Which states were part of the anti-Hitler coalition. The essence of the anti-Hitler coalition

The allies of World War II or the anti-Hitler coalition is an alliance of states that took part in World War II against Nazi Germany and its allies. Even Germany, Japan, Italy and other allies were called the Axis.

US President Roosevelt made a great contribution to the formation of the anti-Hitler coalition. Later, on the basis of this coalition, another organization was created - the UN. It should be concluded that the anti-Hitler coalition had a huge military and political influence after the end of the war on the whole world.

members of the coalition.
The first to unite against Nazi Germany were France, Poland and Great Britain - the first countries to suffer from the onslaught of the Third Reich. Then in 1941, the USSR, China and the United States of America came out against Germany.

The number of Germany's opponents grew exponentially. As of 1942, twenty-six countries had already grouped against the Nazis. The dominions of Bratania, India, the countries of Latin and Central America joined the above named.
In total, until the end of hostilities during the war, the number of participants in the anti-Hitler coalition increased to fifty-three participating countries. Interestingly, even the "axis" countries at the very final stage declared war on Germany - for example, Italy, Romania and others.

The essence of the anti-Hitler coalition.
The coalition as such was created after Germany suddenly attacked the Soviet Union. After that, the heads of three states: the USSR, Great Britain and the USA discussed a plan of interaction against Germany - this meant the creation of a coalition. Interestingly, during these negotiations, the United States was not yet at war against Germany, but was an ally who supported resources (equipment, food and weapons).

Not every member of the coalition made a significant contribution to the victory over Germany. Some countries took real military operations against the Nazis, some helped by providing the allied armies with everything they needed, and still others were simply nominally part of the coalition without making any contribution.

Of course, the following states made the greatest contribution to the war against Germany:
The Soviet Union definitely made the greatest contribution to the war: it won on the Eastern Front, defeating the best military leaders of the Third Reich and continuing the offensive against Germany, which ended in the capture of Berlin;
Great Britain - opposed Germany in North Africa and in the air over Britain. Together with the United States, they ousted the Germans from Africa and participated in the attack on occupied Europe together with the American army;
USA - completely defeated Japan, helped liberate North Africa and participated in the defeat of the German armies on the Western Front;
The rest of the countries made a slightly smaller contribution. But still, the contribution of Poland and France is worth noting, since the remnants of their armies, as well as partisan detachments and militias, fought the forces of Nazi Germany throughout the war.

Even the German leadership noted the uneven contribution to the victory. When they signed the act of surrender, the German command was outraged that they had also lost to France, which they simply utterly defeated at the beginning of the war.

Consequences of building a coalition.
The most important consequence, of course, was the complete victory over the forces of Nazi Germany, as well as its allies. Thus, the members of the coalition were able to prevent the establishment of a single dominion of the Nazis on the planet and at the same time saved many peoples that Hitler wanted to destroy (Slavs, gypsies, Jews and many others).

But there were also sad consequences. Be that as it may, the participating countries began to argue among themselves, and who made a greater contribution to the victory over Germany. Disputes sharpened mainly between Germany and the United States. Each of them insisted on his own. And this dispute gave rise to discord between the states, which soon resulted in another confrontation - the Cold War.

The role of the anti-Hitler coalition.
Be that as it may, the coalition played a huge role in the war against Germany. This association completely changed the state of affairs in the world and radically changed the course of history. Perhaps if the United States and a number of other states had not joined the Soviet Union, victory in the war would have been far away. Now there are few doubts that the USSR could not have defeated the Nazis on its own, but no one denies that the war would have lasted much longer.

The most important thing that the other members of the coalition did was the opening of the Western Front. This made it possible to stretch the German forces even more and weaken their positions in the East, which allowed the Union to continue to advance more actively.

After the war, the coalition members created another alliance - a larger and more influential one - the United Nations, which even now regulates most economic and political processes in the world.

The Anti-Hitler Coalition is an association of states and peoples who fought in the Second World War of 1939-45 against the countries of the Nazi bloc: Germany, Italy, Japan

The influence of the coalition on the military and post-war political landscape is enormous, on its basis the United Nations (UN) was created.

In September 1939, Poland, France, Great Britain and its dominions (the Anglo-Polish Military Alliance of 1939 and the Franco-Polish Alliance of 1921) were at war with Germany. During 1941, the Soviet Union, the United States and China joined the coalition. As of January 1942, the anti-Hitler coalition consisted of 26 states: the so-called Big Four (USA, Great Britain, USSR, China), the British dominions (Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, South Africa), the countries of Central and Latin America and the Caribbean, and also governments in exile of occupied European countries. The number of coalition members increased during the war; By the time the war with Japan ended, 53 states of the world were at war with Germany and its allies.

History of association, actions

The forerunner of the anti-Hitler coalition - the coalition of the "Western Allies" arose after the invasion of Nazi Germany into Poland in 1939, when Great Britain, France and some other countries, connected with the latter and among themselves allied agreements on mutual assistance, entered the war.

Before the German attack in 1941, the USSR was not part of the anti-Hitler coalition.

A broad anti-Hitler coalition was formed first in spirit after the statements of the US and British governments about the support of the Soviet Union after the German attack on it, and then on bilateral and multilateral documents as a result of lengthy negotiations between the governments of the three powers on mutual support and joint actions.

At the same time, the United States until the end of 1941 (before the Japanese attack) was not formally at war, but was a "non-belligerent ally" of the Anti-Hitler coalition, providing military and economic assistance to the warring countries.

The most significant events during the operation of the coalition: the Moscow meeting (1941), the Atlantic Charter (August 1941), the Declaration of the United Nations (January 1942), the Tehran Conference (1943), the Bretton Woods Conference (1944), the Yalta Conference (February 1945), Potsdam conference.

The contribution of the participants of the anti-Hitler coalition to the fight against the enemy is extremely uneven: some participants conducted active hostilities with Germany and its allies, others helped them with the supply of military products, and still others participated in the war only nominally. Thus, the military formations of some countries - Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, as well as Australia, Belgium, India, Canada, New Zealand, the Philippines, Ethiopia and others - took part in hostilities. Individual states of the anti-Hitler coalition (for example, Mexico) helped its main participants mainly with the supply of military raw materials.

The main stages of formation

Soviet-British agreement on joint actions in the war against Germany July 12, 1941 Moscow

Atlantic Charter of the USA and Great Britain on August 14, 1941, to which the USSR acceded on September 24, 1941

Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers of the USSR, England, USA September 29 - October 1, 1941

Start of deliveries to the USSR under Lend-Lease from the USA

Signing of the Washington Declaration of 26 States (Declaration of the United Nations) on the aims of the war against fascism on January 1, 1942

Soviet-American agreement on the principles of mutual assistance in the conduct of war against aggression June 11, 1942 Washington

  • 6. Old Russian state
  • The main features of the ancient Russian state by the end of the 10th century.
  • 8. Civilization of the medieval West.
  • 9. The struggle of Russian lands and principalities with the conquerors in the 13th century. Russia and the Horde: problems of mutual influence.
  • 10. Veche and boyar republics. Novogorod.Pskov
  • 11. Stages of unification of lands around Moscow. Ivan 3.
  • 12. Alternatives for the development of the Muscovite state in the 16th century. Ivan the Terrible and his policy in the assessments of historians.
  • 14. Time of Troubles: chronology, stages, assessment of historians.
  • 15. Russia in the 17th century: economic, social and political development.
  • 16. Great geographical discoveries, their political and economic consequences, influence on the world civilizational process.
  • 17. Renaissance. Its significance in the process of transition from medieval to industrial civilization (XIV - XVI centuries)
  • 18 Transition to an industrial civilization. Early modern times. The origins of the formation and development of capitalism. "Manufacturing capitalism" (XVI-XVII centuries)
  • 19. Reformation. The significance of Protestantism, its main teachings in the process of transition to an industrial society (XVI-XVII centuries)
  • 20 Absolute monarchy as a form of European statehood during the transition to an industrial society. The significance of the first revolutions of modern times in the transformation of absolutism (XVI-XVII centuries)
  • 21. Modernization as a process. XVIII century in the history of Europe's transition from the "old" order to the new. Significance of the Great French Bourgeois Revolution
  • 22. Industrial civilization as a phenomenon of the world civilizational process: its development, flourishing, decline. The main features and legacy of industrial society.
  • 2) 19-20 centuries. - the period of development of established relations and orders.
  • 31. Russian political parties 1905-1917
  • 32. World War I: background, course, results.
  • 1) 1914 -. Western Front, Schlieffen plan (capture of France), battle on the march.
  • 33. Revolutionary 1917. In the history of Russia: causes, course of events, consequences. October Revolution of 1917
  • 34. Civil war: causes, stages, results.
  • Members
  • 36. World economic crisis of 1929 Alternatives of post-crisis development of European and American countries.
  • 37.Main trends in the development of the political system of the USSR (1921-1939)
  • 38.Industrialization in the USSR and countries of Europe and North America: a comparative analysis.
  • 39. Continuous collectivization in the USSR and its consequences.
  • 40. Prerequisites, causes, main stages of the Second World War.
  • 41. USSR in World War II.
  • 42. Anti-Hitler coalition: stages of formation, directions of interaction.
  • 43. Post-war world (1945-1955): main trends in political development.
  • 44. Europe in the 50s - 80s. Formation of the European Union.
  • 45. The main directions of the political and socio-economic development of the USSR in 1953-1964.
  • 42. Anti-Hitler coalition: stages of formation, directions of interaction.

    Anti-Hitler coalition- an association of states and peoples who fought in the Second World War of 1939-45 against the countries of the Nazi bloc, also called the Axis countries: Germany, Italy, Japan and the allies.

    During the war years, the United Nations was synonymous with the anti-Hitler coalition. The influence of the coalition on the military and post-war world order is enormous; the United Nations (UN) was created on its basis.

    Members of the anti-Hitler coalition

    Poland, France, Great Britain and its dominions (the Anglo-Polish military alliance of 1939 and the Franco-Polish alliance of 1921).

    During 1941, the USSR, the USA and China joined the coalition.

    As of January 1942, the anti-Hitler coalition consisted of 26 states: the Big Four (USA, Great Britain, USSR, China), the countries of Central and Latin America, the Caribbean. The number of coalition members increased during the war.

    By the time hostilities with Japan ended, 53 states were at war with the countries of the fascist bloc.

    War on the "Axis countries" at the final stage of the confrontation was also declared by Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Finland, which were previously part of the Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis.

    Before the German attack in 1941, the USSR was not part of the anti-Hitler coalition.

    At the same time, the United States until the end of 1941 (before the Japanese attack) was not at war - providing military and economic assistance to the warring countries of the coalition.

    The most significant events during the operation of the coalition: the Moscow meeting (1941), the Atlantic Charter (August 1941), the Declaration of the United Nations (January 1942), the Tehran Conference (1943), the Bretton Woods Conference (1944), the Yalta Conference (February 1945), Potsdam conference.

    The contribution of the participants of the anti-Hitler coalition to the fight against the enemy is extremely uneven: some participants conducted active hostilities with Germany and its allies, others helped them with the supply of military products, and still others participated in the war only nominally.

    The main stages of formation

    1) Soviet-English agreement on joint actions in the war against Germany July 12, 1941 Moscow

    2) The Atlantic Charter of the USA and Great Britain on August 14, 1941, to which the USSR joined on September 24, 1941

    3) Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers of the USSR, England, USA September 29 - October 1, 1941

    4) The beginning of deliveries to the USSR from the USA in 1942.

    5) The signing of the Washington Declaration by 26 states (Declaration of the United Nations) on the aims of the war against fascism on January 1, 1942

    7) Soviet-American agreement on the principles of mutual assistance in the conduct of war against aggression June 11, 1942 Washington

    43. Post-war world (1945-1955): main trends in political development.

    The victory of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition over the bloc of fascist states led to radical changes in the international arena.

    1) the growth of the authority and influence of the Soviet Union in solving geopolitical issues .. To coordinate the activities of the Communist parties in the countries of people's democracy in 1947, the Communist Information Bureau (Cominformburo) was created. In his documents, the thesis was formulated about the division of the world into two camps - capitalist and socialist.

    2) the influence of the communists increased.(were elected to parliaments and entered the governments of a number of Western European countries.) The relations of the USSR with the former allies in the anti-Hitler coalition are changing dramatically. From cooperation they move to "cold war. W. Churchill in his speech in March 1946 Speaking at the American College in Fulton in the presence of US President G. Truman, he called on the "fraternal association of peoples who speak English" to unite and resist "communist and neo-fascist states" that are a threat to "Christian civilization."

    3) US claims to world domination. After the end of the Second World War, the United States became the most powerful country with a huge economic and military potential. Policy proposed "Truman Doctrine - "policy of containment".In the conditions of growing international tension and political confrontation, the USSR was forced to join in the arms race.

    Changes in the international arena determined the main tasks of the foreign policy of the Soviet state. These primarily include the conclusion of peace treaties with Germany's former satellites and the formation of a "security sphere" near the western borders of the USSR.

    In the course of the post-war peace settlement in Europe, significant territorial changes took place, including on the western borders of the USSR. East Prussia was liquidated.

    In 1945 - 1948 bilateral treaties between the Soviet Union and Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania and Yugoslavia were signed.

    In the Far East, on the basis of the agreements reached at the Crimean Conference (January 1945), the southern part of Sakhalin was returned to the Soviet Union and all the Kuril Islands were transferred.

    Also signed with the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).

    If in 1941 diplomatic relations with the USSR were maintained by 26 countries, then in 1945 - already 52 states.

    One of the most important issues in international politics is the question of the post-war order of the world.

    In countries of Eastern Europe- evolved socio-political system, similar to the Stalinist model "state socialism. (impact of the USSR)

    Western Europe-the foundations of the socio-economic and political structure according to the model "Western democracies". (US and British influence)

    Until the summer of 1949, there were meetings of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs (FMD) of the USA, England, France, China and the USSR, at which the former allies tried to find a compromise.

    The Soviet government, realizing that, under the guise of economic aid, the United States was creating a powerful barrier in Europe against "Soviet expansion", refused to participate in this project. The USSR refused to participate and the countries of Eastern Europe, too. Subsequently, the Marshall Plan helped stabilize the European economy, but fixed the division of the world into two parts - East, West.

    there are two military blocs:

    in April 1949 - North Atlantic Alliance (NATO) - USA, UK, France, Canada, Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Denmark, Iceland, Luxembourg, later Turkey, Greece and Germany.

    in May 1955 - Warsaw Pact Organization (OVD)). entered the European countries of people's democracy, except for Yugoslavia.

    The basis of confrontation in the post-war world for a long time was the relationship between the two superpowers - the USSR and the USA.

    The formation of other military blocs contributed to the strengthening of the US position in various regions of the world:

    AT 1951 a block appeared ANZUS in Australia, New Zealand and the USA.

    AT 1955. formed a bloc CENTO, which included the US, UK, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan.

    AT 1954 the creation of the bloc was announced SEATO, uniting the US, UK, France, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Philippines and Pakistan.

    The USSR had neither the strength nor the means to participate in a possible war, so for it the struggle for world becomes the most relevant. One of the main peacekeeping mechanisms was the United Nations (UN) formed in October 1945 by decision of the winning countries. It includes 51 states. The situation changed somewhat after the appearance of atomic weapons in the USSR (August 1949). In 1947, at the initiative of the USSR, the UN General Assembly nevertheless adopted a resolution condemning any form of war propaganda.

    AT August 1948 an international peace movement emerges. The Soviet Union provided constant assistance to this movement.

    German question. Divided into four zones of occupation (American, British, French and Soviet) and without a single government, Germany remained an important subject of international relations. The balance of power in post-war Europe depended on its future structure.

    In 1948, the occupation zones of the USA, England and France merged into Trizonia, where a Western-style socio-economic system was being formed, and in the occupation zone of the USSR, the construction of a model of Stalinist socialism began.

    1949G. in the western zone was formed Federal Republic of Germany with its capital in Bonn. As a response, in the eastern occupation zone, German Democratic Republic with its capital in Berlin.

    In the Asia-Pacific region, similar processes took place in China and Korea. In Korea, divided along the 38th parallel, forces oriented towards "Soviet socialism" have strengthened in the north, and "American capitalism" in the south. As a result, the struggle between the USSR and the USA for influence in Korea developed into an open war (1950-1953). Starting the war, the troops of the Soviet-backed North Korean government defeated the South Korean army within a few weeks and occupied almost the entire Korean peninsula. The United States sends its troops to Korea, operating under the flag of the UN, which condemned the aggression of North Korea.

    The world is on the brink of a global war. The armistice signed on July 27, 1953 ended the Korean War.

    civil war in China in 1945-1949. was an indirect military clash between the United States and the USSR, which actively and comprehensively (in political, military and economic terms) supported their allies - respectively, the Kuomintang and the Communists.

    On October 1, 1949, the People's Republic of China (PRC) was proclaimed. (Same way: North Korea and North Vietnam.)

    In February 1950. between it and the USSR was signed Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance.

    USSR- establishing friendly relations and maintaining close ties with the countries of Eastern Europe who took the path of socialism. In 1949, the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) was established in order to expand economic cooperation and trade between the socialist countries. It included Albania (until 1961), Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, Poland, Romania, the USSR and Czechoslovakia.

    Unlike Western countries, the states of Eastern Europe until the middle

    united 50s. did not form a single military-political union. The Stalinist system of relations with the allies was so tough and effective that it did not require the signing of multilateral agreements and the creation of blocs.

    In 1949, the USSR severed diplomatic relations with Yugoslavia. This example was followed by all the people's democracies.

    Results The foreign policy activities of Soviet diplomacy in the postwar period are quite contradictory: strengthening positions and expanding spheres of influence in the world, but failed to overcome confrontations with the West, which largely led to the growth of international tension.

    Soviet foreign policy after Stalin's death. inconsistency and hesitation. normalization of relations with some countries, including Yugoslavia, in the foreign policy of the USSR, Stalin's attitudes were largely preserved. an example of anti-government and anti-socialist speeches in the GDR in July 1953

    To a large extent, the international situation in Europe was complicated by the Austrian question.

    In 1945, Austria, like Germany, was, in accordance with the agreements signed in Yalta and Potsdam, divided into three zones of occupation: the USA, England and the USSR. By 1949, Austria was still an occupied country. A way out of the situation was outlined only in 1955.

    Some mitigation of the confrontation in Europe and the Far East was combined with increased support from the USSR for communist insurgent movements in Southeast and South Asia, Latin America and Africa.

    Mid 50s. was a period of one upsurge of the insurgency in Asia. The position of the USSR in the "third world" had a negative impact on international relations in general and on the relations of the USSR with developed countries.

    Since September 1939, Poland, France, Great Britain and its dominions have been at war with Germany (the Anglo-Polish military alliance of 1939 and Franco-Polish Alliance 1921). During 1941, the USSR, the USA and China joined the coalition.

    As of January 1942, the Anti-Hitler coalition consisted of 26 states: the Big Four (USA, Great Britain, USSR, China), the British dominions (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa) and the dependent state of India, the countries of Central and Latin America, the Caribbean, and also governments in exile of occupied European countries. The number of coalition members increased during the war.

    By the time hostilities with Japan ended, 53 states were at war with the countries of the Nazi bloc: Australia, Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Great Britain, Venezuela, Haiti, Guatemala, Honduras, Greece, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Egypt, India, Iraq , Iran , Canada , China, Colombia , Costa Rica , Cuba , Liberia , Lebanon , Luxembourg , Mexico , Netherlands , Nicaragua , New Zealand , Norway , Panama , Paraguay , Peru , Poland , El Salvador , Saudi Arabia , Syria , USSR, USA , Turkey , Uruguay , Philippines , France , Czechoslovakia , Chile , Ecuador , Ethiopia , Yugoslavia , Union of South Africa .

    At the final stage of the confrontation, Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Finland, which were previously part of the "axis", also declared war on the "axis" countries.

    The fighting ally of the Anti-Hitler coalition was the resistance movement in the occupied territories to the German, Italian and Japanese occupiers and the reactionary forces cooperating with them.

    History of association, actions

    The forerunner of the Anti-Hitler coalition - the Western Allies coalition - arose after the invasion of Nazi Germany into Poland in 1939, when Great Britain, France and some [which?] other countries. Before the German attack in 1941, the USSR was not part of the Anti-Hitler coalition.

    The broad Anti-Hitler coalition was formed first in spirit after the statements of the governments of the United States and Great Britain about the support of the Soviet Union after the German attack on it, and then on bilateral and multilateral documents as a result of lengthy negotiations between the governments of the three powers on mutual support and joint actions.

    At the same time, the United States until the end of 1941 (before the Japanese attack) was not formally at war, but was a "non-belligerent ally" of the Anti-Hitler coalition, providing military and economic assistance to the warring countries.

    The contribution of the participants of the Anti-Hitler coalition to the fight against the enemy is extremely uneven: some participants were active in military operations with Germany and its allies, others helped them with the supply of military products, and still others participated in the war only nominally. Thus, the military formations of some countries - Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, as well as Australia, Belgium, India, Canada, New Zealand, the Philippines, Ethiopia and others - took part in hostilities. Individual states of the Anti-Hitler coalition (for example, Mexico) helped its main participants mainly with the supply of military raw materials. The unevenness of the contribution was noted by Field Marshal Keitel, signing the German Surrender Act: “How! We also lost the war to France? .

    The attitude of the United States towards the Soviet Union at that time characterizes an interview with the future US President, Senator Harry Truman, given to the New York Times on June 24, 1941:

    Assistance received by the Soviet Union from participation in the Anti-Hitler Coalition, unlike that for other countries, can be assessed by various sources as significant or insignificant. At the same time, the American political scientist and sociologist Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was the US National Security Advisor in 1977-1981, an ardent opponent of the USSR, is not inclined to exaggerate the role of the United States in the Victory [the significance of the fact?] :

    The main stages of formation

    • July 12, 1941: Soviet-British agreement on joint action in the war against Germany.
    • August 14, 1941: The Atlantic Charter of the United States and Great Britain, which was joined by the USSR on September 24, 1941
    • September 29 - October 1, 1941: Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers of the USSR, England, USA.
    • 1941: Start of Lend-Lease deliveries to the USSR from the USA.
    • January 1, 1942: Signing of the Washington Declaration by 26 states on the aims of the war against fascism.
    • The Soviet-British treaty of alliance in the war against Germany on May 26, 1942, signed in London.
    • Soviet-American agreement on the principles of mutual assistance in the conduct of war against aggression June 11, 1942 Washington
    • Establishment of a European Consultative Commission in accordance with the decision of the Moscow Conference in 1943 of the Foreign Ministers of Great Britain, the USSR and the USA.
    • Meeting of Roosevelt, Churchill and Chiang Kai-shek, treaty of joint action against Japan.
    • November 28 - December 1, 1943: Tehran Conference, a meeting between Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin, dedicated to the development of a strategy to fight Germany and the Axis countries.
    • July 1–22, 1944: United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, discussing the settlement of financial relations after the end of the war.
    • December 10, 1944: The Soviet-French Treaty of Alliance and Mutual Assistance.
    • 4-11 February 1945: Second meeting of Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin.
    • 17 July – 2 August 1945: Potsdam Conference, the last meeting of the leaders of the Big Three.
    • December 16–26, 1945: Moscow Conference of 1945, a meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Great Britain, the USSR and the United States.

    USSR and the anti-Hitler coalition

    When W. Churchill became aware of the German attack on the USSR, he summoned the four closest members of the Cabinet to a meeting. During the preparation of the statement, differences arose in the assessment of the USSR's ability to resist, and the text of the statement was finally approved only 20 minutes before the start of W. Churchill's speech on the radio.

    An official statement from the US State Department followed on June 23, 1941; it stated that the USSR was at war with Germany, and “any defense against Hitlerism, any association with the forces opposing Hitlerism, whatever the nature of these forces, will contribute to the possible overthrow of the present German leaders and will serve to the advantage of our own defense and security. Hitler's armies are at present the main threat to the American continent.. US President F. Roosevelt, speaking at a press conference on June 24, 1941, stated: “Of course, we are going to give Russia all the help we can”.

    After the end of the war

    On May 9, 2010, the countries of the Anti-Hitler Coalition took part in the Victory Parade on Red Square for the first time ever.

    see also

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    • Anti-Hitler coalition // Angola - Barzas. - M. : Soviet Encyclopedia, 1970. - (Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov; 1969-1978, v. 2).


    • - photographic documents on this topic, stored in the state archives of the Russian Federation
    • in Encyclopedia Around the World.

    An excerpt characterizing the Anti-Hitler coalition

    - Well, my dear, what a battle we fought! God only grant that that which will be the result of it would be just as victorious. However, my dear,” he said in fragmentary and animated terms, “I must confess my guilt before the Austrians and especially before Weyrother. What precision, what detail, what knowledge of the terrain, what foresight of all possibilities, all conditions, all the smallest details! No, my dear, it is impossible to invent anything more advantageous than the conditions in which we find ourselves. The combination of Austrian distinctness with Russian courage - what else do you want?
    “So the offensive is finally decided?” Bolkonsky said.
    “And you know, my dear, it seems to me that Buonaparte has definitely lost his Latin. You know that today a letter has been received from him to the emperor. Dolgorukov smiled significantly.
    – That's how! What does he write? Bolkonsky asked.
    What can he write? Tradiridira, etc., all just to gain time. I tell you that he is in our hands; It's right! But the funniest thing of all,” he said, suddenly laughing good-naturedly, “is that they couldn’t figure out how to address the answer to him? If not the consul, it goes without saying not the emperor, then General Buonaparte, as it seemed to me.
    “But there is a difference between not recognizing the emperor, and calling Buonaparte general,” said Bolkonsky.
    “That's just the point,” Dolgorukov said quickly, laughing and interrupting. - You know Bilibin, he is a very smart person, he offered to address: "usurper and enemy of the human race."
    Dolgorukov laughed merrily.
    - No more? Bolkonsky noted.
    - But still, Bilibin found a serious address title. And a witty and intelligent person.
    - How?
    “To the head of the French government, au chef du gouverienement francais,” Prince Dolgorukov said seriously and with pleasure. - Isn't that good?
    “Good, but he won’t like it very much,” Bolkonsky remarked.
    - Oh, and very much! My brother knows him: he dined with him more than once, with the present emperor, in Paris and told me that he had never seen a more refined and cunning diplomat: you know, a combination of French dexterity and Italian acting? Do you know his jokes with Count Markov? Only one Count Markov knew how to handle him. Do you know the history of the scarf? This is a charm!
    And the garrulous Dolgorukov, turning now to Boris, now to Prince Andrei, told how Bonaparte, wanting to test Markov, our envoy, purposely dropped his handkerchief in front of him and stopped, looking at him, probably expecting services from Markov, and how, Markov immediately he dropped his handkerchief beside him and picked up his own without picking up Bonaparte's handkerchief.
    - Charmant, [Charming,] - said Bolkonsky, - but here's what, prince, I came to you as a petitioner for this young man. Do you see what?…
    But Prince Andrei did not have time to finish, when an adjutant entered the room, who called Prince Dolgorukov to the emperor.
    - Oh, what a shame! - said Dolgorukov, hastily getting up and shaking hands with Prince Andrei and Boris. - You know, I am very glad to do everything that depends on me, both for you and for this nice young man. - He once again shook Boris's hand with an expression of good-natured, sincere and lively frivolity. “But you see…until another time!”
    Boris was excited by the thought of the closeness to the highest power in which he felt himself at that moment. He was aware of himself here in contact with those springs that guided all those enormous movements of the masses, of which he in his regiment felt himself to be a small, obedient and insignificant part. They went out into the corridor after Prince Dolgorukov and met a short man in civilian clothes, with an intelligent face and a sharp line of protruding jaw, which, without spoiling him, gave him a special vivacity and resourcefulness of expression. This short man nodded, as to his own, Dolgoruky, and began to stare at Prince Andrei with an intently cold look, walking straight at him and apparently waiting for Prince Andrei to bow to him or give way. Prince Andrei did neither one nor the other; Anger was expressed in his face, and the young man, turning away, walked along the side of the corridor.
    - Who is it? Boris asked.
    - This is one of the most remarkable, but the most unpleasant people to me. This is the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Prince Adam Czartoryski.
    “These are the people,” said Bolkonsky with a sigh that he could not suppress, while they were leaving the palace, “these are the people who decide the fate of peoples.
    The next day, the troops set out on a campaign, and Boris did not have time to visit either Bolkonsky or Dolgorukov until the battle of Austerlitz, and remained for a while in the Izmailovsky regiment.

    At dawn on the 16th, Denisov's squadron, in which Nikolai Rostov served, and who was in the detachment of Prince Bagration, moved from overnight to work, as they said, and, having passed about a verst behind other columns, was stopped on the main road. Rostov saw how the Cossacks, the 1st and 2nd squadrons of hussars, infantry battalions with artillery passed by him, and generals Bagration and Dolgorukov with adjutants passed by. All the fear that he, as before, experienced before the deed; all the internal struggle through which he overcame this fear; all his dreams of how he would distinguish himself like a hussar in this matter were in vain. Their squadron was left in reserve, and Nikolai Rostov spent that day bored and dreary. At 9 o'clock in the morning he heard firing ahead of him, shouts of cheers, saw the wounded brought back (there were few of them) and, finally, saw how in the middle of hundreds of Cossacks they led a whole detachment of French cavalrymen. Obviously, the matter was over, and the matter was apparently small, but happy. Soldiers and officers passing back spoke of a brilliant victory, about the occupation of the city of Vishau and the capture of an entire French squadron. The day was clear, sunny, after a strong night frost, and the merry brilliance of the autumn day coincided with the news of the victory, which was conveyed not only by the stories of those who participated in it, but also by the joyful expression on the faces of soldiers, officers, generals and adjutants who were traveling back and forth past Rostov . The more painful was the heart of Nikolai, who in vain had suffered all the fear that preceded the battle, and spent this cheerful day in inaction.
    - Rostov, come here, let's drink from grief! shouted Denisov, sitting down on the edge of the road in front of a flask and a snack.
    The officers gathered in a circle, eating and talking, near Denisov's cellar.
    - Here's another one! - said one of the officers, pointing to a French dragoon prisoner, who was led on foot by two Cossacks.
    One of them led a tall and beautiful French horse taken from a prisoner.
    - Sell the horse! shouted Denisov to the Cossack.
    "Excuse me, your honor..."
    The officers stood up and surrounded the Cossacks and the captured Frenchman. The French dragoon was a young fellow, an Alsatian who spoke French with a German accent. He was choking with excitement, his face was red, and, hearing French, he quickly spoke to the officers, addressing first to one, then to the other. He said they wouldn't take him; that it was not his fault that they took him, but le caporal, who sent him to seize blankets, that he told him that the Russians were already there. And to every word he added: mais qu "on ne fasse pas de mal a mon petit cheval [But don't hurt my horse,] and caressed his horse. It was evident that he did not understand well where he was. He then apologized, that he was taken, then, assuming before him his superiors, showed his soldierly serviceability and care for the service.He brought with him to our rearguard in all the freshness the atmosphere of the French army, which was so alien to us.
    The Cossacks gave the horse for two chervonets, and Rostov, now having received the money, the richest of the officers, bought it.
    - Mais qu "on ne fasse pas de mal a mon petit cheval," the Alsatian said good-naturedly to Rostov when the horse was handed over to the hussar.
    Rostov, smiling, reassured the dragoon and gave him money.
    - Hello! Hello! - said the Cossack, touching the prisoner's hand so that he would go further.
    - Sovereign! Sovereign! was suddenly heard among the hussars.
    Everything ran, hurried, and Rostov saw several horsemen with white sultans on their hats driving up along the road. In one minute everyone was in place and waiting. Rostov did not remember and did not feel how he ran to his place and got on his horse. Instantly his regret for non-participation in the case, his everyday disposition of the spirit in the circle of looking at faces, instantly disappeared, all thought of himself disappeared: he was completely absorbed in the feeling of happiness that comes from the closeness of the sovereign. He felt himself rewarded for the loss of this day by this closeness alone. He was happy, like a lover waiting for an expected date. Not daring to look back at the front and not looking back, he felt with an enthusiastic instinct its approach. And he felt this not only from the sound of the hooves of the horses of the approaching cavalcade, but he felt it because, as he approached, everything became brighter, more joyful, more significant and more festive around him. This sun for Rostov moved closer and closer, spreading rays of gentle and majestic light around itself, and now he already feels captured by these rays, he hears his voice - this gentle, calm, majestic and at the same time so simple voice. As it should have been according to Rostov's feelings, there was dead silence, and in this silence the sounds of the sovereign's voice were heard.
    – Les huzards de Pavlograd? [Pavlograd hussars?] – he said inquiringly.
    - La reserve, sire! [Reserve, your majesty!] - answered someone else's voice, so human after that inhuman voice that said: Les huzards de Pavlograd?
    The sovereign drew level with Rostov and stopped. Alexander's face was even more beautiful than at the review three days ago. It shone with such gaiety and youth, such innocent youth, that it resembled a childish fourteen-year-old playfulness, and at the same time it was still the face of a majestic emperor. Accidentally looking around the squadron, the eyes of the sovereign met the eyes of Rostov and stopped on them for no more than two seconds. Did the sovereign understand what was going on in Rostov's soul (it seemed to Rostov that he understood everything), but for two seconds he looked with his blue eyes into Rostov's face. (Light poured out of them softly and meekly.) Then suddenly he raised his eyebrows, with a sharp movement kicked the horse with his left foot and galloped forward.
    The young emperor could not resist the desire to be present at the battle and, despite all the representations of the courtiers, at 12 o’clock, having separated from the 3rd column, with which he followed, he galloped to the vanguard. Before reaching the hussars, several adjutants met him with news of a happy outcome.

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    ANTI-HITLER COALITION, UNION of states and peoples, formed during the 2nd World War against the bloc of Germany, Italy, Japan and their satellites. It included the USSR, USA, Great Britain, France and China, as well as Yugoslavia, Poland, Czechoslovakia and ... ... Russian history

    Anti-Hitler coalition- ANTI-HITLER COALITION, an alliance of states and peoples who fought in World War II against the aggressive bloc of Germany, Italy, Japan and their satellites. The main core of the anti-Hitler coalition was the USSR, the USA and Great Britain. … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    The union of states and peoples, formed during the 2nd World War against the aggressive bloc of Germany, Italy, Japan and their satellites. The anti-Hitler coalition included the USSR, the USA, Great Britain, France and China, as well as Yugoslavia, Poland, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Union of states and peoples who fought in the Second World War 1939 45 (See World War II 1939 1945) against the aggressive bloc of Nazi Germany, fascist Italy, militaristic Japan and their satellites. united states... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Anti-Hitler coalition- The military-political union of states and peoples who fought in World War II against the bloc of Nazi Germany, fascist Italy, militaristic Japan (the so-called Axis) and their satellites. The main participants in the Anti-Hitler coalition are England, China, ... ... Encyclopedia of the Third Reich

    - (coalition) Any association (eg political parties) to win an election. Most often, a coalition occurs when - by law - a simple majority is required to win and when no party has half the seats in ... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    coalition- and, well. coalition f. Strike. Heeding bad advice, or being inspired by their own false calculations, workers sometimes form coalitions of strikes or coalitions among themselves. Butovsky 1847 2 441. Union, association on a voluntary basis of states, ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    AND; and. [from lat. coalitus united] Association, agreement, union (of states, parties, etc.) to achieve common goals. Reach a coalition in negotiations. Anti-government c. Pre-election c. ◁ Coalition, oh, oh. K. contract. Whoa… … encyclopedic Dictionary


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    • Second front. Anti-Hitler Coalition: Conflict of Interest, V. Falin. The well-known political scientist and diplomat Valentin Falin, relying on little-known documents from military archives and memoirs of major European politicians, analyzes the historical events that led to ...