Program for learning English for android. Universal apps for learning English

All those who study foreign languages ​​have heard more than once that you need to train at every opportunity. And each of us spends some time on the road to work, study or just on business. Why not use this great opportunity to repeat words or grammar structures? After all, we have a wonderful assistant - a smartphone and a large number of different applications for learning. Let's look at some of them.

Free Learn and Play

A very simple app to expand your vocabulary. The free version has three different ways to learn. In the first case, an image is displayed on the display and you should choose the correct one from the three options in English. In the second case, you have three words and a picture is shown: you need to click on it if there is a match. And in the latter case, you must write the word that is shown on your own. A pleasant female voice pronounces all the words. The paid version has no ads and more themes are available.

"Learn English!"

An application with which you can easily memorize up to 500 English words. The learning process is as follows: from several translation examples, you choose the correct one. In the settings, you can choose the number of options offered and the direction of the translation. After you learn a word, you need to mark it with a tick. Unfortunately, voice acting is only available in the paid version.

"Polyglot. English language"

The free version of this app only has one lesson and many links to other learning materials on Google Play. In the first lesson, you need to build a sentence from words. Great beginner level grammar exercises. And I advise you to follow the links in the application: some lessons are also free.

"English language"

The application is very similar to "Polyglot", except that you are not offered different lessons. Immediately from the start of the program, you begin to work - to build a sentence from words. Easier than "Polyglot", because you need to use absolutely all the words and there are no extra ones, which greatly simplifies the task.

English Grammar Free

A simple application thanks to which you will repeat (and some will learn) grammar constructions. Six levels of difficulty - from beginner to advanced. You need to choose the correct version of the missing text from the four options. An app with very annoying ads. Very straight forward.

Often the desire to improve English rests on the lack of time and energy for learning. You have to force yourself to read literature, remember the rules and repeat something daily. If the result of all these actions is not at all pleasing, then perhaps you simply chose the wrong approach.

Pay attention to new mobile applications that can make the learning process interesting and truly exciting. Some of them will help in memorizing words and phrases, others will allow you to overcome the most difficult rules, and still others will change your attitude to listening. The main thing is to choose for yourself those programs that are the easiest and cause only positive emotions.

1. Simpler

This application will help break down the English language into atoms and make it as easy to understand as possible. Each lesson includes three stages: memorizing words, checking them using short sentences and a simulator with various tasks for using these words. Tasks are both simple - with an elementary arrangement of the members of the sentence, and complex, where you yourself must write a phrase in English. All answers and constructions for memorization are voiced.

Simpler also allows you to save and memorize complex words that will be supplemented by illustrations or text associations. A listening section is also provided to help, where you need to perceive phrases by ear and even answer them.

All this is presented in a very simple and understandable form with a user-friendly interface. I would like to praise this application for encouraging users: those who complete the lessons daily for a month will receive the entire course absolutely free.

2. Enguru: Spoken English App

In this application, the main focus is on conversational English, which will help you to interview in a foreign company or simply conduct business correspondence with colleagues from abroad. However, in fact, the topics of the lessons go far beyond the specifics of work. Enguru touches on the issues of communication with friends, the sphere of travel, recreation and many everyday topics. In each section, you will find words for memorization and useful examples of their use.

The difference between Enguru and many analogues lies in the game mode of knowledge testing and in a large number of types of tasks, selected specifically for you and your knowledge. During the training, statistics are kept showing your weaknesses and strengths. The application works completely offline and does not require a network connection.

3. Drops

The main purpose of this app is to get you interested in learning the language. All words and phrases in it are given with miniature images with which their meanings must be combined. This is done with simple taps and swipes. In some cases, you need to build a clear sequence, while in others - to put things in order in a set of words, connecting them with lines in meaning. Such simple game elements, coupled with original illustrations, turn the learning process into solving simple puzzles.

An interesting feature of Drops is five-minute access to learning words every day. Such a limitation can be removed by purchasing the full version, but in fact, it is when breaking down the study into short periods of time that the whole process does not become tedious and stressful. In this mode, you will always remember that you only need five minutes today, five minutes tomorrow, and five minutes any other day.


Here, on the contrary, there is no game moment in the study - only repetition, listening and interval training. The application offers to memorize a certain number of words every day, and parse the most difficult words almost by letter. The daily norm is from 4 to 20 words, in the settings this parameter can be changed at any time. There is also an option for reminders about the need for repetition.

The Wordreal interface is as simple and clear as possible. In the process of learning, you just need to select the topics-sources of words and indicate your level. For beginners who are very far from English, the initial one is suitable, and with the baggage of knowledge from the school curriculum, it is quite possible to move on to the secondary one. All words are pronounced in a male or female voice to choose from, but illustrations for activating visual memory are not provided.

5. Visual Vocabulary

The authors of this service focused on the visual memory method, in which each word for memorization is supplemented with a high-quality image. In total, the program has over 3,000 words in its arsenal, which are divided into dozens of different categories and subcategories. For convenience, special flash cards and listening are provided.

The application works without access to the Web - you can memorize words anywhere and at any time. Grammar and any rules are practically not given here, which for many will even be a plus. Visual Vocabulary is perfect for those who only need to replenish their vocabulary and practice pronunciation.

6. EWA

English Words Ambassador offers to combine learning English with entertainment, namely watching your favorite movies and series. This is done as simply and conveniently as possible. All you have to do is select the desired movie or series from the list, and the words from the original audio track will be added to the list for you to learn. Similarly, with books that you can read in the original directly in the application.

The films and series themselves are, of course, not available in EWA. You will have to search the web for them yourself. Nevertheless, English Words Ambassador is a unique application of its kind. The developers are trying to constantly replenish its database with fresh dictionaries from new movies and maintain the interest of users.

7. Word

This is another helper in the study of words. The vocabulary dictionary in it offers dozens of thematic lists, each with hundreds of different words to remember. In addition to standard sections, such as "Work", "Education", "Relationships" and others, there are subsections with words found in new movies. For example, more than 80 words from "The Last Jedi" and about a hundred from "" were recently added.

The application is suitable for both adults and children. For the little ones, there is a special section with the basics: animals, numbers, family, and so on. All words and phrasal verbs, and there are many of them here, are complemented by visual images. Aword works without a network connection.

8. Lingvist

At the heart of this application is a mathematical approach that allows you to adjust to the existing knowledge of the user. Based on your answers to assignments, Lingvist determines what and in what order you need to study. This applies to both simple words and grammar. The application offers a variety of tasks - from writing a phrase to inserting meaningful words into the finished text.

Lingvist has a helpful listening section with post-listening questions and a separate dialogue section where you have to say the phrases that are displayed on the screen. In all tasks you will find only statistically significant words that are used in everyday speech or business environment. In the process of studying, statistics are kept showing how many words you already know.

10. Emister

All lessons in this unusual application are presented as levels on various maps. The basic course, available for free, offers 128 lessons and over 700 words to learn. Knowledge testing takes place both in the form of listening and through the choice of the correct answer. The design of the application is more like a mobile game, where some kind of boss is about to appear.

In addition to the original interface, Emister differs from other applications in online tournaments with other players. In competitive mode, you and three other users need to quickly answer questions, indicating the correct meaning of words and making up phrases. The fastest and most accurate player will move up the global standings of all users of the application. Often, it is this competitive method of learning that brings much more benefits than the usual memorization and checking cards.

Developers offer us many educational applications. Among them, of course, are those that will help the user in learning the language. Let's look at those of them that, in our opinion, users will definitely like. The presented applications are as free as possible, only two of them have paid content, but, however, you can do without it.

The interesting thing about this application is that before the first use, you will be asked to independently evaluate and indicate your competence in the field of oral and written speech, vocabulary, grammar. Next, you need to indicate your interests in various areas (technology, society, art, etc.). You can specify the purpose for which you will use the application: for yourself, to improve certain skills, for work, preparing for an exam, etc. After that, you will already be offered a list of tasks based on the completed test to determine the level and your interests. This is very convenient, as the application is suitable for any level of knowledge.

In terms of vocabulary, LinguaLeo has lists of words on topics ranging from flowers and family members to collections of idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs. As for the study of grammar, in each section you can take only one lesson for free, and then you have to pay (activation cost for Ukraine is 350 UAH). However, the Jungle section is free. Here you can watch various videos, read stories, listen to songs, etc. Again - on the topic that you indicated at the very beginning as being of interest to you.

While working with texts, you can click on unfamiliar words - the translation will immediately appear, and they themselves will fall into the "My Dictionary" section. Lexical units from the "Dictionary" will appear in the "Trainings" section, where there are many interesting tasks for training words. In addition, listening to all lexical units is also available, which is a big plus. An Internet connection is required to fully use the application, but the "Workouts" section is also available offline.

Despite the fact that the application has paid content (which is not cheap), the most interesting things in it are available for free. As for the grammar reference, you can use another application as it.

When learning English, like any other language, you need a grammar reference that will always be at hand. There are many options in English, but domestic developers also have something to offer us. The most ideal option in Russian, as for me, can be considered an application called English Grammar, which works offline. The program is an extensive guide of four sections: grammar (morphology, syntax and punctuation of the English language), pronunciation (an excellent guide to phonetics), a section with proverbs and sayings, and the last part is devoted to idioms so that your speech does not look boring. I must say that there are really a lot of proverbs and sayings in the application.

Each explanation of the rule is accompanied by many examples. The application is free, but you will have to watch ads from time to time. If you get bored with it, you can turn it off permanently for $1, or temporarily by simply recommending the app to your friends. Of the minuses, one can only name the lack of practical tasks. But here, too, there are ready-made solutions.

In order to practice the grammar rules already learned, as well as the correct spelling of words, we can recommend the Johnny Grammar app from the British Council. Here you will not find rules and explanations - only tasks for training. There are three categories - Grammar, Vocabulary and Writing, where you will be asked to complete a task by choosing the correct answer.

In this application, you can also choose a level - easy, medium or difficult. The Grammar section contains exercises on topics ranging from prepositions and irregular verbs to conjunctions and modal verbs. The "Words" section also presents several basic vocabulary topics that you can practice. The program is free and does not require an internet connection.

But let's not forget that comprehensive language learning requires constant listening (listening to the live speech of native speakers). In this case, we would advise you to resort to the official application from the British Council called English Listening. This program has several sections. The first of them - 6 minute English - these are six-minute audio clips on various topics from everyday life. English at work is an audio series about the girl Anna and what she encounters while working in the office. Here you will learn the basics of business English.

Next comes the Express English section. In these audio clips, you will hear how native speakers speak out on a specific issue. Thus, you will learn how to correctly express your opinion in various situations and what constructions and phrases are needed for this. In the Words in the news section, you can listen to various news from Britain and around the world, get acquainted with the vocabulary and constructions that are used in the media.

And finally, The English we speak. In this section, the facilitators explain the meaning of various idiomatic phrases, proverbs and sayings and give advice on how to use them correctly. As for me, one of the most interesting sections, as it will make your speech rich and varied. All audio clips have text accompaniment and explanations of unfamiliar words. In some sections, for example, Words in the news, you will also be asked to complete tasks (there are keys to them, but the tasks themselves are not interactive). We would recommend this application to users who have good knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. Definitely not for beginners. English Listening, of course, only works online.

Grammar is great. But it is also necessary to know the words. This is where the BUSUU app will be very helpful. It is quite popular among users, we can say that it is generally a favorite. With it, you can learn many new words and phrases not only in English, but also in French, Chinese, Japanese, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Polish, Russian and Turkish.

The application offers lessons for several levels: Beginner A1, Elementary A2, Intermediate B1 and Upper Intermediate B2. There is also a section called "Travel Course", which has many lessons with useful vocabulary and phrases on this topic. The app is free, but you can subscribe to get access to additional lessons.

Words and phrases are chosen by topic, which is quite typical. Topics are wide ranging from topics like "Daily Duties" and "Work" at the beginner level to "Elections and Politics" and "Exploring Nature and the Universe" at the Upper Intermediate level.

The lessons are structured as follows. First, cards are provided with new words and examples of their use. Next comes the training, then you have the opportunity to listen to the words in the dialogue, the translation of which into Russian is also attached. At the end of the lesson, you have the opportunity to write a written assignment - a short text on this topic, which will be sent to native speakers for verification.

If you know of any other useful applications that should be in this top, please write them in the comments!

Here comes autumn. The period when summer ended and school and college classes began. But knowledge of English is relevant for all age groups and now is the time to start learning it. Do you need to read books for this? Textbooks are good, but painfully boring and now they can be replaced. It is much more fun to learn English by playing it. In this article, we will select English language learning programs that can work on both iOS and Android.


First, you need to replenish your vocabulary. The app for iOS and Android called "EngCards" (formerly "English with English Cards Free") helps you learn English words amazingly quickly and permanently. The application contains 3500 cards in the form of English words and pictures with professional pronunciation from a native speaker. Flashcards are one of the oldest and most effective methods for memorizing English words.
  • Words are selected for all levels of knowledge of the English language in accordance with the courses of the same name: Elementary, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate and Upper Intermediate + bonus in the form of basic words (nouns, adjectives, numerals and verbs)
  • All words in the application are translated into 79 languages, including Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian.
  • According to the creators of the application, their special memorization technique will help you learn English words once and for all.

The main "trick" in the program is customizable word repetition periods. As you know, for memorization, and not temporary memorization, the subject of study, and in our case these are words, must be periodically repeated. In the program, these periods are set in the settings. By default, there are 5 of them. If the word was learned in the exercise “test” (must be completed with 5 stars) or “write it yourself” (must be completed with 4 stars), all correctly chosen and written words will be considered learned. Words will disappear from memorization for 2 hours, then return after 2 hours to memorize. When learning again, the word will already disappear for a day, then a week, 2 months and a year in accordance with the settings.

One of the reviews from the application page in the Apple Store: “Although there are many applications for memorizing English words, I stopped there. It has some zest. You start to learn words and it drags on for a long time. You don't notice how time flies.

Pros: original method of memorizing words, support for 79 languages ​​of the world
Minuses: Hardly ever
Grade: 5/5

The previous three applications were more or less serious and allowed you to start learning English from scratch. The next two are aimed at those who are already familiar with this language and just want to improve their "skill" in grammar or pronunciation.

Pumpkin Eng

When you first start, "Pumpkin" is a little striking in its originality, because instead of memorizing words or entering letters, we are offered to play ... tic-tac-toe with sentences! Agree, a very original system. In addition, even if you have a good command of tenses and English grammar, then you also need to think about strategy - this is tic-tac-toe!

In practice, it looks like this: you start the game with the computer at a certain "time". Before you is a grid of 9 cells - lines-tenses or verbs and columns-types (positive, negative, question) or times (in the game with verb tenses). You click on the cell where you want to “look like” and choose the correct option from the three offered.

Moving on to the next levels of the game, we discover new words that will be used in sentences. Plus, during any game, you can get help infographics for all existing times.

No matter how all of the above is not good, but in the free version they will not let you go beyond the first level - you will have to purchase the application (about $ 3-4).

In the overall score, I really liked Pumpkin - for the most part precisely because of its originality. But the need to pay compared to what competitors offer for free greatly reduces its attractiveness in the eyes of the user.

Pros: original learning system
Minuses: in fact, the application is paid
Grade: 3/5