Psychological exercises to increase self-confidence. Group training "increasing self-esteem"

On the basis of the existing self-esteem, a person daily makes a choice how to behave, self-esteem ensures the relative stability of the personality and can be an impetus for the development of the personality. True self-esteem maintains the dignity of a person and gives him moral satisfaction. An adequate or inadequate attitude towards oneself leads either to the harmony of the spirit, which provides reasonable self-confidence, or to a constant internal and / or interpersonal conflict. Self-esteem in psychology is a person's idea of ​​the importance of his personal activities in society and assessment of himself and his own qualities and feelings, advantages and disadvantages, their expression openly or closed. The system of personal meanings of a person acts as the main evaluation criterion.



Self-Esteem Training "Time for Yourself"


1. Definition and analysis of the level of self-esteem.

2. Mastering the methods of self-diagnosis, self-disclosure.

3. Development of the ability to make contact with oneself; take the position of an independent observer in relation to oneself and to one's situation; develop positive self-acceptance.

Course progress.

Consultation : "Self-esteem as the most important component of personality."

Leading . Self-esteem is a person's assessment of his own qualities, advantages and disadvantages. The term "self-esteem" emphasizes the evaluative nature of ideas about oneself, where there are elements of comparing oneself with some external standard, other people or a moral ideal. Self-esteem can be adequate, underestimated and overestimated.

Adequate self-esteem - a person really evaluates himself, sees both his positive and negative qualities. It is able to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

Low self-esteem is characteristic of people who tend to doubt themselves, take comments, dissatisfaction of other people at their own expense, worry and worry about insignificant reasons. Such people are often not self-confident, it is difficult for them to make decisions, the need to insist on their own. They are very sensitive.

High self-esteem - a person believes in himself, feels "on a horse", but sometimes, being confident in his infallibility, he can get into a difficult situation when he needs to abandon his usual view of things and admit someone else is right.

The process of self-realization and self-esteem are closely related to each other and influence each other: the feeling of unfulfilled self reduces self-esteem, and low self-esteem prevents full self-realization.

Definition of self-esteem

Instruction . When answering the questions, indicate how frequent the following conditions are for you: very often, often, sometimes, rarely, never.

Questionnaire for express diagnostics of self-esteem.

1. I want my friends to cheer me up.

2. I feel responsible for my work.

3. I am worried about my future.

4. Many people hate me.

5. I have less initiative than others.

6. I worry about my mental state.

7. I'm afraid to look stupid.

8. The appearance of others is much better than mine.

9. I'm afraid to give a speech in front of strangers.

10. I make mistakes in my life.

11. What a pity that I do not know how to speak properly with people.

12. What a pity that I lack self-confidence.

13. I would like my actions to be approved by others.

14. I am too modest.

15. My life is useless.

16. Many wrong opinions about me.

18. People expect a lot from me.

19. People are not particularly interested in my achievements.

20. I am often embarrassed.

21. I feel that many people do not understand me.

22. I don't feel safe.

23. I often worry and in vain.

24. I feel awkward when I enter a room where people are already sitting.

25. I feel constrained.

26. I feel like people are talking about me behind my back.

27. I am sure that people accept everything in life easier than I do.

28. It seems to me that some kind of trouble should happen to me.

29. I care about how people treat me.

30. What a pity that I'm not so sociable.

31. In disputes, I speak out only when I am sure that I am right.

32. I think about what the public expects from me.

Key to the test, processing and interpretation of results.To determine the level of your self-esteem, you need to add up all the points on the statements on the following scale: Very often - 4 points

Often - 3 points

Sometimes - 2 points

Rare - 1 point

Never - 0 points

Now calculate what is the total total score for all 32 judgments.

Self-Esteem Levels: Sumscores from 0 to 25 indicates a high levelself-esteem, in which a person correctly responds to the comments of others and rarely doubts his actions.The sum of points from 26 to 45 indicates the average levelself-esteem, in which a person only occasionally tries to fit in with the opinions of others.The sum of points from 46 to 128 indicates a low level of self-esteem, in which a person painfully endures critical remarks addressed to him, always tries to reckon with other people's opinions and considers himself worse than others.

Exercise 1 "I'm in the sun."

Location of participants. Teachers sit on chairs located throughout the hall.

Instruction . On the sheet, draw the sun the way children draw it - with a circle in the middle and many rays. Write your name in the circle and draw a self-portrait. Near each beam, write something nice about yourself. The task is to remember as many good things as possible.

Carry the sun with you everywhere. Add rays. And if it becomes especially bad in your soul and it seems that you are good for nothing, take out the sun, look at it and remember what you thought about when you wrote down this or that quality of yours.

Exercise 2 Self-praise.

Instruction . Make a list of the good things you did today in do not count). You can write down their positive results. For example.

  • Got up promptly.
  • Prepared breakfast for the whole family separately second breakfast for children in school.
  • Came to work promptly.
  • Made coffee for a colleague.
  • Completed...
  • Completed work on...

In the evening I played with the children and helped them do their homework.

Analyze: it is difficult or easy to remember the positive things that you did during the day.

After completing the exercise, the facilitator sums up: “If you make such records throughout the day, you will never cease to be surprised at how much good, useful for yourself and others you do.”

Exercise 3 "Confidence"(teachers fill out the form with tasks, Appendix 3).

instructions after the exercise. Look again carefully at your notes and try to assess which fears you are more prone to.

Then the facilitator offers another option for expressing attitudes towards such statements (it is necessary to mentally repeat them after the facilitator). :

1. I am sure that mistakes are inevitable in any business, especially when it is new.

2. I am absolutely sure: there will always be someone who does not like what: I do (there are no comrades for the taste and color).

3. Yes, there will always be someone who will criticize me. I'm really imperfect. Criticism is helpful.

  1. Of course! Every time I interrupt someone, I lean out.
  2. Maybe he thinks I'm not good! Of course, sometimes I'm not so economic and businesslike, and sometimes someone does better than me. But I will survive this too.

6. So, he leaves me. Maybe he will leave, but I will survive this.

The facilitator makes a generalization at the end: “This exercise helps to change fears into a calm, rational attitude towards what is happening.”

Exercise 4 "Telegram"

The psychologist distributes “telegram” forms with the name of the addressee written on it, where it is necessary to write to the addressee the best thing that can be said about him. After completing the task, the psychologist collects all the telegrams and distributes them to the addressees, who, having received the message, express their impressions aloud at will.

Exercise 5 "Level of happiness"

Instruction . Make a list of what you are grateful for at the moment. Make sure that everything that is worth gratitude is included in it: a sunny day, your health, the health of your family, housing, food, beauty, love, peace. After everyone completes the task, the host finds out which of the teachers found 10 circumstances for which you can be grateful to fate; who are five; who none. The facilitator summarizes: “I would like to recall the story of two people who were shown a glass of water. One said, "It's half full, and I'm grateful for that." Another said, "It's half empty and I feel cheated." The difference between these people is not in what they have, but in their attitude towards what they have.what they have. People who master the art of gratitude are physically and emotionally more well off than "deceived" people whose glasses are always half empty.

Exercise 6 "Getting rid of self-criticism"

Before doing the exercise, the facilitator says: “There are people who constantly analyze their behavior from the point of view of its failure, inefficiency (Why didn’t I do this? I had to answer him this way and that. What did I do ?!) These and similar self-reproachful questions give rise to guilt, which leads to even more "self-flagellation". A person finds himself in a trap of self-accusations, turns into a kind of "martyr of self-criticism." It is necessary and possible to escape from this.”

Instruction. Use the following trick. Take a blank sheet of paper and make a list of your most valuable qualities. For example, I am a good specialist. My colleagues respect me. I'm a great cook. I have achieved somethinglife. I admit my mistakes. In some areas I am very capable (for example, I know how to grow a good harvest in the country). I try to be kind. I am culturally advanced. Then put this piece of paper in your notebook and, when self-criticism begins to torment you, take it out and read your notes.

Exercise 7 "Accepting yourself"

Target . Development of readiness to work on oneself, to understand oneself and trust others, to carry out introspection.

Exercise . Determining your strengths and weaknesses.

Instruction . Take a sheet of blank paper, divide it into two columns: “My shortcomings” and “My virtues”, write down everything you think is necessary in them as frankly as possible.

Exercise 8 "Drawing I"

Target . Creating your own image with the help of visual means.

Exercise . Draw your own image in allegorical form.

Instruction . Take colored felt-tip pens and sheets of A-4 format, try to draw an image of your I. You can draw whatever you want: it can be a landscape, a still life, an imitation of children's drawings, something in the style of a rebus, a fantasy world, abstraction - in general, anything, with what you associate, connect, compare yourself, your state of life, your nature. Don't be afraid that you won't succeed or that you can't draw.

Exercise 9 "Motto"

Target . Reflection with the help of the motto of life attitudes.

Exercise . State your motto.

Instruction . In the old days, medieval knights had a custom - to write a motto on the gates of the castle, the coat of arms, the shield of a warrior, that is, a short saying expressing the idea, the purpose of the owner's activity. Your motto should make you concentrate on the main thing, reflect your creed, attitude towards the world as a whole, towards yourself - answer the questions: what can I do in life, what do I live for, what do I value. You can give explanations for the motto, get ready to announce the motto in front of other members of the group.


TOPIC: "Increasing self-esteem"

Target: to promote the development of self-esteem, the development of the skill of confident behavior, self-knowledge, as well as the acquisition of experience in speaking in front of an audience.

Required time : 1h 40m

Training objectives:

    with absolute confidence to feel in any situation;

    understand how to deal with shyness and anxiety;

    find out your true nature;

    learn to open and realize your habits and outlook on life;

    confidently maintain a conversation and business negotiations;

    easy to perform in front of a large crowd of people;

    not be afraid to take risks.

Introductory part - 25 minutes.

(Before the start of the training, the facilitator offers the participants tokens of different colors. In order to be able to further divide into subgroups.)

Good afternoon! I am very glad to see each of you!

Today I invite you to take part in a training to increase self-confidence.

During the training, we will try to learn how to increase self-esteem and work out the skills of confident behavior.

But before I start, I will introduce you to the rules of the training:

    address only by name

    give everyone the opportunity to speak without interrupting

    you can refuse to perform the exercise only once during the training

    the rule of "Activity" - we all speak out

And now we'll get to know each other better.

Exercise number 1 "Mood »: each participant says his name and comes up withan adjective that begins with the same letter as his name. It's very important to saythe epithet that emphasizes the individuality of the participant. Need to followto ensure that definitions are not repeated. The participant first calls the name andthe adjective of the participant who introduced himself to him, then his own .... etc.

And now I would like to hear with what mood, feelings you came and what do you expect from today's training?

(Line in a circle).

Information block (theory) - 5 min.

Opening speech.

You can often hear: “Starred! He has high self esteem!"

Or vice versa, a shy, shy person is credited with low self-esteem. And who among us does not have complexes that follow us from childhood? And all of them are somehow connected with our self-esteem.

So what is self-esteem?

- Can someone try to answer this question? (those who want to answer)

Self-esteem is self-confidence - a person's experience of his capabilities as adequate tasks that he faces in life, and those that he sets for himself. Self-confidence in any kind of activity takes place when a person's self-esteem corresponds to his real capabilities. If self-esteem is higher (lower) than real capabilities, then self-confidence (self-doubt) takes place, respectively. Self-confidence can also become a stable personality trait. Self-doubt and self-confidence are often associated with negative emotional experiences that disrupt the course of a person's mental development.

There should be a "golden mean" in everything.

Exercise number 2: " That's what I am"

Participants of the training receive napkins from the leader (you can have different colors).


Each of you has a napkin in your hands.

Tear the napkin into as many pieces as you see fit.

Finished? Thank you.

Now listen to the rules of the game: each participant must tell about himself as many personality traits ashis torn shreds. Information can be both positive and negative. But only the one you see fit to speak.


Was it difficult for you to talk about yourself?

What was harder to say, good or bad?

Thank you.

Of course, talking about yourself is always more difficult than talking about others. Therefore, in order to be able to tell about ourselves, we must be able to adequately evaluate ourselves.

I propose to continue our training, which may be of help to you.confidently carry on conversations and easily conduct speeches in front of a large crowd of people.


I suggest that you divide into groups according to the color of the token that you chose at the beginning of our training.

Thank you.

Each group should now choose a sheet, on the back of the sheet is a drawing of an object. (candy, hat, bag). Do not show or name the item to another group!

Think about what you can say about this subject. 2-3 minutes to prepare.

Members of other groups, try to guess what it was about.

After all participants are ready to advertise, the group forms the auditorium, placing chairs in a row or in a semicircle, and each subgroup in turn comes out and plays his show.

I think the group did a good job. Let's applaud the participants.

(Similarly, the remaining 2 groups perform the task).

(Line in a circle).

Did you enjoy the exercise? Why?

What were the difficulties?

What did you do better?

In your opinion, which group managed to “advertise” their subject more vividly?

I think everyone coped with the task in their own way. Let's applaud ourselves and each other.

Through the following exercise, you and I will help each other to distinguish confident behavior from insecure behavior and promote the development of self-confidence through role-playing.

Exercise #4 "I am strong - I am weak"

And now each participant will take the hand of the neighbor on the right.

We split up in pairs.

Stand in a circle facing each other. The first participant in the pair extends his hand forward (both hands are allowed). The second participant in the pair tries to lower the partner's hand by pressing on it from above.

The first participant in the pair should try to hold his hand, while speaking loudly and decisively:"I'm strong" . Now we repeat the same thing, but the first participant in the pair says:"I'm weak" , pronouncing it with the appropriate intonation, i.e. quiet, sad. Try to change.


When was it easier for you to hold your hand: in the first or in the second case?

Why do you think?

What feelings did you experience while doing this exercise?

What effect did the phrases you uttered “I am strong”, “I am weak” have on the performance of the task?

Thank you.

Exercise number 5 "Bad, good."

Before you are sheets of paper (according to the number of participants), the same number of pens, you can use different colors.

Each of the participants signs his sheet. And below he writes on it one of his own shortcomings.

Then he passes his sheet to the participants sitting on the left.

Everyone in a circle writes on his sheet “but you ...” or “but you have ...”, then some positive quality of this person: anything (you have very beautiful eyes, you are the best at telling jokes, etc.) .

At the end of the task, each participant is returned his sheet.

Then the participants read what they wrote about themselves.

(Line in a circle).

What do you feel now?

Did your feelings change during the exercise?

Which part of the exercise did you find the most difficult?

Exercise number 6 "I am radiant"

Participants of the training in turn rise to the table (chair), so that they are much higher than the group.

All participants standing below raise their hands up and exclaim, as emotionally as possible, “Oh, radiant!!!”.

Participants take turns changing places. The exercise is repeated until the whole group has participated.

(Line in a circle).


Has your self-image changed?

And now, I suggest just relaxing and playing, thus approaching the end of our training. (the game)


What experience did you get for yourself at this training today?

What new things have you learned about yourself?

What conclusions did you draw for yourself?

Self-doubt, an oppressive sense of guilt and self-blame sometimes become too heavy a burden... How to free yourself from this difficult burden and believe in your uniqueness? Analyze your experience, forgive yourself for imperfection, pacify the inner "cop" - and find at least five talents in yourself!



Exercise ‘Thank you for being you’

Hits: 363 Section: Psychotherapy - Exercises

The exercise can be used to work with people who have low self-esteem because of this they experience internal discomfort and a feeling of loneliness.

The facilitator divides the group into two subgroups equal in number of people. Participants form two circles - inner and outer and turn to face each other.

The task of the participants is to look into the eyes of the person standing in front of them and tell him by name: “Thank you for being you.”

First, these words are pronounced by a participant from the outer circle, and then from the inner one. If desired, participants can shake hands or hug each other. Then those standing in the outer circle move one person to the right, and the exercise is repeated again, until the participants who started this game with each other meet. At the end of the exercise, the group members return to their seats and share their impressions.

Information for the presenter

If one of the participants did not have the opportunity to say words of gratitude to another participant, since he was in the same subgroup with him, but has a desire to do this, he can thank him in the general circle.

Exercise "Development"

Hits: 306 Section: Psychotherapy - Exercises

It can be used to work with people who have low self-esteem, who are “not like others” and experience internal discomfort and a feeling of loneliness in connection with this.

The facilitator reads the text intended for active visualization:

Sit comfortably. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and relax...

Imagine that you are in a garden where different trees grow... All of them are interesting, but one of them attracts your attention... Look carefully, what kind of tree is it?.. What is its trunk, branches?.. In under what conditions does it grow? Imagine that you become this tree, your body is a trunk well rooted in the ground, branches with leaves extend from the trunk. What shape are they? Are there flowers or fruits on the tree? Your roots penetrate the earth from which nutrients come...

The earth nourishes the tree with its juices, and it gains strength... Your branches straighten, stretch upwards, leaves, flowers or fruits grow... The sun warms and gives the tree its warmth...

You feel a surge of strength and energy within you... Hold this feeling... Now open your eyes and return to the group, to this room.

After completing the exercise, the facilitator invites the participants to draw their trees on paper. After completing the task, the group members share their impressions and, if desired, show the drawings to each other.

Exercise "I like that you..."

Hits: 266 Section: Psychotherapy - Exercises

Host: Now I invite you to remind each other of your positive qualities. To do this, one of you will take a soft ball (or any toy) and tell another person from the group chosen by him, calling him by name, about what he likes about him, what he does well, continuing the phrase: “I like it, what are you...” For example, “Ivan, I like that you know how to remain calm in difficult situations.”

The one who receives the ball must answer: “Yes, I ... and also I ...” - and name three things that he can do.

For example, “Yes, I can be calm in difficult situations. I can also play volleyball well, smile and help others.”

It is important that participants speak sincerely.

After that, the one who has the ball in his hand passes it to another participant of the lesson chosen by him with the words: “(name), I like that you ...” The exercise continues until each participant has spoken.

Exercise "What am I and what do I want to be?"

Hits: 313 Section: Psychotherapy - Exercises

The game is pantomimed. Participants are divided into pairs and sequentially “sculpt” each other into a sculpture of their state - real and desired, and then they themselves take the fashioned poses, freezing in them for a while. It is possible to voice your state with non-articular sounds. After all the participants have completed the task, the discussion begins. First, the participants of the training speak, then the facilitator. It stimulates discussion on the following questions:

What did you feel when you entered the image of the sculpture - real and desired?

Were there moments that surprised you?

What differences do you notice between the "I" - the real one and the "I" - the desired one in yourself and in another?

Is there a person in your life that you would like to be like? Why does he attract you?

Does the desired state for you coincide with the state demonstrated by this person?

Exercise "Snowflakes"

Hits: 331 Section: Psychotherapy - Exercises

The exercise can be used in a group to work with people who have low self-esteem, who are “not like others” and experience internal discomfort and a feeling of loneliness in connection with this.

Each participant receives a napkin and silently, without looking at how others are doing the same operation, performs the following actions:

folds the sheet in half, tears off the upper right corner;

again folds the sheet in half, tears off the upper right corner;

does the same for the third time;

and for the last, fourth time, folds the sheet in half and tears off the upper right corner.

Then everyone unfolds the sheet and demonstrates what he got.


Participants compare which snowflakes they got - the same or different, dissimilar.

The facilitator draws the attention of the participants to the fact that although everyone performed the exercise according to the same instructions, their snowflakes turned out to be different. So people are not similar to each other, each has its own individuality.

Exercise "Feedback"

Hits: 566 Section: Psychotherapy - Exercises

Purpose: team building. Tasks: awareness of one's strengths and weaknesses; development of empathy; team building.

Facilitator: Now I suggest doing an exercise that will help you work more effectively in the future as a team.

I assume that so far, each of you has done a lot of things that the rest of the group met with approval, as it helped them or the whole team as a whole.

On the other hand, I admit that everyone did something that others considered unnecessary or even harmful. Finally, I assume that you would like your colleagues to act in the future so that the team can work even better. Each of you has your own idea about this, and I want to help you communicate with each other and come to clear and precise agreements.

Take one piece of paper for yourself, lay it horizontally and write your name on the top. Then divide the sheet into three columns.

Above the first column, write: “Keep going…” Other team members will write here what they value about your work and hope to improve the qualities noted in this column in the future.

Above the second column, write: “Slow down, please.” Entries in this column will refer to activities of yours that others consider redundant.

Above the third column, write: “I would love it if you...” The entries will express the wishes of colleagues regarding the behavior and actions that can make life and work of the team more efficient and enjoyable.

When performing the exercise, adhere to the following rules:

do not enter anything in the second or third column until you have made an entry in the first;

sign your records;

don't stand near your leaf.

you can write any number of wishes to another team member;

after you have made all the notes, you can sit down in your place;

After everyone has taken their seats, the facilitator invites the participants to carefully study their sheets and begin the first exchange of impressions. If someone's wishes are not clear to the participants, they can ask clarifying questions to their authors. In case of disagreement, negotiations can be held. For example, a team member who makes specific demands may offer something in return, such as: “Please don't interrupt me. And I promise that I will ask your opinion more often.

Psychological exercise ‘Image of a name’

Hits: 196 Section: Psychotherapy - Exercises

The facilitator invites the participants to create an image of their name using colored and corrugated paper, pencils, paints, sparkles, etc.

Issues for discussion:

What message does your name bring to the world?

Tell about the image of your name, the message and show it with a gesture and body movement.

Psychological exercise ‘Energy of the Name’

Hits: 242 Section: Psychotherapy - Exercises

The facilitator invites the participants to write their first name, patronymic and last name on paper, make up 15 new words from the letters in them and choose those that the participants like the most. The facilitator draws attention to the fact that, perhaps, in these words there is a certain resource for them.

Issues for discussion

What did you learn about yourself from this exercise?

Psychological exercise ‘New look’

Hits: 216 Section: Psychotherapy - Exercises

Leading: We do many things in life automatically: we get up in the morning, have breakfast, go to school or work, watch TV, go to bed. And we do not notice how our behavior becomes habitual.

At times, something does not suit us, and we think about how to change it in our lives. Usually changes are facilitated by new experiences that help us acquire other qualities of character. Now I suggest that you again remember the image where you determined what you want to become, feel it and return to the exercise “The Secret of the Name”, with which we started our lesson, and supplement it.

It is known that in the traditions of some nations it is customary to have several names. Some names are given to a person at birth, others are chosen by the person himself when he tries to fulfill his plan, and others are assigned to him by contemporaries or descendants who evaluate his actions.

What names are you ready to add to your main ones? And what names would you be proud of in the future? For example: “Now I am Michael the Seeker, but I would like to become Michael the Founder.” Or: “Today I am Elena the Expectant, but I dream of becoming Elena the Inspiring!” Or: “I am Alexander Cautious, and I will be Alexander Resolute!” Add new ones to your main names and talk about it.

Issues for discussion

How did you feel while “playing” with your name?

What did you learn about yourself and others from this exercise?

Psychological exercise "Mother and child"

Hits: 139 Section: Psychotherapy - Exercises

Option 1

To perform the exercise, you need a soft surface.

Host: Now I suggest that you divide into two subgroups, counting on the “first - second”, and form two circles: external and internal.

Participants in the inner circle squat down, clasp their knees with their hands, close their eyes and bend their heads.

Behind them stand the members of the outer circle, who will move around those sitting.

At my clap, the outer circle will stop its movement, and each participant from the outer circle will sit down behind the one who is sitting in front of him in the inner circle, hug him, tilting slightly to his side, and begin to gently sway, trying to feel what rhythm and what intensity of swaying the most comfortable and natural for their couple. In this case, the participants from the inner circle will not know who is behind them (2 minutes).

Then the participants from the outer circle will return the participants from the inner circle to their original place, stand up and continue to move around the circle. The procedure will be repeated three times, and then you will change places - those who were in the inner circle will move to the outer one, and vice versa.

Exercise Analysis

Participants tell what feelings they experienced during the exercise, what discoveries they made for themselves. With whom they were more comfortable (citing only the numbers of participants), when they were in the inner circle, and with whom it was difficult and why. What feelings did you experience for the participants of the inner circle, being in the outer one. Each participant draws their own conclusions.

Option 2

The facilitator invites the participants to divide into two subgroups and form two circles standing up: external and internal.

Participants from the inner circle turn their backs to the participants from the outer circle and close their eyes.

Participants from the outer circle will move around those standing. At the clap of the leader, the outer circle will stop its movement, and each participant from the outer circle will begin stroking the participant from the inner circle standing in front of him on the shoulders, head, and back. You can massage your shoulders.

Host: Try to feel what touches are important to your partner - someone may need a massage, and someone needs light strokes. You can ask your partner about the quality of touch (1-2 minutes).

Then the participants from the outer circle will continue to move around the circle. The procedure will be repeated three times, and then you will change places - those who were in the inner circle will move to the outer one, and vice versa.

Visualization exercise "Image of internal state"

Hits: 177 Section: Psychotherapy - Exercises

The facilitator needs to master the technique of directed visualization. The facilitator invites the participants to sit down more comfortably, to find a position for their body in which they can completely relax.

Host: Take a deep breath and exhale slowly... Your breathing is deep and free... You breathe easily...

Now focus on your body. Take an inner look at it and determine the places of stress ...

“Look” at the crown, forehead, eyes, nose, mouth, chin, cheeks, left ear, right ear, brain ... Neck, left collarbone, left arm, right collarbone, right arm ... Look with an “inner look” at the chest, stomach. Feel your spine, back, lower back, buttocks, left leg and right leg... And again the crown...

Feel in what places of the body there is internal tension, and form its holistic image. If your tension could speak, what would it tell you?.. Why did it arise?.. What size, shape, color does it have? What does it look like?.. The image can be both quite concrete and abstract.

Ask the image if it has desires?.. Are improvements possible?.. Imagine that you allow it to do so. What is happening to him?.. What is happening to the body?.. Perhaps the tension has eased and you feel a pleasant warmth and new energy... Stay in this state and return to this room.

After completing the exercise, the facilitator asks the participants about their feelings. Those who wish can talk about the images they have seen and, if necessary, work with them.

The facilitator can continue the exercise: Now draw the image of your body you saw. If you are right-handed, it is advisable to draw with your left hand. Next - conduct an "internal dialogue" with your body, with its various parts.

With your right hand, you write down the following questions (if you are right-handed):

How do you feel?

What do you want?

How can I help?

What is causing the feeling?

What would you like to report?

What will help you feel better? With your left hand you answer these questions.

This dialogue aims to identify the causes and mechanisms of your uncomfortable or painful condition and the factors that help recovery.

Psychological exercise ‘What am I and what would I like to be?’

Hits: 102 Section: Psychotherapy - Exercises

Host: I suggest you do the following exercise. Now enter your usual, everyday state and, starting from your feelings, find a match for it in the form of a certain image (for example, a stale gingerbread, a driven horse, a crystal bowl, etc.). And now help the image of the problem state, as it were, “spread its wings” and gain freedom, let it realize its “innermost desires”, give it energy ...

Now identify yourself with this image. Feel its harmonious final state as your own... By doing this, you will restore unity with the energy contained in it.

After the participants in the session have seen and felt both states, the facilitator says: You have two images: a problem image and a desired image.

Now I propose to divide into pairs and pantomime first portray the problematic image, and then the desired image. You can accompany your performance with various gestures, sounds.

Thus, you solve a task of great importance: you give development to the creative potential, the energy that has remained motionless in your body for a long time.

Meditative exercise "What am I?"

Hits: 131 Section: Psychotherapy - Exercises

Moderator: Imagine that the world we live in is the Universe, and every person is a planet in it. If you were a planet, what would it be! Imagine it, and then use pencils or paints to draw it on paper.

The facilitator turns on meditative music, and the participants of the lesson draw their planets.

At the end of the exercise, the facilitator invites the participants to write 5 characteristics of their planet on the back of the sheet, answering the question - what is it?

For example: green, blooming, bright, big, kind.

Or: harsh, strong, fast, beautiful, cold.

Psychological game "Compliment"

The game can be played using one of the proposed options.

Option 1

The facilitator invites each participant to transfer their drawing to the participant sitting to his left.

The participant who received the drawing looks at it and on the reverse side of the sheet writes the positive characteristic or association that the received drawing evoked in him. Then he passes the drawing further around the circle.

If any characteristic is incomprehensible to him, the author of the drawing can ask a clarifying question to the writer.

Option 2

If the game is played with younger students, then they can simply show their drawings to each other and give feedback on what they liked about the drawings of others.

Next, the facilitator invites the participants to depict their feelings on paper by drawing how their planet can change from such benevolent interaction with others, that is, they can add something to their previous drawings or draw new ones.

Learning techniques for emotional release and muscle relaxation

Hits: 227 Section: Psychotherapy - Exercises

Host: And now you will learn relaxation techniques that can be used in any difficult life situations. Tighten the muscles of the whole body, arms, legs; pull your shoulders high, reaching up to your ears; clench your fists tightly... Now relax all parts of the body (repeat this technique 3-5 times).

Another technique: take a very deep breath, the deepest (at the expense of 1-4), hold your breath for 10-15 seconds. Now exhale all the air from the lungs (on a count of 1-6) and with the exhalation relax, relieve tension, return to normal breathing.

Do you feel tension in your chest as you inhale? Did you notice relaxation after exhalation? Remember this feeling, evaluate it (the technique can be repeated 4-5 times. Inhalation should be combined with muscle tension, exhalation with relaxation).

After completing the exercise, the facilitator asks the participants about their feelings and explains that relaxation (relaxation) is best felt after tension and contributes to the restoration of strength and energy.

After deep breaths and slow exhalations, a person always feels better.

Psychological exercise "Compliments"

Hits: 305 Section: Psychotherapy - Exercises

Participants are divided into two subgroups and form two circles, one inside the other. The inner and outer circles face each other.

Host: Now we will thank each other for the interesting time spent. To do this, for one minute, those who stand in the outer circle will compliment the participant from the inner circle standing in front of them.

After a minute, the participants in the inner circle will say compliments to those standing opposite. Then the outer circle will move clockwise by one person, and the task will be repeated with other partners. The outer circle will move until the first pairs match.

This exercise increases the participants' self-esteem and actualizes their personal resources.

Psychological exercise "Fairytale story"

Host: Now I suggest that you divide into groups of 5 - 6 people and disperse to different corners of the room so as not to disturb each other. Each group writes a fairy tale story in which the characters will be the animals that you drew during one of the exercises.

Describe how your characters could express themselves and interact with each other. When the story is ready, choose a director for yourself and stage your fairy tale.

At the end of the rehearsal, each team presents their story to the others. All stories are accepted and accompanied by applause.

Psychological exercise "Snake"

Hits: 184 Section: Psychotherapy - Exercises

The participants stand up. The host invites one of them to go out into the corridor or another room for a while.

Leader (to the rest): Hold hands so that you get a chain. This chain depicts a snake, and the two extreme participants are its head and tail. As it often happens, the snake folds into all sorts of rings - it “gets tangled”.

The facilitator helps the "snake" get entangled by giving the initiative to entangle the "head". In the process of entanglement, you can step over closed hands, crawl under them. At the end of the entanglement, the "head" and "tail" can hide their free hands, but they should not join hands.

Then the facilitator invites the participant who is outside the door and invites him to unravel the "snake". At the same time, he can be informed that she has a “head” and a “tail”.

This exercise involves close physical contact, contributes to the rapprochement of the group.

Psychological exercise "What am I and what would I like to be?"

Hits: 127 Section: Psychotherapy - Exercises

Moderator: You have already presented the image of your animal. Now try to feel it inwardly... Stand near your chair as this animal would stand... Now walk around and move around as your animal would move... You can stop and interact with others as you would your animal. The exercise is performed pantomimically, without words, non-articulated sounds are possible.

Thank you, you showed what your animal is now. Would you like it to change? Perhaps it has become more elegant or bolder, brighter, more friendly? If yes, you can imagine his new image and express it in a new way.

The facilitator closely monitors what is happening, if necessary, helps participants who are experiencing difficulties, while not losing control of the entire group and maintaining the necessary pace.

At the end of the exercise, the facilitator can ask the participants the following questions:

How did you feel as an animal?

What surprised you?

What differences did you notice between the two images of the animal?

Psychological exercise "Color of the rainbow"

Hits: 202 Section: Psychotherapy - Exercises

The facilitator invites the participants to sit down as comfortably as possible, close their eyes if they wish, take a few deep breaths and relax.

Host: Imagine that you are standing in a sunny forest clearing. See how big or small it is? What flowers grow on it, are there bushes and trees, berries? (To make it easier for the participants to imagine the clearing, you can turn on calm music.)

Imagine that a magical rainbow has appeared above you. She is very beautiful. See how her colors play: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple.

You raise your hands and the one color of the rainbow you need right now falls into your palms. Imagine how the flow of this color fills you... Now you are already completely painted in this color... It gives you its properties, you bathe in it... Feel what this color gives you...

Participants talk about the chosen color and their feelings, the facilitator explains the meaning of each color.

Red - vitality, strength, endurance.

Orange - cheerfulness, joy, emotionality.

Yellow - inspiring, promotes the development of intuition.

Green - healing, harmony, compassion. Promotes the development of empathy and love for others.

Blue - calmness. Promotes stress relief and relaxation.

Blue - thinking and creativity. Helps generate more creative ideas.

Purple is inspiration. Helps to create new concepts, to invent.

Psychological exercise "Image of an animal"

Hits: 254 Section: Psychotherapy - Exercises

Exercise modification. See: Vachkov I.V. metaphorical training. - M.: Os-89, 2006.

Host: Sit comfortably, relax and imagine that you are in a magical forest. A variety of animals live in this forest. Everything that is in the world. Here you can meet any of them. An animal will now appear in your mind's eye... Don't try to summon it consciously...

A variety of animals may pass in front of you, but one is sure to linger when all the others have left ... (Pause.) Consider this animal, pay attention to its appearance. Is it moving or stationary? What does it do? What feelings are reflected in his appearance? On what background do you see it? How bright and distinct is the resulting image?

Imagine that your animal is now approaching a tree. This tree is very similar to his character... What is it like? High or low? Very stable or light, moving with every breath of the breeze?.. What kind of branches does it have: straight, directed upwards, growing to the sides or very flexible, bending down to the ground? Are there many or few leaves on the branches of a tree and what shape are they? Remember what you saw... If you wish, you can pet your animal... Think about what motto it might have... And now mentally say goodbye to it and return here to our room. If someone has closed their eyes, open them. You can straighten your shoulders, move.

And now I ask you to draw the animal and tree you saw. At the bottom of the picture, write the motto of the animal.

The facilitator distributes sheets of A4 paper to the participants. Calm music sounds, and all participants draw an animal and a tree. Music plays as long as the participants draw. Then they arrange their drawings so that they are clearly visible to others, and the authors of the drawings talk about the tree, the nature of the animal and its motto. The facilitator should refrain from commenting and only listen carefully to everyone.

Psychological exercise "Zones of awareness"

Hits: 130 Section: Psychotherapy - Exercises

Exercise modification. See: Rudestam K. Group psychotherapy. Psychocorrective groups: theory and practice. - M.: Progress, 1990.

Host: The experience of understanding the world by each of us can be divided into three zones of awareness: the external world, the internal world of the body, the world of thoughts and fantasies.

Next, pay attention to the inner world of the body, starting speech with the same words as in the first case. Within one or two minutes, you may notice dry mouth, itching in the hand, muscle tension, etc. Then listen again to what your partner has to say about their awareness of the inner world.

The third zone of awareness (middle zone) includes mental activity that is not related to current experience, such as memories, plans, reflections, premonitions and fantasies. Bring the contents of this zone into a conscious form by continuing the phrase beginning with the words "Now I am aware of ..." for a minute. You may be conscious of your anxiety about a written test or outstanding obligations; or your attempts to guess what your partner is thinking. After that, switch roles.

Now pay attention to where your consciousness takes you if you do not concentrate on any of the zones. Say: "Now I am aware..." - and complete this phrase with words about what you are aware of at the moment, whether it is the content of the outer, inner or middle zone. Once you figure out which zone your consciousness is taking you to, you'll be ready to start honing your ability to focus. In addition, you can expand the scope of your awareness and develop the ability to switch from zone to zone.

First, try switching from the inner zone to the outer zone. Complete the phrase "Now I realize ..." with words referring first to the outer zone, and then to the inner. Move from one zone to another for a minute, and then listen to how your partner performs this exercise.

Psychological exercise "Beasts"

Hits: 184 Section: Psychotherapy - Exercises

The idea was borrowed from I.V. Vachkov.

Host: Now I will give you cards on which the names of the color and the animal are indicated.

The facilitator distributes cards 10x10 cm in size. You can make 20 cards of the same color, dividing them into four groups (five pieces for one of the colors that will be written on the inside of the card).

The name of one of the colors (blue, green, red, yellow) and the name of one animal (lion, tiger, panther, giraffe, monkey) are written on the inside of the card. The result is four lions - one each on cards with inscriptions in different colors, four tigers - one each on cards with inscriptions in different colors, etc. If the group has an odd number of participants, the facilitator explains that one of the subgroups will have one less participant.

Please read what is written on your card. Make it so that only you can see the inscriptions. The task of everyone is to find those whose card color matches yours. After you have split into colors, line up in your group in the following order: the first is the lion, then the tiger, then the panther, giraffe and monkey.

In the process of searching for each other and building, you can use any expressive means, but you can’t speak and make the characteristic sounds of “your” beast, in other words, everything that you will do, you will do silently.

When you line up, stay close, but continue to be silent, do not talk.

After the group members have lined up, the facilitator asks each in turn: “Who are you?”

This exercise contributes to the development of expressiveness of behavior, encourages participants, on the one hand, to be attentive to the actions of others, and on the other hand, to look for such means of self-expression that will be understandable to others.

In the modern world, those who experience shyness and lack of self-confidence are unlikely to be able to reach high peaks in life. That is why psychological training to increase self-esteem was created in order to help solve the problems of such a person. Today there are a huge number of similar games and exercises. We will tell you about their essence.

Self-Esteem Training

This training helps to gain self-confidence, opens the inner voice of your intuition. At the same time, you will learn to program your subconscious for success in life. Many people suffer from, first of all, because they believe that they are unworthy not only of the love of others, but also of their own. Down with such thoughts! Remember that you should not repeat to yourself the phrase: “I am not capable of anything. I'm stupid,” etc. Loving yourself does not mean being selfish. It means showing yourself respect. The one who is able to love himself retains his self-esteem, while not allowing anyone to humiliate himself.

Self-Esteem Exercises

  1. Start treating yourself well. If you are not satisfied with something in your appearance, strive to change it. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on this process. The main thing is to approach such changes with love.
  2. Realize what you have long wanted. Remember that time does not wait for anyone and does not regret.
  3. Don't tell yourself that you will never succeed. Make it a rule to repeat every day purely: “I am very beautiful. Clever. Attractive." Convince yourself more and more each time. Soon your actions will radiate confidence and success.

Meditation for Self-Esteem

For those who do not deny Eastern culture, the following recommendations are suitable:

Auto-training to increase self-esteem

Do not forget that everything you say about yourself is remembered by your subconscious. It does not process what it hears, it records it as if it were on tape. So watch your thoughts. Try to think and say only positive things about yourself. Remember that only you can create yourself. Listen only to yourself. Look for the positives in yourself and increase your self-esteem every day.

Mindfulness can be done in different ways. It is necessary to develop memory, attention, thinking and other mental functions, but this is hardly the main thing in the development of a person. A thinker with a good memory is sometimes helpless before rudeness. It is more important to prepare a person for a variety of everyday situations: the ability to be different, flexible, purposeful and strong, to educate the inner person - the one who uses all these functions.

“If you caught a fish for your son, you fed him for today. If you taught your son how to fish, you have fed him for a lifetime,” says wisdom. A good psychologist will help a person in his mental suffering, but not every educator is able to teach how to maintain mental health. There are people who know how to survive everywhere and be happy in almost any situation. If a person loves himself, the world, people, if he is internally free and filled with energy, knows what he lives for, he will solve all his problems himself.

“A donkey can be led to the river, but not a single shaitan will make him drink,” says the proverb. If a person does not want to take care of his soul himself, no educational programs will be effective.

Working with teenagers in the "Psychology" section, I pursued the goal - to teach them the elementary skills of theoretical and practical psychology in order to interest young people in further work on themselves, deeper and more meaningful.

The classes were attended by students of secondary schools, lyceums and colleges in the city of Berezniki from 13 to 16 years old.

During the work of the section, a request was received to conduct group training work with adolescents attending these classes. To determine the direction of work, the future members of the group (consisting of 10 people) were asked the question: “What would you like to change in yourself? What would you like to learn?”. Further, a general list of topics for future work was compiled: the need to know oneself, increase self-confidence, and learn to positively resolve conflict situations. As a result, the name of the training was formulated: “Development of a sense of self-confidence”, the main purpose of which is to increase self-confidence.

Adolescence is a very favorable time for such work. This is due, on the one hand, to an increase in their interest in themselves, in their abilities, and on the other hand, with the openness of adolescents during this period to help from adults in overcoming difficulties, problems, and making decisions.

The training “Development of a sense of self-confidence” is aimed at solving the following tasks:

  1. Provide participants with the means of self-knowledge (self-observation, reflection, etc.).
  2. Develop the skills necessary for confident behavior.
  3. Develop the skills needed to deal positively with conflict situations.

The training program is designed for 1 preliminary meeting (to determine the direction of work) and 3 meetings of 4 - 4.5 hours each.

In the development of the training for the teacher-psychologist of the Central Children's and Youth School of Science and Technology Shirshova S.A. psychologists - assistants took part: Leonova O.V., Stepanova Yu.S.

When compiling the training program, the literature was used, the list of which is attached.

Program Structure

Theme: "I am in my own eyes and in the eyes of others."

The goal is to get to know the group and yourself.

  1. Getting to know the group.
  2. Enter group rules.
  3. Provide means of self-knowledge.
  4. Strengthen self-esteem.
  5. Learn the elements of relaxation.

Theme: “I am among others”.

The goal is to learn how to correctly express one's feelings and adequately perceive the behavior of another.

  1. Create a comfortable climate for the free expression of feelings.
  2. Promote self-awareness.
  3. Encourage participants to become aware of their different traits.
  4. Working with feelings.
  5. Develop the skills and abilities necessary for confident behavior.

Topic: “We are very different and this is why we are interesting to each other.”

The goal is to increase confidence in the field of interpersonal communication

  1. Learn to understand each other.
  2. To promote awareness of problems in relationships with people.
  3. Develop the skills and abilities necessary to positively overcome conflict situations.
  4. Completion of the group.

1. Acquaintance.

Facilitator: “We will start by having everyone in a circle say their name and say a few words about themselves. Before that, I suggest that each of you take a badge and write your name on it. It doesn't have to be your real name, you can call yourself something else. If you decide to take a different name, then, introducing yourself, say the real one, and then try to say why you decided to change it. Maybe those names that were taken for today will not be needed later, but if necessary, everyone can take their plate and, for example, tell something about themselves under a different name. Begin".

This takes a maximum of 30 minutes.

2. Preliminary stage.

To obtain more complete information about the group members, tasks are offered that reveal the problems of clients' uncertainty.

Host: Now, please, draw the feeling that interferes with you during communication, which is not pleasant for you, because of which you feel insecure. Write the name of this feeling at the top.

This is given a maximum of 15 minutes.

Host: And now, draw the feeling with which you cope with the feeling that you wrote in the first drawing, with which you are pleased and interested in communicating. Also write the name of this feeling at the top.

This is also given a maximum of 15 minutes.

Leading: When you finish drawing, take the first sheet where the feeling that interferes with your communication is drawn and written, and write 5-10 adjectives to the written word at the back of the sheet to explain it. Do the same with the second sheet, on which a pleasant feeling is drawn and written.

This takes a maximum of 20 minutes.

Facilitator: The discussion of these drawings will take place in one of the following lessons.

3. Introduction of rules.

“Presenter”: Now you will be offered the rules of conduct in the group, which apply to both group members and leaders. After each paragraph, I ask you to vote for the adoption (non-acceptance) of this rule.

A maximum of 20 minutes is allotted for discussion of the rules. When the rules are accepted, the leader takes out a sheet with a large inscription of these rules, which after that always lie in the middle of the circle. A promise is made to abide by the rules. The facilitator says the word “I promise”, the group members do the same.

GROUP RULES: “Here and now”; “Everyone has the right to say no; sincerity and openness; Principle I; Non-judgmental judgments; Activity; Confidentiality.

4. Exercise 1.

Meditation-Visualization “ The ship on which I am sailing.

Approximately 1 hour - 1 hour 20 minutes is allotted for this exercise.

Host: And now draw what you saw and what you want. Maybe it will be your ship, maybe just the sea, or maybe the captain or something else that only you saw.

You have a maximum of 20 minutes to draw.

When discussing the effects of the exercise, in addition to reflecting on the state, it is good to get answers to the questions given on pages 211-212.

Host: And now, in a circle, say in a nutshell: who is feeling like? This concludes the first day, see you tomorrow. (This is said 15 minutes before the end of class.)

Day 2

1. Introduction.

Moderator: Good afternoon, I am very glad to see you all. I hope that your last night and today went well. In order to better understand your condition, I will ask all the participants in the circle to tell you what interesting things happened to you during this time.

Host: In ordinary life, people are often content with superficial, shallow contacts with each other, not trying to see what the other feels and experiences. Now you will do an exercise in order to understand what is at stake.

2. Exercise 1. “Eye to eye”.

This exercise is aimed at establishing a deeper and more trusting contact between group members. After conducting this exercise, the facilitator asks the guys about the feelings experienced during the exercise. Who had a hard time making eye contact and why?

A maximum of 20-30 minutes is given for discussion of these questions. A more detailed discussion occurs after the Self-portrait exercise.

3. Exercise 2. “Brownian motion”.

Before doing the third exercise, it is necessary to warm up the group members more strongly. This exercise is used for this.

4. Exercise 3. "Theatre of Touch".

During the entire exercise, the leader moves from pair to pair, helping and guiding the siter, and helping the person lying down to relax. After 25 minutes, the music turns off. And the couples are invited to switch places.

The exercise is silent and there is no discussion afterwards. The time allotted for this exercise should not exceed 50 minutes, i.e. a maximum of 25 minutes is allotted for each lying participant. Instructions for the next exercise are given when the participant, lying on the floor, has just opened his eyes.

5. Exercise 4. “Self-portrait”.

The exercise is aimed at exploring ideas about oneself.

Now take a blank sheet of paper and draw your portrait on it. It can be a portrait of yourself during the “Theater of Touch” exercise (how you saw yourself), or it can be your portrait in everyday life or some other portrait of yourself in your imagination. We draw with the condition not to look and not see the drawings of other members of the group. When you finish painting self-portraits, give us personally.

Mandatory in this exercise is the silence of the group members both when they sit down and when they draw. During this exercise, quiet, calm music should be played.

The exercise is carried out for a maximum of 15 minutes. In order for all the conditions of this exercise to be met, it is necessary to seat all members of the group in different corners of the occupied premises. In extreme cases, put them back to each other. When the drawings are finished and collected, everyone is seated in their places.

Leading: Now I will move the drawing up one by one so that everyone present can answer questions together. In this case, the name of the "artist" will not be named, so that only he alone will know that we are talking about his portrait. At the end of the discussion of each drawing, the “artist”, if he wishes, can give his name.

Impressions about the previous exercises and questions are expressed in the final part of Day 2 or when discussing the drawings. If necessary, elements of psychotherapy are carried out.

15 minutes before the end of work, it is necessary to conduct a “farewell ritual”, which includes: a survey of all group members in a circle about their well-being and mood, as well as farewell.

Day 3

While the participants are seated in a circle, the leader lays out the rules of the group in its center so that the guys gradually get involved in the work.

1. Introduction.

Moderator: Good afternoon, I am very glad to see you all. I hope that your last night and today went well. In order to better understand your condition, I will ask all the participants in the circle to tell you what interesting things happened to you during this time.

The discussion takes place with the inclusion of elements of psychotherapy, and takes a maximum of 45 minutes.

Moderator: There are many types of communication that you all know about. But I would like to talk about some of them, four to be exact. Four types of communication to avoid, which in the end always lead interlocutors to a dead end. We are talking about roles here: aggressive, conciliatory, indirect attack, evasion - these are the roles that people use to solve any problems in communication. Generally speaking, one should not use bad examples to show people what they should not do. But this game is an exception to the rule. The exception is that we will lose the situation in a circle, i.e. Let's “pass” through ourselves the mistakes that were mentioned earlier in order to understand them properly and use the conclusions drawn in everyday practice. In this game, you will experience in your own skin that each of these four types of communication never leads to a good mood and can not lead to a solution to your problems. And when you later find yourself in one of the four roles associated with such communication, you suddenly become aware of it. Only such awareness of the situation in subsequent practice can help you avoid negative, erroneous actions.

2. Exercise 1. “Four types of communication”.

This exercise is aimed at: understanding problems in relations with people; on the development of skills and abilities necessary for the positive overcoming of conflict situations.

The time allotted for this game should not take more than 1 hour, i.е. for each circle for 15 minutes. The discussion takes approximately 30 to 45 minutes.

It is better to distribute this material to the guys participating in the game in such a way that everyone pulls out a piece of paper without looking.

3. Discussion of the drawings.

After playing Roles, when everyone calms down, it is necessary to move smoothly to the fact that we are also different in life: with good features and bad ones, i.e. with the ones we like and the ones we don't like. Here it is necessary to distribute to the participants of the circle the drawings made by them in the first lesson and remind them that one of them has their positive qualities, the other negative.

So, you have drawings in front of you that depict your feelings: on one sheet, one that interferes with you during communication, on the other, which helps you.

This discussion aims to improve understanding of each other through a deeper understanding of ourselves.

All members of the group should take part in the discussion of the drawings, if necessary, elements of psychotherapy are applied in this procedure.

A maximum of 1 hour - 1 hour 30 minutes is given for discussion.

4. Exercise 2. "Tails".

This exercise is aimed at identifying unresolved problems, unexpressed feelings and thoughts of the participants, i.e. to identify important "tails" of the group history and their elaboration.

Answers to questions are discussed here. This exercise takes a maximum of 30 minutes.

Now, please take a couple of minutes to think about the following: what is the most important experience that you have gained in this group that will help you better cope with the difficulties of everyday life? Please write it down on a piece of paper.

After writing on the sheets in a circle, at the request of the participants, the answers are read out. This task takes a maximum of 10 minutes.

5. The final stage of work.

At this stage, our work is completed and we invite you to say goodbye to each other. To do this, please stand up. And now, when the music starts, silently, only with your eyes and body, say goodbye to each other, and thank you.

This takes 10 minutes. After that, the music is turned off.

And now, please stand in a circle and hold hands. And now let's say goodbye all together, with the whole group. Let's shout as loudly as possible: "Goodbye."

After that, 5-10 minutes are given for a free farewell of the participants.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that the proposed training is aimed at supporting the participants in the following manifestations: more positive thoughts and feelings about themselves; sympathy for oneself; the ability to treat yourself with humor; feelings of pride in oneself as a person; better understanding of one's own strengths and weaknesses.

This work is necessary to ensure more effective interaction of adolescents in everyday life and for the successful solution of their daily tasks.

The positive result of this training is that teenagers got to know themselves better, their strengths, they managed to develop self-esteem, they learned to overcome uncertainty, fear, increased anxiety in various situations, they also learned to most successfully and fully realize themselves in behavior and activities, to assert their rights and their own value, not only without infringing on the rights and values ​​of other people, but also contributing to their increase.


  1. Birkenbil V.F. Communication Training: The Science of Communication for All. M.: FAIR-PRES, 2002.
  2. Bozhovich L.I. Personality and its formation in childhood. M., 1968.
  3. Vachkov I. Fundamentals of group training technology. Psychotechnics. M.: Ed. "Axis - 89", 2000.
  4. Dobrovich A.B. Educator about the psychology and psychohygiene of communication. M., 1993.
  5. Dubrovina I.V. Handbook of a practical psychologist: Psychological programs for personality development in adolescence and senior school age. M., ed. Center "Academy", 1997.
  6. Kozlov N. Best psychological games and exercises. Yekaterinburg: Ed. ARD LTD. 1997.
  7. Krivtsova S.V., Mukhamatulina E.A. Training: skills of constructive interaction with teenagers. No. ed., erased. - M., Genesis, 1999.
  8. Ovcharova R.V. Reference book of the school psychologist. M.: “Enlightenment”, “Educational literature”, 1996.
  9. Parishioners A.M. The development of self-confidence and the ability to self-knowledge in children aged 10-12 years (course program) / / Developmental and correctional programs for working with younger students and adolescents / Ed. I.V. Dubrovina. Moscow - Tula, 1993.
  10. Rudestam K. Group psychotherapy. Psycho-correctional groups - theory and practice. M., 1990.
  11. Fopel K. How to teach children to cooperate? Psychological games and exercises: A practical guide.V.1. M.: Genesis, 1998.
  12. Fopel K. How to teach children to cooperate? Psychological games and exercises: A practical guide.V.2. M.: Genesis, 1998.
  13. Fopel K. How to teach children to cooperate? Psychological games and exercises: A practical guide.V.3. M.: Genesis, 1998.
  14. Fopel K. How to teach children to cooperate? Psychological games and exercises: A practical guide.V.4. M.: Genesis, 1998.
  15. Fopel K. Psychological groups: Working materials for the facilitator: A practical guide. M.: Genesis, 1999.