Find out which person is in love. The lower phalanx is longer than the upper

This is the best option of all. It indicates that the owner of the little finger is a pro in love affairs. He manages everything with surprising ease, without making any special efforts. The opposite sex attracts you like a magnet and there will always be an aura of love around you. Thanks to the special sociability, you can easily achieve success with the object of your adoration. The main thing is to do everything quickly, trust your intuition and go through life with a smile!

2. Your little finger is higher than the last phalanx of the ring finger.

It speaks of your devotion and loyalty. You are an excellent partner and friend, and your other half is in safe hands. At the right time, you know how to be sweet, charming and resourceful, and this applies not only to your partner. Such abilities and skills give rise to jealousy, after which passion comes ... The flame flares up!

But the partner does not suffer from such manifestations of your nature, since everything you do looks natural and is filled with kindness and love!

However, it should be remembered that not all people love life as much as you do. And not everyone is able to believe in sincerity. If there is an awkward pause when you first communicate with a person you like, just try to relax and be yourself, make eye contact. And intuition will tell you what to do next. You are able to surround a person with warmth and disinterested care!

3. The little finger does not reach the line of the upper joint of the ring finger.

This speaks of your exactingness in a love relationship. You know exactly who and what you want and expect from people the reaction that only you need. If this does not happen, disappointment sets in.

This can also be regarded as a plus - you definitely won’t waste yourself on everyone and everyone, you have a specific goal before your eyes. This behavior of others is both shocking and attractive at the same time. On your first date, your partner will be overwhelmed by your mystique. And if the second meeting takes place, then this relationship will definitely not be fleeting!

Well, that's the whole test. Some of you took the information seriously and began meticulously comparing your fingers. For others, what they read caused a smile - it means that you have already spent your time usefully. In both cases, you received a portion of positive and food for the mind.

Maybe this test is not 100% accurate, but all this makes you think about your behavior towards your loved ones. And, we can say with confidence that the future depends only on you and whether it will be filled with happiness and love!

With this simple test you can find out what a person is like in love.

Just take a close look on the wrist! Pay attention to how long the little finger is in relation to the ring finger.

Perhaps this test you will find it ridiculous and absurd. But scientists associate the length of the little finger with the amount of testosterone and estrogen in the blood, and it is already more difficult to argue with this.

Yes, and it's not very important. It's just curious, that's all. Look at the little finger soon!

See from the back of your hand. The tip of the little finger reaches the line separating the upper phalanx of the ring finger? Or is it shorter, or maybe longer?

1. If your little finger exactly reaches the last joint of the ring finger in length, this is the best it can be! You are a genius of communication with the opposite sex!

You have a magical attraction that cannot be explained, but it is felt from a distance and does not bypass you. You yourself are fluent in communication skills. If you have the opportunity to be alone with the object of your attention, then you can be sure that success is guaranteed to you!

So don't think too long about expressing your feelings! Try to trust your intuition and always smile.

2. If your little finger crosses the line of the top knuckle of the ring finger...

… that means your partner is very lucky. There is no more patient, faithful and devoted friend than you. However, you are not without resourcefulness and know how to be very sweet and charming when you want. And not just with your partner. Therefore, you often awaken jealousy, and with it passion. But, by the way, this is your forte.

You express your feelings very naturally. Your innate kindness and love of life attract you like a magnet! You are able to warm in your rays a person who is nearby.

But remember that sometimes people cannot believe in your sincerity and your behavior seems unnatural to them. Therefore, at the first stages of dating, you may sometimes have some difficulties. But don't be afraid of this. Look carefully into the eyes of your chosen one, your powerful intuition will tell you what to do.

3. If your little finger does not reach the line of the top knuckle of the ring finger…

... then you are too demanding in love. You always want things to be your way. You endow people with certain qualities in advance and expect the “right” reactions from them. And if they are different from what you imagined, then you become hopelessly disappointed. This is your disadvantage, but at the same time a great advantage. You know exactly what you want. Therefore, you will not be exchanged for trifles.

If you meet a person who is really “yours”, then you will recognize him from the first second. Your behavior cannot be called simple and unpretentious. Usually people are a little taken aback by your ambiguity. But you are extremely attractive. The combination of attractiveness and mystery gives that explosive mixture that works flawlessly.

From the very first meeting, you manage to turn your prospective partner's head. And if you did not leave him after the first meeting, then, most likely, he reliably got into your networks. And then the duration and nature of your relationship will depend entirely on you.

Do not forget that this is only a test, which is not based on any research. Smile while reading it. But it is possible that, as in our case, he hit the mark! And gave you something to think about. In any case, how good and happy you will be in love is up to you!

1. If your little finger exactly reaches the last joint of the ring finger in length, then this is the best that can be! You are a genius of communication with the opposite sex! You have a magical attraction that cannot be explained, but it is felt at a distance and does not bypass you. You yourself are fluent in communication skills. If you have the opportunity to be alone with the object of your attention, then you can be sure that success is guaranteed to you! So don't think too long about expressing your feelings! Try to trust your intuition and always smile!

2. If your little finger crosses the line of the upper joint of the ring finger ... ... this means that your partner is very lucky. There is no more patient, faithful and devoted friend than you. However, you are not without resourcefulness and know how to be very sweet and charming when you want. And not just with your partner. Therefore, you often awaken jealousy, and with it passion. But, by the way, this is your forte. You express your feelings very naturally. Your innate kindness and love of life attract you like a magnet! You are able to warm the person who is nearby in your rays. But remember that sometimes people cannot believe in your sincerity and your behavior seems unnatural to them. Therefore, at the first stages of dating, you may sometimes have some difficulties. But don't be afraid of this. Look carefully into the eyes of your chosen one, your powerful intuition will tell you what to do!

3. If your little finger does not reach the line of the upper joint of the ring finger ... ... then you are too demanding in love. You always want things to be your way. You endow people with certain qualities in advance and expect the “right” reactions from them. And if they are different from what you imagined, then you become hopelessly disappointed. This is your disadvantage, but at the same time a great advantage. You know exactly what you want. Therefore, you will not exchange for trifles. If you meet a person who is really “yours”, then you will recognize him from the first second. Your behavior cannot be called simple and unpretentious. Usually people are a little taken aback by your ambiguity. But you are extremely attractive. The combination of attractiveness and mystery gives that explosive mixture that works flawlessly. From the very first meeting, you manage to turn your prospective partner's head. And if you did not leave him after the first meeting, then, most likely, he reliably got into your networks. And then the duration and nature of your relationship will depend entirely on you. Keep in mind that this is only a test and is not based on any research. Smile while reading it. But it is possible that, as in our case, he hit the mark! And gave you something to think about. In any case, how good and happy you will be in love is up to you!

As you know, palmists have long used the lines in the palm of your hand to predict fate. But the length of our fingers can tell a lot about our character. Scientists conducted a very entertaining study, which involved almost a hundred thousand people. Do you want to know something interesting about yourself? Then look at your hands and compare the length of the ring and index fingers.

With the help of a simple test and observation, you can predict how you or someone else will behave in the amorous sphere. Someone will say that this is complete nonsense. And you just need to carefully consider the smallest finger!
Science has already proven the relationship between the length of the little finger and the production of sex hormones in the blood. But it's not even about scientific arguments ...
It is best to test on the back of your hand. We will compare “by height” two fingers - the ring finger and the little finger. The following are three options for the results of examining the desired finger.

1. In its length, the little finger coincides with the upper joint of the ring finger.

This is the best option of all. It indicates that the owner of the little finger is a pro in love affairs. He manages everything with surprising ease, without making any special efforts. The opposite sex attracts you like a magnet and there will always be an aura of love around you. Thanks to the special sociability, you can easily achieve success with the object of your adoration. The main thing is to do everything quickly, trust your intuition and go through life with a smile!

2. Your little finger is above the last phalanx of the ring finger.

It speaks of your devotion and loyalty. You are an excellent partner and friend, and your other half is in good hands. At the right time, you know how to be sweet, charming and resourceful, and this applies not only to your partner. Such abilities and skills give rise to jealousy, after which passion comes ... The flame flares up!
But the partner does not suffer from such manifestations of your nature, since everything you do looks natural and is filled with kindness and love!
However, it should be remembered that not all people love life as much as you do. And not everyone is able to believe in sincerity. If there is an awkward pause when you first communicate with a person you like, just try to relax and be yourself, make eye contact. And intuition will tell you what to do next. You are able to surround a person with warmth and disinterested care!

3. The little finger does not reach the line of the upper joint of the ring finger.

This speaks of your exactingness in a love relationship. You know exactly who and what you want and expect from people the reaction that only you need. If this does not happen, disappointment sets in.

What can his fingers tell about a person and is it worth believing. Learn how palmistry visually classifies people according to the shape of their fingers.

An observant person always gets an advantage over someone who is not attentive enough to people. This rule has been clarified by many, and therefore now there are many various methods that help to get to know your counterpart better, including with the help of ancient practices. Find out what the science of palmistry advises you to pay attention to.

Character traits on the fingers

In order to get a clearer picture of the interlocutor, you need to focus on his hands and look at the structure of the hand. For those who are fond of palmistry, this technique will help to draw approximate conclusions about a person’s inclinations when it is impossible to conduct a full session (look at the hills and lines).

Usually people gesticulate during communication and give the opportunity to study the general features of the palm. So, when the line where the palm and fingers are combined is straight, this may indicate some selfishness of a person. Before you is someone who prefers to do business with those whose interests coincide with his personal plans. Otherwise, such an individual makes contact if his heart has been touched.

If the line resembles a triangle, it is better not to go ahead with such a person in business or relationships, but you need to choose a flexible approach. People of this type want to be listened to and respected. They value polite and friendly interlocutors and are ready to listen and provide all possible assistance.

An arc line means a person’s desire for success in his endeavors. Such a partner is able to give valuable advice and you can listen to his instructions. These people, as a rule, are endowed with intuition and can offer several options for getting out of a difficult situation.

We determine the character by the length of the fingers

Palmistry attaches great importance to how long a person's fingers are. Historically, the fingers of a warrior and a musician were very different. After all, one had to firmly hold a sword or spear in his hand, and the second - to give people pleasure with his game, extracting sounds. Experts believe that it is the future fate that determines what kind of fingers a person has from birth.

short fingers testify that their owner may be inclined to put his own opinion at the forefront, and the words of the rest for him sometimes remain secondary. This rule applies to both relatives and colleagues at work. Most of these people like to be paid attention to and put effort into it. And even the quiet ones from this list secretly wish that someday everyone will be convinced of their exceptional talent.

Average length indicates that this person is trying to control his emotions and does not like when conflicts arise. An important factor for him is a peaceful and friendly existence. Sometimes such people like to be a little lazy, but if necessary, they quickly get in line and can do a fairly large amount of work.

Long fingers they say that such a person sometimes likes to be alone and is not at all burdened by the absence of a crowd next to him. These people are distinguished by the fact that they are able to turn boring everyday life into a real holiday with their presence alone. It's always interesting with them.

Figure 1a depicted fingers with a square shape. This is a sign of commitment to a measured life and love for earthly goods.

You can see the conical fingers in Figure 1b. Their owners can idealize the world and others. They need care and that they are surrounded by a warm atmosphere and pleasant company.

Figure 1c the fingertips are slightly pointed, which indicates a person's desire to fulfill the set goal and the ability to overcome difficulties. People with such fingers can be wonderful family men.

Figure 1d fingers are somewhat spatulate. This indicates that the person is very fond of new experiences, but is not ready to risk too much for this. Such people need to diversify their lives, but at the same time observe the measure.

Figure 1e- these are the so-called drop fingers, which symbolize a person with a rich spiritual potential. He is characterized by good aspirations and a desire to avoid controversial situations. In the event that this cannot be done, such people are able to resist the enemy and run into a dispute with the help of arguments.

Of course, you should not make a final conclusion about a person, focusing only on one specific indicator in his appearance. Indeed, in addition to palmistry, there are a number of other entertaining ways (astrology or numerology) to learn more about who interests you. Read our informative articles and do not forget to put and

23.07.2015 09:00

Fortune tellers and palmists claim that a person's fate can be read by his hand. Lines on the palms...