Southern Federal Polytechnic University of Platonov. South Russian State Polytechnic University

Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) is the first institution of higher education in the south of Russia. The Decree of the Council of Ministers of Russia, adopted in January 1907, provided for “to establish a polytechnic institute in Novocherkassk, using for this purpose the funds and personnel of the Warsaw Polytechnic”. The student riots of 1906 led to the temporary closure of the Warsaw (Russian) Polytechnic Institute by the authorities of the Russian Empire, and its leading employees were sent to Novocherkassk and formed the core of the teaching staff of the new institute.

University names

100th anniversary of the university

These days, festive events took place in the city and the university itself, which began in the covered courtyard of the university and ended with a solemn meeting in the city theater. Komissarzhevskaya.

In the workshop of the Don medalist - Nikolai Shevkunov, commemorative medals dedicated to this significant event were made.



University composition

The university includes:

  • 11 faculties (including the faculty of open distance learning);
  • 3 institutes as branches;
  • 5 branches;
  • 1 college;
  • intersectoral regional center for advanced training and professional retraining of specialists,
  • 12 research institutes;
  • 7 research and production enterprises;
  • publishing organizations and other units that ensure the activities of the university.

3919 employees work in SRSPU, including: 2054 people - faculty.

22,000 students study at its faculties and branches, including: more than 15,000 full-time students, about 4,000 part-time students, about 2,000 part-time students. More than 1,000 students undergo retraining every year.

The university has the largest university scientific and technical library in the south of Russia. The library fund contains more than 3 million publications.

The University publishes periodicals:

  • "" - a large-circulation newspaper of the SRSPU (NPI). Published since December 1929.
  • Scientific and technical journal “News of higher educational institutions. Electromechanics. Published since January 1958.

University staff

In the staff of the faculty of the university:

  • 255 doctors of sciences, professors,
  • 1058 candidates of sciences, associate professors,
  • 13 honored workers of science and technology,
  • 2 Honored Workers of Culture,
  • 9 honored workers of higher education,
  • 109 academicians of branch and public academies,
  • 1 corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

University rectors

For more than 100 years of history of the university, its rectors have been:

  1. - - Zinin, Nikolai Nikolaevich
  2. (April−August) - Zykov, Vladimir Pavlovich
  3. - - Yupatov, Ivan Ferapontovich
  4. (March) - Abramov, Nikolai Matveevich
  5. - - Sushchinsky, Pyotr Petrovich
  6. (March−May) - Abramov, Nikolai Matveevich
  7. - - Uspensky, Nikolai Semyonovich
  8. - - Sushchinsky, Pyotr Petrovich
  9. - - Troitsky, Mikhail Viktorovich
  10. - - Sushchinsky, Pyotr Petrovich
  11. - - Egorshin, Vasily Petrovich
  12. - - Kasatkin, Vasily Nikolaevich
  13. - - Parshikov, Ivan Agafonovich
  14. - - Shumsky, Efim Grigorievich
  15. - - Khaletsky, Illarion Isaevich
  16. - - Vlasov, Viktor Gavrilovich
  17. - - Semchenko, Dmitry Platonovich
  18. - - Shilnikov, Kuzma Afinogenovich
  19. - - Semchenko, Dmitry Platonovich
  20. - - Kobilev, Alexey Grigorievich
  21. - - Avilov-Karnaukhov, Boris Nikolaevich
  22. - - Frolov, Mikhail Alexandrovich
  23. - - Smirnov, Vladimir Alexandrovich
  24. - - Goncharov, Semyon Ivanovich
  25. - - Shukshunov, Valentin Efimovich
  26. - - Taranushich, Vitaly Andreevich
  27. - - Lunin, Leonid Sergeevich
  28. - present - Peredery, Vladimir Grigorievich

University buildings

The complex of buildings of the South Russian State Polytechnic University includes:

  • main building;
  • robotic body;
  • chemical building;
  • mountain corps;
  • energy corps;
  • laboratory building;
  • sports facilities (stadium, swimming pool, tennis court, gym, athletics arena);
  • Currently, the construction of the educational and library building is underway.

The main, chemical, mining and energy buildings are architectural monuments of federal significance.

Commemorative plaques

The main memorial plaque of the NPI with the text:

“The complex of buildings of the Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute (Main Building. Chemical. Mining and Energy) is an architectural monument of republican significance. Protected by law. The complex was built in 1911-1930. Designed by the architect B. S. Roguysky (1861-1921).”

installed on the facade of the Main Building on December 28, 1985. In 2010, in connection with the installation of two new boards with the name of the educational institution in Russian and English on the facade of the university, this board was moved to the right wing of the main building.

Many commemorative plaques were made and installed at the expense of specialized departments. Thus, a plaque in memory of Professor A. S. Lyshevsky was opened at the Faculty of Mechanics; at the Faculty of Energy (in 1981) - Honored Worker of Science and Technology, Professor A. D. Drozdov; at the Faculty of Mining and Geology - to Professor, Rector of the NPI from 1974 - M. A. Frolov. A memorial plaque was opened in memory of N. D. Mizerny - the first head of the military department of the NPI (since 1944), who is a Hero of the Soviet Union. The memorial plaque was opened in 1983 with the assistance of the leadership of the military department. In 1980, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the outstanding geologist of world renown - P. N. Chirvinsky - a memorial plaque was opened on the building of the Mining and Geological Faculty.


The verse of Vladimir Abramovich Schwartz, a member of the university literary group, a graduate of the NPI in 1964 - "I love you, NPI" - was set to music and became the anthem of the polytechnics.

Research work

SRSPU (NPI) works in 26 scientific areas, including powder metallurgy, the theory of ore formation in volcanic sedimentary strata, micrometallurgy of semiconductor structures, antifriction materials, polymer synthesis, effective methods for solving problems of mathematical physics, simulator building and others.

Research and production and innovation activities are carried out at faculties, branch institutes, educational and research and production complexes (UNPK), Donskoy Technological Park, research and production and other departments of the base university, scientific complexes of institutes and branches. As part of the SRSPU (NPI), more than ten UNPKs operate. Each includes one or more faculties, departments, research institutes (NII) and other research and production departments of the university, as well as organizations, enterprises that are not departments of the university. On the basis of departments, scientific laboratories, pilot production facilities of the university, there are 6 research institutes:

  • Research Institute of Energy;
  • Research Institute of Water Supply and Sanitation;
  • Research Institute of Electromechanics;
  • Research Institute of Computing, Information and Control Systems;
  • Research Institute of the History of the Cossacks and the Development of the Cossack Regions;
  • TsKP "Nanotechnologies".


As of 2014, the university includes the following branches (in alphabetical order):

  • Adyghe branch - opened in 1999;
  • Bagaevsky branch;
  • Kavminvodsky Institute (branch) - opened in 1998;
  • Kamensky Institute (branch) - opened in 1998;
  • Shakhty Institute (branch) - opened in 1958.


  • Faculty of Information Technology and Management
  • Faculty of Geology, Mining and Oil and Gas
  • Faculty of Mechanics
  • Faculty of Civil Engineering
  • Faculty of Technology
  • Energy Faculty
  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
  • Faculty of Electromechanics
  • Faculty of innovation and organization of production
  • Faculty of military training
  • Faculty of Open and Distance Learning

Famous people who studied and worked at DPI-NPI-YURGTU-YURGPU

Among the graduates of the Novocherkassk Polytechnic University:

  • 19 laureates of the Lenin Prize;
  • 64 laureates of the State Prize;
  • 35 honored workers of science and technology;
  • 28 Heroes of Socialist Labor,
    • twice Hero of Socialist Labor - Smirnov, Leonid Vasilyevich;
  • Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia:

Every year, usually in the summer, there are meetings of university graduates of different years of graduation.

portrait gallery

The gallery of portraits of university professors by the artist Ivan Krylov is located on the second floor of the Main Building, on the outer wall of the assembly hall.

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  1. Rating of higher educational institutions in Russia and member countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
  2. Dantsev A. A. University - my love: pages of the history of the first Don university. Novocherkassk, 1997. S. 292-293.


An excerpt characterizing the South Russian State Polytechnic University

The count danced well and knew it, but his lady did not know how and did not want to dance well. Her huge body stood upright with her powerful arms hanging down (she handed the purse to the countess); only her stern but beautiful face danced. What was expressed in the whole round figure of the count, with Marya Dmitrievna was expressed only in a more and more smiling face and a twitching nose. But on the other hand, if the count, more and more dispersing, captivated the audience with the unexpectedness of deft tricks and light jumps of her soft legs, Marya Dmitrievna, with the slightest zeal in moving her shoulders or rounding her arms in turns and stomping, made no less impression on the merit, which was appreciated by everyone at her corpulence and everlasting severity. The dance became more and more lively. The counterparts could not draw attention to themselves for a minute and did not even try to do so. Everything was occupied by the count and Marya Dmitrievna. Natasha pulled the sleeves and dresses of all those present, who already did not take their eyes off the dancers, and demanded that they look at papa. The count, in the intervals of the dance, took a deep breath, waved and shouted to the musicians to play faster. Quicker, faster and faster, more and more and more, the count unfolded, now on tiptoe, now on heels, rushing around Marya Dmitrievna and, finally, turning his lady to her place, made the last step, raising his soft leg upward from behind, bending his sweating head with a smiling face and roundly waving his right hand amid the roar of applause and laughter, especially Natasha. Both dancers stopped, breathing heavily and wiping themselves with cambric handkerchiefs.
“This is how they danced in our time, ma chere,” said the count.
- Oh yes Danila Kupor! ' said Marya Dmitrievna, letting out her breath heavily and continuously, and rolling up her sleeves.

While the sixth anglaise was being danced in the Rostovs' hall to the sounds of tired musicians who were out of tune, and the tired waiters and cooks were preparing dinner, the sixth stroke took place with Count Bezukhim. The doctors announced that there was no hope of recovery; the patient was given a deaf confession and communion; preparations were made for the unction, and the house was full of fuss and anxiety of expectation, common at such moments. Outside the house, behind the gates, undertakers crowded, hiding from the approaching carriages, waiting for a rich order for the count's funeral. The Commander-in-Chief of Moscow, who constantly sent adjutants to learn about the position of the count, that evening he himself came to say goodbye to the famous Catherine's nobleman, Count Bezukhim.
The magnificent reception room was full. Everyone stood up respectfully when the commander-in-chief, after being alone with the patient for about half an hour, came out of there, slightly answering the bows and trying as soon as possible to get past the eyes of doctors, clergy and relatives fixed on him. Prince Vasily, who had grown thinner and paler these days, saw off the commander-in-chief and quietly repeated something to him several times.
After seeing off the commander-in-chief, Prince Vasily sat alone in the hall on a chair, throwing his legs high over his legs, resting his elbow on his knee and closing his eyes with his hand. After sitting like this for some time, he got up and with unusually hasty steps, looking around with frightened eyes, went through a long corridor to the back half of the house, to the elder princess.
Those who were in the dimly lit room spoke in an uneven whisper among themselves and fell silent each time, and with eyes full of question and expectation looked back at the door that led to the chambers of the dying man and made a faint sound when someone left it or entered it.
“The human limit,” the old man, a clergyman, said to the lady who sat down next to him and listened naively to him, “the limit is set, but you can’t pass it.”
– I think it’s not too late to unction? - adding a spiritual title, the lady asked, as if she did not have any opinion on this matter.
“A sacrament, mother, great,” the clergyman answered, running his hand over his bald head, along which lay several strands of combed half-gray hair.
- Who is this? Was he the commander in chief? asked at the other end of the room. - What a youthful! ...
- And the seventh ten! What, they say, the count does not know? Wanted to congregate?
- I knew one thing: I took unction seven times.
The second princess had just left the patient's room with tearful eyes and sat down beside Dr. Lorrain, who was sitting in a graceful pose under the portrait of Catherine, leaning on the table.
“Tres beau,” said the doctor, answering a question about the weather, “tres beau, princesse, et puis, a Moscou on se croit a la campagne.” [beautiful weather, princess, and then Moscow looks so much like a village.]
- N "est ce pas? [Isn't it?] - said the princess, sighing. - So can he drink?
Lorren considered.
Did he take medicine?
- Yes.
The doctor looked at the breguet.
- Take a glass of boiled water and put une pincee (he showed with his thin fingers what une pincee means) de cremortartari ... [a pinch of cremortartar ...]
- Do not drink, listen, - the German doctor said to the adjutant, - that the shiv remained from the third blow.
And what a fresh man he was! the adjutant said. And who will this wealth go to? he added in a whisper.
“The farmer will be found,” the German replied, smiling.
Everyone again looked at the door: it creaked, and the second princess, having made the drink shown by Lorrain, carried it to the patient. The German doctor approached Lorrain.
"Maybe it'll make it to tomorrow morning, too?" the German asked, speaking badly in French.
Lorren, pursing his lips, sternly and negatively waved his finger in front of his nose.
“Tonight, not later,” he said quietly, with a decent smile of self-satisfaction in that he clearly knows how to understand and express the situation of the patient, and walked away.

Meanwhile, Prince Vasily opened the door to the princess's room.
The room was semi-dark; only two lamps were burning in front of the images, and there was a good smell of smoke and flowers. The whole room was set with small furniture of chiffonieres, cupboards, tables. From behind the screens one could see the white bedspreads of a high feather bed. The dog barked.
“Ah, is that you, mon cousin?”
She got up and straightened her hair, which she always, even now, was so unusually smooth, as if it had been made from one piece with her head and covered with varnish.
- What, something happened? she asked. - I'm already so scared.
- Nothing, everything is the same; I just came to talk to you, Katish, about business, - the prince said, wearily sitting down on the chair from which she got up. “How hot you are, however,” he said, “well, sit down here, causons. [talk.]
“I thought, did something happen? - said the princess, and with her unchanging, stonyly stern expression, sat down opposite the prince, preparing to listen.
“I wanted to sleep, mon cousin, but I can’t.
- Well, what, my dear? - said Prince Vasily, taking the hand of the princess and bending it down according to his habit.
It was evident that this "well, what" referred to many things that, without naming, they understood both.
The princess, with her incongruously long legs, dry and straight waist, looked directly and impassively at the prince with bulging gray eyes. She shook her head and sighed as she looked at the icons. Her gesture could be explained both as an expression of sadness and devotion, and as an expression of fatigue and hope for a quick rest. Prince Vasily explained this gesture as an expression of fatigue.
“But for me,” he said, “do you think it’s easier?” Je suis ereinte, comme un cheval de poste; [I'm mortified like a mail horse;] but still I need to talk to you, Katish, and very seriously.
Prince Vasily fell silent, and his cheeks began to twitch nervously, first to one side, then to the other, giving his face an unpleasant expression, which was never shown on the face of Prince Vasily when he was in drawing rooms. His eyes, too, were not the same as always: now they looked insolently playfully, then looked around in fear.
The princess, holding the little dog on her knees with her dry, thin hands, looked attentively into the eyes of Prince Vasily; but it was clear that she would not break the silence with a question, even if she had to remain silent until morning.
“You see, my dear princess and cousin, Katerina Semyonovna,” continued Prince Vasily, apparently starting to continue his speech not without internal struggle, “at such moments as now, everything must be thought about. We need to think about the future, about you ... I love you all like my children, you know that.
The princess looked at him just as dull and motionless.
“Finally, we need to think about my family,” Prince Vasily continued, angrily pushing the table away from him and not looking at her, “you know, Katish, that you, the three Mammoth sisters, and even my wife, we are the only direct heirs of the count. I know, I know how hard it is for you to talk and think about such things. And it's not easier for me; but, my friend, I'm in my sixties, I have to be ready for anything. Do you know that I sent for Pierre, and that the count, directly pointing to his portrait, demanded him to himself?
Prince Vasily looked inquiringly at the princess, but could not understand whether she understood what he had said to her, or simply looked at him ...
“I do not stop praying to God for one thing, mon cousin,” she answered, “that he would have mercy on him and let his beautiful soul leave this one in peace ...
“Yes, it’s true,” Prince Vasily continued impatiently, rubbing his bald head and again angrily pushing the pushed table towards him, “but, finally ... finally, the point is, you yourself know that last winter the count wrote a will, according to which he all the estate , in addition to the direct heirs and us, gave to Pierre.
- Didn't he write wills! the princess said calmly. - But he could not bequeath to Pierre. Pierre is illegal.
“Ma chere,” Prince Vasily suddenly said, pressing the table to himself, perking up and starting to talk more quickly, “but what if the letter is written to the sovereign, and the count asks to adopt Pierre? You see, according to the merits of the count, his request will be respected ...
The princess smiled, the way people smile who think they know a thing more than those they talk to.
“I’ll tell you more,” continued Prince Vasily, grabbing her by the hand, “the letter was written, although not sent, and the sovereign knew about it. The only question is whether it is destroyed or not. If not, then how soon everything will end, - Prince Vasily sighed, making it clear that he meant by the words everything will end, - and the count's papers will be opened, the will with the letter will be handed over to the sovereign, and his request will probably be respected. Pierre, as a legitimate son, will receive everything.
What about our unit? asked the princess, smiling ironically as if anything but this could happen.
- Mais, ma pauvre Catiche, c "est clair, comme le jour. [But, my dear Katish, it's clear as day.] He alone then is the rightful heir to everything, and you won't get any of this. You should know, my dear, were the will and letter written and destroyed, and if for some reason they are forgotten, then you should know where they are and find them, because ...
- It just wasn't enough! the princess interrupted him, smiling sardonically and without changing the expression of her eyes. - I am a woman; according to you we are all stupid; but I know so well that an illegitimate son cannot inherit ... Un batard, [Illegal,] - she added, believing that this translation would finally show the prince his groundlessness.
- How can you not understand, finally, Katish! You are so smart: how can you not understand - if the count wrote a letter to the sovereign, in which he asks him to recognize his son as legitimate, then Pierre will no longer be Pierre, but Count Bezukha, and then he will receive everything according to the will? And if the will with the letter is not destroyed, then you, except for the consolation that you were virtuous et tout ce qui s "en suit, [and everything that follows from this] will have nothing left. That's right.
– I know that the will is written; but I also know that it is not valid, and you seem to consider me a complete fool, mon cousin, ”said the princess with that expression with which women speak, believing that they said something witty and insulting.
“You are my dear Princess Katerina Semyonovna,” Prince Vasily spoke impatiently. - I came to you not to quarrel with you, but to talk about your own interests as with my own, good, kind, true relatives. I tell you for the tenth time that if a letter to the sovereign and a will in favor of Pierre are in the papers of the count, then you, my dear, and with your sisters, are not an heiress. If you don’t believe me, then believe people who know: I just spoke with Dmitri Onufriich (he was the lawyer at home), he said the same thing.
Apparently, something suddenly changed in the thoughts of the princess; thin lips turned pale (the eyes remained the same), and her voice, while she spoke, broke through with such peals as she herself apparently did not expect.
“That would be good,” she said. I didn't want anything and don't want to.
She kicked her dog off her knees and straightened the folds of her dress.
“This is gratitude, this is gratitude to the people who sacrificed everything for him,” she said. - Perfectly! Very well! I don't need anything, prince.
“Yes, but you are not alone, you have sisters,” Prince Vasily answered.
But the princess did not listen to him.
“Yes, I knew this for a long time, but I forgot that, apart from baseness, deceit, envy, intrigues, except ingratitude, the blackest ingratitude, I could not expect anything in this house ...
Do you or don't you know where this will is? asked Prince Vasily with even more twitching of his cheeks than before.
- Yes, I was stupid, I still believed in people and loved them and sacrificed myself. And only those who are vile and vile have time. I know whose intrigues it is.
The princess wanted to get up, but the prince held her by the hand. The princess had the appearance of a man suddenly disillusioned with the whole human race; she glared angrily at her interlocutor.
“There is still time, my friend. You remember, Katish, that all this happened by accident, in a moment of anger, illness, and then forgotten. Our duty, my dear, is to correct his mistake, to ease his last moments by preventing him from doing this injustice, not to let him die thinking that he made those people unhappy ...
“Those people who sacrificed everything for him,” the princess picked up, trying to get up again, but the prince did not let her in, “which he never knew how to appreciate. No, mon cousin,” she added with a sigh, “I will remember that in this world no reward can be expected, that in this world there is neither honor nor justice. In this world, one must be cunning and evil.
- Well, voyons, [listen,] calm down; I know your beautiful heart.
No, I have a bad heart.
“I know your heart,” the prince repeated, “I appreciate your friendship and would like you to have the same opinion about me.” Calm down and parlons raison, [let's talk plainly,] while there is time - maybe a day, maybe an hour; tell me everything you know about the will, and, most importantly, where it is: you must know. We'll take it now and show it to the count. He probably forgot about him already and wants to destroy him. You understand that my one desire is to sacredly fulfill his will; I then just came here. I'm only here to help him and you.
“Now I understand everything. I know whose intrigues it is. I know, - said the princess.
“That is not the point, my soul.
- This is your protegee, [favorite,] your dear Princess Drubetskaya, Anna Mikhailovna, whom I would not want to have a maid, this vile, vile woman.
– Ne perdons point de temps. [Let's not waste time.]
- Oh, don't talk! Last winter she rubbed herself in here and said such nasty things, such nasty things to the count about all of us, especially Sophie - I can’t repeat it - that the count became ill and did not want to see us for two weeks. At this time, I know that he wrote this nasty, vile paper; but I thought this paper meant nothing.
- Nous y voila, [That's the point.] Why didn't you tell me before?
“In the mosaic briefcase he keeps under his pillow. Now I know,” said the princess, without answering. “Yes, if there is a sin for me, a big sin, then it is hatred for this bastard,” the princess almost shouted, completely changed. “And why is she rubbing herself here?” But I will tell her everything, everything. The time will come!

While such conversations were taking place in the waiting room and in the princess's rooms, the carriage with Pierre (who was sent for) and Anna Mikhailovna (who found it necessary to go with him) drove into the courtyard of Count Bezukhoy. When the wheels of the carriage sounded softly on the straw laid under the windows, Anna Mikhailovna, turning to her companion with consoling words, convinced herself that he was sleeping in the corner of the carriage, and woke him up. Waking up, Pierre got out of the carriage after Anna Mikhailovna, and then only thought of that meeting with his dying father that awaited him. He noticed that they did not drive up to the front, but to the back entrance. While he was getting off the footboard, two men in bourgeois clothes hurriedly ran away from the entrance into the shadow of the wall. Pausing, Pierre saw in the shadow of the house on both sides several more of the same people. But neither Anna Mikhailovna, nor the footman, nor the coachman, who could not but see these people, paid no attention to them. Therefore, this is so necessary, Pierre decided with himself, and followed Anna Mikhailovna. Anna Mikhailovna walked with hasty steps up the dimly lit narrow stone stairs, calling Pierre, who was lagging behind her, who, although he did not understand why he had to go to the count at all, and even less why he had to go along the back stairs, but , judging by the confidence and haste of Anna Mikhailovna, he decided to himself that this was necessary. Halfway down the stairs they were almost knocked down by some people with buckets, who, clattering with their boots, ran towards them. These people pressed against the wall to let Pierre and Anna Mikhailovna through, and did not show the slightest surprise at the sight of them.
- Are there half princesses here? Anna Mikhailovna asked one of them...
“Here,” the footman answered in a bold, loud voice, as if everything was already possible now, “the door is on the left, mother.”
“Perhaps the count did not call me,” said Pierre, while he went out onto the platform, “I would have gone to my place.
Anna Mikhailovna stopped to catch up with Pierre.
Ah, mon ami! - she said with the same gesture as in the morning with her son, touching his hand: - croyez, que je souffre autant, que vous, mais soyez homme. [Believe me, I suffer no less than you, but be a man.]
- Right, I'll go? asked Pierre, looking affectionately through his spectacles at Anna Mikhailovna.
- Ah, mon ami, oubliez les torts qu "on a pu avoir envers vous, pensez que c" est votre pere ... peut etre a l "agonie." She sighed. - Je vous ai tout de suite aime comme mon fils. Fiez vous a moi, Pierre. Je n "oublirai pas vos interets. [Forget, my friend, what was wrong against you. Remember that this is your father... Maybe in agony. I immediately fell in love with you like a son. Trust me, Pierre. I will not forget your interests.]
Pierre did not understand; again it seemed to him even more strongly that all this must be so, and he obediently followed Anna Mikhaylovna, who had already opened the door.
The door opened into the back entrance. In the corner sat an old servant of the princesses and knitted a stocking. Pierre had never been in this half, did not even imagine the existence of such chambers. Anna Mikhailovna asked the girl who was ahead of them, with a decanter on a tray, (calling her sweetheart and dove) about the health of the princesses and dragged Pierre further along the stone corridor. From the corridor, the first door to the left led to the living rooms of the princesses. The maid, with a decanter, in a hurry (as everything was done in a hurry at that moment in this house) did not close the door, and Pierre and Anna Mikhailovna, passing by, involuntarily looked into the room where, talking, the elder princess and Prince Vasily. Seeing the passersby, Prince Vasily made an impatient movement and leaned back; the princess jumped up and with a desperate gesture slammed the door with all her might, shutting it.

South Russian State Technical University (SRSTU) is one of the oldest universities in Russia. The Don Cossacks stood up for its foundation, the best minds of the USSR were involved in its development. The university is one of the top 100 higher education institutions in the country.

Short story

In 2017 South Russian State Technical University celebrated the 110th anniversary of its foundation. The opening of the educational institution began to be discussed in the 1870s, but the decree on the establishment of the university was published only in March 1907. The highest permission was given to open a polytechnic institute in Novocherkassk. For students, departments were determined where they taught mining, engineering and reclamation work, chemical production and commercial activities.

Significant donations for the university were made by the Don Cossacks, who had long wanted to receive highly qualified personnel for the rapidly developing region. Despite the financial injections, the university did not yet have a separate building; students' classes were held in seven rented premises in different parts of the city. The South Russian State Technical University was officially opened on the name day of Tsarevich Alexei, for which he received the name Alekseevsky Don University.

The construction of the buildings started in October 1911, Bronislav Rohuisky became the architect of the project. All work was completed only in 1930. Revolutionary throwing on the Cossack land took place rapidly. From 1918 to 1920, the South Russian State Technical University was named after Ataman Kaledin.
In 1930, the university was divided into several technical institutes, but in 1933 some of them were returned under the wing of the university. The reorganization was led by S. Ordzhonikidze, as a result of the transformations, the educational institution was named the Novocherkassk Industrial Institute. After the war, the name changed again to

The university received its current name in 2013. Solemn events for the 100th anniversary were widely celebrated in 2007. The holiday began in the university courtyard and continued in the city theater. Komissarzhevskaya. The All-Russian Research Fair, which opened in October 2007, was also dedicated to the anniversary of the university.


Platov South-Russian State Technical University is the oldest university in the south of the country. The training of specialists in higher education programs is carried out at 5 institutes, at 10 faculties. The structure of the educational institution includes several branches. Every year, more than 2 thousand applicants become students of the budgetary form of education.

One of the largest areas of study at SRSPU (NPI) is postgraduate and doctoral education. More than 300 graduate students continue their education in 54 scientific specialties, and 21 scientific specialties are available for doctoral training.

Material base

South Russian State Technical University is located in a unique architectural ensemble, which includes buildings and facilities:

  • Main building.
  • Five separate buildings of the faculties - Mining, Robotics, Chemistry, Energy and Laboratory.
  • Sports facilities - tennis court, indoor swimming pool, gymnastic exercises hall, stadium for active sports, etc.
  • Library with a huge fund of scientific, educational, methodical literature, periodicals. Currently, work is underway to digitize the funds.

The campus (10 dormitories with their own infrastructure) is located in a convenient proximity to the educational complex. Four ancient buildings of the university (mining, main, energy, chemical) belong to the architectural heritage of federal significance. At the beginning of the 21st century, a chapel was built on the territory of the university in honor of the Orthodox saint and patroness of students - the Great Martyr Tatiana. Education of the younger generation, scientific activities and education of young people - this is what the South Russian State Technical University sees as its main goals.

Faculties, institutes, branches

The total staff is almost 4 thousand people, of which more than 2 thousand are the teaching backbone of the university. More than 15,000 students annually receive specialized education in the full-time form of education, more than 4,000 people in the distance education department, and more than 1,000 students study in the part-time department.

South Russian State Technical University invites to the following faculties:

  • Information technology, management.
  • Innovations, organization of production.
  • Mechanical, construction, energy faculties.
  • Technological, agro-industrial, electromechanical.
  • Mining and oil and gas business, geology.
  • distance learning.

The educational structure also includes institutions:

  • Fundamental
  • Additional education.
  • Military.
  • International education.
  • Graduate School of Management.

South Russian State Technical University (Novocherkassk) has branches:

  • Kamensk-Shakhtinsky (3 departments).
  • Bagaevsky (3 educational specialties).
  • Shakhtinsky (7 departments and technical school).


The South Russian State Technical University (NPI) is included in the list of the top 100 educational institutions in the country and is a multidisciplinary university.

Applicants are invited to gain knowledge in the following specialties:

  • mechanical engineering; jurisprudence; mathematics and mechanics.
  • Technics and technologies of transport; construction technologies and equipment.
  • Sociology, social work; biotechnology and industrial ecology.
  • Heat and power industry; materials technology.
  • Computing and Informatics; economics and Management.
  • Instrumentation, photonics, biochemical and optical systems, technologies.
  • Applied geology, oil and gas and mining, geodesy.
  • Environmental engineering, technosphere safety.
  • Light industry technologies; applied arts and fine arts.
  • Management in technical systems; radio electronics, electronics and communication systems.

Levels of specialist training

Novocherkassk South-Russian State Technical University trains specialists of the following levels of training:

  • Undergraduate - 40 areas of training in full-time and part-time forms of study.
  • Specialist - 5 directions, full-time and part-time forms of education.
  • Magistracy - 42 directions, full-time and correspondence education.

Military Institute

Separate words deserve the Military Institute, which trains officers in the reserve. Realized levels of training - bachelor's degree, specialist's degree, master's degree.

Training is conducted at the departments:

  • Engineering Troops.
  • Communication troops.
  • Air force.

Military Specialties:

  • Informatics and computer technology.
  • Information systems and technologies.
  • Nanoelectronics and electronics.
  • Management in technical systems.

Upon graduation, the graduate receives the military rank of lieutenant of the reserve.

Positive reviews

South-Russian received a positive character from graduates and current students. Most of them praise alma mater for the best years of his life, a huge amount of useful knowledge, an amazing number of new discoveries and vivid impressions.

Former students believe that at one time they made the right choice of educational institution and specialty. The vast majority of students study at technical and engineering faculties and declare with confidence that they eventually receive a demanded specialty and are going to work in their field.

This confidence is confirmed by recent graduates, almost all of whom found work in the industry for which they received theoretical knowledge.

The reviews mention that the teaching staff is very fond of diligent students, teachers are ready to answer all questions on their course, provide additional knowledge and try to present the material in such a way that it is understandable to everyone. The amount of knowledge given is very large, which requires time to master and successfully pass the sessions, but this does not prevent young people from taking part in various activities.

About life, leisure and architecture

Public and cultural life is no less saturated than the educational process. Students note that you can get so carried away with circles and events that the time for passing exams will come imperceptibly. For this reason, it is advised to devote more time to lectures and homework, being distracted by activities only for a small respite. One of the positive features of the university is the active work of the trade union - students can purchase vouchers for university camp sites at an affordable price and relax during the holidays.

Living in a hostel was described by many as a baptism of fire, and this is due not to poor conditions, but to separation from home and parents. Students report that life on campus is quite comfortable. There are buildings where several people live in a room with amenities in the corridor, most of the non-residents live in such hostels. The best building is considered to be "dvenashka" - a hotel-type hostel No. 12, where a separate sanitary unit is provided for several rooms.

The university provides several opportunities to organize meals: there are small buffets in the dormitories, in the main building there is a large comfortable dining room with excellent cuisine and low prices. In all reviews, former and current students talk about the university with admiration and love. The beauty of the buildings, the ancient buildings, the covered courtyard where all significant events take place - this is the outline of an excellent system of higher education, links together entire generations with a single history and goals. Many shared stories that parents, brothers, sisters, and sometimes grandmothers studied at SRSPU (NPI), who spoke of the university with admiration, love and respect, which determined the choice of many applicants.

In addition to students, tourists and townspeople left their reviews about the university. They assure that the university campus is one of the best places in Russia where the architecture has been preserved untouched, and the building complex itself has never changed its purpose. Visitors believe that it will be a great success for everyone to get inside the main building - the interior has not changed and has been perfectly restored.

Negative Feedback

Negative reviews describe the university as an educational institution that has lost its former glory. The reviews say that if you wish, you can pass the session with the help of financial costs in favor of the teaching staff. It is also indicated that a student who simply attends classes will always receive a positive, albeit low, grade and eventually become a graduate.

Students also write that not all teachers are professionals in their field. It is pointed out that it is possible to fall asleep at some lectures, but it is rightly noted that some of the teachers give lectures so brilliantly that every time there is a full house in the classrooms. Many complain that the main teaching staff is represented by pensioners who find it difficult to deal with inquisitive students, and this significantly reduces the degree of enthusiasm.

In general, reviews of the South Russian State University. Platov positive. Students like to be involved in the long history of the university, be part of a large scientific community and receive a modern education. In the stories of students, there is a strong confidence in the relevance of their knowledge, their usefulness for further work and life.

Useful addresses

To become part of the student body, it is worth entering the Novocherkassk South Russian State Technical University. The address of the institution is Prosveshcheniya street, building 132.

The campus is located at the address - Mikhailovskaya street, building 167 / Troitskaya street, building 98.

Egor Safronov 07/09/2013 09:45

I will talk about my experience of getting a higher education in a higher education institution, sorry for the tautology.

I live in the city of Novocherkassk, Rostov region. The city is small, the level of permanent population is about 200-250 thousand citizens.

There are about four higher educational institutions in the city of Novocherkassk.

My choice fell on the South Russian State Technical Institute.

If we talk about the complexity of admission in a nutshell, then, of course, a lot depends on the candidate himself. If you know why you are going to college, then student life will be more calm and predictable. There are, of course, exceptions to the rule. Here, whoever is lucky.

There is always a huge stir around the process of entering the institute. And this is quite natural - higher education provides great opportunities in this life.

Depending on the faculty and specialty, a future applicant is offered a certain set of exams.

Personally, I entered the Faculty of Economics, and I had three entrance exams: social science, mathematics, Russian. Frankly, in mathematics, as in any exact sciences, I am not strong. One might say, a pronounced humanist. However, due to the high scores in social studies and the Russian language, I still passed the entrance exams successfully.

As for the competition for a place, it all depends on the specialty. The most “fashionable” in our time are economics, jurisprudence, and design. Accordingly, there are much more people who want to study at such faculties than at industrial specialties.

SRSTU is such a popular higher educational institution that students come here from all over the south of Russia, from the north, as well as from the nearest CIS republics.

The number of people in groups depends on the specialty and faculty. Usually this figure is from twenty to forty people. There were twenty-two people in my group, of which only two were guys, and the rest were girls, which could not but please me.

The total number of students at the university can be characterized by the following note - as soon as the session ends and the students go home, the city becomes much calmer. The total number of students studying is about 2200 students.

Well, it's time to talk about the most important issue - the organization of the educational process. If you look through the eyes of a student, the load is too high. If you look through the eyes of production workers, the life of a student is simple and carefree. Everything is relative, of course. However, it is possible to single out general principles: teachers, for the most part, are highly educated and well-mannered people. In the dean's office, if you have not proven yourself on the bad side, you will always be helped and prompted. It all depends on the personal qualities of each person. If you are executive and easily make contact, it will be much easier for you than if your main qualities would be idleness, stupidity, rudeness.

For especially active students there is a student trade union committee. It organizes a wide variety of entertainment and educational processes in which you can take part. Do you like performing on stage? No problem. I want to prove myself in the art of journalism - everything is in your hands. The trade union committee will help with summer holidays, it is worth noting, at a very attractive price. The leadership team is quite neutral, you can find your own approach to everyone.

And now it's time for the exams. To be frank, I never understood the fuss and nervous feelings around this action. It's simple - prepare and pass. Not prepared, managed to write off, or used other methods to achieve the goal in a roundabout way - too. True, if you do not want to teach or look for other methods of solving the problem, then you can agree. It is important to know the approach to each person. I wouldn't go straight to the examiner directly. It's risky. And your rating will drop, and it will not help the cause. It will be much more effective to talk with the guys a year older, they can tell a lot. Again, no one forbids going to the dean's office and asking for help there. Personally, I, a person who did not really like to learn everything, successfully graduated from the institute. Which is immensely happy.

And then you ask - what about labor activity? And you will be right in asking this question. After all, the very meaning of studying at a university is to obtain knowledge of a high order that will be useful in life. I studied at the institute for exactly one year - and then I realized that it was too boring for me. At the beginning of the second year, I got a job, just in my specialty - a manager. And he successfully worked until graduation.

Summing up, I want to say the main thing - the educational institution and the specialty are not so important, the understanding of oneself and the gradual steady pursuit of the goal are much more important.

If you know why you are going to study, SRSTU will only help you with this.

Good luck with your learning!

Denis Oleinik 27.04.2013 12:08

He studied at the Faculty of Energy, namely, "Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering". A university from the so-called middle peasants, since students, if desired (and studying in most but not all specialties), can solve almost any issue for money (of course, if available). The positive thing is that for the rest who do not have them - there is an opportunity to successfully close the session and at the end get a diploma without any problems passing and learning at least something, since the teachers give them triples anyway (it is necessary that there were students who at least something they know). There were three really knowledgeable teachers: Yatsenko Irina Vyacheslavovna, Levandovsky (sorry I don’t remember the name) and Klyukov. For all the time I saw a doctor of science on a pair only once - and even then he took an exam and was just a visitor (listed for a “tick”), though we must pay tribute to the subject he knew his own. As for the robots after receiving a diploma - after sitting here without a robot for 1 month, I found a robot at an agricultural processing plant - of course, they took it not with open arms to a managerial position, but to an ordinary electrician, but they didn’t grumble, because they know perfectly well that practical knowledge if desired students at the university give good. What is bad is that the sports life in this educational institution is practically absent and exists only on paper or in the form of demonstration football competitions.

Katya Smirnova 26.04.2013 14:40

I receive higher education at the South Russian State Technical University (SRSTU/NPI). I am a part-time student, but my admission here was due to my awareness of how students study full-time. After all, while I was getting a secondary technical education in college, my sister lived with me, who already studied at the above named university, respectively, almost all of my friends and some relatives studied there. And since then, my plan included admission to SRSTU. If you prepare well and responsibly, then entering this educational institution is not so difficult, although, of course, you still need to try. This is not only the most popular university in the city, but also one of the most famous, and most importantly, recognized educational institutions throughout Russia. Times are changing, education itself is changing: the required professions, type, and more. So, here, of course, specialties and faculties are periodically updated, and specialists who have received a diploma from this university are valued even abroad. There are usually about 15-30 people in a group, but such a small number does not characterize the number of students in any way, because about 20,000 students study here. This is not counting branches and colleges. The educational process is organized perfectly: because, the modern prevalence of electronic devices and capabilities is also taken into account, but they do not forget that students must learn to work with information, and not just look for it. The teachers have vast experience, are highly qualified, and many of them are still improving their education themselves. There are also trade unions, various circles, volunteers are also trained here. Everyone can choose additional hobbies to their liking. I don’t want to talk about buying items, but I’ll be honest that today there are practically no such situations when a teacher doesn’t have to decide whether it is worth not giving a student a chance to get a higher education only because, apparently, he doesn’t understand the value him, or to give a chance to a person later to evaluate the fact that he nevertheless received a diploma. I am already working in the specialty that I am getting at SRSTU, and the plus in the diploma will be additional payments and the possibility of career growth.

supervisor Nikolay Ivanovich Gorbatenko students 22000 professors 255 teachers 2054 Location Russia Russia, Rostov region ,
Legal address 346428, Novocherkassk, st. Enlightenment, 132 Website Awards

South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) named after M. I. Platov- university in the city of Novocherkassk, Rostov region.


The first building of the Alekseevsky Don Polytechnic Institute, where the opening ceremony took place

Badge of graduation from the Alekseevsky Don Polytechnic Institute

Don Polytechnic Institute was opened on October 5 (18) and became the first institution of higher education in the south of the Russian Empire. At that time, the institute did not yet have its own buildings and was located in seven buildings of the city, remote from each other. In 1909, the institute was named after Tsarevich Alexei, and it began to be called - Alekseevsky Don Polytechnic Institute.

The construction of the buildings began on October 9, 1911 according to the design of the architect Roguisky. The project included the main, robotic (modern name), chemical, mining buildings and was completed only in 1930.

After 1917

From October 1918 until 1920, the institute was named after Ataman A. M. Kaledin, and then again was the Don Polytechnic Institute. In 1930, the Don Polytechnic Institute was divided into several independent higher technical educational institutions, some of which in 1933 were again merged into a single institute, which was first called the North Caucasian Industrial Institute, and a year later (in 1934) it was called Novocherkassk industrial institute. Sergo Ordzhonikidze.

In 1948 the Institute received a new name - Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute. This name was retained until 1993.

The university received the status of Novocherkassk State Technical University on July 5, 1993.

On February 2, 1999, it was renamed the South Russian State Technical University (Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute).

  • University buildings in the 1930s
  • Mining faculty

    Chemical faculty

    Energy Faculty

External images
Obverse of the 100th anniversary medal
Reverse of the medal

Student card, 1918

On October 18-19, 2007, festive events took place on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the oldest university in the south of Russia. These days, festive events took place in the city and the university itself, which began in the covered courtyard of the university and ended with a solemn meeting in the city theater. Komissarzhevskaya. On October 17, the All-Russian Exhibition-Fair of Research Works and Innovation Activities, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the university, opened at SRSPU (NPI). The opening was attended by: the mayor of Novocherkassk, the head of the city duma, the university leadership. By order of the University, Gosznak produced 20 thousand envelopes with a view of the main building and a stamp, which was specially cancelled. Commemorative cancellation of the "first day" was organized in the main building of the university. In a solemn atmosphere in the presence of teachers, university graduates of different years and guests, the right to be the first to put a commemorative stamp was granted to the director of the Rostov branch of the Russian Post V. Gorbaenko (a graduate of this educational institution in 1980) and the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation - A. Pavlenko . Also, special cancellation was made on postcards dedicated to SRSPU (NPI). . In the workshop of the Don medalist - Nikolai Shevkunov, commemorative medals dedicated to this significant event were made.

Until 2008, there was a presidential board at the university, its last president was Shukshunov V.E. Currently, the SRSPU (NPI) is managed by the rector, who is Perederiy V.G.

Official names

Modern name


The building of the Main building in its 100th anniversary

Covered courtyard of the Main building on its 110th anniversary

The rectors were (by year of appointment):


The university includes:

  • 11 faculties (including the faculty of open distance learning);
  • 3 institutes as branches;
  • 5 branches;
  • 1 college;
  • intersectoral regional center for advanced training and professional retraining of specialists,
  • 12 research institutes;
  • 7 research and production enterprises;
  • publishing organizations and other units that ensure the activities of the university.

3919 employees work in SRSPU, including: 2054 people - faculty.

22,000 students study at its faculties and branches, including: more than 15,000 full-time students, about 4,000 part-time students, about 2,000 part-time students. More than 1,000 students undergo retraining every year.

The university has the largest university scientific and technical library in the south of Russia. The library fund contains more than 3 million publications.

The University publishes periodicals:

  • "Personnel of the industry" - a large-circulation newspaper of the SRSPU (NPI). Published since December 1929.
  • Scientific and technical journal “News of higher educational institutions. Electromechanics. Published since January 1958.

University staff

In the staff of the faculty of the university:

  • 255 doctors of sciences, professors,
  • 1058 candidates of sciences, associate professors,
  • 13 honored workers of science and technology,
  • 2 Honored Workers of Culture,
  • 9 honored workers of higher education,
  • 109 academicians of branch and public academies,
  • 1 corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

University buildings

The complex of buildings of the South Russian State Polytechnic University includes:

  • main building;
  • robotic body;
  • chemical building;
  • mountain corps;
  • energy corps;
  • laboratory building;
  • sports facilities (stadium, swimming pool, tennis court, gym, athletics arena);
  • Currently, the construction of the educational and library building is underway.

The main, chemical, mining and energy buildings are architectural monuments of federal significance.


The verse of Vladimir Abramovich Schwartz, a member of the university literary group, a graduate of the NPI in 1964 - "I love you, NPI" - was set to music and became the anthem of the polytechnics.

Research work

The first university in the south of Russia

SRSPU (NPI) works in 26 scientific areas, including powder metallurgy, the theory of ore formation in volcanic sedimentary strata, micrometallurgy of semiconductor structures, antifriction materials, polymer synthesis, effective methods for solving problems of mathematical physics, simulator building and others.

Research and production and innovation activities are carried out at faculties, branch institutes, educational and research and production complexes (UNPK), Donskoy Technological Park, research and production and other departments of the base university, scientific complexes of institutes and branches. As part of the SRSPU (NPI), more than ten UNPKs operate. Each includes one or more faculties, departments, research institutes (NII) and other research and production departments of the university, as well as organizations, enterprises that are not departments of the university. On the basis of departments, scientific laboratories, pilot production facilities of the university, there are six research institutes:

  • Research Institute of Energy;
  • Research Institute of Water Supply and Sanitation;
  • Research Institute of Electromechanics;
  • Research Institute of Computing, Information and Control Systems;
  • Research Institute of the History of the Cossacks and the Development of the Cossack Regions;
  • TsKP "Nanotechnologies".


Kamensky branch of SRSPU


On the territory of the university and outside it there are monuments erected in honor of graduates.