars, violence, discrimination.

The fanatic's aggression is a defensive response. The fact is that he perceives any alternative opinion as a threat and attacks from others.

Anything becomes a reason for a fanatic and another person: a skirt instead of trousers, long hair, jewelry, going to clubs. For any trifle that seems oppositional, the fan is ready to tear to pieces. However, positive emotions are just as pronounced. So, a crowd of fanatics is capable of literally tearing its leader (idol) apart.

How to get rid of fanaticism

How to determine if a fanatic is a person or not? If he is ready (for real, and not in words) to kill himself or another person for his faith, then he is a fanatic.

  • To get rid of and prevent fanaticism, it is necessary to develop a culture of mind and respect for the human as such.
  • The second option is to devalue, to become so disappointed that instead of vivid emotions, you don’t feel anything towards the previous object, that is, to be indifferent.

It is impossible to convey to a fanatic the danger and abnormality of his condition on his own. You need to contact a psychotherapist, however, they do not give a 100% favorable prognosis. To get rid of fanaticism, full-fledged treatment and rehabilitation is necessary, sometimes with social isolation.

But the most important thing for treatment is the desire of the individual to get rid of fanaticism, recognition of the problem. Then there is at least some chance.

Before visiting a psychotherapist, loved ones can try:

  • To develop the fanatic's critical thinking: expand his perception, find several reliable literary sources that demonstrate the pros and cons of the patient's faith. We need to focus on the destructive power of blind faith. History knows many examples.
  • Help the fanatic identify the main fear that has driven him into blind faith. Fear is the main emotion of all fanatics. They are afraid of the world, themselves, the leader, past experience, future, etc.
  • Cult worship is similar to . Even the mechanism of development and deliverance is approximately the same for them. Accordingly, the recommendations are the same.

At the time of therapy, it is important to wean the fanatic from the source of excitation (the cult). His condition during this period will resemble withdrawal. Therefore, someone close and understanding must be nearby.

It is not easy to get rid of fanaticism; long-term psychotherapy and full-fledged rehabilitation are needed. It is necessary to help a person re-socialize in society, get rid of the secondary, get a job, work out and stop running away from them.

Each person throughout his life repeatedly encounters various kinds of conflicts. As a rule, conflict is a signal for change and growth, better understanding and communication, whether with oneself or with other people. Although conflict management is not easy, it is important to do everything possible on your part so that the discussion of the controversial issue goes smoothly and you manage to overcome differences. Since conflicts are part of our daily lives, it is important to learn how to resolve them.


Part 1

Managing interpersonal conflicts

    Define the problem. Analyze the conflict to find out the root of the problem. Some conflicts seem so complex and confusing that it can be very difficult to find the true cause of the situation. However, if you carefully analyze the situation, most likely you can find one or two main problems of this conflict. Thanks to this, you will be able to clearly articulate what the essence of the problem is, and take the right position in the conflict.

    Identify the main personalities who are involved in the conflict. It's also important to make sure you know who the main people involved in the conflict are. Ask yourself who are you angry at and/or frustrated with? Are you taking your feelings out on the person who is responsible for the situation, or on someone else? Determine the person with whom you should resolve the conflict. This is no less important than the essence of the problem itself.

    State your concerns clearly. The other side of the conflict needs to know how you feel, what the problem is, and how it affects you. This will keep your conversation focused on your needs and emotions, and you won't blame the person for their misbehaving.

    Be an active listener. Learning to actively listen is one of the most powerful tools you need for healthy communication. The ability to listen will help you in your daily life, and will also contribute to positive, open and free communication with people. By actively listening to the interlocutor, you show that you understand his point of view. Here are some tips to help you be an active listener:

    Show the other side of the conflict that you understand him and reflect on his words. Often a conflict arises when a person feels that they are not being heard or understood. This means that some conflicts can be managed simply by showing understanding. During the conversation, show the person that you are analyzing his words. Thanks to this, you yourself will better understand the point of view of the interlocutor and show him that you understand and listen to him.

    • For example, if you have a conflict with a colleague and you listened to that person's point of view, summarize and say: "If I understand you correctly, you don't like that you are not taking part in the creation of a new project, and you would very much like to become member of the planning committee. Then wait for the person to agree with your words or make the necessary adjustments.
  1. Work together to find a solution to the conflict. Collaborative conflict resolution assumes that each participant will stop blaming the other and take responsibility for the conflict that has arisen. Make a commitment to do everything possible on your part to work with the conflicting party to resolve the problem. There are several tactics that can help both you and the person with whom you are in conflict to come to a common denominator:

    Stay with your opinion. Everyone has their own point of view and we don't always agree with everything others say. Don't try to figure out which one of you is "right". It doesn't matter and is unlikely to help resolve the conflict.

    Be prepared to give in if appropriate. It is not always possible to resolve the issue in such a way that both parties to the conflict are completely satisfied, especially if one of the parties refuses to negotiate and stands firm on its own. If this situation arises, reflect on how important the essence of the problem is for you, whether you can give in or it is better to continue the dialogue in order to resolve the conflict in another way.

    • Is the problem important to you? Ask yourself about it. Perhaps the solution to this issue affects your ego. If the other side of the conflict is not ready to compromise, and you understand that this issue is more important for this person, then it may be time to reach out and end the conflict.
    • When making concessions, avoid drama. You can say: “Kolya, I heard your point of view when we discussed the difference in the schedule. While I still stand by my opinion, I see that you are unlikely to give in. I am ready to do my best to put an end to the misunderstanding that has arisen. I will support you by following the schedule we have made.” You can have an opinion while supporting the person's point of view.
  2. Take a break. If you see that the situation has reached an impasse, ask the other side of the conflict to give you some time to reflect on the arguments being made. However, do not make the other side of the conflict wait. Specify the day and time when you can continue the conversation. You can also ask this person to think about your point of view.

    • During your break, try to put yourself in the other person's shoes and think about why their solution is so important to them. Putting yourself in the place of another, ask yourself: "How would I negotiate with a person like me?"
    • Be sure to rethink your point of view. Can you give in on something less important and continue to stick to your position on an issue that matters to you?
    • If you have a conflict at work, write a correct summary of your last conversation and send it to the other party in the conflict. Make sure that your letter is objective and does not contain threats. By taking such a step, you will show your opponent that you understand the essence of the conflict. In addition, by doing this you will remind the person of your point of view. You will also show that you are ready to solve the problem that has arisen through diplomacy. Moreover, a summary of the problem in writing places the responsibility on both sides of the conflict.
  3. Maintain privacy. Discuss the situation only with the other side of the conflict. Remember, you need to solve the problem only with the person with whom you have a conflict. If you turn a blind eye to the problem or tell other people about it, you can only count on the escalation of the conflict and the spread of rumors.

    Farewell . If you offended each other, find the strength in yourself for sincere forgiveness, even if it is impossible to forget what happened. This approach will prove your maturity and is the shortest way to resolve the conflict and continue the relationship.

    • If you cannot forgive the other person, you will still need to find ways to continue the relationship if you are forced to live under the same roof or work together.
    • It takes a strong character and compassion to forgive someone. After forgiving the person who hurt you, you can be proud of your ability to forgive and resolve conflicts.
    • If rumors have already spread, ask the other side of the conflict to help you develop a joint plan, following which you can put an end to gossip.
  4. Ask a third party to mediate. If you see that the situation has reached a dead end, ask for help from a person who can help you in this situation. Get help from a psychologist or a close friend.

    • As a rule, a third party assesses the situation more objectively, which is not always the case with the direct participants in the conflict, who are overwhelmed by emotions.

Part 2

Management of intrapersonal conflicts
  1. Understand the nature of intrapersonal conflict. Intrapersonal or internal conflicts are contradictions that occur within a person. In an intrapersonal conflict, there are no subjects of conflict interaction in the person of individuals or groups of people.

    Define conflict. Ask yourself what emotions you are experiencing and try to determine the reason for them.

Arguments with a loved one, family members, or colleagues can have many consequences: educational, helpful, destructive, or painful. Most people would agree that quarrels are exhausting. If you are looking for ways to avoid conflict situations, there are immediate measures to prevent a quarrel, both now and in the future.


Ending a quarrel

    Try to understand what the other person is concerned about. If a person starts a quarrel or reacts inadequately to your comments, express everything in words. For example, say: "I understand that this question is important to you" or "I understand that you think my idea is a failure, but I don't think so."

    • If things start to heat up or things are moving too fast, simply remove yourself from the conflict. Say that you need a break and that you will return to the discussion of the issue later.
  1. Calmly discuss the reasons for each other's worries. Try to keep the conversation as emotionally stable as possible. Don't shout or stoop to accusations. It is better to express your point of view briefly and clearly. It will be easier for a person to respond to a specific example than to something vague, generalized, or accusatory.

    • While this can be difficult, try to limit the dispute to 1-2 major issues. It does not need to be turned into a quarrel on the battlefield, where every single flaw in your relationship or friendship is revealed.
  2. Give the person a chance to speak. This means that you really need to listen to what is being said to you. There is no need to look for weaknesses in arguments and arguments. Try to understand what they want to convey to you, regardless of whether you like it or not.

    • Don't rush the other person. Let him collect his thoughts and justify his arguments at his own pace. This way he will see your respect and willingness to listen.
  3. Reply with respect. If you do not agree with what has been said, try to find a rationale for these arguments, rather than immediately arguing. Collect your thoughts for a few minutes before answering. So you will not break out words that may be offensive to the interlocutor. For example: "Now I understand why you are upset."

    • If you go to meet the person, most likely, you will also receive a positive reaction to your remarks.
  4. Pay attention to your body language. This one is as important as shouting, blaming or getting personal. Use body language that encourages open communication, such as not crossing your arms and trying to adopt a relaxed posture. Also, in a critical situation, eye contact is very important.

    • Avoid defensive gestures such as crossing your arms, pointing your finger, avoiding eye contact, or trying to hide your hands. These are all signals that you do not want to talk.
  5. Use a sense of humor. There is no need to make arguments with the utmost seriousness. If you think it would be appropriate and the other person is receptive to humor, joke a couple of times. This will ease the tension and show the other person that you are not being defensive or taking things too personally.

    • Never joke about another person. This will only exacerbate the conflict.

    Conflict Prevention

    1. Continue to always be a good listener. Never take a rigid stance. Instead, listen carefully to what others think and what they say. If the person mentioned something that bothered them, take it seriously and respond or apologize.

      • Active listening and the ability to respond simplifies communication in general.
    2. Try not to defend your case every time. This is a huge source of strife between people. Learn to admit you're wrong. Learn to flow with the flow and communicate without asking who is "right" and who is "faulty".

      • At first, it can be difficult to stop and not defend your position to the end, but over time, you will notice that the stress level goes down. By not having to always be right, you can enjoy life and respect other people.
    3. If conflict has arisen in a relationship, be alone for a while. Sometimes people just get tired of each other, especially if they see each other too often. Take a break to reduce stress and appreciate each other even more when spending time together.

      • Time spent with friends will help you strengthen your worldview, charge you with a positive and cheerful mood. Perhaps your partner also needs time for himself and his friends.
    4. Put yourself in the place of the other person. You will learn empathy and better understand what the person is going through right now. Do not wait for a quarrel when all this can open up. Instead, regularly try to understand the other person's problems and joys. This way you will become more connected and less conflicted.

      Schedule important discussions. If something worries you, consider how to present it to another person. Decide what you will say, how and when. Keep your arguments short and clear.

      • Don't bring up an issue during the heat of the moment or without careful thought. Otherwise, you will just offend the person, get an emotional response, or just quarrel.
    5. Sign up for a psychological consultation or take up meditation. If you are still struggling with conflict situations, seek help. Invite the other person to join a counseling session with a psychologist or meditate. If you get rejected, go through therapy yourself. While this may not solve all your problems, you can learn how to respond and feel better about the situation.

    Prevention of conflicts in the workplace

    1. React to a problem before it escalates into a fight. If you start to have problems with colleagues, immediately begin to build relationships. Don't wait for everything to resolve itself, otherwise the situation may worsen and escalate into a conflict.

      • Waiting and delaying problems only exacerbates them. You will not even have time to realize how everything will grow into a snowball that will be difficult to stop.
    2. Solve problems personally. Face-to-face is a smart way to solve problems, especially when compared to texting. Solve the problem and all issues face to face. In electronic communication, it is much easier to say something offensive or offensive.

      • If you can't avoid communicating electronically, just be careful about the tone of your writing and the words you use, as gestures and body language won't be able to help convey your attitude.

In public transport, entertainment venues or playgrounds. Lots of options. And there are two parties to the conflict: you and the opponent. We will offer 10 points that will tell you how to avoid conflict and keep your nerves in order.

Turning off extrasensory perception

One of the opponents in the conflict necessarily has psychic abilities. He never asks directly, "reads the thoughts" of the interlocutor.

Let's give an example: Masha went shopping with a friend. In one of the stores, a friend picked up a pretty yellow dress for a future party. She is unaware that Masha has the same dress, and she wanted to go to the holiday in it. While her friend pays for the purchase, Masha comes up with a story: they say that the girl specially bought the dress because she treats Masha badly. As a result, the manifestation of joy in a friend leads to a scandal.

If Masha had said directly that she had the same dress and asked to choose a different outfit, the conflict would not have occurred. However, people tend to independently think out the thoughts and motives of another person. Because of this, an internal conflict arises, turning into hatred. It later erupts into a scandal.

To avoid conflicts, you need speak directly about your desires, fears and concerns. Don't think they are obvious. Others simply do not know that you have a different point of view from them.

Harness your emotions

A surge of negative emotions occurs when a large amount of norepinephrine is released into the blood. This is one of the hormones stress. If you are a conflict person, work on the physical component of the personality. Glycine D3 can suppress norepinephrine: it has an inhibitory effect, removes "internal shaking", fear. Blocks utopian thoughts.

Breathing gymnastics A.N. perfectly helps to cope with emotions. Strelnikova. Watch a video demonstration of the exercises of the complex.

dim the lights

Bright light excites the nervous system. At the moment of conflict, muffle it or close your eyes. 30-50 seconds in the “dark” state will help you focus on the problem and find a solution to the conflict.


Most conflicts take place on a wave of mutual accusations. This means that you you gotta come up with a joke from scratch - it is enough to respond to an opponent's attack. For example, the interlocutor shouts that you are stupid. Smile and say: "But beautiful, like a penguin in a helicopter." A joking phrase will confuse the interlocutor and allow the conflict to come to naught.

Mirror your opponent's claims

To reduce aggression on the part of the interlocutor, mirror him. So you will quickly come to a constructive dialogue. After each phrase, specify: “Did I understand you correctly?”, “Do you want to say ...”.

Wait for the other person to speak

It is not necessary to actively participate in the conflict. Give the first word to the opponent, listen to the claims to the end. In breaks, tease to a further monologue: “And?”, “Continue, please.” Soon the interlocutor will get tired and will be ready to talk about the case.

Confess to a mistake

You're not right? Admit the mistake at the beginning of the conflict. This will eliminate the need to listen to hurtful words and waste time arguing.

Recognize failure with dignity: turn off your emotions, stop blaming yourself. Briefly and dryly describe the situation. Explain why you did it that way. Indicate that you are ready to fix everything. The voice should be even, the head slightly raised. If you are worried, postpone the conversation until another time or drink a sedative.

Leave the room

The conflict can be ended by turning around and leaving the room.

Do not implement advice if the conflict occurred at work. In this case, apologize, ask for a break. Drink water or wash your face to bring down emotions.

Lower your expectations

Conflict presupposes a result. Even if the result is reconciliation, the means to achieve it can greatly affect the relationship with the other party. Therefore, leave the argument unfinished and let the opponent take offense. Return to the conversation when the anger subsides.

Speak quieter

During the conflict, the conversation turns to raised tones. Don't let that happen and speak more quietly. The interlocutor will adjust to your tone. 5-7 minutes of dialogue with a calm intonation provide its 100% solution.

Finally, watch a video that clearly demonstrates how to avoid conflict. Have a good mood!