Intimate pleasures of empresses. Loving Ekaterina

Egyptian Queen Cleopatra- one of the wisest mistresses, far from being a beauty in appearance. Cleopatra is perhaps the most controversial character in the ancient world. The night of love with the queen cost the man his life, however, those who wanted to experience all the passion of the fatal beauty did not become less from this. Each man was determined to conquer Cleopatra with his strength and skill, and in the morning not only stay alive, but also become her lawful husband and king of Egypt. But Cleopatra was uncompromising: she did not leave life to any of her lovers.

Egyptologists call Cleopatra not only an adherent of free love, but also an experienced fellatrix (fellatio from lat. fello - to suck), or, more simply, Cleopatra did an amazing blowjob. Perhaps it was for this reason that the ancient Greeks gave her the name Meriohane - translated from Greek. - “open-mouthed”, “one that opens its mouth wide”; "wide short"; "the woman with ten thousand mouths." Cleopatra was also called Khaylon - "Thick-lipped".

Thais of Athens- a daring hetaera who seduced Alexander the Great. She went down in history as an impregnable beauty, although she was a prostitute.

She lured Macedonian by the fact that she did not want to sell her body to him for any wealth and gifts. “If you penetrate into the heart, you will conquer me and the whole world,” she said to the great conqueror.

Voluptuous Marquise de Pompadour, the favorite of the French king Louis XV, is still considered one of the most tireless and skillful mistresses. The secret of her passion is in celery.

Her daily menu included two of the strongest aphrodisiacs - chocolate and celery root. The lady drank a cup of hot chocolate with celery root powder in the morning, and during the day she ate a salad of celery, apples and walnuts. It is not known for certain whether she or she knew about the exciting effect of these products, but she had sex five to ten times a day and with different partners. By the way, in many countries, peasants broadcast a bunch of celery at the head of the bed on their wedding night.

The Marquise de Pompadour (Jeanne Antoinette Poisson) was predicted at the age of nine that she would have a relationship with the king himself. Its origin is not exactly known. According to one version, she was not from a wealthy family at all, but she was very lucky to find herself a patron in the face of a nobleman. Her meeting with King Louis XV took place at a masquerade. The king was intrigued by the behavior of the girl who hid her face under the mask, and when she took it off, it finally struck the monarch. Progress towards the goal further was not easy, but Jeanne nevertheless achieved her goal, becoming the official favorite of the king. She continued her vigorous activity - she took up the development of art, becoming the greatest patron for many writers and artists of that time. The Marquise de Pompadour until her death remained for Louis not just a mistress, always brilliant and original, but also a friend, which is very rare.

Historians are still arguing about the unusual addictions of the Empress and her peculiar entertainment with a 22-year-old lover in her own 60 years.

A plywood table was put up at Sotheby's auction, which allegedly was in the intimate room of Catherine II. The description of the lot says that it could be in the secret erotic room of the Empress. The latter was located either in the Gatchina Palace, or in Tsarskoye Selo. The piece of furniture is almost a meter high was estimated at 20-26 thousand dollars. Note that such a lot has not yet been sold. But was there really a "vulgar" room? And where could it be?

Where, when and for whom

There are two versions where the room could be located - in the Gatchina Palace or in Tsarskoe Selo.

Gatchinsky was built for the favorite of Catherine II Grigory Orlov. In the 1780s it was the first castle in the suburbs of St. Petersburg. Its construction continued until 1781. Already in 1772, the Empress had another favorite - Alexander Vasilchikov. So why would the ruler order the arrangement of an erotic room in the palace of a hateful lover?

The Tsarskoye Selo option looks more plausible. According to the most common version, the room was built not far from the Empress's chambers so that she would have fun with her last official favorite - 22-year-old officer Platon Zubov. By that time, Catherine herself was 60. In 1789, at the very beginning of the relationship, they allegedly designed such a room in the empress's favorite residence.

Silence in Russia

For some reason, Russian historians and museum curators do not discuss this topic at all. In Tsarskoye Selo, they only shrugged their hands at Life’s questions: they never heard of the existence of such a room, and the table could well have been faked. Photo? Well, with the modern capabilities of photo editors, this is not a problem at all. In Gatchina, the reaction was similar.

The only one who made a detailed documentary about such unusual chambers of the Empress was the Belgian director Peter Vodich ("Secret of Catherine the Great"). In addition, this topic was actively discussed in the UK, Germany, Belgium and Holland.

Initially, the story of the "secret chambers" was told to Vodich by his father, who was a soldier in the Wehrmacht (the armed forces of Nazi Germany). In 2003, the Dutch journalist Peter Dekkers wrote that Vodic bought an album in Germany at a flea market, which contained photographs of, frankly, furniture that was unusual for most of us. They are supposed to have been made during World War II.

The director went to Russia and allegedly talked with one of the former employees of the Tsarskoye Selo Museum, who worked even before the start of World War II. She talks about how she was surprised when she opened the door to the room and suddenly found herself in an "erotic universe". Now, however, nothing remains of these imperial chambers.

The question is where all these pieces of furniture were left. According to the most common version, during the Second World War, a huge amount of these art objects were looted by the Nazis. Many of them may end up in Germany. However, researchers do not exclude that some of them were taken out or destroyed in 1917 after Nicholas II signed a decree on abdication of the Russian throne. Wolfgang Eichwede, a specialist at the Center for East European Studies Bremen, who dealt with this issue, calls for no doubt that the furniture really existed and that it was taken out.

Can you imagine that such a collection would suddenly appear in Germany and be returned to Russia? Imagine the picture: Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder (2003), who is at the table with four huge penises in the context of mutual friendly relations, the director said.

Questions left

After the death of the Empress, her son Paul I, who took the throne, carefully destroyed everything that was somehow connected with his mother. Repression also affected Tsarskoye Selo.

So, immediately after the death of his mother, the ruler ordered that the architect Charles Cameron, thanks to whom the Tsarskoye Selo Palace acquired its appearance, leave him. The emperor also took away the content of the specialist and all his assistants.

Pavel appointed Vincenzo Brenna as court architect and ordered him to take from his mother's beloved palace everything that he considered necessary and place it in the residences of the new sovereign - in the Mikhailovsky Castle and Gatchina. (So ​​the chances that the emperor would not have broken the room if it were in Gatchina are even less).

Historians point out that the palaces and parks of Tsarskoye Selo were literally robbed, as even fish from ponds were taken out, not to mention statues and paintings.

There is a version according to which Paul I for almost five years of his reign never examined in detail the beloved palace of Catherine II. Only thanks to this, the unique erotic collection could be preserved, though in a looted form. So the existence of secret rooms cannot be ruled out, nor can it be 100% confirmed.

The myth of the horse

Another story related to the sexual inclinations of the Empress. There is a legend that Catherine II died shortly after sexual intercourse with a horse. Most historians are inclined to believe that this is nonsense. The Polish historian Kazimir Valiszewski, known for his works on Russia in the 18th century, spread such a legend, and supplemented it already at the French court.

As a result, the following legend emerged: the Empress tried to sleep with a horse, which was piled on her with ropes. Shortly thereafter, she allegedly died of ruptured organs.

They said that in addition to small receptions in the Hermitage, a more intimate circle sometimes gathered there, which included several women - we prefer to keep their names silent, - Valishevsky also wrote.

However, except for the Polish historian and the French courtiers, no one talks about this page in the biography of Catherine II. The official version says that Catherine fainted in the toilet room. When her valet on duty, Zakhar Zotov, who was worried about the long absence of the ruler, looked at her, he saw the empress with half-open eyes and a pale face.

They tried to transfer the ruler to the bed, but she became so heavy that six healthy men could not cope with her. As a result, they put a mattress next to the bed. The official cause of death is an apoplexy, in modern terms - a cerebral hemorrhage. She died on November 17, 1796.

Every person is unique. Even the most similar twins have differences, if not in appearance, then in preferences and character. And these preferences are very interesting. Today we will talk not just about the love of various dishes or clothes, we will talk about the sexual preferences of the most famous personalities in our history. However, we will not touch on banalities, but will discuss only the most unusual sexual quirks of great people.

rulers of the Russian state

It was this Russian emperor who abolished serfdom, in honor of which he was named the "Liberator". But in addition to his political successes, Alexander II became famous for his intimate relationships, which, most often, were very short-term. A striking exception was only Catherine Dolgorukaya, with whom the emperor fell in love with no memory. Then she was only 16 years old. Many years later, after the legal wife of Alexander II, Maria, died, the lovers secretly got married. It was a small digression into history. Unusual is the fact that for 15 years, when Alexander and Catherine were together, they indulged in sexual pleasures only on a very hard couch, rarely using the bed. As one of the surviving letters of Ekaterina Dolgoruky tells, it was there that the lovers fell into a frenzy of passion, reveling in each other's caresses.

Since we are talking about emperors, let us also remember Peter III, the husband of Catherine II. He had a very unusual oddity, for which, some historians classify his sexual orientation as non-traditional. The fact is that Peter III could not achieve an erection until his wife put on a male military uniform, and not any, but an enemy one, that is (for that time), the uniform of a German soldier.

Did you know that many historians and experts believe that two Russian rulers died of syphilis - Ivan the Terrible and Lenin!

great creators

The well-known proletarian writer Maxim Gorky was faithful to high ideas not only in relation to his homeland, but also in matters of sex. No, of course, he did not refuse him, however, in his youth, when his peers were already discovering the wonderful world of sexual pleasures with might and main, Maxim behaved a little differently. He also went to "public establishments", but did not take an active part in the action itself, instead, he watched everything, moving to the wall and ... singing folk songs at the same time.

He believed that, in this way, he would be able to help atone for the sins of all those who indulged in orgies before his eyes. Gorky thought that he could distract them from their dirty work and direct them to the true path of purification and love, but not to sex, but to the Fatherland.

Another great Russian writer, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, was known as a supporter of rather aggressive sex.

Turgenev even compared him with the Marquis de Sade himself. Such inclinations of the writer were confirmed by his second wife Anna Snitkina. According to her, among other things, her husband asked her to describe in detail all the sensations that she experienced while having sex with him. She also emphasized that Fyodor Mikhailovich was insanely aroused by the fact that young Anna found him a sexually attractive man.

vulgar and intimate pleasures of empresses

Cleopatra - used a "vibrator" from a hollow gourd filled with live bees.

The Egyptian queen Cleopatra is one of the wisest mistresses, far from being a beauty in appearance. Cleopatra is perhaps the most controversial character in the ancient world. The night of love with the queen cost the man his life, however, those who wanted to experience all the passion of the fatal beauty did not become less from this. Each man was determined to conquer Cleopatra with his strength and skill, and in the morning not only stay alive, but also become her lawful husband and king of Egypt. But Cleopatra was uncompromising: she did not leave life to any of her lovers.

Egyptologists call Cleopatra not only an adherent of free love, but also an experienced fellatrix (fellatio from lat. fello - to suck), or, more simply, Cleopatra did an amazing blowjob. Perhaps it was for this reason that the ancient Greeks gave her the name Meriohane - translated from Greek. - "open-mouthed", "one that opens its mouth wide"; "wide short"; "the woman with ten thousand mouths." Cleopatra was also called Khaylon - "Thick-lipped".

Thais of Athens is a daring hetaera who seduced Alexander the Great. She went down in history as an impregnable beauty, although she was a prostitute. She lured Macedonian by the fact that she did not want to sell her body to him for any wealth and gifts. “If you penetrate into the heart, you will conquer me and the whole world,” she said to the great conqueror.

The voluptuous Marquise de Pompadour, favorite of the French King Louis XV, is still considered one of the most tireless and skillful mistresses. The secret of her passion is in celery. Her daily menu included two of the strongest aphrodisiacs - chocolate and celery root. The lady drank a cup of hot chocolate with celery root powder in the morning, and during the day she ate a salad of celery, apples and walnuts. It is not known for certain whether she or she knew about the exciting effect of these products, but she had sex five to ten times a day and with different partners. By the way, in many countries, peasants broadcast a bunch of celery at the head of the bed on their wedding night.

The Marquise de Pompadour (Jeanne Antoinette Poisson) was predicted at the age of nine that she would have a relationship with the king himself. Its origin is not exactly known. According to one version, she was not from a wealthy family at all, but she was very lucky to find herself a patron in the face of a nobleman. Her meeting with King Louis XV took place at a masquerade. The king was intrigued by the behavior of the girl who hid her face under the mask, and when she took it off, it finally struck the monarch. Progress towards the goal further was not easy, but Jeanne nevertheless achieved her goal, becoming the official favorite of the king. She continued her vigorous activity - she took up the development of art, becoming the greatest patron for many writers and artists of that time. The Marquise de Pompadour until her death remained for Louis not just a mistress, always brilliant and original, but also a friend, which is very rare.

Everyone has the right to privacy, but when you are a real celebrity, even if you live decades ago, your intimate secrets will sooner or later come to the surface. And so it happened with these rulers, writers and scientists, whose sexual preferences can hardly be called normal.

1. Maxim Gorky

The well-known proletarian writer Maxim Gorky was faithful to high ideas not only in relation to his homeland, but also in matters of sex. No, of course, he did not refuse him, however, in his youth, when his peers were already discovering the wonderful world of sexual pleasures with might and main, Maxim behaved a little differently. He also went to "public establishments", but did not take an active part in the action itself, instead, he watched everything, moving to the wall and ... singing folk songs at the same time.

2. Fyodor Dostoevsky

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was known as a supporter of rather aggressive sex. Turgenev even compared him with the Marquis de Sade himself. Such inclinations of the writer were confirmed by his second wife Anna Snitkina. According to her, among other things, her husband asked her to describe in detail all the sensations that she experienced while having sex with him. She also emphasized that Fyodor Mikhailovich was insanely aroused by the fact that young Anna found him a sexually attractive man.

3. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

One of the greatest musicians in the history of mankind was obsessed with excrement. Although, it must be admitted that he began to compose music at the age of 5. So Wolfgang Amadeus wrote 600-something pieces of music, as well as a bunch of letters to his cousin, where he quite frankly admitted that he wanted to "defeat on her face."

4. James Joyce

The greatest writer of Ireland and the surrounding area, a pioneer of modern literature, the creator of such masterpieces as "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man", "Dubliners" and "Ulysses" was very fond of non-traditional sex. While away, he liked to write long and frank letters to his wife Nora. If not for them, humanity would never have known that the classic of literature loved Nora for her "fat thighs" and for allowing her to release gases in her face.

5. Catherine the Great

Catherine has always been famous for her restless sexual appetite. Her palace even had a special room with a huge bed. If necessary, a secret mechanism divided the bed into two parts with a wall - the favorite remained on the hidden half, and on the second, the empress, who had not cooled down from love pleasures, received ambassadors and ministers. In addition, some historians argue that Catherine passionately loved horses, and this is not about platonic feelings.

6. Peter III

The husband of Catherine II had a very unusual oddity, for which, some historians classify his sexual orientation as non-traditional. The fact is that Peter III could not achieve an erection until his wife put on a male military uniform, and not any, but an enemy one, that is (for that time), the uniform of a German soldier.

7. Benjamin Franklin

The politician, diplomat, statesman, scientist and inventor, forever imprinted on a 100-dollar bill, had fun not only with natural electricity and lightning rods, but also with elderly ladies. As mistresses, he chose women 20-30, or even 40 years older than himself. Why did he prefer old women as mistresses, although he was a zealous defender of the institution of marriage? Because, as he wrote in a letter to a friend: "They have more experience, they are more reasonable and restrained, they keep a secret better and do not arouse suspicion of adultery. As for what is below the waist, you will never distinguish a young woman from an old one" .

8. Albert Einstein

The greatest mind of the 20th century, of course, most of all loved science and only science. Well, after her - everything that moves, and what the skirt is wearing. He was married twice (once to his cousin), and honestly cheated on both wives. Although, it must be said in his defense, he presented his first wife with a list of rules, in which there was a clause that she did not expect "neither intimacy nor fidelity" from him. Before marrying his cousin Elsa, he almost committed marriage to her 22-year-old daughter. In addition, he had intimate relationships with almost all of his female relatives.

9. Marquis de Sade

The French aristocrat, writer and philosopher, became famous for being a preacher of absolute freedom, not limited by morality, religion, or law, but only by satisfying the aspirations of the individual. At a time when showing a knee wrapped in a stocking was considered the height of immorality, the Marquis de Sade (actually, a count) wrote about things that make even a modern person's hair stand on end. For which he was imprisoned. True, immediately after he left the gloomy dungeons, he organized a paradise for a pervert in his castle, settling sex slaves of both sexes there for his pleasure. Having spent a total of 32 years in prisons and psychiatric hospitals, the Marquis de Sade gave the world the term "sadism", and explained that you can give yourself pleasure by whipping someone with a whip.

10. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

To achieve sexual arousal, the great French writer had to be spanked, or better yet, whipped. "He who loves punishes well," writes the inventor of direct democracy. And he also confesses that this strange feature was laid down by his own governess, who in childhood spanked the child for any offense.

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