Norms of teaching load in secondary schools. Increased workload at school: how and how to help a child Standards of the school week

Primary school: allowable loads. Ministry of Education requirements. How many children can be in first grade? How many children are in the class. Interested in elementary school, daughter goes to first grade, if nothing changes, then there will be 33 children ...

How many children are in the class. Interested in elementary school, daughter goes to first grade, if nothing changes, then there will be 33 children, this year Primary school: permissible loads. Ministry of Education requirements. The decision to admit such a child to the first grade...

Primary school: allowable loads. Ministry of Education requirements. So: USE IN PRIMARY SCHOOL? In the next academic year, even fourth-graders are already waiting for Elementary School for 3 years.

In elementary school, the teacher gave a lot "beyond the program" and from various sources. study load in the 1st grade. Tell me, if possible, with references. At our school back in MPEI in those years there was a very cool automated Elementary School: permissible ...

study load in the 1st grade. Tell me, if possible, with references. At our school, there was still an extracurricular activity with poppies. Loading in specialized schools. I want to know how it is in other schools. Primary school: allowable loads. Ministry of Education requirements.

Primary school: allowable loads. Ministry of Education requirements. Ministry of Education requirements. Where can I find the standards for physical education? Particularly impudent mothers agree on part of the lessons (music, physical education) in the general class.

Standards for physical education in the 4th grade. General development. Education of children. Primary school: allowable loads. Ministry of Education requirements. Where can I find the standards for physical education?

Section: School problems (maximum number of children in a primary school class). Primary school - the number of children in the class. In other classes there are 24 and 25 people. They are already tired of writing and waiting for some changes to take place at the school, they are not afraid of the department, so ...

study load in the 1st grade. Tell me, if possible, with references. In the second week of the 1st grade, the following schedule was formed: Monday - 5 lessons (additional - ICT), Tuesday - 6 lessons (4 lessons, then a window, at the 6th lesson - German), Wednesday - 5 lessons ...

Primary school: allowable loads. Where can I find the standards for physical education? Evaluation in physical education upon release. in elementary school at 1 year in the trimester >.

September 1, 2012. Holidays. Education of children. Primary school: allowable loads. Ministry of Education requirements. we were also warned that in the 1st grade there would be 2 days of 5 lessons. so where to complain?

Primary school: allowable loads. Ministry of Education requirements. we were also warned that in the 1st grade there would be 2 days of 5 lessons. so where to complain? norms - first class - the number of lessons. How many lessons per day can a first grader have?

Good afternoon! tell me who knows the permissible norm of hours in the 5th grade with a six-day period. We have been increasing every day since September 1. The curriculum is compiled by each school for itself in accordance with the program that is approved. And this program is mandatory for everyone...

Section: Lessons, after-school (norm of study hours for students). Workload norms for students cf. schools. The teaching loads of students should not exceed the norms of maximum allowable loads determined by the charter of the school on the basis of recommendations. It should be noted ...

Class occupancy.. School. Child from 7 to 10. Primary school: allowable loads. Ministry of Education requirements. The decision on admission to the first grade of such a child is made by the founder of this school.

Primary school: allowable loads. Ministry of Education requirements. Also, according to the new sanitary standards, 35-minute lessons are allowed at an elementary school. I judge by myself (I went to a music school, and an art school, and swimming, and figure skating, and I have to learn a lot ...

Primary school: allowable loads. Ministry of Education requirements. Study loads should not exceed the following standards: 1st grade, first quarter - three lessons every day and a mandatory dynamic hour How many hours per week in schools with ...

Primary school: allowable loads. Ministry of Education requirements. The domestic secondary school lowers the intellectual level of children coming from primary school. Conclusion: it is necessary to kill the elementary school.

Loading in elementary school. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Education of children. It says that "the maximum allowable classroom workload for a 6-day school week in the second grade is 25 hours", "with This is indicated in the sanitary standards, see the link.

Pre-school Classes 20,5 Classes, electives, elective courses (in the senior classes, profiling subjects applied courses) 1,5 - Individual and group consultations, activities of an active-motor nature -

The training week can be 5-day and 6-day. The five-day week is more tiring, as the curriculum is planned for a shorter period than with the 6-day week. In addition, in order to prevent an increase in the number of lessons, as a rule, hours for physical education and aesthetic education are reduced, which, without providing proper rest between lessons with difficult subjects, sharply increases the burden on children. A two-day break between school weeks also leads to a violation of the dynamic stereotype in children and a significant lengthening of the period of working out at the beginning of the next week. In this regard, in general educational organizations with in-depth study of individual subjects, the introduction of a 5-day week is not allowed. Its use in elementary school is also undesirable.

Classes in schools should begin no earlier than 8 am, and when teaching 6-year-old children - no earlier than 9 am. An earlier start, not corresponding to the biorhythmological optimum of the body, hinders the effective learning process and quickly leads to the development of fatigue. In general education organizations that work in several shifts, students in elementary school, fifth, graduation and advanced classes must study in the first shift.

The optimal lesson length in schools for middle and high school students is 45 minutes. For first-graders, such a duration is tiring due to excessive static load in the seat. In addition, the ability for active attention is maintained only for 30-35 minutes, after which the performance decreases sharply. In this regard, in the first grades, a "stepped" mode of training sessions with a gradual increase in the teaching load should be used. Three 35-minute lessons are planned for September; from the second quarter - 4 lessons of 35 minutes each; from the second half of the year lessons - 45 minutes each. Paired lessons are not allowed, with the exception of labor training lessons. For first grade students, additional weekly holidays are established throughout the year.

The number of lessons for both 5-day and 6-day weeks should not exceed five lessons per day in elementary school and six- in primary school. When compiling the school schedule, the dynamics of students' working capacity should be taken into account during school day and week. The days with the lowest working capacity are Monday and Friday: on Monday, only working out in educational activities takes place, and on Friday, the fatigue that appeared on the previous days of the week becomes most pronounced. On Saturday, there is usually a certain rise in working capacity (“the final impulse”), due to positive emotions due to the anticipation of the upcoming holiday. The most efficient are Tuesday and Wednesday, on Thursday the first signs of fatigue appear. Highly productive days should be loaded more than the rest, difficult and tedious subjects, while on Monday and Friday it is advisable to study less difficult disciplines. It is not recommended to carry out control work these days, as well as to give an excessively complex and large amount of material. The difficulty of subjects is determined by special scales (scales of Agarkov V.I., 1986 and Sivkov I.G., 1975, tables 9.9., 9.10.), in points. Usually, the most difficult subjects for senior classes include mathematics, languages, physics, chemistry, for junior classes - mathematics, languages, natural history, literature. However, it is shown that subjects that students are just beginning to study have a no less pronounced tiring effect. For example, in elementary school it is reading, history, natural history, in middle classes it is computer science, geography and history, in high school it is literature, geography, profile disciplines.

Table 9.9 Scale of difficulty of subjects for younger students (Agarkov V.I., 1986) Table 9.10 Scale of difficulty of subjects for older students (Sivkov I.G., 1975)
Subject score Subject score
Maths Mathematics, Russian language (national school)
Russian (national) language Foreign language
natural history Physics chemistry
Russian (national) literature Story
Story Natural science, geography
Drawing and music Physical Culture
Work Work
Physical Culture Drawing

If you graphically display the sum of points for subjects on each day of the week, then with a correctly constructed schedule, two rises are distinguished in the curve - on Wednesday and Friday, or one rise - on Wednesday or Thursday (Fig. 9.2).

Irrational is considered a schedule in which the load is evenly distributed over the days of the week, or prevails on Monday and Saturday.

Fatigue prevention must be achieved not only through the rational distribution of the load and difficult objects during the week, but also on every day of the week. The most difficult subjects should be given during a period of consistently high performance - in the second or third lesson, subjects of medium difficulty or subjects that load the second signal system (Russian language, literature, geography, etc.) - at the beginning of the school day. Physical education, labor, singing, drawing are recommended to be carried out at 3-4 o'clock, when the first signs of fatigue appear. Realization of the need for physical activity, as well as switching from mental to physical activity, contribute to the active recreation of schoolchildren in these classes. Double lessons and a combination of two or three difficult subjects in a row have a negative effect on the working capacity of students.

Conducting double lessons in elementary school is prohibited. For students in grades 5-9, dual lessons are allowed during laboratory, test work, labor lessons, physical education for the intended purpose (skiing, swimming). Double lessons in basic and specialized subjects for students in grades 5-9 are allowed provided that they are carried out after a physical education lesson or a dynamic pause of at least 30 minutes. In grades 10-11, double lessons are allowed in basic and specialized subjects.

The lesson, as well as the training week and the day of the week, should be built in accordance with the performance curve: the maximum load is given by the middle of the lesson, reducing it by the end of the lesson.

In order to increase efficiency, interest in the subject, better assimilation of new information, reduce the monotony of the lesson in the educational process, technical teaching aids (TUT) are actively used: video and movies, sound recordings, computer technologies. However, the lesson should not be loaded with TCO, as their use increases the load on the central nervous system, visual and auditory analyzers. In this regard, the number of lessons with the use of TCO during the week should not exceed 3-4 for students in the lower grades, 4-6 in the senior grades. In reading lessons, the use of sound technical means is permissible only as visual sound aids.

Computer technologies are allowed to be used in teaching from the second grade. The duration of work on the computer at writing lessons in the second grade should be no more than 20 minutes, in the third grade - no more than 26 minutes; in mathematics lessons in the second grade - no more than 15 minutes, in the third - no more than 20 minutes.

An obligatory component in the structure of the school day is change, allowing you to relieve stress and prevent fatigue by active recreation. Changes should be after each lesson. Their duration should be at least 10 minutes, and a big break, usually arranged after 2 lessons, should be 30 minutes. It is also possible to have two 20-minute big breaks instead of one 30-minute one. The most effective impact on the student's body is made by changes carried out in the fresh air in outdoor games.

In the daily routine of schoolchildren, unlike preschoolers, a new component appears - homework, the duration of which increases from 1-2 hours in the lower grades to 4 hours or more in the older ones. The large volume and complexity of the material assigned for self-study, the inability to rationally organize work, difficulties in understanding the topic lead to a significant increase in the time spent on homework due to a sharp reduction in the time spent by children in the fresh air, and, as a result, to a decrease in active motor activity and body resistance. To prevent the negative manifestations of excessive workload by homework, it is necessary to observe their permissible duration (Table 9.7), and also to develop a certain stereotype of performance. You can not start classes immediately after school and meals. 1.5-2 hours before class should be used first for outdoor games, and then, at the end of the rest, for calm walks in the fresh air. It is advisable to start preparing lessons at the same time and take short breaks every 40-45 minutes. If the performance of classes requires 2-3 or more hours, a longer break with fresh air is optimal.

Staying in the fresh air is one of the necessary components of the daily routine of schoolchildren, the role of which is due to its powerful health-improving, developing and hardening effect. Its duration should be at least 3-3.5 hours for younger students and 2-2.5 hours for older students.

A beneficial effect on the body has a rest of your own choice in your free time. Extracurricular activities are diverse: participation in circles, music lessons, sculpting, choreography, sports, reading books, watching TV, playing on the computer, attending concerts, socially useful work, helping at home, etc. This form of recreation, in which there is no element of coercion, positive emotions are formed, a feeling of satisfaction from the work done, self-confidence arises, children's abilities develop, etc. However, classes of one's own choice cannot be unlimited in time and in terms of load, exceeding the permissible limits , as a rule, leads to the development of severe fatigue and often serious pathology. This is especially true of spending many hours in front of the TV and the global hobby for the computer, which is acquiring the features of computer mania.

Self-selected activities should not be realized at the cost of reduced active rest and sleep. The duration of night sleep for younger students should be at least 10 hours, for middle school students - at least 9 hours, and for high school students - 8-8.5 hours. At the same time, 6-year-old schoolchildren are required to have 1-hour daytime sleep. Daytime sleep is also recommended for 7-year-old children, as well as for students of various ages during periods of increased learning loads.

Krivtsova Zoya and Popova Ira

We decided to find out if the study load affects the health of students in our school.

The hypothesis of the project: there is a direct relationship between the teaching load and the health of schoolchildren.

The purpose of the project: to find out the impact of the study load on the health of schoolchildren

Working on a topic that is relevant and interesting to us, we have identified a number of tasks:
1. To study the health status of schoolchildren of the MOU "Secondary School of Srednekolymsk".
2. To study deviations in the state of health of schoolchildren.
3. Investigate the causes of schoolchildren's health disorders by determining anxiety and study load.
4. Develop recommendations for the school administration to preserve the health of students.

The following methods were used in the work:
 Theoretical: work with literary sources (books, magazines, newspaper articles, Internet resources).
 Research: work with medical records, school timetable, questioning students.
 Creative: making recommendations



Municipal educational institution "Secondary school of Srednekolymsk"

Project on:

COMPLETED: Krivtsova Zoya 8 "B" class

Popova Ira 8 "B" class

HEAD: Vinokurova Maria Ilyinichna

Biology teacher


year 2009.

Introduction. 3 p.

1. The problem of human health 5 pages.

2. Student health

2.1. Theoretical analysis of the problem

health of school students. 8 p.

2.2. Health and general morbidity analysis

Schoolchildren in our school. 9 p.

3.1. Research on Student Anxiety 14 pp.

3.2. Analysis of the schedule on a scale of complexity 17 pages.

Conclusion page 20

Literature. 22 p.


In modern conditions, the problems of maintaining the health of the population of Russia have sharply emerged. Of particular concern is the state of health of schoolchildren. It is at this age that the reproductive, intellectual, labor and military potential of countries is formed. The data of numerous studies indicate the unfavorable dynamics of the main indicators of children's health as they go to school

The influence of the school on the formation of the health of students is long and continuous, since in an educational institution children and adolescents spend at least 1/3 of the day doing intensive mental work in certain environmental and hygienic conditions. The health problem is especially acute in the territories of the Far North with extreme conditions of existence, which includes the city of Srednekolymsk.

We decided to find out if the study load affects the health of students in our school.

Project hypothesis:there is a direct relationship between the teaching load and the health of schoolchildren.

Objective of the project: to find out the influence of the study load on the health of schoolchildren

Working on a topic that is relevant and interesting to us, we have identified a number of tasks:

  1. To study the state of health of schoolchildren of the MOU "Secondary School of Srednekolymsk".
  2. To study deviations in the state of health of schoolchildren.
  3. To investigate the causes of health disorders in schoolchildren by determining anxiety and study load.
  4. Develop recommendations for the school administration to preserve the health of students.

The following methods were used in the work:

  1. Theoretical: work with literary sources (books, magazines, newspaper articles, Internet resources).
  2. Research: work with medical records, school schedules, student surveys.
  3. Creative: making recommendations
  1. Human health problem

"Health is not everything, But everything without health is nothing." /Socrates/

Schopenhauer once said that "A healthy beggar is richer than a king." Health is a value, a golden reserve, a precious reserve of life, which determines all other properties of life.

There is one amazing state in the life of a Human: when “it” exists, one does not feel it; as soon as “it” is lost, “pain” appears: evil, insidious, unbearable. Pain is a signal of trouble in our body. This amazing property is the health of a person, about which Socrates long ago said: “Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing.” If there is health - A person rejoices, lives calmly and works, studies, plays football or volleyball, goes on a date. A healthy person is reliable and able-bodied, he always “can”, he always “wants”, he happily lives himself and helps others to live well. One cannot live without health, one cannot love, one cannot be beautiful and charming.

Man is a child of the Earth and the Cosmos. People are children of Heaven, children of the Sun. But earthlings, first of all, are the children of the planet Earth. We are children of our Motherland, Fatherland, we are children of our Mother and our Father, our family. The happiness of each of us is in the family health, and happy people are those who are happy to go to school and work.

To be Healthy, a person must live in a Health-preserving Country. Since 1992, Russia has become a depopulation country, the death rate of the population is more than 2 times higher than the birth rate, there is a sharp aging of the population, psychophysical pathology, spiritual burnout are growing, chronic mental fatigue and depression of all groups of the population are noted. The situation in many families, schools, institutions is comparable to the level of high stress.

In order to turn Russia into a Health-preserving Country, the following problems must be solved:

  1. To be Healthy, a person must live in a Health-preserving ecological environment. Russia today is a country with soil contaminated with pesticides, a poisoned atmosphere of cities, poor quality drinking water; environmental pollution led to immune tension and immune deficiency, which led to an increase in infectious diseases.
  2. To be Healthy, a person must live in a healthy city. A city dweller spends 80% of the daily time indoors. The city is a special environment, determined by the concentration of people, concrete, energy, chemicals, pesticides. The city is a concentration of noise, information flows, culture and anti-culture, television / overload for the nervous system / pathogenic factor.

To date, the Government of the Russian Federation has consolidated its position on health in the law of the national project "Health", which will stop the deterioration of the health of the population of Russia by 2008 and by 2015 reach the level of corresponding indicators in the countries of Eastern Europe.

Sergei Stepashin, Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, stressed that by that time the efficiency of public health management would be increased, the formation of a medical personnel training system would be completed, and the material and technical base of medical institutions would be developed and strengthened. In the meantime, according to him, the level of domestic health care is not high enough.

Factors affecting human health are: genetic, environmental, social, psychological, medical and cultural. Their ratio is shown in Diagram 1.

Man is not born healthy: we are only born with the potential to be healthy. The family and the school should give knowledge about health and its preservation to every child.

2. Student health

2.1. Theoretical analysis of the health problem of school students

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", human health is classified as a priority area of ​​state policy in the field of education. And it is all the more important that, according to the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry and the State Committee for Epidemiological Surveillance of Russia, only 14% of children are practically healthy; 50% have functional deviations; 35-40% - chronic diseases.

Many schoolchildren have a disharmonious physical development, a lack of body weight, a decrease in muscle strength, lung capacity, etc., which creates problems with the overall performance of the younger generation.

About 7.5 million children in Russia suffer from diseases of the neuro-psychic sphere. Most of these children study in regular classes.

The state of health directly affects the formation of personality. Apparently, there is no great need to prove how great is the price of a nation's health for its well-being and prosperity.

This state of health is formed to a large extent in childhood, including at school.

As medical statistics inform us and the analysis of recent diagnostic studies, the health of students is deteriorating, despite the efforts of the school administration and the entire teaching staff, it makes us anxious to talk about the problem of health and its impact on the success of education and the state of development of children.

2.2. Health and analysis of the general morbidity of schoolchildren in our school

How is the situation, we will consider the matter in the most important direction of the school life of the children of our school in the data of table No. 1.


Indicators of diseases of students according to the MOU "Secondary School of Srednekolymsk" (according to the data of a medical examination in 2008)

No. p / p


Number of persons

% ratio of total



Posture disorder

ENT - diseases

Nervous system

Respiratory system

The cardiovascular system

Allergic diseases

Endocrine system

Gastrointestinal tract (including caries)


birth defects

Blood diseases

Speech disorder

flat feet

Seeing an orthopedist



kidney disease

A survey of school students conducted in 2008 revealed the following types of diseases:

  1. In the first place - diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (in 60.8% of schoolchildren)
  2. In second place are visual impairments (almost 28% of schoolchildren)
  3. In third place are diseases of the nervous system (in 8.5% of schoolchildren)
  4. The rates of ENT diseases (4.1%), diseases of the cardiovascular (4.1%), respiratory system (3.9%) and endocrine (3.2%) systems, as well as obesity (in 3% of schoolchildren) are quite high. )
  5. In total, there are 21 people with disabilities in the school, which accounted for 3.5% of the total number of students.

A very high percentage of gastrointestinal diseases can be explained by improper nutrition, violation of the regimen and non-compliance with nutritional standards. According to the school physician, this group of diseases is common among students of the 1st shift, which may be due to the fact that students do not have time to have breakfast in the morning. Our school provides students with hot meals, probably, children's digestive problems originate in the family.

The high percentage of eye diseases at school can be explained by the specifics of school work - the need to write a lot, work with a book or computer. At the same time, schoolchildren often do not observe the position of the notebook when writing, correct posture, the direction of the light falling on the notebook or book, and sometimes the level of illumination itself is insufficient.

Diseases of the nervous system can also be due to the influence of school workload on students. This may be due to learning overload, and with the relationship between students and teachers, etc.

Diseases of the endocrine system can occur due to the low mobility of students (monotonous work at a desk at school, at a computer), irregular and malnutrition, and can be predetermined at the genetic level.

The numbers are frightening, many students are registered with the dispensary. Table 2 shows that many students suffer from several chronic diseases.


Indicators of medical examination of students of 8 "B" class.









Beryozkin M

Bubyakin P

Vinokurov A

Vinokurova T

Gapirov V

Domenti I

Zhirkov V

Kokorina L

Krivtsova Z

Myshakin D

Popova I

Potapova L

Stavenskaya R

Tatarinov A

Shaborshin D

Shadrin M

Yakovlev P

An Indian proverb says: "There is no friend equal to health, no enemy equal to disease."

Classifying school illnesses, doctors say: more than 50% are the so-called information diseases. They are associated with suboptimal interaction of the child with the information environment. These are psychosomatic diseases - and stomach ulcers, and gastritis, and neuroses, and cardiovascular diseases. They are called "diseases of information stress". Of the factors causing harm to health, they note: social, home and school.

The results of the analysis of medical records of the development of a group of students of grade 8 "B" in comparison of the 2005-2006 academic year / grade 5 / with the 2008-2009 academic year / grade 8 / are shown in table 3.


The dynamics of the development of health groups of students in the 8th "B" class.

Health groups




AT %




AT %

1- health group


2- health group



3- health group



Physical groups

Main physical group



Preparatory physical group



Special Physical Group



From the analysis, of particular concern is the increase in the incidence from year to year and its impact on the success of education. The conclusion suggests itself: for good performance in preparing for homework at home and studying at school, these children paid with their health. Among these students there are children studying in parallel in additional educational institutions.

The formation of a child's health at the stage of 7-18 years largely depends on the living conditions, the nature of the educational process, and the child's lifestyle.

Today, the main classes of diseases, the frequency of which increases most intensively in the process of schooling, include diseases of the organs of vision, musculoskeletal and connective tissue, digestive organs, and borderline mental disorders.

Among the social factors influencing the formation of children's health, 20% are factors of the intra-school environment.

3.1. Research on Student Anxiety

Initially, we examined a group of adolescents of grade 8 "B" according to the methodology developed on the basis of the "Scale of socio-situational anxiety" by Kondash. The peculiarity of such scales is due to the fact that the subject does not assess the presence of a level of anxiety, but determines the situation that can cause anxiety in him.

The technique includes evaluation of situations of three types:

1. Situations related to school, communication with

Teacher (school)

2. Situations that activate self-image


3. Situations of communication (interpersonal).


Here are situations that students often encounter in life. Some of them may be unpleasant for them, causing excitement, anxiety, fear, etc. The questionnaire included questions of the situation related to the school, interpersonal relationships in society and the personal nature of behavior. Students carefully read the questions of the questionnaire of situations and evaluate it in points:

0 - if the situation does not seem to you at all


1 - if the situation worries a little, worries;

2 - if the situation is unpleasant enough and causes

Such anxiety that the student would rather

Avoid her;

3 - if the situation is very unpleasant and causes

Strong anxiety, fear, etc.,

4 - if the situation is extremely unpleasant for him, if

He can't stand her and she calls out

The student's strong anxiety, very strong



  1. Answer at the blackboard.
  2. Go to the house of strangers.
  3. Participate in competitions, contests, olympiads.
  4. Talk to the principal of the school.
  5. Think about your future.
  6. The teacher looks at the magazine, deciding whom to ask.
  7. They criticize you, they reproach you for something.
  8. You are being watched when you do something.
  9. You write a test paper.
  10. After the control, the teacher calls the marks.
  11. They don't pay attention to you.
  12. Something is not working for you.
  13. Waiting for parents from the parent meeting.
  14. You are in danger of failure.
  15. You hear laughter behind you.
  16. You take an exam at school.
  17. I don't understand why they are angry with you.
  18. Perform in front of a large audience.
  19. An important, decisive task lies ahead.
  20. You don't understand the teacher's explanations.
  21. They do not agree with you, they contradict you.
  22. You compare yourself to others.
  23. Your abilities are being tested.
  24. They look at you like you are small.
  25. In class, the teacher suddenly asks you a question.
  26. They shut up when you approach.
  27. Your work is being evaluated.
  28. You think about your business.
  29. You need to make a decision for yourself.
  30. You can't do your homework.


In accordance with the three types of situations identified using this scale, the following types of anxiety are diagnosed:

School - 1,4,6,9,10,13,16,20,25,30;

Self-assessment - 3,5,12,14,19,22,23,27,28,29;

Interpersonal - 2,7,8,11,15,17,18,21,24,26.

The results of the anxiety situation questionnaire are presented in Table 4.

Table 4. "ANXIETY" 8 "B" CLASS.

No. P / P

Surname, name of the student







Beryozkin Misha

15 N

14 N

19 N

48 N

Bubyakin Pasha

15 N

19 N-P

20 N-P

54 N-P

Vinokurov Alik

29 V

18 N-P

20 N-P

67 N-P

Vinokurova Toma

20 N-P

19 N-P

17 N

56 N-P

Gapirov Vova

21 N-P

15 N

23 N-P

59 N-P

Domenti Ira

13 N

11 N

15 N

39 N

Zhirkov Vova

18 N-P

19 N

18 N

55 N

Kokorina Lana

5 N

11 N

6 N

22 N

Krivtsova Zoya

4 N

12 N

36 O-V

52 N

Myshakin Dima

23 N-P

17 N

28 V

68 N-P

Popova Ira

14 N

13 N

15 N

42 N

Potapova Louise

21 N-P

17 N

20 N

58 N-P

Stavenskaya Rada

9 N

11 N

9 N

29 N

Tatarinov Anton

30 V

21 N-P

22 N-P

73 N-P

Shaborshin Denis

31 V

20 N-P

28 V

79 N-P

Shadrin Maxim

21 N-P

15 N

8 N

44 N

Yakovlev Pasha

14 N

12 N

10 N

36 N

Total score

General %

34,3 %


35,7 %


47 %

Somewhat elevated

53 %


Very tall

Abbreviations: N, normal;

N-P - somewhat elevated;

B - high;

O-V - very high.

The results of student questionnaires are listed in the table, which shows that in the study group of students, more than half (53%) of the total number are in increased anxiety.

3.2. Analysis of the schedule on a scale of complexity

The teaching load is determined by curricula, curricula, the content of textbooks, and also depends on the organization of the educational process, including the schedule of lessons, extracurricular activities and extracurricular and extracurricular activities of students.

The number of subjects offered for study is growing; as a result, the number of one-hour (per week) items increases. However, this is known to be inefficient. If we accept any of the existing hypotheses of the memorization mechanism, then one hour a week for a subject is not capable of triggering any of the memory mechanisms. In this case, everything again falls on the student:

Increased home cooking time


Decreased time for movement, sleep and

As one of the results - the deterioration of health.

The functional state of the physiological systems of the body is clearly manifested in the level of mental performance of schoolchildren and its dynamics during the school day, week and year.

It is known that immediately after sleep, the performance of schoolchildren is at a relatively low level. With the inclusion in the process of educational activity, the indicators of the functioning of physiological systems increase and the working capacity increases. Having reached a maximum, it remains at a relatively high level from 9-10 am to 12-13 pm. Then the working capacity begins to fall and its new relatively small rise from 15 to 17-18 hours.

It has been established that from the second lesson the indicators of the intensity of work (mental performance) improve, by the end of the lessons they worsen. Therefore, the main subjects should be carried out at 2, 3, 4 lessons.

When “difficult” and “easy” subjects, as well as subjects of the same cycle, alternate in the schedule, children remain working for longer. A study of the dynamics of mental performance from the beginning to the end of the week showed that the days of the highest performance are on Tuesday and Wednesday, and the lowest on Friday.

We decided to analyze the curriculum of the third quarter on the example of 8 "B" class. The results are shown in Table 5.


Weekly schedule and evaluation of each lesson on a scale of difficulty /Sivkov, 1998/.

No. p / p

Item name



No. p / p

Item name









Russian language

Russian language


English language












Russian language






Physical training

Physical training













Social science






English language






life safety fundamentals












From the analysis of the schedule, we can say that in the 8th "B" class, the schedule is not always physiologically justified.

An analysis of the schedule of training sessions made it possible to reveal that it was compiled taking into account the point difficulty of the distribution of academic subjects during the school week. There are violations in the alternation of "difficult" and "easy" lessons (Wednesday, Thursday), the order of the lessons is incorrectly implemented (first "difficult", then "easy", and then again "difficult"), on Wednesday the score is too high, although it is on this day, you should reduce the complexity of the schedule.

When drawing up the schedule, the days of increased and reduced performance, the time most favorable for practicing complex and difficult subjects, are not always taken into account.

In our opinion, all this can cause fatigue and affect the quality of academic performance and health of students.

There are positives to this schedule as well. For example, a low overall score on Monday and Saturday, a good alternation of subjects on Friday and Saturday. There are many basic and difficult subjects in the middle of the week, the last lessons are often "easy".

Hygienic requirements for the organization of the lesson are met. The duration of school lessons in all classes is 40 minutes, there is also a big break of 15 minutes (after the third lesson). Such changes allow you to calmly eat, play active games, etc.


From a pedagogical point of view, we can say: "Only in a healthy body can there be a healthy mind."

A child who lost his health early is a person with a complex of problems, because an insurmountable obstacle arises on the way of his development and self-realization - a disease, the struggle against which can take all his strength. Dispassionate statistics state that 90% of school graduates leave its walls chronically ill. Medical studies claim that in just a year of being at school, a student loses 20% of his health. Why does a student lose his health at school?

According to the Ministry of Education of Russia, among the reasons affecting the health of schoolchildren, 21% are factors of the intra-school environment, the causes of which are the following points:

  1. Most school buildings are huge boxes, designed to make a child feel uncomfortable in them.
  2. The absolute reason is hypodynamia, i.e. lack of physical activity. Low mobility during the school day is contraindicated for all children, but especially for boys.
  3. Stuffy, poorly ventilated classrooms (classes).
  4. Uncomfortable furniture that does not match the height of the students.
  5. Impact of study load and homework overload.
  6. Consistency in the schedule of lessons in a row with high difficulty.
  7. Large class size. (does not apply to our school)

Based on the foregoing, I would like to give the administration and teachers of our school some recommendations for maintaining the health of students. So, in order to maintain our health, we must:

  1. To complete the classrooms with furniture corresponding to SANPINA standards, i.e. student growth.
  2. Continue fortifying meals in the school cafeteria.
  3. Use physical education minutes in certain lessons (at least in parallel).
  4. Conduct mobile - game changes using radio - musical accompaniment.
  5. Make a schedule of subjects, alternating them according to their difficulty.
  6. Follow the rules of homework.
  7. Use personality-oriented technologies of teaching and control, as well as education of students.
  8. Conduct educational work with students and bring to the attention of parents the results of research.

List of used literature

  1. Abaskalova N. Health must be taught! - M., Enlightenment, 1987
  2. Anastasova L.P., Kuchmenko V.S., Tsekhmistrenko T.A. Formation of a healthy lifestyle of adolescents in biology lessons: Methodological guide. 6 - 9 grades. - M .: Ventana - Graf, 2006, 208 p.
  3. Hygiene of children and adolescents / Ed. V. N. Kardashenko. - M .: Medicine, 1980, 440 pages.
  4. Zabavina SV Influence of daily routine on students' health. Site "Biology. First of September"
  5. Zaitsev G.K. School valeology, 1998.
  6. Zverev I.D. Reading book on human anatomy, physiology and hygiene. Allowance for students of 9 classes of secondary school. 1989.
  7. Koryakova N.I., Zhelvakova M.A., Kirillov P.N. Education for Sustainable Development: Search for Strategies, Approaches, Technologies / Teacher's Guide /.
  8. Workbook for practical exercises in valeology part 1.
  9. Tsekhmistrenko T.A., Artemenko O.I. etc. Preserving health and improving the quality of education in educational institutions of the northern regions of Russia, 2002.
  10. Chumakov B.N. Valeology, 1997.
  11. Encyclopedia for children. Volume 18. Man. Part 1. The origin and nature of man. How the body works. The art of being healthy / Chapter. ed. V. A. VOLODIN - M .: Avanta +, 2002. - 464 pages.

With changes and additions from:

Modern scientific research has established that the biorhythmological optimum of mental performance in children of school age falls on the interval of 10-12 hours. During these hours, the greatest efficiency of assimilation of the material is noted at the lowest psychophysiological costs of the body.

Therefore, in the schedule of lessons for students of primary general education, the main subjects should be taught at 2-3 lessons, and for students of basic general and secondary general education - at 2, 3, 4 lessons.

The mental performance of students is not the same on different days of the school week. Its level increases towards the middle of the week and remains low at the beginning (Monday) and at the end (Friday) of the week.

Therefore, the distribution of the study load during the week is built in such a way that its largest volume falls on Tuesday and (or) Wednesday. On these days, the lesson schedule includes subjects that correspond to the highest score on the difficulty scale (Table 1, , of this appendix) or with an average score and the lowest score on the difficulty scale, but in greater numbers than on other days of the week. The presentation of new material, tests should be carried out at 2-4 lessons in the middle of the school week.

Items that require a lot of time for home preparation should not be grouped on the same day.

When scheduling lessons for primary, secondary and senior students, it is necessary to use tables 1-3, in which the difficulty of each academic subject is ranked in points.

With a properly designed lesson schedule, the highest number of points per day for the sum of all subjects should fall on Tuesday and (or) Wednesday.

Table 1

Subject difficulty scale for grades 1 - 4

General subjects


Russian (national, foreign language)

Natural history, computer science

Russian (national) literature

History (4 classes)

Drawing and music

Physical Culture

table 2

Scale of difficulty of subjects studied in grades 5-9

General subjects

Number of points (rank of difficulty)




World Artistic Culture (MHK)



Foreign language

Russian language

local history

natural history




Physical Culture



Table 3

Scale of difficulty of subjects studied in grades 10-11

General subjects

Number of points

(rank of difficulty)


Russian language


Foreign language




Social science,

Annex 4. >>
Recommended set of exercises of physical culture minutes
Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2010 N 189 "On the approval of SanPiN ...


The regional department of the department posted information on the distribution of the teaching load in secondary schools on its website.

Since the beginning of the school year, the department has received many questions from parents about the organization of the educational process and the distribution of the workload of students in schools, the report says. Hygienic requirements for the educational process in schools are regulated by the document "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of education in educational institutions."

The number of hours allotted for classroom and extracurricular activities should not in aggregate exceed the maximum weekly load.

In institutions with in-depth study of individual subjects, lyceums and gymnasiums, training is carried out only in the first shift. In institutions operating in two shifts, teaching of the first, fifth, final ninth and 11th grades and classes of compensatory education should also be organized in the first shift.

The volume of the maximum allowable load during the day is:

- for first grade students - no more than four lessons and one day a week - no more than five lessons, at the expense of a physical education lesson;

- for pupils of the second-fourth grades - no more than five lessons and six lessons once a week at the expense of a physical education lesson during a six-day school week;

- for students of the fifth-sixth grades - no more than six lessons;

- for students of the seventh-eleventh grades - no more than seven lessons.

Scientific research has established that the optimal level of mental performance in children of school age falls on the interval of 10:00 - 12:00. During these hours, the greatest efficiency of assimilation of the material is noted at the lowest psychophysiological costs of the body. Therefore, for first-grade students, the most difficult subjects must be taught in the second lesson; second-fourth grades - at the second-third lessons; for students of the fifth-eleventh grades - in the second-fourth lessons.

The mental performance of schoolchildren is not the same on different days of the week. The level of efficiency increases towards the middle of the week and remains low at the beginning of the school week, on Monday, and at the end, that is, on Friday. Therefore, the distribution of the study load during the week is built in such a way that its largest volume falls on Tuesday or Wednesday.

The duration of the lesson in all classes should not exceed 45 minutes, with the exception of the first class. The training of "first-graders" should be carried out in compliance with additional requirements:

- training sessions are held on a five-day school week and only on the first shift;

- a “stepped” learning mode is used: in September, October - three lessons a day for 35 minutes each, in November-December - four lessons for 35 minutes each; in January-May - four lessons of 45 minutes each;

- training is carried out without scoring the knowledge of students and homework;

- additional weekly holidays are introduced in the middle of the third quarter under the traditional mode of study.

The duration of the breaks between lessons should be at least ten minutes; to organize the nutrition of children after the second and third lessons, two breaks of 20 minutes each are set.

To meet the biological need for movement, regardless of the age of schoolchildren, it is recommended to conduct at least three physical education lessons per week. Physical education is recommended to be placed among the last lessons. After them, there are no lessons with written assignments and tests.

The agency clarifies that in case of violation of these requirements in schools, you can apply in writing to the Rospotrebnadzor department for the Tomsk region: the institution will be checked for compliance with sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations.