Time dilation phenomenon. Riddles about a TV, a refrigerator, a washing machine and others A magical little thing undoubtedly stops time

For a long time I was going to write on this topic, especially since I have experienced this phenomenon three times already, and recently I managed to comprehend and understand the very reason for this miracle.

Of course, before starting to "discover America" ​​for someone, I decided to ask, what has already been written on this topic? This is always done by people with an engineering mindset who do not want to "reinvent the wheel" a second time.

A Google search for the keyword "time dilation phenomenon" yielded several links to articles: "10 attempts to explain the phenomenon of time", "The phenomenon of time dilation in critical situations has been unraveled", "The Mystery of Stopping Time" and others. After reading them, I did not see any intelligible understanding of the stated topic by the authors.

In the article "The phenomenon of time dilation in critical situations has been unraveled" after the author retells the situations he did not experience, he concluded: "in extreme situations, it seems to a person that everything around is moving very quickly, but he himself does everything slowly. Such a distortion occurs due to the fact that in borderline situations we quickly assimilate new and literally vital information. At this time, a special the part of the brain that accumulates all the impressions that arise in a life-threatening situation. That is why memories of horrific events are deep and vivid. And the more details and impressions of the situation are stored in memory, the longer the experienced moment seems to us ... "

This, as you yourself understand, is not a "solution to the phenomenon" at all, but just another hypothesis, and without any clear specifics.

Article "10 attempts to explain the phenomenon of time" turned out to be on a completely different topic. An attempt has been made to explain what "time" is in general...

Article "The Mystery of Stopping Time" turned out to be the most informative on the stated topic, but it also does not give a clear answer to the question, what is the secret of time dilation in critical situations. However, I decided to take this article as the basis of my story in order to reveal the “time dilation phenomenon”, as I understood it, on an already prepared foundation.

Time dilation phenomenon

Science claims that time always flows at the same speed, and no one can change this - neither man nor nature. But there are times when a person's sense of the passage of time changes and it seems to him that time speeds up or slows down its run. Usually such a feeling appears when a lot of events occur in a matter of seconds and consciousness cannot “fit” them into ordinary time periods.

Many facts are known when a person in moments of mortal danger feels that time slows down, as if it stops. Many people, when describing dramatic events, say:“It feels like time has stopped.”The front-line soldiers claimed that they saw shells and bullets that flew at them. They survived only because they managed to evade them. At first glance, this seems impossible, because the human eye cannot perceive objects that move at such a speed. However, the words of the participants in the hostilities are confirmed - more than once a soldier suddenly dived to the bottom of the trench, and the next moment a fragment or a bullet plowed the parapet in the place where his head had been a second ago. Some people said they saw bricks fall on top of them or icicles fall from the roof. The objects seemed to be flying in slow motion, so they didn’t even have time to get scared. And there are many such examples.

So, once the car of cosmonaut Vladimir Aksenov stalled at a railway crossing. Fifty meters away from the bend at that moment a speeding train appeared. The driver would not even have had time to get out of the car - in a second the train would inevitably crash into it. Aksenov pulled the ignition key out of the socket, and then put it back in and slowly pressed the starter. Immediately the engine started up and the car, having moved off the rails, froze a couple of meters from the speeding train. The cosmonaut had the feeling that the cars were passing by like in slow motion. He even managed to make out the pale face of the driver, who did not even start braking.

Another case a few years ago occurred in an alpine camp. The Georgian instructor Vakhtang said that on that day he was walking in conjunction with his friend. He was the first to move, and his friend remained at the edge of the snowfield to insure him. When Vakhtang was almost halfway, he noticed how cracks began to appear in the snow on the sides and a little higher from him. Then huge layers of snow and ice slowly rushed down. The instructor did not feel fear and acted as if there was nowhere to rush - he looked out for a large frozen piece of snow and jumped over to it, then chose the next one, and so on. His friend couldn't believe his eyes when he got out of the avalanche - in fact, it all happened in a split second.

Statements of this kind - about slowing down the visual perception of fast processes - cannot yet be rationally interpreted. They are incomprehensible and amazing.

Chemists, physicists and philosophers agree that the course of time is constant and all events occur within a strictly defined time frame. Then what happens to a person when it seems to him that time is going very slowly or has stopped altogether? Perhaps the whole point is the acceleration of biological processes in the body in critical situations - nerve impulses pass faster, muscle fibers contract more often, although a person does not feel or realize this.

The researchers analyzed people's stories about their feelings and made the corresponding calculations. As a result, they concluded that the course of proper time can be accelerated by 130 times. Therefore, everything around is 130 times slower and it seems to a person that time has stopped. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that all the people who experienced the “stopping of time” claim that everything happened in a strange silence. This is quite simple to explain - when the individual time is accelerated by more than a hundred times, the sounds entering the ear turn into infrasounds that are not perceived by the human hearing aid.

Researchers from a medical college conducted an experiment to check whether time actually slows down for a person in a moment of danger. Volunteers without insurance were dropped from a height of fifty meters backwards. They, of course, fell on a special net, but everyone still experienced a very strong fright. Each volunteer felt that their flight lasted much longer than it really was. They fell in a matter of seconds, but for them it seemed much longer. A person who experiences extreme fear falls into a kind of trance. At the same time, all body systems begin to work with acceleration. A person begins to think much faster.

Physicist and chemist Ilya Prigogine argued that each person constructs his own time at every moment of being. At critical moments, the brain manages its own time, i.e. can slow it down by almost a hundred times, or maybe speed it up. There is a clear example that proves this.

The Boers, who began in the 1780s to seize the lands of the Xhosa and Zulus, faced an amazing phenomenon - African healers could speak from the bullets of their warriors. As a result, they attacked the Europeans despite fierce fire. Some remained unharmed even when they were fired at point-blank range. The bullets didn't bounce off the Africans, but they didn't hit them either. Then the colonialists did not begin to deal with this riddle, because in the end all the charmed warriors were killed.

Today, the secret of their invulnerability can be explained - African warriors could arbitrarily accelerate the course of their individual time and, thus, dodge bullets. But they died, because this could not continue indefinitely.

Some yogis in the East are able, it would seem, to stop time. They know how to disappear right before the eyes of astonished spectators and end up behind them. This phenomenon has long been described. The rituals that helped to become invisible were described in the most ancient Indian manuscripts written in 2500-1400 BC. These manuscripts say that concentration of thought is necessary for the complete disappearance. Do yogis teleport or are they able to speed up their time as much as possible, which is why the audience does not see them? In contrast to critical situations, a subjective sense of time accelerates in a person experiencing positive emotions. A person simply does not notice how time passes.

So, we can say with confidence that the states of fear, mortal danger and stress transfer the body into the so-called "emergency mode", which is accompanied by an increase in the speed of perception of the surrounding reality and the speed of thinking. Perhaps this is done to reduce the loss of time in the implementation of protective actions against the onset of danger? The organism must fight to the end with the use of all available means and forces.

So, my vision of this phenomenon and understanding of its nature.

Idea, idea that "all the people who experienced the "stop time" claim that everything happened in a strange silence" , I confirm.

I was 14 years old or even younger when I experienced this phenomenon for the first time. Moreover, it is unique that I experienced it when nothing threatened my life. I was not in a critical situation!

I was walking near my house with the boys, we were walking somewhere, I turned my head to the right and this happened ... I saw about 70 meters from me how a car hits a man at a pedestrian crossing. It's just that for some reason I turned my head to the right, looked into the distance, and everything happened before my eyes as in a slow motion movie and without sound ... I remember well that without sound. It really surprised me then. Silent films with Charlie Chaplin were still fresh in my memory ... During my youth, they were sometimes still shown on TV.

Here's what I saw then:

A man was walking confidently at a red traffic light, and a UAZ-loaf car with a rounded nose was moving across the intersection. Here it is:

I then saw everything in such detail that I was simply numb. The rounded nose of the car slowly hit the man on the right side, his body arched, in this bend of the body the man's head hit the windshield so that it broke ... I saw how each of its fragments flew ... Then, obviously, the elasticity worked human body. The car didn’t slow down, the driver didn’t even press the brake, and the man began to fly forward and upward relative to the car ... Having flown about 4 meters up, right up to the trolleybus wires, he then fell on the road ... The UAZ drove over his crossed legs and only After that, the driver braked the car and stopped...

When my numbness passed, I ran with the guys to the scene of the tragedy, while I was in a fever from what I saw ... I saw this for the first time in my life ... The man, apparently, remained alive then. At least the ambulance arrived and took him away from the scene alive...

The second time I experienced the phenomenon of time dilation somewhere in the year 1992, when I myself became a participant and culprit in an accident in a car of friends, in such a Moskvich.

The car was old, the rear drive wheels had "bald" tires, and I was just learning how to be a driver. Since it was out of town, friends entrusted me with driving. Besides, I already knew the road I was going to take.

To my misfortune, then it was autumn, that day it froze. Accordingly, the road was covered with ice... Ahead was a turn of almost 90 degrees to the right, and almost immediately a rather steep uphill began. For some reason, I thought then that I would go through the turn halfway and then sharply add gas so that the car could pick up acceleration and drive uphill without any problems. As I thought, I did so ... It was my strategic mistake, made by me due to my inexperience ...

When I stepped on the gas hard, the car spun on the turn, and it turned into an ice figure skater who began to rotate around its axis ...

A frozen moment.

The car I was driving began to spin in some kind of ellipsoidal spiral. I again saw "slow motion" and heard silence. I did not touch the steering wheel, the pedals too. I just didn't know what to do when the car is spinning?! I turned to a comrade sitting in the back seat, saw his frightened eyes and arms spread out to the sides (in case of a side impact). I asked myself aloud the question: "what to do?", and suddenly, against the background of silence in my mind, the answer clearly sounded in the form of the thought: "put on the brake!". Hearing mentally (not with my ears) this command, I slammed the brake pedal to the stop, the trajectory of the car changed dramatically, it shook, and my friend and I safely drove back into a deep roadside ditch ...

When I got out of the cab, I saw huge boulders nearby, and the Moskvich, which I was driving, stuck its rear bumper and trunk into soft ground, falling almost two meters high. All the damage to the car - from the impact flattened its wretched rear bumper. When I got up on the road, the tracks of the car were clearly visible on it. I saw where she circled, where I hit the brakes and how she left the road strictly perpendicular to the roadway.

The most important thing that I realized then was that the brake was pressed at exactly that hundredth of a second, which set the car on the safest trajectory. If I had braked a little earlier or a little later, the car would have gone diagonally off the road and this would have been accompanied by a mandatory flip through the roof, which could lead to the most sad consequences ...

The third phenomenal incident happened to me in 2010 at the 691th kilometer of the Moscow-Murmansk highway, when I was driving a used car "Volvo S80" freshly bought in the "Moscow" car dealership.

The engine of the car was with two turbines, which created a power of 250 l / s, 10 airbags: front, side, rear, roof airbag in case of a rollover ... Plus, several security systems that control the wheels: ABS, EBS and more ...

I was then going to overtake a bus, while I did not have much experience in driving a car of this class. And at a speed of about 100 km/h I lost control... Trying to avoid a side collision, I played the steering wheel as if it were a Zhiguli, completely forgetting about the brake. "Volvo S80" went skidding, the axial stabilization system crackled, the car at high speed ran into a roadside bumper, which, fortunately for me, started from the ground itself and separated the roadbed from a small ravine ... Then I saw the sky, as if a pilot on takeoff, and then the "silent movie" turned on again with a slowdown in the picture ...

It was the most phenomenal thing I have ever seen in my life. The flight of the car was like the flight of a flying skier who took off into the sky by means of a springboard. In my case, the role of a springboard was played by this very metal road bumper ...

I was wearing seat belts. Sleeping fastened next to me was my youngest son, who was then 18 years old. The forward speed of the car was high... Still, I went to overtake...

When the Volvo S80 began to roll over in the air and I was in the "upside down" position, I remembered the airbag, which was located in the roof. While the car and I were passing through the vertical (“bottom dead center”) (and I felt it very clearly), I tensed up, expecting a blow to the head from a ceiling pillow shot ...

Tumbling of the car from the normal position "wheels down" to the position "wheels up" took, probably, some hundredths of a second. And during this time I managed to think, reason and somehow group ... Phenomenal! ..

The expected explosion of the overhead airbag did not follow then, which at that moment greatly surprised and even puzzled me ... Meanwhile, the rotation of the car in the air and its fall still continued ... Rotating around its axis like a bullet, the Volvo S80 finally touched , land ... The blow fell on the right corner of the roof and the edge of the right front wing ... (The heavy motor outweighed the rear). At that moment, I clearly saw how an electrostatic discharge lightning ran across the windshield (!) and at the same time the glass began to crack from the upper right corner to the bottom! Phenomenal! I saw the appearance in the windshield of each new fragment! Then some time passed, and the left edge of the roof and the left front fender took over the impact on the ground. An electrostatic discharge, exactly the same as I saw on the right, went inside the windshield already from the upper left corner to the bottom and to the middle. Simultaneously with the electrostatic discharge, there was the same cracking of the windshield as in the previous case ... Then another somersault followed and the car stood on wheels ...

When I got out of the cab, I realized that I myself was alive and my son was also alive, both without any damage ... Inspection of the car showed that the engine continues to work, no liquids have flowed ... This is at least a little pleased. All four wheels were also in place ... Only the plastic protection of the wheel arches was torn off ...

When kind people helped to pull the car out of the ditch with the help of a tug, it turned out that she was able to go further on her own. The remaining 700 km to Murmansk was driven by my son, he had a driver's license, but I was in shock and sorrow that it all happened ...

He was driving, and I looked around and paid attention to roadside graves (there are many of them on any highway in Russia), which indicate that a person died in such and such a place ...

Thinking my thoughts, I then came to the conclusion that for some reason I was still needed in this world, since I was not destined to die during this accident ...

And less than a year later, I returned to literature again ...

Before that, I had already written two books, "The Geometry of Life" (1998) and "The Crucified Sun" (2000), which were published in paper form, and another book was on physics, written by me in 2002, which I considered incomplete. These books did not bring me any money, and it took years to write them!

And when in 2002 I was accepted in Moscow as a member of the "Union of Writers of Russia", I decided that it was enough for me to be a writer already ...

And now, almost 8 years of my serene life have passed (from 2002 to 2010), and the incident that happened to me literally forced me to start writing articles and new books again.

What worried me then as a writer? want to know?

This question has become interesting to me now! I did a Google search and found my earliest postings on the Mahpark website:

After I experienced the phenomenon of time dilation for the third time, I understood why in extreme situations a person begins to see and think 130 times faster (if scientists did not make a mistake with the calculation) than in a normal situation. We have two thought systems at once, and, accordingly, two souls operating at different clock frequencies!

The lower thought system runs at a low clock rate, the higher one at a high one! Moreover, our lower mental system always works, and the higher mental system is switched on only in special cases. Therefore, when it turns on, we may experience a "time dilation phenomenon."

If we switch to figurative language, which allows very complex things to be explained in simple words, then our higher thought system similar to an air turbine that is attached to a car engine to increase its power. Motorists know that this turbine does the work of an air compressor. When it is turned on, the power of the internal combustion engine increases immediately by 30-40% due to the fact that the air-fuel mixture is injected into the cylinders under high pressure.

So, in the article "ABOUT GOOD AND EVIL", which I wrote on March 7, 2011, I literally said the following:

People often enter into discussions, trying to find an answer in their course, WHAT is evil and WHAT is good in this world? At the end of these discussions, the thought is usually heard that evil is the absence of good. Formally, this is the correct conclusion, but this formulation does not explain much.

Any person can come to an understanding of GOOD and EVIL in full measure through understanding the following logical chain.

1. There is God, and there is his antipode. For convenience, I will call them: "Higher Mind" and "Lower Mind". Look inside yourself - comprehend your feelings and make sure that you exist in yourself both of these gods.

Everything low in human nature gives rise to the "lower mind". Its fruits: greed, stinginess, envy, lies, perjury, quarrelsomeness, anger, malice, hatred, deceit, deceit, cowardice, betrayal, etc.

The product of the "Higher Reason" in man: selflessness, love in the highest sense, all talents, creativity, patriotism, readiness for self-sacrifice for the sake of saving other people and other virtues.

2. Every person is under the control of these two minds most of the time without even realizing it. When both of these minds are in balance with each other in their impact on the consciousness of a person, we have in ourselves what is called harmony.

3. The vector of a person's behavioral aspirations can be directed both to the "Higher Mind" and to the "Lower Mind".

4. If the first happens, a person from step to step makes himself a highly moral person. If the second happens, the person gradually turns himself into an animal.

5. If once a person completely breaks the connection between consciousness and his "Higher Mind" (there is a loss of conscience, as people say), the human consciousness closes on the "lower mind", and then he turns not even into an animal, but into a monster. I don't think there's anything to prove here. Any crime chronicle shows us such monsters in abundance.

6. "Higher mind" and "lower mind" are capable of generating feelings and thoughts in the human mind. Regarding the "lower mind", which is tied to our instincts and bodily needs, I believe that nothing special needs to be explained. I am sure that what I said is unlikely to cause rejection in anyone. For some reason, many people have doubts about the “Higher Mind”: does He, the “Higher Mind”, exist in general, and is it given to us to hear Him, etc.

If at least once in your life you have heard the voice of conscience, when you were just thinking of doing something bad, then you have already heard the voice of the "Higher Reason", which all religions call the Almighty or God, or Allah. The word "Allah" just means "Almighty", giving us by default a hint that there is still SOMEONE "lower".

7. Being in us, the "Higher Mind", at the same time, is also outside of us. He is omnipresent and all-pervading like radio waves and light, and we always have only some part of Him.

So why is there so much evil around, if the "Supreme Mind" is omnipresent?- maybe someone wants to ask me?

First of all, everyone must understand that homo sapiens ("reasonable man") was brought into the world to live according to conscience. That is why it was given to him by the "Higher Reason". Moreover, the voice of conscience is always prohibitions (in contrast to the voice of the "lower mind", which always shouts: "I want!", "I want!", "I want!"). Conscience sounds in the mind every time a person really tries to do something bad (from the point of view of the "Higher Reason").

These prohibitions, as I understand it, are dictated solely so that the human community as a whole can develop harmoniously on a conflict-free and good-neighbourly basis, such as, for example, a family of bees or a family of ants.

If someone is confused by the definition of “lower mind” that I introduced, they say, in the scriptures antipode God is Satan or devil I will answer this in the following way. For many people who read fairy tales about the Serpent Gorynych and Baba Yaga in childhood, when reading these two words "Satan" or "Devil", for some reason, images of fantastic creatures similar to the named fictional characters invariably arise in their minds. And this is very sad.

Our life is far from fairy tales. It's much scarier and more tragic. That is why I consider it possible, instead of the words "satan" and "devil", which cause so much misunderstanding, to use the definition "lower mind". And in order to eliminate all contradictions on this score, I want to add the following to everything that has been said.

The "lower mind", it is also the primary protein mind, (it is also "Satan" and it is also the "devil" in the religious lexicon, it is also "Lucifer" among the Satanists-sectarians), lives in our cells, in our genes, as well as in cells and in the genes of all biological objects of nature. Its functional task is to ensure that all earthly creatures are fruitful, multiply and devour each other in rivalry. It is the rivalry for life and death that forces the "lower mind" to be the father of disguise, the father of lies, the father of deceit and various other methods of survival in the wild.

A praying mantis predator disguised as a flower. Here is a visual work of the "devil mind".

Man is given not only a "lower mind", but also a "Higher mind". This is what distinguishes man from all other earthly creatures. The "higher mind" manifests itself in the human mind primarily as the voice of conscience and as the voice of intuition. And since every person is given the mind, will and the right to choose his life path, he himself chooses in which direction he should go, and what mind he should listen to, and whose commands to execute.

Unfortunately, there are many people among us who could completely stifle the voice of conscience in themselves. There are even people who have proclaimed the "lower mind" as their God!

Here is a good example:

Lucifer temple opened in Colombia:


There are people among us who have not only consciously severed their connection with the "Higher Mind", having placed all their stakes on their "lower mind", but who also want to seize power over all mankind relying solely on their "devilish mind".

What are these people? you can ask me.

According to the Bible, two thousand years ago they were identified in human history and denounced by a certain Jesus Christ, addressing these fighters with the "Higher Reason" the following words: "your father is the devil, and you want to do the lusts of your father" . (John 8:44).

I wrote this on March 7, 2011, and on August 19, 2011, I decided to arrange a survey in Mahpark, wanting to clarify for myself what percentage of people feel in themselves a connection with the "Higher Mind", and what percentage of people do not feel this connection in themselves .

Since the ability of a person to hear the voice of conscience in himself is a sure sign that both thought systems work in him at once: the Higher and the lower, I decided to arrange a survey on the topic, "what forDoes conscience mean you?" And I put the question this way: "Do you think that conscience is an innate feeling? Or do you think that conscience is instilled by education?"

The trickiness of my question was that the person answering it was 100% open.

Whoever had no conscience, who was not able to hear the voice of the "Higher Mind" coming from the depths of the soul, surely clung to the words proposed in my questionnaire, that "conscience is instilled by education". And whoever heard the voice of conscience at least once in his life answered without even thinking that "Conscience is an innate feeling".

The result of my survey is as follows:

Of course, these figures cannot be used to judge our entire society, because only two hundred people took part in my survey, but a rough picture can already be imagined.

The percentage of people in our society who live exclusively in the animal mind ("lower mind") is too high, hence we have high crime and all that!

And today, when I suddenly decided to highlight the topic "time dilation phenomenon", I remembered this work of 2011 in connection with the following thought: the phenomenon of time dilation occurs in critical situations, after all, not all people in a row, but only some!

You ask one "did you have that?"

"Was!"- they say, and tell what they felt then and what they experienced.

As a rule, those who have such a phenomenon get off in the same road accidents with a slight fright, because such protection is triggered, which is many times cooler than any airbags or seat belts!

I ask others: "did you have the effect of time dilation during an accident with your participation?" and they answer me: "it all happened very quickly! Bam - and that's it !!!"

I suspect that "Bam - that's all!" it turned out for those people who, at the time of the accident, for some reason, had no (was cut off) contact with their "Higher Mind".

What do you think about this, reader?

Hello again! This material belongs to a whole series of articles in which answers for the game Puzzles Magic Story in Odnoklassniki.

In turn, we note that this material contains answers to levels from 281 to 290 of the Magic Story Riddles game in Odnoklassniki. You are welcome, use and rejoice!

Game Riddles: Magic story. Answers to levels 281, 282, 283, 284, 285

Level 281 - Riddle:

She wandered into our dacha, and then lived in a hole.

With a proboscis, like an elephant, only she is small!

The correct answer to riddle number 281: SHREW

Level 282 - Riddle:

He glides, as if on waves, guided by the hand.

Swimming here and there

The trace of yesterday's washing will hide.

The correct answer to riddle No. 282: IRON

Level 283 - Riddle:

You can meet him at night, he is calm and not very.

It's pleasant, it's terrible, but it's not at all dangerous.

The correct answer to riddle No. 283: DREAM

Level 284 - Riddle:

She tends to fly with something like a stone down.

For those who can cope with their problem for an encore!

The correct answer to riddle number 284: MOUNTAIN

Level 285 - Riddle:

He remembers everything: when to go to someone,

Cases distributes and will tell you what to buy.

The correct answer to riddle number 285: DAILY

Game Riddles: Magic story. Answers to levels 286, 287, 288, 289, 290

Level 286 - Riddle:

It must be brightly painted with paint so that it does not eat,

Didn't ruin your happiness

He did not carry a heavy load.

The correct answer to riddle No. 286: LIFE

Level 287 - Riddle:

He is very much needed in the house.

Without it, it's not like a dream

The guests won't even come.

His ladies create.

The correct answer to riddle No. 287: COMFORT

Level 288 - Riddle:

This little thing is small, but full of energy.

It revives the mechanisms only by the presence of it.

The correct answer to riddle No. 288: BATTERY

Level 289 - Riddle:

A magical thing, no doubt - instantly stops time.

The correct answer to riddle No. 289: CAMERA

Level 290 - Riddle:

Here is a useful little thing - it will be very useful in life,

Only in the morning for some reason makes you swear.

Time can sometimes drastically change its usual course. In an instant, it suddenly stops, and you find that everything around you is either frozen or moving too slowly ...

What did time stop like?

One day a man saw how time stopped. It started with a headache that soon got worse, and Simon Baker, who survived the sensation, stepped into the shower to relieve his condition. Later, he said that he looked at the jets of water above his head and suddenly saw that he distinctly distinguished each drop, as if it had stopped in the air. And what we usually perceive as a blurry movement turned into a bright picture for a few seconds, where drops were visible, distorted by air pressure. The effect, Simon recalls, was like slow-motion film footage.

Baker (this, as you understand, is not his real name) went to the hospital the next day, where doctors found that he was suffering from an aneurysm that posed a real threat to the patient's life. Nevertheless, Simon told his doctor (Fred Ovsey of the University of Chicago) about what had happened the day before and was very interested in his description of his unusual condition. The neurologist soon published material about his patient in the journal NeuroCase.

How neuroscience explains the Baker case

It is easy to assume that time flows the same for everyone, but as experience shows, the continuous stream of consciousness is a rather fragile illusion, skillfully fixed by our brain. By studying what happens in moments of extreme situations, researchers are trying to figure out how and why the brain does these tricks, and they suggest that in some circumstances we can all experience such temporary transformations.

In addition to the case with Baker, many similar situations have been recorded in medicine (they are called akinetopsia). In addition, there is evidence of sensations of the acceleration of the flow of time (the so-called time-lapse).

For example, as a 61-year-old woman said, returning home on the subway, she suddenly saw that the train doors were closing unnaturally slowly, as if their movement consisted of separate freeze frames. And the 58-year-old Japanese generally found that the movement of the lips and facial expressions of people standing nearby clearly lag behind the words they uttered at their usual pace. That is, in this case, the slow frame was clearly out of sync.

Ovsyu believes that there are much more such cases than recorded by researchers. Such situations are often perceived by people as a transient phenomenon that can be ignored.

What causes the feeling of time stopping

Unfortunately, this most often accompanies seizures of epilepsy or the development of a stroke. But why do these pathologies affect the perception of time by a person? Researchers who have tried to find those areas of the brain that are responsible for timing can shed light on this problem.

Particularly interesting in this regard was the zone of human visual perception, called V5. It is located in the back of the cerebral cortex and responds to the movement of an object, but it is possible that it also plays a role in our sense of the passage of time.

When doctors from the University Hospital in Lausanne applied a magnetic field to the area in an attempt to minimize its activity, the subjects were unable to do certain things. As expected, they were unable to track the movement of the dots on the screen, but they were also unable to determine the time for which some dots were delayed.

Explaining such phenomena, the researchers say that the human perception of movement has its own chronometer, fixing the speed at which objects move in the field of view. But as soon as the work of the brain is disturbed for some reason, the world stops.

True, this is only an option, since not all patients who experienced time distortion had damage to the V5 zone.

Not only disease affects the perception of time

Another explanation can be considered the discovery that our impressions are stored in the brain in the form of separate, glued together frames. And, according to Rufin van Rollen of the Toulouse Center for Brain Research (France), when brain disorders destroy this glue, a person sees only unrelated images.

And not only a disease can disrupt brain activity, but also extreme events experienced by a person. It is not for nothing that people who find themselves on the verge of death remember that time at this moment seems to have stopped, and movements around are perceived as slowed down.

Perhaps the work of the brain at such a moment is activated by stress hormones, and thanks to this, our thoughts and movements become accelerated, and everything that happens around us slows down accordingly.

Riddles about household appliances, how could it be without it in the modern world.

In every apartment of a modern person there is a TV, or even more than one, a refrigerator, a washing machine, which helps out mothers a lot, an iron, a vacuum cleaner, a camera, a hair dryer, a hob and much more. All these devices make our life easier. About all these helpers, we have collected riddles on this page. Guessing them will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults. Riddles will come in handy in the classroom, educational events, at thematic holidays.

Riddles about TV

Looking at the screen in the apartment
We see what is happening in the world.

In the center of the room is
Or hanging on the wall.
Brings news to us
And the films are more interesting.

There is a large and magical screen in the house.
In it you can see the animals of distant countries,
Cartoons and news. Even
How to cook something, tell!
My dad often watches football.
But the screen is black this day.
As long as there is no one around
Until you turn it on!

What a miracle, what a box?
Himself a singer and himself a storyteller,
And besides, at the same time
Shows movies.

On my friends screen
That the seas rustle in the fog,
That fruit shakes the garden.
There are cartoons for kids.

I'll go to the box
I'll press the button.
The box will wake up
This will start:
Cartoons will show
Will tell you about the weather.
Everything is interesting!
How are they not cramped?

Riddles about the refrigerator

Even in the July heat
It is cold as winter.

Us technical progress
Gave a chest of miracles -
There are all kinds of darkness products,
Protects them in winter.

Us technical progress
Gave a chest of miracles -
There are all kinds of darkness products,
Protects them in winter.

Here is a large cold cabinet.
It is as cold as winter.
And the products are stored in it:
Meat, vegetables and fruits.
If you forgot to close the door
It will get cold in the apartment.
Sounds like an alarm clock
We are about this ...

It looks like a house from the outside
But it's so cold inside!
No, just look:
North Pole inside!
What a cold house!
How do the products live in it?

I have a big belly.
It contains sausages, cheese, compote.
If you want to eat, don't be shy
Open your belly!

Riddles about the washing machine
There is a box in the bathroom,
Eye transparent and round looks.
It's interesting to look into the eye when
There is water in this box.
(washing machine)

Turns the drum
Mom's helper.
She has a sheet, sundress
Rinse clean.
(washing machine)

What a car - just amazing!
After that, everything is clean, beautiful ...
She washed away all the stains and dirt
She squeezed everything herself - rinsed.
(washing machine)

Buzzed, buzzed -

Washed and pressed.

Shirts got clean

Dresses, trousers and vests.
(washing machine)

Riddles about iron

Sleeping on matter
I stick my sharp nose everywhere.
Oh, and I'm angry and hissing.
I really don't like mint.

Strokes everything it touches
And if you touch it, it bites.

I'll walk a little hot,
And the sheet will be smooth.
I can fix bugs
And put arrows on the trousers.

Riddles about a vacuum cleaner, polisher

He willingly inhaled the dust,
Didn't get sick or sneezed.
(vacuum cleaner)

I have which year
The hedgehog lives in the room.
If the floor is smeared with wax,
He will rub it to a shine.
(floor polisher)

Walks, wanders on carpets,
Runs nose around corners.
Where passed - there is no dust,
Dust and rubbish is his dinner.
(vacuum cleaner)

I see dust - I grumble,
I will grunt and swallow.
(vacuum cleaner)

I really like to wander through the carpets,
On soft sofas, in dark corners.
I always find delicious dust there
And I buzz loudly with pleasure.
(vacuum cleaner)

Baby elephant mechanical
Buzzing with electricity
Long thick proboscis
Collects dust all around.
What gets under the trunk
Everything flies into his stomach.
(vacuum cleaner)

Guess who I am kids?
Long Nose, and in the belly - Wind.
The belly walks on the carpet
Eats wrappers, peel.
(vacuum cleaner)

Elephant walking around the apartment
And he swallows garbage.
(vacuum cleaner)

Mom does not know grief with him,
He rushes like a sail in the sea,
On carpets, like on waves,
Mornings and evenings.
Dust swallows like a pump
(vacuum cleaner)

Riddles about the camera

This eye is a special eye.
He quickly looks at you
And will be born
The most accurate portrait of you.

You look at me
And just freeze for a moment.
I took your portrait.
Who am I?

A magical thing, no doubt
stops time instantly.

Where have you been, tell your friends
All details will be shown.
Happiness moment to return back
Maybe …

Of course everyone will benefit
This complex thing.
It's worth pressing the button
You can catch up with everyone
And make it freeze
And take a closer look
Take memorable pictures
And remember everything on the SIM card.
There are manual and automatic
This -…

Riddles about a light bulb
I brought the sun
For your window.
Hung to the ceiling -
It became fun at home.

She looks like a pear on the outside,
Hanging idle during the day
And lights up the house at night.

A pear tree hangs from the ceiling
And do not think to eat a pear!
Glowing like the sun
Drop it - it will break.

Riddles about a hair dryer

In this little thing
A warm wind has settled.
(hair dryer)

Dries dry wind
My mother's curls.
(hair dryer)

Riddles about a lantern, a flashlight

The house is a glass bubble
And the light lives in it.
He sleeps during the day, but when he wakes up,
It will ignite with a bright flame.

I am the magic candle
So and so I turn in my hands.
She does not burn with fire
Full of batteries.

Riddles about the stove and hob

I always live in the kitchen
I have a frying pan
Saucepan, ladle, kettle -
I'm in charge of them!
With me the whole family is full,
Well guess what? I …

Roast meat, cook soup,
She bakes pies.
She has here and there
Very hot.
(stove or hob)

Sewing machine puzzle

Shoots like a machine gun
Sew a new dress.
(sewing machine)

Riddles about a razor
I can mow the grass
But not in the meadow.
I want to walk on the cheeks.
Hey stubble, watch out!

Have you ever noticed that many miracles around you are due to certain objects. That is, for example, they took a red handbag to work - and luck does not leave you all day, there is no end to customers. Or they combed the bangs on the left side and ... And so on ad infinitum. The people call such things talismans and amulets and attribute all sorts of possibilities to them. Only strangers slander or slander them for miracles. And why trust strangers what you can do yourself by putting all your positive energy and strength of desire into the chosen thing personally!

So, we begin the process of programming things to fulfill certain desires.

Defining a Magic Thing

The first thing you need to do is review your belongings. That is, observe how they affect your life. Maybe you yourself will feel a strong pleasant attraction to certain objects. By my own example, I can say that I had one bag, well, not at all fashionable, but I loved it so much that I always took it with me, even if it did not fit my outfit. Her presence had a simply magical effect: the day always developed as if by a wave of a magic wand. My friends did not understand my attraction to a completely unfashionable accessory. But I knew that a nondescript-looking bag actually brings me a "sum of abundance." I am not advocating to choose nondescript things, just opt ​​for those items that you are most attracted to. It can be anything: a dress, beads, a key chain, a pen, a notepad...

Organize items by category

It is quite natural that human desires focus on more than just one thing. We all want to be loved, healthy, successful, wealthy. And if you break this list into sub-items, then you get a huge pyramid consisting of small desires (a house, a fur coat, a computer, a pet, a slender figure, a good memory, etc.). Therefore, our second task is to arrange mentally all the selected things according to their meanings. For example, I will wear a pearl ring to meet a man (because I noticed that this jewelry contributes to love and a successful date). And a notebook with gold letters should always be on my desk while I work (good luck in my career), etc.

Programming things for good luck

So things have been chosen. They all lie in front of you in the room. Time to start programming them for the fulfillment of specific desires. To do this, you need to retire so that no one bothers you to spend. At this time, turn off the phones, take a shower to wash away all the negativity and bad thoughts that have “stuck” from the outside. It is advisable to light an aromatic candle or just a candle, golden or red, so that our petitions are heard by the Universe faster.

In a relaxed state, meditate, focus all your thoughts on the beautiful. Visually imagine yourself in the middle of a beautiful green meadow. There is no one around you, there is a blue sky above you with white fluffy clouds, and beautiful, relaxing music sounds very quietly somewhere. You stand with your arms spread out, as if you want to fly up. Breathing is even and calm. Your heart is overflowing with joy, you feel like the happiest person on Earth. And at that moment, bright sunlight begins to emanate from you. It extends to all things of luck, and they also begin to glow and shimmer with gold. When you see that you have charged your energy of strong desire for things of good luck, take three deep breaths in and out, thank the Universe and end the meditation ..