On the Association XXI century. "harmony" - educational system for elementary school Harmony program association 21st century

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the press release of the Association 21st Century publishing house, which publishes textbooks and teaching aids for elementary schools (the Harmony set). FGOS IEO”, the author of the program is Ph.D. Professor NIPKiPRO Smoleusova T.V.

Press release of the publishing house "Association 21st century"

The textbooks of the educational system "Harmony" correspond to the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOO (included in the FPU 2014, Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 253 of March 31, 2014), and the program of primary general education, therefore, when switching to the EMC "Harmony" from other sets, the teacher does not have methodological difficulties.

The textbooks implement a systematic-activity approach to the organization of educational work, which allows students to form a set of subject skills and universal educational actions in their unity.

Based on the material of each academic subject, purposeful formation of methods of mental actions, training of schoolchildren in various types of speech activity, and their personal development are carried out.

The authors of the textbooks are experienced teachers, professors and associate professors of the leading pedagogical universities in Russia. Natalia Borisovna Istomina, Academic Supervisor of the EMC "Harmony", is a laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education.

The website of the publishing house http://www.ass21vek.ru has free access to the methodological materials necessary for the teacher, including thematic planning tables that form the basis of work programs, methodological recommendations for lessons, electronic applications for textbooks, etc. A social network is functioning "Harmony" is a club, which allows each teacher to get in touch with the publishing house employees, methodologists, authors and promptly receive the required assistance.

Publishing house "Association XXI century" constantly holds seminars, webinars and courses for teachers and methodologists. Also, all schools operating under the Harmony EMC are provided with a free set for the library and materials for holding competitions and olympiads.

General Director of Publishing House "Association XX1 Century" Karaeva Tamara Mikhailovna


1. All new publishers "Association XXI century"
Publisher website http://a21vek.ru/

2. If you want to be aware of new concepts in education, visit this site

4. On this site, you can order textbooks and methodological literature at the prices of the publisher without leaving your home.

12. Istomina N.B., Gorina O.P. (to the textbooks Mathematics 2,3,4 class in the TMC "Harmony")
Software implementation: Proskuryakov N.N. (e-mail: [email protected])


Literacy education. Electronic educational resources.


the leading ideas of the educational-methodical set "Harmony"

for a four-year primary school

Since about the 30s of the last century, a fundamentally new understanding of the development of the child has gradually been established in the theory of Russian pedagogy. Its interpretation as the maturation of the abilities inherent in a person was replaced by the concept of the child's activity in the educational process. And since the late 60s, the idea of ​​developmental education has entered the practice of the national school, where for several decades the systems of so-called traditional and developmental education have been developing in parallel, which are initially opposed to each other and considered alternative. Within the framework of traditional and developing systems of education, various author's programs and educational and methodological kits are being developed. However, over time, the contradictions between the traditional and developmental education systems are gradually softening, and at the present stage of development of primary education, all educational and methodological sets are guided by the thesis of the child's activity in the learning process. This is one of the important directions in the development of a general education school, "the modernization of which involves the orientation of education not only to the assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge by students, but also to the development of their personality, their cognitive and creative capabilities" (Concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010) . It is on the thesis of the activity of children, the acceptance of the student as an integral person, that the modern ideas of humanization and humanitarization of education, its differentiation and integration, continuity and continuity are based. In didactics, the theory of upbringing, in the psychology of learning and development, as well as in special areas of knowledge that underlie academic disciplines, a significant number of valuable ideas have been accumulated regarding the development of the child's personality, optimization and intensification of the educational process, and the use of innovative technologies. However, the implementation of these ideas in school practice will remain a problem until they receive a scientifically based interpretation in the form of methodological systems that take into account the specifics of the content and the peculiarities of the process of its assimilation by schoolchildren within specific academic subjects.

development of ways to organize the educational activities of younger schoolchildren, providing comfortable conditions for the development of the child in the process of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities that correspond to the curricula and the requirements of the initial educational standard .

In the educational-methodical set "Harmony" implemented:

ways of organizing the educational activities of students related to the formulation of a learning task, its solution, self-control and self-assessment;

ways of organizing productive communication, which is a necessary condition for the formation of educational activities;

ways of forming concepts that provide awareness of cause-and-effect relationships, patterns and dependencies at a level accessible to primary school age.
Methodical interpretation in a set of modern trends in the development of primary education provides: understanding by the child of the issues being studied, conditions for harmonious relations between the teacher and the student and children with each other, creating a situation of success in cognitive activity for each student.
Considering the educational books included in the kit (textbook, textbook-notebook, notebooks with a printed base) as a model of the educational process that integrates subject content and types of cognitive activity, the authors of the Harmony kit implemented in the system of educational tasks:

  • purposeful formation of methods of mental activity (analysis and synthesis, comparison, classification, analogy, generalization);
  • the priority of independent activity of students in mastering the content;
  • active inclusion in cognitive activity of methods of observation, choice, transformation and design;
  • maintaining a balance between intuition and knowledge;
  • diverse consideration of the same object;
  • based on the experience of the child;
  • parallel use of various models: subject, verbal, graphic, schematic and symbolic - and establishing a correspondence between them;
  • the relationship of inductive and deductive reasoning;
  • unity of intellectual and special skills;
  • creation of conditions for maximum emotional well-being for each child in the process of mastering the knowledge provided for by the program.

Association "XX1 century" (since 1994 "Anzori. - XXI century") is an association of several dozen enterprises, organizations, firms, created to coordinate foreign economic activity. The Association has a network of branches in the CIS countries and all regions of the world.

A distinctive feature of the Association's activities in the economic sphere is its focus on the foreign market, in the social sphere - on large-scale charitable events.

Currently, the Association is headed by Anzori Kikilashvili, a graduate of the Diplomatic Academy, Ph.D. in Law, and a well-known public figure and cultural figure, singer and businessman Iosif Kobzon.

From the moment the Association was founded in 1988 until 1994, Otari Kvantrishvili, a popular sports figure and businessman, was a member of its leadership.

Anzori Kikalishvili. Chairman of the Association "XX1 century", "Anzori XXI century". The special services have information about Anzori Kakilashvili's criminal contacts since 1988, the year of the formation of the XXI Century Association. In particular, his regular contacts with the thief in law Givi Biradze, who was the owner of the Vstrecha currency restaurant (which became part of the first Association), as well as with Vyacheslav Naumov, a businessman with criminal ties (he was in the international wanted, killed in September 1996 in the Tverskaya Hotel), a friend of Otari Kvantrishvili.

Anzori Kikalishvili brought to the Association connections in government circles of the Soviet period, as evidenced by his participation in the government delegation headed by M. Gorbachev during his first trip to Italy, legal support and connections in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Attention is drawn to his particularly close contacts with Italian entrepreneurs (the Association currently controls eight enterprises of the Jindo-Rus company, which sells furs for foreign currency).

Anzori Kikalishvili claims that at present the Association has hundreds of enterprises abroad, the needs of which are served by the bank “Development of the 21st Century” created by it.

Anzori Kikalishvili carefully disguises his affiliation with criminal structures. At the same time, it was established that he personally controls the economic activities of the Azerbaijani and Chechen groups in Moscow, engaged in retail trade. On this basis, he had conflicts with Otari Kvantrishvili.

A. Kikalishvili, unlike Otari Kvantrishvili and Iosif Kobzon, rarely appears on television and avoids appearances in the media.

In public statements in the press, he always emphasizes the role of the Association as a charitable organization, created, according to him, to support athletes, cultural figures, veterans and other sectors of society. The expenses of the Association's organizations for charity, especially in public form, are really significant.

Such a policy allows it not only to mask shadow incomes, but also to evade taxation. Practically, all enterprises and firms of the Association have benefits in various amounts.

According to informed sources, the Association is taking a rather aggressive stance towards competitors, ousting them, like Artem Tarasov, for example, from the oil products trade.

At the same time, negative information about competitors not only enters law enforcement agencies through a system of corrupt connections, but is also actively discussed by the public, scientists, journalists, deputies, and others who are far from business. As a result, A. Tarasov, a deputy of the legislative authorities, finds himself abroad, and the Association's enterprises engaged in similar shadow business continue to successfully carry out foreign economic transactions. At the same time, AKikalishvili does not spare such entrepreneurs as Nenakhov (the owner of the GMM company, which converted its funds through the accounts of Artem Tarasov’s Istok company), despite the fact that he was a patron and was friends with the Otari Kvantrishvili family.

An analysis of the available material suggests that the Association will continue to make efforts to expand control over the trade in petroleum products and other raw materials. It draws into the orbit of its activities an increasing number of resource-producing and other enterprises that produce products that are in stable demand on the world market.

Given the significance of interethnic conflicts between organized criminal groups, one cannot but pay attention to the period of Otari Kvantrishvili's withdrawal from the 21st Century Association, which coincided with the establishment of partnership relations between the Association and the Azerbaijani and Chechen groups. Sources report that from 1993 until the present, A. Kikalishvili controls retail trade in the streets and markets of the Center and South of the capital, which is carried out mainly by representatives of Chechen and Azerbaijani groups, as well as the supply of all groups of goods from abroad for retail trade .

In addition, the materials of criminal cases contain information about numerous transactions through the banks and firms of the Association (Unikombank, Moskovit, etc.) of huge sums stolen by Chechen advice notes.

Thus, it can be assumed that A. Kikalishvili largely relies on the above groupings.

At the same time, it was reliably established that Otari Kvantrishvili maintained close ties with the Moscow territorial groups (Izmailovo, Luberetskaya, etc.). In 1993-1994 he actively infiltrated the highest echelons of power in Moscow and Russia, forming his image as a public figure and a generous entrepreneur. He even created his own party "Athletes of Russia".

Moscow groups are currently confronting Caucasian and other groups operating in Moscow, there is a real struggle for spheres of influence. Otari Kvantrishvili, having a rich criminal past in Moscow, valued his authority, which allowed him to make huge profits outside the Association, and, apparently, he began to move away from the Association, creating his own sports and entertainment empire, as Anzori Kakilashvili’s contacts with Caucasian factions. The fact that Otari Kvantrishvili's brother, Amiran Kvantrishvili, was killed by members of a Chechen group testifies to the transition of contradictions to a critical phase.

Criminological characteristics of the activities of the Association "XXI century"

The criminological characteristics of the activity of the Association "XXI century" consists of the criminological characteristics of the process of initial accumulation of capital, the criminal past of its members, criminal ties with criminal groups in Russia and abroad.

It has been established that the basis of the capital of the enterprises that originally formed the association in 1988 was formed by incomes criminally acquired by Otari Kvantrishvili (exploitation of prostitution, gambling, racketeering), as well as shadow incomes received by Hygiene LLP and Moscow Confectioner. The top three members of the Association also included the Vstrecha restaurant, owned by thief in law Givi Biradze. The shadow part of the capital was also represented by income from concert and entertainment events.

Criminal income also included income from the sale through small retail trade of consumer goods and food supplied from abroad. At the same time, criminal groups controlled by Otari Kvantrishvili received part of the income from points located in the center of Moscow, near the Kursk and Belorussky stations, and criminal groups (Azerbaijani and Chechen), controlled by Anzori Kakilashvili, received part of the income from outlets located on the outskirts capital Cities.

In addition, through the banks and enterprises of the Association "Unikombank", "Moskovit", etc.), foreign exchange and monetary resources, stolen with the help of "Chechen" advice notes and "Harvest" checks, passed.

The accumulation of significant proceeds obtained by criminal means, illegally and already from the activities of legally established enterprises, allowed the members of the Association to expand export-import activities, a significant part of which up to the present time is the smuggling of cultural values ​​and products made of precious stones (“R. Gorbacheva, Jeweler Center, headed by V. Rosenbaum, export of oil products, metal, ferroalloys, etc. (Moskovit, headed by I. Kobzon), bank embezzlement under forged documents, contracts (GMM - A. Nenakhov) etc.

The scale of the shadow income of the Association allows it to actively engage in charity, which, in turn, helps to reduce taxation, as well as exceptionally favorable conditions for duty-free export-import operations (Closed JSC "Sports Center" - Otari Kvantrishvili).

All leaders of the Association, to varying degrees, support contracts with criminal structures. Otari Kvantrishvili occupied a special position in organizing the interaction of enterprises, banks and firms that are members of the Association with the criminal world.

Having a criminal past, he used his sports career and coaching to form the power structures of Moscow criminal groups that participated in the protection of criminal business in controlled territories, ensured order at concert and entertainment events, established racketeering dependence of cooperatives, commercial enterprises, firms.

Otari Kvantrishvili regulated the relations of groups among themselves and with new economic structures, sorted out emerging conflicts and disputes, imposed penalties, maintained international criminal ties with leaders and authorities of organized criminal groups living abroad.

Iosif Kobzon, even before joining the Association, participated in the illegal transfer of financial resources abroad through Jewish religious channels.

Anzori Kikalishvili, along with other leaders of the Association, was engaged in establishing corrupt relations in the highest echelons of power and in the structures of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

On corrupt ties of the Association "XXI century"

The criminal groups supervised by Otari Kvantrishvili provided protection not only for criminal activities and businesses, but also for completely legal business and public structures.

Of particular interest are the contacts of the Solntsevo criminal group (leader S. Timofeev - "Sylvester") with the public cultural fund, headed by Vadim Rosenbaum, acting under the direct supervision of Raisa Gorbacheva.

Members of the criminal gang participated in the protection of the office of the foundation, ensured the security of events held by the foundation, both in Russia and abroad. (Using these connections, Otari Kvantrishvili built a cottage next to the Gorbachevs' personal dacha in the Moscow region).

Vadim Rosenbaum, in addition to managing the cultural fund, headed (was the general director) CJSC Yuvelirtsentr, which, like all the main components of the Association, carried out export-import operations, operations with precious stones and metals.

A. Kikalishvili, being a candidate of legal sciences, a graduate of the Diplomatic Academy, infiltrated the environment of M. Gorbachev (visit to Italy) and R. Gorbacheva (through an active member of the Association - a cultural and entertainment enterprise headed by V. Rosenbaum), which made it possible to build a pyramid of corrupt ties not from below, as usual, but from above, based on the facts of cooperation and contacts with the first persons of the state.

The breadth and stability of the network of corrupt ties of the Association is evidenced by the place occupied by Otari Kvantrishvili and Iosif Kobzon in contacts with the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, as well as the reliably established fact that Y. Luzhkov visited the commemoration of Amiran Kvantrishvili in one of the baths in Moscow.

Maintaining the association's corrupt connections was effectively masked by the active social and charitable activities of Iosif Kobzon and Otari Kvantrishvili.

In the activities of the Association, attention is drawn to the fact (which is its specific feature) not only the legalization of proceeds obtained to a large extent by criminal means, but also the most active process of legalizing corrupt ties. It is for this purpose that funds are spent on charity, television, contacts with the population and law enforcement agencies.

About international criminal relations of the Association "XXI century"

The international relations of the "Association" XXI century "are made up of personal connections of the leaders of the organization with the leaders of foreign criminal groups - former citizens of the USSR (Ivankov - "Japonchik", Tartakhunov - "Taivanchik" and leaders of criminal groups currently living abroad), which provide assistance enterprises and organizations that are members of the Association in conducting foreign economic transactions.

The former leaders of the criminal world of the USSR and Russia living abroad control the formation of goods flows to the territory of Russia. They are part of joint ventures with foreign partners and firms that are members of the Association.

The leaders of the criminal world living abroad, immigrants from the USSR, coordinate the contacts of the criminal structures of Russia with international criminal organizations. As a result, firms controlled by criminal organizations, along with controlled banks, participate in the formation of channels for the leakage of criminally and illegally acquired income from Russia abroad and their laundering.

They contribute to numerous facts of theft of foreign exchange and financial resources from Russian banks, committed under false contracts and with nominees, if one of the parties is a foreign enterprise or a foreign citizen. Dozens of criminal cases have been initiated against foreign firms whose details in contracts included only subscribed telephone numbers and names from business cards. Moreover, for the implementation of contracts with enterprises, banks collected huge funds, which were then transferred to foreign accounts of unknown partners.

International crime provided assistance to domestic and in the sale of smuggled antiques, cultural property, precious metals and stones, raw materials and other resources.

Contacts with international crime allow members of Russian organized criminal groups to provide protection for concert and entertainment events held by the Association's firms, and to accompany especially valuable cargo. At the same time, no conflicts and clashes with foreign criminal groups were noted.

Currently, information is being received about the participation of some firms and leaders of the Association in the drug business, transportation of weapons, smuggling of tobacco and alcohol.

Otari Kvantrishvili. The situation in the criminal environment at the time of formation and during the period of functioning of the Association "XXI century"

Otari Kvantrishvili, being a recognized authority of the Moscow criminal environment in the late eighties, controlled:

gambling business at the hippodrome;

gambling business in a casino;

gambling business in katrans (underground gaming houses for wealthy clients);

a network of pimps working in the center of Moscow;

retail trade, etc.

These purely criminal proceeds of Otari Kvantrishvili made up the most important part of the share of the initial capital he contributed to the Association at the stage of its formation.

In addition, he was the actual co-owner of most of the Moscow commercial toilets (LLP "Hygiene"), provided them with protection from racketeering, supported them with corrupt connections in the Moscow City Council and the Moscow City Executive Committee. His partner in this business was the well-known criminal authority Seva "Kyiv", who was tried for fraud with gold items and currency at the shops of the Beryozka company.

The gangs of swindlers operating near the stores of the Beryozka company regularly gave a part of the criminal proceeds to Otari Kvantrishvili through the doorman of the Sovetskaya Hotel.

Together with Vyacheslav Naumov, who is now on the international wanted list, Otari Kvantrishvili created the Moscow Confectioner LLP, which received permission to produce confectionery products (Ptichye Moloko cakes) from ersatz products. Raw materials imitating chocolate were introduced from abroad.

International criminal connections Otari Kvantrishvili

Otari Kvantrishvili was a student of the well-known leader of the country's criminal environment, thief in law V. Ivankov (Yaponchik), who is permanently resident in the United States. Currently, he oversees almost all Russian criminal groups, as well as the activities of enterprises and organizations that go abroad, in whose income the criminal world participates, regulates relations between Russian crime abroad and in Russia.

Otari Kvantrishvili became one of the leaders of the Association, because in addition to the initial capital obtained by criminal and shadow ways, he brought well-established ties with the criminal world of Moscow and Russia as the basis of its activities, as well as international support for the economic activities of the Association from foreign criminal structures.

This support was provided throughout the entire period of the Association's functioning. This, in particular, is evidenced by the fact of the deputy appeal of I. Kobzon to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR with a request for conditional early release from places of deprivation of liberty of Count Ivankov (“Yaponchik”).

The authority of the criminal world A. Tartakhunov (Taiwanchik), who found himself abroad in the mid-80s, also supported the criminal business of the enterprises that are part of the Association. So, in particular, he accepted for sale antiques and cultural values ​​smuggled abroad by the V. Rosenbaum cultural fund, violating the tax legislation of the Federal Republic of Germany, sold television, radio, video equipment, computers duty-free to Soviet citizens from the Western Group of Forces.

Participated in the illegal sale of petroleum products supplied by the Association's enterprises to the Western Group of Forces. One of the illegal oil deals was carried out jointly with the leader of the Lyubertsy group S. Aksenov (“Aksen”) and T. Merianashvili (“Tengiz” - “thief in law”).

"Taivanchik" is, according to available operational information, a co-owner of the company "Bayer" (Germany).

A member of the Association - JV "Chelek" (currently liquidated), which provided services to foreign citizens in Russia, according to law enforcement agencies, in addition to legal business, was engaged in the illegal transfer of criminally acquired income abroad.

The direct executor of transactions abroad was V. Naumov (-Finkel), who had previously organized the Moscow Confectioner LLP with Otari Kvantrishvili and lived abroad (shot dead in September 1996).

Joseph Kobzon. The main activities in the Association "XXI century"

A significant group of enterprises that are members of the Association is currently engaged in organizing concert and entertainment events and show business. I. Kobzon was a well-known organizer of concert activities even before the formation of the Association, in the Mosconcert. Since the mid-80s, members of organized Moscow groups led by Otari Kvantrishvili have been involved in the protection of ongoing events. The office of I. Kobzon was in the previously mentioned hotel "Soviet".

I. Kobzon was a member of the directorate of the KZD (Concert and entertainment directorate "Moscow"), which was located next to the theater "Romen". The directorate was headed by a certain Gliklad, Goldenberg, aka Andreev, an informer of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, was an assistant. Criminal gangs, first of all, "Solntsevskaya", had relations with this directorate. With the help of Otari Kvantrishvili and Goldenberg, extortion of money from the singer V. Kuzmin was organized at one time and about 75 thousand rubles were taken away.

Later, the commercial director of "Combination" Shishin (a former employee of the OBKhSS of Saratov) was subjected to racketeering, who refused to pay money and was stabbed to death.

Since then, their business cooperation began, which played a significant role in the corporatization of the Moscow concert and entertainment directorate and its transformation into the Moskovit company, headed by I. Kobzon personally.

I. Kobzon - former people's deputy of the USSR, people's artist of the USSR, professor, head. chair at the Academy of Music, laureate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs award No. 1, chairman of the public council and the Shield and Lyre Foundation, presented with the title of Hero of Russia for performances in Afghanistan and Tajikistan.

I. Kobzon confirmed that he had close friendly relations with O. Kvantrishvili, together with him he was engaged in charity work in the association "XXI century", where he was vice-president for humanitarian issues. He categorically denied partnership in business and other matters, as well as his involvement in the arms and alcohol trade.

He considers himself to be on the list of public figures who are not satisfied with certain political structures. He said that he was constantly threatened and demanded to leave the country. He stated that he considers himself a possible next victim after O. Kvantrishvili.

During the murder of O. Kvantrishvili, Kobzon, according to him, was in the States (according to the operational data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he was in Moscow, but immediately after the murder of O. Kvantrishvili, he flew to Los Angeles).

I.Kobzon rejected the involvement of O.Kvantrishvili in criminal circles, accused the press of distorting the facts. He claimed that his dossier was checked at the direction of the beginning. GUVD of Moscow Pankratov on the basis of press materials, but the facts were not confirmed, and a corresponding refutation was given in "Soviet Russia".

I. Kobzon said that by the nature of his artistic activity he communicates with many people, but does not have business relations with them (meaning a photograph of 12 years ago, where Kobzon was taken together with Taiwanchik and Kalina).

I. Kobzon openly admits the inevitability of a dialogue between the authorities and shadow leaders. He himself is fluent in criminal terminology, understands the structure of the underworld. With partners, he prefers relationships from a position of strength. Constantly accompanied by bodyguards, consisting of professional athletes, former military personnel, Afghans.

Moskovit includes 4 subdivisions specializing in metal trading and production of ferroalloys (Mskovit-metal), oil products trading in Russia (Moskovit-Oil)*, sugar trading (Moskovit-Shugar), organization of cruises, presentations ("Moskovit-show").

I. Kobzon, building parity business relations, used the friendly and corrupt relations established by him not only in his own interests, but also in the interests of enterprises and organizations controlled by Otari Kvantrishvili.

The personal popularity of I. Kobzon as a singer, the role of the organizer of concert and entertainment events, allowed him to play a paramount role in organizing concerts dedicated to the day of the Soviet police, and later the day of the city, for almost twenty years. Moreover, the soloists invited by him performed for free. Such activity contributed to the establishment of friendly relations not only with all representatives of the leadership of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, but also with the leadership of the Moscow City Executive Committee, and later the mayor's office represented by Yu.M. Luzhkov.

In addition, according to the available operational materials, I. Kobzon, starting from the Soviet era, contributed to the transfer of significant finances of shadow resources abroad, using Jewish religious channels. These channels were used by some enterprises that are members of the 21st Century Association.

Over the years, I. Kobzon's contacts with organized criminal groups expanded, he interacted with international crime not only during periods of tour, but also during many transactions of a foreign economic nature, transferred funds abroad, including those transferred to the accounts of his Moskovit enterprise forged Chechen advice note.

His company "Moskovit" was one of the founders of the bank "Razvitie XX1st century", which is also involved in financing foreign economic activity.

There is evidence of conflicts that arose in early 1994 between Otari Kvantrishvili and Iosif Kobzon concerning the priority areas of charitable activities, behind which, as one might assume, was the division of shadow and legal income received by a significant number of enterprises and organizations controlled by I. Kobzon.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the press release of the Association 21st Century publishing house, which publishes textbooks and teaching aids for elementary schools (the Harmony set). FGOS IEO”, the author of the program is Ph.D. Professor NIPKiPRO Smoleusova T.V.

Press release of the publishing house "Association 21st century"

The textbooks of the educational system "Harmony" correspond to the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOO (included in the FPU 2014, Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 253 of March 31, 2014), and the program of primary general education, therefore, when switching to the EMC "Harmony" from other sets, the teacher does not have methodological difficulties.

The textbooks implement a systematic-activity approach to the organization of educational work, which allows students to form a set of subject skills and universal educational actions in their unity.

Based on the material of each academic subject, purposeful formation of methods of mental actions, training of schoolchildren in various types of speech activity, and their personal development are carried out.

The authors of the textbooks are experienced teachers, professors and associate professors of the leading pedagogical universities in Russia. Natalia Borisovna Istomina, Academic Supervisor of the EMC "Harmony", is a laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education.

The website of the publishing house http://www.ass21vek.ru has free access to the methodological materials necessary for the teacher, including thematic planning tables that form the basis of work programs, methodological recommendations for lessons, electronic applications for textbooks, etc. A social network is functioning "Harmony" is a club, which allows each teacher to get in touch with the publishing house employees, methodologists, authors and promptly receive the required assistance.

Publishing house "Association XXI century" constantly holds seminars, webinars and courses for teachers and methodologists. Also, all schools operating under the Harmony EMC are provided with a free set for the library and materials for holding competitions and olympiads.

General Director of Publishing House "Association XX1 Century" Karaeva Tamara Mikhailovna