On an autumn day when at the doorstep.

Wishes for teachers (poems for teachers on Teacher's Day)

On an autumn day, when at the threshold
The cold is already breathing
The school celebrates teacher's day
- The holiday of wisdom, knowledge of labor.
Teacher's Day! Listen with your heart
In these sounds that are dear to us
Everything related to youth, childhood,
We owe teachers!
The bitterness of the first annoying mistake,
The sweetness of the first difficult victories
- Let everything be reflected in a smile,
Radiating wisdom and light.
You are always young at heart
Sharing work and joy with us,
Our strict, our relatives,
Patient teachers!
You give us a lot of strength
And love, no matter what.
How do you believe in us! And perhaps
Nobody can believe like that.
Not yesterday, not today, not tomorrow
The candle of that faith will not go out
Without a teacher - there is no astronaut,
Engineer, poet, doctor.
Life tells you to teach, we - to learn.
Your experience is a treasure trove of wisdom.
Everything that was taken from you will come in handy
And it will become a hundred times more significant.
Light, sensitivity, teach the truth
Our souls and our minds
Everything that you ask us in life,
We will try to fulfill.
Poems to the teacher
Who will we give a bouquet to?
Who will always help you
Support with a kind word,
What he did not understand - will explain,
Praise you for your success?
Who doesn't love quarrels and noise?
Who can't stand lies?
Who furrows his brows angrily,
If you don't learn your lesson?
Who will put with a smile
Long-awaited five?
Who is always upset
If you deserve a deuce?
This is our strict teacher.
This is our good teacher.
Teacher's day today.
Autumn painted the leaves.
Who will we give a bouquet to?
Whom do we congratulate from the bottom of our hearts?
Well, of course, our strict teacher!
Well, of course, our good teacher!
Wishes for teachers
Dear our teachers!
On this holiday - Teachers' Day -
Forget all your worries
And look at the world more cheerfully.
You are always a source of light for us,
And the guys are all, as if by agreement,
They bring you beautiful bouquets.
And for them the radiance of your eyes -
Best reward for hard work
Better than any of the accolades.
And they have one desire:
Just to bring joy to you.
For your sincere smile
And the student, and each student,
Instantly correct all his mistakes
And will not repeat them in the future.
You carry the torch of knowledge for everyone,
The one that will never go out.
May your wishes come true
Let trouble not visit your house!

Wishes for teachers

The look of people is radiant and bright,
From meeting you again
Former students and current children,
Nurtured by your kindness.
You are like a second mother to them,
You are for them both affection and comfort,
All of them to you, the most beautiful,
With congratulations today go!

Wishes for teachers

Congratulations on Teacher's Day!
We wish you good health and lots of strength.
Do not be known as a "tormentor" among children,
Of them, so that everyone was good.
More so from your school
Children stepped into the world of science.
Pass them on the register or something
More knowledge, golden hands.
Carry through life like a banner
Knowledge gained in school
They will apply them skillfully,
You can be proud of them boldly.
Live long, spare no effort
So that each student takes away from school
A ticket to life and the best memory of you,
About how the class became native to them ...
Of them, not all were mediocre,
But they are all grateful to you,
For your hard work, for your patience,
He is worthy of a knee.

On Teacher's Day

What a proud calling -
Giving education to others
Give away a piece of your heart
Forget empty quarrels
After all, it is difficult to explain to us,
Sometimes very boring
Repeat the same
Check notebooks at night.
Thank you for being
They've always been so right.
We would like to wish
So that you do not know troubles
Health, happiness for a hundred years!

Wishes for teachers
Thank you teachers
For your good deeds.
Thank you all dear ones
For our young souls!
Thank you from all of us
For your spacious bright classroom,
For the long-awaited call
What brought us to the lesson ...
We will remember you, dear ones,
Storming gave blue,
On the farm, in the field, at the machine
We will never forget you.
May the sun give us smiles
And let happiness be in abundance!

Poems for Teacher's Day

Let failures not break you
There will be more gifts of fate.
We wish you to smile more often
And forget all your troubles.
Long years and success in work
All the children want to wish you
May good years
They fly with the birds of happiness!

You are a teacher with a capital letter,
With a young and beautiful soul!
How many long years, how many winters
You give your soul to the young!
And so the soul for many years
Staying young is the secret
Of your life. Let her go on
Will be full of happiness and health!

Wishes for teachers
Teacher, school teacher!
You worry about us
Rush invisibly into space,
Go to the taiga to search
Into the desert along unsteady dunes,
In the sea foam road ...
We are your eternal youth
Hope, joy, anxiety.
You still have no peace
Devoted all his life to children.

Words to teachers
Let there be fewer holidays than weekdays,
But the one who has become a teacher will understand:
What a blessing to be useful to people
Teach His Majesty the People!
Bring Him the gift of wisdom and knowledge,
And the kindness of your heart light.
There is no more responsible calling on earth
There is no more honorable and joyful.
Outlined by immortal ideas
Let your work be honest to the end!
And then they will open to you
Fellow citizens of young pure hearts!
And they will carry like a baton,
Like a memory of your teacher
The desire to make this land more beautiful,
The planet we live on!

Comic congratulations to the teacher

Ah, that terrible teacher -
Girls, boys tormentor!
Everything teaches and teaches them.
And how not to get bored!
He doesn't look upset
From the same boys, girls,
To the one who was a terrible bore,
Messages are coming in.
Talents and mediocrity
They write words of gratitude.
There is no better profession
Today is a holiday for all holidays!

Poems to the teacher

How to congratulate Teacher's Day
The teachers who taught us?
Do not fall into banality, do not dissemble
In what words to glorify their feat?
And is there a harder field -
Of us, lazy and arrogant,
Prepare a shift, sentries,
So that in the coming year of Russia
Children's laughter did not stop everywhere.
We congratulate you today
On an autumn, glorious day and hour.
We so hope to be
That's just like you!

Poems for teachers

Strict and affectionate
Wise and sensitive
Those who have gray hair at the temples,
For those who have recently left the walls of the institute,
Those who are considered in the middle years.
To those who told us the secrets of discoveries,
Teaches in work to achieve victories,
To everyone whose proud name is a teacher,
Low bow and warm greetings!

Congratulations to the teacher from the class.

To us, dear teacher,
I like your character!
Except you, no one else
It won't work with us!
You are kind and fair!
You are an example for us in everything!
The best feelings impulses
Shows you our class!

Congratulations to the teacher

The teacher came to class
She's a little older than us.
And I took a lesson
That we forgot about the call.
We wanted to know more
And become adults faster
And choose the right path in life
And look into the future.
Perhaps one of us
Will enter the same way in the school class
And teach such a lesson
That everyone will forget about the call.
V. Malkov

Do you remember?

Do you remember it was around
A sea of ​​colors and sounds.
From warm mother's hands
The teacher took your hand.
He put you in first grade
Solemn and respectful.
Your hand and now
In the hand of your teacher.
The pages of books turn yellow
Change the name of the river
But you are his student:
Then, now and forever.

Better feelings impulses

To us, dear teacher,
I like your character!
Except you, no one else
It won't work with us!

You are kind and fair!
You are an example for us in everything!
The best feelings impulses
Shows you our class!

Poems for Teacher's Day to the class teacher

Proud calling

What a proud calling
Giving education to others
Give away a piece of your heart
Forget empty quarrels
After all, it is difficult to explain to us,
Sometimes very boring
Repeat the same
Check notebooks at night.
Thank you for being
They've always been so right.
We would like to wish
So that you do not know troubles
Health, happiness for a hundred years!

Funny poems for Teacher's Day

To teachers from happy dads and moms

Dear teachers
From happy dads and moms:
What would we do with children
If they didn't give it to you?

We are half an hour that morning.
And three hours into the night
We cry out of ignorance
To teach a son or a daughter.

How do you like all the days of the week
From eight to six
It succeeds, in fact,
Graze our offspring?

Understand their quirks
Tolerate their ignorance...
Don't let them fight
And die of boredom!

Who teaches us?

Who teaches us?
Who is torturing us?
Who gives us knowledge?
This is our school teacher -
Amazing people.
With you it is clear and bright,
The heart is always warm.
And sorry if it's on time
The lesson was not learned.
From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate
All of our teachers
And we wish you all good health
From pranksters of children!

Very beautiful poems for teacher's day

The leaves are spinning in a waltz

The leaves are spinning in a waltz,
The school has leaf fall.
The sun is shining in the puddles
Guys smile.

Congratulations to all guys
On this autumn day:
Happy teacher's day!
Happiness to you, fun!

Thank you for all the hard work
For the fact that you are always near,
And in your heart of kindness
It will never get smaller.

There is no more joyful thing in the world

Learn to work, think boldly,
Step. Roads are good...
There is no more joyful thing in the world,
Than education of the soul!

Poems and songs for mentors
The sparkle of inspirational lines,
The wisest of all professions
The greatness of the title: "Teacher!"

There is no better job in the world
Labor is more courageous and dear ...
Shining blue. It is a holiday today
My friends, teachers!

Listen with your heart

On an autumn day, when at the threshold
The cold is already breathing
The school celebrates teacher's day -
The holiday of wisdom, knowledge, labor.
Teacher's Day! Listen with your heart
In these sounds that are dear to us.
Everything related to youth, childhood
We owe it to teachers!
The bitterness of the first annoying mistake,
The sweetness of the first difficult victories
- Let everything be reflected in a smile,
Radiating wisdom and light.
You are always young at heart
Sharing work and joy with us,
Our strict, our relatives,
Patient teachers!
You give us a lot of strength
And love, no matter what.
How do you believe in us! And perhaps
Nobody can believe like that.
Not yesterday, not today, not tomorrow
The candle of that faith will not go out
Without a teacher, there is no astronaut
Engineer, poet, doctor.
Life tells you to teach, we to learn.
Your experience is a treasure trove of wisdom.
Everything that was taken from you will come in handy
And it will become a hundred times more significant.
Light, sensitivity, teach the truth
Our souls and our minds
Everything that you ask us in life,
We will try to fulfill.

Poems for Teacher's Day by subject

biology teacher

For the whole animal world in the answer,
Both life and death in one subject.
And we hope soon
By natural selection
Your kind and tired eye
You stop at us!

Geography teacher

We are ready to follow you
To crawl into the bowels of the earth,
But the countries are on tour with you.
We would rather study!

foreign language teacher

Without an interpreter we can understand you
You have great pronunciation...
We come to the same opinion
Continue learning English.
And you do not ask strictly
After all, we clearly understand
That everyone in the class is in love with English.
And this is clear to everyone:
It's so nice to speak English with you!

Computer science teacher

Computer science is a serious science.
Without her today - nowhere.
"Windows" is not an easy thing
It takes a lot of work to know.
But, (name of teacher), you explain your subject in an accessible way
Because you know everything very well.
Find an approach to each of us.
And hence our knowledge. Here!

History teacher

There is silence in your lessons.
Only your voice is heard
When you are telling a story.
What lived, lives today the whole country
Why is work always respected everywhere ...
We always think a lot at the blackboard
How we live, how we live...
True, we do not always know how to surprise everyone with the answer.
We think what to cite as examples
To get "excellent" in the lesson.

Literature teacher

About how many pages you asked us today!
In thought, we: will we be able to read ???
And we open the book, and we must:
We can't take our eyes off her.
Until we reach the end...
And this is not flattery at all,
What do we say: we respect you
For kindness, psychological approach.
According to Pushkin, we assure you
That everyone and everything we trust you
And we guarantee - your honor
And we boldly entrust ourselves to her.
And yet we have not forgotten you,
After all, you taught us well
Not only writing essays on "five",
And think before you speak!

Math teacher

Your stern look is not indifferent,
Your clear mind is nice to us.
And we are happy and glad,
That we have been faithful for a year!
We chew on math
We do not notice other sciences,
And as a result, we know for sure:
Einsteins we will not die!

Music teacher

I am glad that the school has a teacher,
Whom I love the most.
For his music, born of the piano,
I thank him from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you for your kindness and kindness
For a bright moment of luck
And the cry of false notes,
Behind the contests is an exciting tale.
May the Music lesson last forever!

Physics and astronomy teacher

You need to know both physics and astronomy, -
She tells us every now and then.
But we don't get tired of listening to it.
She's good at telling a story
About the current strength and conductor resistance
About part of the Galaxy, heavenly bodies.
- She's very strict.
You can only hear from the lazy.
But the one who wants to know - knows her science,
And in the lessons - "four", "five"
Received with great success.

physical education teacher

Let's plunge into sports
Let's play volleyball, show judo
After all, [name of teacher] is ours, his teacher
He will cheer us up, where necessary - he will help us.
We understand well
That you need to exercise.
And we will douse ourselves with cold water
And in old age the legs will not be tangled.
Phys-ra is our favorite subject!
And doing every day
We will live in health for many years!

Chemistry teacher

Your subject matter is very relevant.
It's very popular among us.
And we ask you: do not scold us,
If we are in the clouds.
Please, forgive us
The chemical process in the brain ...

Poems for Teacher's Day from Parents

And again in the gilding of poplar

And again in the gilding of poplar,
And the school is like a ship at the pier,
Where teachers wait for students
To start a new life.

There is no richer and more generous in the world,
Than these people, forever young.
We remember all our teachers
Although they themselves are almost gray-haired.

They are in the fate of each of us,
They pass through it like a red thread.
We proudly pronounce every time
Simple three words: "This is my teacher."

We are all in his best hands:
Scientist, doctor, politician and builder…
Live always in your students
And be happy, our captain-teacher!

We remember

We remember the year, and the day, and the hour,
When the call is cheerful
Called to study in the first class,
To our native school.
And the shyness immediately passed,
And autumn became more beautiful,
When she entered the classroom with a smile
Our teacher.
We met with her in the morning,
Hurrying to work.
She taught us good
And the letter, and the account.
She could understand without words
And she knew how to listen to us
Instilling faith and love
Into an open soul.
As the leaves reach for the sun
We were always drawn to her
And became the main words:
Teacher, Friend and Mom!
Let the years pass -
Like a reflection of distant days,
We will never forget
Those first lessons.
And to see you again
Hear your word
We are all ready for first class
Go study again!

The chest also contains poems for the day of the teacher, written by their pupils. And when the educators are sad or lonely, they open their casket and go through the treasures that are stored in it, read works in which gratitude is heartily expressed for their hard work. These poems will be useful for everyone to read.

Beautiful congratulations to teachers in verse

The elegance of these works is that they express genuine cordiality. Words and phrases convey the inner, spiritual beauty of the teacher, his courage when he took on the responsibility of showing the way to the future for tender children. They reflect the understanding and delight of the role of the teacher in the life of every person.

One has only to delve into the words: "Teacher, wisdom ... laid down for years," written by Yana Vishnevskaya, the teacher's mission becomes more understandable. He not only teaches numbers and letters, but also “educates justice”, and “trying to understand in difficulties”.

Written by eminent and unknown authors, poems for Teacher's Day are full of emotions and kindness. This is what adorns them: they carry the warmth of human relationships. After all, a teacher is a person who does not remain indifferent to the child. All the years that they spent together, the teacher shared his knowledge and feelings with the baby.

Now, grown-up children want to leave something in memory of their loved one. They congratulate him on the fact that for another year he remained true to his high calling, he instilled in several more children a love of life, opening up the whole world.

Sincere thanks to teachers in verse

Seeing the sincere hearts of children, their curiosity and desire to know everything, mentors gradually discover what will teach each of them to be a competent and harmonious person. Thank you for their generosity and kindness. It is gratitude that encourages those who successfully use the knowledge received from them to write poems for the day of the teacher.

Such a profession as an educator came to us from antiquity. And even then the mentors enjoyed universal recognition. Over the years, this profession has become even more respected, as evidenced by the works of such famous masters of the pen as Veronika Tushnova.

In one of her poems, the famous poetess first calls for thinking about what would happen if there was no such profession as a teacher. Would there then be writers, philosophers, and scientists? What would become of the world without their discoveries? And if knowledge did not give courage to the wise, then there would be no science either? For his work, and for his kind heart, the teacher deserves to hear “thank you”, because he gave his students an amazing world!

Collection of poems for Teacher's Day for elementary school, class teacher, subject teachers. Very beautiful poems for Teacher's Day and even a few funny ones have been selected.

Poems for the day of the primary school teacher

Beautiful poems about the first elementary school teachers.

    Do you remember?

    Do you remember it was around
    A sea of ​​colors and sounds.
    From warm mother's hands
    The teacher took your hand.
    He put you in first grade
    Solemn and respectful.
    Your hand and now
    In the hand of your teacher.
    The pages of books turn yellow
    Change the name of the river
    But you are his student:
    Then, now and forever.

    Better feelings impulses

    To us, dear teacher,
    I like your character!
    Except you, no one else
    It won't work with us!

    You are kind and fair!
    You are an example for us in everything!
    The best feelings impulses
    Shows you our class!

Poems for Teacher's Day to the class teacher

A poem about a class teacher who must not only teach, but also become a true friend.

    Proud calling

    What a proud calling -
    Giving education to others
    Give away a piece of your heart
    Forget empty quarrels
    After all, it is difficult to explain to us,
    Sometimes very boring
    Repeat the same
    Check notebooks at night.
    Thank you for being
    They've always been so right.
    We would like to wish
    So that you do not know troubles
    Health, happiness for a hundred years!

Funny poems for Teacher's Day

A few funny poems about teachers: the look of parents and the look of children.

    To teachers from happy dads and moms

    Dear teachers
    From happy dads and moms:
    What would we do with children
    If they didn't give it to you?

    We are half an hour that morning.
    And three hours into the night
    We cry out of ignorance
    To teach a son or a daughter.

    How do you like all the days of the week
    From eight to six
    It succeeds, in fact,
    Graze our offspring?

    Understand their quirks
    Tolerate their ignorance...
    Don't let them fight
    And die of boredom!

    Who teaches us?

    Who teaches us?
    Who is torturing us?
    Who gives us knowledge?
    This is our school teacher -
    Amazing people.
    With you it is clear and bright,
    The heart is always warm.
    And sorry if it's on time
    The lesson was not learned.
    From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate
    All of our teachers
    And we wish you all good health
    From pranksters of children!

Very beautiful poems for teacher's day

Beautiful and a bit sad poems for your favorite teachers.

    The leaves are spinning in a waltz

    The leaves are spinning in a waltz,
    The school has leaf fall.
    The sun is shining in the puddles
    Guys smile.

    Congratulations to all guys
    On this autumn day:
    Happy teacher's day!
    Happiness to you, fun!

    Thank you for all the hard work
    For the fact that you are always near,
    And in your heart of kindness
    It will never get smaller.

    There is no more joyful thing in the world

    Learn to work, think boldly,
    Step. Roads are good...
    There is no more joyful thing in the world,
    Than education of the soul!

    Poems and songs for mentors
    The sparkle of inspirational lines,
    The wisest of all professions
    The greatness of the title: "Teacher!"

    There is no better job in the world
    Labor is more courageous and dear ...
    Shining blue. It is a holiday today
    My friends, teachers!

    Listen with your heart

    On an autumn day, when at the threshold
    The cold is already breathing
    The school celebrates teacher's day -
    The holiday of wisdom, knowledge, labor.
    Teacher's Day! Listen with your heart
    In these sounds that are dear to us.
    Everything related to youth, childhood
    We owe it to teachers!
    The bitterness of the first annoying mistake,
    The sweetness of the first difficult victories
    - Let everything be reflected in a smile,
    Radiating wisdom and light.
    You are always young at heart
    Sharing work and joy with us,
    Our strict, our relatives,
    Patient teachers!
    You give us a lot of strength
    And love, no matter what.
    How do you believe in us! And perhaps
    Nobody can believe like that.
    Not yesterday, not today, not tomorrow
    The candle of that faith will not go out
    Without a teacher - there is no astronaut,
    Engineer, poet, doctor.
    Life tells you to teach, we - to learn.
    Your experience is a treasure trove of wisdom.
    Everything that was taken from you will come in handy
    And it will become a hundred times more significant.
    Light, sensitivity, teach the truth
    Our souls and our minds
    Everything that you ask us in life,
    We will try to fulfill.

Poems for Teacher's Day by subject

Poems for subject teachers.

    biology teacher

    For the whole animal world in the answer,
    Both life and death in one subject.
    And we hope soon
    By natural selection
    Your kind and tired eye
    You stop at us!

    Geography teacher

    We are ready to follow you
    To crawl into the bowels of the earth,
    But the countries are on tour with you.
    We would rather study!

    foreign language teacher

    Without an interpreter we can understand you
    You have great pronunciation...
    We come to the same opinion
    Continue learning English.
    And you do not ask strictly
    After all, we clearly understand
    That everyone in the class is in love with English.
    And this is clear to everyone:
    It's so nice to speak English with you!

    Computer science teacher

    Computer science is a serious science.
    Without her today - nowhere.
    "Windows" is not an easy thing
    It takes a lot of work to know.
    But, (name of teacher), you explain your subject in an accessible way
    Because you know everything very well.
    Find an approach to each of us.
    And hence our knowledge. Here!

    History teacher

    There is silence in your lessons.
    Only your voice is heard
    When you are telling a story.
    What lived, lives today the whole country
    Why is work always respected everywhere ...
    We always think a lot at the blackboard
    How we live, how we live...
    True, we do not always know how to surprise everyone with the answer.
    We think what to cite as examples
    To get "excellent" in the lesson.

    Literature teacher

    About how many pages you asked us today!
    In thought, we: will we be able to read ???
    And we open the book, and we must:
    We can't take our eyes off her.
    Until we reach the end...
    And this is not flattery at all,
    What do we say: we respect you
    For kindness, psychological approach.
    According to Pushkin, we assure you
    That everyone and everything we trust you
    And we guarantee - your honor
    And we boldly entrust ourselves to her.
    And yet we have not forgotten you,
    After all, you taught us well
    Not only writing essays on "five",
    And think before you speak!

    Math teacher

    Your stern look is not indifferent,
    Your clear mind is nice to us.
    And we are happy and glad,
    That we have been faithful for a year!
    We chew on math
    We do not notice other sciences,
    And as a result, we know for sure:
    Einsteins we will not die!

    Music teacher

    I am glad that the school has a teacher,
    Whom I love the most.
    For his music, born of the piano,
    I thank him from the bottom of my heart.
    Thank you for your kindness and kindness
    For a bright moment of luck
    And the cry of false notes,
    Behind the contests is an exciting tale.
    May the Music lesson last forever!

    Physics and astronomy teacher

    You need to know both physics and astronomy, -
    She tells us every now and then.
    But we don't get tired of listening to it.
    She's good at telling a story
    About the current strength and conductor resistance
    About part of the Galaxy, heavenly bodies.
    - She's very strict.
    You can only hear from the lazy.
    But the one who wants to know - knows her science,
    And in the lessons - "four", "five"
    Received with great success.

    physical education teacher

    Let's plunge into sports
    Let's play volleyball, show judo
    After all, [name of teacher] is ours, his teacher
    He will cheer us up, where necessary - he will help us.
    We understand well
    That you need to exercise.
    And we will douse ourselves with cold water
    And in old age the legs will not be tangled.
    Phys-ra is our favorite subject!
    And doing every day
    We will live in health for many years!

    Chemistry teacher

    Your subject matter is very relevant.
    It's very popular among us.
    And we ask you: do not scold us,
    If we are in the clouds.
    Please, forgive us
    The chemical process in the brain...

Poems for Teacher's Day from Parents

What parents would like to say to their teachers and those who trust their children.

    And again in the gilding of poplar

    And again in the gilding of poplar,
    And the school is like a ship at the pier,
    Where teachers wait for students
    To start a new life.

    There is no richer and more generous in the world,
    Than these people, forever young.
    We remember all our teachers
    Although they themselves are almost gray-haired.

    They are in the fate of each of us,
    They pass through it like a red thread.
    We proudly pronounce every time
    Simple three words: "This is my teacher."

    We are all in his best hands:
    Scientist, doctor, politician and builder...
    Live always in your students
    And be happy, our captain-teacher!

    We remember

    We remember the year, and the day, and the hour,
    When the call is cheerful
    Called to study in the first class,
    To our native school.
    And the shyness immediately passed,
    And autumn became more beautiful,
    When she entered the classroom with a smile
    Our teacher.
    We met with her in the morning,
    Hurrying to work.
    She taught us good
    And the letter, and the account.
    She could understand without words
    And she knew how to listen to us
    Instilling faith and love
    Into an open soul.
    As the leaves reach for the sun
    We were always drawn to her
    And became the main words:
    Teacher, Friend and Mom!
    Let the years pass -
    Like a reflection of distant days,
    We will never forget
    Those first lessons.
    And to see you again
    Hear your word
    We are all ready for first class
    Go study again!

Proud calling

What a proud calling -
Giving education to others
Give away a piece of your heart
Forget empty quarrels
After all, it is difficult to explain to us,
Sometimes very boring
Repeat the same
Check notebooks at night.
Thank you for being
They've always been so right.
We would like to wish
So that you do not know troubles
Health, happiness for a hundred years!

Do you remember?

Do you remember it was around
A sea of ​​colors and sounds.
From warm mother's hands
The teacher took your hand.
He put you in first grade
Solemn and respectful.
Your hand and now
In the hand of your teacher.
The pages of books turn yellow
Change the name of the river
But you are his student:
Then, now and forever.

To teachers from happy dads and moms

Dear teachers
From happy dads and moms:
What would we do with children
If they didn't give it to you?

We are half an hour that morning.
And three hours into the night
We cry out of ignorance
To teach a son or a daughter.

How do you like all the days of the week
From eight to six
It succeeds, in fact,
Graze our offspring?

Understand their quirks
Tolerate their ignorance...
Don't let them fight
And die of boredom!

Better feelings impulses

To us, dear teacher,
I like your character!
Except you, no one else
It won't work with us!

You are kind and fair!
You are an example for us in everything!
The best feelings impulses
Shows you our class!

Who teaches us?

Who teaches us?
Who is torturing us?
Who gives us knowledge?
This is our school teacher -
Amazing people.
With you it is clear and bright,
The heart is always warm.
And sorry if it's on time
The lesson was not learned.
From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate
All of our teachers
And we wish you all good health
From pranksters of children!

Listen with your heart

On an autumn day, when at the threshold
The cold is already breathing
The school celebrates teacher's day -
The holiday of wisdom, knowledge, labor.
Teacher's Day! Listen with your heart
In these sounds that are dear to us.
Everything related to youth, childhood
We owe it to teachers!
The bitterness of the first annoying mistake,
The sweetness of the first difficult victories
- Let everything be reflected in a smile,
Radiating wisdom and light.
You are always young at heart
Sharing work and joy with us,
Our strict, our relatives,
Patient teachers!
You give us a lot of strength
And love, no matter what.
How do you believe in us! And perhaps
Nobody can believe like that.
Not yesterday, not today, not tomorrow
The candle of that faith will not go out
Without a teacher - there is no astronaut,
Engineer, poet, doctor.
Life tells you to teach, we - to learn.
Your experience is a treasure trove of wisdom.
Everything that was taken from you will come in handy
And it will become a hundred times more significant.
Light, sensitivity, teach the truth
Our souls and our minds
Everything that you ask us in life,
We will try to fulfill.

The leaves are spinning in a waltz

The leaves are spinning in a waltz,
The school has leaf fall.
The sun is shining in the puddles
Guys smile.

Congratulations to all guys
On this autumn day:
Happy teacher's day!
Happiness to you, fun!

Thank you for all the hard work
For the fact that you are always near,
And in your heart of kindness
It will never get smaller.

There is no more joyful thing in the world

Learn to work, think boldly,
Step. Roads are good...
There is no more joyful thing in the world,
Than education of the soul!

Poems and songs for mentors
The sparkle of inspirational lines,
The wisest of all professions
The greatness of the title: "Teacher!"

There is no better job in the world
Labor is more courageous and dear ...
Shining blue. It is a holiday today
My friends, teachers!

We remember

We remember the year, and the day, and the hour,
When the call is cheerful
Called to study in the first class,
To our native school.
And the shyness immediately passed,
And autumn became more beautiful,
When she entered the classroom with a smile
Our teacher.
We met with her in the morning,
Hurrying to work.
She taught us good
And the letter, and the account.
She could understand without words
And she knew how to listen to us
Instilling faith and love
Into an open soul.
As the leaves reach for the sun
We were always drawn to her
And became the main words:
Teacher, Friend and Mom!
Let the years pass -
Like a reflection of distant days,
We will never forget
Those first lessons.
And to see you again
Hear your word
We are all ready for first class
Go study again!

And again in the gilding of poplar

And again in the gilding of poplar,
And the school is like a ship at the pier,
Where teachers wait for students
To start a new life.

There is no richer and more generous in the world,
Than these people, forever young.
We remember all our teachers
Although they themselves are almost gray-haired.

They are in the fate of each of us,
They pass through it like a red thread.
We proudly pronounce every time
Simple three words: "This is my teacher."

We are all in his best hands:
Scientist, doctor, politician and builder...
Live always in your students
And be happy, our captain-teacher!

Math teacher

Your stern look is not indifferent,
Your clear mind is nice to us.
And we are happy and glad,
That we have been faithful for a year!
We chew on math
We do not notice other sciences,
And as a result, we know for sure:
Einsteins we will not die!

foreign language teacher

Without an interpreter we can understand you
You have great pronunciation...
We come to the same opinion
Continue learning English.
And you do not ask strictly
After all, we clearly understand
That everyone in the class is in love with English.
And this is clear to everyone:
It's so nice to speak English with you!

Literature teacher

About how many pages you asked us today!
In thought, we: will we be able to read ???
And we open the book, and we must:
We can't take our eyes off her.
Until we reach the end...
And this is not flattery at all,
What do we say: we respect you
For kindness, psychological approach.
According to Pushkin, we assure you
That everyone and everything we trust you
And we guarantee - your honor
And we boldly entrust ourselves to her.
And yet we have not forgotten you,
After all, you taught us well
Not only writing essays on "five",
And think before you speak!

History teacher

There is silence in your lessons.
Only your voice is heard
When you are telling a story.
What lived, lives today the whole country
Why is work always respected everywhere ...
We always think a lot at the blackboard
How we live, how we live...
True, we do not always know how to surprise everyone with the answer.
We think what to cite as examples
To get "excellent" in the lesson.

biology teacher

For the whole animal world in the answer,
Both life and death in one subject.
And we hope soon
By natural selection
Your kind and tired eye
You stop at us!

Computer science teacher

Computer science is a serious science.
Without her today - nowhere.
"Windows" is not an easy thing
It takes a lot of work to know.
But, (name of teacher), you explain your subject in an accessible way
Because you know everything very well.
Find an approach to each of us.
And hence our knowledge. Here!

Geography teacher

We are ready to follow you
To crawl into the bowels of the earth,
But the countries are on tour with you.
We would rather study!

Chemistry teacher

Your subject matter is very relevant.
It's very popular among us.
And we ask you: do not scold us,
If we are in the clouds.
Please, forgive us
The chemical process in the brain...

Music teacher

I am glad that the school has a teacher,
Whom I love the most.
For his music, born of the piano,
I thank him from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you for your kindness and kindness
For a bright moment of luck
And the cry of false notes,
Behind the contests is an exciting tale.
May the Music lesson last forever!

physical education teacher

Let's plunge into sports
Let's play volleyball, show judo
After all, [name of teacher] is ours, his teacher
He will cheer us up, where necessary - he will help us.
We understand well
That you need to exercise.
And we will douse ourselves with cold water
And in old age the legs will not be tangled.
Phys-ra is our favorite subject!
And doing every day
We will live in health for many years!

Physics and astronomy teacher

You need to know both physics and astronomy, -
She tells us every now and then.
But we don't get tired of listening to it.
She's good at telling a story
About the current strength and conductor resistance
About part of the Galaxy, heavenly bodies.
- She's very strict.
You can only hear from the lazy.
But the one who wants to know - knows her science,
And in the lessons - "four", "five"
Received with great success.