Chernyakhovsky short biography. Brilliant military leader Ivan Chernyakhovsky

Ivan Danilovich Chernyakhovsky(June 16 (29), 1906 - February 18, 1945) - an outstanding Soviet military leader, army general. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1943, 1944).


  • The youngest army general and the youngest front commander in the history of the Soviet Armed Forces.
  • “In the face of comrade. Chernyakhovsky, - it was said in the message of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the People's Commissariat of Defense, - the state has lost one of the most talented young commanders who advanced during the Patriotic War. (This wording was used only twice. The first time was at the funeral of N. F. Vatutin).


Ivan Danilovich Chernyakhovsky was born in the village of Oksanino, Umansky district, Kyiv province (now it is the village of Oksanina (Ukr. Oksanina), Umansky district, Cherkasy region, Ukraine) in the family of a railway worker. From 1919 he worked as a shepherd, from 1920 as a worker at the railway depot of the Vapnyarka station, from 1923 as a worker at a cement plant in Novorossiysk. Since 1922 he was a member of the Komsomol.

Pre-war service

  • In 1924 he volunteered for the Red Army.
  • In 1924-1925 - a cadet of the Odessa Infantry School,
  • in 1925 he transferred to the Kyiv artillery school and graduated from it in 1928.
  • Member of the CPSU (b) since 1928.
  • Since 1928 - the commander of a training platoon,
  • since 1929 - battery commander of the 17th corps artillery regiment in the Ukrainian military district.
  • In 1931 he entered the Military Technical Academy in Leningrad.
  • Since 1932 - a student of the Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the Red Army, which he graduated with honors in 1936 with the rank of senior lieutenant.
    • while studying at the academy, a signal was received that I. D. Chernyakhovsky "hid his social origin." An important role in the fate of the young commander was played by the intercession of Maria Ilyinichna Ulyanova - she was the head of the Joint Bureau of Complaints of the People's Commissariat of the RCT of the USSR and the People's Commissariat of the RCT of the RSFSR.
  • Since 1936 - chief of staff of the 2nd tank battalion,
  • since 1937 - commander of the 1st tank battalion of the 8th mechanized brigade. Major.
  • In 1938-1940 - commander of the 9th separate light tank regiment in the Belarusian Special Military District. Lieutenant colonel.
  • In 1940 he was commander of a tank brigade in Belarus, in the same year he was appointed deputy commander of the 2nd tank division of the Baltic Special Military District.
  • On March 11, 1941, he was appointed commander of the 28th Panzer Division of the 12th Mechanized Corps in the Baltic.

The Great Patriotic War

During the Great Patriotic War, he commanded the 28th Panzer Division (in December 1941 it was reorganized into the 241st Infantry Division) in defensive battles southwest of Siauliai, on the Western Dvina, near Soltsy and Novgorod. In the first months of the war, he was awarded the military rank of colonel.

In June - July 1942, he commanded the 18th tank corps on the Voronezh front.

From July 1942 - until April 1944 - commander of the 60th Army, which took part in the Voronezh-Kastornoe operation, the Battle of Kursk, forcing the Desna and Dnieper rivers, in the Kyiv, Zhytomyr-Berdichev, Rivne-Lutsk, Proskurov-Chernivtsi operations. For the operation to liberate the city of Voronezh, he was presented with the Order of the Red Banner.

At the same time, all other commanders of the Voronezh Front were awarded the Order of Kutuzov, 1st degree. This is due to the fact that the commander of the 2nd German Army, General G. von Salmuth, managed to withdraw most of his units from the encirclement in which they fell in the Kastorny area. However, then it was Chernyakhovsky's army that played a decisive role in the rapid liberation of Kursk, inflicting a deep flank attack that was unexpected for the enemy.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 17, 1943, for high organizational skills in forcing the Dnieper and for his personal heroism, Lieutenant General Chernyakhovsky Ivan Danilovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky and General of the Army I.D. Chernyakhovsky accept the surrender of the German general. Vitebsk, June 28, 1944.

Since April 1944, Chernyakhovsky has commanded the troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front. Of all the commanders of the Soviet fronts, he was the youngest in age. The front under his command successfully participated in the Belorussian, Vilnius, Kaunas, Memel, Gumbinnen-Goldap and East Prussian operations.

June 28, 1944 he was awarded the title of "Army General". Chernyakhovsky became the youngest army general in the Red Army (at 37).

The second medal "Gold Star" General of the Army Chernyakhovsky Ivan Danilovich was awarded by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 29, 1944 for the successful actions of his troops during the liberation of Vitebsk, Minsk, Vilnius.

On February 18, 1945, General of the Army I. D. Chernyakhovsky was seriously wounded by fragments of an artillery shell on the outskirts of the town of Melzak in East Prussia (now Penienzhno, Poland) and died on the same day. He was buried in Vilnius in one of the central squares.

General Alexander Gorbatov, being at that time the commander of the 3rd Army, transferred to the 3rd Belorussian, describes the moment of the death of the commander as follows:

Just returned from Urbanovich, he is one and a half kilometers from the enemy. Because of the systematic shelling, I hardly got out of it. The rest of the corps commanders are in the same position.

I'll be with you in two hours," said Chernyakhovsky.

Considering that he was coming from the east, I warned him that the highway was being watched by the enemy and was under artillery fire, but Chernyakhovsky did not listen and hung up. …

... Having passed the city, in order not to be late, I hurried to a fork in the highway seven hundred meters east of the city outskirts. Before reaching there about a hundred and fifty meters, I saw a Jeep approaching and heard one shot from the enemy. As soon as the "jeep" of the commander found himself at the fork, there was a single burst of shell. But he was fatal.

The smoke and dust after the explosion had not yet dissipated, as I was already near the stopped car. Five people sat in it: the front commander, his adjutant, a driver and two soldiers. The general was sitting next to the driver, he leaned over the glass and repeated several times: "I am mortally wounded, I am dying."

I knew that there was a medical battalion three kilometers away. Five minutes later, doctors looked at the general. He was still alive and, when he came to himself, he repeated: "I'm dying, I'm dying." The wound from the shrapnel in the chest was really fatal. He soon died. His body was taken to the village of Hainrikau. None of the four were injured, and the car was not damaged either.

From the headquarters of the 41st corps, I reported the disaster to the headquarters of the front and to Moscow. On the same day, a member of the Front's Military Council arrived, and the next day, representatives of the investigating authorities arrived. Then the body of General Chernyakhovsky was taken away.

There is evidence that I. D. Chernyakhovsky was nominated for the rank of Marshal of the Soviet Union, but died before the promulgation of the Decree.

The troops were notified of the commander's death. We called for ruthless revenge on the enemy for our great loss. It was a really heavy loss for the Red Army - Chernyakhovsky was young, talented and could still give a lot to our Armed Forces.

- Gorbatov A.V. Years and wars. - Military Publishing. - M., 1989.

In 1992, the ashes of twice Hero of the Soviet Union Chernyakhovsky were reburied in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Dismantled by the authorities of Vilnius, the monument to Chernyakhovsky was erected in Voronezh, which at the end of 1942 was defended, and in January 1943 it was liberated by the 60th Army under the command of I. D. Chernyakhovsky. The inscription was made on the monument: “I. D. Chernyakhovsky from Voronezh”.

  • The youngest army general and the youngest front commander in the history of the Soviet Armed Forces.
  • “In the face of comrade. Chernyakhovsky, - it was said in the message of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the People's Commissariat of Defense, - the state has lost one of the most talented young commanders who advanced during the Patriotic War. (This wording was used only twice. The first time was at the funeral of N. F. Vatutin).


Ivan Danilovich Chernyakhovsky was born in the village of Oksanino, Umansky district, Kyiv province (now it is the village of Oksanina (Ukr. Oksanyna), Umansky district, Cherkasy region, Ukraine) in the family of a railway worker. From 1919 he worked as a shepherd, from 1920 as a worker at the railway depot of the Vapnyarka station, from 1923 as a worker at a cement plant in Novorossiysk. Since 1922 he was a member of the Komsomol.

Pre-war service

  • In 1924 he volunteered for the Red Army.
  • In 1924-1925 - a cadet of the Odessa Infantry School,
  • in 1925 he transferred to the Kyiv artillery school and graduated from it in 1928.
  • Member of the CPSU (b) since 1928.
  • Since 1928 - the commander of a training platoon,
  • since 1929 - battery commander of the 17th corps artillery regiment in the Ukrainian military district.
  • In 1931 he entered the Military Technical Academy in Leningrad.
  • Since 1932 - a student of the Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the Red Army, which he graduated with honors in 1936 with the rank of senior lieutenant.
    • while studying at the academy, a signal was received that I. D. Chernyakhovsky "hid his social origin." An important role in the fate of the young commander was played by the intercession of Maria Ilyinichna Ulyanova - she was the head of the Joint Bureau of Complaints of the People's Commissariat of the RCT of the USSR and the People's Commissariat of the RCT of the RSFSR.
  • Since 1936 - chief of staff of the 2nd tank battalion,
  • since 1937 - commander of the 1st tank battalion of the 8th mechanized brigade. Major.
  • In 1938-1940 - commander of the 9th separate light tank regiment in the Belarusian Special Military District. Lieutenant colonel.
  • In 1940 he was commander of a tank brigade in Belarus, in the same year he was appointed deputy commander of the 2nd tank division of the Baltic Special Military District.
  • On March 11, 1941, he was appointed commander of the 28th Panzer Division of the 12th Mechanized Corps in the Baltic.

The Great Patriotic War

During the Great Patriotic War, he commanded the 28th Panzer Division (in December 1941 it was reorganized into the 241st Infantry Division) in defensive battles southwest of Siauliai, on the Western Dvina, near Soltsy and Novgorod. In the first months of the war, he was awarded the military rank of colonel.

In June - July 1942, he commanded the 18th tank corps on the Voronezh front.

From July 1942 - until April 1944 - commander of the 60th Army, which took part in the Voronezh-Kastornoe operation, the Battle of Kursk, forcing the Desna and Dnieper rivers, in the Kyiv, Zhytomyr-Berdichev, Rovno-Lutsk, Proskurov-Chernivtsi operations. For the operation to liberate the city of Voronezh, he was presented to the Order of the Red Banner:. At the same time, all other commanders of the Voronezh Front were awarded the Order of Kutuzov, 1st degree. This is due to the fact that the commander of the 2nd German Army, General G. von Salmuth, managed to withdraw most of his units from the encirclement in which they fell in the Kastorny area. However, then it was Chernyakhovsky's army that played a decisive role in the rapid liberation of Kursk, inflicting a deep flank attack that was unexpected for the enemy.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 17, 1943, for high organizational skills during the crossing of the Dnieper and personal heroism, Lieutenant General Ivan Danilovich Chernyakhovsky was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Since April 1944, Chernyakhovsky has commanded the troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front. Of all the commanders of the Soviet fronts, he was the youngest in age. The front under his command successfully participated in the Belorussian, Vilnius, Kaunas, Memel, Gumbinnen-Goldap and East Prussian operations.

June 28, 1944 he was awarded the title of "Army General". Chernyakhovsky became the youngest army general in the Red Army (at 38).

The second medal "Gold Star" General of the Army Chernyakhovsky Ivan Danilovich was awarded by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 29, 1944 for the successful actions of his troops during the liberation of Vitebsk, Minsk, Vilnius.

On February 18, 1945, General of the Army I. D. Chernyakhovsky was seriously wounded by fragments of an artillery shell on the outskirts of the town of Melzak in East Prussia (now Penienzhno, Poland) and died on the same day. He was buried in Vilnius in one of the central squares.

General Alexander Gorbatov, being at that time the commander of the 3rd Army, transferred to the 3rd Belorussian, describes the moment of the death of the commander as follows:

In 1992, the ashes of twice Hero of the Soviet Union Chernyakhovsky were reburied in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Dismantled by the authorities of Vilnius, the monument to Chernyakhovsky was erected in Voronezh, which at the end of 1942 was defended, and in January 1943 it was liberated by the 60th Army under the command of I. D. Chernyakhovsky. The inscription was made on the monument: “I. D. Chernyakhovsky from Voronezh”.

Reviews of colleagues

Marshal A. M. Vasilevsky, appointed after the death of I. D. Chernyakhovsky to the post of commander of the 3rd Belorussian Front, wrote about him in his memoirs:

K.K. Rokossovsky recalled:

A family

  • Father - Danil Chernyakhovsky, served in the army of Brusilov.
  • Daughter - Neonila.
  • Son - Oleg.


  • Twice Hero of the Soviet Union (10/17/1943, 07/29/1944)
  • Order of Lenin (10/17/1943)
  • 4 orders of the Red Banner (01/16/1942, 05/3/1942, 02/4/1943, 11/3/1944)
  • 2 orders of Suvorov, 1st degree (02/8/1943, 09/11/1943)
  • Order of Kutuzov 1st degree (05/29/1944)
  • Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky 1st class (01/10/1944)


  • In 1946, the city of Insterburg in the Kaliningrad region was renamed Chernyakhovsk, and a monument to I. D. Chernyakhovsky was erected in the city.
  • In Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Veliky Novgorod, Tula, Novorossiysk, Lipetsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Vidny, St. Petersburg, Smolensk, Kaliningrad, Vladimir, Ufa, Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Perm, Stavropol, Zhitomir, Odessa, Krivoy Rog, Kursk, Irkutsk, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, Pinsk, Balashikha, Borovsk, Shumerli, Dzerzhinsk, Nesterov, Demyansk, Tulun, Brovary, Kerch, Kyiv, Dneprodzerzhinsk, Novomoskovsk, Makeevka, Balti, Minsk, Vitebsk, Molodechno, Lida, Krupki, Petrozavodsk, Dokshitsakh, Tsimlyansk, in the village of Zhuravlevka, Belgorod district, Belgorod region and in the village of Mikashevichi, Belarus, Brest region, Gorlovka, streets were named in honor of I. D. Chernyakhovsky. In the city of Chernyakhovsk, a street, a square and an alley are named after him.
  • His sculptural portrait was created by Nikolai Tomsky.
  • A monument to I. D. Chernyakhovsky was erected in Vilnius, later transported to Voronezh and installed on Chernyakhovsky Square
  • In Odessa, on I. D. Chernyakhovsky Street, his monument is located. A bust of I. D. Chernyakhovsky was erected in Cherkassy.
  • In the city of Uman there is a cinema and a recreation park named after I. D. Chernyakhovsky.
  • By order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR No. 57 dated May 4, 1954, twice Hero of the Soviet Union I. D. Chernyakhovsky for military services to the Motherland was enlisted forever in the lists of the 1st battery of the Kyiv Artillery School. A memorial plaque was installed on the facade of the building in memory of the stay of I. D. Chernyakhovsky in the school. Now this building is the main building of the National Defense Academy of Ukraine.
  • In 1960, a USSR stamp was issued with the image of I. D. Chernyakhovsky
  • On June 29, 1986, an artistic stamped envelope of the Ministry of Communications of the USSR with an original stamp was issued in honor of the 80th anniversary of the birth of I.D. areas.


Ivan Danilovich

Battles and victories

Soviet military commander, army general (1944), twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1943, 1944). One of the most talented young commanders who advanced during the Great Patriotic War.

He distinguished himself most in the post of commander of the 60th Army and the troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front.

Born in the city of Uman, Cherkasy region (Ukraine), in the family of a railway worker. In 1915 he entered the railway school. After the death of his parents in 1919 from typhus, he began to engage in agricultural work. “After the death of his parents, Vanya was forced to leave school and become a shepherd. It used to happen that he would drive the herd into the field, and he himself would take up the books. Having barely had dinner, he immediately comes to me for an explanation of new material, ”recalled his first teacher L.A. Donets.

Since 1920, he worked on the railway as a repair worker, an assistant to a locksmith. His Komsomol cell was assigned to the Tulchinsky battalion of special forces (CHON) as the Verbovsky "platoon" of the Vapnyar company of CHON. Ivan Chernyakhovsky led the "platoon", which was supplied with 6 rifles, 2 revolvers, 4 grenades and a box of cartridges. Chernyakhovsky participates in the defeat of the bands of Maruska in the Krizhopol forests and Zeleny in the Tomashpol forests. In 1923, a detachment of Chernyakhovsky destroyed the bandit formation of Old Man Knysh in the Krizhopol region. For the organization of hostilities and personal courage, the commander was awarded a personal combat weapon - a Mauser.

In 1922-1923. - cargo conductor of the 1st state procurement office, then - easel cooper, driver of the cement plant "Proletary" (Novorossiysk).

The Novorossiysk District Committee of the Komsomol in September 1924 sent I.D. Chernyakhovsky to study at the Odessa Infantry School. In 1928 he graduated from the Kyiv Artillery School. “At the artillery school, Chernyakhovsky was one of the most advanced cadets, an excellent athlete, captain of a football team, an active participant in amateur arts, and a battery leader. He had a pleasant baritone voice and a good ear… For the cadet Chernyakhovsky, who was in love with military affairs, there were no such words as “I can’t fulfill”, “I can’t know”. (From the memoirs of Colonel I.I. Tseshkovsky, a friend and relative of I.D. Chernyakhovsky.)

Then he served as a platoon commander, head of the topographic department of the regiment, assistant battery commander for political affairs, and commander of a reconnaissance training battery in the 17th Horse Artillery Regiment. In 1930 he graduated from evening high school.

In 1931 he entered the Military Technical Academy of the Red Army (since 1932 he was a student of the command faculty of the Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the Red Army). After graduating from the Academy with honors, he served as chief of staff of the 2nd separate tank battalion of the 8th mechanized brigade, commander of the 1st separate tank battalion of the 8th mechanized brigade. Since May 1938 - commander of the 9th separate light tank regiment.

In July 1940, Lieutenant Colonel Chernyakhovsky was appointed commander of the 28th Panzer Division. The division included more than two hundred tanks and a hundred armored vehicles, about ten thousand soldiers and commanders.

In the spring of 1941, a new division commander arrived in the 28th Panzer Division, where I served. It was Ivan Danilovich Chernyakhovsky. Despite his youth, the lieutenant colonel showed exceptional maturity in determining the degree of combat and political training. Everyone understood that a quiet life was over ... If someone was uncertainly driving a tank or did not fit into the fire standard, Ivan Danilovich showed with special goodwill how to achieve good results. There was no case that he subjected the one who made a mistake to a dressing. Being by nature a generously gifted person (he played the guitar, button accordion, sang well), Chernyakhovsky paid attention to the state of mind of the soldiers and the solidarity of the soldiers. He loved and appreciated the joie de vivre in people. All these wonderful qualities of the strong-willed division commander, who soon became a colonel, cemented us, attracted us cordially to him.

B.I. Vinogradov, driver I.D. Chernyakhovsky

In this position, Chernyakhovsky met the war. He fought in battles southwest of Siauliai, on the Western Dvina, near Soltsy, defended Novgorod. According to the memoirs, the division commander himself went on the attack, knocked out a German T-IV. On January 16, 1942, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "for the clear organization of the defense of Novgorod, personal participation in the organization and conduct of battles, the education of dozens of young fearless commanders, courage and courage" I.D. Chernyakhovsky was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

Until June 1942, he commanded the 241st Rifle Division, which performed well in the winter of 1942 while encircling units of the 16th German Army in the Demyansk area. By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated May 3, 1942, "for offensive battles to encircle the Demyansk group of the 16th German Army" I.D. Chernyakhovsky was awarded the second Order of the Red Banner. On May 5, 1942, Colonel Chernyakhovsky was awarded the rank of major general.

In June - July 1942, he led the newly formed 18th Tank Corps on the Voronezh Front. During fierce fighting he received a concussion. Despite enormous difficulties, the 18th Panzer Corps, together with the formations of the 40th and 60th armies, stopped the further advance of the enemy near Voronezh. At the urgent request of General N.F., who headed the Voronezh Front on July 14, Vatutin, who highly appreciated the actions of this young, strong-willed and educated commander, Chernyakhovsky was appointed commander of the 60th Army (until April 1944). Three days I.D. Chernyakhovsky was engaged in checking the condition of the units and was extremely dissatisfied with the situation. The commander took a number of measures to strengthen the defense.

Army troops successfully operated in the Voronezh-Kastornensk operation, during which they squeezed the ring around the enemy from the south and east and captured over 5,000 enemy soldiers and officers. By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 4, 1943, I.D. Chernyakhovsky was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for the liberation of Voronezh for the third time.

Getting acquainted with the troops of the 60th Army, transferred to us from the Voronezh Front, I carefully looked at General I.D. Chernyakhovsky. It was a wonderful commander. Young, cultured, cheerful. Amazing person! It was clear that the army loved him very much.

Marshal K.K. Rokossovsky

In February 1943 Chernyakhovsky's army took part in the liberation of Kursk. In five days of continuous fighting, army troops marched 90 kilometers from the border of the Tim River to the city of Kursk and liberated 350 Soviet villages and villages. K.K. Rokossovsky recalled: “If in the main direction, as a result of heavy fighting, our units advanced only 20-25 kilometers in four days of the offensive, then the strike skillfully organized by Chernyakhovsky immediately brought more tangible results. Encountering no strong opposition from the enemy, the troops of the 60th Army advanced far ahead. Using the success emerging in this direction, we immediately began to reinforce Chernyakhovsky's army with front-line reserves and gave it aviation. On the day of the liberation of Kursk - February 8 - the young commander was awarded the Order of Suvorov, 1st degree. February 14, 1943 Ivan Danilovich received the rank of lieutenant general.

Starting rather timidly his first offensive army operation, and in extremely adverse weather conditions, he quickly mastered himself and took the army into his hands, brilliantly completed the task, liberating Voronezh on the very first day. An even more brilliant result of the operational leadership on the part of the young army commander was the military operations of his army during the capture of Kursk: the city was taken within a day.

Marshal A.M. Vasilevsky

By the beginning of March 1943, the 60th Army reached the Seim River. The army was reassigned to the Kursk Front, then included in the Central Front, in which it took part in the Battle of Kursk and the liberation of Left-Bank Ukraine. During the offensive in August - September 1943, the army of I.D. Chernyakhovsky was liberated by Glukhov, Konotop, Bakhmach, Nizhyn, expanding the breakthrough along the front to hundreds of kilometers. The army participated in the crossing of the Desna and the Dnieper.

“I visited Chernyakhovsky after his troops liberated Nizhyn. Soldiers and officers experienced an unprecedented upsurge. They forgot about fatigue and rushed forward. Everyone lived with one dream - to take part in the liberation of the capital of Ukraine, - recalled K.K. Rokossovsky. - Of course, Chernyakhovsky also had such a mood. All his actions were permeated by the desire to quickly reach Kyiv. And he achieved a lot. The troops of the 60th Army, sweeping away the remnants of the defeated enemy divisions on their way, moved rapidly, they were already on the outskirts of the Ukrainian capital ... ”On September 21, Chernyakhovsky was awarded the second Order of Suvorov, 1st degree. On September 24, 1943, 306 soldiers of the 60th Army, including its commander, were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Bust of I.D. Chernyakhovsky.

1945Sculptor E. Vuchetich

On October 6, the 60th Army was transferred to the Voronezh Front, from November 1943 to April 1944 it was subordinate to the 1st Ukrainian Front, in which it took part in the Kyiv offensive operation. Covering the right flank of the 38th Army K.S. Moskalenko, the army under the command of I.D. Chernyakhovsky quickly moved to the west. The commander of the 60th skillfully created superiority over the enemy in narrow sections of the front with the forces and means of the army, his troops broke through the defenses of the German troops, and then expanded the front along the perimeter. Then, during the Kyiv defensive operation of 1943, Soviet troops lost some of their conquered positions, including the city of Zhytomyr, which were returned already at the beginning of 1944 during the Zhytomyr-Berdichev operation.

General Chernyakhovsky was demanding both to the soldiers and to himself. In battle, he liked strict discipline. He was always pulled up. Even in his external image, discipline was visible, and in his eyes one could feel the great willpower of the commander and the deep mind of a person. By his appearance, General Chernyakhovsky is a handsome Russian hero, in whom not only physical strength was felt, but also the great willpower of the commander.

Captain L.S. Tserlevskaya

Army General I.D. Chernyakhovsky,

commander of the 3rd Belorussian Front. 1944

In the spring of 1944, Chernyakhovsky's army took part in the Rivne-Lutsk and Proskurov-Chernivtsi operations, during which they liberated hundreds of settlements. Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov, who, after Vatutin was wounded, took command of the 1st Ukrainian Front and a member of the Supreme Council, General Krainyukov, in a telegram to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief on March 7, 1944, assessed the actions of Commander Chernyakhovsky as follows: “By his knowledge and ability to manage troops, the commander of the 60th Army deserves the title of General - Colonel. Ivan Danilovich received a new rank on March 5, 1944.

On April 15, Colonel-General Chernyakhovsky was appointed commander of the Western Front (on April 24, the Western Front department was renamed the department of the 3rd Belorussian Front). From the memoirs of A.M. Vasilevsky: “I remember Stalin asked me who I could recommend for the post of commander of the 3rd Belorussian Front ... As commander of the 3rd Belorussian Front, I recommended the candidacy of Colonel General I.D. Chernyakhovsky... The first impression of I.D. Chernyakhovsky as a commander of the front is very good: he works a lot, skillfully and confidently ... ".

Shtemenko, who at that time was the representative of the Headquarters on the Western Front, also wrote warmly in his memoirs about this appointment: “Chernyakhovsky was not yet widely popular at that time. But he proved himself excellently as an army commander, had a thorough operational training, and knew excellently artillery and tank troops. He was young (38 years old), energetic, demanding, and wholeheartedly devoted himself to his harsh and difficult work.

Chernyakhovsky, on the other hand, demanded that the task be brought to the attention of the soldier on such a scale that, following the Suvorov rule, he "understood his maneuver." The ideas formulated in the decisions of the commander seized all the soldiers, found recognition and support from them. I often heard from the lips of soldiers and commanders: "With such a commander, it's not scary in fire and water." From the new commander, we, the workers of the front headquarters, expected reproaches for the failures in the recent offensive operations. However, to everyone's satisfaction, no one had to hear them. Ivan Danilovich was very polite, restrained, sociable, he understood well when to use the word "I", he never abused it. He was a man of great tact, he was in perfect control of himself, he never resorted to humiliating a warrior's dignity. With his arrival, a calm, businesslike atmosphere was established at the headquarters.

Colonel General A.P. Pokrovsky, former chief of staff of the 3rd Belorussian Front

During the Belarusian strategic operation in the summer of 1944, I.D. Chernyakhovsky fully demonstrated his talent as a military leader and his ability to quickly and accurately assess the situation, to make bold but balanced decisions. The troops of the front, led by Chernyakhovsky, together with the 1st Baltic Front, defeated the enemy's Vitebsk grouping, and on June 26, 1944, Vitebsk was liberated. Near Minsk, together with the 1st and 2nd Belorussian fronts, they completed the encirclement of more than 100,000 enemy groups, and on July 3, 1944, they liberated Minsk. In July 1944, the troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front carried out the Vilnius operation, as a result of which they liberated the years. Vilnius and Lida, then crossed the river. Neman. During the assault on Vilnius, Chernyakhovsky ordered not to use heavy weapons and air raids in order to save the city. June 28, 1944 Chernyakhovsky I.D. was awarded the rank of General of the Army, and on July 29, 1944, he was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

A.M. Vasilevsky recalled these days: “The day before, I turned to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief by telephone with a request for the assignment of I.D. Chernyakhovsky for excellent work in the post of commander of the rank of army general. Stalin advised to direct the performance. And on the second day, the decision was made, and I welcomed Ivan Danilovich with a new rank with pleasure. A.M. Vasilevsky highly appreciated the commander of the 3rd Belorussian Front: “Good knowledge of the troops, diverse and complex military equipment, skillful use of the experience of others, deep theoretical knowledge allowed Chernyakhovsky to perfectly manage the troops that were part of his front, to solve the most difficult tasks that the Supreme Command set before him. High command. In battle, Chernyakhovsky was in the most critical areas, closely monitoring the actions of his troops and the enemy. He sensitively listened to the opinion of his subordinates. He boldly used everything new and useful in training troops and organizing combat. Soldiers, officers and generals loved their commander primarily for humanity and concern for them, for courage and fearlessness, for firmness and perseverance in implementing decisions, for directness and ease of handling, for humanity and endurance, for exactingness towards oneself and towards subordinates. Yes, he was strict and demanding. But he never allowed himself to humiliate the dignity of a person ... ".

On August 1, 1944, the forces of the 3rd Belorussian Front took part in the Kaunas offensive operation and, having liberated the city of Kaunas, reached the borders of East Prussia. Then the troops of the front participated in the Memel operation of the 1st Baltic Front, carried out the Gumbinnen operation. During the Baltic strategic offensive operation, a 700,000-strong enemy grouping in the Baltic was defeated, 33 German divisions were blocked in Courland. In January 1945, the troops of the 3rd Belorussian, together with units of the 1st Baltic Front, took part in the East Prussian strategic offensive operation, reached the approaches to Koenigsberg. During the fighting, the German 3rd Panzer Army was defeated. By the end of the operation, the troops advanced to a depth of 130 km.

A broad military outlook, a high general and professional culture, unusual capacity for work and rich experience in training and commanding troops allowed him to quickly assess the situation, correctly determine the main thing necessary for making rational decisions ... By his mere presence, Chernyakhovsky instilled vigor and faith in success in the hearts of soldiers, sat down directed their enthusiasm to defeat the enemy.

Marshal I.Kh. Bagramyan

“During the war, some commanders tried at all costs to achieve their once adopted decision, although its implementation, due to the changed situation, was often associated with great difficulties and losses in people, material resources, and time. General Chernyakhovsky boldly changed the tasks of the troops of the front, and they achieved brilliant success in defeating the East Prussian grouping of the enemy, ”recalled Colonel General I.I. Lyudnikov, commander of the 39th Army of the 3rd Belorussian Front.

On February 18, 1945, near the town of Melzak (now Poland), I.D. Chernyakhovsky was mortally wounded by a fragment of an exploding shell. Chernyakhovsky and his adjutant Komarov were driving in a covered GAZ-61 car, and the guards were in a Jeep. It was quiet at the front. Suddenly, a shell exploded behind the car in which the commander was driving with Komarov. A fragment pierced the body of the car from behind and hit the commander in the left upper back. Ivan Danilovich, feeling that he was wounded, found strength in himself, got out of the car himself, but, having taken a step, fell. Turning to Komarov by name, he said: “Is it really all, am I really killed?” The commander was quickly taken to the nearest medical unit. But it was impossible to save him, the fragment broke the vessels going to the heart.

A.M. Vasilevsky bitterly recalled the death of the commander of the 3rd Belorussian Front: “I experienced the loss of Ivan Danilovich very hard. I knew him closely and well, appreciated in him an excellent commander, the boundless honesty of a communist, and the exceptional soul of a man.

“The war did not spare anyone ... Chernyakhovsky was already the third front commander who suffered such a sad fate. I was so stunned by this tragic news that I fell silent for a long time, vividly recalling my last meeting with General Chernyakhovsky, his beautiful, unusually expressive face, penetrating gaze, energetic gestures, sonorous voice, - I.Kh. wrote in his memoirs. Bagramyan. - Subsequently, it turned out that when Chernyakhovsky was driving to the command post of the 3rd Army of General A.V. Gorbatov, a fragment of a shell that exploded nearby pierced right through his chest. Three quarters of an hour later, Ivan Danilovich died.

There is evidence that I.D. Chernyakhovsky was introduced to the rank of Marshal of the Soviet Union, but died before the promulgation of the Decree. The troops were notified of the commander's death. We called for ruthless revenge on the enemy for our great loss. It was a really heavy loss for the Red Army - Chernyakhovsky was young, talented and could still give a lot to our Armed Forces.

A.V. Gorbatov, commander of the 3rd Army of the 3rd Belorussian Front

I.D. Chernyakhovsky was buried in Vilnius liberated by his troops, a monument was erected on his grave. In 1991, the monument was moved to Voronezh, and the ashes of the general were reburied in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery. The city of Insterburg in the Kaliningrad region in 1946 was renamed Chernyakhovsk.

Awards: Order of Lenin, 4 Orders of the Red Banner, 2 Orders of Suvorov 1st Class, Order of Kutuzov 1st Class, Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky 1st Class, medals.



Alekseev.N.I. A broken life. M., 1983

Karpov V. Army General Chernyakhovsky. M., 2006

Kuznetsov P.G. General Chernyakhovsky. M., 1969

Daines V.O. General Chernyakhovsky. The genius of defense and offensive. M., 2007

Sukharev A.Ya. The legendary Chernyakhovsky: all life is a feat. M., 2005

Tatarenko L.S. Ivan Chernyakhovsky. Kyiv, 1985


Izylmetiev Ivan Nikolaevich

Commanded the frigate "Aurora". He made the transition from St. Petersburg to Kamchatka in a record time for those times in 66 days. In the bay, Callao eluded the Anglo-French squadron. Arriving in Petropavlovsk, together with the governor of the Kamchatka Territory, Zavoyko V. organized the defense of the city, during which the sailors from the Aurora, together with the local residents, threw into the sea an outnumbering Anglo-French landing force. Then he took the Aurora to the Amur Estuary, hiding it there .After these events, the British public demanded trial of the admirals who lost the Russian frigate.

Most Serene Prince Wittgenstein Peter Khristianovich

For the defeat of the French units of Oudinot and MacDonald at Klyastits, thereby closing the road for the French army to St. Petersburg in 1812. Then in October 1812 he defeated the Saint-Cyr corps near Polotsk. He was the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian-Prussian armies in April-May 1813.

Monomakh Vladimir Vsevolodovich

Denikin Anton Ivanovich

The commander, under whose leadership the white army with smaller forces for 1.5 years won victories over the red army and captured the North Caucasus, Crimea, Novorossia, Donbass, Ukraine, the Don, part of the Volga region and the central black earth provinces of Russia. He retained the dignity of the Russian name during the Second World War, refusing to cooperate with the Nazis, despite his uncompromisingly anti-Soviet position

Baklanov Yakov Petrovich

An outstanding strategist and a mighty warrior, he earned respect and fear of his name from the invincible highlanders who forgot the iron grip of the "Thunderstorm of the Caucasus". At the moment - Yakov Petrovich, a model of the spiritual strength of a Russian soldier in front of the proud Caucasus. His talent crushed the enemy and minimized the time frame of the Caucasian War, for which he received the nickname "Boklu" akin to the devil for his fearlessness.

Because it inspires many by personal example.

Gorbaty-Shuisky Alexander Borisovich

Hero of the Kazan War, the first governor of Kazan

Spiridov Grigory Andreevich

Became a sailor under Peter I, participated in the Russian-Turkish war (1735-1739) as an officer, finished the Seven Years' War (1756-1763) as rear admiral. The peak of his naval and diplomatic talent reached during the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774. In 1769, he led the first transition of the Russian fleet from the Baltic to the Mediterranean Sea. Despite the difficulties of the transition (among those who died from diseases was the son of the admiral - his grave was recently found on the island of Menorca), he quickly established control over the Greek archipelago. The Chesme battle in June 1770 remained unsurpassed in terms of loss ratio: 11 Russians - 11 thousand Turks! On the island of Paros, the Aouz naval base was equipped with coastal batteries and its own Admiralty.
The Russian fleet withdrew from the Mediterranean Sea after the conclusion of the Kuchuk-Kainarji peace in July 1774. The Greek islands and the lands of the Levant, including Beirut, were returned to Turkey in exchange for territories in the Black Sea region. Nevertheless, the activities of the Russian fleet in the Archipelago were not in vain and played a significant role in world naval history. Russia, having made a strategic maneuver with the forces of the fleet from one theater to another and having achieved a number of high-profile victories over the enemy, for the first time forced to talk about itself as a strong maritime power and an important player in European politics.

Chuikov Vasily Ivanovich

"There is a city in vast Russia to which my heart is given, it went down in history as STALINGRAD ..." V.I. Chuikov

Paskevich Ivan Fyodorovich

Hero of Borodin, Leipzig, Paris (division commander)
As commander in chief, he won 4 companies (Russian-Persian 1826-1828, Russian-Turkish 1828-1829, Polish 1830-1831, Hungarian 1849).
Knight of the Order of St. George 1st class - for the capture of Warsaw (according to the statute, the order was awarded either for saving the fatherland or for taking the enemy capital).
Field Marshal.

Zhukov Georgy Konstantinovich

He made the greatest contribution as a strategist to the victory in the Great Patriotic War (it is also the Second World War).

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

Stalin during the Patriotic War led all the armed forces of our country and coordinated their combat operations. It is impossible not to note his merits in the competent planning and organization of military operations, in the skillful selection of military leaders and their assistants. Joseph Stalin proved himself not only as an outstanding commander who skillfully led all fronts, but also as an excellent organizer who did a great job of increasing the country's defense capability both in the pre-war and war years.

A short list of military awards I.V. Stalin received during the Second World War:
Order of Suvorov, 1st class
Medal "For the Defense of Moscow"
Order "Victory"
Medal "Gold Star" Hero of the Soviet Union
Medal "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"
Medal "For the Victory over Japan"

Stalin (Dzhugashvilli) Joseph

Pozharsky Dmitry Mikhailovich

In 1612, the most difficult time for Russia, he headed the Russian militia and liberated the capital from the hands of the conquerors.
Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky (November 1, 1578 - April 30, 1642) - Russian national hero, military and political figure, head of the Second People's Militia, which liberated Moscow from the Polish-Lithuanian invaders. With his name and with the name of Kuzma Minin, the exit of the country from the Time of Troubles, which is currently celebrated in Russia on November 4, is closely connected.
After Mikhail Fedorovich was elected to the Russian throne, D. M. Pozharsky played a leading role in the royal court as a talented military leader and statesman. Despite the victory of the people's militia and the election of the tsar, the war in Russia still continued. In 1615-1616. Pozharsky, at the direction of the tsar, was sent at the head of a large army to fight against the detachments of the Polish colonel Lisovsky, who besieged the city of Bryansk and took Karachev. After the fight with Lisovsky, the tsar instructed Pozharsky in the spring of 1616 to collect the fifth money from the merchants to the treasury, since the wars did not stop, and the treasury was depleted. In 1617, the tsar instructed Pozharsky to conduct diplomatic negotiations with the English ambassador John Merik, appointing Pozharsky as governor of Kolomensky. In the same year, the Polish prince Vladislav came to the Moscow state. The inhabitants of Kaluga and neighboring cities turned to the tsar with a request to send them D. M. Pozharsky to protect them from the Poles. The tsar fulfilled the request of the people of Kaluga and ordered Pozharsky on October 18, 1617 to protect Kaluga and the surrounding cities with all available measures. Prince Pozharsky fulfilled the tsar's order with honor. Having successfully defended Kaluga, Pozharsky received an order from the tsar to go to the aid of Mozhaisk, namely, to the city of Borovsk, and began to disturb the troops of Prince Vladislav with flying detachments, inflicting significant damage on them. However, at the same time, Pozharsky fell seriously ill and, at the behest of the tsar, returned to Moscow. Pozharsky, barely recovering from his illness, took an active part in the defense of the capital from the troops of Vladislav, for which Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich rewarded him with new estates and estates.

Kornilov Lavr Georgievich

KORNILOV Lavr Georgievich (08/18/1870-04/31/1918) Colonel (02/02/1905). Major General (12/1912). Lieutenant General (08/26/1914). Infantry General (06/30/1917). with a gold medal from the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff (1898). Officer at the headquarters of the Turkestan Military District, 1889-1904. Participant in the Russian-Japanese war of 1904 - 1905: headquarters officer of the 1st rifle brigade (at its headquarters). When retreating from Mukden, the brigade got surrounded. Having led the rearguard, he broke through the encirclement with a bayonet attack, ensuring the freedom of defensive combat operations of the brigade. Military attache in China, 04/01/1907 - 02/24/1911. Participant in the First World War: commander of the 48th Infantry Division of the 8th Army (General Brusilov). During the general retreat, the 48th division was surrounded and General Kornilov, who was wounded on 04.1915, was captured near the Duklinsky Pass (Carpathians); 08.1914-04.1915. Captured by the Austrians, 04.1915-06.1916. Dressed in the uniform of an Austrian soldier, he escaped from captivity on 06.06.1915. Commander of the 25th Rifle Corps, 06.1916-04.1917. Commander of the Petrograd Military District, 03-04.1917. Commander of the 8th Army, 04.24-07.08.1917. On 05/19/1917, by his order, he introduced the formation of the first volunteer "1st Shock Detachment of the 8th Army" under the command of Captain Nezhentsev. Commander of the Southwestern Front...

Yudenich Nikolai Nikolaevich

October 3, 2013 marks the 80th anniversary of the death in the French city of Cannes of a Russian military figure, commander of the Caucasian Front, hero of Mukden, Sarykamysh, Van, Erzerum (due to the complete defeat of the 90,000th Turkish army of Russia, Constantinople and the Bosphorus with the Dardanelles retreated), the savior of the Armenian people from the complete Turkish genocide, holder of three orders of George and the highest order of France, the Grand Cross of the Order of the Legion of Honor, General Nikolai Nikolayevich Yudenich.

It's simple - It was he, as a commander, who made the greatest contribution to the defeat of Napoleon. He saved the army in the most difficult conditions, despite misunderstanding and heavy accusations of betrayal. It was to him that our great poet Pushkin, practically a contemporary of those events, dedicated the verse "Commander".
Pushkin, recognizing the merits of Kutuzov, did not oppose him to Barclay. To replace the common alternative “Barclay or Kutuzov”, with the traditional resolution in favor of Kutuzov, Pushkin came to a new position: both Barclay and Kutuzov are both worthy of the grateful memory of their descendants, but everyone honors Kutuzov, but Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclay de Tolly is undeserved forgotten.
Pushkin mentioned Barclay de Tolly even earlier, in one of the chapters of "Eugene Onegin" -

Thunderstorm of the twelfth year
It has come - who helped us here?
The frenzy of the people
Barclay, winter or Russian god?...

Saltykov Petr Semenovich

One of those commanders who managed to exemplary defeat one of the best commanders of Europe in the 18th century - Frederick II of Prussia

Saltykov Pyotr Semyonovich

The commander-in-chief of the Russian army in the Seven Years' War, was the main architect of the key victories of the Russian troops.

Donskoy Dmitry Ivanovich

His army won the Kulikovo victory.

Romanov Petr Alekseevich

Behind the endless discussions about Peter I as a politician and reformer, it is unfairly forgotten that he was the greatest commander of his time. He was not only an excellent rear organizer. In the two most important battles of the Northern War (the battles of Lesnaya and Poltava), he not only developed battle plans himself, but also personally led the troops, being in the most important, responsible areas.
The only commander I know of was equally talented in both land and sea battles.
The main thing is that Peter I created a national military school. If all the great commanders of Russia are the heirs of Suvorov, then Suvorov himself is the heir of Peter.
The Battle of Poltava was one of the greatest (if not the greatest) victory in Russian history. In all other great predatory invasions of Russia, the general battle did not have a decisive outcome, and the struggle dragged on, went to exhaustion. And only in the Northern War did the general battle radically change the state of affairs, and from the attacking side the Swedes became the defender, decisively losing the initiative.
I think that Peter I deserves to be in the top three in the list of the best commanders of Russia.

Rumyantsev Petr Alexandrovich

Russian military and statesman, during the entire reign of Catherine II (1761-96) who ruled Little Russia. During the Seven Years' War he commanded the capture of Kolberg. For the victories over the Turks at Larga, Kagul and others, which led to the conclusion of the Kyuchuk-Kainarji peace, he was awarded the title of "Transdanubian". In 1770 he received the rank of Field Marshal. Cavalier of the orders of the Russian St. Andrew the Apostle, St. Alexander Nevsky, St. George 1st class and St. Vladimir I degree, the Prussian Black Eagle and St. Anna I degree

Kotlyarevsky Petr Stepanovich

Hero of the Russo-Persian War of 1804-1813
"General Meteor" and "Caucasian Suvorov".
He fought not in numbers, but in skill - first, 450 Russian soldiers attacked 1,200 Persian sardars in the Migri fortress and took it, then 500 of our soldiers and Cossacks attacked 5,000 askers at the crossing over the Araks. More than 700 enemies were exterminated, only 2,500 Persian fighters managed to escape from ours.
In both cases, our losses are less than 50 killed and up to 100 wounded.
Further, in the war against the Turks, with a swift attack, 1000 Russian soldiers defeated the 2000th garrison of the Akhalkalaki fortress.
Then, again in the Persian direction, he cleared Karabakh of the enemy, and then, with 2,200 soldiers, defeated Abbas-Mirza with a 30,000-strong army near Aslanduz, a village near the Araks River. In two battles, he destroyed more than 10,000 enemies, including English advisers and artillerymen.
As usual, Russian losses were 30 killed and 100 wounded.
Kotlyarevsky won most of his victories in night assaults on fortresses and enemy camps, preventing the enemies from coming to their senses.
The last campaign - 2000 Russians against 7000 Persians to the fortress of Lankaran, where Kotlyarevsky almost died during the assault, lost consciousness at times from loss of blood and pain from wounds, but still, until the final victory, he commanded the troops as soon as he regained consciousness, and after that he was forced to be treated for a long time and move away from military affairs.
His exploits for the glory of Russia are much cooler than the "300 Spartans" - for our commanders and warriors have repeatedly beaten a 10-fold superior enemy, and suffered minimal losses, saving Russian lives.

Tsesarevich and Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich

Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich, the second son of Emperor Paul I, received the title of Tsarevich in 1799 for participation in the Swiss campaign of A.V. Suvorov, retaining it until 1831. In the Battle of Austrlitz, he commanded the Guards Reserve of the Russian Army, took part in the Patriotic War of 1812, and distinguished himself in the foreign campaigns of the Russian Army. For the "battle of the peoples" at Leipzig in 1813 he received the "golden weapon" "For courage!". Inspector General of the Russian Cavalry, since 1826 Viceroy of the Kingdom of Poland.

Barclay de Tolly Mikhail Bogdanovich

Participated in the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-91 and the Russian-Swedish war of 1788-90. He distinguished himself during the war with France in 1806-07 at Preussisch-Eylau, from 1807 he commanded a division. During the Russo-Swedish War of 1808-09 he commanded a corps; led a successful crossing through the Kvarken Strait in the winter of 1809. In 1809-10, the Governor-General of Finland. From January 1810 to September 1812, the Minister of War, did a lot of work to strengthen the Russian army, singled out the intelligence and counterintelligence service into a separate production. In the Patriotic War of 1812 he commanded the 1st Western Army, and he, as Minister of War, was subordinate to the 2nd Western Army. In the conditions of a significant superiority of the enemy, he showed the talent of a commander and successfully carried out the withdrawal and connection of the two armies, which earned such words from M.I. Kutuzov as THANK YOU FATHER !!! SAVE THE ARMY!!! SAVE RUSSIA!!!. However, the retreat caused discontent in the noble circles and the army, and on August 17, Barclay handed over the command of the armies to M.I. Kutuzov. In the Battle of Borodino, he commanded the right wing of the Russian army, showing stamina and skill in defense. He recognized the position near Moscow chosen by L. L. Bennigsen as unsuccessful and supported the proposal of M. I. Kutuzov to leave Moscow at the military council in Fili. In September 1812 he left the army due to illness. In February 1813 he was appointed commander of the 3rd, and then the Russian-Prussian army, which he successfully commanded during the foreign campaigns of the Russian army of 1813-14 (Kulm, Leipzig, Paris). He was buried in the Beklor estate in Livonia (now Jõgeveste Estonia)

Margelov Vasily Filippovich

Linevich Nikolai Petrovich

Nikolai Petrovich Linevich (December 24, 1838 - April 10, 1908) - a prominent Russian military leader, infantry general (1903), adjutant general (1905); general who stormed Beijing.

Kolchak Alexander Vasilievich

Alexander Vasilievich Kolchak (November 4 (November 16), 1874, St. Petersburg, - February 7, 1920, Irkutsk) - Russian oceanographer, one of the largest polar explorers of the late XIX - early XX centuries, military and political figure, naval commander, active member of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society (1906), admiral (1918), leader of the White movement, Supreme Ruler of Russia.

Member of the Russo-Japanese War, Defense of Port Arthur. During the First World War, he commanded the mine division of the Baltic Fleet (1915-1916), the Black Sea Fleet (1916-1917). Georgievsky Cavalier.
The leader of the White movement both on a national scale and directly in the East of Russia. As the Supreme Ruler of Russia (1918-1920), he was recognized by all the leaders of the White movement, "de jure" - by the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, "de facto" - by the Entente states.
Supreme Commander of the Russian Army.

Vatutin Nikolai Fyodorovich

Operations "Uranus", "Little Saturn", "Jump", etc. etc.
A true war worker

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War. Under his leadership, the Red Army crushed fascism.

Minich Burchard-Christopher

One of the best Russian generals and military engineers. The first commander who entered the Crimea. Winner at Stavucany.

Rokossovsky Konstantin Konstantinovich

Soldier, several wars (including World War I and World War II). passed the way to Marshal of the USSR and Poland. Military intellectual. not resorting to "obscene leadership." he knew tactics in military affairs to the subtleties. practice, strategy and operational art.

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

He was the Supreme Commander during the Great Patriotic War, in which our country won, and made all strategic decisions.

Vorotynsky Mikhail Ivanovich

“The compiler of the charter of the guard and border service” is, of course, good. For some reason, we have forgotten the battle of YOUTH from July 29 to August 2, 1572. But it was precisely from this victory that Moscow's right to a lot was recognized. The Ottomans were recaptured a lot of things, they were very sobered by the thousands of destroyed Janissaries, and unfortunately they helped Europe with this. The battle of YOUTH is very difficult to overestimate

Markov Sergey Leonidovich

One of the main characters of the early stage of the Russian-Soviet war.
Veteran of Russian-Japanese, World War I and Civil War. Cavalier of the Order of St. George 4th class, Orders of St. Vladimir 3rd class and 4th class with swords and bow, Orders of St. Anne 2nd, 3rd and 4th class, Orders of St. Stanislaus 2nd and 3rd th degrees. The owner of the St. George's weapon. Outstanding military theorist. Member of the Ice Campaign. Son of an officer. Hereditary nobleman of the Moscow province. He graduated from the Academy of the General Staff, served in the Life Guards of the 2nd Artillery Brigade. One of the commanders of the Volunteer Army at the first stage. Died a heroic death.

Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky Pyotr Alexandrovich

Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich

according to the only criterion - invincibility.

Blucher, Tukhachevsky

Blucher, Tukhachevsky and the whole galaxy of heroes of the Civil War. Don't forget Budyonny!

Gavrilov Petr Mikhailovich

From the first days of the Great Patriotic War - in the army. Major Gavrilov P.M. from June 22 to July 23, 1941 led the defense of the Eastern Fort of the Brest Fortress. He managed to rally around him all the surviving fighters and commanders of various units and subunits, close the most vulnerable places for the enemy to break through. On July 23, he was seriously wounded by a shell explosion in the casemate and was captured in an unconscious state. He spent the war years in the Nazi concentration camps of Hammelburg and Revensburg, having experienced all the horrors of captivity. Liberated by Soviet troops in May 1945.

Shein Mikhail Borisovich

He led the Smolensk defense against the Polish-Lithuanian troops, which lasted 20 months. Under the command of Shein, repeated attacks were repulsed, despite the explosion and a breach in the wall. He held and bled the main forces of the Poles at the decisive moment of the Time of Troubles, preventing them from moving to Moscow to support their garrison, creating an opportunity to assemble an all-Russian militia to liberate the capital. Only with the help of a defector, the troops of the Commonwealth managed to take Smolensk on June 3, 1611. The wounded Shein was taken prisoner and was taken away with his family for 8 years in Poland. After returning to Russia, he commanded an army that tried to return Smolensk in 1632-1634. Executed on boyar slander. Undeservedly forgotten.

Brusilov Alexey Alekseevich

One of the best Russian generals of the First World War. In June 1916, the troops of the Southwestern Front under the command of Adjutant General Brusilov A.A., simultaneously striking in several directions, broke through the enemy’s defense in depth and advanced 65 km. In military history, this operation was called the Brusilovsky breakthrough.

Kotlyarevsky Petr Stepanovich

Hero of the Russo-Persian War of 1804-1813 At one time they called the Caucasian Suvorov. On October 19, 1812, at the Aslanduz ford across the Araks, at the head of a detachment of 2221 people with 6 guns, Pyotr Stepanovich defeated the Persian army of 30,000 people with 12 guns. In other battles, he also acted not by number, but by skill.

Wrangel Pyotr Nikolaevich

Member of the Russo-Japanese and World War I, one of the main leaders (1918−1920) of the White movement during the Civil War. Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army in the Crimea and Poland (1920). General Staff Lieutenant General (1918). Georgievsky Cavalier.

Belov Pavel Alekseevich

He led the cavalry corps during the Second World War. It proved to be excellent during the Battle of Moscow, especially in defensive battles near Tula. He especially distinguished himself in the Rzhev-Vyazemsky operation, where he left the encirclement after 5 months of stubborn fighting.

Rurikovich Svyatoslav Igorevich

The great commander of the ancient Russian period. The first Kyiv prince known to us, having a Slavic name. The last pagan ruler of the Old Russian state. He glorified Russia as a great military power in the campaigns of 965-971. Karamzin called him "Alexander (Macedonian) of our ancient history." The prince liberated the Slavic tribes from vassalage from the Khazars, defeating the Khazar Khaganate in 965. According to the Tale of Bygone Years, in 970, during the Russian-Byzantine war, Svyatoslav managed to win the battle of Arcadiopolis, having 10,000 soldiers under his command, against 100,000 Greeks. But at the same time, Svyatoslav led the life of a simple warrior: “On campaigns, he didn’t carry carts or cauldrons with him, he didn’t cook meat, but, thinly slicing horse meat, or beast, or beef and roasting it on coals, he ate like that; he didn’t have a tent , but slept, spreading a sweatshirt with a saddle in their heads - the same were all the rest of his warriors... And sent to other lands [envoys, as a rule, before declaring war] with the words: "I'm going to you!" (According to PVL)

Denikin Anton Ivanovich

One of the most talented and successful commanders of the First World War. A native of a poor family, he made a brilliant military career, relying solely on his own virtues. Member of the REV, WWI, graduate of the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff. He fully realized his talent commanding the legendary "Iron" brigade, then deployed into a division. Participant and one of the main characters of the Brusilov breakthrough. He remained a man of honor even after the collapse of the army, a prisoner of Bykhov. Member of the ice campaign and commander of the All-Russian Union of Youth. For more than a year and a half, having very modest resources and far inferior in number to the Bolsheviks, he won victory after victory, freeing a huge territory.
Also, do not forget that Anton Ivanovich is a wonderful and very successful publicist, and his books are still very popular. An extraordinary, talented commander, an honest Russian man in a difficult time for the Motherland, who was not afraid to light a torch of hope.

Alekseev Mikhail Vasilievich

An outstanding member of the Russian Academy of the General Staff. The developer and executor of the Galician operation - the first brilliant victory of the Russian army in the Great War.
Saved from the encirclement of the troops of the North-Western Front during the "Great Retreat" of 1915.
Chief of Staff of the Russian Armed Forces in 1916-1917
Supreme Commander of the Russian Army in 1917
Developed and implemented strategic plans for offensive operations in 1916-1917.
He continued to defend the need to preserve the Eastern Front after 1917 (the Volunteer Army is the basis of the new Eastern Front in the ongoing Great War).
Slandered and slandered in relation to various so-called. "Masonic military lodges", "conspiracy of generals against the Sovereign", etc., etc. - in terms of emigrant and modern historical journalism.

Grachev Pavel Sergeevich

The hero of the USSR. May 5, 1988 "for the performance of combat missions with minimal casualties and for the professional command of a controlled formation and the successful actions of the 103rd Airborne Division, in particular, to occupy the strategically important pass Satukandav (Khost province) during the military operation" Highway " "Received the Gold Star medal No. 11573. Commander of the Airborne Forces of the USSR. In total, during his military service, he made 647 parachute jumps, some of them while testing new equipment.
He was shell-shocked 8 times, received several wounds. Suppressed the armed coup in Moscow and thereby saved the system of democracy. As Minister of Defense, he made great efforts to preserve the remnants of the army - a task that few people had in the history of Russia. Only because of the collapse of the army and a decrease in the number of military equipment in the Armed Forces, he could not end the Chechen war victoriously.

Voronov Nikolai Nikolaevich

N.N. Voronov - commander of the artillery of the Armed Forces of the USSR. For outstanding services to the Motherland Voronov N.N. the first in the Soviet Union were awarded the military ranks of "Marshal of Artillery" (1943) and "Chief Marshal of Artillery" (1944).
... carried out the general leadership of the liquidation of the Nazi group surrounded near Stalingrad.

Dragomirov Mikhail Ivanovich

Brilliant crossing of the Danube in 1877
- Creation of a tactics textbook
- Creation of the original concept of military education
- Leadership of the NAGSH in 1878-1889
- Huge influence in military matters for the whole 25th anniversary

Yuri Vsevolodovich

Kuznetsov Nikolai Gerasimovich

He made a great contribution to the strengthening of the fleet before the war; conducted a number of major exercises, became the initiator of the opening of new maritime schools and maritime special schools (later Nakhimov schools). On the eve of Germany's sudden attack on the USSR, he took effective measures to increase the combat readiness of the fleets, and on the night of June 22 he gave the order to bring them to full combat readiness, which made it possible to avoid the loss of ships and naval aviation.

Loris-Melikov Mikhail Tarielovich

Known mainly as one of the secondary characters in the story "Hadji Murad" by L.N. Tolstoy, Mikhail Tarielovich Loris-Melikov went through all the Caucasian and Turkish campaigns of the second half of the middle of the 19th century.

Having shown himself excellently during the Caucasian War, during the Kars campaign of the Crimean War, Loris-Melikov led intelligence, and then successfully served as commander-in-chief during the difficult Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, having won a number of important victories over the united Turkish troops and in the third once captured Kars, by that time considered impregnable.

Skobelev Mikhail Dmitrievich

A man of great courage, a great tactician, organizer. M.D. Skobelev possessed strategic thinking, saw the situation, both in real time and in perspective

Prince Svyatoslav

Zhukov Georgy Konstantinovich

Successfully commanded the Soviet troops during the Great Patriotic War. Among other things, he stopped the Germans near Moscow, took Berlin.

Dzhugashvili Joseph Vissarionovich

Gathered and coordinated a team of talented military leaders

Grand Duke of Russia Mikhail Nikolaevich

Feldzeugmeister General (Commander-in-Chief of the Artillery of the Russian Army), the youngest son of Emperor Nicholas I, Viceroy in the Caucasus since 1864. Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army in the Caucasus in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878 Under his command, the fortresses of Kars, Ardagan, and Bayazet were taken.

Momyshuly Bauyrzhan

Fidel Castro called him a hero of World War II.
He brilliantly put into practice the tactics developed by Major General I.V. Panfilov of fighting with small forces against an enemy many times superior in strength, which later received the name "Momyshuly's spiral".

Muravyov-Karssky Nikolai Nikolaevich

One of the most successful commanders of the middle of the 19th century in the Turkish direction.

Hero of the first capture of Kars (1828), leader of the second capture of Kars (the biggest success of the Crimean War, 1855, which made it possible to end the war without territorial losses for Russia).

Minikh Khristofor Antonovich

Due to the ambiguous attitude to the period of the reign of Anna Ioannovna, the largely underestimated commander, who was the commander-in-chief of the Russian troops throughout her reign.

Commander of the Russian troops during the War of the Polish Succession and architect of the victory of Russian arms in the Russo-Turkish War of 1735-1739.

Kazarsky Alexander Ivanovich

Captain Lieutenant. Member of the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-29. He distinguished himself in the capture of Anapa, then Varna, commanding the Rival transport. After that, he was promoted to lieutenant commander and appointed captain of the Mercury brig. On May 14, 1829, the 18-gun brig "Mercury" was overtaken by two Turkish battleships "Selimiye" and "Real-Bey". Subsequently, an officer from the Real Bey wrote: “In the continuation of the battle, the commander of the Russian frigate (the infamous Raphael, which surrendered without a fight a few days earlier) told me that the captain of this brig would not give up, and if he lost hope, then he would blow up the brig If in the great deeds of ancient and our times there are feats of courage, then this act should overshadow all of them, and the name of this hero is worthy to be inscribed in gold letters on the temple of Glory: he is called Lieutenant Commander Kazarsky, and the brig is "Mercury"

Makarov Stepan Osipovich

Russian oceanographer, polar explorer, shipbuilder, vice admiral. Developed the Russian semaphore alphabet. A worthy person, on the list of worthy ones!

Senyavin Dmitry Nikolaevich

Dmitry Nikolaevich Senyavin (August 6 (17), 1763 - April 5 (17), 1831) - Russian naval commander, admiral.
for courage and outstanding diplomatic work shown during the blockade of the Russian fleet in Lisbon

Rurik Svyatoslav Igorevich

Year of birth 942 date of death 972 Expansion of the borders of the state. 965 the conquest of the Khazars, 963 the campaign to the south to the Kuban region the capture of Tmutarakan, 969 the conquest of the Volga Bulgars, 971 the conquest of the Bulgarian kingdom, 968 the foundation of Pereyaslavets on the Danube (the new capital of Russia), 969 the defeat of the Pechenegs in the defense of Kyiv.

Barclay de Tolly Mikhail Bogdanovich

In front of the Kazan Cathedral there are two statues of the saviors of the fatherland. Saving the army, exhausting the enemy, the battle of Smolensk - this is more than enough.

Rurikovich (Grozny) Ivan Vasilyevich

In the variety of perceptions of Ivan the Terrible, they often forget about his unconditional talent and achievements as a commander. He personally led the capture of Kazan and organized military reform, leading the country, which simultaneously waged 2-3 wars on different fronts.

Uborevich Ieronim Petrovich

Soviet military leader, commander of the 1st rank (1935). Member of the Communist Party since March 1917. Born in the village of Aptandriyus (now the Utena region of the Lithuanian SSR) in the family of a Lithuanian peasant. He graduated from the Konstantinovsky Artillery School (1916). Member of the 1st World War 1914-18, second lieutenant. After the October Revolution of 1917 he was one of the organizers of the Red Guard in Bessarabia. In January - February 1918 he commanded a revolutionary detachment in battles against the Romanian and Austro-German interventionists, was wounded and captured, from where he fled in August 1918. He was an artillery instructor, commander of the Dvina brigade on the Northern Front, from December 1918 the head of the 18 divisions of the 6th Army. From October 1919 to February 1920 he was commander of the 14th Army during the defeat of the troops of General Denikin, in March - April 1920 he commanded the 9th Army in the North Caucasus. In May - July and November - December 1920 the commander of the 14th Army in battles against the troops of bourgeois Poland and the Petliurists, in July - November 1920 - the 13th Army in battles against the Wrangelites. In 1921, assistant commander of the troops of the Ukraine and Crimea, deputy commander of the troops of the Tambov province, commander of the troops of the Minsk province, led the fighting in the defeat of the gangs of Makhno, Antonov and Bulak-Balakhovich. From August 1921 commander of the 5th Army and the East Siberian Military District. In August - December 1922 Minister of War of the Far Eastern Republic and Commander-in-Chief of the People's Revolutionary Army during the liberation of the Far East. He was commander of the North Caucasian (since 1925), Moscow (since 1928) and Belorussian (since 1931) military districts. Since 1926 he was a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR, in 1930-31 he was deputy chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR and head of armaments of the Red Army. Since 1934 he has been a member of the Military Council of the NPO. He made a great contribution to the strengthening of the defense capability of the USSR, the education and training of command personnel and troops. Candidate member of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) in 1930-37. Member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee since December 1922. He was awarded 3 Orders of the Red Banner and Honorary Revolutionary Weapons.

Shein Mikhail Borisovich

Governor Shein - the hero and leader of the unprecedented defense of Smolensk in 1609-16011. This fortress decided a lot in the fate of Russia!

Golovanov Alexander Evgenievich

He is the creator of the Soviet long-range aviation (ADD).
Units under the command of Golovanov bombed Berlin, Koenigsberg, Danzig and other cities in Germany, attacked important strategic targets behind enemy lines.

Peter I the Great

Emperor of All Russia (1721-1725), before that, Tsar of All Russia. He won the Great Northern War (1700-1721). This victory finally opened free access to the Baltic Sea. Under his rule, Russia (the Russian Empire) became a Great Power.

Peter the Great

Because he not only won the lands of his fathers, but also approved the status of Russia as a power!

Svyatoslav Igorevich

I want to propose "candidates" for Svyatoslav and his father, Igor, as the greatest generals and political leaders of their time, I think that it makes no sense to list their services to the fatherland to historians, I was unpleasantly surprised not to meet their names in this list. Sincerely.

Kolchak Alexander Vasilievich

Prominent military leader, scientist, traveler and discoverer. Admiral of the Russian Fleet, whose talent was highly appreciated by Sovereign Nicholas II. The Supreme Ruler of Russia during the Civil War, a real Patriot of his Fatherland, a man of tragic, interesting fate. One of those military men who tried to save Russia during the years of unrest, in the most difficult conditions, being in very difficult international diplomatic conditions.

Skopin-Shuisky Mikhail Vasilievich

I beg the military-historical society to correct the extreme historical injustice and add to the list of 100 best commanders, the leader of the northern militia who did not lose a single battle, who played an outstanding role in liberating Russia from the Polish yoke and unrest. And apparently poisoned for his talent and skill.

Nakhimov Pavel Stepanovich

Successes in the Crimean War of 1853-56, victory in the Battle of Sinop in 1853, defense of Sevastopol in 1854-55.

Kappel Vladimir Oskarovich

Without exaggeration - the best commander of the army of Admiral Kolchak. Under his command, in 1918, Russia's gold reserves were captured in Kazan. At the age of 36 - lieutenant general, commander of the Eastern Front. The Siberian Ice Campaign is associated with this name. In January 1920, he led 30,000 "Kappelevites" to Irkutsk to capture Irkutsk and release the Supreme Ruler of Russia, Admiral Kolchak, from captivity. The death of the general from pneumonia largely determined the tragic outcome of this campaign and the death of the Admiral ...

Generals of Ancient Russia

... Ivan III (capture of Novgorod, Kazan), Vasily III (capture of Smolensk), Ivan IV the Terrible (capture of Kazan, Livonian campaigns), M.I. Vorotynsky (battle of Molodi with Devlet Giray), Tsar V.I. Shuisky (battle of Dobrynichy, capture of Tula), M.V. Skopin-Shuisky (liberation of Moscow from False Dmitry II), F.I. Sheremetev (liberation of the Volga region from False Dmitry II), F.I. Mstislavsky (many different campaigns, rebuffing Kazy-Girey), There were many generals in the Time of Troubles.

My choice is Marshal I.S. Konev!

Active participant in World War I and civil wars. Trench general. He spent the entire war from Vyazma to Moscow and from Moscow to Prague in the most difficult and responsible position of front commander. Winner in many decisive battles of the Great Patriotic War. Liberator of a number of Eastern European countries, participant in the storming of Berlin. Underestimated, unfairly remained in the shadow of Marshal Zhukov.

During the Second World War, he was one of those young military leaders who motivated soldiers by their example, gave them confidence and gave faith in a brighter future. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, army general, he advanced during the war and acted for the good of his country, going almost all the way to the very end, he gave his life for victory. He was a real hero, a real man, whom you could always rely on.

pre-war life

Born in the city of Uman. His father was a railway worker, so it is not surprising that in 1915 his son followed in his father's footsteps and entered the railway school. In 1919, a real tragedy happened in the family: because of typhus, his parents died, so the boy was forced to leave school and take up agriculture. He worked as a shepherd, driving cattle into the field in the morning, and every free minute he sat down for textbooks. Immediately after dinner, I ran to the teacher for clarification of the material.

Since 1920, Ivan changed his occupation and tripled to the hard work of a repair worker for the railway. In 1923, a "platoon" manned by workers led by Chernyakhovsky took part in the war. Especially the courage and bravery of young Ivan Danilovich was noted during the military operation to destroy Knysh, after which the future general was rewarded with a captured combat Mauser. From 1922 to 1923, he again changed his occupation and began working as a driver.

The Novorossiysk District Committee in 1924 dramatically changed the life of a hardworking young man, sending him to study at the Kyiv Artillery Academy, in which he was one of the most advanced students. And the matter was not limited only to success in training. He always and everywhere tried to be the first, took part in all kinds of sports and cultural events, was the captain of the football team and the battery leader.

The Great Patriotic War

In 1931, he overcame another stage in his education. Entered the Military Technical Academy, graduated with honors and was appointed chief of staff of a tank battalion. Before the start of World War II in 1940, the future general was appointed commander of the largest tank division No. 28, which included more than two hundred tanks and another hundred armored vehicles. The number of fighters was more than ten thousand. It was in such a high position that he had to face the war. He took part in a huge number of battles, regularly destroying many enemy tank formations. On May 5, 1942, he was promoted to the rank of major general.

In February 1943, the army under his command took part in. Continuous battles lasted 5 days, during which the Soviet soldiers managed to cover more than 90 kilometers. Rokossovsky himself recalled: “For 3 days of battles along the main direction of attack, the troops were able to advance only 20-25 kilometers, while the army under the leadership of Chernyakhovsky, who could always skillfully organize an offensive and competently tactically position soldiers, managed to pass more than 60 kilometers."

Marshal Vasilevsky also recalled the talented general: “I remember Chernyakhovsky very well from the operation of capturing Voronezh. The young general had to carry out his first independent offensive, and even in extremely difficult weather conditions. As he ran forward, his face showed tension and uncertainty. However, he immediately pulled himself together and demonstrated amazing perseverance and tactical skill. He managed to take the city in just one day. He impressed me even more during the capture of Kursk: then the army under his leadership also met within a day.

In the spring of 1944, on the recommendation, he received the rank of colonel general, and on April 15 he already commanded the Western Front. Here, during the well-known Belarusian offensive operation, the colonel-general was able to fully demonstrate his talent as a military leader. In the course of successful actions to liberate Belarus, he received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. On February 18, 1945, Chernyakhovsky was mortally wounded. A shell that exploded next to the general and hit the war hero with a fragment.

On that day, according to the recollection of the adjutant, with whom Ivan Danilovich returned to headquarters, it was very quiet and calm. Suddenly, a shell exploded behind the car, a fragment of which pierced the back wall of the car and hit the general in the back left side of his back. The courageous Chernyakhovsky found the strength to get out of the car on his own, but immediately fell down, asking: “Is that all? Am I dead?" The general was taken to the hospital, but it was not possible to save him, because. the shard broke the vessels leading to the heart.