Astral how to get to another time. How to enter the astral plane - detailed instructions


Julia, good day to you! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and helping people.
I came here by chance, through a search engine, and read your articles and dialogue with guests. She has already bookmarked this site. I never thought I'd be interested in all of this. My mother was interested in this, we made fun of her - either she was studying how to fight some nagas, or she was telling something about an incomprehensible egregor. Time has passed.
Now in my life is a very difficult stage. Live alone. I have a son, now he is 1.5 years old. On December 4, his father, who had not appeared before and had not helped, suddenly kidnapped him when I was at work, guarded him in the entrance and took him away from the nanny. I still can't find my son. The courts go, the police are inactive. The father says that the child lives with him, but I know for sure (there are reasons) that this is not so. He gave it somewhere to someone.
All that remains for me is to learn how to go into the astral plane in order to find my child. But fear gets in the way. I'm already trying to convince myself that this is for the sake of my son. That way I can find it faster.
But there are negative experiences. When I lived with my mother, I dreamed that I was lying in my bed, my sister was sleeping opposite the other wall. In the doorway, through the half-open curtains, light with rays. And then the wind picked up, as if the wings of a cock beat on the ears. And then, in these rays, some dark tatters flew into our room downwind from the kitchen, like ashes from burnt paper. And a male voice said: “These are the pieces of souls ..!” the wind increased, I became scared, as always I began to read the Our Father and woke up. There were also sleep paralysis, in fact, it started with him - when my first boyfriend died, it seemed to me that night - the room that I always see it, I hear that dad is watching TV in the hall, I see glare from the TV flashing in the doorway I heard my mother come from the street. And from the impact of the front door, as if frightened, a black cat jumped on my face (we didn’t have cats), I felt her furry belly, I saw only part of the room from under her fur, I tried to call my mother, I can’t. Again "Our Father" and the cat jumped off. I came to my senses. But more often, completely negative characters seem to be, they choke me. Only “Our Father” saves, and sometimes I can’t read it the first time, sometimes the lines are confused, I forget the words ... But from the third time, I pronounce it clearly and everything disappears, I wake up. There was a time when I slept only with the lights on, and I was just afraid to fall asleep. She lay with her eyes open until the morning.
And now I'm very afraid, but I really want to see my son. It was always interesting to me, if you don’t fight with suffocating creatures, don’t read a prayer, they will suffocate, and in the real world the body will die? ..
This year two people appeared in my life - one is my close friend, he is gaining energy in the Altai mountains (I am also from the Altai mountains), one acquaintance simply developed spiritually while living in Africa, then spent several years in Tibet, then in Vietnam , and now returned to Moscow.
So my friend says that he sees the essence in me - like a little sun, squeezed by far-fetched fear, unjustified. That I'm not in danger. And when I understand this, I will not only move to a new level, but simply fill everything with light and love around, that I have a huge potential. Then I saw some other entities who said that the son was safe, but his story needed to be burned, his name and surname changed. And that his father is not just a man, but a creature, and some negative entity controls his body. I kept trying to figure out why there are so many difficulties and trials in my life, what lesson I should learn through parting with my son. At first he laughed somehow unnaturally, playfully, childishly, spoke blurryly .. Then he suddenly closed his eyes with his hand and began to cry (considering that this is always a positively minded, strong, hefty adult man) .. said that the entities show him something very terrible, he cannot understand what exactly, but he feels a terrifying energy, this is from the past ... I ask, is this terrible from my past or my soul, can I pay for actions in a past life? ..he didn't have an answer.
And I pestered my friend with questions - why do I need all this? I don't want to know or see anything. Why can't I live an ordinary life, calmly raise my son, enjoy motherhood, etc. I am a fragile girl, why is my life turned into a furious struggle? The spiritual development that I have now is enough for me.
He suddenly began to look with an absent-minded gaze behind me. He smiled. -Here they are. You have a very strong family. I answer: - Yes, we have a paternal line since the time of the king, the ancestor was a Cossack. - No, he says, it's for the mother. (I don’t know anyone from my mother, but my aunt has abilities, my mother was also involved in extrasensory perception) ..
-Learn to interact with them, they help you, but it will be easier for them if you learn to hear them. Now you are not going there, you are rowing against the current.
In general, I feel like in the novel “The Idiot” and I can’t understand whether everyone around is crazy, or whether I have already gone crazy. Everyone speaks in riddles, they say that it is necessary to reconsider the attitude to what is happening, then the space will change. Damn, but I don't understand and it's scary ((((...


We talked about thought. We said, "Thought is wherever you send it." This formula can be of great help to you when you leave the body - in astral travel. Let's repeat it.

Thought is everywhere you send it. It is outside of you, if you want it. Let's try an experiment. Again you should be in solitude, so that no one disturbs you, nothing distracts you. You will try to get out of your body. You have to be alone, relaxed. To facilitate the task, we suggest that you lie on your back on a fairly hard and even surface, preferably on a bed if yours is not too soft. Make sure no one enters and interrupts your experience.

When you calm down, breathe deeply, think about the experiment, concentrate on a point six feet in front of you, close your eyes, focus, make yourself think that you - you are true, you are astral - look at your body from a distance of six feet. Think! Practice! Concentrate. And then, in time, you will feel like a slight electric shock, and you will see your body lying with your eyes closed at a distance of six feet.

At first, it is quite difficult to achieve such a result. You may feel as if you are inside the ball, you will try to break through it and get out. You push, you push, you push, and nothing happens. It looks like it's almost done. And then, finally, you suddenly broke through, a crack is heard, as if it really burst children's air ball.

Don't worry, don't open the way to fear, because if you don't be afraid you will go on and on, you will not have trouble in the future. If you are afraid, you dive back into your physical body and you will have to start all over another time. If you get scared and come back, do not try to repeat the experience in the next day or two, this rarely brings success, Sleep, put it off - for now.

Let's go further, let's imagine that you managed to get out of the physical body using this method, imagine that you are standing, looking at your physical shell and thinking what to do next. Don't stare at her for too long, you'll see her quite often in the future, try the following instead.

Just fly around the room like a soap bubble, because now you weigh no more than a soap bubble! You cannot fall or get hurt. Let your physical body rest. You still have to deal with him, of course, before you leave him forever. Make sure your physical body is comfortable.

If this is not the case, then when you return to it, you may find that your arm is numb or you have strained your neck. Make sure that nothing is pressing anywhere, that, for example, the arm does not hang over the edge of the bed, otherwise, when you return, you will find that it is numb. Make sure once again that your physical body is comfortable, that it is in complete peace, before you leave it.

Now fly, float around the room like a balloon that obeys the movement of air currents. Examine the ceiling and areas you don't normally see. Get comfortable, prepare for astral travel; until you are completely comfortable in the room, you cannot be safe outside of it.

Let's repeat it again. Astral travel is actually a very simple thing - there is nothing special about it, as long as you allow yourself to believe that you can do it. Never, under any circumstances, should you feel fear, in astral travel there is no place for fear, since you are going to freedom.

Only when you return to the physical body can you feel that you are in a prison, that you are locked up, chained to the ground by the weight of the body, which does not easily obey the commands of the spirit. No, there is no place for fear in the astral journey, you need to be afraid of something completely different.

We will repeat the rules of astral exit one more time in slightly different words. You lie on your back on the bed. You must make sure that all parts of your body are arranged comfortably, there is no pressure anywhere, your legs are not crossed, otherwise they may become numb, as the blood circulation is disturbed. Peace, nothing to distract you, nothing to disturb you. Think only that your astral body is leaving the physical.

Relax more and more. Imagine that the spirit form associated with your body is gently released from the flesh and flies away like a balloon in a light summer breeze. Get up, let your eyes be closed for the time being, because the first two or three times you can blink from the tension, and this is enough for the astral body to return again to its place inside the physical.

People often startle when falling asleep. And often from this they wake up. This shudder occurs when the astral body separates too sharply from the physical body, because, as we have already said, almost everyone makes astral travel at night, in a dream, but most people do not remember about them. Let us return again to our astral body.

Imagine that your astral body gradually separates easily from your physical body and soars three or four feet into the air. Here it rests, gently swaying. Maybe you have this feeling when you fall asleep, as if you are floating, swaying - this is astral swimming. As we said, the astral body floats above you, perhaps swaying slightly, it is connected to you by a Silver Cord that comes from your solar plexus and enters the solar plexus of the astral body.

Do not look too closely, because, as we have said, by staring, you can blink, this will instantly cause your astral body to return back, and the experience will have to be postponed until another time. Let's assume you heeded our warning and didn't blink. Then let your astral body float for a while; do nothing, think lightly, barely, breathe shallowly, this is your first exit, your first conscious exit, and you must be very careful.

If you are not frightened, if you do not blink, your astral body slowly floats away to the edge of the bed. Very softly it will slide down until its feet touch or almost touch the physical body. Then, after a "soft landing", your astral body will be able to look at the physical body and see what it is like from the outside.

You may feel uncomfortable when you look at your physical body. A similar feeling of something immodest and humiliating you have sometimes experienced. Many of us have a completely erroneous idea about our appearance. Remember when you first heard your voice? Have you ever heard your voice recorded on a tape recorder? The first time you couldn't believe it was your voice, you thought you were being played a joke on or the tape recorder was broken.

Hearing his voice for the first time, a person refuses to believe, he is depressed and humiliated. But wait what happens when you see your body for the first time! You will stand in the astral body, your consciousness will move into the astral body and will look at his physical body lying in front of you. You will not like the shape of the body, nor the features, nor the complexion, you will be horrified if you go a little further and look into your brain, you will see evasions and manias, and this can make you dive back in sudden fear! But suppose you survived this first frightening meeting with yourself, what next?

You must decide where you will go, what you want to do, what you want to see. The simplest thing is to visit a person who you know well, maybe one of the relatives or friends living in a neighboring city. First, it must be a person whom you have seen many times, because you must imagine him in every detail.

You should imagine a place where he or she lives and know exactly how to get there. Remember - this is new for you, you are doing it consciously for the first time, so you must repeat the path that you did while in the physical body. Leave your room, go outside (in the astral, of course, but don't be afraid, people can't see you), walk along the path you usually walk, all the while imagining the person you are going to and the path to him . And then, with great speed, faster than any car would take you there, you will find yourself in the house of your friend or relative.

With practice, you will be able to fly anywhere, visit the seas, oceans, mountains, there will be no borders for you, there will be no obstacles on your way. Countries, cities, other worlds will be open to you.

Some people think: "What if it happens that I leave and don't come back?" The answer is don't worry, you can't get lost. It is impossible, it is absolutely impossible that you get lost, or something happens to you, or someone takes over your body. If someone approaches your body while you are on astral travel, your body will send a signal and you will return to it at the speed of thought. Nothing bad can be unlearned from you, the only thing that is dangerous is fear. Therefore, do not be afraid, continue your studies, and over time, the fulfillment of all your hopes, your secret desires will come - with the help of astral travel.

When you consciously astral travel, you will see colors more vivid than when you were in the flesh. Everything glows with life, you can even see "particles of life" around you, like flashes. It is the life force of the Earth, and as you pass through it, you will gain strength and courage.

However, there are difficulties: you cannot take anything with you and you cannot bring anything back. Of course, it is possible, but after a long practice, under certain conditions, to materialize in front of a clairvoyant, but it is not so easy to go to a person and take from him, for example, a medical history in order to discuss it. You can go to the store, choose your socks and decide what you will come and buy tomorrow - that's all you want! It's funny that often, when you visit stores in the astral plane, you can see the shortcomings and flaws of expensive things!

When you are in the astral and want to return back to the physical body, behave calmly, think about the physical body, that you are returning - and enter it. As soon as you think about it, you will feel a tremendous speed, or perhaps suddenly you will instantly be above your body, three or four feet above it. You will feel like you are floating above it, just as you did when you left it. Slide down slowly, very slowly, everything must be very slow, because both bodies must be completely synchronized.

If you have done everything right, you will enter the body without discomfort, without trembling, without feeling that your body is a cold and heavy mass.

If you entered awkwardly without achieving an exact match between the bodies, or someone interrupted you and you had to come back abruptly, you may feel a headache, a kind of migraine. In this case, try to fall asleep or go into the astral again, because until your bodies come into proper alignment, you will not get rid of the headache. But do not worry about this, because a few minutes of sleep or one exit to the astral will heal you completely.

When you return, you may find that your physical body is numb. There may be a feeling as if you are putting on a suit that got wet yesterday and is still not dry, wet, "shrunken". It's not a very pleasant feeling - returning to the physical body, but only until you get used to it. You will find that the bright colors you saw in the astral have faded again. You will not find many colors seen in the astral, and you will not hear many sounds heard in the astral.

But you will continue to hear many of the sounds that you heard in the astral plane. There is nothing to worry about, because you are on Earth in order to find out something, and when you find out what was the purpose of your coming to Earth, then free yourself from the chains, you will be freed from the shackles of the Earth, you will leave your physical body finally. The Silver Cord will break - and you will go to worlds that are much further than the astral world.

Practice such astral travel, practice. Drop all fears, because if you have no fear, you have nothing to fear and nothing can harm you - you will experience only joy.


Astral travel, of course, has a great, vital importance, so we devote this lesson entirely to the details of such a pastime.

We advise you to read this page carefully, and then set a specific evening several days in advance for your experiment. Prepare yourself, think about the appointed time, think about how you will get out of your physical body and be clearly aware and remember everything that happened. But for this, a lot of work remains to be done on preparation, before a preliminary decision is made. In ancient times, they used repetition in a singsong voice, in other words, they repeated "mantras", which were intended to subjugate the subconscious of a person. Through the repetition of "mantras" the subconscious - nine-tenths of our mind - is able to send the inexorable to our consciousness.

To do this, we can use a similar mantra: "On such and such a day in the evening I go to travel to the astral. Understanding what I am doing and being aware of everything that I see. I will remember all this completely when I return to my physical body. I I will do it without error.

You must repeat this mantra three times - the first time it was said, the second time it was repeated and the third time it was confirmed. The mechanism is that we declare something, but this is not enough to set up the subconscious, because there are few statements in our conversations, and our subconscious, we are sure, knows how talkative our consciousness can be. Having said the mantra for the first time, we have not yet fully tuned the subconscious.

The second repetition of the same words of the mantra draws the attention of the subconscious mind to it. Repetition for the third time confirms to the subconscious the desire expressed in the mantra, which is fully accepted and remembered. It is recommended to make three confirmations daily in the morning, three in the afternoon and three just before bed. It's like driving a nail into a tree: the first blow doesn't drive the nail in, you have to hit the nail several times to get it to the right depth. In the same way, the required affirmation, by repeating the desired desire, is directed to a certain part of the subconscious.

This is far from a new invention - it is as old as humanity itself. From ancient times, from our ancient ancestors, we know the meaning of mantras and confirmations. But nowadays we have forgotten or become cynical about these things. Therefore, we urge you to chant your mantras and confirm to yourself in a way that no one else knows about it, for skeptical people will laugh at you when they find out and perhaps sow seeds of doubt in your mind. After all, people who laughed and sowed doubts in the minds of others, achieved that adults lost the ability to see the Spirits of Nature and telepathically communicate with animals. Remember this.

On the right day for the experiment, you must make an effort and be completely calm, be in agreement with yourself, with everyone else, not be nervous, not excited. This is extremely important. Avoid being present at any conflicts taking place around you - they can excite you. Suppose you had a heated argument with someone, then you think about what you said to him and what he answered you, in short, analyze your argument, and thus your consciousness will not be able to focus on the upcoming trip to the astral .

It is better to move it to another day. You must be sure that everything should go smoothly on this day, and you will think all day about the upcoming pleasant conscious journey to some person living at such a distance from you that this journey will become a real event. In the evening, you undress slowly, breathing evenly. When you are ready to go to bed, you must be sure that your night dress does not press on your neck, and also on your whole body, for if it constrains you, this one will cause irritation of the physical body, which may lead to twitching at the decisive moment. Make sure your bedroom temperature is right for you, not too hot and not too cold. The blanket should be light, not pressing on the body. Turn off the lights, curtain the windows so that random rays do not irritate the eyes at the right time. Having done and checked all this, go to bed.

Relax completely, lie lazily on the bed, repeat your mantra repeatedly, be careful not to fall asleep, for it is very interesting to experience your first out-of-body waking experience.

Lie quietly and comfortably, preferably on your back, imagine that you are pushing another body out of you, imagine that the ghostly form of the astral body is being pushed out of you. You can feel it rising from the molecules of your flesh. You feel a slight trembling, a slight trembling, then there comes a moment when this trembling and trembling stops. Be very attentive and careful, because if the twitch is sharp, then your astral body will return with a dull noise back to the physical body.

Most people - yes, in fact, all - experienced a sense of apparent fall before waking up. This sensation comes from the twitching of the floating astral body and its fall back into the physical body. Often the shock is sharp and causes a complete awakening, but the shock can be strong even if the astral body has risen only a few centimeters.

Because you are aware that jolts and twitches can occur, you can overcome them. After a slight trembling or trembling is felt, there is stillness without any movement, then you will feel a sudden coldness and feel as if something is stopping you. You will feel that something is above you, as if someone had roughly placed a pillow on top of you. Don't worry, and you will see that you are standing at the foot of the bed, looking down at your physical body lying on the bed.

Look at yourself as calmly as you can, for the first time you see yourself without distortion on your first journey. What you will see will be unexpected - a meeting with yourself face to face. After examining yourself, you should practice moving around the room and looking in all places, down to cupboards, drawers, chests, etc., to see how easily you can get everywhere.

Inspect the ceiling, in general, inspect all those corners where under normal conditions you cannot get. In these places you will certainly find a lot of dust, which gives you the opportunity to have another useful experience - try leaving your fingerprints in the dust this time and see that this is impossible. Your fingers, hands, palms sink into the wall without any sensation.

When you realize that you can move everywhere at will, you will see that between your astral and physical bodies, your Silver Cord sparkles and sparkles with a bluish-yellow light. Try to move further away from your physical body, and you will find that this thread is pulled out without any effort and without any decrease in diameter. Look again at your physical body and move where you planned to go, thinking about the place or person you want to visit, without any special effort.

You climb up, pass the ceiling, the roof and see your house and street, and then, if this is your first conscious journey, you slowly go in the direction you have planned. You will follow quite slowly in order to have time to memorize the path on the ground below.

When you have mastered the practice of astral travel well, you will move with the speed of thought. If you reach this then there will be no left for you impossible distances and places wherever you go. You can go anywhere, not only on Earth. The astral body doesn't need air, so you can go out into space and visit other worlds, which a lot of people do. Unfortunately, due to the conditions of our time, they do not remember which places they visited. You, having gained experience, will compare favorably with them in this sense.

If you feel that it is difficult for you to concentrate on the person to whom you want to transfer yourself, then use his photograph, but not in a frame and not under glass. Before you turn out the light, take the photo in your hands, look at it carefully and lie down in bed, trying to keep the image in your memory. This will help you a lot.

Some of the people cannot make conscious astral travel when it is convenient for them, they are full and warm, and vice versa, when they are very uncomfortable, hungry and cold, they can easily go on astral travel. Although this is surprising, it is a fact. Some people intentionally eat something that causes them indigestion, and after that they make astral travel without any obstacles and difficulties.

We assume that the astral body can cause pain in the physical body if it lies uncomfortably.

There are hermits in Tibet and India who are walled up and never see the light of day. These hermits feed once every three days, and in such quantity as to maintain life, so that its weak flame does not go out. These people are able to make astral travel all the time. They travel in the astral plane and go where they can learn something. During their travels, they can communicate with those who have telepathy, they only affect things and people in a positive way.

Perhaps you will meet such people in your astral travels - then they will definitely stop, bless you, give you advice and tell you how you can develop in the future.

Read and reread this lesson. Only persistent exercises and practice, as well as faith, are necessary in order to travel in the astral and to be freed at least for a while from the anxieties of this vain world.

Among them there are both very simple ones that are available to every novice astral traveler, and quite complex ones that require additional training and certain knowledge and skills. In this article, we will talk about seven techniques that will be of interest to both beginners and those who have already had experience of astral travel.

By experience, you will be able to determine the most suitable exit technique for you and practice astral flights. Remember that training should be regular, because it is the frequent repetition of the chosen technique that will help you achieve success and master the skill necessary for astral flights.


Method One: Astral Twin

  • Sit in a chair. Relax, you must be calm and confident. Now look at yourself from the outside, mentally create your double, paying close attention to every part of your body, from the fingers to the smallest details of the face.
  • Before you is your copy, absolutely identical both externally and internally. Start gradually giving your energy to the twin. To do this, imagine that a cord has appeared in the region of your solar plexus that connects you and your copy. Give as much energy as you can, let it flow through this cord to your double and fill it with vitality.
  • This exercise should be done daily for two months. Over time, you will feel that along with the flowing energy, you yourself are already ready to "swim" to your double. Do not resist this, and soon you will be able to see yourself from the outside, through the eyes of your own astral double.

Conscious phase of sleep - Mikhail Raduga

Method Two: Muscular Technique

Many techniques for entering the astral space are based on visualization. But it is likely that not everyone is able to effectively apply such methods. It was for such people that the kinesthetic or, in other words, the muscular method of entering the astral plane was created.

Lie down on the bed, relax, plug your ears and close your eyes. Let nothing distract you.

Concentrate on yourself, on your own "I", move away from the physical body, imagine that you just left it. The main thing to remember is that you need to express the clearest and most clear intention to leave your body and enter the astral plane.

After that, tighten all the muscles of your body and do not relax them for as long as possible. Then suddenly relax and try to experience the feeling of falling into the abyss.

Phaeleh - Fallen Light Full CD

Method Three: Meditation

The meditation way of entering the astral plane is one of the most popular and does not require large energy expenditures. Entering the astral plane with the help of meditation is quite simple, and its effectiveness has been repeatedly confirmed by many people who went into astral space during a meditation session.

Sit comfortably in a reclining chair, relaxing and closing your eyes. Try to think of something pleasant. Relax your muscles and body until every part of it becomes "cotton".

When you have reached complete physical relaxation, let go of all your thoughts and try to free your mind from everything. Let it merge into absolute emptiness. It is not uncommon for people to relax their minds and hear a soft buzzing in their ears, feel a light breeze, or feel a chill run through their skin. Before your closed eyes, the most bizarre images and pictures may appear, consider them, but do not try to analyze.

When your body and mind are completely relaxed, just lie down and wait. During this process, spontaneous movements may occur, your head may appear to grow in size, or your limbs may begin to change. There may be vibrations throughout the body, which will become more and more palpable. Lie still and do not think about anything, because it is the incessant vibration that is the sure sign that you are leaving your physical body.

  • Imagine your travel itinerary. Fantasize and create as vivid images as possible. Try to merge with the emerging picture, gradually penetrate into it.
  • Now all the doors are open to you: go to your past, go to visit your friend or fly to where you would like to visit all your life. Contemplate not only your past and present "I", but also the future, during this conversation you will definitely discover something new for yourself.
  • When you understand that it is time to return to real life, simply command yourself to return to your physical shell, to your body. Lie still for a while without moving, and then open your eyes.
  • Analyze your astral flight, think about what you have experienced. Ask yourself the following questions: was the exit really astral or was it just a fantasy? How easy was this exit for you? What sensations did you experience while traveling through the astral plane? If all your sensations were exactly the same as in ordinary life, you really made an exit to the astral plane.
  • Remember that the more you practice such exits, the better and faster you will be able to make astral travel. Perseverance and perseverance is what you need to enter the astral plane using the meditation method.

It is possible that your first exit will be so quick and unexpected that you will immediately return to your physical body, but this will once again prove to you the effectiveness and efficiency of this method.

There are many ways to meditate. Over time, you yourself will choose for yourself exactly the one that will be most suitable. The main thing here is to use the meditation session as a kind of springboard for traveling to the astral plane.


Method Four: Webster's Technique

Another common and effective method of entering the astral plane, which was proposed by R. Webster.

This method is simple, but many people need to repeat it several times in order to actually experience astral flight. This is due to the complexity of the implementation of both conscious and subconscious volitional efforts at the same time. Before you start practicing this method, for a week or more, try to think about the astral exit as much as possible. Constantly think about the importance and significance of this astral flight, then your subconscious will fix all the necessary settings, and it will be much easier for you to make an astral flight.

  • The room in which you are going to make an exit into the astral should be dark and warm enough. No one should interfere with you and distract your attention. Do the experiment all alone.
  • Close your eyes and focus completely on your breath. After that, transfer all your attention to the tips of the toes of one foot, try to think only about this, without allowing any superfluous thoughts. Imagine how your astral body leaves its physical shell in this very place.
  • Then repeat all the steps, but with the other leg. Feel how the astral body is gradually being released, starting from the tips of the legs and ending with the back of the head. At this time, imagine how the astral double flows around your physical body.
  • Collect all the will in the forehead and express a desire to make an exit to the astral. It is now that the necessary motivations should work - both conscious and subconscious.

With all the fibers of your soul, wish to make an astral flight, and then you will feel that you are soaring up to the ceiling, seeing the body left on the bed.

Method Five: The Harari Method

Based on the principle of visualization, the Harari method is an effective and efficient way to develop the mobility of your consciousness.

  • Choose a place in the apartment where you are especially comfortable, both physically and mentally. Having chosen such a place in the house, go outside and find an equally suitable place in the open air. These two places should be located close to each other, literally a ten minute walk.
  • Stand in the second chosen place, close your eyes and take one deep breath. Imagine that you are in a comfortable chair, nothing disturbs you, and you are completely relaxed. Then slowly open your eyes, imagining that everything that is happening to you right now is an important part of your out-of-body experience. Let all emotions and impressions become as bright as possible.
  • Take a deep breath, look around you and let the whole gamut of sensations pass through you, feel yourself and the nature around you as strongly and deeply as possible. Then slowly go to the first chosen place, without stopping to sensually capture everything that surrounds you. Don't talk to anyone along the way.
  • You must be a dumb observer, your mind must be occupied only with the sensations that the world around you gives you. Do not think about problems at work or in the family. Entering the premises, spend 15 minutes there, and then return back. Take a deep breath, close your eyes and imagine yourself sitting at home in a comfortable chair.

Open your eyes and hurry home. At home, take off your shoes and, sitting in a chair, try to relax completely and concentrate on thoughts about the place outside the house where you recently were. Remember how you felt when you just stood or sat in an imaginary chair. Take a deep breath and imagine that you are in the first place, indoors. Think about what feelings and sensations you experienced when you imagined how your body entered the house and sat down in a chair.

Sixth method: Exit to the astral plane using the vortex method

Thanks to the vortex method, you will acquire the mobility of consciousness necessary for astral travel. The vortex method is conditionally divided into two parts. At the first stage, you will need to follow a certain special diet. You should give up meat, and also try to limit yourself in the amount of food you eat.

Two hours before entering the astral plane, you will have to completely refuse food. Your main food should be fruits and vegetables, especially lean on carrots. Eat raw eggs. Don't eat nuts, don't drink too much liquid, and avoid alcohol and coffee altogether. Do not smoke or use any drugs.

Such a diet should be followed for at least two weeks before the intended exit to the astral, but the longer, the easier it will be to carry out astral travel.

  • When you decide that you are fully prepared to enter the astral, sit comfortably in a dark room, do not cross your arms or legs. Place a glass of plain water nearby.
  • Breathe deeply, relax. After the breathing exercise is done, imagine that you are inside a large cone. Mentally rise up and imagine that you are in the epicenter of the vortex. Identify yourself with the top of the cone until the whirlwind blows you out of the cone.
  • Other variants of the imaginary picture are also possible. You can imagine yourself sitting on a blanket from which the steam is evaporating. By identifying yourself with this vapor, release your outer shell and leave your body.
  • Another option: as if you are looking at your mirror image. Carefully peering at your own double in the mirror, imagine that your consciousness passes to him.
  • Imagine yourself sitting inside a large barrel, into which water is gradually poured. When the water fills all the space, find a loophole in the barrel and go to the astral plane.

The main purpose of this method is to divert your attention from the physical body.

Method seven: Okoya technique

This method is based on the ancient magic of the Sumerians, it is simple and effective and does not require any special skills. Appeal to the spirit of Okoya will not only help you go into the astral plane, but also achieve many other things.

Sit down and cross your legs. With the ring finger of your right hand, draw twelve lines in the air at chest level, drawing them away from you.

Fold your arms into a lock at chest level. Imagine that these lines are lit up with a deep red flame. Say the mantra:

"Tor ma leyo roses Okoya"

The lines will begin to move and permeate your body. Desire to leave your physical body and as soon as you feel that you are ready to leave, say: "shi oh."

Astral is a concept that implies a whole world inhabited by various entities, subtle matter and thought forms. Souls live in this space, here you can meet the dead and the unborn, get in touch with the thin shells of living people. In addition, some independent entities that can be hostile live here. Traveling to the astral plane is considered a rather dangerous undertaking, precisely because of the risk of meeting with the local unfriendly inhabitants who can cause harm. In addition, an inexperienced traveler risks not returning from this space, losing track of time. Despite all these risks, novice and experienced magicians actively send their astral bodies into this space - to perform certain actions, or simply for the sake of travel. What can be done in the astral plane? It is possible, for example, to influence the astral bodies of other people, removing negative programs. At a reception with a healer, he can go into the astral plane in order to examine the person's aura in detail, find out what curses or negative programs he has, and so on. The bottom line is that the astral plane makes it possible to learn and see everything without exception, and the question of the information content of this space depends only on the experience of the practitioner and his training in these matters. In general, the astral world can be considered similar to the material world, but changed at a certain angle and existing outside of time and space.

The astral body is an emotional, second subtle body that every person has. It can also be damaged as a result of an attack, which necessarily affects the physical well-being of a person. But the right behavior in this complex world allows you to minimize the risks.

How to enter the astral plane, and what is needed for this?

People who are just thinking about the possibility of going to the astral plane and making the corresponding trips are keenly interested in how you can get out of your body at all. This is worth talking about in detail, as well as about precautions, and many other aspects of astral travel.

In some cases, a person can fall into the astral in an involuntary way - for example, many people who have experienced clinical death or to whom testify that they saw their body from the side, met with deceased relatives, passed through a pipe or funnel. This is possible when the physical body is turned off - the astral comes out and begins its travels. But you can also leave your body arbitrarily, and having mastered this skill, having mastered it to automatism, you can do it without difficulty. There are certain methods and actions that help to learn how to enter the astral plane and make travels in it.

The main goal of the student at first is to learn how to turn off the body. There are many ways to do this - turning over the rosary during meditation, mantras, shamanic chants or monotonous beats of a tambourine. Gently chanting the mantra fa-ra-on helps to leave the body. Used for this purpose and various smoking, relaxing the body, many other ways. For many people, the easiest way to get out of the body is in the process of deep meditation, it can be performed in any comfortable position, there are no strict requirements here. The only important point will be the need to leave the body in a safe place. It is also worth getting rid of all irritants in advance that may interfere with completing current affairs in order to rid the mind of obsessive worldly thoughts. Only by losing control of the physical body can one successfully leave it and gain control of the astral.

As a rule, the exit to the astral space is accompanied by the same passage through a tunnel, a labyrinth, a road. After that, a way out of the body is discovered, it is possible to change your astral body according to your desire - for example, to become a bird, not a man. Turning yourself into something weightless simplifies the task at first, it becomes easier to perceive what is happening. You can simply go out into the outside world, or to any of the Gates, of which there are only seven - they have their own color, one of the colors of the rainbow, and the darker it is, the more difficult it is to pass through. It is also worth noting that dark doors lead to the most dangerous worlds, where at first it is better not to get, and in the future you should not come without a goal. However, this is all in the future. At first, it is important to learn how to control your astral body, and you should not go far. The first practices should be carried out without leaving your own room, and only then, with increasing confidence, you can try to explore your house, the surrounding space from this angle.

Returning to the physical body is also an important task, the implementation of which should be thought about in advance. In some cases, it is worth returning to it immediately - for example, when confronted with dangerous entities that attack you. It is worth creating a mentally connecting thread that will connect your bodies, physical and astral, this will simplify the task. You don’t need to touch your physical body, it just rests at this moment. And in order to be transported to any object out of your line of sight, you just need to think about it, and it will appear in front of you. You should not set global goals for yourself on the move, adapt gradually, and you will gain confidence.

What does the astral look like?

The astral world is changeable by its nature, because it is filled with thought forms. Before each person, he can appear in an individual format. In total, 4 degrees of his visualization are classified, and here everything again depends on the experience of the traveler, on the level of development of his abilities. An unprepared person can see, or rather feel, only space, some blurry contours of what is in it. At the second level, it is possible to make out black and white clear contours, but instead of sound, there can only be fragmentary speeches or screams. At the third level, it is already possible to distinguish colors, but there are still problems with sound. And on the fourth it is already possible to fully, with sound, perceive the picture of what is happening. For some people, perception is formed well on the go, others have to work on this problem, but with experience and new immersions in this space, perception usually improves.

astral experiences

On the physical level, the main experience of a person immersed in the astral is usually paralysis, numbness of the body - everyone has to deal with this, and in fact, this is normal. As for experiences within the framework of consciousness, it is worth examining the issue in more detail. It is worth remembering once again that the astral world is the world of emotions, experiences, and in order to achieve not even success, but your own security, you need to be in a state of confident calmness. Numerous entities of this world that can harm you feed on human emotions, and primarily fear. In addition, here you yourself may encounter the thought form of your fear. You can't be afraid, you need to remain calm. If you cannot overcome the fear that has arisen for one reason or another, leave this place, or even return to the physical body.

Dangers - what is important to avoid

Someone aspires to the astral plane in order to talk with souls. However, it is worth knowing that such a practice is extremely dangerous; this cannot be done without deep preparation. If someone tries to talk to you, at least they can intentionally confuse you. And besides, you run the risk of simply losing track of time, this is dangerous. Also, attempts to move something, change something are associated with dangers - do not do anything extra, this can affect the real world in the most unpredictable way.

When meeting with your own fears, remember that you gave birth to them, this is a reflection of your thoughts in the astral world. Remain calm, always remember that you can return to your room, to your body. The same applies to encounters with dangerous creatures that are trying to attack you.

Such a meeting may well take place, although it cannot be said that the astral world is densely populated by them. If such a meeting did occur - again, do not panic. You can fight them if you stay calm, you can just take their energy and continue your journey freely. Or, if you can't handle the fear, just go back into your body, once you get back there, the fear will subside.

In addition, the astral has its own protected zones. This is a completely man-made protection that many famous people order for themselves, because you are by no means a pioneer in this world. If you rush to, for example, a celebrity, then in the real world you will have to face bodyguards, fenced private areas, and so on. In the astral world, you can simply be destroyed, and therefore it would be better to avoid careless visits. You need to behave in such a way that no one perceives you as an aggressor. Calm confidence is the best emotion, which in itself will be the best protection for such trips.

Entities inhabiting the astral plane

As already noted, the astral is inhabited, and one can meet in it not only souls and thought forms. This world lives according to its own laws, the laws of the human world are alien to it, and this applies to all entities living here. These creatures feed on human energy, and they are interested in humans primarily as an object of food. They cannot generate their own energy, but a person does it successfully - he perfectly transforms the energy of the material world into emotional.

It can be extremely unpleasant to meet with an astral spider, outwardly resembling an ordinary spider, but much larger in size. When it enters its net, consciousness is ejected and leaves space, returning to the real world, but the astral body itself remains, being chained to the web - and the essence drinks life forces from it. There are soil-dwelling knoxes, predators that shoot tentacles out of the ground. There are beaters or tornadoes that have their own mind and can cause a lot of problems that will affect the physical body, and even when a person is not in the astral plane - this essence will cause nausea and headaches, attacks of weakness, and other symptoms that can knock you off your feet .

The most dangerous creatures are considered rakats with their enormous strength. Their task is to protect those zones of the astral where people cannot go, that is, these are the guards. When approaching the lower levels, they will cause the strongest fear, which is impossible to cope with - the waves of fear can spread over a great distance, and here you need to immediately return to your body so as not to risk the psyche.

Search for people in the astral plane

If you go to the astral plane in order to search for a person, it will not be difficult to find him. As with any object, you just need to think about it, or maybe remember what it looks like, and you will be able to observe it. You can find all people - living, dead, unborn. When meeting with a living person, you can diagnose his aura and see many useful things. As for the dead, one must understand that recently deceased people sometimes still do not understand that death has occurred, and they should not be shocked if they do not understand this yet. Those who died a long time ago can become dangerous interlocutors, it is important not to let yourself be misled, or dragged into too long a conversation. Time moves at a different pace here, and you can stay here too long if you let yourself be dragged into long conversations. Also, you should not follow the souls inviting you to see something, to visit some other worlds, because such trips can end with no return.

Realities of the first practices

The first practices of astral travel with an exit from the body always cause a storm of emotions. You can be very frightened already in the first moments of leaving the body - after all, these are new sensations, this is the need to learn how to control the movements of your own astral body. A banal flight to the ceiling of your own room and observation of the physical body below can cause shock, or vice versa, delight. First of all, you need to learn to control your own emotions, then the astral body. Control over emotions in the first exits is difficult for many, but it is very important. By practicing even short astral trips that are short at first, you can quickly master the primary skills you need for further travels, and then it will be easier.


So, the astral is a special world, similar to the material world of people only externally. It opens up a vast field of possibilities for the seeker, which should be used wisely. Rejoicing at the first successes, never forget about safety rules, because with the continuation of practice, you will most likely have to repeatedly face certain difficulties, and even dangers. What happens in the astral world is reflected in the world of people, and vice versa - you should never forget about this, as well as the fact that thoughts tend to materialize. It is the astral world that can clearly show you how this happens - here you can instantly get what you just thought about. Control emotions and thoughts, act wisely!

What is the easiest way to get into the phase (lucid dream, astral travel, exit from the body)? Read the easiest techniques for beginners and try them verbatim!

All the techniques and methods presented below are very simplified so that it is clear to a beginner practitioner. The most detailed and modern description of the techniques in the article and book

Option 1/8: Ultra-Short Astral Travel Technique for Beginners

1. Make the most emotionally interesting plan for actions within astral travel.

2. Waking up, lying straight in bed and not moving and without opening your eyes, you should immediately try to feel yourself near a predetermined goal. For example, a novice practitioner, when entering the astral plane, can imagine himself at a mirror, with a friend, on the moon, or in a medieval castle. You need to try to literally feel yourself in this place, trying to touch and look at everything.

3. If the technique does not work in a minute and the novice practitioner does not reach the goal, one should immediately fall asleep again with the intention of trying astral travel (phase) according to the same principle on the next awakening, etc. Usually only a few such attempts are required. The main thing is that the technique is on awakening and no more than half a minute or a minute.

Option 2/8: Technique Practice + Practical Alarm Clock

1. Download the files "Workout 1" and "Workout 2".
2. allocate half an hour in the afternoon or evening, lie down comfortably and turn on the file “Workout 1”
3. follow the instructions and remember them
4. make some real attempts at night and in the morning
5. the next day, set aside half an hour again in the afternoon or evening, lie down comfortably and turn on the file “Workout 2”
6. make some real attempts at night and in the morning
7. Post your results in the comments
(If you can’t wake up on your own or don’t remember trying at this moment, download a practice alarm clock)

Option 3/8: A brief description of the astral travel technique for beginners

It is necessary, upon waking up, without moving and without opening your eyes, to immediately try to separate from the body. The separation technique is carried out by a beginner "astral worker" (phaser) without any idea, but with the desire to make a real movement without straining the muscles (rolling out, taking off, standing up, etc.).

If the separation within 3-5 seconds does not work out and the practitioner does not find himself in astral travel or a lucid dream, you should immediately try to alternate several of the most effective techniques for 3-5 seconds each, until one of them works, after which you can stay longer:

image observation: try to consider the emerging pictures before your eyes and see them;

listening: try to hear the noise in the head and make it louder by listening or strengthening the will;

rotation: represent rotation around the longitudinal axis;

phantom swing: try to move any part of the body without straining the muscles, trying to increase the amplitude.

Brain stress: try to strain the brain, as if it were possible, which leads to vibrations, which also need to be strengthened by the same action.

As soon as some technique of entering the astral begins to manifest itself clearly, the beginner should try to carry it out as long as there is progress, and then he should try to separate. If not, you can return to technology again. You can also begin to alternate it with other astral travel techniques.

The total time for alternating techniques should not exceed 2 minutes, but you should not retreat from them in less than one minute. Periodically, especially against the background of some interesting sensations, you can try to separate from the body.

Option 4/8: Short video instruction

A short video tutorial on the easiest way to astral travel: indirect techniques, which are best for beginners.

Option 5/8: Mobile phone technology

The essence of this technique of entering the astral plane is that, against the background of awakening, preferably without moving physically, a beginner should immediately try to imagine a feeling in his hand, as if something is in it. It is best to imagine a mobile phone, as the hand of a modern person is very well accustomed to it, although the subject can be anything. It is necessary to concentrate attention on the perceived sensation of the palm very carefully and actively. Most likely, after a few seconds, the physical sensation of the phone lying in it will begin to appear in the hand. And this feeling will become brighter and brighter. If such a feeling does not occur within 10 seconds, then the technique is unlikely to work and it is better to switch to another one. In any case, astral travel techniques should not be done on awakening for more than one minute. Then it's best to go to bed and try again the next time you wake up.

When the feeling of the phone appears in the hand, you need to concentrate on it. At the same time, this will no longer be an idea, but a real feeling that a beginner needs to clearly understand in advance, expecting a result. As soon as the feeling is stable, you can begin to slowly feel the mobile phone with your fingers, moreover, physical in sensation, and not some imagined ones, although, of course, the physical body (“astral body”) should not move and strain. If this does not work, then you need to continue to concentrate on a simple sensation and try to feel later. If this works out, then you need to start turning the mobile phone in your hand as actively as possible, feeling all its details with your fingers.

As soon as the phone can be twisted in the hand, then the technique has worked and you can safely separate from the body and enter the astral journey, in this case it is usually easiest to roll out or stand up. At the same time, the phone must continue to be held and twisted in the hand, which will hold the emerging phase state (exit to the astral plane). The separation itself in this case, again, should be more like actually physically getting up or rolling out of bed, and not like separating something from something. That is, a beginner in practice just needs to do the separation technique as if physically, starting from the feeling of the phone in his hand.

If you can’t separate, then you need to carefully feel the phone in your hand and try to do it a little later. If you manage to get up, then you need to do the typical actions for astral travel: deepening, and then the implementation of pre-set tasks in parallel with maintaining the state. If the division is only halfway, then one should try to separate by force.

As a rule, the real feeling of the phone in the hand occurs with every second attempt by any practitioner, including a beginner. Further, it is all a matter of experience and dexterity, since such a feeling is a sign that an exit to the astral has already arisen and you just need to use it competently.

Option 6/8: A more detailed description of the astral exit technique

So, you are a beginner practitioner of astral travel and have decided to urgently enter the phase at all costs, that is, go into the astral plane, experience an out-of-body journey or get a lucid dream. It is authentically known that a very, very strong desire is already half the battle in this matter, since the more you think about it at the moment, the more chances for a positive outcome.

Of course, for most people, for a quick astral journey, only the so-called. direct entry method. In particular, it seems that for a person who has not experienced access to the astral, the technique of “climbing out” and “rolling out” will be the most productive. Not the most euphonious names, but they most accurately reflect the essence. They may not be the most effective in general, but in this case they are very convenient.

You should tune in very strongly to remembering your idea every time you wake up. This is greatly helped by thinking about astral travel and its possibilities before going to sleep. And then, upon waking up, you should always remember about the phase and literally right there, without expecting anything, try to get out or roll out of the body. It is important that you do not make any physical movements before this.

Let's start with the rolling technique. Its meaning is to try to roll off the bed, but at the same time not strain the physical muscles. For beginners, this sounds incomprehensible and strange. But this is the only way to describe it in words. In order to understand what to do at the right moment, you can first practice this desire to turn on your side at any time without straining any muscle of the body. Usually at this moment there is a slight tingling in the body, a slight tension in the head, etc. You must remember these sensations and then reproduce them immediately after waking up. At the same time, you will feel how you really roll out of the body, that is, you get into astral travel, as esotericists call a completely pragmatic state. The sensations can be so real that it will be very difficult for you to understand this movement with a physical or phantom body. Having rolled out, you can proceed to the next steps.

If you can’t “roll out” within 3-5 seconds and nothing interesting is observed, then you need to proceed to the second technique - “climbing out”.

“Crawling out” consists in the fact that you need to try to make “mental” movements with all parts of the body, that is, imagine a real movement and try to feel all the feelings that arise during this. At first, these movements may be dull and fuzzy, as in the usual mental representation, but gradually (after a few seconds) they will become dominant and you will no longer feel the real body and find yourself in the "astral". Together with simple “mental” movements, it is very effective to combine “mental feeling” of the body and what you are lying on.

Please note that all this should be done not sluggishly and lightly, but as aggressively and persistently as possible, which is the determining factor. The same applies to the "rolling out" technique.

In addition, if the “climbing out” does not work within 5 seconds, you should again try to “roll out” or any other techniques for entering the astral in the same dynamics: “phantom swinging” (swinging the arm without straining the muscles and without imagining), "rotation" (imagining rotation around the longitudinal axis), "listening" (trying to hear sounds inside the head), "visualization" (trying to see something in front of closed eyes), etc. And so alternate techniques for a minute. All this is done immediately upon waking up after sleep, and each technique is given no more than a few seconds.

During this process, in the transitional phase, feelings of intense fatigue and laziness often arise. A novice practitioner who carries out the techniques of entering the astral should understand that these are harbingers of good luck and they quickly pass with continuation. Remember this so that at the most opportune moment you do not spit and quit this venture. With a more or less clear sensation of the phantom body, one must immediately resort to the primary deepening, in this case by feeling everything that is possible (oneself, the bed, etc., which will come across in the "astral plane"), which will be very useful. It also helps a lot to look at objects, you can use your hands, at a distance of up to 10-15 cm.

The main thing is not to be afraid of anything and try to worry as little as possible, especially at the first appearing harbingers of getting into astral travel. Try to suppress the excitement, otherwise it will ruin everything.

How long it will take before you manage to get into astral travel depends only on the number of awakenings and attempts immediately after. Note that in the morning on a day off, when we do not need to rush anywhere, we wake up and fall asleep many times in a row, so if you catch at least half of all awakenings, then there will be a very high probability that you will master astral travel over the next few days, including the first, even if you are a novice practitioner. But it may take more time. More or less knowledgeable people in this case, in addition to “crawling out”, try other techniques: “takeoff”, creating “vibrations”, “rotations”, “phantom swings”, “listening to internal sounds”, “forced falling asleep”, “observation images." If by the name of these astral exit techniques you cannot understand what they are about, then you can read this in the sections with a detailed description of the techniques on our website or download. It is also recommended to watch our 10 hour.

As general practice shows, there is no other more effective technique for a novice astral traveler. In addition, it may seem that the technique is so simple that it simply cannot be so uncommon if it were effective. Indeed, woke up and “climb out” or “roll out”! However, the fact of the matter is that no one even guesses that entering the astral plane (phase) is possible at the moment of awakening, and therefore does not try. But then it can be done quite simply. Sometimes, upon awakening, it is not even necessary to use other astral travel techniques for beginners, since it is enough just to try to immediately separate, take off, roll out, etc. It's hard to believe, but it's true!

Do not be discouraged if this technique of astral travel does not give quick results. If a novice practitioner “catches” at least ten awakenings within two weeks and nothing came of it, then it is worth carefully analyzing the actions, since an error has crept into the understanding of the techniques. It is effective in almost all known cases of such application, especially if everything is done as described above. For this reason, it is possible to storm this astral exit technique to the bitter end, even if it takes a significant amount of time. The goal is worth it, especially since luck will come for sure.

Option 7/8: Site main article

Option 8/8: Super detailed description of astral travel techniques in the book

This textbook is the result of 15 years of personal practice and study of the out-of-body phenomenon and lucid dreams (“astral travel”), superimposed on the successful experience of teaching it to thousands of people. This book is not designed for light, empty reading. It is for those who want to learn something. There are no arguments or stories in it. Only specific dry knowledge and techniques of lucid dreams, combined with complete pragmatism and clear action algorithms.

Bonus: super detailed descriptions of the techniques in the video seminar "Out of the body in 3 days" (10 hours)

(For maximum effect, you need to make at least 5 full attempts before watching the second and third days. You need to start watching the video in the evening before the day off. )