Panoramas Donetsk Institute of Psychology and Entrepreneurship (DIPiP). Donetsk Institute of Psychology and Entrepreneurship (DIPiP)

General information: Donetsk Institute of Psychology and Entrepreneurship trains professionals in the following specialties: psychology, management of organizations, social work. The institute was founded in 1996. The educational process at the university is managed by a highly qualified teaching staff. The Institute offers students all the necessary conditions for studying: a computer center, a business center, an electronic library, a connection to a local network, and Internet access.

Free education:

Paid training:

Military department:

Availability of hostels:

Postgraduate education:

Postgraduate, doctoral studies:

Forms of study:

  • daytime
  • correspondence

Types of educational qualification levels:

  • bachelor
  • specialist

List of faculties:Faculties:

  • faculty "Management of organizations"
  • psychology faculty
  • Faculty of Social Work

Information for applicants:

Training courses: there is a paid preparatory department. The term of study is 3 months.

List of documents for admission to the university: statement; document on education and annex to it; certificates of the Ukrainian center for assessing the quality of education; copy of the passport; medical certificate in form 086-U; 6 photos 3x4; copy of identification number; passport, military ID (registration certificate).
To enter the specialty "Management of Organizations" certificates of UTSOKO are required in the following subjects: Ukrainian language and literature; maths. To enter the specialty "Psychology" you need certificates of UTSOKO in the following subjects: Ukrainian language and literature; biology. To enter the specialty "Social work" you need certificates of UTSOKO in the following subjects: Ukrainian language and literature; History of Ukraine.

Donetsk Institute of Psychology and Entrepreneurship, DIPP can give you an education that will allow you to work in commercial structures, marketing services, banks, tax inspections, financial and settlement centers, trade enterprises, public catering, manufacturing, transport, customs services and other areas of life in a market economy.

Address of the educational institution: 83101, Donetsk region, Donetsk, st. Kuibyshev 31.

Faculties Donetsk Institute of Psychology and Entrepreneurship, DIPP:

Faculty of Management;

Psychology faculty;

Faculty of Social Work.

The educational process in Donetsk Institutee carried out in premises with a total area of ​​12371.14 m2, of which: own - 2928.7 m2. The total area per student is 14.9 m2 (based on the licensed volume).

The institution has 31 classrooms and three lecture halls, one for 100 seats and two for 60. The area of ​​the classroom fund is 8530.02 m2.

Within the institute there is a library with 2 reading rooms.

The institute has offices "Labor protection", "Humanitarian disciplines", "Management", "Ukrainian language", "Ukrainian literature".

To conduct physical education classes, the educational institution has its own sports ground and rented sports halls and stadiums.

Rented 1 hostel with an area of ​​1850 m2, 2 canteens with a total area of ​​377 m2. for 195 seats, which are located near the buildings of the institute.

The level of provision of the educational process with technical teaching aids and modern PCs is at a high level. The institute has 5 computer classes.

Medical care for students of all forms of education is provided by the district clinic and first-aid post, which is located in the main building of the educational institution.

November 6-12, 2013 in Donetsk Instituteepsychology and entrepreneurship the competition "Student creativity" was held, dedicated to the celebration of the International Day of the student. The event was held in order to search for talented students of the institute and college.

The contestants surprised everyone with their ingenuity. Pilash Valentina, a student, presented a creative work in the style of arts and crafts, students Firka Evgenia and Bisaga Nadezhda performed a work called beadwork, Vasily and Rusin Andrei made a lamp from plastic bottles with an alternative energy source, Kuruts Nicoletta presented a work in the style a stained-glass window, and an embroidered picture, Palchey Anastasia made a weaving bauble.

On November 13, at the celebration of the Student's Day, the winners of the competition were awarded with diplomas and valuable gifts.

Charming girls of higher educational institutions of the city competed for the title of "Miss Students", which took place on November 26, 2013 with the support of the deputy of the regional council Stepan Tiberiyovich Derkach, the chairman of the district state administration Vasily Yuryevich Yakubets and other organizers of the holiday.

10 beauties took part. The girls presented to the audience and members of the jury, headed by the singer Ivan Pylypets, their creative abilities, talents, grace, answered intellectual questions, demonstrated dancing and singing.

For the first time, the contestants took the stage in national costumes, after which those present had the opportunity to watch a video presentation of each of the participants. The second competition, during which the girls demonstrated their creative abilities, impressed the audience more, in particular, Anna Kachkovsky's performance of "Songs about Mother".

In addition, the participants paraded in front of the public in swimsuits and, of course, in evening dresses.

The professional activity of social work specialists is aimed at guaranteed support and provision of social services to any person. The activities of state institutions, public, private, mixed organizations and services are aimed at social security, the provision of social assistance to citizens in need. That is why there is a great need for the training of specialists in social work.

Specialist in the work of the state employment service;

Specialist of executive authorities for family and youth affairs;

Specialist of social protection of the population;

Pension fund specialist of Ukraine;

Specialist of the Fund for Social Protection of the Disabled;

Head of the territorial center for the service of lonely elderly;

Social worker of the employment service;

Social worker of the state social insurance service;

Social worker of the social security service; centers of medical and social rehabilitation;

State Inspector of the Social Security Apparatus; Inspector for the calculation and payment of pensions and subsidies.

During the training, students study the following main disciplines: introduction to the specialty, history of social work, psychology, document management, self-organization of the individual, methodology and methods for resolving conflicts, pathopsychology and psychodiagnostics, psychology of communication and management, socialization of the individual, social pedagogy, special services in social work .

Management is the philosophy of the whole business, its language, which reflects the results of the enterprise. Managers make managerial decisions based on information provided by managers. Relevance, timeliness, and reliability of information depend on their qualifications and professionalism. That is why there is a huge need for training managers.

Upon graduation, you can hold the following positions:

production manager;

Manager of storage, processing and marketing of products;

Manager of individual, private, public and joint ventures and organizations;

Tourism manager;

HR manager;

Supply manager;

Restaurant and hotel business manager;

Manager in the field of culture, recreation and sports;

Tourist activity manager;

Commercial activity manager.

During the training, students study the following main disciplines: enterprise economics, finance, accounting, business law, labor law, macroeconomics, microeconomics, higher mathematics, management fundamentals, marketing, money and credit, enterprise finance, economic analysis, audit, informatics and computer technique.

Upon graduation, graduates who have shown an inclination for scientific work and received a specialist or master's degree have the opportunity to continue their studies in graduate school.

So, Donetsk Institute of Psychology and Entrepreneurship, DIPP - a modern educational institution in the Donetsk region.

Sincerely, IC "KURSOVIKS"!

Students cannot receive diplomas, and teachers cannot receive salaries at the Donetsk Institute of Psychology and Entrepreneurship.

Today, the teaching staff ended their vacation and everyone had to go to work, but the university disappeared - there is not even a sign of the educational institution on the fence of the institute. The gates are closed. They are opened by a cleaner and informs those who come that there is no one on the territory.

At the same time, the institute did not pay salaries to its employees for several months, including vacation pay. Only two teachers - Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management DIPiP Oleg Ilchishin and Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities DIPiP Irina Chuprina on July 1, a private university owed almost 19 thousand hryvnia. O. Ilchyshyn says that at the same time, the total debt to the Pension Fund from DIPiP is more than 2.5 million hryvnias.

“9 months are not enough for me to switch to a scientific pension. But they don’t pay ... 2,600,300 hryvnias 98 kopecks - this is (a debt to the Pension Fund - OstroV) on August 20. We were there a week ago,” he says .

In June 2012, a criminal case was already initiated by the prosecutor's office on the fact of unjustified non-payment of wages to employees of DIPiP. In 2012, the general director of the institute was convicted and removed from the leadership of the university. The verdict entered into force, however, the wage arrears were never paid. On August 8, the teachers again appealed to the prosecutor's office of Donetsk with a request to carry out a prosecutor's review of the university's activities over the past three years "in order to identify violations of Ukrainian legislation and adequately punish those responsible for non-payment of salaries to the employees of the institute, who made misuse of funds that could be used for these purposes" and "force the founders of DIPiP to pay wage arrears." In addition, on August 12, university employees wrote a statement to the state labor inspectorate in the Donetsk region.

"I would like to take a job somehow. My contract is expiring. They had to somehow inform two months before whether the contract continues or not. Silence. The beginning of the academic year - the students are going to the session, but even the dean's methodologist turned off the phone: she does not know , what to talk about ... I came before the holidays, I say: “Can I get a salary even for February?” They say that in ten days. These ten days are still dragging on. I already have 10 thousand debts without vacation pay, "says Irina Chuprina.

Students who want to pick up their documents also came to the building where DIPiP was located. Anastasia Vinokurova, who received the specialty "preschool teacher" at the university, could not do this. “They closed it and don’t let anyone in. The landlord refused them and they say they are looking for rent and that’s it. They say we will study in another room. We go and go, but everything is closed, they don’t let us in. then look for something else. Until September 15, we still have time. Already where they will take ... They have all the documents, the original diploma of the technical school lies. How are we going to restore the documents ?! ", - says the girl. She adds that June managed to pay for two more months of study: for September and October.

Those students who studied in the specialty "journalism" cannot take away their bachelor's degrees in order to continue their studies at another university (DIPiP does not have a license to produce specialists - "OstroV"). “We have not entered and will lose a year, so now we can’t pick up the documents either. We fully fulfilled our obligations to the university, paying 34,000 hryvnias for our studies, not counting inflation, which was written in the contract in small print,” says student Natalya Aldushina, who completed the fourth year. The students were going to go to the prosecutor's office, but the problem is that they have to provide a copy of the record book, which no one gives them either.

"OstroV" tried to contact the general director of the Donetsk Institute of Psychology and Entrepreneurship Sergei Nikulin, however, attempts to call his mobile phone did not bring results: no one picks up the phone.

Donetsk Institute of Psychology and Entrepreneurship was founded in 1994 and trained students at three faculties: psychology and sociology, humanitarian, economics and management.


Belong to higher private educational institutions, located in the Leninsky district, this university was founded in 1994. A brief description of this institution: the institute has the III level of accreditation, education here is conducted on a paid basis, the university has its own hostels for non-resident students, there is a preparatory department for applicants. The areas of study at the institute are journalism and publishing, culture, art and design, sociology, philology, psychology and pedagogy, and others. Donetsk Institute of Psychology and Entrepreneurship has a lot of warm reviews about the pedagogical and educational process, also the higher educational and pedagogical staff, teachers of different categories work at the university. At the moment, more than 1600 students study at the institute, they are taught by 41 candidates of science and 10 professors.

DIPiP quite self-organized, in view of the fact that it is on private provision. The university has a fairly well-equipped base for training, multiple specialized departments. Students learn practical skills in specialized institutions of the city of Donetsk, as well as in schools, publishing houses, libraries, advertising agencies, etc. In general, the Institute of Psychology and Entrepreneurship can be attributed to one of the best higher educational institutions in the city of Donetsk. Graduates of this university are eagerly taken to various cultural institutions of the city and beyond.

The institute has two faculties - the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Psychology and Sociology. They train the following specialties: humanitarian - translator-guide, journalism, advertising and public relations, Ukrainian language and literature, book science, library science and bibliography, preschool education (after the school of culture), social pedagogy, primary education, primary education (after teacher training school ), preschool education, preschool education (after teacher training), the Faculty of Psychology prepares areas - psychology, social work, economics and management. The Institute has a developed infrastructure, which includes 22 classrooms, 3 computer labs, 2 reading rooms, a library, dormitories, a first-aid post, a student cafe, a hairdresser's, a student club, an assembly hall, etc.

Donetsk Institute of Psychology and Entrepreneurship successfully cooperates with many institutions of Donetsk region, Kyiv and other cities and regions of Ukraine. The institute also has qualification and retraining courses for various cultural specialties, as well as for teachers and lecturers. Of the minuses, it is worth noting the lack of a military department, postgraduate education, postgraduate and doctoral studies departments. Diplomas are issued to graduates of the state standard, training is carried out up to bachelor's, specialist's and master's degrees.