How to become an architect Where Dreams Lead: How a Russian Architecture Student Became a Pastry Chef in Paris

Architect profession one of the oldest in the world, it requires certain skills and knowledge, while being prestigious and well paid. But what does it take to become an architect? How to become an architect in the modern world? What knowledge and what skills do you need to have, and where can you get them?
The main difference in terms of entering a university is that it is necessary to have special skills in terms of drawing, drawing and certain knowledge that cannot be obtained in a regular school.

Does this mean that you have to go to a special school in order to become an architect?
No, not necessarily, it is enough to attend special circles where you can learn all this. Many people get scared when they hear about circles and think that they need to attend them for a long time, but in fact this is not at all the case, and courses can be attended not so long, the main thing is to master all the necessary skills and develop your creative potential.

Many begin rigorous training 1 year prior to entering university, where they can master the profession of architect. And it is important not only to know mathematics and design well, but to draw well on an intuitive level, it is not in vain that they say that they become architects from God. It is quite real that this is the way it is, because you need to have an iron will and dream about it strongly in order to become an architect.

Mostly men can become architects, because this is an engineering profession. It is not so easy for girls to enter a university for this profession, so it is better for them to first study at a college and then only go to a university, so they are more likely to do it.

Upon graduation from the university, the graduate receives the title of architect, but only the title, and he will receive a license after several years of work in the specialty. In the case of this profession, the stepwise formation as a specialist is observed very carefully. Thus, each architect must go through all the stages from the architect's technician to the chief architect, and this is given by hard work.

An architect must have these qualities as: creativity, ability to plan one's work, spatial thinking, observation, sociability, attentiveness, good memory, etc.

Concerning necessary professional knowledge you need to know:

  • Ability to work with computer-aided design systems.
  • Own design
  • Do the right calculations
  • Know the basics of ecology, geodesy and cartography
  • Possess aesthetic taste and artistic perception
  • Possess design ability
  • Be able to analyze and carry out correctly and quickly mathematical calculations
  • Know building codes and regulations
  • Be able to work with the necessary documentation, etc.

Here, in fact, the basis of what it takes to be an architect. At first glance, it may seem that all this is quite difficult, but if you have a sincere desire to become an architect, you will definitely succeed!

The fate of an architect is to design new buildings in Samara (, the fate of other people is to live in them. Master this profession, feel important!

Not immediately, at first I wanted to become an athlete. But after the 8th grade, my parents, also architects, offered to enter the architectural college. I agreed. There I already remembered my childhood passion for drawing and drafting, then I somehow got involved in the educational process and realized that architecture is mine.

How to become an architect?

Becoming an architect is not difficult, for this you need to graduate from the institute, but becoming a good architect is already more difficult, a lot must come together here - teachers, participation in interesting projects, a creative team and an environment. It is this atmosphere that is currently being formed at the Institute, and we want to continue working in this direction: to invite young talented architects, giving them the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained at the university and the opportunity to prove themselves, to teach us something new. They, in turn, adopt the practical experience of our specialists, resulting in such a mutual exchange. It is important to constantly support this process, both at the level of the Institute as a whole and at the level of individual structural units, otherwise stagnation cannot be avoided. It is in this atmosphere that good architects are formed.

Top 3 qualities of an architect?

Responsibility to people, emotional intelligence, curiosity, perseverance. It turned out four, but you can continue indefinitely, in different situations different qualities are required.

What do you like about being an architect?

The work of an architect has it all - a solitary creative process, noisy collective discussions, the adrenaline of public speaking, communication with different people: government officials, investors, residents, the ability to seek compromises where possible, and the ability to be firm in those issues that affect quality. project. An architect works at the intersection of all areas of life, and that's what I like.

Which project are you most proud of and why?

Most of all I like to work on projects from scratch: from concept development to architectural supervision. The project of the Kurkino district has become such a project for me, and it is dear to me, not only because it is one of the first, but because now I myself live here and observe its development. The most valuable thing in such work is to see its result and how people interact with the environment that you have created. Four years ago, we started working on a number of projects in the territory of the new Moscow, and also launched a number of projects under the renovation program. It will be interesting to watch the implementation of these projects, but this is a topic for further discussion.

What is your architect's credo?

We must not forget that we work for people — they will use what we create, and this is a big responsibility.

What hobbies do architects have?

Architects are paradoxical people, usually in their free time they continue to work - to draw, draw, sculpt. Often their hobbies are associated with pedantic systematization, many collect something. These are features of thinking, a kind of professional deformation.

Personally, I love running - it also requires consistency and consistency. I’m also fond of aquaristics - it’s somewhat reminiscent of the design process, only here you have a whole ecosystem in your hands, albeit not a very large one.

Architecture is constantly in motion, how to keep up with the trend?

Do not think that you are the smartest; you need to be able to listen to people, especially if they are younger and say strange things at first glance.

Interviewed by: Ilona Akimkina

Russian Maria Troitskaya was not afraid to quit her studies at the Moscow Architectural University, which in the future would allow the girl to get the prestigious profession of an architect. Maria decided to follow the dream that brought her to Paris

How to get rid of excess weight with the help of cakes, or the beginning of change

At the age of 16, I entered the Moscow Institute of Architecture with the desire to become a famous female architect. However, after 2 years I became interested in cooking desserts. It sounds unbelievable, but my interest in cakes was driven by a desire to lose weight. At first, I became interested in cooking low-calorie desserts, and then I became interested in classic cakes and pastries.

Once, to congratulate my mother, I decided to make a complex mousse cake with mirror glaze and chocolate decor - at that moment I really liked both the process and the result.

Decorating cakes is quite easy for me - all thanks to my studies at an architectural school. A sense of taste and knowledge of proportions facilitated the process of implementing ideas. All my cakes are the result of mixing two such different professions.


Sweet Paris

I studied pastry in Paris, where my knowledge of French helped me, which I started learning at the age of 9.

In 2013, my mother gave me a birthday present - confectionery courses at the school of Alain Ducasse, however, during the exams. I received an increased scholarship, so if I failed the exams, I would lose it, which would be a shame. Exactly the same situation happened in 2015 when I went to Paris to Bellouet Conseil in the middle of the session. But it was also impossible to miss the opportunity to study at the schools of two famous French chefs. Therefore, I had to sleep little and work hard to do everything.

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At that time, my mother was the only person who supported me. Grandparents only laughed at the strange hobby (at the same time they willingly treated themselves to my cakes), dad did not even take into account the new passion of his daughter, many were perplexed: “Have you exchanged such a respected profession of an architect for a confectioner? The confectioner is the one who makes butter roses in the bakery.

The person from whom I learned a lot is pastry chef Antonio Bashur. One day I accidentally found his work on the Internet, got inspired and decided to express my admiration. We started talking, and he unexpectedly invited me to his internship in Miami, at the hotel where he was the chef. There were holidays at the institute, and I had a visa to the USA.

This happy event proved once again: never be afraid to write to those who interest / like / admire you. Write or send your resume to the best firms, in the company where you dream of working. Many people are really responsive and willing to help. You have nothing to lose by writing a letter or sending a portfolio.

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Moving and subsequent everyday life of a French confectioner

At the age of 9, when I chose French as an additional language at school, I fell in love with this country and its culture. Largely thanks to my favorite teacher, even then I decided that in 10 years I would leave for France. Moving as a student is always easier, and I didn't want to graduate with a bachelor's degree.

Closer to the end of my studies in Moscow, I began to prepare for admission to the architectural master's program in Paris. It required a lot of effort, passing a language exam and countless meetings with the French bureaucracy. But I really wanted to achieve my goal, which is probably why I entered Paris for free education.

Simultaneously with entering the magistracy, I was offered to invent desserts for the new Californicaketion confectionery in Moscow. I was faced with a choice: stay here and fulfill my dream of making desserts or follow my other dream - to go to Paris. I chose the latter, but I could not leave the confectionery immediately, and for about a year after moving to France I helped the team remotely. It is not easy to monitor the quality and coherence of work at a distance, so we, unfortunately, stopped cooperation.

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Arriving in Paris, for the first six months I lived in an apartment that I rented back in Russia from not the most honest landlords. It was an 8-meter maid's room on the 6th floor under a roof, without a window, without internet, and with a toilet on the stairs.

Out of habit, I often tried to make a cake, but I realized that it was almost impossible, and besides, I had no one to treat them to. One day, the teachers at a Parisian school found out about my second profession and offered to make a cake for the final defense of the project. Pride and a desire to prove to myself that I could handle it did not allow me to say no.

Imagine, in the kitchen, where it is difficult to make even a sandwich or scrambled eggs, I decided to make a cake. I had two burners, a small microwave and a tiny freezer in my arsenal. It was then that I realized that nothing is impossible and all doubts and obstacles are in a person’s head. As a result, this cake became a decoration at the defense of the project!


A story with a taste of chocolate

In Paris, I had an interview with Christophe Adam and started working as a confectioner at L'éclair de génie, while simultaneously studying for a master's degree. It was a difficult period, as we worked almost every day until one in the morning and there was no lunch break in our schedule, and we didn’t feel like eating eclairs. Then I realized that it was not mine - to make the same desserts every day, as a conveyor, and not as a creator and creator.

Fun fact: in Europe, unlike in Russia, pastry chef is more of a male profession than a female one, because it is a physically demanding job. However, in the team, not a single man will make you an indulgence, everyone works on an equal footing, even if you need to drag several bags of flour.

Now I continue to study as an architect and work as a confectioner. My favorite pastime is to design and invent desserts for restaurants and cafes. Recently, I often receive offers of joint work. One of such proposals in my confectionery journey is cooperation with Yulia Vysotskaya. I was invited to be the brand chef of her Food Embassy restaurant and come up with summer desserts.

In the work of a confectioner, creativity is very important. The most important tool in the kitchen for me is a pencil and paper, because there is always a lot of sketching to do, solving complex and interesting problems. For example, in one confectionery it was necessary to come up with Soviet desserts, but with a more modern presentation, because the hostess was a fan of them. As a result, I rethought the recipe and created completely new-looking cakes, but with a taste familiar from childhood.

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When at the age of 17 I took my first burnt pasta out of the oven, more like pancakes spread in a pan, I could not even imagine that in 5 years I would be a guest teacher at the international gastrofestival in Sochi. Standing on stage in front of dozens of interested people and showing me how to make a mirror glaze cake, I suddenly realized that I was happy.

It came to understanding how wonderful it is when you do exactly what you love. It is not easy at all, but such changes are worth it. The feeling that everything that you have at the moment, you have achieved yourself, with your own hands, is inexpressible - it is worth the sleepless nights and all the difficulties you have overcome.

I often think that I chose a very strange and confusing scenario of life. Living in two countries is hard enough, so sometimes there is a desire to quit everything. And then I remember how much effort I put in to get to where I am now.

Unfortunately, the architectural school refused to give me the document required for an internship with the famous Cedric Grolet, who became the best confectioner in the world in 2017, although I passed 2 interviews with him. I remember how an employee of the administration at the school was surprised: “This is very strange, you are the first student who asked me for permission to intern at a confectionery, and not at an architectural firm.”


It turns out that if you study a certain profession, then you do not have the right to undergo an internship or work fully in another area. But I have confidence: what should happen will definitely happen. So my dream is to open a pastry shop in Paris and become a professional.

Every day I live in uncertainty, sometimes I allow myself to give up, because I still do not understand whether what I am doing is right and what is the ultimate goal. But it seems to me that my most important desire is to write my own story, not like others. I believe that if you love what you do, life will respond with chances, important meetings, new experiences and opportunities.

so that they are comfortable to live in? Is it possible to create housing that will not harm the environment? Where do you train as an architect, and what knowledge will help you become a specialist in your field? The OYLA editors decided to learn about the sacraments of this profession from architect Elvira Bakubayeva from Almaty Vilnius Architechtstogether with Azhara, who is fond of drawing and dreams of becoming an architect.

My name is Azhara Sultansikhova, I am 17 years old. I am in the 11th grade at gymnasium №123. She graduated from the School of Fine Arts and Technical Design (SHIITD) named after. Kasteev. I plan to enter the Faculty of Architecture after graduation.

Elvira, tell us why you became an architect? What inspired you to take up this profession?

You don't come to the profession of an architect by chance. It all started at the Umai art school, where I studied after school. I have always been a creative person, I loved to draw and make sculptures.

In early childhood, I dreamed of becoming an artist, but my father told me to think about learning a more applied profession, since I could always become an artist.

I came to a completely logical conclusion that architecture is a profession that combines the work of an artist and benefits society. The more I became interested in this topic, the more I began to learn more about what architects do. At the “Umai” school, we went outside, drew buildings, studied city landscapes. I had a connection with architecture back then, so after graduating from this school I decided to enter KazGASA.

The most amazing thing about drawing is that you have a sheet of paper, an image in your head, and you transfer your idea to the sheet. Architecture starts from the same. That is, in the beginning there is nothing, and you are the creator. For me, this is the most key moment in architecture - to create something.

Where to start to become an architect?

It is important to develop, to try to learn more about architects and their work. It is desirable to know the structure of education. In Kazakhstan, in order to enter an architectural university, you need to pass a creative exam, which includes drawing. Therefore, you will need the skills of drawing and drawing. After I studied at KazGASA for a year and a half, I applied for the Bolashak program and entered University College Dublin in Ireland. To enter, you had to submit a portfolio. Yes, you are not an architect yet, you have no projects, but you must show your drawings, photographs of sculptures, etc. It is important for the introductory commission to show what will speak of your love for creativity.

What subjects should be emphasized in school?

First of all, for drawing - the ability to draw is always useful. Then, of course, fine arts. Mathematics also needs to be given a lot of attention, since it in itself develops thinking, it will not be superfluous to study world history - after all, all historical events influenced architecture in one way or another, and vice versa. And, probably, literature - this is how spatial thinking can be developed.

Architecture is a broad discipline, what are its main areas?

There are different specialties: urban planning, architecture of residential public buildings, environmental design. The basics are the same everywhere, but by the end of the training, everyone is already engaged in the narrow specialty that he has chosen. At the university, I chose the architecture of residential public buildings as my main specialty. But ideally, the architect should be equally proficient in knowledge from all these areas.

What architects did you look up to during your studies?

I really liked the approach to studying at my university, they make a bias towards the love of the profession. When I arrived in Dublin, at the very first lecture, the teacher instilled in us a love for architecture. He conveyed to us that the possibilities in architecture are endless - you can do what you like, and this is what awakened in me a great love for my work. And my inspiration was a Japanese architect Kazuyo Sejima, she is the second woman in the world to win the Pritzker Prize, the most prestigious award in architecture. The first woman to receive this award, as many know, is Zaha Hadid. I like Sejima because she has a clear, harmonious connection between her inner world and what she creates. When planning buildings, she thinks not only about what the building will be like, but also about what will be inside it, outside, how a person will feel there. Her buildings are not limited to four walls, and mostly they are made in light colors and lined with glass, white concrete - and this is what I love most. The main principle of her company SANAA is to get rid of everything superfluous. According to her, they remove as much as possible from the project, leaving a minimum of details, thereby revealing the essence of the project.

Which of her projects do you like the most?

Almost all of her projects are my favourites! Most of all I like Moriyama House - a residential complex in Japan, in which the apartment rooms are located in different blocks. That is, you can be both inside your apartment and outside. In this project, I am impressed by the fact that nature becomes part of your home. Another favorite project of mine is the New Museum of Modern Art in New York. His building consists of several boxes stacked on top of each other, and it may seem that these are ordinary boxes, but this project is thought out simply brilliantly.

How can buildings and new projects be built without disturbing the natural balance? For example, in Almaty.

A popular topic in architecture today is “sustainable architecture”. This is an architecture that just does not violate the natural balance. In the 20th century, we observed that 40% of all energy consumption in cities was in buildings. This is all the electricity that comes to apartments, offices, and other premises. Now architects have come to the principle: do not harm nature and start playing by its rules. The task becomes to carry out natural ventilation, adjusting to a certain region in which the building will be built. There is a whole trend in architecture - Vernacular house. This is the architecture of dwellings that do not harm nature - they do not have artificial heating, lighting, ventilation. An ideal example of a Vernacular house is a Kazakh yurt: when it's hot outside, it's cool inside, and vice versa, it can be transported without harm to nature.

Just recently, I read about this in OYLA magazine - it was written there that heat from aircraft can be recycled and reused for heating buildings.

Yes, such technologies are already actively used in modern architecture. An example of this is solar panels built into buildings. Even in Amsterdam, there will be roads equipped with sensors that collect energy from human steps and convert it into electricity, illuminating the streets of the city.

The architectural styles of Europe and Kazakhstan are very different. It seems to me that we have practically no recognizable architectural monuments, with the possible exception of Baiterek. How can we create our own style that will be recognizable all over the world?

Our lack of identity is a delusion. It is in many, even small towns of Kazakhstan, we just stopped noticing it, it has become commonplace for us. For a foreigner, for example, Almaty will seem like a special city, with a unique style. The main thing that we have is the foundation that has remained from the Soviet times and is made in accordance with our mentality, and our task is to bring a modern style to our context, not to create an imbalance between what we have and what we want to build. For example, building up a city with buildings in the European classical style is pointless, because here and in Europe the context is completely different. When I talk about the context, I mean all the conditions in which the region is located, from climatic conditions to the political regime.

Now we have such events as, organizations like ArchCode Almaty are being created, where issues of preserving identity are being considered.

What is your favorite style in architecture?

There is a style that I just love, something that I can enjoy, something that I can be inspired by, and then there is something that I work on, and usually these are different styles. I love the classics, it's a pleasure for me to walk around Rome or Lisbon. I like to work in modern style: unlike classics, there are no clear and strict rules in modern architecture, you can create any shapes and proportions, the main thing is that the building should work for a person. But most of all I like minimalism, the main thing in this style is when every line is justified, and every form has its own meaning.

What did you have difficulty with while studying?

The hardest part for me is doing the calculations. In theory, everything seemed clear, but in reality I did not succeed at all. However, in my profession this is not fundamentally important, since we always work with designers, who carry out all the exact calculations of the structure.

What are the difficult moments associated with your profession?

I think the hardest thing is the constant workload. We can work on weekends, for 16 hours, with almost no rest. For us, it remains a mystery - why is there never enough time? Whatever the deadline, even if it is very long, it is impossible to meet the deadline. I thought that this is only at the university like this - when in three months you receive an assignment for the final project, and the night before the defense you completely redo it. But, as it turned out, this is such a feature of the profession. In their circle, architects even joke: there is a deadline before the project is completed - multiply by two. To withstand such a load - you need to love your job.

The profession of an architect is considered very prestigious. These are the people who decide what form the building will take, are their authors and identify themselves with their creations. They are known both in engineering and in the artistic environment, since the design of buildings or interiors is not only following technology, but also a real art. Architects are known for their flexible approach to work and individuality - they effectively find their own way of balancing being an artist and an engineer.

Architects do:

- the theory of space formation and its connection with beautiful objects and mold design;

— technical planning of buildings;

— control of project implementation;

- construction management;

- scheduling and cost planning.

Architects not only design the exterior of buildings and interiors, but also work in design offices, projects, and other related professions. These persons are also responsible for contacting customers in order to obtain all the necessary information. Conduct a study of the feasibility of the project, and then a financial analysis of its implementation.

This worker prepares sketches, scale drawings, models using the appropriate software, in addition, evaluates projects and offers design advice, for example, in relation to law, building or architectural style.

How much does an architect earn?

Architecture is one of the highest paid professions. Statistics show that salaries among such specialists start at $5,000 or more. There are specialists whose income is 10,000 -12,000 dollars - it all depends on education, experience, and also the field of work.

According to statistics, architects who work in large companies earn much more than employees of small, private organizations. First of all, we are talking about the scale of the project and the customer himself. Seniority matters a lot - people who have been working in this profession for many years can expect higher salaries, while budding architects can earn around $2,000-$3,000 a month.

How to become an architect?

The main requirement is to complete the studies of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of one of the universities - during the training, candidates are prepared for creative, design work, and also learn how space is formed, ranging from small forms, designing buildings for various purposes to the arrangement of urban and rural settlements. Persons with talent, imagination and a craving for technical sciences have a special predisposition to the profession of architect.

After studying at a university, a specialist must necessarily undergo an internship, and then obtain permission to carry out activities. To do this, he must have knowledge of building legislation, specifications, as well as all applicable standards. After obtaining permission, you can join the chamber of architects, as well as pay a monthly membership fee. Membership in a professional self-regulatory organization is an obligation for those people who depend on the performance of certain technical functions in construction.

Not everyone can become an architect, because one must have certain personality traits, as well as skills and knowledge. Such a specialist must have imagination, artistic abilities, feel the form and space, as well as color. In addition, knowledge of the materials science of the construction industry, as well as the basics of design, is required. It is also necessary to have a computer with numerous programs for creating projects. Of course, every architect must have not only talent, but also a passion for what he creates.

While undergoing training, it is worth applying for cooperation with various professional offices to create projects, so the specialist gains valuable experience and after graduation it will be much easier for him to realize himself in the architectural environment. In addition, experienced architects are advised to enrich their skills with additional courses, seminars, and visits to a design school.

When an architect graduates from his studies, he first performs auxiliary functions in the implementation of elements of technical documentation. Then, gradually and, as a rule, rather smoothly, he gets involved in conceptual work, and then in contacts with the client, and finally in areas related to construction.

Professionals working in offices on large projects can work their way through existing architectural structures to partner positions. The vast majority of architects realize their ambitions as office workers. After several years of practice, the young worker takes a professional examination before the local examination board for permission to take on more significant projects.

Architect - own company

If a person has many years of experience, recognition among architects and a large client base, then he can afford to create his own architectural studio, that is, open his own business or work in the form of a free profession. Each workshop may specialize in a different area, some are mainly engaged in interior design, others create designs for houses and settlements.

To start your own workshop, you need:

- have appropriate powers;

— be a member of the Chamber of Architects;

- conduct business activities;

- to have appropriate computer equipment and software - costs from several tens to several hundred thousand rubles;

— prepare a list of contacts of possible subcontractors.

Remember that when opening your workshop, it is worth having several years of work experience behind you - then you have a chance to achieve greater success and hire employees, form your own professional team of architects. It is known that earnings from your own studio will be much higher than from work for hire. The amount of remuneration is subject to the Rules of Fees, which are accepted and used by members of the Chamber of Architects.

If we are talking about the price list of services, then it depends on the amount of investment, as well as its class, which is expressed on a scale from 1 to 6. The price list of services is very wide, this may include: making a garage project, managing the construction of a private house, creation of a site improvement project, design of a settlement, a social facility, etc.