How to learn to see the future. Foreseeing the future - how does it happen? The man who predicts the future

How to become Wolf Messing and learn to see the future? After all, how sometimes you want to know what will happen to you if you make this particular decision, if you follow this particular road. What will happen if... But is it possible to learn to see the future, or does this gift belong only to selected people? We'll talk about this in this article.

How to learn to see the future?

In fact, it is inherent in every person from birth. A person is capable of a lot, but it’s as if someone specially blocked our superpowers. It seems to me that this did not happen by chance. After all, if we all had superpowers, the world would have ended long ago. Just look at what's going on in the world without superpowers. What would happen now if we knew how to control time, teleport, see the development of events in advance before they happened. There would be chaos.

You have the ability to see the future. You just need to unlock it. But what do you understand by the phrase see the future? How will you understand that you can see it? Usually, when a person sees the future, images of future events appear in his head. Wolf Messing was walking down the street one day when he suddenly lost his temper. Before his eyes, out of nowhere, soldiers began to run, a crowd of people fled in horror and fear from explosions and shelling, there was panic all around. When the images passed, Wolf realized that World War II was coming. And he was not mistaken. He named the exact date of the start of the war, and the exact date of Stalin's death. You can look at Wolf Messing.

Seeing the future - a gift or a curse? For some it is a gift, but for others it is a curse. I don't think Wolf Messing was a happy man. Many people knew about his gift, and they tried to use it for selfish purposes. I can say the same about the great fortuneteller Vanga. Many officials abused her gift.

I’ll tell you straight, you won’t be able to see the future as clearly as those great soothsayers and soothsayers. They were either born this way, or something happened to them during their lives, after which their gift of foresight was unlocked. You don't have to wait for lightning to strike you. The gift of foresight can be developed. I bet you that there have been situations in your life when you felt in your gut that such and such an event was about to happen and it actually happened. All people have instincts.

To develop the gift of foresight, you need solitude. No one should distract you. Your training should start with simple things. For example, someone started calling you. Try to understand who exactly is calling you and justify your answer (why you think so). Or an SMS arrived. Before reading it, try to guess who this SMS is from.

The second exercise is to start practicing image streaming. Our brain operates with pictures (images). All psychics know how to read the signs that their subconscious throws at them. Your next task is that you need to retire, close your eyes and relax your mind. When you move to the alpha level, your brain will begin to generate various images. Your task is to understand what this or that symbol that appears in your head means. Learning to read and understand them is an important task for anyone who wants to learn to see the future.

Many people see the future in their dreams. This is also called a prophetic dream. I myself have personally encountered prophetic dreams several times: what I dreamed came true. Many people, when they wake up, do not remember what they dreamed. Therefore, if you are one, stock up on pen and paper in advance.

The best option for learning to see the future is to find a person who already knows how to see the future. You can search the entire Internet, but you will still not find real practical information on how to learn to see the future. Many articles on this topic have been written by theorists. They themselves do not know how to see the future, but they teach other people to do so. To be honest, I am a theorist myself. I don’t know how to see the future, I can only predict the development of events, and that’s not always accurate.

Here I can only give you some useful materials that will help you get the desired result. For example, I can offer you to buy or download a course somewhere on the Internet: “Development of psychic abilities using the Silva method” . This course provides all the practical exercises to help you learn to see the future.

Before you start practicing, I want to warn you that you will not learn to see the future in one day. Some people spend years developing this ability. If you want quick results, find yourself a smart teacher. Going with a mentor is always easier and faster (and of course more expensive).

The second option for learning to see the future is not to learn it. You can simply turn to trusted fortune tellers and psychics. After all, if you are so impatient to find out what will happen to you in the future, why would you then spend money and time on developing the gift of foresight? Isn't it easier to turn to fortune tellers? Be careful here. There are many charlatans among fortune tellers and psychics. Visit only trusted people. Psychological peace at work largely depends on the furnishings and interior of the office. Choose the style that suits you best and highlight functional areas correctly. And, if necessary, contact specialists in this field.

That's all for me. Maybe I didn’t teach you to see the future. But I gave you useful tips that will help you achieve what you want. I hope you read this article very carefully and did not miss a word. If yes, then you have surely benefited greatly from the above. Good luck to you everywhere and in everything.

How to learn to see the future


Since ancient times, people have lived in society who have a unique gift - the gift of clairvoyance. This caused and continues to cause a variety of feelings in those around us - from awe and amazement to distrust and even fear, but it does not leave anyone indifferent. But the whole point is that this gift does not fit too well into the picture of the world that is familiar to ordinary people.

At the same time, there are many examples in history when people with such phenomenal abilities were revealed secrets hidden from everyone. Among those who possessed the gift of clairvoyance, one can recall Vanga, Nostradamus, Cassandra, Wolf Messing, Cagliostro, as well as biblical prophets and saints. Oracles, priests, shamans, magicians, wise men and sorcerers made predictions.

Clairvoyance is the ability to perceive information that is inaccessible to physical vision. Simply put, a person endowed with such a gift is able to see the past, present and future at great distances, diagnose diseases, and find missing things.

At first glance, such possibilities should not be surprising, given the fact that people can perceive information in addition to their senses. Scientists have proven the existence of so-called extrasensory perception, through which information from the universal information field, bypassing physical hearing, vision and other sense organs, goes directly to the brain. In an undeveloped, rudimentary state, this ability is usually called intuition, which is present in almost all people. And only after a person develops this extrasensory channel does he become clairvoyant. According to esotericists, this is available to everyone, but only a few receive such a gift from nature.

Despite such optimistic statements, clairvoyance is a very difficult and dangerous gift. Very often, people who set out to develop psychic abilities lose their minds and die in the prime of life. Therefore, it is possible to develop clairvoyance only after comprehensive, thorough preparation.

In the second half of the last century, scientific experiments were carried out involving people with paranormal abilities. At that time, the story of Rosa Kuleshova, who could read with her fingers, was very popular. At that time, scientists were unable to unravel this phenomenon. Science admitted defeat, recognizing the experiments as unsuccessful.

It is possible that the scientists who conducted the Kuleshova experiments felt they were victims of a clever scam. The woman’s gift contradicted not only nature, but also simply common sense. Currently, there are also such unique individuals. But science has probably not yet fully realized that in life an increasingly strong position is occupied by a phenomenon that can turn upside down and radically change ideas about the world around us - clairvoyance.

The famous theosophist Charles Leadbeater said that clairvoyance is the ability to see what is hidden from physical vision, which in some cases is accompanied by another phenomenon - clairaudience.

In general, it should be noted that soon, according to Theosophists, paranormal abilities should become the property of all humanity. In addition, they are confident that clairvoyance is possible under a certain state of consciousness, which St. Paul called “peace leading to understanding,” Zen Buddhism called satori, Taoism called the “absolute Tao,” and yoga called samadhi.

Thomas Merton used the expression “transcendental unconscious” to describe this state, Gudzhiev called it “objective consciousness”, Quakers called it “Inner Light”, and Sufis called it fana. However, regardless of the name, be it illumination, enlightenment, mystical experience or liberation, this phenomenon is associated with a state of consciousness that is radically different from ordinary understanding and habitual state of mind.

Seraphim of Sarov argued that for clairvoyance a person needs certain means, in particular, the so-called “astral pipe” - a constant stream of thoughts, which is held together by a powerful flow of universal energy. If clairvoyants do not have enough desire and will to install this “astral tube”, then they use crystals and glass balls, which act as a starting point.

For centuries, it should be noted that the church had a very negative attitude towards clairvoyants. Church ministers are categorically against them. Even in many temples you can see signs calling not to trust psychics and clairvoyant ufologists, since they are accomplices of evil spirits.

The Holy Fathers claim that, despite the fact that many prophecies can be seen in the Bible, they are fundamentally different from those given by people with abnormal abilities. According to the clergy, the saints performed many miracles, healed diseases, predicted the future, and even resurrected the dead. But in fact, all this was not their doing, and not a manifestation of their own abilities. All these miracles were performed under the influence of God's grace, and this is not something that can be developed in oneself. This is a gift that is given only to those who zealously fulfill the commandments and tirelessly cleanse themselves of passions and evil.

When people strive to develop their abilities, it is quite obvious that these abilities can be obtained, but not from God, but by evil spirits.

Despite the fact that very few people have the gift of clairvoyance, moments of insight can appear for a short time in the life of almost everyone. However, disbelief in the existence of the Spiritual world causes people to mistake such insights for hallucinations. And people, having brushed them aside, continue to live a normal, ordinary life.

There are many stories about unusual abilities manifesting themselves in extreme situations. For example, a mother hears a child’s voice calling for help, and after some time she finds out that it was at that time that an accident occurred with the child. Sometimes relatives see a tragedy happen to someone in the family. In this case, distance does not play any role.

In addition, such warnings from the Spiritual world can warn of danger that threatens the person himself.

Generally, the idea that people can predict the future is rejected by almost all scientists except parapsychologists. Thus, in particular, in the famous British scientific magazine “New Scientist” information appeared that psychologist Daryl Bem spent eight years conducting research in which more than a thousand student volunteers took part, the results of which prove that people can predict future events.

It should be noted that until recently, most studies showed that people were slower to recognize that a certain picture evoked positive emotions in them if they had seen a negative word before looking at that picture. That is, if, before looking at a picture of a beautiful sunset, a person sees the word “ugly,” he will think about whether to call the picture beautiful. This phenomenon is officially called “pre-tuning” or “priming”.

Daryl Bem reversed this experiment by first showing the picture, then receiving a response, and only then presenting the priming word.

As a result of research, a psychologist discovered an effect very reminiscent of the reverse effect or retroactive effect. People who were shown a negative word at the final stage were in no hurry to speak positively about the pictures.

Despite the fact that the scale of the prediction effects observed during the experiment is quite small, according to psychologists, the methods are quite correct. Of course, this does not mean that scientists have recognized foresight as a reality.

The unique and undoubtedly important work of psychologist Daryl Bem must be carefully reviewed and studied and analyzed in detail by other researchers and repeatedly before the results of his experiment are accepted by the scientific community.

But no matter what conclusions scientists make, one thing is indisputable: the gift of clairvoyance exists, even if it is impossible to explain it from the point of view of logic. Science has a very difficult and long road ahead to try, if not accept, then to penetrate into the essence of this phenomenon.

PHOTO Sandrine Expilly

“Our unconscious mind is able to react to events before they happen.”* This statement by American neuroscientists Antonio Damasio and Antoine Bechara, made on the pages of the world's main scientific journal Science, seemed to go far beyond the limits of strict natural science knowledge. But it turned out to be impossible to refute their experiments...

Guess a strong card

Damasio and Beshara used a device that measured physiological responses using two electrodes attached to the subject's fingertip. The first emits a weak electrical signal, the second picks up the impulse passing through the skin. The stronger the excitement, the better the conductivity, since under stress the hands sweat. On the contrary, the more calm a person is, the worse the current flows. Each participant in the experiments was given a certain amount of money and asked to blindly choose one card from a deck. Small ones meant a loss, large ones brought a win. Of course, no one, including the experimenters, knew in advance which card the subject would draw. But the researchers noted a strange phenomenon: most often, when a player drew a losing card, immediately before making a decision, the device recorded a strong electrothermal reaction. That is, without any ability to predict a loss using logic, the player’s nervous system became excited and reacted by sending an “alarm signal.”

“This means that our behavior is directed before consciousness,” the researchers commented on their results. “Moreover, the mechanism involved in this experiment differs from other reactions.”

Anticipate stress

These experiments shocked scientists so much that not only prominent psychologists, but also physicists, joined the study. The question of whether intuition is a natural ability or a paranormal phenomenon has become extremely relevant. Jung also pointed out the connection between intuition and the phenomena of prophetic dreams and telepathy, but now for the first time it is possible to “catch” intuition with instruments. This was achieved, in particular, by University of Amsterdam professor Dick Bierman, who came to psychology from experimental physics. In his experiments, volunteers (who also had electrodes attached to their fingers) sat in front of monitors on which various images appeared: idyllic landscapes, pictures of lovers holding hands, laughing children, and so on, interspersed with bloody scenes of violence and cruelty. There was no pattern in the demonstration; each subsequent picture was determined by a random number generator in the computer. Result? Most participants in the large-scale study experienced significant stress before the computer produced a frightening image.

Is all this enough to conclude that intuition really belongs to parapsychology along with clairvoyance or telepathy? “Probably not,” says artificial intelligence and cognitive psychologist Christine Hardy. – Psychic phenomena that belong to the realm of the paranormal provide precise information or specific visual images. And intuition is a vague and unstable sensation. But today we can assume that the development of intuition can naturally lead to the acquisition of psychic abilities."

Christine Hardy believes that two types of intuition can be distinguished. The first is “rational” and is associated with the constructions of our minds that occur without our knowledge. The second one is really more reminiscent of a supernatural ability. And it’s impossible to explain it logically.

Step over time

Psychologist from Cornell University (USA) Daryl J. Bem goes even further in his reasoning. He argues that our behavior can indeed be determined by events that have not yet occurred. “Premonitions and premonitions are special cases of a more general phenomenon: the anomalous retroactive influence of some future events on a person's current responses, regardless of whether these responses are generated consciously or unconsciously, cognitively or affectively.”** Anomalous retroactive influence, in other words, is the inexplicable influence of the future on the present. It turns out that we are endowed with sensitive antennas that, under certain conditions, can pick up signals of the future.

What does this mean for each of us? “Our consciousness has an extension in space and time, in the past as well as in the future,” says Christine Hardy. “So we all have a latent capacity for foresight.” Perhaps this conclusion sounds too bold. However, the results of experiments by Damasio and Bechard, which recorded manifestations of foresight - albeit at a purely physiological level - are recognized by the scientific community. And if so, then science simply has no other choice but to find an explanation for the amazing ability to foresee events, which, as it turns out, we can all demonstrate. Perhaps this explanation will turn out to be simple and even mundane. Or maybe it will change our ideas about the world and ourselves. Who knows.

2 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2011, vol. 100.

Many have heard that a person is able to see the future. We all have the beginnings of these abilities, but not everyone discovers their manifestation. This article will help you find out how developed your gift of prediction is.

There are many recommendations on how to open the third eye, from the most famous psychics. For example, the advice of the Siberian witch Elena Golunova has already helped many people get closer to their dreams. Experts note that this is much easier to understand than it seems at first glance.

What is the third eye

This is an abstract idea of ​​how the supernatural allows you to see something that other people cannot see. There are scientific theories that explain how this is possible and have been struggling with the phenomenon of human perception for many years.

One opinion says: the ability to see the future does not speak about our development. On the contrary, it proves that earlier, many hundreds of thousands of years ago, our ancestors communicated telepathically. This explains the presence of large brains in ancient people. Telepathy, or the gift of foresight, is a residual effect, an echo of the ancient functions of our brain, which were not completely lost.

How to discover your inner telepath

We have prepared 5 signs that you have a highly developed sixth sense, and with it the power to see the future with your own eyes. This power can be expressed in different ways, and everyone can discover the potential within themselves to truly predict the future by training their consciousness.

Sign one: you see prophetic dreams. If your dreams come true or have come true at least once, we can congratulate you: you have already seen the future. Your brain is developed enough to work for purposes other than its intended purpose. Very few people have prophetic dreams, so you may consider yourself somewhat unique.

Sign two: you often experience a feeling of déjà vu. In other words, it often seems to you that you have already been in a particular situation before. The more often you have this feeling, the better your vision of the future.

Sign three: if you do fortune telling and see images that come true, then you can also assume that your third eye is more developed than the others. According to statistics, fortune telling helps only 15-20 percent of people see the future.

Sign four: brown eye color. Previously we wrote about. This article describes in detail why people with brown eyes are more often psychics. Remember that the eyes are the window to the soul and a direct indicator of your predisposition to open your third eye.

Sign five: you have powerful energy. Energy flows are a very important point, since the entire Universe and the everyday world around us are permeated with strings of energy. Most people have approximately the same level of radiation, but some are not just stronger than others, but many times stronger. The most interesting thing is that they have no idea about it. Powerful energy is characteristic of those who constantly take risks and win - successful people, leaders, charismatic and self-sufficient.

Remember that all of the above only means that you have the makings of a third eye. Any gift needs to be developed, so read Fatima Khadueva’s advice on how to develop psychic abilities. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

People can foresee the future - this is the conclusion reached by Mark Changizi, a scientist at New York's Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. The researcher claims that our brain gives us the ability to see things one tenth of a second before they appear. And the mechanism behind this can explain to us the phenomenon of optical illusions.

Cognitive scientist Mark Changizi (cognitology is an interdisciplinary field of knowledge in which theories of how the human brain works) studied the phenomenon of the so-called “neuron response delay.” We all experience this delay when waking up from sleep. When we open our eyes and light first hits our retina, a split second passes before the brain translates the signal into a visual perception of the world.

Scientists cannot yet explain how our visual system compensates for these delays. It is generally accepted that the motor system of our brain somehow corrects our movements to increase reaction speed.

But Mark Changizi came up with his own theory, writes the popular science magazine LiveScience. According to his research, our vision has evolved to such a level that it has become capable of creating images of what will appear one tenth of a second in the future. This anticipation allows us to be alert when a ball comes our way, giving us time to react and catch it. With this ability we can also, for example, maneuver confidently in a crowd.

Liberation from illusions

The same property of the brain can explain the phenomenon of optical illusions, Chingizi believes. “Illusions appear when our brain tries to comprehend the future. But its predictions do not necessarily coincide with reality,” says the scientist. Here's an example of how "precognition theory" explains common visual geometric illusions.

Let's take the so-called "Goering illusion". We see vertical lines that bend slightly near the central spot, the so-called “receding point.” Looking at the drawing, it seems to us as if we are moving forward, and the figure is getting closer. This is where our ability to “foresee” the future comes into play. Our brain "tells" us that the lines are curved, when in fact they are straight and the figure is static.

Elusive beauty

“In the process of evolution, our brain has learned how the image (more precisely, our vision) of a particular geometric figure changes as we approach it,” explains Chingizi. “Lines converging at a vanishing point deceive our perception, making it think that "We move forward - as if we are in the real world, where the door frame (two vertical lines) seems to deviate as we pass through the door. This is how our brain tries to tell us what picture will appear before us next."

Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors

When you move forward, it's not just the shape of objects that changes, the scientist says. There are other visual objects that are not constant: angular extent (i.e. a measure of how much of your visual field is occupied by an object), speed, contrast between the object and the background. We also see all this differently as we move in space. For example, if two objects are at the same distance from you, and you move closer to one of these objects, as you move, it will speed up, appear larger, lose contrast (objects blur at speed), and end up closer to you in comparison with other objects.

Grand Unified Theory

Changizi discovered that the phenomenon of "precognition" can explain different types of illusions. The scientist classified 50 types of illusions into 28 categories. Each of them explains how impermanent visual objects will be perceived by the eye. Most other scientific attempts to explain the phenomenon of illusions have applied to only one or a few types of illusions. Finding a theory that fits so many illusions is "a theorist's dream," says Chingizi. And it seems that in his case this dream has come true.