Big money triangle. The value of the shape of the figure

Today I will continue talking about palmistry, and we will turn to wealth lines and money signs on the hand. In our life, faced with financial difficulties, we often say: "We did not live richly, there is nothing to start." Once again, having heard this famous saying, I thought about the question: “Why is there nothing?”. Isn't the saying a kind of spell, saying which we condemn ourselves in advance to a poor, penniless life? After all, to be rich, first of all, to feel like one, with any amount of money.

Let's imagine the following situation: fate has laid in you a potential, by realizing which you can gain wealth, and you constantly tell yourself: "We didn’t live richly, there’s nothing to start." Thus blocking the opportunity to open to receive cash flow. Often people themselves do not want to do something to change their lives for the better, and sometimes they are simply afraid of failure. And again the question arises: “But how to determine whether my destiny is destined to become rich, maybe it’s really worth starting and not worth it?” The answer, as you already guess, we will again look for on our palms, with the help of divination by the hand, in which the ancient science of palmistry will help us.

To know oneself, to know the future and the past by the hand, one can learn to read lines, signs on the palms - this is palmistry. The line of wealth, the money triangle, other signs of well-being on the hand, this entire set of markers in the palm of your hand, together or separately, predict wealth, money.

wealth line

wealth line is an abstract concept. I would like to immediately note that as such it does not exist, but there are several certain features in the palm of your hand, indicating possible circumstances that will lead to wealth, the flow of money into your life. As a rule, this is the direction of the main lines (head, heart, life, fate) and branches from them, as well as various signs on these lines.

I talked about the main lines on the palms in the article "". After reading it, it will be easier for you to navigate the lines, to find signs of wealth on your hands. Let's turn to one of the main lines in palmistry - life lines. If it is deep, this indicates that its owner has already achieved some success, he definitely has the potential to get rich.

Also, branches from it directed clearly upwards, towards the fingers, speak of numerous successes in life. A branch pointing upward at the very beginning of this line means extraordinary self-confidence. The ability of a person to make informed decisions will tell us such an arrangement of lines in which the line of life does not merge with the line of the head, but passes at a distance of several millimeters. All these qualities are inherent in successful people, and they always know how to make big money.

Of great importance for determining the potential to get rich is fate line. I have already said that this line is very insidious, it can appear and disappear throughout life, and for many it does not exist at all. But if you find this line on your hand, it could mean the following:

  • right now, fateful events are taking place in your life that determine your future destiny;
  • if the line of fate is deep and straight, you are the person who knows how to set goals and is steadily moving towards their achievement, it is this quality that determines wealthy people who have managed to achieve financial independence on their own.

Therefore, the presence of this line on the hand in itself indicates a great potential to get rich. A person who is doomed to success fate line must necessarily be located at a distance from the line of life, start from the lunar hillock, be clear, intersect with the heart line, and rest against the end hill of jupiter or Saturn(bump under the index or middle finger, respectively).

All these features speak of the inner strength of a person, which he knows how to accumulate in order to achieve maximum financial results. He is a professional in his field, has a high social status and wealth, at least he has everything to obtain the above achievements.

Versatile abilities, talents of a person often help him achieve success and material well-being - this will be indicated by a double or even triple line of fate. When it starts at the same point with the life line, success will come due to exclusively personal achievements, the merits of a person. A fork at its end means a prosperous, rich old age.

If one day you find yourself disappearing lines of fate, be prepared for the fact that you will lose your goal, and with it the money. It can also mean the loss of money work.

Thin branches from the line of fate or life aimed at Mount of Mercury(under the little finger) or on hillock of Jupiter(under the index finger), often called scoops of wealth. Moreover, the clearer and deeper these lines, the more wealth and money will come into your life.

When the twig comes to hillock of Saturn(under the middle finger), you can get the desired money only with the help of hard, hard, monotonous work. When the twig comes to Apollo(hill under the ring finger), money will flow like a river due to the disclosure of a person’s abilities and talent. The branch rests on Mercury(hill under the little finger) get super profits in commerce or with the help of science.

There are signs of wealth mind lines(heads). The line extending from it to the index finger (Jupiter) speaks of self-confidence, which leads to the achievement of the goal, including the achievement of material well-being and stability.

If the branch is directed to the little finger (Mercury), the person succeeds in risky financial transactions, when it is clear, one can judge the pronounced entrepreneurial, commercial vein of its owner.

There are signs for heart lines. A sign similar to a fork, directed with its ends to the index finger, determines the high social status of a person. People of this position cannot be poor in and of themselves. Branches up are also a positive factor affecting wealth.

The human brain acts as an artist writing lines on the palms. As a rule, he does not have to correct the main lines during his life, which cannot be said about thinner secondary lines, various branches, signs. He regularly corrects them depending on the upcoming and past events in a person’s life.

Triangle of wealth and money

So-called money triangle, palmistry describes as one of the powerful signs for determining wealth. We will look for it in the very center of the palm. A figure in the form of a triangle, form the main lines of head and destiny, intersecting with each other and an additional line that closes the triangle.

It should be explicit, not blurry, closed. By its size, one can judge the amount of money, of course, the larger the size, the greater the fortune. When such a sign appears on both hands at once, then wealth in your life is simply inevitable. A triangle within a triangle is a great sign of a successful investor.

Let's consider a situation where the triangle is formed only from the lines of the head and fate, it is not closed by an additional line. Such a ratio of lines can only mean one thing, your money is gradually slipping away from you, it does not multiply, and, in the end, it can be completely lost.

Other signs of wealth and money on the hand

If suddenly looking at the hand of a rich person, you do not find the above markers of wealth, then do not be alarmed, as there are several more signs of wealth and money on the hand, indicating the potential to live a comfortable life. Be sure to look at your fingers. These are the most mobile parts of the hands, which primarily respond to signals from our brain. That is why they carry a lot of information about the character, thoughts, emotions of a person.

Take a look at little finger. This is where size comes into play. The owner of a long little finger (aka finger of Mercury), the length of which reaches the first joint b ring finger (Apollo's finger), that is, almost to his nail plate, knows how to make money, from almost everything he touches. This is a very auspicious sign.

The less finger of Mercury, the chances of a big income decrease along with its size. If the little finger is unusually small and does not even reach the first joint of the Apollo finger, this is even worse. This man has no innate commercial acumen. He does not know how to discern the benefits, does not see opportunities, often runs a business at a loss, or spends much more than he earns.

If you take a closer look at the mound of Mercury, then you can also find some banknotes there. Short vertical lines below it indicate constant cash receipts, and the clearer the lines, the greater the income.

Another technique that allows you to understand how a person knows how to manage and multiply his money is closed fingers. If there are gaps between the fingers, gaps - money flows through your fingers, you do not know how to properly manage money, so they do not stay with you. And vice versa, if the fingers are tightly closed, without forming gaps, you are an excellent financier who, even without proper education, competently manages funds, knows how to not only save them, but also increase them.

Star- these are several crossed lines, in itself a very good sign indicating a rich person, wherever she is. If you found it on the hill of Jupiter (under the index finger) - this is a good warning of satisfied ambition, a sign of honor, happy love, a destiny for great deeds, unexpected prosperity, wealth.

Inheritance or unexpected hand winnings

Getting an inheritance or winning the lottery is easy money that everyone dreams of. Suddenly getting rich without making any effort is not so common, but still there is a chance. And it can also be found on the palm of your hand. To do this, pay attention to the line of life.

Easy money is one or more triangles that point towards the thumb, and the basis for them is the life line itself. If this line is broken down by date, then you can determine at what age unexpected wealth will fall on you. Such signs can also indicate a profitable marriage, marriage.

A small but clear line between the ring finger and the little finger indicates inheritance. These marks are extremely rare. If you are the owner of such a sign, then you are incredibly lucky. You are a darling of fate, there is easy money in your life. Try to use the gift of fate wisely.

Which hand to look for wealth and money?

If you look at the palms of the right and left hands separately, you can see a big difference. Drawings of skin patterns on the hands, as a rule, differ, to a greater or lesser extent. That is why you can not take into account only the drawings of one palm. In order to make accurate predictions, palmists always examine both hands, first of all the left, after the right. And here's why: the drawing of the left palm appears at the stage of the embryo in the womb and practically does not change throughout life.

This is due to the fact that the left palm is the carrier of the program embedded in us, which must be implemented while living this earthly life. The right palm, on the contrary, constantly undergoes changes throughout life under the influence of our real actions, emotions, experiences, reflects our inner world at a given moment in time, showing the future in accordance with the choice we have made. That is why the pattern on the right palm changes over the years. For lefties, the rule is reversed.

If, after examining the palms, you find that the lines as a whole do not differ, this indicates that your life corresponds to the program that is laid in you, most likely, you have excellent intuition, an unknown voice from above always shows you the right path. In order to avoid mistakes, palmists carefully study the inconsistencies on both hands, since this is what helps to give a correct prediction about fate, to suggest how to proceed.

In conclusion, I would like to say that wealth, before manifesting itself in real life, is born on the subtle planes of our consciousness. A strong thread connects the manifestation of spiritual wealth with the wealth of the material world.

Form images and thoughts in the right direction, feel rich, act even if you have not found signs indicating wealth. By following these rules, you will soon see the treasured signs in your palm. And remember, living richly is worth starting at any time, because the possibilities of a person are endless!

The amount of money in a person's life depends on two qualities: the talent to earn and the talent to keep. Whether you have them or not is very easy to find out. First of all, you should consider the line of Fate (in the photo on the right, line 1). The clearer and deeper it is, the more efficient the owner of the palm is, the more opportunities he has to make a good career. But for wealth, the ability to “plow like a horse” is not enough.

The second line, which speaks of our abilities and ability to make money, is the Head line (2). “If you are so smart, then why are you so poor?” the Americans say. Ideally, the head line should be not only clear, without breaks and “islands”, but also straight. This is a sign of rationalism and efficiency. It is good when there is a so-called scoop of money (3) on the head line - a branch extending towards the hill of Mercury ( 7) It speaks to the ability to clearly see earning opportunities where everyone else does not see them.

As you know, Mercury is the god of trade. On our palms there is a line of Mercury (4), it reflects the commercial abilities of its owner and should also be clear and even. Together, these three lines - Fate, Head and Mercury - form a figure called the Money Triangle (in the photo below - ABV).

A well-defined triangle is a sign of prosperity and the ability to earn money. Alas, a clear and even triangle is a rarity. As a rule, it has breaks in the corners.

If this is angle A, then wealth is given to you with great difficulty. Money does not come because the angle with the break A is directed to the hill of Jupiter (5). And Jupiter is a career, which means that no matter how hard you work, you won’t earn much. How to fix it? Appreciate your work and demand appropriate payment for it.

Angle B is directed to the hill of Venus (6). Venus is life, health, family. If corner B is broken, all the money goes to life or to support the family and relatives.

And the most unpleasant gap is the B angle. It is directed to Mercury (7). The owners of such a triangle have no commercial abilities. And yes, the money is going nowhere. And it doesn't matter how much you earn: everything will be spent, or rather, everything will be spent. Breaking angle B is a sign of spenders.

What to do when there is no Money triangle at all, and primarily because of the absence of the Mercury line? If the rest of the lines in the palm of your hand are clear, then you can rejoice - this is complete financial independence. You are not a selfish person and at the same time you fully control the cash flow, you can earn as much as you need. If the line of the Head is weak, thin, torn and tortuous, it remains to be consoled by the saying “Happiness is not in money”.

Can a person live happily without knowing how to earn money? And how! How full our life will be, the Indians determine by the “grain of wheat”. or "phala rekha" in Sanskrit. Wheat line (8) is located on the fold of the first and second phalanges of the thumb. If the “grain” is large and well-defined, life will pass without material difficulties, it will be happy and full.

Triangles of Money can still be on the line of Life (9) from the inside. They are formed by additional lines. These are the so-called Easy Money Triangles (10). True, they say about such incomes: “It came in one fell swoop and left ashes.” But still, we most often rejoice in them. Along the line of Life, you can also determine the age at which money rain will fall on your head (1 cm - about 10 years). The main thing is to save everything later - both money and head.

“Gild the pen, I’ll look at the palm,” each of us could hear such words from a gypsy passing by. By the hand, she really could see your future and past.

Many people are surprised at the accuracy of palmists' forecasts, because sometimes they manage to predict events several years in advance with high accuracy.

Everyone can learn palmistry, it takes a lot of time and an experienced mentor.

You see your hands every day, articles and books on palmistry will help you interpret the lines on them.

The main and interesting line of all - the line of Life is able to show what path is "laid" for you.

But remember that the lines can change, and if you see a bad sign in the palm of your hand, this is not the final verdict of Fate.

life line

The main line on your palm "circles" the hill of Venus, which is located under the thumb.

Before you begin to interpret your life line, you need to figure out which hand to watch.

If you are right-handed - read the lines on your right hand and vice versa - left-handers should look at their leading hand.

There is no such thing as an "ideal" line of life, each person has its own characteristics.

An experienced palmist pays attention to every dash and dot on the line of life, all this affects the accuracy of the prediction.

Remember that the lines in the palm of your hand are not a verdict in your regard.

Today, many palmists say that the lines in the palm of your hand are just a likely path for your life.

It is believed that a person who "goes with the flow" will follow it according to the lines on the palm. He will not have the strength and desire to live another life.

If a person does not accept the fate destined for him, then anyone can change it.

Any palmist will tell you a thousand cases from practice when the lines on the palms changed: signs and marks appeared, the lines lengthened or shortened.

Therefore, guess carefully and try not to take the result for granted. The life line is able to tell you about the duration of your earthly existence, the quality of life, diseases, dangers, etc.

Triangle on the line of life - interpretation

Looking closely at your palm, you will notice a lot of dashes, small lines and dots.

Each mark carries a hidden meaning, it is very difficult to interpret it.

Palmists take into account everything: the thickness of the line and the figure that it can resemble, the direction of the dash, the location on the palm relative to other lines, and much more.

For example, the same mark, located in different parts of the palm, can carry a completely different meaning.

Of particular interest in reading the palm of palmists are triangles.

It usually forms between the Life line and the Fate line.

In order to correctly interpret the triangle, you need to pay attention to important aspects of its location and appearance:

Features of the money triangle

If you are the lucky owner of a triangle in the palm of your hand - you are wondering when the promised wealth will come - be patient and wait, while not stopping your work. If the treasured triangle is not in your palm, do not be upset, remember that this is just one of the many variations of your life, because everything is in your hands.

Do not forget that if you are not yet a rich person, but a large money triangle flaunts on your hand, you cannot relax.

The presence of such a mark, of course, indicates a good opportunity to seize large finances, but does not guarantee this.

You can’t sit quietly and wait for the money to fall on you from heaven, because this will not happen, because the lines are a kind of “assets” that can be used or not.

For example, if a right-handed person has such a mark on his left hand, but not on his right hand, this means that the person has not been able to fully realize his strength. If there is a money triangle on the right hand, and there is no triangle on the left, this means that the person himself was able to change his fate.

Important for the interpretation of the money triangle is the depth and clarity of the lines of which it consists.

For example, if the lines are clear, deep and there are no breaks on them, this means that the finances in this person’s life will not “sing romances”.

If the triangle is not striking and it took time to find it, and the lines have breaks, this may mean that money appears in a person’s life easily and disappears just as easily. They don't stay in your pocket.

The location of the triangle on the right hand

The correct interpretation of the triangle on the right hand depends to a large extent on its location among the lines on the palm.

A large money triangle is usually located in the very center:

  • If the triangle connects on the line of Mind and the line of Fate, this predicts great financial success for its owner. But it also means that wealth does not come easily, you have to work hard. Mental abilities will help to achieve financial success;
  • The level of financial security predicted by the triangle can be judged by the clarity of its constituent lines. If the sign is clearly visible, the lines are deep, the triangle itself is large - this is very good and portends big money. If the triangle is not very large and clear, money will come, but will not amount to huge amounts;
  • If the lines that make up the triangle are fuzzy and broken, this means that the money does not linger in the hands of the owner of the sign. All his life money can come and go, a person will not be able to save up for something.

Triangle on left hand

The lines on the left hand speak of the potential with which a person came into this world. Predictions on the left hand are not accurate, as they easily change in the course of life. But still, the lines on the left palm can tell a lot of interesting things.

So, if you see a large money triangle with clear sides from deep lines on your left hand, this is a great sign. It portends a huge financial success. A person is given strong energy and a large supply of vitality to achieve financial well-being.

However, it is always worth comparing the left and right palms. If you see a clear large money triangle on your left palm, but it is absent on your right hand, you should be wary.

This may mean that you have chosen the wrong path in life and it is not capable of leading you to wealth.

In such a situation, you need to look back and think about where you could take a wrong turn and lose your bearings.

If you manage to find your way, it is quite possible that the triangle will appear on the right palm.

Other triangles on the line of life

Palmistry defines a triangle as a lucky mark for its owner. However, the location of the triangle plays a huge role in the interpretation of fate.

There are several fateful triangles that can be seen in the palm of your hand:

Whatever interpretations of the plexus of lines on the palms you get, do not forget that this is just a superficial glance. Without a deep study of palmistry, it is impossible to correctly "read" the palm. Experienced palmists look at the hand as a whole and devote a long time to reading one palm, this is the only way to get a more accurate forecast.

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How the clairvoyant woman Nina helps to change the line of life

The legendary clairvoyant and prophetess, known throughout the world, launched an accurate horoscope on her website. She knows how to start living in abundance and forget about money problems tomorrow.

Not all zodiac signs will be lucky. Only those born under 3 of them will get a chance to get rich unexpectedly in July, and 2 signs will have a very hard time. You can go through the horoscope on the official website

He analyzes in detail the meanings of all the lines and symbols on the hand, as well as the shape of the hand itself and fingers. The triangle on the line of life has a different meaning from the triangle on other parts of the palm. It is believed that several triangles symbolize the happy fate of a person, but we will consider all the symbols in order.

To decipher the meaning of the symbol, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • the size and clarity of the outline of the form;
  • top orientation;
  • on which palm is located.

When determining the meaning of the figure, it is necessary to take into account the age of the person, as well as the location on the hand - right, left, or both. On the right hand, changes in the fate that was destined from above are marked. On the left hand, you can read the destiny intended for a person. Palmists have long noticed that a person's actions can radically change fate - these changes are marked on the left palm.

Important! For left-handed people, the left hand is the dominant hand, so changes in life are indicated on it. For right-handers, the signs of change are on the right palm.

If a triangle appeared on the leading hand, which was not a sign of fate on the other hand, then the person was able to change his life on his own. If a triangle appears on the left hand, and it is absent on the right hand, the person could not realize the potential laid down by fate.

If you find triangles on both hands, this is a sign of a lucky person and a favorite of the gods. A person is given a chance to become rich if he realizes it.

Now let's look at the shape of the triangle and the lines that form it. Usually three peaks form the main lines of the palm - head, heart, and life. A money triangle appears in the center of the palms. It should be even, clearly defined and closed - only in this case the sign has a positive meaning. If the triangle is open or has an irregular shape, it shows financial failure. Basically, an open and deformed triangle indicates a cash leak.

Location on the lines of the palm

How to determine which of the lines in the palm of your hand is leading when interpreting a triangle? You need to find the main side of the sign.

head line

If the main side of the triangle forms, a person will earn well-being, thanks to his mental abilities.

If the sign is located with the top to the Mount of Venus (thumb), a person can achieve fame in the field of arts through the implementation of creative abilities. If the sign is located with the top to the Mount of Mercury, the person will succeed through the sphere of scientific knowledge.

If the sign is located in other places on the line of the mind, this shows the receipt of an inheritance or material wealth from the father.

life line

If the sign is located in this area, it predicts natural disasters or fatal events. However, it matters which side the triangle is on. If it is adjacent to the line of life or located on the outside or inside, this is always a harbinger of trouble.

Only the hillock of Venus can soften the fatal meaning of the sign - if the triangle rests on it, troubles can pass by and not touch the fate of a person. If the top of the triangle looks towards the Mount of Venus, this is a sign of good luck!

fate line

The triangle on the line of fate speaks of good luck. However, a person must make efforts to achieve prosperity and success in life, because water does not flow under a lying stone. The triangle shows that in any circumstances a person will be successful if he does not miss his chance.

heart line

The figure on the heart line speaks of a person’s ability to adequately assess the situation, reason and act logically. The figure on the line of the heart characterizes a person who builds marriage relations solely on the basis of calculation - these people do not know how to love and succumb to feelings.

A person with a triangle sign on the heart line is a scientist, professor, mathematician. They can also be excellent philologists and translators from foreign languages.

Dimensions and appearance

Now consider how the triangle looks on the hand. It can be small or large, equilateral or isosceles. A large figure, as a rule, is formed by the leading lines of the hand - head and life. These people are characterized by a strong will, determination and the ability to control everything.

Note! The more correct the figure, the more prosperous it has.

If the triangle formed by the lines of life and mind is equilateral, a calm harmonious life awaits a person. If you saw a figure of a small size, but clearly defined, this indicates a creative beginning in a person. The triangle can resemble the shape of a tulip or a horn - this shows a creative mind.

If the figure appears at the wrist and crowns the line of life, the personality has well-developed qualities of intuition. The main thing here is to learn to listen to inner prompts and use intuitive knowledge in life.

Now consider the shape of the figure:

  1. rectangular;
  2. equilateral;
  3. isosceles.

If a right-angled triangle is located on the heart line with the apex towards the index finger, this characterizes sociability and the ability to make friends. However, such people rarely achieve career growth - they are not adapted for this.

If a right-angled triangle is located with its apex towards the middle finger on the line of the heart, the person has the qualities of a leader. The top in the direction of the ring finger speaks of a jealous character and irritability for no reason. The top in the direction of the little finger shows an obstinate unpredictable disposition.

An isosceles triangle on the line of the heart with its apex towards the index finger characterizes a closed, unsociable person. The direction of the top towards the middle finger shows an egoist who has an acting gift - this is a hypocritical selfish person. The direction of the top towards the ring finger shows a kind person who always comes to the rescue. The top in the direction of the little finger characterizes a whole harmonious nature, which can do everything.

An equilateral triangle at the index finger characterizes a successful person who can assert himself in any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. The figure with the apex towards the middle finger shows a commercial vein. The figure with the top to the ring finger characterizes an incapacitated person who simply exists. A triangle with the top towards the little finger characterizes a reliable spouse.

money sign

This symbol is of interest to many people. Where is the wealth triangle located? It is formed by the three main lines of the palm - Mercury, head and fate. The line of Mercury shows an entrepreneurial vein, the line of the head shows the ability to think adequately, the line of fate shows the ability to set specific goals and achieve their implementation.

It is very important that the money triangle has a clear solid shape, any deformation shows damage. The well-being of a person also depends on the size of the figure: the larger it is, the greater the capital.

What will they talk about? If the gap is localized at the junction of the lines of the head and fate, the labor activity of a person does not bring a stable income. The gap at the junction of the lines of Mercury and fate shows that all finances are spent on providing for the family. If the gap is indicated at the intersection of the lines of the head and Mercury, money flows through the fingers.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Palmistry is the oldest system of divination by dashes in the palm of your hand. The triangle on the line of the heart is interpreted in different ways, because each person is unique. Certain lines on the palms are a mirror image of the properties and qualities of a person, his life experience, ups and downs. The heart line is special. It reflects our spiritual experience, which is hidden from prying eyes.

The line of the heart tells about the joys and sorrows experienced by us, about the strength of the spirit, about the "affairs of the heart." Palmists also claim that this band can be used to judge the state of heart health. But few people know about the marks and geometric shapes located on it. Neophytes in palmistry are especially interested in the sign of the triangle on the hand.

The symbolic meaning of the triangle

The symbolic meaning of this geometric figure is interpreted in different ways. But still, in most cases, it has positive characteristics. Its presence in the palm of your hand indicates the high intelligence of the owner. The exact interpretation depends on the location of the figure. The location on the strip of the mind (head) indicates great achievements due to the gifts of the intellect.

A triangle on the line of life promises unforeseen circumstances, the outcome of which does not depend on you. The appearance of the triangle on the line of the heart is of paramount importance. If a line of the heart is drawn through it, in front of you is one who, in choosing a life partner, is guided mainly by reason.

The shape of the triangle also matters. As a rule, there are such types of triangles:

  1. Isosceles.
  2. Equilateral.
  3. Rectangular.

Of fundamental importance is the sequence of interpretation of marks or geometric shapes on the hand. Keep in mind, first we examine the palm, fingers, the line of the mind, the line of the heart, as well as the lines of fate and life. In most cases, it is customary to interpret the line of the heart first, and then all the rest.

Large and small triangles

First, let's deal with the terminology, and then with the large and small triangle. Speaking of the large and small triangle, let's talk about the concept of the throne of the hand. The throne of the hand or palm is the distance between the line of the mind and the heart, it can be large or small. A large distance between these lines characterizes the owner of the hand as a person of a wide soul, but overly emotional. He rarely controls his emotions. If the distance between the line of the heart and the head is small, this means that such a person constantly needs help and support. Indeed, without it, he will either break a bunch of firewood, or stop acting for fear of making a mistake. This nature is depressive and pedantic.

Now let's find out what the large and small triangle of the palm are. The large triangle is a geometric figure located between the line of the head, life and Mercury. If a person is the owner of a large triangle, this is a strong personality that has everything under control. If such a triangle is correct, his life is calm and harmonious. Especially if the lines of the triangle do not intersect and do not break off with other straight lines.

Fateful signs. Palmistry: Line of the heart. Squares, triangles, crosses on the line of the heart

PALMISTRY. Signs of WEALTH on the hands. triangles

We speak of the presence of a small triangle if the strip of the Sun / Apollo and Saturn divides the large triangle into parts. There may be several small triangles. If one of them is pronounced, this indicates that before us is a creative and easily trained person. If the beginning of a small triangle lies on the hillocks of Mercury and Saturn, and the triangle itself has long sides, this indicates a creative person. Sometimes the sides of a small triangle form the shape of a horn or tulip. This means that such a person is a born inventor.

Bumps on the hand

The tubercles or hillocks on the hand are located near the line of the heart at the bases of the index, middle, ring fingers and little finger. They bear the following names:

  • hill of Jupiter;
  • hill of Saturn;
  • hill of the Sun or Apollo;
  • Hill of Mercury.

A pronounced hill indicates the positive properties of a person's character. It matters whether the hill is displaced or located at the base of the finger. Only an experienced palmist will tell about the inclinations of human nature in the hills.

Right hand or left

For those who are just trying to understand what palmistry is, which hand to disassemble the triangle on the line of the heart, I will answer: the lines on both hands are important. But there is some difference. On the left hand we read what is destined from birth. On the right hand - what the person himself creates, his life experience. Therefore, the left hand is passive and the right hand is active.

If the stripes on both hands are very different, this indicates that the wearer of the palm has done a tremendous amount of work on himself. Since the dash of the heart tells mainly about what has already happened, it is better to read about it on the right hand. But remember that lefties are the opposite.

Interpretation of the heart strip

It should be noted that the line of the heart can be interpreted in several directions. It doesn't matter if you read it from the index finger to the little finger or vice versa. But palmistry suggests considering the line of the heart, starting from the side of the index finger. The band of the heart ends under the little finger. What to consider when interpreting the line of the heart?

  1. If there is no heart line at all, then such a person is not emotional. Logic comes first. As a rule, the line of mind of such people is pronounced.
  2. If the beginning of the heart line passes under the index finger, this indicates that the owner of the palm is selective in choosing a life partner.
  3. If the strip of the heart begins under the middle finger, then such a person is self-centered, not ready for self-sacrifice and compromise.
  4. If the beginning of the heart line is located closer to the middle of the palm, it is easy for a person to turn his head.
  5. A long and wavy streak of life indicates impermanence.
  6. Short and direct - proof that for a person a love relationship is far from in the first place.
  7. If the line of the heart and head are identical and located opposite each other, this indicates the ability to cope with feelings and emotions.
  8. The strip on the hand of the heart, touching the line of life, speaks of the vulnerability of a person.
  9. A broken line of the heart is an indicator of a serious psychological trauma in a person's life.

Triangles on the cardiac line

According to the triangle on the line of the heart on the right hand, the top of which is turned towards each of the tubercles, we learn about the character, inclinations of a person, his relationship with others. Consider some options for palms with three corners on the line of the heart.

Isosceles triangle

  • If the top of the triangle on the line of the heart is turned towards the index finger, this means that the owner of the palm is a person suffering from loneliness. He has no understanding with the outside world. Such a person is closed, and therefore he has few or no friends;
  • if the top of the three corners on the straight line of the heart points towards the middle finger, this means that a person controls other people in order to achieve his goal. In this he is helped by innate acting skills, because he can go from crying to laughter in one second;
  • the triangle pointing to the ring finger indicates the ability to help people and excellent intuition. Most often, the owner of a palm with such a triangle on the line of the heart will become a good doctor;
  • three angles pointing to the little finger indicates that a person lives in harmony with himself, he is balanced and calm. A person with three corners, the top of which is located towards the little finger, knows what he wants from life. He sets a goal and sees no obstacles.

Equilateral triangle

  • An equilateral triangle directed to the index finger means that in front of you is a person who succeeds in everything he takes on. This is a multifaceted personality, which is realized in several areas. Accumulating experience and capital over the years, such a person will not need anything. A nice bonus of the owner of a palm with an equilateral triangle - his relatives will also not live in poverty;
  • an equilateral triangle on the line of the heart, pointing to the middle finger, indicates a particular person as a successful entrepreneur;
  • if the top of an equilateral triangle on the line of the heart is directed towards the ring finger, the owner of such a palm goes with the flow and does not want to change anything in life;
  • if the top of an equilateral triangle on the right hand on the strip of the heart is directed towards the little finger, such a person is a family man. He appreciates and respects his spouse all his life. You will live with him "soul to soul", if only a person with an equilateral triangle on his hand reciprocates his feelings.

Right triangle

  • A right-angled triangle on the right hand on the strip of the heart, directed to the index finger, indicates a sensitive and caring friend. He listens more than he talks. He has a lot of friends. But such a person rarely reaches career heights;
  • a right-angled triangle on the right hand on the line of the heart, pointing to the middle finger, means a strong-willed, artistic, aggressive person;
  • if on the right hand a right-angled triangle on the line of the heart points towards the ring finger, then in front of you is an ordinary jealous man. A person with rectangular three corners of stripes in the palm of his hand is often irritated and angry over trifles;
  • if on the right hand a right-angled triangle on the heart strip, pointing towards the little finger, indicates that the owner of such a palm has a complex character. It is difficult to get along with this person under one roof, he annoys and bakes those who love him. Even though he is attached to them.

What does the triangular strip on the other stripes of the palm mean?

If it is clear with a triangle on the line of the heart, what does the triangle on the other stripes on the right hand mean? If a triangle is formed on the line of the head, this means that in front of you is a person with a scientific career. Such people are intellectuals and read a lot. If the triangle on the right hand formed on the line of life, this indicates the financial well-being of a person. Such a triangle is called "money". Its owners are happy people. But in order to correctly interpret such a sign, look at where the life line begins and ends. It is also important where the triangle itself begins and ends. The length of the life line determines the length of a person's life. An unfavorable period is determined at three corners on the life strip.

The triangle adjacent to the base of the life band is evidence of such a period. The large triangle indicates that adverse circumstances will accompany a person for some time. Therefore, you should be patient. The small one says that the unfavorable period is already ending before it starts. If you interpret the sign of a triangle on the line of life, remember one feature. It is important whether this sign is adjacent to the line or not. In addition, consider other signs located above or below the triangle. Therefore, I still do not advise you to judge the triangles in the palm of your hand. Consult an experienced palmist. He will determine when a period of difficulties awaits you, help you get through it. After all, a palmist is a good psychologist. But do not forget: palmistry is not an exact science, errors are possible.